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Three new species of Rhabdochona Railliet, 1916 are described and illustrated from Salmo gairdneri Richardson (rainbow trout) in freshwater streams in California: Rhabdochona californiemis n. sp., R. paxmani n. sp., and R. satmonis n. sp. Rhabdochona californiensis n. sp. is characterized by 14 anteriorly directed teeth in the prostome, egg devoid of filaments or floats, male and female tail terminus with a single mucro, left (long) spicule slender with a moderate distended podoid terminal end, spicular ratio 1:3.8. Rhabdochona paxmani n. sp. is characterized by 10 teeth in the prostome, eggs with polar floats, left (long) spicule slender with podoid terminus distended and having a minute subterminal spine; right spicule with prominent gorgeret (barb), spicular ratio 1:4.3, male and female tail terminus with a cuticular conical rounded short projection. Rhabdochona salmoni, n. sp. is characterized by 10 teeth anteriorly directed in the prostome, eggs with polar floats, left spicule slender with a distended podoid terminus; right spicule with a sharply indented gorgeret, spicular ratio 1:4.3, male and female tail terminus with a conical or rounded tip.  相似文献   

Drasico n. g. is erected to accommodate two new species of nematode, Drasico nemoralis n. sp. and D. paludigenus n. sp., recovered from coelomic cavities of Drawida ghilarovi Gates, endemic earthworms of the Russian Far East. The new genus is characterised by the following unique for the Synoecneminae characters: apical portion of the head attenuated, cephalic hooks displaced to the base of attenuated portion, amphids displaced posterior to cephalic hooks, excretory duct short and weak, males possessing several genital papilliform sensilla. The new species are differentiated by the size, number and disposition of the male genital sensilla (larger and more numerous in D. nemoralis n. sp.); the body shape of females (with thinner neck and wider mid-body in D. paludigenus n. sp.) and the ovarian tube arranged in transversal folds in D. paludigenus (vs longitudinal folds in D. nemoralis n. sp.). Nucleotide sequences of D2–D3 expansion segment of 28S rDNA for the two new species differed at 13 positions. Phylogenetic analysis revealed close relationships of Drasico n. g. with species of Siconema Timm, 1966. The host species was represented by two morphs (blue-grey forest and tar-black meadow-swamp morph) with intraspecific divergence of 16–17% for cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, and each host morph was found infected by a different nematode species. A co-infection with the plectid nematode Creagrocercus drawidae Ivanova & Spiridonov, 2011 was recorded together with D. nemoralis n. sp. in the blue-grey forest morph.  相似文献   

Several species of palaeoscolecidan worm have been found in the Tonggao Formation (earliest Floian) of Guizhou Province, China. Two new palaeoscolecidan taxa are described (Sanduscolex regularis n. gen. n. sp. and Ashetscolex nuppus n. gen. n. sp.); another palaeoscolecidan (Wronascolex sp.) is left in open nomenclature. This is the youngest known occurrence of Wronascolex. A possible large free-living nematode is described and illustrated, representing the earliest known nematode in the fossil record, and a rare example from a marine setting.  相似文献   

Two new nematode species of the family Cystidicolidae, each representing a new genus, were recovered from marine perciform fishes off New Caledonia, South Pacific: Ascarophisnema tridentatum n. gen., n. sp. from the stomach of the Japanese large-eye bream, Gymnocranius euanus (Günther) (Lethrinidae) and Metabronemoides mirabilis n. gen., n. sp. from the stomach of the painted sweetlip, Diagramma pictum (Thunberg) (Haemulidae). Ascarophisnema is characterized mainly by its cephalic structures (presence of two tooth-like projections on either side of the base of each pseudolabium, dorsal and ventral inner extensions of each pseudolabium recurved laterally in apical view, and submedian sublabia fused together dorsally and ventrally) and the presence of trident-like deirids, and Metabronemoides by its unique cephalic structures (presence of one dorsal and one ventral labium and four large dorsolateral and ventrolateral labia, and absence of sublabia). Rhabdochona gymnocranius (considered a species inquirenda) is provisionally transferred to the former genus as Ascarophisnema gymnocranius (Yamaguti, 1935) n. comb. To date, a total of seven species of cystidicolids are reported from marine fishes off New Caledonia.  相似文献   

Karyotype, host preference, isozyzme patterns, morphometrics, and mating behavior of two burrowing nematode populations from Hawaii, one infecting Anthurium sp. and the second infecting Musa sp., were compared with Radopholus similis and R. citrophilus populations from Florida. The population from Anthurium sp. had five chromosomes (n = 5), and that from Musa sp. had four (n = 4). Neither of the Hawaiian nematode populations persisted in roots of Citrus limon or C. aurantium. Anthurium clarinerivum and A. hookeri were hosts of the burrowing nematode population from anthurium in Hawaii and of R. citrophilus from Florida, whereas the two anthurium species were poor hosts of the population from Musa sp. in Hawaii and R. similis from Florida. The isozyme pattern of the population isolated from anthurium was identical to that of R. citrophigus, whereas the pattern of the population from banana in Hawaii was identical to that of R. similis. Mating behavior between the burrowing nematode population isolated from Anthurium sp. and a Florida population of R. citrophilus supports their close taxonomic relationship. Mating was observed between the population from Anthurium sp. and the Florida population of R. citrophilus but not between the Hawaiian burrowing nematode population isolated from Musa sp. and a Florida population of R. citrophilus. These findings indicate that a previously unidentified population of R. citrophilus which does not parasitize citrus occurs in Hawaii.  相似文献   

Parasitodiplogaster comprises a potentially large radiation of nematode species that appear to be parasitically bound to their Agaonid fig wasp hosts, which are mutualistically associated in the syconia (figs) of the diverse plant genus Ficus. Parasitodiplogaster laevigata n. sp. is described and illustrated as an associate of the fig wasp, Pegoscapus sp. from Ficus laevigata from southern Florida. It is the first species of Parasitodiplogaster reported from North America and is closest to P. trigonema from F. trigonata from Panama. Parasitodiplogaster laevigata n. sp. can be differentiated from all described species of Parasitodiplogaster based on stomatal morphology (presence of a large dorsal and a right subventral tooth) in the adults of both sexes, molecular comparisons of two expansion segments (D2,D3) of the large subunit (LSU) rRNAgene, and fig-fig wasp host affinities. The ultrastructure of P. laevigata n. sp. was elucidated using TEM and SEM for comparisons with other species of Parasitodiplogaster. The stoma of P. laevigata n. sp. possesses a nonsegmented cheilostomal ring that connects to the longitudinal body musculature per- and interradially, a claw-like dorsal tooth, a right subventral tooth, and telostegostomatal apodemes arising from the dorsal side of each subventral sector. The unification of the pro-, meso-, and metastegostom with the gymnostom in P. laevigata n. sp. and further simplification in other described species may be due to derived adaptations associated with the internal parasitism of fig wasps.  相似文献   

The south-east Asian genus Eupoa is redescribed and diagnosed. Seven new species are diagnosed, described and illustrated: E. daklak sp. n. (♀) from Viet-Nam; E. lehtineni sp. n. (♂♀) from India, Thailand and Viet-Nam; E. lobli sp. n. (♂) from Malaysia; E. pappi sp. n. (♂) from Thailand; E. pulchella sp. n.(♂) from Thailand; E. schwendingeri sp. n. (♂♀) from Thailand; and E. thailandica sp. n. (♂♀) from Thailand. Eupoa prima Żabka, 1985 and E. yunnanensis Peng & Kim, 1997 are redescribed and illustrated on the basis of type and/or newly collected materials. The female of E. yunnanensis Peng & Kim, 1997 is found and described for the first time.  相似文献   

The digestive systems of 86 canefield rats from Ingham, Queensland were examined for parasites. One species of cestode and seven species of nematode were found, all but one being new host records. The helminth community was characterised in terms of core, secondary and satellite species. No core species were identified, but Nippostrongylus typicus and Odilia emanuelae were identified as secondary species. All other species were identified as satellite species. The strongyloid nematode Ancistronema coronatum n. g., n. sp. is described. Ancistronema differs from other genera in the Chabertiidae in having a short buccal capsule and in the number and shape of the elements of the internal and external leaf crowns. This is the first record of a strongyle from Australian rodents. It is postulated that it came into Australia with ancestral Rattus sp. hosts which colonised Australia from Indonesia less than a million years ago.  相似文献   

A stunt nematode, Tylenchorhynchus thermophilus n. sp., is described and illustrated from soil collected around roots of saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) in Death Valley, California. It is distinguished from the similar species, T. ewingi, T. mexicanus, and T. mashoodi, in having a longer female body, longer tail with more annules, and larger phasmids. Physical and chemical analysis of soil from saltgrass roots showed it to consist of 71% sand and possess high salinity (salt content of 0.51%) and a pH of 9.3.  相似文献   

We describe a new nematode species, Baylisascaris potosis n. sp., isolated from captive kinkajou, Potos flavus, from the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. The nematode was found in fecal specimens, identified morphologically, and confirmed genetically. The new species is similar to Baylisascaris procyonis, Baylisascaris columnaris, and other Baylisascaris species, but is distinguished by the position of the male phasmidial pole. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses confirmed that the new species is phylogenetically distinct from all the members of the genus Baylisascaris, and groups with B. procyonis and B. columnaris. This nematode is the 10th species assigned to the genus Baylisascaris.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne camelliae n.sp. on camellia (Camellia japonica) from Japan and M. querciana n.sp. on pin oak (Quercus palustris) from Virginia, USA, are described and illustrated. M. camelliae n.sp. is distingnishable from other species of the genus especially by its striking perineal pattern having heavy ropelike striae forming a squarish to rectangular outline with shoulders or projections, appearing sometimes ahnost starlike. M. querciana differs from other species by its characteristic perineal pattern round to oval in outline, sometimes with a low arch, and sunken vulva surrounded by a prominent obovate area devoid of striae. M. querciana shows some relationship to M. ovalis, but differs further fxom the latter by longer larvae, absence of annules on head of larvae, and rarity of males. Examination of specimens of M. camelliae n.sp. and M. querciana n.sp. with the scanning electron microscope confirmed observations made by optical microscopy and revealed diagnostic and other structures in greater detail. In greenhouse host tests, M. camelliae infected camellia heavily, showed moderate infection on oxalis, only a trace infection on tomato, and no infection on five other plants tested; and M. querciana attacked pin oak, red oak, and American chestnut heavily, but did not infect nine other test plants. In another test, pin oak seedlings did not become infected when heavily inoculated with and grown in the presence of two populations of M. incognita incognita and one of M. incognita acrita. The common names "camellia root-knot nematode" and "oak root-knot nematode" are respectively proposed for M. camelliae and M. querciana.  相似文献   

New species of the subfamilies Megalopodinae (Temnaspis humerosa sp. n.), Chrysomelinae [Chrysolina furialis sp. n., Ch. oxanae sp. n., Ch. pingchuana sp. n., Oreomelina (Oreomelina) obtusa sp. n., O. (Oreomelina) splendens sp. n. from Sichuan], and Galerucinae (Liroëtis obliquevirgata sp. n. from Sichuan, Hyphaenia lutescens sp. n. from Chongqing, H. potanini sp. n. from Sichuan, and H. kabaki sp. n. from Shaangxi) are described.  相似文献   

Five species of lsolaimium Cobb, 1920 are described and illustrated: I. nigeriense n. sp., I. multipapillatum n. sp., I. caliIornicum, n. sp., I. papillatum Cobb, 1920, and I stictochroum Timm, 1961. A unique feature in lsolaimium, not found in any other nematode, is the presence of six cuticularized tubes surrounding the stoma and opening on the head. Order Isolaimida Cobb, 1920 is emended to accommodate this genus, which is considered to lie between the mermithoids and the dorylaimoids.  相似文献   

Five species of the subgenus Plesiominettia Shatalkin from the southern China are described as new to science: Minettia (Plesiominettia) flavoscutellata sp. n., Minettia (Plesiominettia) longaciculiformis sp. n., Minettia (Plesiominettia) nigrantennata sp. n., Minettia (Plesiominettia) tridentata sp. n. and Minettia (Plesiominettia) zhejiangica sp. n. One species, Minettia longistylis Sasakawa, is transferred to the subgenus Plesiominettia from Minettia s. str. A key to separate the known species of the subgenus is presented, along with a taxonomic list of species. The type materials of the new species are deposited in the China Agricultural University, Beijing, China (CAUC).  相似文献   

Two new species of oribatid mites of the family Galumnidae, Allogalumna monodactyla sp. n. and Galumna (Galumna) paracalcicola sp. n., are described from dark loamy soil under crown of Ficus sp. in southern Vietnam. Allogalumna monodactyla sp. n. is the first identified member of Allogalumna recorded for Vietnam. The identification keys to the species of Allogalumna from the Oriental region and species of Galumna (Galumna) from Vietnam and the calcicola-group are given.  相似文献   

Light and scanning electron microscopical examinations of nematode samples collected from the stomachs and intestines of catfishes Trichomycterus spp. (Trichomycteridae, Siluriformes) from three streams in Colombia revealed the presence of two species, Dentinema trichomycteri n. g., n. sp. (Cosmocercidae) (type-host Trichomycterus sp.) and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) chimusensis Freitas &; Ibáñez, 1968 (Camallanidae). The new, monotypic genus Dentinema is characterised mainly by the presence of a triangular mouth surrounded by three poorly developed lips, four submedian cephalic papillae, three conical teeth in the well-developed buccal cavity, an elongate oesophageal isthmus which is clearly separated from the corpus, precloacal oblique muscle bands, and by the absence of a ventral sucker. P. chimusensis, recorded from Colombia for the first time, is redescribed from specimens collected from Trichomycterus chapmani (Eigenmann) (a new host record) and Trichomycterus sp.; new observations show that this species belongs to a small group of Procamallanus spp. exhibiting a distinct sexual diversity in the structure of the buccal capsule. P. pexatus Pinto, Fábio, Noronha &; Rolas, 1976 is synonymised with P. chimusensis.  相似文献   

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