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We consider a model of the origin of genetic code organization incorporating the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and their physicochemical properties. We study the behavior of the genetic code in the set of codes subject both to biosynthetic constraints and to the constraint that the biosynthetic classes of amino acids must occupy only their own codon domain, as observed in the genetic code. Therefore, this set contains the smallest number of elements ever analyzed in similar studies. Under these conditions and if, as predicted by physicochemical postulates, the amino acid properties played a fundamental role in genetic code organization, it can be expected that the code must display an extremely high level of optimization. This prediction is not supported by our analysis, which indicates, for instance, a minimization percentage of only 80%. These observations can therefore be more easily explained by the coevolution theory of genetic code origin, which postulates a role that is important but not fundamental for the amino acid properties in the structuring of the code. We have also investigated the shape of the optimization landscape that might have arisen during genetic code origin. Here, too, the results seem to favor the coevolution theory because, for instance, the fact that only a few amino acid exchanges would have been sufficient to transform the genetic code (which is not a local minimum) into a much better optimized code, and that such exchanges did not actually take place, seems to suggest that, for instance, the reduction of translation errors was not the main adaptive theme structuring the genetic code.  相似文献   

Two forces are in general, hypothesized to have influenced the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships. In view of this, we have considered a model incorporating these two forces. In particular, we have studied the optimization level of the physicochemical properties of amino acids in the set of amino acid permutation codes that respects the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. Where the properties of amino acids are represented by polarity and molecular volume we obtain indetermination percentages in the organization of the genetic code of approximately 40%. This indicates that the contingent factor played a significant role in structuring the genetic code. Furthermore, this result is in agreement with the genetic code coevolution hypothesis, which attributes a merely ancillary role to the properties of amino acids while it suggests that it was their biosynthetic relationships that organized the code. Furthermore, this result does not favor the stereochemical models proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code. On the other hand, where the properties of amino acids are represented by polarity alone, we obtain an indetermination percentage of at least 21.5%. This might suggest that the polarity distances played an important role and would therefore provide evidence in favor of the physicochemical hypothesis of genetic code origin. Although, overall, the analysis might have given stronger support to the latter hypothesis, this did not actually occur. The results are therefore discussed in the context of the different theories proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code. Received: 10 September 1996 / Accepted: 3 March 1997  相似文献   



The coevolution theory of the origin of the genetic code suggests that the genetic code is an imprint of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. However, this theory does not seem to attribute a role to the biosynthetic relationships between the earliest amino acids that evolved along the pathways of energetic metabolism. As a result, the coevolution theory is unable to clearly define the very earliest phases of genetic code origin. In order to remove this difficulty, I here suggest an extension of the coevolution theory that attributes a crucial role to the first amino acids that evolved along these biosynthetic pathways and to their biosynthetic relationships, even when defined by the non-amino acid molecules that are their precursors.  相似文献   

In this paper the partition metric is used to compare binary trees deriving from (i) the study of the evolutionary relationships between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, (ii) the physicochemical properties of amino acids and (iii) the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids. If the tree defining the evolutionary relationships between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is assumed to be a manifestation of the mechanism that originated the organization of the genetic code, then the results appear to indicate the following: the hypothesis that regards the genetic code as a map of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids seems to explain the organization of the genetic code, at least as plausibly as the hypotheses that consider the physicochemical properties of amino acids as the main adaptive theme that lead to the structuring of the code.  相似文献   

A paper (Amirnovin R, J Mol Evol 44:473–476, 1997) seems to undermine the validity of the coevolution theory of genetic code origin by shedding doubt on the connection between the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids and the organization of the genetic code, at a time when the literature on the topic takes this for granted. However, as a few papers cite this paper as evidence against the coevolution theory, and to cast aside all doubt on the subject, we have decided to reanalyze the statistical bases on which this theory is founded. We come to the following conclusions: (1) the methods used in the above referred paper contain certain mistakes, and (2) the statistical foundations on which the coevolution theory is based are extremely robust. We have done this by critically appraising Amirnovin's paper and suggesting an alternative method based on the generation of random codes which, along with the method reported in the literature, allows us to evaluate the significance, in the genetic code, of different sets of amino acid pairs in biosynthetic relationships. In particular, by using this method and after building up a certain set of amino acid pairs reflecting the expectations of the coevolution theory, we show that the presence of this set in the genetic code would be obtained, purely by chance, with a probability of 6 × 10−5. This observation seems to provide particularly strong support to the coevolution theory. Received: 28 June 1999 / Accepted: 23 October 1999  相似文献   

A new method for looking at relationships between nucleotide sequences has been used to analyze divergence both within and between the families of isoaccepting tRNA sets. A dendrogram of the relationships between 21 tRNA sets with different amino acid specificities is presented as the result of the analysis. Methionine initiator tRNAs are included as a separate set. The dendrogram has been interpreted with respect to the final stage of the evolutionary pathway with the development of highly specific tRNAs from ambiguous molecular adaptors. The location of the sets on the dendrogram was therefore analyzed in relation to hypotheses on the origin of the genetic code: the coevolution theory, the physicochemical hypothesis, and the hypothesis of ambiguity reduction of the genetic code. Pairs of 16 sets of isoacceptor tRNAs, whose amino acids are in biosynthetic relationships, occupied contiguous positions on the dendrogram, thus supporting the coevolution theory of the genetic code. Received: 4 May 1998 / Accepted: 11 July 1998  相似文献   

Two forces are generally hypothesised as being responsible for conditioning the origin of the organization of the genetic code: the physicochemical properties of amino acids and their biosynthetic relationships (relationships between precursor and product amino acids). If we assume that the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids were fundamental in defining the genetic code, then it is reasonable to expect that the distribution of physicochemical properties among the amino acids in precursor-product relationships cannot be random but must, rather, be affected by some selective constraints imposed by the structure of primitive proteins. Analysis shows that measurements representing the size of amino acids, e.g. bulkiness, are specifically associated to the pairs of amino acids in precursor-product relationships. However, the size of amino acids cannot have been selected per se but, rather, because it reflects the-sheets of proteins which are, therefore, identified as the main adaptive theme promoting the origin of genetic code organization. Whereas there are no traces of the-helix in the genetic code table.The above considerations make it necessary to re-examine the relationship linking the hydrophilicity of the dinucleoside monophosphates of anticodons and the polarity and bulkiness of amino acids. It can be concluded that this relationship seems to be meaningful only between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids. The latter relationship is supposed to have been operative on hairpin structures, ancestors of the tRNA molecule. Moreover, it is on these very structures that the biosynthetic links between precursor and product amino acids might have been achieved, and the interaction between the hydrophilicity of anticodons and the polarity of amino acids might have had a role in the concession of codons (anticodons) from precursors to products.  相似文献   

We have assumed that the coevolution theory of genetic code origin (Wong JT, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 72:1909–1912, 1975) is essentially correct. This theory makes it possible to identify at least 10 evolutionary stages through which genetic code organization might have passed prior to reaching its current form. The calculation of the minimization level of all these evolutionary stages leads to the following conclusions. (1) The minimization percentages increased linearly with the number of amino acids codified in the codes of the various evolutionary stages when only the sense changes are considered in the analysis. This seems to favor the physicochemical theory of genetic code origin even if, as discussed in the paper, this observation is also compatible with the coevolution theory. (2) For the first seven evolutionary stages of the genetic code, this trend is less clear and indeed is inverted when we consider the global optimisation of the codes due to both sense changes and synonymous changes. This inverse correlation between minimization percentages and the number of amino acids codified in the codes of the intermediate stages seems to favor neither the physicochemical nor the stereochemical theories of genetic code origin, as it is in the early and intermediate stages of code development that these theories would expect minimization to have played a crucial role, and this does not seem to be the case. However, these results are in agreement with the coevolution theory, which attributes a role to the physicochemical properties of amino acids that, while important, is nevertheless subordinate to the mechanism which concedes codons from the precursor amino acids to the product amino acids as the primary factor determining the evolutionary structuring of the genetic code. The results are therefore discussed in the context of the various theories proposed to explain genetic code origin. Received: 25 October 1998 / Accepted: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

A logical-evolutionary analysis is conducted to clarify whether or not pathways of type Glu-tRNAGln \rightarrow Gln-tRNAGln are molecular fossils of the mechanism that gave rise to the evolutionary organization of the genetic code. The result of this analysis is that these pathways are most likely a manifestation of this mechanism. This provides strong evidence in favor of the coevolution theory of genetic code origin, as this theory is based on the amino acid biosynthetic transformation taking place on tRNA-like molecules which imprinted the genetic code structuring. Comments on the different interpretations of these pathways found in the literature are also provided.  相似文献   

The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) ensure the fidelity of the translation of the genetic code, covalently attaching appropriate amino acids to the corresponding nucleic acid adaptor molecules-tRNA. The fundamental role of aminoacylation reaction catalysed by aaRSs implies that representatives of the family are thought to be among the earliest proteins to appear. Based on sequence analysis and catalytic domain structure, aaRSs have been partitioned into two classes of 10 enzymes each. However, based on the structural and sequence data only, it will not be easily understood that the present partitioning is not governed by chance. Our findings suggest that organization of amino acid biosynthetic pathways and clustering of aaRSs into different classes are intimately related to one another. A plausible explanation for such a relationship is dictated by early link between aaRSs and amino acids biosynthetic proteins. The aaRSs catalytic cores are highly relevant to the ancient metabolic reactions, namely, amino acids and cofactors biosynthesis. In particular we show that class II aaRSs mostly associated with the primordial amino acids, while class I aaRSs are usually related to amino acids evolved lately. Reasoning from this we propose a possible chronology of genetic code evolution.  相似文献   

A computer program was used to test Wong's coevolution theory of the genetic code. The codon correlations between the codons of biosynthetically related amino acids in the universal genetic code and in randomly generated genetic codes were compared. It was determined that many codon correlations are also present within random genetic codes and that among the random codes there are always several which have many more correlations than that found in the universal code. Although the number of correlations depends on the choice of biosynthetically related amino acids, the probability of choosing a random genetic code with the same or greater number of codon correlations as the universal genetic code was found to vary from 0.1% to 34% (with respect to a fairly complete listing of related amino acids). Thus, Wong's theory that the genetic code arose by coevolution with the biosynthetic pathways of amino acids, based on codon correlations between biosynthetically related amino acids, is statistical in nature. Received: 8 August 1996 / Accepted: 26 December 1996  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships between transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are analyzed by parsimony algorithms. The position of the topologies expected on the basis of the hypotheses made to explain the origin of the genetic code, on the frequency distribution of all the possible tree topologies of the evolutionary relationships between tRNAs seems to lead to the following conclusion: The hypothesis (Wong, J. X, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1975, 72: 1909–1912) that sees the genetic code as a map of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids seems to occupy a statistically significant position on these frequency distributions, thus reflecting a significant part of the tRNA phylogeny.  相似文献   

Understanding how codons became associated with their specific amino acids is fundamental to deriving a theory for the origin of the genetic code. Carl Woese and coworkers designed a series of experiments to test associations between amino acids and nucleobases that may have played a role in establishing the genetic code. Through these experiments it was found that a property of amino acids called the polar requirement (PR) is correlated with the organization of the codon table. No other property of amino acids has been found that correlates with the codon table as well as PR, indicating that PR is uniquely related to the modern genetic code. Using molecular dynamics simulations of amino acids in solutions of water and dimethylpyridine used to experimentally measure PR, we show that variations in the partitioning between the two phases as described by radial distribution functions correlate well with the measured PRs. Partition coefficients based on probability densities of the amino acids in each phase have the linear behavior with base concentration as suggested by PR experiments.  相似文献   

An extensive analysis of the evolutionary relationships existing between transfer RNAs, performed using parsimony algorithms, is presented. After building up an estimate of the tRNA ancestral sequences, these sequences are then compared using certain methods. The results seem to suggest that the coevolution hypothesis (Wong, J.T., 1975, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 72, 1909–1912) that sees the genetic code as a map of the biosynthetic relationships between amino acids is further supported by these results, as compared to the hypotheses that see the physicochemical properties of amino acids as the main adaptative theme that led to the structuring of the genetic code.  相似文献   

Two ideas have essentially been used to explain the origin of the genetic code: Crick's frozen accident and Woese's amino acid-codon specific chemical interaction. Whatever the origin and codon-amino acid correlation, it is difficult to imagine the sudden appearance of the genetic code in its present form of 64 codons coding for 20 amino acids without appealing to some evolutionary process. On the contrary, it is more reasonable to assume that it evolved from a much simpler initial state in which a few triplets were coding for each of a small number of amino acids. Analysis of genetic code through information theory and the metabolism of pyrimidine biosynthesis provide evidence that suggests that the genetic code could have begun in an RNA world with the two letters A and U grouped in eight triplets coding for seven amino acids and one stop signal. This code could have progressively evolved by making gradual use of letters G and C to end with 64 triplets coding for 20 amino acids and three stop signals. According to proposed evidence, DNA could have appeared after the four-letter structure was already achieved. In the newborn DNA world, T substituted U to get higher physicochemical and genetic stability.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic analyses as far as the identification of the number of domains of life is concerned have not reached a clear conclusion. In the attempt to improve this circumstance, I introduce the concept that the amino acids codified in the genetic code might be of markers with outstanding phylogenetic power. In particular, I hypothesise the existence of a biosphere populated, for instance, by three groups of organisms having different genetic codes because codifying at least a different amino acid. Evidently, these amino acids would mark the proteins that are present in the three groups of organisms in an unambiguous way. Therefore, in essence, this mark would not be other than the one that we usually try to make in the phylogenetic analyses in which we transform the protein sequences in phylogenetic trees, for the purpose to identify, for example, the domains of life. Indeed, this mark would allow to classify proteins without performing phylogenetic analyses because proteins belonging to a group of organisms would be recognisable as marked in a natural way by at least a different amino acid among the diverse groups of organisms. This conceptualisation answers the question of how many fundamental kinds of cells have evolved from the Last Universal Common Ancestor (LUCA), as the genetic code has unique proprieties that make the codified amino acids excellent phylogenetic markers. The presence of the formyl-methionine only in proteins of bacteria would mark them and would identify these as domain of life. On the other hand, the presence of pyrrolysine in the genetic code of the euryarchaeota would identify them such as another fundamental kind of cell evolved from the LUCA. Overall, the phylogenetic distribution of formyl-methionine and pyrrolysine would identify at least two domains of life—Bacteria and Archaea—but their number might be actually four; that is to say, Bacteria, Euryarchaeota, archeobacteria that are not euryarchaeota and Eukarya. The usually accepted domains of life represented by Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya are not compatible with the phylogenetic distribution of these two amino acids and therefore this last classification might be mistaken.  相似文献   

The genetic code could not have been fixed until the means for biosynthesis of the amino acids was at hand. The biosynthetic enzymes could not be optimized until the genetic code ceased to be rearranged. Therefore the development of the code and the development of the biosynthesis of the amino acids occurred concurrently. The present day biosynthetic pathways of amino acids, examined from this point of view, help to explain the present set of coded amino acids, in particular the absence of norvaline, norleucine, homoserine, ornithine, and alpha-aminobutyric acid. An order of development of biosyntheses is also proposed. Lysine was first, followed by valine and isoleucine. The more common primordial amino acids did not need biosyntheses so early. The central pathways of metabolism probably developed in response to a need for amino acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Di Giulio M 《Bio Systems》2005,80(2):175-184
A review of the main theories proposed to explain the origin of the genetic code is presented. I analyze arguments and data in favour of different theories proposed to explain the origin of the organization of the genetic code. It is possible to suggest a mechanism that makes compatible the different theories of the origin of the code, even if these are based on a historical or physicochemical determinism and thus appear incompatible by definition. Finally, I discuss the question of why a given number of synonymous codons was attributed to the amino acids in the genetic code.  相似文献   

Chemical language of the genetic code is suggested in which elementary information code units are presented by functional groups of amino acids and nucleotides. Using this language, the existence of correspondence and conformity of chemical parameters of amino acids and of central nucleotides of their anticodons was demonstrated. These findings confirm the idea that the genetic code is determined by chemical properties of amino acids and nucleotides and that this determination is the result of direct specific interactions between amino acids and nucleotide triplets at the stage of the origin of the code. The data obtained reveal primary role of anticodon triplets in the origin of the code. Key role of the central nucleotide in triplets for amino acid coding is confirmed.  相似文献   

Fifty years have passed since the genetic code was deciphered, but how the genetic code came into being has not been satisfactorily addressed. It is now widely accepted that the earliest genetic code did not encode all 20 amino acids found in the universal genetic code as some amino acids have complex biosynthetic pathways and likely were not available from the environment. Therefore, the genetic code evolved as pathways for synthesis of new amino acids became available. One hypothesis proposes that early in the evolution of the genetic code four amino acids—valine, alanine, aspartic acid, and glycine—were coded by GNC codons (N = any base) with the remaining codons being nonsense codons. The other sixteen amino acids were subsequently added to the genetic code by changing nonsense codons into sense codons for these amino acids. Improvement in protein function is presumed to be the driving force behind the evolution of the code, but how improved function was achieved by adding amino acids has not been examined. Based on an analysis of amino acid function in proteins, an evolutionary mechanism for expansion of the genetic code is described in which individual coded amino acids were replaced by new amino acids that used nonsense codons differing by one base change from the sense codons previously used. The improved or altered protein function afforded by the changes in amino acid function provided the selective advantage underlying the expansion of the genetic code. Analysis of amino acid properties and functions explains why amino acids are found in their respective positions in the genetic code.  相似文献   

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