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Corolla tube formation inSolanum nigrum, Salpichroa rhomboidea, Datura stramonium var.chalybea andNicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc was investigated anatomically. InSolanum, the formation of the lower portion of the corolla tube, including the portion below the stamen insertion and the inserted zones, begins with the extension of the bases of the petal primordia toward the interprimordial regions. The extension of the petal bases is caused by the successive incorporation of the interprimordial regions just beside the bases into the petal primordia by means of the upward growth at those regions. The extending petal bases reach the lower portions of stamen primordia and connect with them resulting in formation of a short tube, which later develops into the lower portion of a corolla tube accompanied by epipetalous stamens. The petal bases extend further, and connect with each other outside the stamen primordia. The upward growth occurs also at the connected regions resulting in formation of the upper portion of a corolla tube. Marginal meristems of the petal primordium differentiate not later than the connection of petal bases. After the connection, marginal meristems and meristems of connected regions become continuous with each other and develop in a similar pattern. In the other three species, the corolla tube is formed in a similar manner as in the species mentioned above. However, the connection of the petal primordia occurs much earlier than the differentiation of their marginal meristems. InSalpichroa andNicotiana, the developmental patterns of the connected region and the corolla lobe margin are different.  相似文献   

Corolla tube formation was investigated anatomically for 22 species of the Polemoniaceae, Convolvulcaeae, Boraginaceae, Verbenaceae, Buddlejaceae. Scrophulariaceae, Gentianaceae, Menyanthaceae and Asclepiadaceae. The corolla tbe formation is basically similar among species, except for the cases ofNymphoides, Dichondra andCuscuta. The petal bases extend laterally to the interprimordial regions, the upward growth occurring at those regions just beside the petal bases, and connect mutually at the back of stamen primordia. The upward growth at the connected regions co-opeates with the growth of the expanding petal margins, resulting in the formation of the upper portion of the corolla tube. How-ever, developmental patterns are not always similar. InSwertia, Nymphoides andMenyanthes, the upward growth at the connected regions is meager. InDichondra andCuscuta, the mutual connection of petal bases is not seen. The lower portion of the corolla tube is formed by the elongation of the common base of petal and stamen primordia, resulting in the formation of the epipetalous condition of stamens, except for the case ofNymphoides. InNymphoides, the lower portion of the corolla tube results from the cup-like structure formed on the floral meristem before the initiation of petal primordia.  相似文献   

Corolla tube formation was investigated anatomically for 13 species of the Primulaceae and Ericales. In the Primulaceae, petal primordia appear after the stamen initiation. The lower portion of the corolla tube, the portion under the stamen insertion, is derived from the ring-like structure formed immediately after the stamen initiation. Petal bases extend laterally, and connect mutually on the ring-like structure. The upward growth at the connected regions results in the formation of a corolla tube, which develops into the upper portion of the corolla tube. In the Ericales, except forClethra, the corolla tube is formed by the mutual connection of petal bases. This tube elongates inRhododendron, Leucothoe andPieris. However, inPyrola, Ledum andTripetaleia, the elongation of this tube is meager, resulting in a dialypetalous condition in the mature state. Three petals ofTripetaleia may be derived from the partial connection of five petal primordia in a very early stage of the corolla development. From the data obtained in the studies on the corolla tube formation, three modes of the corolla tube formation are suggested; postgenital fusion, connection of petal bases, elongation of the ring-like common base.  相似文献   

All the floral primordia are homologous to leaves in their development inLindenbergia macrostachya. The sepals follow an anterior to posterior sequence of initiation. The petals and stamens are initiated almost simultaneously but sequentially in order of petals followed by stamens. There is no sign of development of fifth posterior stamen. p ]The calyx tube is formed by interprimordial growth followed by zonal growth. The combined interprimordial growth between the petal primordia and growth on the abaxial side of stamen primordia results in the formation of upper corolla tube whereas lower corolla tube is formed only by zonal growth. The zonal growth extends below the bases of stamen primordia also due to which they become epipetalous. The placentae arise from the carpellary margins, move inwards and get fused in the lower half and remain free in the upper part of the ovary. Thus the ovary appears biloeular with axile plaeentation in the lower haler and unilocular with parietal placentation in the upper half.  相似文献   

InMazus pumilus, all the floral appendages are initiated in acropetal sequence in the second cell layer (except stamens) of the floral primordium by periclinal divisions. The actinomorphic calyx tube is formed due to zonal growth. The zygomorphy in corolla is evident from the inception of petal primordia which arise sequentially as independent units in order of one anterior, a pair of anterio-lateral followed by a pair of posterio-lateral. Later these primordia exhibit differential growth because of which zygomorphy becomes more pronounced. The upper corolla tube is formed by interprimordial growth and lower corolla tube by zonal growth. Stamens are initiated in the third layer of the floral apex. Unlike sepals and petals, in the development of stamens (4) underlying cells of corpus also contribute. Posterior stamen is absent. The stamens become epipetalous because of interprimordial and zonal growth in the common region below the bases of petals as well as stamens. The two carpel primordia arise as crescent shaped structures which become continuous due to interprimordial growth. The ovary is formed by a ring of zonal meristem. The style develops later between stigma and ovary because of intercalary growth. The residual apex grows vertically along with the ovary and forms the septum of the ovary. All the floral appendages exhibit similar pattern of histogenesis and early growth suggesting thereby the appendicular nature of these appendages.  相似文献   

The annual Mediterranean herbTheligonum cynocrambe shows a peculiar combination of morphological characters, e.g., switch from decussate to spiral phyllotaxis with 90–100° divergence, combined with a change from interpetiolar to lateral stipules, anemophily, lack of calyx, flowers often dimerous to trimerous, corolla fused in both male and female flowers, male flowers extra-axillary, with 2–19 stamens per flower, female flowers axillary, with inferior uniovulate ovary, basilateral style and perianth, nut-like fruits with elaiosome. In male flowers the androecium emerges as an (uneven) elliptical rim with a central depression. This common girdling primordium is divided up into several stamen primordia. In male flowers with low stamen number the stamen primordia may occupy the corners alternating with the corolla lobes. There are no epipetalous androecial primordia that secondarily divide into stamens. Male flowers occasionally show a hemispherical base that may be interpreted as remnant of the inferior ovary. In female flowers a ring primordium grows into a tube on which the petal lobes arise. The perianth and style become displaced adaxially by uneven growth of the inferior ovary. The ovary is basically bilocular. The lower region of the ovary is provided with a septum that is overtopped and hidden by the single curved ovule.Theligonum is referred to theRubiaceae-Rubioideae, with theAnthospermeae andPaederieae as most closely related tribes.  相似文献   

The floral development of representatives of six genera ofCistaceae has been studied. Calyx development involves the formation of a ring primordium in several taxa. Androecium development in species with intermediate or higher stamen numbers starts with the formation of a ring meristem on which the stamens are initiated in a centrifugal direction. In many taxa five alternipetalous leading stamen primordia can be observed. In the apetalous (cleistogamous) flowers ofTuberaria inconspicua androecium development appears to be unordered; this is probably due to the lack of petals. InLechea intermedia (also cleistogamous) the corolla is trimerous and three complex stamen primordia are produced, which give rise either to one or three stamens. Relationships withinCistaceae are discussed. Floral development inCistaceae is compared with that in otherMalvanae. Among the eight families ofMalvanae from which information on floral development is availableCochlospermaceae andBixaceae exhibit the greatest similarities toCistaceae. InCistaceae the leading stamen primordia are alternipetalous. InBixa the same condition seems to be present. InMalvales s. str. mostTiliaceae also show earliest stamen initiation in alternipetalous sectors, whereas the stamens of the innermost alternipetalous position are retarded early or even suppressed inSterculiaceae, Bombacaceae, andMalvaceae. WithinMalvales s. str. the diversity of androecial developmental patterns seems to decrease inBombacaceae andMalvaceae due to increasing synorganization in the mature androecium. The derivation of polyandry inMalvanae from diplo- or obdiplostemony is discussed by comparison with the sister clades ofMalvanae as shown in recentrbcL studies (i.e.Sapindales, Rutales, the glucosinolate producing clade, andMyrtales).  相似文献   

The floral ontogeny of Pisum sativum shows a vertical order of succession of sepals, petals plus carpel, antesepalous stamens, and antepetalous stamens. Within each whorl, unidirectional order is followed among the organs, beginning on the abaxial side of the flower, as in most papilionoids. Unusual features include the four common primordia which precede initiation of discrete petal and antesepalous stamen primordia, and the marked overlap of organ initiations between whorls which are usually separately initiated. The stamens arise in free condition, then become diadelphous by intercalary growth at the base of nine stamens, and finally become pseudomonadelphous by surface fusion between the vexillary stamen filament and the adjacent edges of the filament tube. The early initiation of the carpel is not unique among papilionoids, but is somewhat unusual.  相似文献   

Trillium apetalon Makino is unique amongTrillium in having apetalous flowers. Using scanning electron microscope, the early floral development was observed in comparison with that ofT. kamtschaticum Pallas ex Pursh having petalous flowers. Morphologically petal primordia closely resemble stamen primordia in their more or less narrow and radially symmetric shape and are clearly distinct from sepal primordia with broad bases. Early in floral development sepal primordia are first initiated and subsequently two whorls of three primordia each are formed in rapid sequence, the first three at the corners and the second three at the sides of the triangular floral apex. Based on comparison in position and early developmental processes of their primordia, petals and outer stamens ofTrillium kamtschaticum are equivalent to outer stamens and inner stamens ofT. apetalon. The replacement of petals by outer stamens apparently leads to the loss of petals inTrillium apetalon flowers. Such a replacement can be interpreted in terms of homeosis. The replacement of the petal whorl leads to the serial replacement of the subsequent whorls: outer stamens by inner stamens, and inner stamens by gynoecium inTrillium apetalon. The term ‘serial homeosis’ is introduced for this serial replacement.  相似文献   

通过扫描电镜观察了宽叶泽苔草Caldesia grandisSamuel.的花器官发生。宽叶泽苔草 的萼片3枚,逆时针螺旋向心发生 ;花瓣3枚,呈一轮近同时发生,未观察到花瓣_雄蕊复合原基;雄蕊、心皮原基皆轮状向心 发生,最先近同时发生的6枚原基全部发育成雄蕊,随后发生的6枚原基早期并无差别,在发 育过程中逐渐出现形态差异,直至其中1-4枚发育成心皮,其余的发育成雄蕊;而后的几轮 心皮原基,6枚一轮,陆续向心相间发生。本文揭示了3枚萼片螺旋状的发生方式,并推测这种螺旋方式是泽泻科植物进化过程中保留下来  相似文献   

“Androecium” ofSicyos angulatus andSechium edule is unique in having a solid central column below a head portion with thecae. Its morphogenesis was examined for the two species. The developmental course is composed of two distinct successive phases; (1) establishment of stamen primordia and (2) uplift of the stamen primordia caused by development of a central column below them. In the first phase, there is a difference between the two species; inSicyos angulatus, two bithecal and one monothecal stamen primordia are formed by congenital fusion among preformed five protrsions, whilst inSechium edule, three or four monothecal stamen primordia are formed without fusion. The central column is later produced by intercalary growth in a region below the stamen primordia in both species. Concomitant with central column development, the center of the floral primordium, which was surrounded by the early formed stamen primordia, is raised up to the top of the central column. The central column could be interpreted as a receptacular column, and not as congenitally fused stamen filaments, as currently believed. The “androecium” of the both species is considered an androecium complex, which consists of the stamens and a receptacular column.  相似文献   

The paired flowers of all species of the Marantaceae studied, except Monotagma plurispicatum, are produced through the division of an apical meristem with a tunica-corpus structure. The solitary flowers of M. plurispicatum develop from a similar meristem which does not bifurcate. The paired flowers of Canna indica are produced in the axil of a florescence bract through the formation of a bract and an axillary flower on the side of the primordium which gives rise to the largest flower of the pair. The sequence of organ initiation for both families is: calyx, corolla and inner androecial whorl, outer androecial whorl, gynoecium. The sequence of sepal formation is opposite in the two families. In the Cannaceae it leads directly into the spiral created by the formation of the other organs, while in the Marantaceae the sequence of sepal formation follows a spiral opposite to that of the other floral organs. The members of the corolla and inner androecial whorl separate from common primordia. In general these common primordia separate into a petal and an inner androecial member through the initiation of two growth centers, at the same level, in the dorsal and ventral flanks of the primordium. In Ischnosiphon elegans and Pleiostachya pruinosa the stamen is initiated at a lower position than the petal in the ventral flank of the common primordium. A similar pattern of initiation is described for the callose staminode in Marantochloa purpurea and Canna indica. This pattern is interpreted as a variation on the more generalized pattern of inner androecial formation found in the other genera.  相似文献   

以弯齿盾果草不同发育时期的花芽为材料,在体视显微镜解剖观察的基础上使用扫描电镜对弯齿盾果草花序、花及果实的发育过程进行了观察。结果显示:(1)弯齿盾果草的花序是由最初的一个球形花序原基经过多次分裂形成的,且花序发生式样符合蝎尾状聚伞花序结构,而非通常所描述的镰状或螺状聚伞花序;花序发生过程中无单一主轴,花序轴是由侧枝连接而成,每一朵花原基有其对应的1枚苞片,下一花原基是从相邻的上一枚苞腋里发生,相邻两花原基交错互生。(2)花器官的发生是按照花萼原基、花冠原基、雄蕊原基和雌蕊原基的顺序发育,但雄蕊原基的花药部分发育速度要比花冠原基快,所以花器官的发育是按照花萼、雄蕊、花冠和雌蕊的顺序发育。(3)子房四深裂结构是由4个原基分别发育,而后相互靠拢而成。(4)小坚果表面的附属结构发生于子房发育后期,其背面的内外层突起分别是由生长较快的外部组织的边缘通过上部内缩和下部向外环状生长形成。  相似文献   

Sanguinaria canadensis is a member of the Papaveraceae that normally has eight petals rather than four as is usual in the family. Using epi-illumination microscopy to study floral development, we show that the four additional petal primordia are initiated in positions that correspond to the first four stamen positions in species of the Papaveraceae with four petals. Also, these additional petal primordia share early developmental features with stamen primordia: at inception they are circular in outline, and the relationship between organ length and width while very young is similar. The developmental pathway of the additional petals combines both stamen and petal features: initially stamenlike in appearance, they develop into typical petals. The additional petals of S. canadensis can therefore be interpreted as homeotic because petal features are expressed in stamen positions. Organogenesis in the ‘Multiplex’ cultivar is similar to that of its wild progenitor, but during development all primordia in the androecial region become petals. This cultivar, as well as variants within natural populations, show that replacement of stamens with petals occurs within the species.  相似文献   

Pedicularis shows high diversity in its corolla form, however, its floral ontogeny has been rarely investigated. In particular, the development of the highly variable upper lip (galea), three broad morphological types of which (beakless and toothless, beakless and toothed, beaked) can be discriminated, remains unknown. We used scanning electron microscopy to investigate the early stages of floral ontogeny in two beaked species, Pedicularis gruina and P. siphonantha. To compare the developmental processes of the three galea types, three species for each type were investigated. Initiations of floral organs in Pedicularis are consistent. Sepal initiations are successive from the lateral-adaxial primordia, followed by the lateral-abaxial ones (these sometimes missing), then the mid-adaxial one (again sometimes missing). The stamens are initiated prior to the petals, or development of petal primordia may be retarded at the early stages in comparison with that of stamen primordia. Four stamen primordia are initiated simultaneously. The five petal primordia are initiated almost simultaneously. Development processes of the upper lip among the three galea types differ in the expansion rates and directions of the cells of the two lobes and these differences govern whether or not a beak and/or teeth are formed on the upper lip. The floral ontogeny of Pedicularis is close to that of Agalinis, which supports the molecular assignment. Floral monosymmetry of Pedicularis is established at the beginning of sepal initiation and is maintained until flowering. The development of the upper lip provides some clues to the evolution of beaked and/or toothed galeas in Pedicularis.  相似文献   

泽苔草的花器官发生   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文用扫描电镜观察了泽苔草的花器官发生过程,观察结果表明:花萼以螺旋状方式向心发生,花瓣以接近轮状方式近同时发生,不存在花瓣雄蕊复合原基。雄蕊和心皮均以轮状向心方式发生,6枚雄蕊分两轮分别在对萼和对瓣的位置先后发生,至发育的后期排成一轮,但仍分别处于对萼和对瓣的位置;随后发生的第一轮3个心皮原基与3枚萼片相对,第二、三轮心皮原基分别为1~3个,与前一轮心皮相间排列向心发生。本文首次揭示了泽苔草花被的外轮3个萼片螺旋状发生方式,这种螺旋状方式很可能是泽泻科植物的花部结构在进化过程中适应环境而保留下来的一种较原始的叶性特征。  相似文献   

The structure and ontogeny of the foliage leaves, bracts, bracteoles, calyx and corolla ofPharbitis nil were investigated, with special reference to the development of the lamina and the procambium. Reproductive organs used are those of a terminal inflorescence and axillary flowers induced by a single 16 hr dark period given to the seedling. The foliage leaf consists of the petiole and the broad lamina. Bracts show various forms and structures, which fluctuate from a lower leafy bract to an upper scaly one in a terminal inflorescence. The sepal is scaly. The corolla is funnel-shaped, and composed of five wedge-shaped petals. In the lamina of the foliage leaf primordium, marginal growth is followed by active growth by the plate meristem, and procambial strands of lateral veins differentiate from the residual meristem. The primordium of the lowest bract of the terminal inflorescence has already been initiated before the dark period, and develops into the bract, the residual meristem disappearing after the treatment. The leafy bract shows marginal growth and growth by the plate meristem similar to that of the foliage leaf, but of short duration. The activity of marginal growth of the scaly bract and the sepal decreases rapidly and procambial strands of lateral veins differentiate acropetally from highly vacuolated cells. The activity of marginal growth of the petal decreases gradually, and derivatives of the marginal meristem divide as a plate meristem. The corolla tube is initiated by co-operation of interprimordial growth and marginal growth of petal primordia.  相似文献   

赵祥  苏雪  吴海燕  张辉  孙坤 《植物研究》2020,40(6):813-819
利用扫描电镜(SEM)观察了突脉金丝桃(Hypericum przewalskii)(金丝桃科)的花部器官发生发育过程。结果表明,突脉金丝桃2枚苞片原基首先发生,花原基在苞片原基的包裹中完成发育。在苞片原基发生后,5枚萼片原基沿2/5圆周依次发生。萼片原基发生近完成时,5枚雄蕊—花瓣共同原基在萼片原基之间的角隅处近同时发生,此后,雄蕊—花瓣共同原基下部向外伸展形成花瓣原基,上部向上凸起形成与花瓣原基相对的雄蕊原基,之后雄蕊原基由内向外依次分化发育产生次生雄蕊原基,随着次生雄蕊原基的发育和数目的增多,形成了5束雄蕊。次生雄蕊原基发生的同时,5枚心皮原基近同时发生。突脉金丝桃雄蕊束的发生方式表明,金丝桃属的雄蕊束可能起源于5基数的单轮雄蕊。金丝桃科与藤黄科植物花瓣及雄蕊原基发生方式的显著不同,支持了APG Ⅲ系统将金丝桃亚科从藤黄科中独立为金丝桃科的观点。  相似文献   

The characteristic of heteromorphic inflorescences in some mimosoid legumes such as Neptunia is a puzzling one which can be approached developmentally. Each spicate inflorescence of Neptunia pubescens includes three types of flowers: perfect in the upper half, functionally male just below the middle, and sterile or neuter at the base. Developmental studies of the inflorescence show that order of initiation of bracts on the inflorescence is acropetal, but that order of subsequent development of flowers is both acropetal and basipetal on the axis. Bract growth and initiation of the axillary floral apices at the base are inhibited or retarded, while those in the middle and upper levels continue development without interruption. The three types of floral primordia are similar during initiatory stages of organ formation and through early development. At mid-development, differences arise in floral symmetry, petal form, stamen form, and size and shape of the carpel. The functionally male flowers become strongly dorsiventral and zygomorphic while the other two morphs remain actinomorphic or nearly so. Heteromorphy arises from a combination of early suppression of organogeny plus mid-stage innovations of zygomorphy and lateral expansion of stamen primordia. These divergent developmental pathways in one inflorescence can be interpreted in part using Gould's concept of heterochrony: changes in timing of developmental events to produce different structures. Other changes in Neptunia cannot be explained by this concept, however; such changes as omission of processes (i.e., meiosis) in some organs, or addition of processes not normally present (i.e., blade formation in stamen primordia which become staminodia). It is becoming evident from work on this and other legume flowers that actual loss of organs is rare, compared to initiation followed by suppression or modification.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜(SEM)和光镜(LM)对臭椿花序及花器官的分化和发育进行了初步研究,表明:1)臭椿花器官分化于当年的4月初,为圆锥花序;2)分化顺序为花萼原基、花冠原基、雄蕊原基和雌蕊原基。5个萼片原基的发生不同步,并且呈螺旋状发生;5个花瓣原基几乎同步发生且其生长要比雄蕊原基缓慢;雄蕊10枚,两轮排列,每轮5个原基的分化基本是同步的;雌蕊5,其分化速度较快;3)在两性花植株中,5个心皮顶端粘合形成柱头和花柱,而在雄株中,5个心皮退化,只有雄蕊原基分化出花药和花丝。本研究着重观察了臭椿中雄花及两性花发育的过程中两性花向单性花的转变。结果表明,臭椿两性花及单性花的形成在花器官的各原基上是一致的(尽管时间上有差异),雌雄蕊原基同时出现在每一个花器官分化过程中,但是,可育性结构部分的形成取决于其原基是否分化成所应有的结构:雄蕊原基分化形成花药与花丝,雌蕊原基分化形成花柱、柱头和子房。臭椿单性花的形成是由于两性花中雌蕊原基的退化所造成,其机理有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

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