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Is VP22 nuclear homing an artifact?   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

B chromosomes are dispensable elements that do not recombine with the A chromosomes of the regular complement and that follow their own evolutionary track. In some cases, they are known to be nuclear parasites with autonomous modes of inheritance, exploiting "drive" to ensure their survival in populations. Their "selfishness" brings them into conflict with their host nuclear genome and generates a host-parasite relationship, with anti-B-chromosome genes working to ameliorate the worst of their excesses in depriving their hosts of genetic resources. Molecular studies are homing in on their sequence organization to give us an insight into the origin and evolution of these enigmatic chromosomes, which are, with rare exceptions, without active genes.  相似文献   

Recent developments in molecular genetics have led to the synthesis of an artificial human chromosome. Because the chromosome replicates and divides normally in human cells, this has exciting possibilities in terms of mankind's ability to influence evolutionary processes and to modify the human genome.  相似文献   

Newly made polypeptide chains require the help of molecular chaperones not only to rapidly reach their final three-dimensional forms, but also to unfold and then correctly refold them back to their biologically active form should they misfold. Most prions are an unusual type of protein that can exist in one of two stable conformations, one of which leads to formation of an infectious alternatively folded form. Studies in Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) have revealed that prions can exploit the molecular chaperone machinery in the cell in order to ensure stable propagation of the infectious, aggregation-prone form. The disaggregation of yeast prion aggregates by molecular chaperones generates forms of the prion protein that can seed the protein polymerisation that underlies the prion propagation cycle. In this article, we review what we have learnt about the role of molecular chaperones in yeast prion propagation, describe a model that can explain the role of various classes of molecular chaperones and their co-chaperones, and speculate on the possible involvement of chaperones in the propagation of mammalian prions.  相似文献   

A core model is presented for protein production in Escherichia coli to address the question whether there is an optimal ribosomal concentration for non-ribosome protein production. Analysing the steady-state solution of the model over a range of mRNA concentrations, indicates that such an optimum ribosomal content exists, and that the optimum shifts to higher ribosomal contents at higher specific growth rates.  相似文献   

Serine protease inhibitors (serpins), the antagonists of serine proteases, were unknown in the bacterial kingdom until recently. Kang et al. in this issue of Molecular Microbiology report the cloning and functional analysis of the three serpin genes from the thermophilic anaerobic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum. Two of the serpins contain a dockerin module for location in the extracellular hydrolytic multienzyme complex, the cellulosome. The susceptibility of cellulosome to proteolytic degradation and the presence of a serine protease in the same complex provoke speculation that protease inhibitor/protease pairs could play hitherto unrecognized roles in protein stability and regulation in bacteria.  相似文献   

Enterococci were considered as not requiring iron. The aim of study was evaluation of relationship between enterococci and iron. This study examined these relationships in a 71 strains belonging to two species--Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, which are often isolated from human infections. The iron is an essential nutrient for enterococci. Demonstrated that iron--regardless of the concentration in the medium--is collected during growth. Iron deficiency in the nutrient medium resulted in changes in the kinetics of growth of enterococci. Inhibiting the growth of enterococci by iron chelators and lack of inhibition are further proof of this demand for iron bacteria. Enterococci have the ability to acquire this important element of its connections with natural and synthetic chetators with different strength of chemical bonding and structure. Bacteria of the genus Enterococcus have a natural resistance to many antimicrobial agents. In the hospital environment can easily acquire resistance genes to many other classes of antimicrobial compounds. For these reasons, treatment of enterococal infections poses more difficulties. Inhibition of iron uptake in enterococci can be helpful in reducing and combating enterococal infections.  相似文献   

Perkinsus marinus (Phylum Perkinsozoa) is a protozoan parasite that has devastated natural and farmed oyster populations in the USA, significantly affecting the shellfish industry and the estuarine environment. The other two genera in the phylum, Parvilucifera and Rastrimonas, are parasites of microeukaryotes. The Perkinsozoa occupies a key position at the base of the dinoflagellate branch, close to its divergence from the Apicomplexa, a clade that includes parasitic protista, many harbouring a relic plastid. Thus, as a taxon that has also evolved toward parasitism, the Perkinsozoa has attracted the attention of biologists interested in the evolution of this organelle, both in its ultrastructure and the conservation, loss or transfer of its genes. A review of the recent literature reveals mounting evidence in support of the presence of a relic plastid in P. marinus, including the presence of multimembrane structures, characteristic metabolic pathways and proteins with a bipartite N-terminal extension. Further, these findings raise intriguing questions regarding the potential functions and unique adaptation of the putative plastid and/or plastid genes in the Perkinsozoa. In this review we analyse the above-mentioned evidence and evaluate the potential future directions and expected benefits of addressing such questions. Given the rapidly expanding molecular/genetic resources and methodological toolbox for Perkinsus spp., these organisms should complement the currently established models for investigating plastid evolution within the Chromalveolata.  相似文献   

The role of the extra-embryonic organs (e.g. placenta) in the feto-maternal immunological interactions is not clear. Trophoblast cells of human placenta were studied in vitro in relation to their adaptive capacities under the immunological influence of allogeneic leucocytes of pregnant women. It was shown that after an 18-h interaction some trophoblastic cells were still viable, they were rich in glycoproteins and RNA, and elicited a prominent activity of some enzymes. Mitosis was often seen. The authors suppose that the trophoblast is highly adaptable to some immunological influences in vitro.  相似文献   

Simulations and experiments that monitor protein unfolding under denaturing conditions are commonly employed to study the mechanism by which a protein folds to its native state in a physiological environment. Due to the differences in conditions and the complexity of the reaction, unfolding is not necessarily the reverse of folding. To assess the relevance of temperature initiated unfolding studies to the folding problem, we compare the folding and unfolding of a 125-residue protein model by Monte Carlo dynamics at two temperatures; the lower one corresponds to the range used in T -jump experiments and the higher one to the range used in unfolding simulations of all-atom models. The trajectories that lead from the native state to the denatured state at these elevated temperatures are less diverse than those observed in the folding simulations. At the lower temperature, the system unfolds through a mandatory intermediate that corresponds to a local free energy minimum. At the higher temperature, no such intermediate is observed, but a similar pathway is followed. The structures contributing to the unfolding pathways resemble most closely those that make up the "fast track" of folding. The transition state for unfolding at the lower temperature (above Tm) is determined and is found to be more structured than the transition state for folding below the melting temperature. This shift towards the native state is consistent with the Hammond postulate. The implications for unfolding simulations of higher resolution models and for unfolding experiments of proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

Argentine populations of Dichroplus elongatus (Orthoptera: Acrididae) are polymorphic for B chromosomes. Previous studies showed that B chromosomes affect body size and some fitness components in Northwestern populations. We studied phenotype and B′s variation patterns along a latitudinal cline as well as the relationship between karyotype and body size related traits in 17 populations from East. Body size related traits showed a ‘saw tooth’ pattern of variation being small at low and high latitudes and large at intermediate latitudes in most of the analysed populations. Analyses of variance and principal components demonstrated that in most analysed populations B carrier males are associated with a decrease in body size related traits with respect to individuals with standard karyotype. Accordingly with the relationship between karyotype and body size, an opposite pattern of latitudinal variation in the frequencies of B′s with respect to body size variation was observed in this area. i.e. smaller individuals tend to have a higher frequency of B chromosomes. The comparison of the differentiation of both karyotype and body size traits with molecular neutral markers demonstrated the relative importance of selection moulding chromosome and phenotype variation. The observed pattern of phenotypic variation is likely to be the result of local adaptation to season length along the latitudinal gradient. The observed contrary pattern of B′s clinal variation may reflect the population ability to maintain this chromosome in relation to the local adaptation. The available evidence indicates that the distribution of B chromosome frequency was shaped by selective factors.  相似文献   

Attempts to uncover the adaptive significance of density-dependent colour polyphenism in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae), have been unsuccessful. Desert locust juveniles can change colour as part of a phenotypically plastic response to changes in local population density known as phase polyphenism. They are typically cryptic in colour at low rearing density (solitarious phase), but become conspicuous at high density (gregarious phase). Recent evidence indicates that this colour change functions interspecifically as an aposematic signal. Other recent evidence, however, suggests that previous attempts to demonstrate an intraspecific function of gregarious coloration in mediating group interactions among locusts may have been confounded by the effects of multiple sensory cues. We reinvestigated the intraspecific function of density-dependent colour polyphenism and specifically controlled for potentially confounding olfactory and tactile cues. We found no effect of gregarious phase (yellow and black) coloration as either a gregarizing stimulus to behaviourally solitarious locusts or as a visual aggregation stimulus behaviourally to gregarious locusts. We did, however, find that nonmoving solitarious phase (green) coloration significantly increased the activity levels of behaviourally gregarious locusts. We cannot explain this result and its biological relevance remains unknown. In the absence of support for the intraspecific visual cue hypothesis, we favour an aposematic perspective on the function of density-dependent colour polyphenism in the desert locust. The aposematic perspective parsimoniously accounts for density-dependent changes in both colour and behaviour. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Diabetic osteoporosis is increasingly recognized as a significant comorbidity of type 1 diabetes mellitus. In contrast, type 2 diabetes mellitus is more commonly associated with modest increases in bone mineral density for age. Despite this dichotomy, clinical, in vivo, and in vitro data uniformly support the concept that new bone formation as well as bone microarchitectural integrity are altered in the diabetic state, leading to an increased risk for fragility fracture and inadequate bone regeneration following injury. In this review, we examine the contribution that insulin, as a potential anabolic agent in bone, may make to the pathophysiology of diabetic bone disease. Specifically, we have assimilated human and animal data examining the effects of endogenous insulin production, exogenous insulin administration, insulin sensitivity, and insulin signaling on bone. In so doing, we present evidence that insulin, acting as an anabolic agent in bone, can preserve and increase bone density and bone strength, presumably through direct and/or indirect effects on bone formation.  相似文献   

Is the acetylcholine releasing protein mediatophore present in rat brain?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mediatophore is a protein purified from the nerve terminal membranes of Torpedo electric organ. It confers to artificial membranes a calcium-dependent mechanism that translocates acetylcholine. When similar reconstitution experiments are applied to rat brain synaptosomal membranes they reveal the presence of mediatophore activity with properties close to those described for the Torpedo protein (extractability, sensitivity to calcium, and effect of the drug cetiedil). The activity was more abundant in synaptosomal membranes than in mitochondrial or myelinic membranes and in cholinergic areas as compared to cerebellum.  相似文献   

Homoploid hybrid speciation in animals is poorly understood, mainly because of the scarcity of well‐documented cases. Here, we present the results of a multilocus sequence analysis on the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), Spanish sparrow (P. hispaniolensis) and their proposed hybrid descendant, the Italian sparrow (P. italiae). The Italian sparrow is shown to be genetically intermediate between the house sparrow and Spanish sparrow, exhibiting genealogical discordance and a mosaic pattern of alleles derived from either of the putative parental species. The average variation on the Z chromosome was significantly reduced compared with autosomal variation in the putative parental species, the house sparrow and Spanish sparrow. Additionally, divergence between the two species was elevated on the Z chromosome relative to the autosomes. This pattern of variation and divergence is consistent with reduced introgression of Z‐linked genes and/or a faster‐Z effect (increased rate of adaptive divergence on the Z). FST‐outlier tests were consistent with the faster‐Z hypothesis: two of five Z‐linked loci (CHD1Z and PLAA) were identified as candidates for being subject to positive, divergent selection in the putative parental species. Interestingly, the two latter genes showed a mosaic pattern in the (hybrid) Italian sparrow; that is, the Italian sparrow was found to be fixed for Spanish sparrow alleles at CHD1Z and to mainly have house sparrow alleles at PLAA. Preliminary evidence presented in this study thus suggests that sex chromosomes may play a significant role in this case of homoploid hybrid speciation.  相似文献   

Astrogliosis, a cellular reaction with specific structural and functional characteristics, represents a remarkably homotypic response of astrocytes to all kinds of central nervous system (CNS) pathologies. Astrocytes play diverse functions in the brain, both harmful and beneficial. Mounting evidence indicates that astrogliosis is an underlying component of a diverse range of diseases and associated neuropathologies. The mechanisms that lead to astrogliosis are not fully understood, nevertheless, damaged neurons have long been reported to induce astrogliosis and astrogliosis has been used as an index for underlying neuronal damage. As the predominant source of proinflammatory factors in the CNS, microglia are readily activated under certain pathological conditions. An increasing body of evidence suggests that release of cytokines and other soluble products by activated microglia can significantly influence the subsequent development of astrogliosis and scar formation in CNS. It is well known that damaged neurons activate microglia very quickly, therefore, it is possible that activated microglia contribute factors/mediators through which damaged neuron induce astrogliosis. The hypothesis that activated microglia initiate and maintain astrogliosis suggests that suppression of microglial overactivation might effectively attenuate reactive astrogliosis. Development of targeted anti-microglial activation therapies might slow or halt the progression of astrogliosis and, therefore, help achieve a more beneficial environment in various CNS pathologies.  相似文献   

Calf lens fiber cells contain a population of polyribosomes that direct, at leastin vitro, the synthesis of a specific plasma membrane protein MP26. This protein may serve as a marker in terminal differentiation, since it is absent in the lens epithelium but appears in lens fiber plasma membranes. The MP26 manufacturing polyribosomes are found to be associated with a structural complex in which also the cytoskeleton and plasma membranes participate. They can be released from the complex by treatment with DNAse I. This result presumably reflects the involvement of actin in the linkage of the MP26 synthesizing polyribosomes to the cytoskeleton-membrane complex.  相似文献   

The main function of lysosomal proteins is to degrade cellular macromolecules. We purified a novel lysosomal protein to homogeneity from bovine kidneys. By gene annotation, this protein is defined as a bovine phospholipase B‐like protein 1 (bPLBD1) and, to better understand its biological function, we solved its structure at 1.9 Å resolution. We showed that bPLBD1 has uniform noncomplex‐type N‐glycosylation and that it localized to the lysosome. The first step in lysosomal protein transport, the initiation of mannose‐6‐phosphorylation by a N‐acetylglucosamine‐1‐phosphotransferase, requires recognition of at least two distinct lysines on the protein surface. We identified candidate lysines by analyzing the structural and sequentially conserved N‐glycosylation sites and lysines in bPLBD1 and in the homologous mouse PLBD2. Our model suggests that N408 is the primarily phosphorylated glycan, and K358 a key residue for N‐acetylglucosamine‐1‐phosphotransferase recognition. Two other lysines, K334 and K342, provide the required second site for N‐acetylglucosamine‐1‐phosphotransferase recognition. bPLBD1 is an N‐terminal nucleophile (Ntn) hydrolase. By comparison with other Ntn‐hydrolases, we conclude that the acyl moiety of PLBD1 substrate must be small to fit the putative binding pocket, whereas the space for the rest of the substrate is a large open cleft. Finally, as all the known substrates of Ntn‐hydrolases have amide bonds, we suggest that bPLBD1 may be an amidase or peptidase instead of lipase, explaining the difficulty in finding a good substrate for any members of the PLBD family. Proteins 2014; 82:300–311. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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