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Optimal allocation of parental resources is an important life history trait. However, it has been rarely investigated empirically. We tested aspects of optimal allocation theory in a digger wasp, the European beewolf. Investment allocation theory assumes (1) a trade‐off between investment per offspring and offspring number and (2) a convex relationship between investment per offspring and fitness returns. From mis relationship an optimum amount of investment per offspring can be derived and parents are predicted to provide each offspring with this optimum amount of investment. We used the number of bees in a brood cell as a measure of parental investment. Offspring fitness was quantified as both survival until emergence and success as adults. There is evidence for a trade‐off between current and future reproduction, suggesting that the first assumption is met. In contradiction to the second assumption, one mortality factor, parasitism, increased proportionally with the number of bees in a brood cell. However, overall mortality until emergence significantly decreased with the number of bees in a brood cell as assumed by the theory. The determination of the optimum amount of investment per offspring is complicated because the sexes possibly differ in their relationship between amount of investment and fitness. Individual males received considerably fewer bees (2.2 ± 0.8) than females (3.8 ± 0.5). Two independent estimates of the investment specific survival suggested that sons with two bees had the highest fitness returns per single bee and, consistent with the prediction, most sons were provisioned with two bees. For daughters, four bees is probably the optimum amount and most daughters were provisioned with this number. In both sexes the variation of investment per offspring was less than expected by a Poisson distribution with the same mean. These findings support the view that parental investment is allocated in a way that optimizes the trade‐off between offspring number and investment per offspring. However, variation contradicting the hypothesis still occurred. This might be explained either by adaptive variation in the amount of investment per offspring, constraints in the adjustment of the optimum amount of investment, or problems in measuring parental investment.  相似文献   

In the evolution of sexual reproduction we would expect to see a close association between mating systems and sex determination mechanisms. Such associations are especially evident in the insect order Hymenoptera which shows great diversity with respect to both of these characteristics. The ancestral sex determination mechanism in this order is thought to be single‐locus complementary sex determination (sl‐CSD), which is inbreeding sensitive, and where inbreeding results in the production of sterile diploid males rather than daughters. Presently, however, there is insufficient data to give strong support to the hypothesis that sl‐CSD is truly the ancestral condition in the Hymenoptera, principally because of the difficulty of reliably determining the degree of male ploidy. Here we show that six ichneumonid parasitoids from the polyphyletic genus Diadegma are subject to sl‐CSD, using neuronal cell DNA flow cytometry to distinguish ploidy levels. The presence of sl‐CSD in these six species, together with earlier evidence from the authors for D. chrysostictos, provides considerable support for the notion that sl‐CSD was ancestral in the Aculeata/Ichneumonoidea clade, which contains all eusocial Hymenoptera. Moreover, because flow cytometry discriminates reliably between haploid and diploid males, and is independent of the maternal sex allocation or the need for genetic markers, it has considerable potential for the determination of ploidy more generally.  相似文献   

Hymenopterans have become a model for the study of factors that govern sex allocation. In 1983, Seger proposed a model to study Sphecidae wasps with a strong prediction that sex ratio for univoltine wasps should be 1 : 1 (female : male), and for partially bivoltine species it should be male-biased. The present study investigates if Trypoxylon lactitarse (Saussure, 1867) is a univoltine or a bivoltine species and if Seger's model prediction fits the pattern of sex ratio found in this species. The study was carried out at Parque Municipal das Araucárias, in the municipality of Guarapuava, state of Paraná, southern Brazil, from December 2001 to December 2004. Nests of T. lactitarse were obtained using trap-nests drilled longitudinally to a depth to 80 mm with 7.0, 10.0 and 13.0 mm opening diameter. They were placed in a very heterogeneous site filled with araucaria forests, swamps and grasslands. Trypoxylon lactitarse showed two alternative life histories: either they pupated immediately and emerged as adults later in the same season (direct development), or they entered diapause, overwintering and pupating the following spring (delayed development). Its annual sex ratios were not significantly different from 1 : 1, and both sex ratio of overwintering and sex ratio of direct-developing wasps were also not significantly different from 1 : 1, in all years of this study. By examining these results, it was possible to conclude that although T. lactitarse is a multivoltine species, with four generations per year and two alternative life histories, its sex ratio did not support Seger's model.  相似文献   

Pairs of females of the parasitoid waspNasonia vitripennis were videotaped with one or two hosts. The presence of an additional host decreased the number of interactions between females but had no measured effect on the nature of the interactions, i.e., on whether the interaction involved physical contact or occurred while one of the females was parasitizing a host. The number of hosts did not itself affect offspring sex ratios but did influence which other factors were correlated with sex ratio. When there was one host, the proportion of sons was more positively correlated with utilization of previously drilled holes than with female-female interactions, whereas when there were two hosts, the reverse was true. Parasitizing an already parasitized host appeared to affect a female's sex ratio beyond any effects of the physical presence of another female: When two hosts were present, the proportion of sons was greater from hosts parasitized by both females than from hosts parasitized by only one female. The observation that parasitizations in previously drilled holes and female-female interactions are correlated with sex ratios is consistent with previous studies; however, that these relationships are host density dependent is a new result and remains unexplained.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, mate choice is an integrated part of sexual selection. However, whether mate choice occurs independently of the genetic relatedness among mating pairs has received little attention, although inbreeding may have fitness consequences. We studied whether genetic relatedness influenced females' choice of partner in a highly polygynous ungulate--the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)--in an experimental herd during two consecutive rutting seasons; the herd consisting of 75 females in 1999 and 74 females in 2000 was exposed to three 4.5-year-old adults and three 1.5-year-old young males, respectively. The females' distribution during peak rut was not influenced by their genetic relatedness with the dominant males of the mating groups. Further, genetic relatedness did not influence the actual choice of mating partner. We conclude that inbreeding avoidance through mating group choice as well as choice of mating partner, two interconnected processes of female mate choice operating at two different scales in space and time, in such a highly female-biased reindeer populations with low level of inbreeding may not occur.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The venoms of Polistes fuscatus (subspecies fuscatus) (F.) and P. exclamans Viereck from sympatric populations in North Carolina, U.S.A., contain a pheromone which attracts males and stimulates sexual behaviour in both conspecific and heterospecific males. Males of P. fuscatus (subspecies variatus Cresson), a subspecies from Wisconsin, respond to venom of P. fuscatus fuscatus, P. exclamans, and Vespula maculifrons (Buysson) from North Carolina, although the levels of response to P. exclamans and V. maculifrons venom are less than that to P. fuscatus variatus venom.
Caged Wisconsin P. fuscafus males do not attempt to mate with P. exclamans females, but will attempt to mate with conspecifics. A series of bioassays indicates that males discriminate between females of P. fuscatus and P. exclamans on the basis of chemical, rather than behavioural or visual cues. The venom apparently is not important in species recognition. Instead, the results of two sets of bioassays suggest that species recognition is mediated by a surface pheromone on the cuticle of females.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在从行为和嗅觉分子水平探究二化螟Chilo suppressalis雄蛾对性信息素嗅觉反应的地理种群差异及其机理,以明确该害虫田间种群雄成虫的嗅觉适应性及其特点。【方法】采用7种Z11-16∶Ald, Z9-16∶Ald和Z13-18∶Ald配比不同的三元性信息素诱芯(Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald配比分别为540 μg∶540 μg, 864 μg∶216 μg, 945 μg∶135 μg, 980 μg∶98 μg, 1 003 μg∶77 μg, 1 016 μg∶64 μg和1 045 μg∶35 μg,而Z13-18∶Ald含量保持不变),在中国6省水稻田间诱捕二化螟雄成虫;利用实验室风洞测定864 μg∶216 μg, 980 μg∶98 μg和1 016 μg∶64 μg配比诱芯在田间诱捕的越冬代和第2代二化螟雄蛾分别对这3个配比的性信息素诱芯的行为反应;并采用RT-qPCR方法测定这7种性信息素配比不同的诱芯诱捕的雄蛾触角中二化螟雄蛾12个性信息素识别相关基因的表达水平。【结果】在田间试验中,Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald不同配比的性信息素诱芯对水稻二化螟雄蛾均有引诱作用,但不同配比引诱的二化螟雄蛾占比不同。6省诱芯中Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald的最佳配比不同,并且同一配比性信息素诱芯在不同省份引诱的二化螟雄蛾占比也不同。结果表明,不仅在不同地区诱芯的性信息素最佳配比不同,而且在不同地区不同配比性信息素的诱蛾量占比也不同。实验室风洞试验中,864 μg∶216 μg和1 016 μg∶64 μg配比诱芯田间诱捕雄蛾分别对864 μg∶216 μg和1 016 μg∶64 μg配比诱芯的行为反应均显著强于对其余两种配比诱芯,980 μg∶98 μg配比诱芯田间诱捕雄蛾对1 016 μg∶64 μg, 980 μg∶98 μg和864 μg∶216 μg配比诱芯的行为反应无显著差异。在RT-qPCR测定中,除GOBP1外,其余11个性信息素识别相关基因在Z11-16∶Ald和Z9-16∶Ald不同配比诱芯诱捕雄蛾触角中的表达水平均存在显著差异,其中PBP3, PBP4, PR1, PR2, PR4, PR5和PR6 7个基因的表达水平与性信息素配比之间存在显著的线性相关。【结论】本研究明确了中国二化螟不同地理种群性信息素嗅觉差异,不仅有助于提高该害虫的性诱防控效率,而且也有助于理解其嗅觉地理种群差异的成因。  相似文献   

Ischnura senegalensis females exhibit color dimorphism, consisting of an andromorph and a gynomorph, which might be maintained under a frequency-dependent process of mating harassment by mate-searching males. Males change their mating preference for female morph depending on prior copulation experience. Binary choice experiments between two female morphs were carried out in four local populations in the early morning (07.00–09.00 hours) and the afternoon (12.00–14.00 hours), times which mark the onset and the end of diurnal mating activity, respectively. According to the line census along the water's edge, the proportion of andromorphs in the female population varied from 21 to 67% throughout the survey period for four local populations. Males showed non-biased preference for female morphs in the early morning in each local population, while they chose the common morph in the afternoon. Male mating preference for female morphs was positively correlated to the proportion of female morphs in the population. If the selective mating attacks on the common female morphs inhibit their foraging and/or oviposition behavior, frequency-dependent male mating attacks might provide a selective force for maintaining the female color dimorphism in I. senegalensis .  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity within and among populations of Calliandra calothyrsus, an important multipurpose tree species, were examined using isozyme analysis. C. calothyrsus is a widespread species distributed throughout Central America and southern Mexico, across a variety of environments. Morphologically and ecologically distinct populations can be identified within this range, but they are currently considered to represent a single species. C. calothyrsus has been introduced to many parts of the tropics, where it is cultivated as a source of fuelwood, animal fodder, green manure, and shade by rural communities. Some of these introductions are known to have originated from Guatemala, but very little is known about the genetic diversity of either the native or naturalized populations. Isozyme electrophoresis of 23 loci across 17 populations of C. calothyrsus indicated that the majority of genetic diversity was partitioned between populations (FST = 0.802) and that within-population heterozygosity was low (mean Ho = 0.057). Naturalized populations had lower than expected heterozygosities and were most similar to material from Santa Maria de Jesus, a natural population in southern Guatemala. Four distinct groups of populations were identified on the basis of Nei's genetic distances and Population Aggregation Analysis (PAA), and correlate with the morphological and ecological differences that can be observed within the species. The results are discussed in relation to species delimitation and conservation.  相似文献   

Variation in female preference functions, both genotypic andphenotypic, has been largely ignored in the literature, despiteits implications to the maintenance of genetic variation inpopulations and the resolution of the "Lek paradox." Polymorphicpopulations, such as in the side-blotched lizard, provide idealstudy systems for its investigation, especially in the contextof incipient processes of sympatric speciation. Females of theside blotch lizard exist in 2 genetically distinct morphs, yellowthroated and orange throated, that experience disruptive selectionfor life history traits. Males express 3 throat color morphs,blue, orange, and yellow, that exhibit alternative strategiesin intrasexual competition. We experimentally tested for femalepreference in triadic mate choice trials to identify the presenceof discrete genetic and condition-dependent variation in femalepreference function. We found that females did in fact showgenetic variation in preference for males but that females alsooperate a multicondition preference function dependent uponthe genotype of the female and her state (number of clutcheslaid). Females exhibited positive assortative mating prior tothe first clutch. However, prior to later clutches, orange femalesswitched choice, preferring yellow males. These findings arediscussed in relation to the maintenance of coadapted gene complexeswithin populations and the prevention of divergent directionalselection (population bifurcation) by condition-dependent variationin mate choice.  相似文献   

One evolutionary pathway from plants with combined male and female functions (hermaphroditism) to those with separate sexes (dioecy) involves females coexisting with hermaphrodites (gynodioecy). The research presented here explores sex allocation in Fragaria virginiana (a gynodioecious wild strawberry), within the context of theory on the gynodioecy–dioecy transition. By growing clonally replicated plants in the greenhouse and surveying six populations in situ, I evaluated the effects of plant size, genotype, sexual identity, population of origin and female frequency on sex allocation. I found significant positive effects of plant size on most sex allocation traits studied. In addition to strong sex-specific allocation patterns, I found significant broad-sense heritabilities for all traits, suggesting that plants could respond to selection. Moreover, there was a negative genetic correlation between pollen production and fruit set per flower within hermaphrodites, lending support to a basic assumption of sex allocation theory. On the other hand, several sex allocation traits, namely pollen and ovules per flower in hermaphrodites, were positively genetically correlated, suggesting that they may act to constrain the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Populations differed in the frequency of females, and females were more prevalent on sites with lower soil moisture and where hermaphrodites were least likely to produce fruit, suggesting that females’ seed fitness relative to that of hermaphrodites may be strongly environment-dependent in this species.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study was designed to determine whether landings of males of Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on synthetic sex pheromone sources are influenced by other males which have preceded them in flying to and landing on the sources. The investigation comprised two separate experiments. In one, using a single pheromone source, insects released singly were compared with insects released in groups of three, and in the other, insects released in groups of five were presented with a choice between two identical sources. The resolution for changes in attractancy was higher in the choice experiment which demonstrated an increase in attraction for a source on which males had already landed and remained whilst the new male flew towards it. A single resident insect increased the source attractancy by a factor of 1.40 and a pair of insects by 1.77 compared with an empty source. With the single sources the data exhibited the same trend but the result was rendered not significant by an insufficient amount of data, although approximately equal times were allocated to each experiment. To achieve a significant result with the single sources at least 6 times as much data would need to be collected.  相似文献   


The relationship between environmental factors, sex ratio, mode of reproduction, and female reproductive effort was examined in the cyclically parthenogenetic Daphnia magna. Female reproductive effort was found to decline before a significant production of males and sexual eggs takes place. Unlike factors such as crowding, poor nourishment, low (sometimes high) temperature and short or long day length, lowered reproductive effort is not a cue but rather an indicator of the selective advantage that would accrue from a changed sex ratio and mode of reproduction. The mechanism of the complex system of environmental sex determination in Daphnia is reviewed, and the adaptivity of ESD is discussed.  相似文献   

[目的]明确稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis生理状态对性信息素和花香气味的嗅觉行为反应的影响,以及在田间性信息素和花香气味诱蛾量的动态.[方法]于2020年在广西、湖南、浙江、四川5个试验点,通过田间网捕、花香气味和性信息素诱捕稻纵卷叶螟成虫,结合解剖卵巢和精巢,比较性信息素和花香诱捕的基本迁...  相似文献   

In this article, I report findings from a comparative study of Israeli and German genetic counselors. Specifically, it concerns counselors' attitudes and risk assessments relating to prenatal diagnosis of sex chromosome anomalies (SCAs) such as Klinefelter and Turner syndromes. Data collected through in-depth interviews with counselors in both countries (N = 32) are presented, and the types of claims experts deploy in their personal and professional estimation of the risks involved in SCAs are analyzed. The article concludes by suggesting that the counselors rhetoric concerning SCAs, whose major manifestation is the future infertility of the unborn child as well as their estimations of the related risks, should be situated in a broader cultural context, that of local Israeli and German understandings of the importance of fertility, and not in their professional nondirective ethos. Hence, to understand the practice of genetic counselors in two late-modern societies, one must understand the unique relationship between the individual bodies of pregnant women and the body politics of their nations, a relationship mediated by the counselors, who are the bearers of knowledge and expertise in this field.  相似文献   

In the last decades, many insect species have been studied in terms of sperm competition. Patterns of sperm use are often inferred from the mean species value of P(2), defined as the mean proportion of offspring sired by the second male in double-mating trials. In Panorpa germanica (Mecoptera, Panorpidae), P(2) largely depends on relative copulation durations of both males, but with the second male on average having some advantage over the first male. Estimating the presence of fertile sperm inside the female's reproductive tract in relation to time after copulation we conclude this partial last male sperm precedence not to be caused by natural death, loss, or depletion of first male sperm. Estimating sperm transfer rates of both mates of a female we, furthermore, found that the high intraspecific variance in P(2) that can be observed cannot solely be explained by variances in sperm transfer rates among P. germanica males. Other factors possibly causing the observed patterns of paternity success are discussed.  相似文献   

Omphalogramma souliei Franch. Is an endangered perennial herb only distributed in alpine areas of SW China. ISSR markers were applied to determine the genetic variation and genetic structure of 60 individuals of three populations of O. Souliei in NW Yunnan, China. The genetic diversity at the species level is low with P= 42.5% (percentage of polymorphic bands) and Hsp=0.1762 (total genetic diversity). However, a high level of genetic differentiation among populations was detected based on different measures (Nei's genetic diversity analysis: Gst=0.6038; AMOVA analysis: Fst=0.6797). Low level of genetic diversity within populations and significant genetic differentiation among populations might be due to the mixed mating system in which xenog-amy predominated and autogamy played an assistant role in O. Souliei. The genetic drift due to small population size and limited current gene flow also resulted in significant genetic differentiation. The assessment of genetic variation and differentiation of the endangered species provides important information for conservation on a genetic basis. Conservation strategies for this rare endemic species are proposed.  相似文献   

Jump AS  Rico L  Coll M  Peñuelas J 《Heredity》2012,108(6):633-639
Identification and quantification of spatial genetic structure (SGS) within populations remains a central element of understanding population structure at the local scale. Understanding such structure can inform on aspects of the species' biology, such as establishment patterns and gene dispersal distance, in addition to sampling design for genetic resource management and conservation. However, recent work has identified that variation in factors such as sampling methodology, population characteristics and marker system can all lead to significant variation in SGS estimates. Consequently, the extent to which estimates of SGS can be relied on to inform on the biology of a species or differentiate between experimental treatments is open to doubt. Following on from a recent report of unusually extensive SGS when assessed using amplified fragment length polymorphisms in the tree Fagus sylvatica, we explored whether this marker system led to similarly high estimates of SGS extent in other apparently similar populations of this species. In the three populations assessed, SGS extent was even stronger than this previously reported maximum, extending up to 360 m, an increase in up to 800% in comparison with the generally accepted maximum of 30-40 m based on the literature. Within this species, wide variation in SGS estimates exists, whether quantified as SGS intensity, extent or the Sp parameter. Consequently, we argue that greater standardization should be applied in sample design and SGS estimation and highlight five steps that can be taken to maximize the comparability between SGS estimates.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在深入了解榆木蠹蛾Holcocerus vicarius(Walker)信息素通讯系统。【方法】在风洞中观察了榆木蠹蛾雄蛾对合成性信息素不同组分及其不同比例及剂量混合物的行为反应。【结果】单组分试验结果表明,仅有Z7-14:Ac能够引起少量雄蛾完成从兴奋到接触诱芯并出现预交尾的全部行为反应,其余4个单组分(E3-14:Ac,Z3E5-14:Ac,E3-14:OH和Z3-14:OH)只能引起雄蛾兴奋,均不能引起雄蛾向性信息素源定向飞行。二元混合物(Z7-14:Ac+E3-14:Ac)明显增加雄蛾完整的性行为反应比例,三元混合物(Z7-14:Ac+E3-14:Ac+Z3E5-14:Ac)比例为10∶4∶4,剂量为1 300μg时有71.7%雄蛾发生预交尾,剂量为1 000μg时有70.3%雄蛾发生预交尾,两者差异不显著(P0.05)。【结论】榆木蠹蛾风洞行为实验为进一步研究其性信息素相关生物学特性及应用性信息素对榆木蠹蛾进行综合防治奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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