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The laying hen expresses two different lipoprotein transport receptors in cell-specific fashion. On the one hand, a 95-kDa oocyte membrane protein mediates the uptake of the major yolk precursors, very low density lipoprotein, and vitellogenin; on the other hand, somatic cells synthesize a 130-kDa receptor that is involved in the regulation of cellular cholesterol homeostasis (Hayashi, K., Nimpf, J., and Schneider, W. J. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 3131-3139). Here we show that the oocyte-specific receptor binds, in addition to the yolk precursor proteins, an apolipoprotein of mammalian origin, apolipoprotein E. Ligand blotting, a solid-phase binding assay, and antireceptor antibodies were employed to demonstrate that binding of vitellogenin, very low density lipoprotein (via apolipoprotein B), and apolipoprotein E occurs to closely related, if not identical, sites on the 95-kDa oocyte receptor. The binding properties of lipovitellin, which harbors the receptor recognition site of vitellogenin, are analogous to those of apolipoprotein E: both require association with lipid for expression of functional receptor binding. The ligand specificity of the avian oocyte lipoprotein receptor supports the hypothesis that vitellogenin, which has evolved in oviparous species, represents a counterpart to mammalian apolipoprotein E.  相似文献   

The normal development of the chicken oocyte within the ovarian follicle depends on the coordinated expression and function of several members of the low density lipoprotein receptor gene family. The human low density lipoprotein receptor is the prototype of the gene family; since its discovery and the elucidation of the medical significance of mutations in the LDLR gene, many additional family members have been discovered and characterized, and some important advances have resulted from studies in the chicken. I describe the analogies as well as the differences that exist between the molecular genetics of the mammalian and avian members of this important gene family, with emphasis on receptor-mediated oocyte growth. Recent progress in the molecular characterization of the chicken genes whose products mediate oocyte growth, follicle development, and accessory pathways is described in detail, and emerging information of preliminary nature is included. As the availability of chicken genome sequence data has enhanced the rate of progress in the field, our understanding of the physiological roles of members of this receptor family in general has already gained from studies in the avian model system.  相似文献   

Chicken oocyte growth: receptor-mediated yolk deposition   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
During the rapid final stage of growth, chicken oocytes take up massive amounts of plasma components and convert them to yolk. The oocyte expresses a receptor that binds both major yolk lipoprotein precursors, vitellogenin (VTG) and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). In the present study, in vivo transport tracing methodology, isolation of coated vesicles, ligand- and immuno-blotting, and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry were used for the analysis of receptor-mediated yolk formation. The VTG/VLDL receptor was identified in coated profiles in the oocyte periphery, in isolated coated vesicles, and within vesicular compartments both outside and inside membrane-bounded yolk storage organelles (yolk spheres). VLDL particles colocalized with the receptor, as demonstrated by ultrastructural visualization of VLDL-gold following intravenous administration, as well as by immunocytochemical analysis with antibodies to VLDL. Lipoprotein particles were shown to reach the oocyte surface by passage across the basement membrane, which possibly plays an active and selective role in yolk precursor accessibility to the oocyte surface, and through gaps between the follicular granulosa cells. Following delivery of ligands from the plasma membrane into yolk spheres, proteolytic processing of VTG and VLDL by cathepsin D appears to correlate with segregation of receptors and ligands which enter disparate sub-compartments within the yolk spheres. In small, quiescent oocytes, the VTG/VLDL receptor was localized to the central portion of the cell. At onset of the rapid growth phase, it appears that this pre-existing pool of receptors redistributes to the peripheral region, thereby initiating yolk formation. Such a redistribution mechanism would obliterate the need for de novo synthesis of receptors when the oocyte's energy expenditure is to be utilized for plasma membrane synthesis, establishment and maintenance of intracellular topography and yolk formation, and preparation for ovulation.  相似文献   

1. Turkey anti-LP-A and anti-LP-B cross react strongly with whole adult chicken serum. 2. Similar reactions occur with whole chicken embryo sera (10-21 days of incubation) and egg yolk fluid. 3. Ultracentrifugation of sera from 14-day old chicken embryos, after reaction with anti-LP-B, reveal complete precipitation of the VLDL and LDL of embryo serum (indicating that adult-type LP-B is the major apolipoprotein of these density classes). 4. All of the chicken embryo adult-type apo-LP-A is in the HDL fraction. 5. However, egg yolk and hen serum VLDL contain apo-LP-A as well as apo-LP-B.  相似文献   

This paper describes the biochemical characterization of the chicken oocyte plasma-membrane receptor for one of the major lipid-carrying yolk proteins, vitellogenin (VTG). The receptor was extracted from oocyte membranes with the non-ionic detergent octyl-beta-D-glucoside and visualized by ligand blotting, with 125I-VTG as a protein with an apparent Mr of 96000, under non-reducing conditions. It exhibited high affinity for native chicken VTG (Kd 2 X 10(-7) M) but was unable to bind VTG with reductively methylated lysine residues or phosvitin (the phosphoserine-rich intracellular cleavage product of VTG). Polyclonal antibodies to the 96 kDa protein inhibited VTG binding to the receptor and were able to precipitate functional VTG-receptor activity from oocyte-membrane detergent extracts with a concomitant removal of the 96 kDa protein. Antibodies directed against the mammalian receptor for low-density lipoprotein showed cross-reactivity with the chicken oocyte VTG receptor, raising the possibility that lipoprotein receptors in birds are structurally related to those in mammalian species.  相似文献   

Interaction of very low density lipoprotein with chicken oocyte membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of hen 125I-VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) with chicken oocyte membranes was characterized using a rapid sedimentation assay. Equilibrium and kinetic studies showed an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) 8.7-9.1 x 10(-8) M or 43.5-45.5 micrograms VLDL protein/ml. Binding capacity was 2.0 micrograms VLDL protein/mg membrane homogenate protein. The apparent rate constants were k1 = 2.4 x 10(5) M-1 min-1 and k2 = 2.1 x 10(-2) min-1. Specific binding required the presence of divalent cations. Whereas binding was completely restored after treatment with EDTA by the addition of MN++, only 60% of binding was restored using Ca++.  相似文献   

The chicken oocyte receptor for low and very low density lipoproteins has been identified and characterized. Receptor activity present in octyl-beta-D-glucoside extracts of oocyte membranes was measured by a solid phase filtration assay, and the receptor was visualized by ligand blotting. The protein had an apparent Mr of 95,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels under nonreducing conditions and exhibited high affinity for apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins, but not for high density lipoproteins or lipoproteins in which lysine residues had been reductively methylated. Binding of lipoproteins was sensitive to EDTA, suramin, and treatment with Pronase. In these aspects, the avian oocyte system was analogous to the mammalian low density lipoprotein receptor in somatic cells. Furthermore, a structural relationship between the mammalian and avian receptors was revealed by immunoblotting: polyclonal antibodies directed against the purified bovine low density lipoprotein receptor reacted selectively with the 95-kDa chicken receptor present in crude oocyte membrane extracts.  相似文献   

Occurrence of glycosphingolipids in chicken egg yolk.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S C Li  J L Chien  C C Wan    Y T Li 《The Biochemical journal》1978,173(2):697-699
Chicken egg yolk was found to contain a unique glycosphingolipid pattern not seen in other types of tissue or cell. These glycosphingolipids were isolated in pure form and their structures established by sequential enzymic hydrolysis and permethylation analysis. The major gangliosides in chicken egg yolk are N-acetylneuraminosylgalactosylceramide, N-acetylneuraminosyl-lactosylceramide and di-N-acetylneuraminosyl-lactosylceramide. The only neutral glycosphingolipid found in chicken egg yolk is galactosylceramide.  相似文献   

Yolk proteins of prematuration occytes and postmaturation eggs were compared by SDS gel electrophoresis in several teleosts, including freshwater species that produce demersal eggs, estuarine and marine species with demersal eggs, and marine species with pelagic eggs. In certain teleosts distinct changes in yolk protein banding patterns during oocyte maturation are suggestive of extensive secondary proteolysis of yolk proteins at this time; proteolysis is most pronounced in marine fishes with pelagic eggs. In many teleosts the oocyte swells by hydration during maturation; this hydration is also most pronounced in marine fishes with pelagic eggs. The extent of yolk proteolysis is well correlated with the extent of oocyte hydration during maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Electron and light microscopical investigations of early oocytes (between 1.0 mm and 5.0 mm in diameter) from the ovary of 28–30 week-old chickens, suggested the formation of primordial yolk granules from cytoplasmic vesicles. These vesicles formed an aggregation which was observed to be surrounded by membranes, giving the aggregate a multivesicular body-like appearance. At a later stage the vesicles inside the membrane disintegrated and the multivesicular bodies acquired the appearance of primordial yolk granules. The contribution of other structures to the formation of yolk granules is discussed.For constructive criticism I am very grateful to Dr. Hadar Emanuelsson, Institute of Zoophysiology, Lund. The excellent technical assistance of Miss Inger Antonsson and Mrs. Annagreta Petersen is gratefully acknowledgedThis work was supported by Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet, Lund  相似文献   

H H Reynolds  O A Schjeide 《Cytobios》1977,20(79-80):179-189
Application of several staining methods specific for sulphated carbohydrates have indicated the presence of one or more of these macromolecular species in primitive yolk granules of the hen oocyte. The rationale for the various methods used are detailed in the Materials and methods section. Discussion centres on whether the substances taking up stain may be chondroitin sulphates or other sulphated glycosaminoglycans and the possible roles of such molecules in early development.  相似文献   

Nature of the thiamin-binding protein from chicken egg yolk.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple, rapid and efficient procedure for the purification of thiamin-binding protein from chicken egg yolk was developed. The method involved removal, by exclusion, of lipoproteins from DEAE-cellulose and subsequent elution of water-soluble proteins held on the ion-exchanger with 1 M-NaCl, followed by treatment of the eluted protein fraction with an aqueous suspension of dextran/charcoal to generate apoprotein from the holoprotein. The resultant protein fraction was subjected to bioaffinity chromatography on thiamin pyrophosphate--AE (aminoethyl)-Sepharose. The protein eluted specifically with 10 microM-thiamin at pH 7.0, was homogeneous by the criteria of polyacrylamide-gel disc electrophoresis, had a mol.wt. of 38 000 +/- 2000 and was not a glycoprotein. The purified thiamin-binding protein specifically interacted with riboflavin-binding protein with no detectable deleterious affect on its (14C)thiamin-binding capacity. The protein bound [14C]thiamin with a molar ratio of 1.0, with dissociation constant (Kd) 0.41 microM. This protein-ligand interaction was inhibited by thiamin analogues and antagonists. The absorption spectrum of the protein in the presence of thiamin exhibited significant hypochromism at the 278 nm band, indicating the involvement of aromatic amino acid residues of the protein, during its binding to the ligand. The protein cross-reacted with the monospecific antiserum to egg-white thiamin-binding protein, showing thereby that thiamin-binding proteins present in chicken egg yolk and white are the products of the same structural gene.  相似文献   

The chicken egg yolk plasma and granule proteomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mann K  Mann M 《Proteomics》2008,8(1):178-191
Using 1-D SDS-PAGE, LC-MS/MS, and MS(3), we identified 119 proteins from chicken egg yolk, 86 of which were not identified in yolk previously. Proteins were roughly quantitated by calculating their exponentially modified protein abundance index (emPAI) to classify them as major or minor yolk components, and to estimate their distribution between yolk plasma and yolk granular fraction. The proteins with highest abundance were serum albumin, the vitellogenin cleavage products, apovitellenins, IgY, ovalbumin, and 12 kDa serum protein with cross-reactivity to beta2-microglobulin. In addition yolk contained many other serum and egg white proteins, the proteases nothepsin and thrombin, numerous protease inhibitors, and antioxidative enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase. Among the moderately abundant proteins were two alpha2-macroglobulin-like proteins different from egg white alpha2-macroglobulin, and the major biotin-binding protein of yolk. An unexpected identification was that of the eggshell matrix protein ovocleidin-116, which was previously thought to be eggshell-specific. The list of chicken egg yolk proteins provided in this report is by far the most comprehensive at present and may serve as a starting point for the characterization of less well-known yolk proteins.  相似文献   

A direct, noncompetitive immunoassay for chicken lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was developed. Antibodies to LPL were purified by immunoadsorption chromatography of goat antisera on an LPL-Sepharose column. Purified anti-LPL immunoglobulins were coupled covalently to hydrophilic polyacrylamide beads by a carbodiimide reagent. An excess amount of these beads was incubated with the sample or the standard to be assayed. The amount of LPL immobilized by the beads was then detected by an excess amount of 125I-labeled anti-LPL immunoglobulin. A linear relationship was obtained between the radioactivity bound and the amount of highly purified LPL used as a standard. The range of the assay was from 0.1-1.1 ng LPL. The assay was specific for chicken LPL and showed no cross-reactivity with liver lipase. It does not distinguish heat-inactivated from catalytically active enzyme species. This assay should be useful in studies of lipoprotein lipase where both catalytic activity and enzyme mass need to be quantitated.  相似文献   

Injection of the protein dye Fast Green or the fluid-phase probe fluorescein dextran into the haemolymph of vitellogenic female desert locusts (Schistocerca gregaria) resulted in their incorporation into oocytes. We used Fast Green to study the physical dynamics of yolk deposition during vitellogenesis. Timed maternal injections of Fast Green reveal that yolk deposition and oocyte growth are inextricably linked during vitellogenesis, and that little or no yolk movement occurs within oocytes prior to embryogenesis. The yolk granules laid down early during vitellogenesis lie at the centre of the egg, with yolk granules deposited later packed around these, such that they lie progressively closer to the eventual egg surface. In contrast, during early embryogenesis yolk granules migrate in a manner that closely resembles the movement of early cleavage nuclei. We find fluorescein dextran to be a clear, robust and developmentally inert marker for the timing of maternal injections relative to vitellogenesis in S. gregaria, and we propose its use in parental RNAi or morpholino knockdown experiments. With such experiments in mind, we show that fluorescein-labelled DNA oligonucleotides are internalized within oocytes during vitellogenesis. However, neither Fast Green, fluorescein dextran nor fluorescein-labelled DNA oligonucleotides are detectably transferred from yolk granules to embryonic cells during embryogenesis, and our initial attempts at parental RNAi using maternal injections of dsRNA targeted to late vitellogenesis have proved unsuccessful.  相似文献   

In mammals the transfer of passive immunity from mother to young is mediated by the MHC-related receptor FcRn, which transports maternal IgG across epithelial cell barriers. In birds, maternal IgY in egg yolk is transferred across the yolk sac to passively immunize chicks during gestation and early independent life. The chicken yolk sac IgY receptor (FcRY) is the ortholog of the mammalian phospholipase A2 receptor, a mannose receptor family member, rather than an FcRn or MHC homolog. FcRn and FcRY both exhibit ligand binding at the acidic pH of endosomes and ligand release at the slightly basic pH of blood. Here we show that FcRY expressed in polarized mammalian epithelial cells functioned in endocytosis, bidirectional transcytosis, and recycling of chicken FcY/IgY. Confocal immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that IgY binding and endocytosis occurred at acidic but not basic pH, mimicking pH-dependent uptake of IgG by FcRn. Colocalization studies showed FcRY-mediated internalization via clathrin-coated pits and transport involving early and recycling endosomes. Disruption of microtubules partially inhibited apical-to-basolateral and basolateral-to-apical transcytosis, but not recycling, suggesting the use of different trafficking machinery. Our results represent the first cell biological evidence of functional equivalence between FcRY and FcRn and provide an intriguing example of how evolution can give rise to systems in which similar biological requirements in different species are satisfied utilizing distinct protein folds.  相似文献   

A J Solari  N S Fechheimer 《Génome》1988,30(6):900-902
Synaptonemal complex analysis of an exceptional tetraploid oocyte from a diploid chicken heterozygous for the MN t (Z;1) rearrangement was performed by electron microscopy of a spread preparation. Ten separate quadrivalents (26% of the chromosomal axes) were analyzed, as well as 50 autosomal bivalents. All the axes less than 2.5 microns in length formed bivalents (38) only, while axes in the 2.5-4.2 micron range formed 5 quadrivalents and 12 bivalents. The longer, separate axes formed quadrivalents only. Partner switches in excess of one were documented. The two identical W chromosomes paired only at the ends of their short arms. Quadrivalent formation may require a threshold length (2.5 microns), at least in this species. The tip of the short arm of the W chromosome may be a pairing initiation point, and it corresponds to the region associated with a localized recombination nodule previously described in diploid oocytes.  相似文献   

The phospholipid composition and phospholipid fatty acid composition of purified Rickettsia prowazeki were determined. The lipid phosphorous content was 6.8 +/- 1.3 microgram/mg of total rickettsial protein. The major phospholipid was phosphatidylethanolamine (60 to 70%); phosphatidylglycerol constituted 20%, and phosphatidylcholine constituted 15%. Small amounts of phosphatidylserine and cardiolipin were detected. The principal fatty acids were 18:1, 16:1, and 16:0. The fatty acid composition of the phosphatidylcholine in the rickettsial extracts was very different than that of the other rickettsial phosphatides and very similar to that of normal yolk sac phosphatidylcholine. The specific of the phosphatidylcholine of rickettsiae grown in the presence of 32P was markedly lower than that of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. It is suggested that the phosphatidylcholine in the rickettsial extract is yolk sac derived and either tightly absorbed or exchanged into the rickettsial membrane.  相似文献   

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