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Two expert research microscopists, each blinded to the other's reports, diagnosed single-species malaria infections in 2,141 adults presenting at outpatient malaria clinics in Tak Province, Thailand, and Iquitos, Peru, in May-August 1998, May-July 1999, and May-June 2001. Plasmodium vivax patients with gametocytemia had higher fever and higher parasitemia than those without gametocytemia; temperature correlated with parasitemia in the patients with gametocytemia. Plasmodium falciparum patients with gametocytemia had lower fever than those without gametocytemia, but similar parasitemia; temperature correlated with parasitemia in the patients without gametocytemia. Hematologic data in Thailand in 2001 showed lower platelet counts in P. vivax patients with gametocytemia than in the P. vivax patients without gametocytemia, whereas P. falciparum patients with gametocytemia had similar platelet counts but lower red blood cell counts, hemoglobin levels, hematocrit levels, and higher lymphocyte counts than patients without gametocytemia.  相似文献   

Increasing numbers of aging individuals with chronic co-morbidities travel to regions where falciparum malaria is endemic. Non-communicable diseases are now leading risk factors for death in such countries. Thus, the influence of chronic diseases on the outcome of falciparum malaria is an issue of major importance. Aim of the present study was to assess whether non-communicable diseases increase the risk for severe imported falciparum malaria. A retrospective observational study of all adult cases with imported falciparum malaria hospitalized between 2001 and 2015 in the tertiary care Charité University Hospital, Berlin, was performed. A total of 536 adult patients (median age 37 years; 31.3% female) were enrolled. Of these, 329 (61.4%) originated from endemic countries, 207 patients (38.6%) from non-endemic regions. Criteria for severe malaria were fulfilled in 68 (12.7%) cases. With older age, lack of previous malaria episodes, being a tourist, and delayed presentation, well-characterized risk factors were associated with severe malaria in univariate analysis. After adjustment for these potential confounders hypertension (adjusted odds ratio aOR, 3.06 95% confidence interval, CI 1.34–7.02), cardiovascular diseases (aOR, 8.20 95% CI 2.30–29.22), and dyslipidaemia (aOR, 6.08 95% CI 1.13–32.88) were individual diseases associated with severe disease in multivariable logistic regression. Hypertension proved an independent risk factor among individuals of endemic (aOR, 4.83, 95% CI 1.44–16.22) as well as of non-endemic origin (aOR, 3.60 95% CI 1.05–12.35). In imported falciparum malaria hypertension and its related diseases are risk factors for severe disease.  相似文献   



Rapid diagnosis and correct treatment of cases are the main objectives of control programs in malaria-endemic areas.

Methods and results

To evaluate these criteria and in a comparative study, blood specimens were collected from 120 volunteers seeking care at the Malaria Health Center in Chahbahar district. One hundred and seven out of 120 Giemsa-stained slides were positive for malaria parasites by microscopy. Eighty-four (70%) and 20 (16.7%) were identified as having only Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections, respectively, while only 3 (2.5%) were interpreted as having mixed P. vivax-P. falciparum infections. The target DNA sequence of the 18S small sub-unit ribosomal RNA (ssrRNA) gene was amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and used for the diagnosis of malaria in south-eastern Iran. One hundred twenty blood samples were submitted and the results were compared to those of routine microscopy. The sensitivity of PCR for detection of P. vivax and P. falciparum malaria was higher than that of microscopy: nested PCR detected 31 more mixed infections than microscopy and parasite positive reactions in 9 out of the 13 microscopically negative samples. The results also confirmed the presence of P. vivax and P. falciparum.


These results suggest that, in places where transmission of both P. vivax and P. falciparum occurs, nested PCR detection of malaria parasites can be a very useful complement to microscopical diagnosis.  相似文献   



Mortality from severe pediatric falciparum malaria appears low in Oceania but Plasmodium vivax is increasingly recognized as a cause of complications and death. The features and prognosis of mixed Plasmodium species infections are poorly characterized. Detailed prospective studies that include accurate malaria diagnosis and detection of co-morbidities are lacking.

Methods and Findings

We followed 340 Papua New Guinean (PNG) children with PCR-confirmed severe malaria (77.1% P. falciparum, 7.9% P. vivax, 14.7% P. falciparum/vivax) hospitalized over a 3-year period. Bacterial cultures were performed to identify co-incident sepsis. Clinical management was under national guidelines. Of 262 children with severe falciparum malaria, 30.9%, 24.8% and 23.2% had impaired consciousness, severe anemia, and metabolic acidosis/hyperlactatemia, respectively. Two (0.8%) presented with hypoglycemia, seven (2.7%) were discharged with neurologic impairment, and one child died (0.4%). The 27 severe vivax malaria cases presented with similar phenotypic features to the falciparum malaria cases but respiratory distress was five times more common (P = 0.001); one child died (3.7%). The 50 children with P. falciparum/vivax infections shared phenotypic features of mono-species infections, but were more likely to present in deep coma and had the highest mortality (8.0%; P = 0.003 vs falciparum malaria). Overall, bacterial cultures were positive in only two non-fatal cases. 83.6% of the children had alpha-thalassemia trait and seven with coma/impaired consciousness had South Asian ovalocytosis (SAO).


The low mortality from severe falciparum malaria in PNG children may reflect protective genetic factors other than alpha-thalassemia trait/SAO, good nutrition, and/or infrequent co-incident sepsis. Severe vivax malaria had similar features but severe P. falciparum/vivax infections were associated with the most severe phenotype and worst prognosis.  相似文献   

We present the first mathematical model of the within-host dynamics of a mixed-species malaria infection in a human: the blood-stage population dynamics of a dual infection with Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium falciparum. Our results reproduce several important features of such infections in nature, including the asymmetry of species asexual-form densities, inter-specific suppression through interactions with the human immune system, and seasonal alternations in species prevalence. Most importantly, our results suggest that an existing P. malariae infection can reduce the peak parasitemia of a subsequent P. falciparum superinfection by as much as 50%. This result integrates numerous empirical observations and supports the hypothesis that clinical outcomes of P. falciparum infections may be influenced by the presence of a congener.  相似文献   

Malaria is endemic in the Cukurova region while it is sporadic in other regions of Turkey. Therefore, the laboratory and clinical diagnosis of malaria is important for the treatment of malaria. In this study, 92 blood samples that were taken from the suspected malaria patients for routine diagnosis in a period of 10 years between 1999 and 2009 were analyzed. All of these blood samples were examined by microscopic examinations using Giemsa-stained thick blood films, nested PCR, and real-time PCR. The sensitivity-specificity and positive-negative predictive values for these diagnostic tests were then calculated. It was found that the positive predictive values of microscopic examination of thick blood films, nested PCR, and real-time PCR were 47.8%, 56.5%, and 60.9% for malaria, respectively. The real-time PCR was found to have a specificity of 75% and sensitivity of 100%, while specificity and sensitivity of nested PCR was found 81.2% and 97.7% according to the microscopic examination of thick blood films, respectively.  相似文献   

Studying the population genetics of Plasmodium falciparum is necessary for understanding the spread of drug resistance. However, these studies are hampered by the inability to determine haplotypes from patient samples that contain multiple parasite populations. Therefore, we have developed a method for separating for genetic analysis the individual strains in a mixed infection. We amplified a 6 kb region of chromosome 4, including the dihydrofolate reductase gene and upstream microsatellite markers. This PCR product was inserted by recombination into a gapped yeast shuttle plasmid containing both selectable and counter-selectable markers. Because each plasmid contains only one insert and each yeast colony contains only one plasmid, the individual strains are now separate. We analyzed mixtures of 3D7, K1, and Dd2 DNA and correctly identified a haplotype in each case.  相似文献   

Anyone who has cultured Plasmodium falciparum is aware that confusion about the identity of commonly used strains, and inadvertent contamination of one strain with another have been persistent problems. These issues have been recently reviewed by Robson and colleagues. Jason Wooden, Susan Kyes and Carol Hopkins Sibley have recently adapted two methods that offer a quick, easy alternative for the identification of P. falciparum strains in the laboratory.  相似文献   



The question whether Plasmodium falciparum infection affects the fitness of mosquito vectors remains open. A hurdle for resolving this question is the lack of appropriate control, non-infected mosquitoes that can be compared to the infected ones. It was shown recently that heating P. falciparum gametocyte-infected blood before feeding by malaria vectors inhibits the infection. Therefore, the same source of gametocyte-infected blood could be divided in two parts, one heated, serving as the control, the other unheated, allowing the comparison of infected and uninfected mosquitoes which fed on exactly the same blood otherwise. However, before using this method for characterizing the cost of infection to mosquitoes, it is necessary to establish whether feeding on previously heated blood affects the survival and fecundity of mosquito females.


Anopheles gambiae M molecular form females were exposed to heated versus non-heated, parasite-free human blood to mimic blood meal on non-infectious versus infectious gametocyte-containing blood. Life history traits of mosquito females fed on blood that was heat-treated or not were then compared.


The results reveal that heat treatment of the blood did not affect the survival and fecundity of mosquito females. Consistently, blood heat treatment did not affect the quantity of blood ingested.


The study indicates that heat inactivation of gametocyte-infected blood will only inhibit mosquito infection and that this method is suitable for quantifying the fitness cost incurred by mosquitoes upon infection by P. falciparum.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop a single-round multiplex PCR method for the identification of Anopheles minimus complex (An. minimus and Anopheles harrisoni) and Anopheles aconitus subgroup (An. aconitus and Anopheles varuna), and for the simultaneous detection of Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax in these vectors. Five primers were created for a single-round multiplex PCR assay to identify four anopheline mosquitoes combined with three Plasmodium primers for the detection of P. falciparum and P. vivax in vectors. The four species of anopheline vectors and two Plasmodium species, P. falciparum and P. vivax, could be identified by the combination of eight primers in the single-round multiplex PCR assay. The amplified species-specific products were 380 bp for An. minimus, 180 bp for An. harrisoni, 150 bp for An. aconitus, 310 bp for An. varuna, 276 bp for P. falciparum, and 300 bp for P. vivax. The sensitivities were 0.5 pg/μl (25 sporozoites/μl) for P. falciparum DNA and between 0.5 and 5 pg/μl (25–250 sporozoites/μl) for P. vivax DNA. Furthermore, this developed method could be used to identify field caught An. minimus complex, An. aconitus subgroup from Thailand and Lao PDR. Also, it was successfully used to identify the species An. minimus, An. harrisoni, An. aconitus and An. varuna and to detect and identify P. falciparum and P. vivax in caught anopheline mosquitoes. The sensitivity of this method was high for simultaneous detection of P. falciparum and P. vivax in anopheline mosquitoes.  相似文献   



The erythrocyte binding antigen-175 (EBA-175) on Plasmodium falciparum merozoites mediates sialic acid dependent binding to glycophorin A on host erythrocytes and, therefore, plays a crucial role in cell invasion. Dimorphic allele segments have been found in its encoding gene with a 342 bp segment present in FCR-3 strains (F-segment) and a 423 bp segment in CAMP strains (C-segment). Possible associations of the dimorphism with severe malaria have been analysed in a case-control study in northern Ghana.


Blood samples of 289 children with severe malaria and 289 matched parasitaemic but asymptomatic controls were screened for eba- 175 F- and C-segments by nested polymerase chain reaction.


In children with severe malaria, prevalences of F-, C- and mixed F-/C-segments were 70%, 19%, and 11%, respectively. The C-segment was found more frequently in severe malaria cases whereas mixed infections were more common in controls. Infection with strains harbouring the C-segment significantly increased the risk of fatal outcome.


The results show that the C-segment is associated with fatal outcome in children with severe malaria in northern Ghana, suggesting that it may contribute to the virulence of the parasite.  相似文献   



Plasmodium vivax is the second most prevalent malaria parasite affecting more than 75 million people each year, mostly in South America and Asia. In addition to major morbidity this parasite is associated with relapses and a reduction in birthweight. The emergence and spread of drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum is a major factor in the resurgence of this parasite. P. vivax resistance to drugs has more recently emerged and monitoring the situation would be helped, as for P. falciparum, by molecular methods that can be used to characterize parasites in field studies and drug efficacy trials.


Practical PCR genotyping protocols based on polymorphic loci present in two P. vivax genetic markers, Pvcs and Pvmsp1, were developed. The methodology was evaluated using 100 P. vivax isolates collected in Thailand.

Results and Discussion

Analysis revealed that P. vivax populations in Thailand are highly diverse genetically, with mixed genotype infections found in 26 % of the samples (average multiplicity of infection = 1.29). A large number of distinguishable alleles were found for the two markers, 23 for Pvcs and 36 for Pvmsp1. These were generally randomly distributed amongst the isolates. A total of 68 distinct genotypes could be enumerated in the 74 isolates with a multiplicity of infection of 1.


These results indicate that the genotyping protocols presented can be useful in the assessment of in vivo drug efficacy clinical trials conducted in endemic areas and for epidemiological studies of P. vivax infections.  相似文献   



Pregnancy malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum -infected erythrocytes binding the placental receptor chondroitin sulfate A (CSA). This results in accumulation of parasites in the placenta with severe clinical consequences for the mother and her unborn child. Women become resistant to placental malaria as antibodies are acquired which specifically target the surface of infected erythrocytes binding in the placenta. VAR2CSA is most likely the parasite-encoded protein which mediates binding to the placental receptor CSA. Several domains have been shown to bind CSA in vitro; and it is apparent that a VAR2CSA-based vaccine cannot accommodate all the CSA binding domains and serovariants. It is thus of high priority to define minimal ligand binding regions throughout the VAR2CSA molecule.


To define minimal CSA-binding regions/peptides of VAR2CSA, a phage display library based on the entire var2csa coding region was constructed. This library was screened on immobilized CSA and cells expressing CSA resulting in a limited number of CSA-binding phages. Antibodies against these peptides were affinity purified and tested for reactivity against CSA-binding infected erythrocytes.


The most frequently identified phages expressed peptides residing in the parts of VAR2CSA previously defined as CSA binding. In addition, most of the binding regions mapped to surface-exposed parts of VAR2CSA. The binding of a DBL2X peptide to CSA was confirmed with a synthetic peptide. Antibodies against a CSA-binding DBL2X peptide reacted with the surface of infected erythrocytes indicating that this epitope is accessible for antibodies on native VAR2CSA on infected erythrocytes.


Short continuous regions of VAR2CSA with affinity for multiple types of CSA were defined. A number of these regions localize to CSA-binding domains and to surface-exposed regions within these domains and a synthetic peptide corresponding to a peptide sequence in DBL2 was shown to bind to CSA and not to CSC. It is likely that some of these epitopes are involved in native parasite CSA adhesion. However, antibodies directed against single epitopes did not inhibit parasite adhesion. This study supports phage display as a technique to identify CSA-binding regions of large proteins such as VAR2CSA.  相似文献   

Transmission-blocking vaccines prevent the development of Plasmodium parasite within the mosquito vector, thereby thwarting the spread of malaria through a community. The gold standard for determining the efficacy of a transmission-blocking vaccine is the standard membrane feeding assay. This assay requires the dissection of mosquitoes and microscopic counting of oocysts present on the mosquito mid-gut, typically at 7-10 days p.i. Here we describe a real-time quantitative PCR assay that is rapid, target-specific and robust, with a sensitive detection threshold and which may be employed earlier p.i. than the standard membrane feeding assay and is applicable to preserved material. The real-time PCR assay utilises the LightCycler platform and SYBR Green I detection system to amplify 180 bp of the asexual form of the Plasmodium falciparum rRNA gene. It has a quantitative range of greater than four orders of magnitude and a detection threshold of 10 parasites. Validation experiments using a monoclonal antibody of known blocking activity revealed the real-time PCR assay to give equivalent results to the standard membrane feeding assay. In addition, the PCR assay can establish the effect of such a monoclonal antibody on the parasites' development within the oocyst and on the sporozoite (the transmissible stage) yield, providing a more pertinent assessment of transmission blocking activity than is possible by the standard membrane feeding assay. This assay may also be employed to monitor the sporogonic development of P. falciparum parasites within the mosquito vector.  相似文献   

The species-specific nested-PCR previously described by Snounou and others for detecting the four parasite species that cause human malaria is evaluated in the current study testing 230 blood samples. The results are compared with those obtained by microscopy and, for 101 samples out of 230, with those previously obtained by a genus-specific PCR based method (pg-PCR) followed by species-specific Southern-blot hybridization. All blood specimens were obtained from patients (127 foreigners and 103 Italians) with a suspect clinical diagnosis of imported malaria in Italy: 76 were positive by microscopy and 83 were positive by nested-PCR. The last method also revealed 10 double infections (8 foreigners and 2 Italians) which were not identified by microscopy or by pg-PCR with species-specific Southern-blot hybridization. Fifty-four out of 83 positive samples tested by nested-PCR were submitted to genomic sequence analysis, which confirmed the presence of DNA region portion encoding the 18S rRNA corresponding to the Plasmodium species identified by nested-PCR. These results demonstrate that the nested-PCR assay surpasses microscopy and pg-PCR with species-specific Southern-blot hybridization, both in sensitivity and in diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, it is quicker because it requires no further blotting or hybridization of PCR amplification products. This method also offers a clear advantage in the detection of mixed infections, which is important not only for successful medical treatment but also for the study of malaria epidemiology. Finally, our study also highlights the value of genomic sequence analysis for validating PCR results.  相似文献   

An indirect fluorescent antibody test was used to analyze the antigenic relationships between Babesia argentina, a parasite of cattle, and two human malaria parasites, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Elevated antibody titers to P. falciparum were found in cattle infected with B. argentina. Some persons infected with P. falciparum or P. vivax were found to produce antibodies to B. argentina. Explanations for the occurrence of these cross reactions are considered.  相似文献   

Malaria is largely a preventable and curable disease. However, a delay or an inappropriate treatment can result in serious adverse outcomes for patient. Rapid, simple and cost-effective diagnostic tests that can be easily adapted and rapidly scaled-up at the field or community levels are needed. In this study, accelerated detection methods for the Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) and Plasmodium vivax (Pv) dihydrofolate reductase–thymidylate synthase were developed based on the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) method. The developed methods included the use of species-specific biotinylated primers to amplify LAMP amplicons, which were then hybridized to specific FITC-labeled DNA probes and visualized on a chromatographic lateral flow dipstick (LFD). The total LAMP–LFD assay time was approximately 1.5 h. The LAMP–LFD assays showed similar detection limit to conventional PCR assay when performed on plasmid DNA carrying the malaria dhfr-ts genes. The LAMP–LFD showed 10 folds higher detection limit than PCR when performed on genomic DNA samples from Pf and Pv parasites. The dhfr-ts LAMP–LFD assays also have the advantages of reduced assay time and easy format for interpretation of results.  相似文献   

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