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  • The interaction of plants with pollinators can be a determinant of their reproductive fitness. However, information about the pollination biology of carnivorous plants is scarce. To increase knowledge of reproductive ecology of carnivorous plants we focused on Pinguicula moranensis. Specifically, based on the presence of large, zygomorphic and spurred flowers, we predicted higher reproductive fitness in cross‐pollinated than in self‐pollinated flowers.
  • Within a plot of 51 m2 we characterised the reproductive phenology, including flower lifespan and stigmatic receptivity. We identified pollinators and their movement patterns within the plot. Breeding system was experimentally evaluated using hand‐pollination (i.e. autonomous, self‐ and cross‐pollination).
  • Flowers of P. moranensis were visited by long‐tongued pollinators, mainly members of the Lepidoptera. Hand‐pollination experiments confirmed our prediction and suggest that flower traits might favour cross‐pollination.
  • We mainly discuss the implications of the patchy distribution of plants and behaviour of pollinators on gene movement in this plant species, as pollination between genetically related individuals could be occurring.

Plant species vary in the pollination distance at which negative fitness effects are expressed, and it has been proposed that optimal mating should occur at a distance large enough to diminish the risks of inbreeding, but short enough to prevent outbreeding depression. In a natural population of Pinguicula moranensis we assessed the fitness of plants (seeds per fruit) and their progeny (germination and seedling survival) as a function of pollination distance by hand-pollinating with donors from five distances: 0 m (self-fertilization), 1, 4 and 460 m (within-population) and 9,900 m (between-population) under in situ and ex situ conditions. We found that average values for fitness components were consistently lower in the in situ experiment than in the ex situ experiment. Under both conditions, the self-fertilization treatment had the lowest values. Inbreeding depression values were high (0.94 to 0.98), corresponding with the values expected for an outcrossing species subjected to self-fertilization. Overall, no evidence of outbreeding depression was detected. Considering that our experiment was restricted to one single donor population and one recipient population, our results indicate that despite the within-population patchy distribution of individuals, biparental inbreeding could occur at low rates, due in part to short seed dispersal distance. However, pollen movement of at least 1 m is apparently sufficient to reverse negative effects.  相似文献   

It has been sustained that the sticky traps present in some carnivorous plants could have evolved from ancestor species bearing leaves covered with secreting glands formerly associated with a defensive function. In this study, we evaluated the interaction of the carnivorous plant Pinguicula moranensis with its insect herbivores to assess the defensive role of the glandular trichomes. Firstly, we estimated the standing levels of insect herbivory in field conditions. We also evaluated the response of herbivore insects to the removal of the secreting glands from the leaves of P. moranensis in field and laboratory conditions. The mean damage was 1.61%, and half of the sampled plants showed no damage. The low level of herbivory in the field suggests that P. moranensis has an efficient defense ability. In the field experiment, after 25 d of exposure to natural damage, treated glandless plants received 18 times more damage than control plants. In the laboratory, the consumption of glandless tissue was three times higher during a 6 h evaluation period. Overall, our results provide evidence that secreting trichomes in Pinguicula are not only associated with prey capture but also have a defensive role. The defensive function could have favored the evolution of the sticky traps, the most extended prey‐capture strategy among carnivorous plants.  相似文献   

According to our hypothesis, temporal heterogeneity due to seasonality (summer rosette vs. winter rosette) instead of spatial heterogeneity, showed higher influence on both the community and the infection rate of endophytes present in the carnivorous plant Pinguicula moranensis. In addition, the infection rate of endophytic fungi isolated from roots was higher than that observed in leaves although the endophytic community was similar between both tissues. Overall, we isolated endophytic fungi members of Dothideomycetes, Leotimocyetes, Eurotiomycetes and Sordariomycetes. P. moranensis harbors at least 10 genera, seven of them (Astrocystis sp., Bipolaris sp., Cercospora sp., Coniochaeta sp., Ijuhya sp., Neomollisia sp. and Ochroconis sp.) reported for the first time in carnivorous plants. We advanced some implications about the role that these endophytes could be playing in this carnivorous plant, illustrating a certain level of specificity in the endophytic community of fungi present in leaves and roots.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The leaf rosettes of the carnivorous Pinguicula moranensis follow a spiral phyllotaxis approaching a Fibonacci pattern while the stalked flowers arise from extra-axillary sites between the leaves. The organization of this rosette has been discussed by various authors, with various results. The aim of the present study was to clarify the development of the flowering rosettes of this species. METHODS: The formation of the rosettes is shown with the aid of scanning electron microscopy. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The scanning electron micrographs show that each flower terminates an article (sympodial unit). The leaves of consecutive articles of such sympodially constructed rosettes are arranged along a spiral Fibonacci pattern (with divergence angles around 137 degrees). This results from homodromy of leaf initiation in consecutive articles with the first leaf (prophyll) of a new article inserted in an obliquely transverse position next to the floral scape that terminates the former article. Sympodial construction of flowering shoots and leaf rosettes is also known from Aloe, Gunnera and Philodendron. As a by-product of this study, the unidirectional development of the Pinguicula flower is confirmed and discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we explored the effect of the physical environment and the availability of prey (biomass and taxonomic composition) on the patterns of prey capture and reproduction on five populations of Pinguicula moranensis (Lentibulariaceae) in areas ranging from pine-oak forests to desert scrublands. Environmental variation was summarized using principal factor analysis. Prey availability and prey capture increased toward the shadiest, most humid, and fertile population. The probability of reproduction and average bud production per population did not follow the same tendency because both fitness components peaked at the middle of the environmental gradient. These results suggest that the benefits derived from carnivory are maximized at sites fulfilling a trade-off between light, moisture, and prey availability. We also found that the taxonomic composition of both the available prey and that of the prey captured by plants varied among populations. The results also indicated that the prey captured by plants are not a random sample of prey available within populations. Overall, the results from this study revealed a marked amount of heterogeneity in the physical and biotic environment among the populations of P. moranensis, which has the potential to affect the outcome of the interaction between this carnivorous species and its prey.  相似文献   

Most species of Pinguicula present a montane distribution with populations located at high altitudes. In this context, we proposed that populations of Pinguicula species could be genetically differentiated even at a local scale. This study supported that prediction, as a RAPD-based analysis of molecular variance revealed a high degree of genetic structure (Φ (st) = 0.157, P = 0.001) and low gene flow (Nm = 1.0) among four central populations of Pinguicula moranensis in Mexico, with a maximum geographic separation of about 140 km. The four populations also exhibited high levels of genetic diversity (mean Nei's genetic diversity = 0.3716; % polymorphism = 95.45%). The evolutionary implications of the genetic structure found in P. moranensis for other species in the genus are discussed in the context of the naturally fragmented distribution and a set of life history traits shared by most Pinguicula species that could promote geographic isolation and limited gene flow.  相似文献   

  1. Plants live in environments where they are constantly, and often simultaneously, exposed to different types of biotic and abiotic stress, such as insect herbivory and water availability. How plants are adapted to abiotic conditions may determine how a surplus or shortage of water affects plant resistance to insect herbivory. Moreover, this effect may vary depending on the feeding mode of the herbivore.
  2. We explored how three closely related Rorippa plant species that vary in adaptations to different water levels, resist herbivory by four different insects (aphids: Myzus persicae, Lipaphis erysimi, and caterpillars: Pieris brassicae, Plutella xylostella) under waterlogging or drought conditions. We hypothesized that plants that are differently adapted to water availability will be disparately affected by water availability in their resistance to insect herbivory.
  3. On the semi-aquatic plant species Rorippa amphibia, both aphid species reached a larger colony size under drought conditions. This indicates that R. amphibia was compromised in resistance to aphid feeding when under drought conditions, to which it is less well adapted. Water conditions did not affect aphid performance on the flood-plain species Rorippa palustris. On the terrestrial plant species Rorippa sylvestris, aphids performed worse on waterlogged than drought-treated plants. Neither caterpillar species was significantly affected by the water availability of their food plant.
  4. Our findings suggest that water availability can have distinct effects on plant–insect interactions. We propose that plant adaptations to water conditions can be a major predictor towards explaining the variation of effects that water availability can have on plant–insect interactions.

Background: Phenotypic variations have been observed in populations of west Cuban Pinguicula species. Such populations occur in patches under different ecological conditions associated with specialised habitats and separated by geographical and ecological barriers, which can lead to morphological differentiation.

Aims: To analyse morphological diversity among species and populations of Cuban Pinguicula; and to test if morphological variability is associated with geographical distribution and distance between populations.

Methods: We sampled a total of eight populations of P. albida, P. cubensis and P. filifolia and tested for morphometric differences among them by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on 31 quantitative traits. We also assessed the geographical isolation with respect to morphological distance.

Results: The studied species showed high morphological variability at both species and population level. Reproductive characteristics appeared to be more promissory than vegetative ones in distinguishing geographical groups since they clearly defined populations; nevertheless a strong component of individual variation was observed. According to the distance analysis, such morphological variations were correlated with fragmented populations and isolation and allowed the differentiation of two morphotypes of P. albida and two of P. filifolia.

Conclusions: We conclude that high phenotypic variation of the analysed species is related to geographical and ecological isolation which have led to the differentiation of morphotypes within species.  相似文献   

This study highlights the morphological differences between two groups of plants; those that are recorded as hosts of the thrips Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché) and those that remain free from infestation. Scanning electron microscope techniques were used to describe the morphology of the leaf surface of 19 species in order to help identify which morphological features could play a role in the selection of plant species by thrips from among a diverse botanical collection. H. haemorrhoidalis had a preference for species with leaves that were coriaceous, with one or both surfaces being smooth. Plants evading these thrips commonly possessed glandular trichomes. Thus morphology may have a role in deterring thrips from the leaf surface, as well as influencing the behaviour of predators that control thrips. Further detailed studies into the chemistry of leaves of hosts and nonhost species may help to further our understanding of selection mechanisms.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 152 , 109–130.  相似文献   

  • Genlisea violacea is a Brazilian endemic carnivorous plant species distributed in the cerrado biome, mainly in humid environments, on sandy and oligotrophic soil or wet rocks. Studies on reproductive biology or pollination in the Lentibulariaceae are notably scarce; regarding the genus Genlisea, the current study is the first to show systematic and standardised research on reproductive biology from field studies to describe the foraging of visiting insects and determine the effective pollinators of Genlisea.
  • We studied two populations of G. violacea through the observation of flower visitors for 4 months of the rainy and dry seasons. Stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability, and breeding system were evaluated together with histochemistry and morphological analyses of flowers.
  • The flowers showed stigmatic receptivity of 100% in open buds and mature flowers, reducing to 80% for senescent flowers. Nearly 80% of pollen grains are viable, decreasing to 40–45% after 48 h. Nectar is produced by glandular trichomes inside the spur. Two bee species are effective pollinators: one of the genus Lasioglossum (subgenus Dialictus: Halictidae) and the other of the genus Ceratina (subgenus Ceratinula: family Apidae). Moreover, bee‐like flies of the Syrphidae family may also be additional pollinators.
  • Genlisea violacea is an allogamous and self‐compatible species. The differences in flower‐visiting fauna for both populations can be attributed to factors such as climate, anthropogenic effect, seasonal factors related to insects and plants, as well as the morphological variation of flowers in both populations.

Future directions in the study of induced plant responses to herbivory   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
This paper reviews current progress and makes recommendations for future studies of induced plant responses to herbivory in three research areas: the role of induction in structuring herbivore communities, costs associated with the expression of induced responses, and theory and data on the macro‐evolution of induced responses. It is argued that although mechanistic approaches will be important for progress, it is also critical to maintain a holistic approach, including a consideration of field environments, multi‐species interactions, and patterns over ecological and evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Empirical and theoretical work has suggested that plants can change their compensatory responses to herbivory as they develop. However, such a relationship is likely to be more complex than previously thought since the amount and type of damage a plant receives can also change as the plant develops. Here, we determined the survival, growth, and reproductive output of plants (Actinocephalus polyanthus) from different ontogenetic stages that received variable levels of natural or simulated herbivore damage. Juvenile plants and non‐reproductive adults in which leaves were damaged showed full vegetative compensation, whereas pre‐reproductive plants were not able to replace the lost leaves. However, these same pre‐reproductive plants produced more inflorescences and thus more seeds and seedlings than control plants. In contrast, damage to vegetative and/or reproductive structures during the reproductive phase resulted in a negative effect on seed and seedling production. Herbivory effects on plant survival, growth, and reproduction during the vegetative and pre‐reproductive phases were independent of the amount of damage. However, during reproduction, the magnitude of these effects was strongly influenced by the amount of damage and the reproductive stage of the plant at the time of the damage. In short, our results demonstrate that the survival, growth, and reproductive responses to herbivory of A. polyanthus can be dependent on the timing and/or intensity of damage. The reproductive response of A. polyanthus to our simulated herbivory treatments during the pre‐reproductive phase represents an example of overcompensation. Furthermore, it indicates that vegetative regrowth is not necessarily a driving factor for tolerance.  相似文献   

We assessed the preference of two populations of the specialist beetle Stolas punicea, on plants from three phytochemically differentiated geographical mosaics of the American weed Mikania micrantha. Our results show a significant geographic variation in host preference in S. punicea that could affect its success as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

  1. A preference experiment was set up with two planthopper species (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) to test the influence of competition on host plant choice.
  2. The delphacid Javesella pellucida was chosen as a generalist and the rarer Ribautodelphax imitans as a monophagous specialist, which feeds on the grass, tall fescue Schedonorus arundinaceus.
  3. In the absence of the specialist, the generalist showed a marked preference for tall fescue. In some experiments, however, the introduction of the specialist resulted in a shift of preference to an alternative plant if the specialist was established prior to the introduction of the generalist.
  4. This experiment supports the hypothesis that specialist herbivores can potentially alter the host plant choices of generalists, which may lead to differing host plant use patterns in insect communities.

Species comparisons are a cornerstone of biology and there is a long tradition of using the comparative framework to study the ecology and evolution of plant defensive traits. Early comparative studies led to the hypothesis that plant chemistry plays a central role in plant defence, and the evolution of plant secondary chemistry in response to insect herbivory remains a classic example of coevolution. However, recent comparative work has disagreed with this paradigm, reporting little connection between plant secondary chemicals and herbivory across distantly related plant taxa. One conclusion of this new work is that the importance of secondary chemistry in plant defence may have been generally overstated in earlier research. Here, we attempt to reconcile these contradicting viewpoints on the role of plant chemistry in defence by critically evaluating the use and interpretation of species correlations as a means to study defence–herbivory relationships. We conclude that the notion that plant primary metabolites (e.g. leaf nitrogen content) are the principal determinants of herbivory (or the target of natural selection by herbivores) is not likely to be correct. Despite the inference of recent community‐wide studies of herbivory, strong evidence remains for a prime role of secondary compounds in plant defence against herbivores.  相似文献   

Herbivore-induced plant volatiles play important roles in plant–insect and plant–plant interactions. The common evening primrose, Oenothera biennis, is often infested by the flea beetle, Altica oleracea, on which the predatory blue shield bug, Zicrona caerulea, is usually found. This observation suggests that the predatory bug can discriminate infested plants from intact ones to locate its prey. In this study, l-leucine-derived nitrogen-containing compounds [isovaleronitrile (3-methylbutanenitrile), (E/Z)-isovaleraldoxime and 3-methyl-1-nitrobutane] and some terpenes were identified as a characteristic volatile blend from herbivore-infested O. biennis leaves by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, chemical synthesis, and incorporation assays using deuterium-labeled l-leucine. Volatile emission was also elicited by exogenous methyl jasmonate (MeJA), but not by mechanical damage. l-Leucine accumulated temporarily in O. biennis leaves after MeJA treatment prior to isovaleronitrile emission. Behavioral assays revealed that Z. caerulea showed a strong preference for herbivore-infested leaves, their volatiles, and isovaleronitrile in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

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