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The neuropeptide FF (NPFF) antagonist desaminotyrosyl-Phe-Leu-Phe-Gln-Pro-Gln-Arg-NH2 dose-dependently reversed NPFF-induced elevation of blood pressure in anesthetized rats after intravenous injection without causing a significant change of blood pressure and heart rate by itself. However, another antagonist dansyl-Pro-Gln-Arg-NH2 produced a significant drop of the mean arterial pressure only at a large dose (10 micromol/kg body weight), but reversal of the NPFF-induced hypertension was modest. Consequently and contrary to the conclusions of a previous study, NPFF antagonists cannot be identified simply by measuring the changes in the hemodynamic parameters upon the injection of the compounds alone and without a subsequent NPFF challenge.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) modulates the opioid system by exerting functional anti-opioid activity on neurons, the mechanism of which is unknown. By using a model of SH-SY5Y cells, we recently postulated that anti-opioid activity likely takes place upstream from the signaling cascade, suggesting that NPFF receptors could block opioid receptors by physical interaction. In the present study, fluorescence techniques were used to monitor the physical association and the dynamic of NPFF2 and micro-opioid (MOP) receptors tagged with variants of the green fluorescent protein. Importantly, cyan fluorescent protein-tagged NPFF2 receptors retained their capacity to antagonize opioid receptors. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and coimmunoprecipitation studies indicate that NPFF and MOP receptors are close enough to generate a basal FRET signal. The opioid agonist Tyr-D-Ala-Gly-NMe-Phe-Gly-ol disrupts by 20-30% this FRET signal, mainly because it concomitantly induces 40% internalization of receptors. In contrast, the NPFF analog 1DMe significantly increases by 10-15% the basal FRET signal, suggesting an association between both receptors. In addition, 1DMe reduces, by half, MOP receptor internalization, indicating that, besides a functional blockade of opioid receptors, the NPFF analog also inhibits their internalization. Finally, as a first report showing the modulation of the mobility of a G-protein-coupled receptor by another one, fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis reveals that 1DMe modifies the lateral diffusion of MOP receptors in the cell membrane, changing them from a confined to a freely diffusing state. By promoting NPFF-MOP receptor heteromerization, 1DMe could disrupt the domain organization of MOP receptors in the membrane, resulting in a reduction of opioid response.  相似文献   

M Kavaliers  D Innes 《Peptides》1992,13(3):603-607
There is evidence suggesting that the endogenous mammalian octapeptide FLFQPQRFamide (F8Fa or neuropeptide FF, NPFF) has modulatory effects on opioid-mediated analgesia in rodents. There is also substantial evidence for sex differences in opioid analgesia, whereby male rats and mice display greater levels of opioid-mediated analgesia than females. In the present study, determinations were made of the effects of NPFF and IgG from antiserum against NPFF on morphine- and restraint stress-induced opioid analgesia in male and female deer mice. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administrations of NPFF (0.10-10 micrograms) reduced in a dose-dependent manner morphine- and stress-induced analgesia in both male and female mice, with NPFF having markedly greater antagonistic effects in the male than female mice. Additionally, ICV administrations of NPFF-IgG increased the levels of morphine- and stress-induced analgesia and significantly reduced basal nociceptive sensitivity in male mice, whereas, in female mice, NPFF-IgG had no significant effects on either opioid-mediated analgesia or nociceptive sensitivity. These results indicate that there are sex differences in the modulatory effects of NPFF on opioid-mediated analgesia.  相似文献   

Sol JC  Roussin A  Proto S  Mazarguil H  Zajac JM 《Peptides》1999,20(10):1219-1227
Degradation of neuropeptide FF (NPFF) and SQA-neuropeptide FF (SQA-NPFF) by mouse brain sections was investigated by using capillary electrophoresis with UV detection for the separation and the identification of the degradation products. The half disappearance time of SQA-NPFF was 2-fold greater than that of NPFF. NPFF was cleaved preferentially into an inactive metabolite, Gln-Arg-Phe-NH2, in the cerebrum slices. SQA-NPFF was hydrolyzed by an unidentified degrading activity to generate NPFF, and NPFF accounted for a larger part of SQA-NPFF degradation in the hindbrain and cervical spinal cord than in the cerebrum slices. These findings suggest that, depending on the brain regions, NPFF produced from SQA-NPFF could prolong the biologic effects of SQA-NPFF.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) and neuropeptide VF (NPVF) are octapeptides belonging to the RFamide family of peptides that have been implicated in a wide variety of physiological functions in the brain, including central autonomic and neuroendocrine regulation. The effects of these peptides are mediated via NPFF1 and NPFF2 receptors that are abundantly expressed in the rat brain, including the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), an autonomic nucleus critical for the secretion of neurohormones and the regulation of sympathetic outflow. In this study, we examined, using whole cell patch-clamp recordings in the brain slice, the effects of NPFF and NPVF on inhibitory GABAergic synaptic input to parvocellular PVN neurons. Under voltage-clamp conditions, NPFF and NPVF reversibly and in a concentration-dependent manner reduced the evoked bicuculline-sensitive inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in parvocellular PVN neurons by 25 and 31%, respectively. RF9, a potent and selective NPFF receptor antagonist, blocked NPFF-induced reduction of IPSCs. Recordings of miniature IPSCs in these neurons following NPFF and NPVF applications showed a reduction in frequency but not amplitude, indicating a presynaptic locus of action for these peptides. Under current-clamp conditions, NPVF and NPFF caused depolarization (6-9 mV) of neurons that persisted in the presence of TTX but was abolished in the presence of bicuculline. Collectively, these data provide evidence for a disinhibitory role of NPFF and NPVF in the hypothalamic PVN via an attenuation of GABAergic inhibitory input to parvocellular neurons of this nucleus and explain the central autonomic effects of NPFF.  相似文献   

Neurons that synthesize the morphine modulatory peptide neuropeptide FF (NPFF; Phe-Leu-Phe-Gln-Pro-Gln-Arg-Phe-NH2) densely innervate the parabrachial nucleus (PBN), an area implicated in regulating food intake. We analyzed opioid-related actions of NPFF in feeding in adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. Unilateral infusion of 2 nmol/0.5 microl of the mu-opioid receptor agonist [d-Ala2,NMe-Phe4,glycinol5]enkephalin (DAMGO) into the lateral PBN increased 4-h food intake from 0.7 +/- 0.1 to 3.3 +/- 0.3 g. NPFF (1.25-5.0 nmol) prevented this hyperphagic mu-opioidergic action. In rats fed after 4-h deprivation (baseline = 12.3 +/- 0.3 g/2 h), 5 nmol of NPFF did not alter and larger doses (10 and 20 nmol) actually increased food intake (+36, 54%). Twenty nanomoles also elevated intake of freely feeding rats (from 0.7 +/- 0.1 to 5.1 +/- 1.0 g/4 h). The opioid receptor blocker naloxone (10 nmol) antagonized this increase. These data reveal both pro- and anti-opioid actions of NPFF in the PBN to modulate feeding. The mechanisms for the opposite actions of low and high concentrations of this neuropeptide in parabrachial regulation of food intake remain to be determined.  相似文献   

Vyas N  Mollereau C  Chevé G  McCurdy CR 《Peptides》2006,27(5):990-996
Neuropeptide FF, a member of the RFamide family of peptides, has demonstrated an interesting array of pharmacological effects. To date however, little information has been obtained as to the exact pharmacological roles of the individual NPFF1 and NPFF2 receptors. Through peptide analogs of NPFF and related peptides, the essential pharmacophore has emerged somewhat. Yet, the field is lacking small molecule ligands selective for each receptor. This review of the structure-activity relationships of the reported NPFF peptide analogs and some non-selective small molecule ligands highlights the current understanding of the pharmacophoric elements required for affinity and activity at the NPFF receptors. The lack of mutagenesis data on the receptor as well as a crystal structure has also hindered the understanding of ligand recognition at the receptor level. If the targets can be further investigated as to their requirements for ligand recognition, the successful development of highly selective ligands should follow.  相似文献   

Analog of neuropeptide FF attenuates morphine abstinence syndrome.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The octapeptide FLFQPQRFamide (neuropeptide FF or F8Fa) may play a role in opiate dependence and subsequent abstinence syndrome. Previously, NPFF precipitated opiate abstinence syndrome, while IgG from NPFF antiserum attenuated subsequent naloxone-precipitated abstinence signs in dependent rats. The peptide desamino YFLFQPQRamide (daY8Ra) was synthesized as a possible NPFF antagonist. At a dose of 600 ng ICV, daY8Ra significantly attenuated (p less than 0.001) the number of abstinence-like signs subsequently induced by 10 micrograms NPFF ICV, suggesting that daY8Ra does have antagonist activity against NPFF. Pretreatment of morphine-dependent rats with the same dose of daY8Ra also significantly attenuated (p less than 0.001) the abstinence signs subsequently precipitated by 10 micrograms naloxone ICV. Pretreatment with 600 ng of NPFF itself, or of NPFF modified at the N-terminal only (daY9Fa), failed to attenuate subsequent naloxone-precipitated abstinence, suggesting that the C-terminal modification is critical for NPFF antagonist activity. It should be noted, however, that higher doses of daY8Ra (2 micrograms or more) can precipitate some abstinence signs in a manner similar to NPFF.  相似文献   

The octapeptide FLFQPQRF-NH2 or neuropeptide FF ('F8Famide'; FMRFamide-like peptide'; 'morphine-modulating peptide') has been isolated from the bovine brain. In this study, the ultrastructural localization of neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity was examined with pre-embedding immuno-electron microscopy in the nucleus of the solitary tract and in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland of an adult rat. Neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity was detected only in neuronal structures of the medial and commissural nuclei of the solitary tract and in the neurohypophysis. In the medulla, the peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction product was localized in large (100 nm) dense-cored vesicles and in the cytoplasm of the neuronal perikarya, dendrites and axon terminals. In the labeled terminals, small (50 nm) clear vesicles rimmed with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase reaction product were seen. Synaptic contacts of labeled perikarya and dendrites with unlabeled axon terminals were observed. Labeled axon terminals formed contacts with unlabeled dendrites and perikarya. In the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity was localized in nerve terminals frequently associated with blood vessels. The results suggest that neuropeptide FF-like peptides are localized exclusively in neuronal structures and that they are synthesized in cell somata and released from axon terminals. In the brain, neuropeptide FF-like peptides may act as neuromodulators involved in the regulation of autonomic functions. The localization of neuropeptide FF-like immunoreactivity in the neurohypophysis suggests endocrine regulatory functions of these peptides.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) has many functions in regulating various biological processes. However, little attention has been focused on the anti-inflammatory effect of this peptide. In the present study, the in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of NPFF in both primary peritoneal macrophages and RAW 264.7 macrophages was investigated. Our data showed that NPFF suppressed the nitric oxide (NO) production of macrophages in the inflammation process. RF9, a reported antagonist of NPFF receptors, completely blocked the NPFF-induced NO suppression, suggesting a NPFF receptors-mediated pathway is mainly involved. Down-regulation of the nitric oxide synthases significantly inhibited the NPFF-induced NO reduction, indicating the involvement of nitric oxide synthases. However, the nitric oxide synthases were not the only route by which NPFF modulated the NO levels of macrophages. Pharmacological antagonists of the NF-κB signal pathway also completely suppressed the NPFF-induced NO decline. Moreover, we also observed that NPFF is capable of blocking the LPS-induced nuclear translocation of p65 in macrophages, implying the involvement of the NF-κB signal pathway. Finally, we observed that NPFF markedly attenuated the carrageenan-induced mouse paw edema, indicating that NPFF is capable of exerting anti-inflammatory potency in vivo. Collectively, our findings reveal the potential role of NPFF in the anti-inflammatory field both in vitro and in vivo, which will be helpful for the further exploitation of NPFF utility therapeutically.  相似文献   

The central nervous system octapeptide, neuropeptide FF (NPFF), is believed to play a role in pain modulation and opiate tolerance. Two G protein-coupled receptors, NPFF1 and NPFF2, were isolated from human and rat central nervous system tissues. NPFF specifically bound to NPFF1 (K(d) = 1.13 nm) and NPFF2 (K(d) = 0.37 nm), and both receptors were activated by NPFF in a variety of heterologous expression systems. The localization of mRNA and binding sites of these receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, the lateral hypothalamus, the spinal trigeminal nuclei, and the thalamic nuclei supports a role for NPFF in pain modulation. Among the receptors with the highest amino acid sequence homology to NPFF1 and NPFF2 are members of the orexin, NPY, and cholecystokinin families, which have been implicated in feeding. These similarities together with the finding that BIBP3226, an anorexigenic Y1 receptor ligand, also binds to NPFF1 suggest a potential role for NPFF1 in feeding. The identification of NPFF1 and NPFF2 will help delineate their roles in these and other physiological functions.  相似文献   

A structure-activity study was carried out to determine the importance of the C-terminal amino acids of the octapeptide Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) in binding and agonistic activity. Affinities of NPFF analogues were tested toward NPFF receptors of the rat spinal cord and the human NPFF2 receptors transfected in CHO cells. The activities of these analogues were evaluated by their ability to both inhibit adenylate cyclase in NPFF2 receptor transfected CHO cells and to reverse the effect of nociceptin on acutely dissociated rat dorsal raphe neurons. The substitutions of Phenylalanine8 by a tyrosine, phenylglycine or homophenylalanine were deleterious for high affinity. Similarly, the replacement of Arginine7 by a lysine or D.Arginine induces a loss in affinity. The pharmacological characterization showed that the presence of the amidated Phe8 and Arg7 residues are also extremely critical for activation of anti-opioid effects on dorsal raphe neurons. The sequence of the C-terminal dipeptide seems also to be responsible for the high affinity and the activity on human NPFF2 receptors. The results support the view that a code messaging the molecular interaction toward NPFF-receptors is expressed in the C-terminal region of these peptides but the N-terminal segment is important to gain very high affinity.  相似文献   

We have developed the first fluorescence polarization assays of human neuropeptide FF2 receptors in 384-well microtiter plates. Assays are completed in a single well with no transfer, separation, or wash steps. The performance is suitable for high-throughput drug screening applications with regard to speed of analysis, magnitude of displaceable signal, precision, and sensitivity of various reagents. The rank order of potency of agonists and antagonists agrees well relative to the published radiometric filtration assays: DMe NPFF > NPFF > frog PP (Rana temporaria pancreatic polypeptide) > PQRFamide > BIBP 3226. The effect of highly colored compounds is very small on the polarization signal up to micromolar concentrations. The method serves as a simple and fast alternative to radioligand binding assays of antiobesity drug candidates related to NPFF receptors.  相似文献   

The induction of phosphoinositide hydrolysis (PI) by endothelin/sarafotoxin (ET/SRTX) receptors in rat heart myocytes was investigated by the use of bacterial toxins as well as a phorbol ester. Both pertussis- and choleratoxin enhanced the stimulation of PI hydrolysis. Phorbol ester treatment of the myocytes for short periods distinguished between two types of PI-hydrolysis, the one induced by endothelins and the other by sarafotoxins. The possible mediation of G-protein (s) in the induction by ET/SRTX receptors of PI-hydrolysis is discussed.  相似文献   

Adenylyl cyclase in rat adipose cells is stimulated by ligands for Rs receptors (e.g. isoproterenol) and inhibited by ligands for Ri receptors (e.g. adenosine). In contrast, Rs receptors mediate inhibition and Ri receptors mediate augmentation of insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity by a process independent of changes in cellular cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity [Kuroda M., Honnor R. C., Cushman S. W., Londos C. and Simpson I. A. (1987) J. biol. Chem. 262, 245-253]. The present study examines the possible role of G-proteins in the regulation of insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity by Rs and Ri receptors. First, conditions were established that permit intoxication of isolated rat adipocytes by cholera and pertussis toxins without compromising cell integrity. Effectiveness of toxin treatment was monitored by examining adenylyl cyclase activity in isolated plasma membranes. Secondly, neither toxin interfered with the ability of a maximal concentration insulin to initiate the glucose transport response. Thirdly, pertussis toxin eliminated the augmenting effects of adenosine on insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity, but enhanced the inhibitory effects of isoproterenol. Findings with ligands for other Ri receptors (nicotinic acid and prostaglandin E2) mirrored those with adenosine. Finally, cholera toxin elicited a modest depression of transport activity, and only in the absence of an Ri ligand (e.g. adenosine). Furthermore, in contrast to the enhanced stimulation of adenylyl cyclase by isoproterenol and GTP, cholera toxin eliminated the inhibitory effect of isoproterenol on transport activity. The augmentative effects of adenosine on transport activity were unchanged. Measurements of (-/+cAMP) cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity ratios reinforce the notion that modulation of glucose transport activity is independent of changes in cAMP. We conclude that regulation of glucose transport activity by Rs and Ri receptors is mediated by the G-proteins, Gs and Gi (or other toxin substrates), respectively. Inasmuch as such regulation occurs at the plasma membrane and appears to be cAMP-independent, it is suggested that glucose transporters may be direct targets for receptor: G-protein interactions.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1993,53(17):PL261-PL266
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) has been shown to exert various antiopiate actions, including precipitation of opiate abstinence syndrome by third ventricle injection in morphine dependent rats. In the present study, dansyl-Pro-Gln-Arg-Phe-amide, a lipophilic analog of NPFF, was injected into morphine dependent rats and appropriate sham controls at a dose of 9 mg/kg s.c. Comparison groups were injected with ethanol/water vehicle alone. The NPFF analog precipitated a vigorous opiate abstinence syndrome in morphine dependent rats, but not in sham controls.  相似文献   

Tan PP  Chen JC  Li JY  Liang KW  Wong CH  Huang EY 《Peptides》1999,20(10):1211-1217
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) has been reported to be an endogenous anti-opioid peptide that has significant effects on morphine tolerance and dependence. In the present study, we examined the chronic effects of NPFF and its synthetic analogs: the putative agonist, PFRFamide, and the putative antagonists, dansyl-PQRamide and PFR(Tic)amide on naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal syndromes in rats. After a 5-day co-administration with morphine [5 mg/kg, intraperitoneally (i.p.), twice per day (b.i.d.)] and the tested peptide [intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) or i.p., b.i.d.], naloxone (4 mg/kg, i.p.) was given systemically to evaluate the severity of the morphine withdrawal syndromes. Our results revealed that NPFF significantly potentiated the overall morphine withdrawal syndromes and, on the contrary, dansyl-PQRamide attenuated these syndromes. These results clearly indicate that modulation of the NPFF system in the mammalian central nervous system has significant effects on opiate dependence. In addition, morphine withdrawal syndromes could be practically applied as a valid parameter to functionally characterize the putative NPFF agonists and antagonists.  相似文献   

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