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One application of 2D gel electrophoresis is to reveal differences in protein pattern between two or more groups of individuals, attributable to their group membership. Multivariate data analytical methods are useful in pinpointing the spots relevant for discrimination by focusing not only on single spot differences, but on the covariance structure between proteins. However, their outcome is dependent on data scaling, and they may fail in producing valid multivariate models due to the much higher number of "irrelevant" spots present in the gels. The case where only few gels are available and where the aim is to find as many as possible of the group-dependent proteins seems particularly difficult to handle. The present paper investigates such a case regarding the effect of scaling and of prefiltering by univariate nonparametric statistics on the selection of spots. Besides, a modified 'autoscaling' of the full data set based on within-group standard deviations is introduced and shown to be advantageous in revealing potential group-dependent proteins additional to those found by prefiltering.  相似文献   

The protein previously called "Mr approximately 50/pI approximately 6.9," which we observed to be induced by the immunoregulatory cytokine interferon (IFN)-gamma in human fibroblasts, was purified from a total cell lysate by preparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by partial amino-terminal sequencing as leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), a 53-kDa cytosolic exopeptidase. Induction of LAP protein by IFN-gamma, confirmed by immunoblotting with an antiserum raised against bovine lens LAP, is a consequence of induction of LAP mRNA and occurs in all four human cell lines examined: HS153 fibroblasts, ACHN renal carcinoma, A549 lung carcinoma, and A375 melanoma. Induction of LAP mRNA is a secondary response to IFN-gamma, blocked by inhibition of protein synthesis with cycloheximide.  相似文献   

We describe a simple two-dimensional electrophoresis procedure to identify the recognition sites of DNA-binding proteins within large DNA molecules. Using this approach, we have mapped E. coli IHF (Integration Host Factor) binding sites within phage Lambda (48 kb) and phage Mu (39 kb) DNA. We are also able to visualize IHF binding sites in E. coli chromosomal DNA (4,700 kb). We present an extension of this technique using direct amplification by PCR of the isolated restriction fragments, which should permit the cloning of a collection of recognition sequences for DNA binding proteins in complex genomes.  相似文献   

In two-dimensional denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DNA is digested with a restriction endonuclease and the resulting DNA fragments are separated as a function of size by conventional agarose gel electrophoresis. Following this first dimension electrophoresis, the fragment distribution is placed at the top of a denaturing gradient slab gel and electrophoresis is carried out parallel to the gradient direction. This second dimension separation is a complex function of the base sequence of each fragment. Analysis of the DNA fragment distribution as a function of fragment size allows the DNA size to be calculated. This method has been applied to calculate three microbial genome sizes: Mycoplasma capricolum, 724 kb; Acholeplasma laidlawii, 1646 kb; and Hemophilus influenzae, 1833 kb.  相似文献   

Proteins fromFusarium sporotrichioides M-1-1, a T2-toxin-producing strain, were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One thousand two hundred and forty-four protein spots were resolved and 103 protein spots were subjected to N-terminal sequencing. Fifty-eight protein spots were sequenced and 48 proteins were observed to have blocked N termini. Forty out of 58 sequenced proteins were identified by homology search against the PIR protein sequence data base and protein superfamily data base, while the residual 18 sequences were not identified. Twenty-seven of the N-terminal-blocked proteins were subjected to mild anhydrous hydrazine vapor deblocking. Twenty-four spots were not deblocked indicating the presence of acyl groups at the N termini, while 3 proteins were deblocked showing the blocked group to be pyrroglutamyl carboxylic acid residues. The results can provide a more global view of cellular genetic expression than any other technique. The created data may offer a unique opportunity to link information with DNA sequence data.  相似文献   

Picornaviruses encode for their own proteinases, which are responsible for the proteolytic processing of the polyprotein encoded in the viral genome to produce the mature viral polypeptides. The two poliovirus proteinases, known as proteins 2A and 3C, use the poliovirus-encoded polyprotein as a substrate. The possibility that these poliovirus proteinases also degrade cellular proteins remains largely unexplored. High-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicates that a few cellular proteins disappear after poliovirus infection. Thus, at least nine acidic and five basic cellular proteins, ranging in Mr from 120 to 30 kilodaltons, are clearly degraded during poliovirus infection of HeLa cells. The degradation of these cellular polypeptides is very specific because it does not occur upon infection of HeLa cells with encephalomyocarditis virus or Semliki Forest virus. Moreover, inhibitors of poliovirus replication, such as cycloheximide or 3-methylquercetin, block the disappearance of these polypeptides. These results suggest that the input virions are not responsible for this degradation and that active poliovirus replication is required for the proteolysis to occur. Analysis of the time course of the disappearance of these polypeptides indicates that it does not occur during the first 2 h of infection, clearly suggesting that this phenomenon is not linked to the poliovirus-induced shutoff of host protein synthesis. This conclusion is strengthened by the finding that 3-methylquercetin blocks proteolysis without preventing shutoff of host translation.  相似文献   

The gel electrophoretic permutation assays of DNA fragments experimentally investigated by different authors were theoretically reproduced using our theoretical model of sequence-dependent curvature. The general pattern of agreement obtained suggests that our method can be usefully adopted as an alternative to the experimental assay, in particular where the lack of a sufficient number of unique restriction sites in the fragment prevents the correct localization of the main bend site.  相似文献   

Silver-stained two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels of Physarum polycephalum extracts have revealed no major changes in protein accumulation during the synchronous nuclear division cycle. However, one protein, or apparent Mr 32 000 and isoelectric point 4.9, shows a reproducible ten-fold increase in total amount between early G2 phase and metaphase. This protein represents about 0.005% of total plasmodial protein.  相似文献   

Venom proteins of the spider Selenocosmia huwena were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, with the separation in the first dimension on a wide range of immobilized pH (3–10) gradients. Over 300 protein spots were presented on a silver-stained 2D gel. The protein spots with molecular weight > 10 kDa were analyzed, after electrotransferring to polyvinyldene difluoride (PVDF) membrane, by N-terminal microseqencing. Some of the silver-stained protein spots with molecular weight over 10 kDa were analyzed and identified by employing an improved procedure of mass spectrometric peptide mapping, including (1) in-gel reduction, alkylation, and enzymatic digestion; (2) extraction and desalting by using the pipette tip containing a small C18 microcolumn (Ziptip); and (3) direct MAIDI-TOF mass analysis and protein database searching. Several known toxins such as HWTX-I, HWTX-II, HWTX-IV, and SHL-I were identified and some new components were found among these protein spots.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic DNA Topoisomerase II (Topo II) has been studied using high-resolution two-dimensional polyacrylamide electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) and immunodetection of resolved proteins using specific antisera (Western blotting). Traditional methods of 2D-PAGE failed to resolve Topo II and neither nonequilibrium nor equilibrium pH gradients allowed Topo II to enter the first dimension gel. Exhaustive nuclease digestion and alternate protein solubilization strategies also produced negative results. We have developed altered first dimension pH gradient profiles and employed a more aggressive protein solubilization procedure which resulted in the resolution of Topo II. The 170-kDa polypeptide focuses with an apparent isoelectric point of approximately 6.5.  相似文献   

We compared the potential of direct genome restriction enzyme analysis (DGREA) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) for discriminating Vibrio vulnificus isolates from clinical (23) and environmental (17) sources. The genotypes generated by both methodologies were compared to previous multilocus sequence typing (MLST) data. DGREA established clearer relationships among V. vulnificus strains and was more consistent with MLST than with PFGE. DGREA is a very promising tool for epidemiological and ecological studies of V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

2-DE is a powerful separation method for complex protein mixtures. However, large intergel variations in spot intensity limit its use for quantitative proteomics studies. To address this issue, we developed a fluorescent internal protein standard for use in 2-DE analysis. Protein samples are spiked with an Alexa-labeled internal standard (ALIS) prior to separation with 2-DE. Due to the high extinction coefficient of the Alexa-fluor, incorporation of 0.1% of total protein is sufficient to allow visualization of the internal standard yet low enough to avoid interference in subsequent quantification and identification steps. Following 2-DE, total proteins are visualized with fluorescent postelectrophoretic stains spectrally separated from ALIS. Four protein stains, Deep Purple, Sulforhodamine G, ruthenium II-tris(bathophenanthroline disulfonate) (RuTBS), and SYPRO Ruby, including improved purification and staining protocols for RuTBS and ten-fold dilutions of SYPRO Ruby were evaluated. All staining protocols were compatible with the ALIS method and had similar LODs (1-4 ng) and dynamic ranges (10(3)). ALIS is a powerful normalization method for quantitative 2-DE which avoids potential problems associated with dual spot migration patterns observed in the DIGE method. Furthermore, ALIS provides significantly improved normality in the distribution of spot abundance-variance compared to normalization through division by the total spot volume.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii is a general designation for a group of unusual unicellular fungal parasites responsible of pneumopathy in animal hosts. Divided into several subgroups termed the 'special forms', P. carinii is prone to an extensive karyotype variation. In previous studies, the nuclear genome of these organisms has been considered to be haploid and a set of 16 chromosomes has been assigned to P. carinii f. sp. carinii, a special form known to infect rats. We report the analysis of the genome of an isolate representative of the karyotype 1 of this special form, using two-dimensional pulsed-field gel electrophoresis procedures. The 'karyotype and restriction display' (KARD) fingerprints indicated the presence of 17 different chromosomes. The haploid genome size was estimated to be 8.4 Mbp. Some homologous chromosomes were distinguished on the basis of a single restriction fragment length polymorphism, which raises the possibility of a diploid nucleus. A restriction map of the chromosome 15, characterized by two homologues with a size difference of 7 kb, was constructed. Hybridization data indicated that insertion/deletion events may have occurred within subtelomeric regions which carry genes encoding the major surface glycoprotein (MSG) of Pneumocystis.  相似文献   

W Bautsch 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(24):11461-11467
A macrorestriction map of the 780 kbp Mycoplasma mobile (ATCC 43663) genome was constructed. Linking fragments were identified on two-dimensional pulsed-field electrophoresis gels. Either complete double restriction digests or partial and complete single digests were separated in the first and second dimension, respectively. 19 restriction sites of four enzymes could be assigned to the map. These rapid methods do not require DNA probes and are applicable to the long-range restriction mapping of all genomes that yield resolvable patterns on two-dimensional gels.  相似文献   

We examined the different steps necessary for the enzymatic digestion of proteins in the polyacrylamide matrix after gel electrophoresis. As a result, we developed an improved method for obtaining peptides for internal sequence analysis from 1-2 micrograms of in-gel-digested proteins. The long washing-lyophilization-equilibration steps necessary to eliminate the dye, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and other gel-associated contaminants that perturb protein digestion in Coomassie blue-stained gels have been replaced by washing for 40 min with 50% acetonitrile, drying for 10 min at room temperature, and then rehydrating with a protease solution. The washing and drying steps result in a substantial reduction of the gel slice volume that, when next swollen in the protease solution, readily absorbs the enzyme, facilitating digestion. The Coomassie blue staining procedure has also been modified by reducing acetic acid and methanol concentrations in the staining solution and by eliminating acetic acid in the destaining solution. The peptides resulting from the in-gel digestion are easily recovered by passive elution, in excellent yields for structural characterization. This simple and rapid method has been successfully applied for the internal sequence analysis of membrane proteins from the rat mitochondria resolved in preparative two-dimensional gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

M J Callanan  P W O'Toole  M W Lubbers  K M Polzin 《Gene》2001,278(1-2):101-106
The ori locus of the prolate-headed lactococcal bacteriophage c2 supports plasmid replication in Lactococcus lactis in the absence of phage infection. To determine whether phage c2 DNA replication is initiated at the ori locus in vivo and to investigate the mechanism of phage DNA replication, replicating intermediates of phage c2 were analyzed using neutral/neutral two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis (2D). The 2D data revealed that c2 replicates via a theta mechanism and localized the initiation of theta replication to the ori region of the c2 genome.  相似文献   

During early postnatal brain development, changes in visual input can lead to specific alteration of function and connectivity in mammalian visual cortex. In cat, this so-called critical period exhibits maximal sensory-driven adaptations around postnatal day 30 (P30), and ceases toward adulthood. We examined the molecular framework that directs age- and experience-dependent plasticity in cat visual cortex, by comparing protein expression profiles at eye opening (postnatal day 10 (P10), when experience-dependent plasticity starts), the peak of the critical period (P30), and in adulthood. Using 2-D DIGE, we performed comparisons of P10-P30 and P30-adult brain protein samples. Sixty protein spots showed statistically significant intensity changes in at least one comparison. Fifty-one spots were identified using quadrupole-TOF MS/MS or LC-MS/MS, containing 37 different proteins. The progressive increase or decrease in protein expression levels could be correlated to age-dependent postnatal brain development. Four spots containing transferrin, 14-3-3 alpha/beta and cypin, showed maximal protein expression levels at P30, thereby showing a positive correlation to critical period plasticity. Western analysis indeed revealed a clear effect of visual deprivation on cypin expression in cat visual cortex. Our results therefore demonstrate the power of 2-D DIGE as a tool toward understanding the molecular basis of nervous system development and plasticity.  相似文献   



Hotspots are defined as the minimal functional domains involved in protein:protein interactions and sufficient to induce a biological response.  相似文献   

Separation of proteins by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) coupled with identification of proteins through peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is the widely used technique for proteomic analysis. This approach relies, however, on the presence of the proteins studied in public-accessible protein databases or the availability of annotated genome sequences of an organism. In this work, we investigated the reliability of using raw genome sequences for identifying proteins by PMF without the need of additional information such as amino acid sequences. The method is demonstrated for proteomic analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae grown anaerobically on glycerol. For 197 spots excised from 2-DE gels and submitted for mass spectrometric analysis 164 spots were clearly identified as 122 individual proteins. 95% of the 164 spots can be successfully identified merely by using peptide mass fingerprints and a strain-specific protein database (ProtKpn) constructed from the raw genome sequences of K. pneumoniae. Cross-species protein searching in the public databases mainly resulted in the identification of 57% of the 66 high expressed protein spots in comparison to 97% by using the ProtKpn database. 10 dha regulon related proteins that are essential for the initial enzymatic steps of anaerobic glycerol metabolism were successfully identified using the ProtKpn database, whereas none of them could be identified by cross-species searching. In conclusion, the use of strain-specific protein database constructed from raw genome sequences makes it possible to reliably identify most of the proteins from 2-DE analysis simply through peptide mass fingerprinting.  相似文献   



Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) is a powerful technique to examine post-translational modifications of complexly modulated proteins. Currently, spot detection is a necessary step to assess relations between spots and biological variables. This often proves time consuming and difficult when working with non-perfect gels. We developed an analysis technique to measure correlation between 2DE images and biological variables on a pixel by pixel basis. After image alignment and normalization, the biological parameters and pixel values are replaced by their specific rank. These rank adjusted images and parameters are then put into a standard linear Pearson correlation and further tested for significance and variance.  相似文献   

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