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Chenopodium species react on infection with tobacco mosaic virus by the formation of chlorotic or necrotic lesions and later by the abscission of infected leaves. A transition of local infection into the stem has been observed exceptionally inChenopodium quinoa, C. hybridum, andC. rubrum, but no systemic infection of the leaves followed. Systemic infection was demonstrated only inC. polyspermum andC. murale. The recovery of new sprouts was demonstrated in C.murale in the late chronic phase of infection.  相似文献   

Polyacrylic acid (PA) of molecular weight 1700A, 1700B and 3500 caused resistance to infection with tobacco mosaic virus in tobacco cv. Xanthi-nc, when sprayed on the leaves or watered into the soil. The numbers of lesions produced in the treated plants were between 27 and 97% fewer than in the untreated plants depending on the concentration of PA, its molecular weight and the method of application. Some resistance was caused against potato virus X and potato virus Y but only at concentrations that were harmful to the plants. It appears that PA activates a mechanism responsible for localizing viruses in hypersensitive plants.  相似文献   

R B Scheele  M A Lauffer 《Biochemistry》1967,6(10):3076-3081

The path to arrive at the elucidation of the chemical nature of plant viruses was greatly facilitated by the availability of Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) as biological tool. The first hypothesis on the chemical nature of TMV was advanced in 1899 by the American Albert Wood, who suggested an enzyme nature. This hypothesis, severely questioned by Harry Hallard in 1915, was re-proposed by several virologists. In 1926, the American Maurice Mulvania concluded that the virus might be a protein with the biological characteristics of an autocatalytic enzyme. Before arriving at the experimental evidence it was necessary to resolve two questions: the estimation of virus infectivity in quantitative terms, performed by Francis Holmes in 1928, and the purification of the virus, performed by Carl George Vinson between 1927 and 1934. Vinson gave a conclusive contribution to solve the question of the chemical nature of TMV by settling the protocol of TMV purification. He put forward the hypothesis of the protein nature in the early 1930s but had not the required firm belief to gave the final experimental evidence of it. Who first arrived at the experimental evidence of the protein nature of the virus was the American Wendell Meredith Stanley, in 1935. His celebrated work, a classic of the fundamental Virology, was followed by several papers in which this result was firmly reaffirmed. The heuristic value of Stanley's discovery held out a year: the decisive evidence of the actual chemical nature of TMV was offered in the late 1936 by an English group under the leadership of Frederick Charles Bawden. In their short paper, Bawden and co-operators demonstrated that TMV had a ribonucleoprotein nature, a result that was confirmed in the following years for several TMV strains and other viruses. Stanley and his group did accept this result only after a year of reticence and contradictions. The conversion to the ribonucleoprotein nature raised a dignified protest by Bawden and the sarcasm of his closest co-operator, Norman Wingate Pirie, because Stanley proved to be very reluctant to recognize the merit of the English group. The world of Virology continues to consider Stanley as the first scientist who elucidated the actual nature of a virus, and this eminent scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, in 1946. By examining the papers Stanley published from 1937 to 1945, one can however find proof of his ambiguity, a fact that justifies the bitterness of Bawden and the sarcastic comments of Pirie.  相似文献   

在抗病毒植物基因工程中,利用病毒的复制酶基因是一种很有前途的方法。本对烟草花叶病毒(TMV)的基因组结构及其编码的蛋白的功能作了简介,同时较详细地阐述了由TMV复制本科的通读部分、全长复制酶以及突变或缺失的复制酶介导的对病毒抗性的研究进展。  相似文献   

Trichoderma spp. are well-known biocontrol agents because of their antimicrobial activity against bacterial and fungal phytopathogens. However, the biochemical mechanism of their antiviral activity remains largely unknown. In this study, we found that Trichokonins, antimicrobial peptaibols isolated from Trichoderma pseudokoningii SMF2, could induce defense responses and systemic resistance in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum var. Samsun NN) against tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection. Local Trichokonin (100 nM) treatment led to 54% lesion inhibition, 57% reduction in average lesion diameter and 30% reduction in average lesion area in systemic tissue of tobacco compared with control, indicating that Trichokonins induced resistance in tobacco against TMV infection. Trichokonin treatment increased the production of reactive oxygen species and phenolic compounds in tobacco. Additionally, application of Trichokonins significantly increased activities of pathogenesis-related enzymes PAL and POD, and upregulated the expression of several plant defense genes. These results suggested that multiple defense pathways in tobacco were involved in Trichokonin-mediated TMV resistance. We report on the antivirus mechanism of peptaibols, which sheds light on the potential of peptaibols in plant viral disease control.  相似文献   

Bovine serum albumin (BSA) causes tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) to crystallize at pH values where both have negative charges. The amount of albumin required to precipitate the virus varies inversely with ionic strength of added electrolyte. At pH values above 5, the precipitating power is greatest when BSA has the maximum total, positive plus negative, charge. Unlike early stages of the crystallization of TMV in ammonium sulfate-phosphate solutions, which can be reversed by lowering the temperature, the precipitation of TMV by BSA is not readily reversed by changes in temperature. The logarithm of the apparent solubility of TMV in BSA solutions, at constant ionic strength of added electrolyte, decreases linearly with increasing BSA concentration. This result and the correlation of precipitating power with total BSA charge suggest that BSA acts in the manner of a salting-out agent. The effect of BSA on the reversible entropy-driven polymerization of TMV protein (TMVP) depends on BSA concentration, pH, and ionic strength. In general, BSA promotes TMVP polymerization, and this effect increases with increasing BSA concentrations. The effect is larger at pH 6.5 than at pH 6. Even though increasing ionic strength promotes polymerization of TMVP in absence of BSA, the effect of increasing ionic strength from 0.08 to 0.18 at pH 6.5 decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of BSA. Likewise, the presence of BSA decreases the polymerization-promoting effect of ionic strength. The polymerization-promoting effect of BSA can be interpreted in terms of a process akin to salting-out. The mutual suppression of the polymerization-promoting effects of BSA and of electrolytes by each other can be partially explained in terms of salting-in of BSA.  相似文献   

A study was performed on the interaction of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) of potato virus Y (PVY) with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Interference was evaluated using tobacco plantsNicotiana tabacum cv. Java responding to CMV and PVY with a systemic infection and to TMV with local necrotic lesions. The decrease in TMV — induced lesion number gave evidence of a decrease in susceptibility caused by the previous infection with CMV or PVY, the decrease of lesion enlargement demonstrated a decreased TMV reproduction in the plants previously infected with CMV or PVY. The interference concerned was incomplete, as evaluated from reproduction of the challenging TMV and from the decrease in susceptibility of the host to TMV brought about by the first infection with CMV or PVY.  相似文献   

Assembly of tobacco mosaic virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


The apoplast plays an important role in plant defense against pathogens. Some extracellular PR-4 proteins possess ribonuclease activity and may directly inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. It is likely that extracellular RNases can also protect plants against some viruses with RNA genomes. However, many plant RNases are multifunctional and the direct link between their ribonucleolytic activity and antiviral defense still needs to be clarified. In this study, we evaluated the resistance of Nicotiana tabacum plants expressing a non-plant single-strand-specific extracellular RNase against Cucumber mosaic virus.


Severe mosaic symptoms and shrinkage were observed in the control non-transgenic plants 10 days after inoculation with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), whereas such disease symptoms were suppressed in the transgenic plants expressing the RNase gene. In a Western blot analysis, viral proliferation was observed in the uninoculated upper leaves of control plants, whereas virus levels were very low in those of transgenic plants. These results suggest that resistance against CMV was increased by the expression of the heterologous RNase gene.


We have previously shown that tobacco plants expressing heterologous RNases are characterized by high resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus. In this study, we demonstrated that elevated levels of extracellular RNase activity resulted in increased resistance to a virus with a different genome organization and life cycle. Thus, we conclude that the pathogen-induced expression of plant apoplastic RNases may increase non-specific resistance against viruses with RNA genomes.


Conditions were established for the introduction of both tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs into tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by electroporation. The proportion of infected protoplasts was quantified by staining with viral coat protein-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Approximately 30–40% of the protoplasts survived electroporation. Under optimal conditions, up to 75% of these were infected with TMV-RNA. Successful infection was demonstrated in 19 out of 20 experiments. Optimal infection was achieved with several direct current pulses of 90 sec at a field strength of 5 to 10 kV/cm. Changing the position of the protoplasts within the chamber between electric pulses was essential for achievement of high rates of infection. Optimal viral RNA concentration was about 10 g/ml in a solution of 0.5 M mannitol without buffer salts.  相似文献   

A short account is given of the physical and chemical studies that have led to an understanding of the structure of the tobacco mosaic virus particle and how it is assembled from its constituent coat protein and RNA. The assembly is a much more complex process than might have been expected from the simplicity of the helical design of the particle. The protein forms an obligatory intermediate (a cylindrical disk composed of two layers of protein units), which recognizes a specific RNA hairpin sequence. This extraordinary mechanism simultaneously fulfils the physical requirement for nucleating the growth of the helical particle and the biological requirement for specific recognition of the viral DNA.  相似文献   

Sulfated fucans are common structural components of the cell walls of marine brown algae. Using a fucan-degrading hydrolase isolated from a marine bacterium, we prepared sulfated fucan oligosaccharides made of mono- and disulfated fucose units alternatively bound by alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,3 glycosidic linkages, respectively. Here, we report on the elicitor activity of such fucan oligosaccharide preparations in tobacco. In suspension cell cultures, oligofucans at the dose of 200 microg ml(-1) rapidly induced a marked alkalinization of the extracellular medium and the release of hydrogen peroxide. This was followed within a few hours by a strong stimulation of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and lipoxygenase activities. Tobacco leaves treated with oligofucans locally accumulated salicylic acid (SA) and the phytoalexin scopoletin and expressed several pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins, but they displayed no symptoms of cell death. Fucan oligosaccharides also induced the systemic accumulation of SA and the acidic PR protein PR-1, two markers of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Consistently, fucan oligosaccharides strongly stimulated both local and systemic resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). The use of transgenic plants unable to accumulate SA indicated that, as in the SAR primed by TMV, SA is required for the establishment of oligofucan-induced resistance.  相似文献   

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