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A complex of about 40 Palaearctic species of the genus Campodorus with long haired ovipositor sheath and with entirely rufous or white-banded hind tibia is considered and keyed. Twenty-one new species are described. The species with the pale rufous hind tibia have black hind coxa and trochanters, most of them also have rather long genae and scabrous mesopleura. The majority of these species are distributed in subarctic Siberia: C. yakutator sp. n., C. minutor sp. n., C. arctor sp. n., C. atripes sp. n., C. pequenitor sp. n., C. mordax sp. n., C. lucidator sp. n., C. subarctor sp. n., C. nikandrovskii sp. n., and C. genator sp. n. C. suomi sp. n. is described from northern Finland, C. labytnangi sp. n., from Kola Peninsula, the Polar Ural, and Transbaikalia, and only C. gallicator sp. n., from France (? Alps). The species with a white band on the hind tibia are mostly boreal; most of them have red coxae and trochanters (except for C. sakhalinator sp. n. and C. taigator sp. n.), rather short genae, and granulate mesopleura. In this group, eight new species are described: C. atrofemorator sp. n., C. barbator sp. n., C. sakhalinator sp. n. (all from the southern part of the Russian Far East), C. taigator sp. n. (southern Siberian), C. ciliator sp. n., C. melanopygus sp. n., C. marginator sp. n., and C. boreator sp. n. (European-Siberian).  相似文献   

A review of the species of the genus Chrysotimus from Tibet is provided. The following four species are described as new to science: C. motuoensis sp. n., C. tibetensis sp. n., C. xuankuni sp. n., C. zhui sp. n. A key to the eight Tibetan species is presented.  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Agnaptoria are described from the eastern part of the Tibet Highland: A. minuta sp. n., A. crassa sp. n., A. lauta sp. n. (Sichuan), A. kunda sp. n., A. proba sp. n. (Gansu), A. shangmengi sp. n., A. danbaensis sp. n. (Sichuan), and A. amdoensis sp. n. (Quinghai). A new material on A. shamaevi G. Medv., A. abdita G. Medv., and A. anthracina G. Medv. is reported with data on the variation of the anatomy of male genitalia and spermatheca in the latter species.  相似文献   

A study of gill parasites from fishes of the subgenus Coptodon Regan, 1920 (Cichlidae), namely Tilapia coffea Thys van den Audenaerde, T. dageti Thys van den Audenaerde, T. guineensis (Bleeker), T. louka Thys van den Audenaerde, T. walteri Thys van den Audenaerde and T. zillii (Gervais), from different locations in West Africa (Burkina Fasso, Congo, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Mali and Senegal), revealed the presence of 19 species of Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960 (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae). Six are considered new species: C. amphoratus n. sp., C. levequei n. sp., C. microscutus n. sp., C. ornatus n. sp., C. ouedraogoi n. sp. and C. yanni n. sp. The host-specificity of these parasites is discussed.  相似文献   

The present paper revises the species belonging to the Neoserica (sensu lato) abnormis group, so far known only with two nominal species. Twenty new species are herein described from Indochina and southern China: N. abnormoides sp. n. (Vietnam, China), N. allolaotica sp. n., N. namthaensis sp. n., N. simplicissima sp. n. (Laos), N. thailandensis sp. n. (Thailand), N. alloputaoana sp. n., N. kanphantensis sp. n., N. natmatoungensis sp. n., N. putaoana sp. n., N. taunggyiana sp. n. (Myanmar), N. lamellosa sp. n., N. tonkinea sp. n. (Vietnam), N. bairailingshanica sp. n., N. euyunnanica sp. n., N. huangi sp. n., N. jiangxiensis sp. n., N. trifida sp. n., N. yaoi sp. n., N. yingjiangensis sp. n. (China), N. cardamomensis sp. n. (Indochina and southern China). One new combination is established: Neoserica ponderosa Arrow, 1946, comb. n. The lectotypes of Neoserica abnormis Moser, 1908 and the taxonomically uncertain N. inclinata Brenske, 1898, which very likely also belongs to this species group, are designated herein. A key to the species and to species groups is given, the genitalia of all species including their habitus are illustrated. Maps of species distribution are included.  相似文献   

The genus Oryctophileurus is reviewed and its validity is supported by a combination of the following apomorphic characters: a single cephalic horn with lateral carina, pronotal cavity with ocellate punctures and two teeth or tubercles close behind the anterior pronotal margin. The male of Oryctophileurus varicosus Prell, 1934, is described for the first time. A new species, Oryctophileurus guerrai Perger & Grossi sp. n., from subhumid Tucuman-Bolivian forest in the Southern Bolivian Andes is described. The new species is distinguished from its closest relative, O. armicollis Prell, 1911, by a narrower distance between the inner teeth of the dorsal pronotal protuberances and a reduced area of weakly developed ocellate punctures above the posterolateral pronotal margin. The occurrence of Oryctophileurus species in areas of endemism along the eastern slope of the tropical Andes suggests that these populations represent biogeographic “relicts”, and the discovery of Oryctophileurus guerrai sp. n. in the southern Bolivian Andes suggests that this area is underrated with respect to insect diversity and endemism.  相似文献   

The genus Cleptes Latreille, 1802 from China is revised and illustrated for the first time. Seventeen species of Cleptes are recorded. Nine species are new to science, Cleptes albonotatus sp. n., Cleptes eburnecoxis sp. n., Cleptes flavolineatus sp. n., Cleptes helanshanus sp. n., Cleptes niger sp. n., Cleptes shengi sp. n., Cleptes sinensis sp. n., Cleptes tibetensis sp. n., and Cleptes villosus sp. n.,and two species are reported as new to China, Cleptes metallicorpus Ha, Lee & Kim, 2011, and Cleptes seoulensis Tsuneki, 1959.  相似文献   

A study of gill parasites of Tilapia guineensis (Bleeker, 1862) (Cichlidae) from different locations in West Africa (Senegal, Guinea, the Ivory Coast and the Congo) revealed the presence of twelve species of Cichlidogyrus Paperna, 1960 (Monogenea). Six have been recorded previously from T. zillii (Gervais, 1848) or Tristamella simonis (Günther, 1864) and six are considered new species: C. agnesi n. sp., C. bilongi n. sp., C. gallus n. sp., C. flexicolpos n. sp., C. louipaysani n. sp. and C. vexus n. sp. In the first three species cited, we report the presence of an auxiliary plate in the male copulatory complex which is characteristic of the species C. aegypticus Ergens, 1981, a parasite of Tilapia zillii.  相似文献   

The earliest Permian faunal successions of central Patagonia show compositional changes that probably reflected the environmental warming at the end of the Gondwana glaciations. Bivalves of Asselian to probably Early Tastubian age are described. A new genus,Sueroa, is proposed to reunite a previously known species and a new species,Sueroa andreisi n. sp. Another five new species:Parallelodon? quichaurensis n. sp.,Heteropecten cortignasi n. sp.,Etheripecten saraviae n. sp.,Streblopteria montgomeryi n. sp. andPraeundulomya moreli n. sp. are described. Two previously known species:Malimania patagoniensis (González) andEuchondria sabattiniae González are revised and new occurrences are reported. A further eleven species are described, but they are left in open nomenclature being because they are insufficiently known; these are:Phestia? n. sp.,Modiolus sp.,Palaeoneilo sp.,Stutchburia sp.,Schizodus sp.,Vacunella? sp.,Edmondia sp.,Myonia? n. sp.,Myonia? sp. andPachymyonia? n. sp.  相似文献   

The Chinese Chaetocnema picipes species-group is revised. It contains 5 species including 3 new species: C. cheni sp. n., C. constricta sp. n. and C. kingpinensis sp. n. The lectotype of C. fortecostata is designated. A key to all known species of this group from China and the illustrations of habitus and genitalia are provided. A distribution map of species is given.  相似文献   

Three recent genera are included in the supertribe Stomatosematidi: Stomatosema (16 species), Vanchidiplosis (4 species), and Didactylomyia (3 species). Seven species of the genus Stomatosema and two species of the genus Vanchidiplosis occur in the Palaearctic Region. No reliable findings of representatives of the supertribe were known in fossilized condition. One new genus and 3 new species are described from amber of the Late Eocene age (Rovno Region): Stomatosema iljieteugeniae sp. n., Clarumreddera korneyevi gen. n. et sp. n., and C. conceptiva sp. n.  相似文献   

The genus Scelio is a cosmopolitan and speciose group of solitary parasitoids of the eggs of short-horned grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae). A number of these hosts are important pests, including plague locusts of the genus Schistocerca. Species of Scelio are recognized as potentially important biological control agents, but this possibility has yet to be fully realized, in part because the species-level taxonomy is still incompletely developed. The species of the pulchripennis group have been recently revised. As a continuation of this effort, here we revise the Afrotropical species of Scelio, excluding the pulchripennis species group. Sixty two (62) species are treated, 48 of which are new. Species are classified into the following species groups: ernstii (12 species, 9 new), howardi (23 species, 19 new), ipomeae (6 species, 5 new), irwini (4 species, 3 new), simoni (3 new species) and walkeri (12 species, 9 new). Keys to species groups and to the species within each group are provided. New species described are: S. albatus Yoder, sp. n., S. aphares Yoder, sp. n., S. apospastos Yoder, sp. n., S. ardelio Yoder, sp. n., S. aurantium Yoder, sp. n., S. balo Valerio & Yoder, sp. n., S. bayanga Yoder, sp. n., S. bubulo Yoder, sp. n., S. cano Yoder, sp. n., S. clypeatus Yoder, sp. n., S. concavus Yoder, sp. n., S. copelandi Yoder, sp. n., S. crepo Yoder, sp. n., S. destico Yoder, sp. n., S. dupondi Yoder, sp. n., S. effervesco Yoder, sp. n., S. erugatus Yoder, sp. n., S. exophthalmus Yoder, sp. n., S. fremo Valerio & Yoder, sp. n., S. gemo Yoder, sp. n., S. grunnio Yoder, sp. n., S. harinhalai Yoder, sp. n., S. igland Yoder, sp. n., S. impostor Yoder, sp. n., S. irwini Yoder, sp. n., S. janseni Yoder, sp. n., S. latro Yoder, sp. n., S. memorabilis Yoder, sp. n., S. modulus Yoder, sp. n., S. mutio Yoder, sp. n., S. ntchisii Yoder, sp. n., S. parkeri Yoder, sp. n., S. phaeoprora Yoder, sp. n., S. pilosilatus Yoder, sp. n., S. pipilo Yoder, sp. n., S. quasiclypeatus Yoder, sp. n., S. retifrons Yoder, sp. n., S. ructo Yoder, sp. n., S. scomma Yoder, sp. n., S. simoni Yoder, sp. n., S. simonolus Yoder, sp. n., S. somaliensis Yoder, sp. n., S. susurro Yoder, sp. n., S. tono Yoder, sp. n., S. transtrum Yoder, sp. n., S. tritus Yoder, sp. n., S. ululo Yoder, sp. n., S. vannoorti Valerio & Yoder, sp. n. The following species are redescribed: S. afer Kieffer, S. chapmani Nixon, S. howardi Crawford, S. ipomeae Risbec, stat. n., S. mauritanicus Risbec, S. philippinensis Ashmead, S. remaudierei Ferrière, S. striatus Priesner,S. taylori Nixon, and S. zolotarevskyi Ferrière. The genus Lepidoscelio Kieffer is treated as a junior synonym of Scelio Latreille, syn. n.; its type species, Lepidoscelio fuscipennis Kieffer, 1905 is transferred to Scelio, renamed Scelio obscuripennis Johnson, nom. n. (preoccupied by Scelio fuscipennis Ashmead, 1887), and redescribed. The following additional species are transferred from Lepidoscelio to Scelio: S. cayennensis (Risbec), comb. n., S. insularis Ashmead, rev. comb., S. luteus (Cameron), comb. n., S. thoracicus Ashmead, rev. comb. Lectotypes are designated for S. africanus Risbec, S. ipomeae Risbec, S. mauritanicus Risbec, S. remaudierei Ferrière, S. sudanensis Ferrière, and S. zolotarevskyi Ferrière. Scelio gaudens Nixon is a junior synonym of Scelio striatus Priesner, syn. n.; Scelio africanus Risbec and Scelio clarus Fouts are both junior synonyms of Scelio afer Kieffer, syn. n.; Scelio sudanensis Ferrière and Scelio cheops Nixon are both junior synonyms of Scelio zolotarevskyi Ferrière, syn. n.; Scelio cahirensis Priesner is a junior synonym of Scelio mauritanicus Risbec, syn. n. The name Scelio chapmanni Nixon is an incorrect original spelling, requiring an emendation to S. chapmani. Digital versions of the identification keys are available at http://www.waspweb.org/Platygastroidea/Keys/index.htm  相似文献   

The Lower Triassic Osawa Formation in the South Kitakami Belt, Northeast Japan, consisting mostly of mudstone of shallow-marine environment, was deposited during the late Olenekian (ca. 250 Ma), and is an important unit through which to examine the biotic recovery process after the end-Permian mass extinction. The Osawa Formation is the only unit in Japan that yields thylacocephalans (Arthropoda). Three species belonging to three genera have been reported before: Ankitokazocaris bandoi, Kitakamicaris utatsuensis and Ostenocaris sp. In addition to the known species, some thylacocephalans, including one new genus and three new species, are described in the present paper: Ankitokazocaris tatensis n. sp., Concavicaris parva n. sp., Miyagicaris costata n. gen. n. sp. and Ostenocaris? sp. Although Thylacocephala have a rather long stratigraphic range (from Silurian to Cretaceous) and are known from a wide geographical region, there are only about thirty genera in this group. The Osawa thylacocephalan fauna comprises at least five genera, making it one of the most diverse in the world at the generic level. During the Triassic Period, the Thylacocephala diversified and spread widely throughout low-latitude regions.  相似文献   

13 new species of Ctenochira (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Tryphoninae) from the Eurasian Subarctic subzone and Siberia are described: C. albosignata sp. n., C. anabar sp. n., C. epipleuralis sp. n., C. gracilicornis sp. n., C. hyperborea sp. n., C. kerzhneri sp. n., C. laticauda sp. n., C. minuta sp. n., C. nigronitens sp. n., C. pallistigma sp. n., C. tixi sp. n., C. trochanterata sp. n., and C. uzon sp. n. A key to the Subarctic and northern Siberian species is given. Quantitative occurrence of different ichneumonid subfamilies in the Subarctic subzone is considered based on analysis of 827 specimens of ichneumonids collected in yellow plates in the Chukchi Autonomous Area in July 2012. Idiobiont (polyphagous) subfamilies (36.5%): Cryptinae, 294 spms. (35.5%); Pimplinae, 8 (1%). Koinobiont parasitoids, 10 subfamilies (63.5%): parasitoids of Symphyta, 313 spms. (37.9%): Tryphoninae, 225 (27.2%); Adelognathinae, 14 (1.7%); Ctenopelmatinae, 59 (7.2%); Campopleginae (Olesicampe; Lathrostizus), 15 (1.8%); parasitoids of Diptera, 169 spms. (20.5%): Diplazontinae, 8 (1%); Orthocentrinae s. l., 161 (19.5%); parasitoids of Lepidoptera, 29 spms. (3.5%): Campopleginae (part), 18 (2.2%) (Campoletis; Hyposoter; Tranosema; Diadegma; etc.); Ichneumoninae, 2 (0.2%); Banchinae, 3 (0.4%) (Glypta; Lissonota); Metopiinae, 6 (0.7%) (Exochus); parasitoids of Coleoptera (0.3%): Tersilochinae, 3 spms. (Barycnemis); hyperparasitoids (1.3%): Mesochorinae, 11 spms.  相似文献   

Molecular studies of the Capsalidae suggested that the genus Benedenia is polyphyletic, but a taxonomic organization of the genus that reflects molecular data has not yet been proposed. As a result of molecular analysis (28S rDNA, ITS1–5.8S-ITS2, and cox1 data) including specimens of Benedeniinae newly obtained from Okinawa-jima Island in Japan, two new genera and the revival of Tareenia independent to the genus Benedenia are proposed. Gracilobenedenia n. gen. is distinguished from the other genera of Benedeniinae based on morphological characteristics. This new genus comprises 6 species: G. lutjani n. comb. (type species), G. anticavaginata n. comb., G. rohdei n. comb., G. beverleyburtonae n. comb., G. kuremibai n. gen., n. sp., and G. hichi n. gen., n. sp. Armatobenedenia n. gen. is a monotypic genus for A. armata n. comb. The present molecular phylogenetic analysis showed the independence of Tareenia, and it can be morphologically separated from the other benedeniines. Four species including two new species obtained from Okinawa-jima Island are reported: G. kuremibai n. sp., G. hichi n. sp., G. lutjani n. comb., and Metabenedeniella parva. Furthermore, in the species identification and phylogenetic analysis of capsalids, the usefulness of not only the 28S rDNA but also ITS and the cox1 regions was suggested. These genes were evaluated the efficacy of those regions in DNA barcoding, and the ITS and cox1 regions shown to be useful for DNA barcoding in capsalids compared to the 28S rDNA sequence.  相似文献   

Five new foliicolous species ofDimerella Trevisan (Gyalectaceae) are reported from a collection of lichens from Tanzania:D. flavicans sp. n.,D. pocsii sp. n.,D. subdilucida sp. n. ad int.,D. tanzanica, sp. n. andD. usambarensis sp. n. A determination key is provided to all the known African foliicolous species.  相似文献   

Twelve species are considered within the Afrotropical genus Strigivenifera Hering, 1937, and ten of them are described as new ones: S. eborea sp. n.,S. livingstonei sp. n., S. marina sp. n., S. tanja sp. n., S. ocellaris sp. n., S. cruisa sp. n., S. bartschi sp. n., S. oris sp. n., S. tatooifera sp. n., and S. neo sp. n. The species S. albidiscalis (Hampson, 1910) is raised from synonymy with S. venata (Aurivillius, 1895) and considered as a separate species.  相似文献   

The oribatid mite genus Berndamerus Mahunka, 1977 is transferred into the family Ctenobelbidae as the subgenus Ctenobelba (Berndamerus) Mahunka, 1977, stat. n. from the family Amerobelbidae. The known species of Berndamerus combined: C. (B.) bicostata (Berlese, 1910), comb. n., C. (B.) eremuloides (Berlese, 1910), comb. n., C. (B.) hellenica (Mahunka, 1977), comb. n. A new species, Ctenobelba (Berndamerus) bugiamapensis sp. n., is described from soil, Bu Gia Map National Park, southern Vietnam. It differs from the other species of the subgenus by the heterotrichy of notogastral setae, presence of adanal neotrichy and localization of adanal lyrifissures. Ctenobelbidae is recorded in Vietnam for the first time. A new diagnosis of the family Ctenobelbidae and the identification keys to the known subgenera of the genus Ctenobelba and species of the subgenus Ctenobelba (Berndamerus) are provided.  相似文献   

The Chinese species of the genus Omalus Panzer, 1801 are revised and keyed for the first time. Eight species are recorded, of which four are new to science and one is new to China: Omalus aeneus (Fabricius, 1787), Omalus berezovskii (Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1932), Omalus potanini (Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1932), Omalus imbecillus (Mocsáry, 1889) (new to China), Omalus helanshanus sp. n., Omalus probiaccinctus sp. n., Omalus pseudoimbecillus sp. n., and Omalus tibetanus sp. n.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Peyerimhoffia Kieffer in China was studied. Eight species were recognized, including seven new species that are herein described and illustrated: P. hamata sp. n., P. obesa sp. n., P. sparsula sp. n., P. longiprojecta sp. n., P. brachypodua sp. n., P. yunnana sp. n., and P. shennongjiana sp. n. In addition, P. vagabunda (Winnertz, 1867) is reported for the first time from China. A key to these Chinese species is provided.  相似文献   

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