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Extra-cellular (e) heat shock protein (Hsp)72 has been shown to be elevated in a number of clinical conditions and has been proposed as a potential diagnostic marker. From a methodological and diagnostic perspective, it is important to investigate if concentrations of eHsp72 fluctuate throughout the day; hence, the purpose of the study was to measure resting concentrations of plasma eHsp72 throughout a 24-h period. Blood samples were taken every hour from 1200-2100 hours and from 0700-1200 hours the following day from seven healthy recreationally active males. Participants remained in the laboratory throughout the trial, performed light sedentary activities and were provided with standardised meals and fluids. Physical activity was quantified throughout by the use of an accelerometer. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid blood samples were analysed for eHsp72 concentration using a commercially available high-sensitivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (intra-assay coefficient of variation = 1.4%). One-way repeated measures analysis of variance revealed that measures of physiological stress such as heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure remained stable throughout the trial and subjects remained sedentary throughout (mean activity energy expenditure above resting metabolic rate-35.7 +/- 10.0 kcalh(-1)). Plasma Hsp72 concentration did not fluctuate significantly throughout the day and showed no apparent endogenous circadian rhythm in absolute (P = 0.367) or plasma volume change corrected data (P = 0.380). Individual coefficients of variation ranged from 3.8-7.7% (mean 5.4%). Mean Hsp72 concentration across all subjects and time points was 1.49 +/- 0.08 ngml(-1). These data show that in a rested state, plasma eHsp72 concentration shows no apparent endogenous circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between exhaustive exercise in the heat at moderate and high intensities on the intracellular heat shock protein 72 (iHsp72) response. Twelve male subjects cycled to exhaustion at 60 and 75 % of maximal oxygen uptake in hot conditions (40 °C, 50 % RH). iHsp72 concentration was measured in monocytes before, at exhaustion and 24 h after exercise. Rectal temperature, heart rate and oxygen uptake were recorded during exercise. Volitional exhaustion occurred at 58.9 ± 12.1 and 27.3 ± 9.5 min (P < 0.001) and a rectal temperature of 39.8 ± 0.4 and 39.2 ± 0.6 °C (P = 0.002), respectively, for 60 and 75 %. The area under the curve above a rectal temperature of 38.5 °C was greater at 60 % (17.5 ± 6.6 °C min) than 75 % (3.4 ± 4.8 °C min; P < 0.001), whereas the rate of increase in rectal temperature was greater at 75 % (5.1 ± 1.7 vs. 2.2 ± 1.4 °C h−1; P < 0.001). iHsp72 concentration increased similarly at exhaustion relative to pre-exercise (P = 0.044) and then increased further at 24 h (P < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis revealed no predictor variables associated with iHsp72 expression; however, a correlation was observed between exercise intensities for the increase in iHsp expression at exhaustion and 24 h (P < 0.05). These results suggest that iHsp72 expression increased in relation to the level of hyperthermia attained and sustained at 60 % and the higher metabolic rate and greater rate of increase in core temperature at 75 %, with the further increase in iHsp72 concentration 24 h after exercise reinforcing its role as a chaperone and cytoprotective agent.  相似文献   

In order to verify the effects of heat and exercise acclimation (HA) on resting and exercise-induced expression of plasma and leukocyte heat shock protein 72 (Hsp72) in humans, nine healthy young male volunteers (25.0 ± 0.7 years; 80.5 ± 2.0 kg; 180 ± 2 cm, mean ± SE) exercised for 60 min in a hot, dry environment (40 ± 0°C and 45 ± 0% relative humidity) for 11 days. The protocol consisted of running on a treadmill using a controlled hyperthermia technique in which the work rate was adjusted to elevate the rectal temperature by 1°C in 30 min and maintain it elevated for another 30 min. Before and after the HA, the volunteers performed a heat stress test (HST) at 50% of their individual maximal power output for 90 min in the same environment. Blood was drawn before (REST), immediately after (POST) and 1 h after (1 h POST) HST, and plasma and leukocytes were separated and stored. Subjects showed expected adaptations to HA: reduced exercise rectal and mean skin temperatures and heart rate, and augmented sweat rate and exercise tolerance. In HST1, plasma Hsp72 increased from REST to POST and then returned to resting values 1 h POST (REST: 1.11 ± 0.07, POST: 1.48 ± 0.10, 1 h POST: 1.22 ± 0.11 ng mL−1; p < 0.05). In HST2, there was no change in plasma Hsp72 (REST: 0.94 ± 0.08, POST: 1.20 ± 0.15, 1 h POST: 1.17 ± 0.16 ng mL−1; p > 0.05). HA increased resting levels of intracellular Hsp72 (HST1: 1 ± 0.02 and HST2: 4.2 ± 1.2 density units, p < 0.05). Exercise-induced increased intracellular Hsp72 expression was observed on HST1 (HST1: REST, 1 ± 0.02 vs. POST, 2.9 ± 0.9 density units, mean ± SE, p < 0.05) but was inhibited on HST2 (HST2: REST, 4.2 ± 1.2 vs. POST, 4.4 ± 1.1 density units, p > 0.05). Regression analysis showed that the lower the pre-exercise expression of intracellular Hsp72, the higher the exercise-induced increase (R = −0.85, p < 0.05). In conclusion, HA increased resting leukocyte Hsp72 levels and inhibited exercise-induced expression. This intracellular adaptation probably induces thermotolerance. In addition, the non-increase in plasma Hsp72 after HA may be related to lower stress at the cellular level in the acclimated individuals.  相似文献   

Extracellular heat-shock protein 72 (eHsp72) expression during exercise-heat stress is suggested to increase with the level of hyperthermia attained, independent of the rate of heat storage. This study examined the influence of exercise at various intensities to elucidate this relationship, and investigated the association between eHsp72 and eHsp27. Sixteen male subjects cycled to exhaustion at 60% and 75% of maximal oxygen uptake in hot conditions (40°C, 50% RH). Core temperature, heart rate, oxidative stress, and blood lactate and glucose levels were measured to determine the predictor variables associated with eHsp expression. At exhaustion, heart rate exceeded 96% of maximum in both conditions. Core temperature reached 39.7°C in the 60% trial (58.9 min) and 39.0°C in the 75% trial (27.2 min) (P < 0.001). The rate of rise in core temperature was 2.1°C h−1 greater in the 75% trial than in the 60% trial (P < 0.001). A significant increase and correlation was observed between eHsp72 and eHsp27 concentrations at exhaustion (P < 0.005). eHsp72 was highly correlated with the core temperature attained (60% trial) and the rate of increase in core temperature (75% trial; P < 0.05). However, no common predictor variable was associated with the expression of both eHsps. The similarity in expression of eHsp72 and eHsp27 during moderate- and high-intensity exercise may relate to the duration (i.e., core temperature attained) and intensity (i.e., rate of increase in core temperature) of exercise. Thus, the immuno-inflammatory release of eHsp72 and eHsp27 in response to exercise in the heat may be duration and intensity dependent.  相似文献   

Heat shock protein 72 (HSP72) is the most inducible HSP, but is not always increased in lymphocytes following exercise. This field study examined whether lymphocyte HSP72 was increased in hyperthermic (Trec>39.0 °C) male athletes following a 14 km competitive race in cool conditions (ambient temperature 11.2 °C). A comparison was also made between control runners (n=7) and those treated for exertional heat illness (n=9). Lymphocyte HSP72 was not increased in control runners immediately post- compared with pre-race, and there was no difference between both groups of runners. A second study of the race (ambient temperature 14.6 °C) found that lymphocyte HSP72 in control (n=7) and treated (n=9) athletes was higher 2 days post- compared with immediately post-race (p<0.01) and these increases were correlated with post-exercise Trec (p<0.05).  相似文献   

Exposure of rats to environmental heat enhances the expression of heat shock protein-72 (Hsp-72) in most of their organs proportionally to heat stress severity. Pre-induction or over-expression of Hsp-72 prevents organ damage and lethality, suggesting that heat shock proteins (Hsps) may have a pathogenic role in this condition. We investigated the expression profile of Hsps in baboons subjected to environmental heat stress until the core temperature attained 42.5°C (moderate heatstroke) or occurrence of hypotension associated with core temperature ≥43.5°C (severe heatstroke). Western blot analysis demonstrated a differential induction of Hsp-72 among organs of heat-stressed animals with the highest induction in the liver and the lowest in lung. Hsp-60 and Hsc-70 expression was similar between control and heat-stressed animals. ELISA studies indicated a marked release of Hsp-72 into the circulation of baboons with severe heatstroke with a peak at 24 h post-heatstroke onset and remained sustained up to 72 h. Hsp-72 release was not associated with core temperature or systolic blood pressure, but correlated with markers of liver, myocardium, and skeletal muscle tissue necrosis. Non-survivors displayed significantly higher Hsp-72 levels than survivors. No Hsp-60 was detected in the circulation. These findings add further evidence that increased expression of Hsp-72 may be an important component of the host response to severe heatstroke. They also suggest that extracellular Hsp-72 is a marker of multiple organs tissue damage. Whether extracellular Hsp-72 plays a role in the host immune response to heat stress merits further studies.  相似文献   

We compared the accuracy of an ingestible telemetry pill method of core temperature (Tc) measurement and an infrared tympanic membrane thermometer to values from a rectal thermistor during exercise-induced heat stress. Ten well-trained subjects completed four exercise trials consisting of 40 min constant-load exercise at 63% of maximum work rate followed by a 16.1 km time trial at 30 °C and 70% relative humidity. Temperature at rest was not different between the three methods of Tc measurement (Tre: 37.2±0.3 °C; Tp: 37.2±0.2 °C; Tty: 37.1±0.3 °C; P=0.40P=0.40). Temperature rose continuously during the exercise period (ΔTre: 2.2±0.5 °C; ΔTp: 2.2±0.5 °C; ΔTty: 1.9±0.5 ±°C and there were no differences between Tre and Tp measurements at any time throughout exercise (P=0.32P=0.32). While there were no differences between Tre and Tty after 10 min (P=0.11P=0.11) and 20 min (P=0.06P=0.06) of exercise, Tty was lower than Tre after 30 min of exercise (P<0.01P<0.01) and remained significantly lower throughout the remainder of the exercise period. These results demonstrate that the telemetry pill system provides a valid measurement of trunk temperature during rest and exercise-induced thermal strain. Tty was significantly lower than Tre when temperature exceeded 37.5 °C. However, whether these differences are due to selective brain cooling or imperfections in the tympanic membrane thermometer methodology remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Hsp90 family represents a group of highly conserved and strongly expressed proteins present in almost all biological species. Heat shock proteins in the range of 90 kDa have been detected in a range of plant species andhsp90 genes have been cloned and characterized in selected instances. However, the expression characteristics of plant Hsp90 are poorly understood. Work on expression characteristics of rice Hsp90 is reviewed in this paper. Experimental evidence is provided for indicating that while the rice 87 kDa protein is transiently synthesized within initial 2 h of heat shock, high steady-state levels of this protein are retained even under prolonged high temperature stress conditions or recovery following 4 h heat shock. It is further shown that fifteen different wild rices accumulate differential levels of these proteins in response to heat shock treatment.  相似文献   

1. The heat flow of paraplegic (PA) and able-bodied (AB) subjects were determined at rest in cool and warm conditions.

2. During heat exposure upper body sites for both groups showed heat loss, whereas the lower body sites of the PA groups showed heat gain.

3. During heat exposure, a systematic difference between groups in the relationship between heat flow and calf-skin temperature existed.

4. In conclusion, heat storage appears to be localised in PA subjects at rest and centralised for AB subjects.

Keywords: Spinal cord injury; Paraplegia; Core temperature; Skin temperature; Heat flow; Thermal strain  相似文献   

 Cats anaesthetized with a mixture of chloralose and urethane were exposed to heat stress in two groups. In the first group (n=10) of control animals, the effect of heat stress on haemodynamic variables was recorded at control haematocrit (HCT) of 42.0±1.0%. In a second group, the effect of heat stress was studied after induction of acute normovolaemic haemodilution (HCT of 13.0±1.0%). Haemodilution was induced to a maximum of 60% replacement of blood with dextran (mol.wt. 150000). Heat stress was induced by surface heating and core body temperature was raised from 37° C to 42° C. The effect of heat stress and haemodilution on various haemodynamic variables, viz. left ventricular pressure (LVP), left ventricular contractility (LVdP/dt max), heart rate (HR), cardiac output (CO), arterial blood pressure (ABP), right atrial pressure (RAP), and arterial blood PO2, PCO2 and pH was examined. Haemodilution produced significant (P<0.05) increases in HR and CO but there were no significant (P>0.05) changes in ABP, RAP, LVdP/dt max and total peripherial resistance (TPR). Hyperthermia caused a significant fall (P<0.05) in TPR. However, the percentage fall in TPR was higher in the control group. On exposure to heat stress, there were significant (P<0.05I increases in HR and CO in both the groups; however, HR and CO values were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the haemodiluted group compared to the control. The latter findings could be due either to the higher basal values of these variables with the fall in HCT or to inefficient cardiovascular regulatory mechanisms. The lack of efficient regulatory control under such severe stress conditions makes the cardiovascular system of anaemic animals more vulnerable to heat stress. In conclusion, the results of the present study showed deleterious effects of heat stress in both the groups. The higher values of HR and CO in the haemodiluted group may be responsible for circulatory failure at low HCT values, indicating a higher risk in the haemodiluted group as compared to the control group. Received: 3 February 1997 / Revised: 16 September 1997 / Accepted: 18 November 1997  相似文献   

The effect of increased light intensity and heat stress on heat shock protein Hsp60 was examined in two coral species using a branched coral and a laminar coral, selected for their different resistance to environmental perturbation. Transient Hsp60 induction was observed in the laminar coral following either light or thermal stress. Sustained induction was observed when these stresses were combined. The branched coral exhibited comparatively weak transient Hsp60 induction after heat stress and no detectable induction following light stress, consistent with its susceptibility to bleaching in native environments compared to the laminar coral. Our observations also demonstrate that increased light intensity and heat stress exhibited a greater negative impact on the photosynthetic capacity of environmentally sensitive branched coral than the more resistant laminar coral. This supports a correlation between stress induction of Hsp60 and (a) ability to counter perturbation of photosynthetic capacity by light and heat stress and (b) resistance to environmentally induced coral bleaching.  相似文献   

Background information. Heat‐inducible Hsp72 is the founding member of the Hsp70 (heat shock proteins of 70 kDa) family of molecular chaperones. It is localized primarily in cytoplasm and nucleus but is also found extracellularly. The source of e‐Hsp72 (extracellular Hsp72) is not precisely identified and may not be the same in every situation. A number of studies demonstrated that e‐Hsp72 plays an important role in cell survival, tumour rejection and immune response. However, currently little is known about regulation of e‐Hsp72 function. In cells, Hsp72 is controlled by co‐chaperones. An abundant co‐chaperone, HspBP1 (Hsp72‐binding protein 1) was found extracellularly in the serum. In the present study we analysed the secretion and function of e‐HspBP1 (extracellular HspBP1). Results. A431 human squamous carcinoma cells accumulated Hsp72 and HspBP1 in chromogranin A‐positive granules following heat stress or in the presence of U73122, an inhibitor of phospholipase C. Following these treatments, A431 cells also increased the secretion of both proteins into the culture medium. The secreted e‐Hsp72 and e‐HspBP1 were co‐immunoprecipitated from the conditioned medium. Purified recombinant HspBP1 augmented e‐Hsp72‐mediated phosphorylation of EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) and its down‐stream targets, ERK1 (extracellular signal‐regulated kinase 1) and ERK2 in a concentration‐dependent manner. Finally, a HspBP1 N‐terminal domain deletion mutant and boiled recombinant HspBP1 did not affect the e‐Hsp72‐mediated activity. Conclusions. Heat stress and PLC (phospholipase C) inhibition result in the enhanced secretion of both Hsp72 and HspBP1. In an extracellular environment, the two chaperones interact both physically and functionally, leading to the activation of th EGFR—ERK1/2 signalling pathway. However, the magnitude of EGFR activation depends on the e‐HspBP1/e‐Hsp72 ratio in the medium. Extracellular chaperone‐mediated activation of EGFR can provide a survival advantage to cells under heat shock and other stresses.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (Hsps) hold a dual role depending on their location. Inside cells, they fulfill essential survival functions as molecular chaperones forming complexes with intracellular polypeptides (self or foreign) to help in protein folding, the resolution of protein aggregates and intracellular protein transport. Released from the cell, they act as messengers communicating the cells’ interior protein composition to the immune system for initiation of immune responses against intracellular proteins. Here we describe the mechanisms by which Hsp70, the heat-inducible Hsp70 family member, crosstalks with the immune system. Further, we discuss that clinical hyperthermia could be a way to initiate the immunologic activity of Hsp70 by upregulating its expression and facilitating release through local necrosis.  相似文献   

Physical work, high ambient temperature and wearing protective clothing can elevate body temperature and cardiovascular strain sufficiently to degrade performance and induce heat-related illnesses. We have recently developed an Arm Immersion Cooling System (AICS) for use in military training environments and this paper will review literature supporting such an approach and provide details regarding its construction. Extremity cooling in cool or cold water can accelerate body (core temperature) cooling from 0.2 to 1.0 °C/10 min vs. control conditions, depending on the size/surface area of the extremity immersed. Arm immersion up to the elbow results in greater heat loss than hand- or foot-only immersion and may reduce cardiovascular strain by lowering heart rate by 10–25 beats/min and increase work tolerance time by up to 60%. The findings from studies in this paper support the use of AICS prototypes, which have been incorporated as part of the heat stress mitigation procedures employed in US Army Ranger Training and may have great application for sports and occupational use.  相似文献   

The possibility of using Hsp70 and hsp70 gene polymorphisms as markers of acclimatization was investigated. Volunteers (22) were subjected to an acclimatization regimen and blood analysed for Hsp70 (Hsp72) and hsp70 polymorphisms before and after a heat tolerance test. Physiological parameters denoting acclimatization, or not, were correlated to levels of Hsp70 and combination of hsp70 genes. Only individuals that acclimatized had decreased basal Hsp70 levels and increased ability to induce Hsp70 together with a specific hsp70 genotype combination. We propose that Hsp70 levels (basal vs. induced) with the genotype combination have the potential to be used as markers of acclimatization.  相似文献   

Although immune reactions against heat shock proteins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, conflicting associations between Hsp70, anti-Hsp70 antibody and coronary heart disease (CHD) have been reported. This study assessed whether there is a significant association between extracellular human Hsp70, anti-Hsp70 antibody and acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and stable angina (SA), and examined dynamic changes in Hsp70 and anti-Hsp70 antibody levels induced by acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Plasma Hsp70 and anti-Hsp70 antibody levels in 291 patients with ACS (179 AMI, 112 unstable angina), 126 patients with SA and 417 age and sex-matched healthy subjects, and in 40 patients after admission for AMI, and on day 2, 3, and 7 after the onset of AMI were determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Hsp70 levels were significantly higher in ACS and SA and anti-Hsp70 antibody levels were only markedly lower in ACS than controls. After adjustment for traditional CHD risk factors, increasing levels of Hsp70 were significantly associated with an increased risk and severity of ACS (P for trend < 0.001), whereas increasing levels of anti-Hsp70 antibody were associated with a decreased risk of ACS (P for trend = 0.0003). High levels of Hsp70 combined with low levels of anti-Hsp70 antibody had a joint effect on the risk of ACS (OR, 5.14, 95% CI, 3.00-8.79; P < 0.0001). In patients with AMI, Hsp70 levels decreased rapidly from days 1-7 after onset, whereas anti-Hsp70 antibody levels increased in patients with AMI. These findings suggest that higher Hsp70 levels or lower anti-Hsp70 antibody levels are independently associated with a higher risk of ACS. Higher Hsp70 levels and lower anti-Hsp70 antibody levels combine to further increase this risk.  相似文献   

Hsp70B′ is the only major human isoform in the hsp70 family that is strictly stress-inducible, and therefore available to function only in stressed cells. Since Hsp70B′ is evolutionarily closely related to human Hsp72, they are thought to function similarly, but direct evidence of Hsp70B′ function in stressed cells has been lacking. Here we showed that both Hsp70B′ and Hsp72 are essential relatively early after heat stress in the acquisition of cytoprotection by two human colon cell lines. Using flow cytometry to count viable cells, we also showed that cytoprotection is more pronounced in cultures grown at low cell number (LCN), where there is an ample amount of both Hsp70s. siRNA knock-down of either Hsp70B′ or Hsp72 severely handicapped the ability of cells to acquire cytoprotection. Hsp70B′ and Hsp72 were found to form a complex following stress that included the co-chaperone HOP. These results taken together support the hypothesis that Hsp70B′ and Hsp72 play cooperative roles in cell survival of proteotoxic stress. In addition there are implications for chemotherapy protocols and for pathological conditions in which the contributions to cytoprotection of both Hsp70B′ and Hsp72 are modulated by cell numbers or density.  相似文献   

Abstract: Analysis of the cell-free translation products of polysomes isolated from fetal brain and other organs indicates that elevation of maternal body temperature induces the synthesis of a heat shock protein of molecular weight 74,000 (74K). The newborn mammal is particularly sensitive to induction of the 74K protein. As early postnatal development proceeds, higher body temperatures are required to induce synthesis of the 74K heat shock protein.  相似文献   

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