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Although the relationship between dietary and phenotypic specialization has been well documented for many vertebrate groups, it has been stated that few such general trends can be established for lizards. This is often thought to be due to the lack of dietary specialization in many lizards. For example, many species that are reported to be insectivorous may also consume a variety of plant materials, and the reverse is often true as well. In this study, we investigate whether a correlation exists between general cranial form and dietary niche in lizards. Additionally, we test previously proposed hypotheses suggesting that herbivorous lizards should be larger bodied than lizards with other diets. Our data indicate that lizards specializing in food items imposing different mechanical demands on the feeding system show clear patterns of morphological specialization in their cranial morphology. True herbivores (diet of fibrous and tough foliage) are clearly distinguished from omnivorous and carnivorous lizards by having taller skulls and shorter snouts, likely related to the need for high bite forces. This allows herbivores to mechanically reduce relatively less digestible foliage. Carnivores have relatively longer snouts and retroarticular processes, which may result in more efficient capture and processing of elusive prey. When analysed in an explicit phylogenetic context, only snout length and skull mass remained significantly different between dietary groups. The small number of differences in the phylogenetic analyses is likely the result of shared evolutionary history and the relative paucity of independent origins of herbivory and omnivory in our sample. Analyses of the relationship between diet and body size show that on average herbivores have a larger body size than carnivores, with omnivores intermediate between the two other dietary groups. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86 , 433–466.  相似文献   

With more than 80 species inhabiting all warm continental land masses and hundreds of intervening continental and oceanic islands, Hemidactylus geckos are one of the most species-rich and widely distributed of all reptile genera. They consequently represent an excellent model for biogeographic, ecological, and evolutionary studies. A molecular phylogeny for Hemidactylus is presented here, based on 702 bp of mtDNA (303 bp cytochrome b and 399 bp 12S rRNA) from 166 individuals of 30 species of Hemidactylus plus Briba brasiliana, Cosymbotus platyurus, and several outgroups. The phylogeny indicates that Hemidactylus may have initially undergone rapid radiation, and long-distance dispersal is more extensive than in any other reptilian genus. In the last 15 My, African lineages have naturally crossed the Atlantic Ocean at least twice. They also colonized the Gulf of Guinea, Cape Verde and Socotra islands, again sometimes on more than one occasion. Many extensive range extensions have occurred much more recently, sometimes with devastating consequences for other geckos. These colonizations are likely to be largely anthropogenic, involving the 'weedy' commensal species, H. brookii s. lat, H. mabouia, H. turcicus, H. garnotii, and H. frenatus. These species collectively have colonized the Mediterranean region, tropical Africa, much of the Americas and hundreds of islands in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans. Five well-supported clades are discernable in Hemidactylus, with the African H. fasciatus unallocated. 1. Tropical Asian clade: (Cosymbotus platyurus (H. bowringii, H. karenorum, H. garnotii)) (H. flaviviridis (Asian H. brookii, H. frenatus)). 2. African H. angulatus and Caribbean H. haitianus. 3. Arid clade, of NE Africa, SW Asia, etc.: (H. modestus (H. citernii, H. foudai)) (H. pumilio (H. granti, H. dracaenacolus) (H. persicus, H. macropholis, H. robustus, H. turcicus (H. oxyrhinus (H. homoeolepis, H. forbesii))). 4. H. mabouia clade (H. yerburii, H. mabouia). 5. African-Atlantic clade: H. platycephalus ((H. agrius, H. palaichthus) (H. longicephalus, H. greeffi, H. bouvieri, Briba brasiliana))). Cosymbotus and Briba are synonymized with Hemidactylus, and African populations of H. brookii separated as H. angulatus, with which H. haitianus may be conspecific. Some comparatively well-sampled widespread species show high genetic variability (10-15% divergence) and need revision, including Cosymbotus platyurus, H. bowringii, Asian H. brookii, H. frenatus, H. angulatus, and H. macropholis. In contrast, most populations of H. mabouia and H. turcicus are very uniform (1-2% divergence). Plasticity of some of the morphological features of Hemidactylus is confirmed, although retention of primitive morphologies also occurs.  相似文献   

Recent survey work in Madagascar has led to significant changes in the systematics of Madagascan Phelsuma. A new species from the Masoala Peninsula in northeastern Madagascar is described, which has a nostril position typical of Phelsuma from Mauritius, Reunion and Rodriguez islands. Phelsuma breviceps was rediscovered in extreme southern Madagascar and is resurrected from the synonymy of P. mutabilis. Phelsuma breviceps has fragile skin, a probable predator escape mechanism, similar to the condition found in geckos of the genera Ailuronyx and Geckokpis. Three new synonyms are recognized. Phelsuma befotahensis and P. checki are junior synonyms of P. abbotti , and P. minuthi is a junior synonym of P. lineata. Twenty species of Phelsuma occur in Madagascar, of which 16 are endemic. A checklist and identification key are provided. Conservation problems of Phelsuma in the coastal regions of Madagascar are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Quedenfeldtia (Boettger, 1883) is a genus of diurnal geckos, endemic to the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, with two species being recognized: Quedenfeldtia moerens and Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus. Quedenfeldtia moerens is found across a wide variety of habitats, from sea level to 3000 m a.s.l., whereas Q. trachyblepharus occupies exclusively high mountain regions reaching up to 4000 m a.s.l. This differentiation, offers an interesting model for study biogeographical patterns and evolutionary scenarios in a North African endemic. Analysis of two mitochondrial (12S rRNA and ND4) and four nuclear (ACM4, MC1R, PDC, and Rag1) DNA markers revealed high genetic variation, consistent with other recent phylogeographical studies, and with the two currently described species. However, within each species, a subdivision into two groups with geographical consistence was found. Multivariate morphological analyses confirmed the existence of two main phenotypes, whereas ecological niche modelling identified various environmental variables associated with the distribution of each species, and helped to predict occurrences outside the confirmed ranges. The results obtained in the present study indicate the possible existence of additional ‘cryptic’ species within this genus, a condition found in many North African reptiles, and particularly common in geckos. In general, North African montane fauna appears to reflect the occurrence of diverse palaeoendemics, as seen in Central Africa Mountain systems, rather than the pattern of recent postglacial recolonization observed in Europe. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic analysis using nuclear (RAG‐1, RAG‐2) and mitochondrial (16S) markers, a statistical Bayesian reconstruction of ancestral distribution areas and a karyological analysis on most Malagasy species of the gekkonid genus Lygodactylus. The phylogenetic analysis largely confirms major basal branching pattern of previous molecular studies, but highlights significant differences concerning both the relationships between different species groups as well as those within groups. The biogeographic analysis supports a Malagasy origin of Lygodactylus, an oversea dispersal to continental Africa and a return to Madagascar. The L. madagascariensis group (also including a new candidate species identified herein) is the most basal clade in Lygodactylus, and the sister group of a clade with all the remaining species. The second most basal clade is the L. verticillatus group, placed as the sister group of a clade comprising African and Malagasy species. The sister lineage of the L. verticillatus group originated the African radiation through an oversea dispersal out of Madagascar. Eventually, the sister lineage of the L. capensis group originated secondary dispersals from Africa to Madagascar. In Madagascar, lineage diversification in different species groups mainly occurred from southern to northern and eastern regions. Dispersal, vicariance and paleoclimatic refugia probably played a relevant role in the evolutionary history of closely related taxa and in speciation mechanisms. The cytogenetic analysis evidenced a high karyotypic variability in Lygodactylus (from 2n = 34 to 2n = 40), which is at least partly consistent with the phylogenetic relationships and the composition of the various species group. Chromosome evolution occurred independently in different lineages, mainly through a reduction in the chromosome number and starting from a putative primitive karyotype of 2n = 40 with all telocentric elements.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence for alternative gene orders demonstrates that vertebrate mitochondrial genomes are more evolutionarily dynamic than previously thought. Several lineages of parthenogenetic lizards contain large, tandem duplications that include rRNA, tRNA, and protein-coding genes, as well as the control region. Such duplications are hypothesized as intermediate stages in gene rearrangement, but the early stages of their evolution have not been previously studied. To better understand the evolutionary dynamics of duplicated segments of mitochondrial DNA, we sequenced 10 mitochondrial genomes from recently formed ( approximately 300,000 years ago) hybrid parthenogenetic geckos of the Heteronotia binoei complex and 1 from a sexual form. These genomes included some with an arrangement typical of vertebrates and others with tandem duplications varying in size from 5.7 to 9.4 kb, each with different gene contents and duplication endpoints. These results, together with phylogenetic analyses, indicate independent and frequent origins of the duplications. Small, direct repeats at the duplication endpoints imply slipped-strand error as a mechanism generating the duplications as opposed to a false initiation/termination of DNA replication mechanism that has been invoked to explain duplications in other lizard mitochondrial systems. Despite their recent origin, there is evidence for nonfunctionalization of genes due primarily to deletions, and the observed pattern of gene disruption supports the duplication-deletion model for rearrangement of mtDNA gene order. Conversely, the accumulation of mutations between these recent duplicates provides no evidence for gene conversion, as has been reported in some other systems. These results demonstrate that, despite their long-term stasis in gene content and arrangement in some lineages, vertebrate mitochondrial genomes can be evolutionary dynamic even at short timescales.  相似文献   

The genus Rhoptropus consists of six species of diurnal, chiefly rupicolous, geckos that are endemic to the arid and semi-arid zones of Namibia and southern Angola. Sixteen skeletal and scalation characters and six allozyme characters analysed cladistically yield a single most parsimonious pattern of relationships: (( R. afer, R. bradfieldi ) ( R. taeniostictus (R. boultoni (R. barnardi, R. biporosus )))). Support for the placement of R. taeniostictus is tenuous because of missing allozyme data, but the remainder of the topology, especially the basal dichotomy, is well supported. Morphological and allozyme data are congruent and a phenetic analysis of genetic distances among the taxa is consistent with the phylogeny. The diversification of the genus probably took place in the Mid- to Late Tertiary and both basal and distal cladogenic events may be related to the evolution of the Namib Desert and movement of the Namib sands. Rates of evolution among the lineages of Rhoptropus appear to be unequal and R. afer , a species largely restricted to horizontal sheet rock habitats, has accumulated a large number of autapomorphic traits.  相似文献   

Conventional taxonomy of the Seychelles populations of the Phelsuma madagascariensis species group has failed to illustrate the principal patterns of phenetic variation between island populations. The taxonomic history of the populations is discussed critically, and a revised nomenclature is suggested from the results of a recent comprehensive study of the forms using multivariate morphometrics. Three phenetic groups from the granitic islands are referred to as Phelsuma sundbergi sundbergi from the north western islands; P. s. ladiguensis from the north eastern islands; and P. s. longinsulae from the southern islands. Phelsuma abbotti populations from Aldabra and Assumption are considered subspecifically distinct, and not conspecific with the granitic island forms. The other coralline island populations are closely allied to the races from the granitic islands and probably represent recent colonization or introductions by man.  相似文献   

Summary Oxygen consumption rates of the lizardsPtyodactylus hasselquistii (adult and subadults) andBunopus tuberculatus (adult) were determined in relation to ambient temperatures ranging from 10 to 35°C using a double-chamber, volumetric closed system. The metabolic rate-temperature curves for both species were triphasic and similar in shape, but O2 consumption differed between species.The low thermal dependence at temperatures between 15 and 25°C, common to both species, was correlated with the lizards' dual mode of thermoregulatory activity and ecology.  相似文献   

Qin XM  Qian F  Zeng DL  Liu XC  Li HM 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):176-177
Here, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of the red-spotted tokay gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae). The genome is 16,590 bp in size. Its gene arrangement pattern was identical with that of black-spotted tokay gecko. We compared the mitochondrial genome of red-spotted tokay gecko with that of the black-spotted tokay gecko. Nucleotide sequence of the two whole mitochondrial genomes was 97.99% similar, and the relatively high similarity seems to indicate that they may be separated at the subspecies level. The information of mitochondrial genome comparison of the two morphological types of tokay gecko is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

We sampled Palaearctic naked‐toed geckos from across their range in India and used two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes to reconstruct relationships within a global phylogeny. Published sequences of Peninsular Indian Hemidactylus allow us to contrast these two groups in dating analyses – providing insights into the history of the Indian dry zone. Palaearctic naked‐toed geckos first moved onto the Indian Plate in the Oligocene, with higher‐level diversification probably linked to collision of the Indian and Eurasian plates, and subsequent dispersal into‐India and diversification with increasing Miocene aridity. An independent gekkonid radiation with species in the dry zone, Hemidactylus diversified during the same period in Peninsular India. Our results demonstrate that dry zone taxa across India may date back to at least the Miocene, with a potential historical climatic barrier between the Indus and Peninsular Indian Divisions. ‘Cyrtopodionaravallense is revealed to be a complex with seven genetically and environmentally divergent lineages that began diversifying in the late Miocene, congruent with increased aridity in north‐western India. This discovery of cryptic diversity in the Indian dry zone represents the first terrestrial vertebrate radiation from north‐western central India and highlights how little we understand of the regions’ biodiversity, emphasizing the need for systematic geographic sampling and multiline evidence to reveal true patterns of diversity. The ancestor of ‘Cyrtopodion’ aravallense came into the nascent Indian dry zone in the Miocene and has since diversified, potentially in the absence of any sympatric scansorial rupicolous geckos. Cyrtopodion scabrum represents a unique case of commensalism and shows phylogeographic structure in its presumed native range. The taxonomic implications of our study include a number of undescribed species, recognition of ‘Cyrtopodion’ as a distinct lineage and the non‐monophyly of Altiphylax.  相似文献   

Osteoderms are bone‐rich organs found in the dermis of many scleroglossan lizards sensu lato, but are only known for two genera of gekkotans (geckos): Tarentola and Gekko. Here, we investigate their sequence of appearance, mode of development, structural diversity and ability to regenerate following tail loss. Osteoderms were present in all species of Tarentola sampled (Tarentola annularis, T. mauritanica, T. americana, T. crombei, T. chazaliae) as well as Gekko gecko, but not G. smithii. Gekkotan osteoderms first appear within the integument dorsal to the frontal bone or within the supraocular scales. They then manifest as mineralized structures in other positions across the head. In Tarentola and G. gecko, discontinuous clusters subsequently form dorsal to the pelvis/base of the tail, and then dorsal to the pectoral apparatus. Gekkotan osteoderm formation begins once the dermis is fully formed. Early bone deposition appears to involve populations of fibroblast‐like cells, which are gradually replaced by more rounded osteoblasts. In T. annularis and T. mauritanica, an additional skeletal tissue is deposited across the superficial surface of the osteoderm. This tissue is vitreous, avascular, cell‐poor, lacks intrinsic collagen, and is herein identified as osteodermine. We also report that following tail loss, both T. annularis and T. mauritanica are capable of regenerating osteoderms, including osteodermine, in the regenerated part of the tail. We propose that osteoderms serve roles in defense against combative prey and intraspecific aggression, along with anti‐predation functions. J. Morphol. 276:1345–1357, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

<正> Our study investigated the diet of the southernmost gecko in the world, Homonota darwini. Fifty-three specimenswere captured during spring and summer in four locations in Patagonia, Argentina. The stomach contents of the specimens wereidentified, and we found that prey consisted of six main groups: Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Homoptera and Araneae, and theadults and larvae of moth Lepidoptera. Lepidoptera was the major dietary component. The presence of ants and moths as commonprey suggests an ambush feeding strategy. In spring, females consumed more ants than males although no other dietary differencesbetween males and females were evident. We found nine geckos with empty stomachs and six parasitized by nematodes.Presence of empty stomachs corroborates previous observations of other nocturnal geckos and non-gecko lizards. Reduced foragingsuccess of nocturnal lizards could be due to difficulty in prey detection due to dim light, reduced or erratic activity of insectprey at night, or shorter activity times of geckos relative to diurnal success. Sex and season were not associated with the incidenceof empty stomachs. Principal component analysis showed that four food alternatives correlated with season. The constraint ofnocturnality, coupled with low night-time temperatures restricting feeding to only a few hours after sunset, appear to have causeda generality of diet which may limit energy acquisition. We conclude that H. darwini is an arthropod generalist and likely an ambushforager, as are many other nocturnal gekkonids  相似文献   

Many species of gekkotans possess adhesive subdigital pads that allow them to adhere to, and move on, a wide variety of surfaces. The natural surfaces exploited by these lizards may be rough, undulant and unpredictable and therefore likely provide only limited, patchy areas for adhesive contact. Here, we examine the microtopography of rock surfaces used by seven species of Rhoptropus and compare this to several rough and smooth artificial surfaces employed in previous studies of gekkotan adhesion. These data are considered in relation to the form, configuration, compliance and functional morphology of the setal fields of these species. Our results demonstrate that natural rock surfaces are rough and unpredictable at the scale of the setal arrays, with equal amounts of variation existing within and between the various types of rock surfaces examined. Such surfaces differ from smooth and rough artificial surfaces in the proportion of surface area available for attachment and the relative predictability of surface undulance. Generally, setal field characteristics of individual species are not relatable to specific substrates, but instead are configured to allow for sufficient attachment to a wide variety of unpredictable surfaces. Our findings provide insight into the evolution and microanatomy of the adhesive system of gekkotan lizards and its adaptive relationship to topographically unpredictable surfaces.  相似文献   

The European cave bear evolved during the Middle Pleistocene and adapted to mountain environments. Earlier workers have described the cave bear as a robust bear. In this study the cave bears limb bone morphology is compared to the limb bone morphology of extant bears. Body mass estimates for the cave bear are made both based on different limb bone characters and based on dental and cranial characters. The shafts are wider in the cave bear limb bones than in the extant bear limb bones, and consequently the shaft widths give higher weight estimates to the cave bear than the other dimensions. The widened shafts are suggested to be a special adaptation (of presently unknown significance) rather than an indicator of an increased body mass.  相似文献   

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