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The evaluative technique of lymphocyte cytolytic activity in human peripheral blood has been designed. The target cells, lectin (Con A) concentration and incubation time for measuring cytolytic activity of lymphocytes pre-purified from adherent cells have been selected. The mean values of lectin-dependent cytotoxicity in peripheral blood of 50 healthy donors are presented.  相似文献   

Human lung carcinoma cells persistently infected with mumps virus (Pc-10/MpV) were lysed with human peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML) obtained from seropositive donors who had anti-mumps virus-neutralizing antibody in their sera. This cellular cytotoxicity was due not to the cytotoxic T lymphocytes but mainly to the non-T, non-B cells, possibly related to natural killer (NK) cells. Moreover, it was concerned not with antibody against mumps virus antigens but with alpha-interferon (IFN-alpha) produced in the mixture of human PBML and Pc-10/MpV cells, since this cellular cytotoxicity was suppressed by anti-human IFN-alpha rabbit serum. Exogeneous IFN-alpha augmented the cytotoxicity of non-T, non-B cells, not T cells, for the uninfected Pc-10 cells. IFN-gamma that had been induced by heat-killed Listeria monocytogenes in PBML had the same capacity to augment NK activity did IFN-alpha.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a sensitive cytochemical method of identifying alkaline phosphatase (AP) in rosette-forming lymphocytes gained from the peripheral blood of healthy human beings. The percentage of AP-positive lymphocytes amounts to 5%, with all cells comprising B- and O-lymphocyte population and with T-lymphocytes being negative. In a group of healthy test persons, recently, however, having undergone various inflammatory processes or virus diseases, the number of AP-positive lymphocytes is significantly higher, from 41-73% in B- and O-lymphocytes and from 6-38% in T-lymphocytes. This observation indicates that AP in lymphocytes may have a clinical significance in reactive lymphoproliferative processes, which must be elucidated by further investigations.  相似文献   

EBV-carrying lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL) can stimulate lymphocytes of the autologous donor [autologous stimulation (AS) assay] to blast transformation and generation of killer cells of broad-range cytotoxicity. We have tested the possibility of developing an EBV-specific AS assay for use in the demonstration of EBV-specific memory cells in the peripheral blood of normal donors. For this purpose, the stimulating lines were treated by heat and protein synthesis inhibitors to prevent the release of possible nonspecifically mitogeneic factors. Moreover, an extensive purification of the effector cells was achieved in the hope of removing a possible cellular contributor to the observed nonspecific cytotoxicity. None of these approaches was able to narrow down this nonspecific cytotoxicity to an EBV-specific response. We have shown that AS reaction (1) is not related to the release of lymphocyte mitogeneic factors by stimulating LCL, (2) is mediated by Fc receptor-negative T cells, and (3) does not require macrophage nor any other non-T helper cells.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we demonstrated that human peripheral blood mononuclear cells become strikingly cytotoxic toward a wide variety of red blood cell targets after 7 days of in vitro culture. The cell responsible for cytotoxicity does not rosette with SRBC and demonstrates both surface adherence and phagocytic properties. In this paper we wish to show that development of spontaneous cytotoxicity is due to a time-dependent loss of suppressor cell function. Fresh autologous lymphocytes, when added to cultured cells, abrogate the subsequent expression of spontaneous cytotoxicity toward RBC targets. The suppressor cell is radioresistant; requires 24 hr to suppress optimally; is inactivated by heating at 56 degrees C for 15 min, and is enriched in the non-T interface after SRBC rosette depletion over a discontinuous Ficoll-Hypaque gradient. Furthermore, the addition of a cell-free sonicate of fresh lymphocytes is capable of inhibiting spontaneous cytotoxicity toward RBC targets. However, if mononuclear cells are allowed to incubate in tissue culture medium for 7 days they are no longer suppressive after sonication. These data suggest that fresh mononuclear cells exert a potent negative regulatory influence on monocyte killing. Our culture conditions by removing this negative influence have produced a new model of spontaneous nonspecific killing by monocytes.  相似文献   

Summary Natural cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NCMC) against K-562 human erythroleukemic cells was monitored in an overnight chromium release assay using normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) as effector cells. Two hundred and ten normal individuals were tested from 3 to 24 times over a period of 3 years. The level of NCMC was shown to vary from 4% to 46% lysis at an effector-to-target cell ratio of 5/1; males had higher levels of activity than females (P<0.001). A group of individuals with low natural killer (NK) cell activity (below the 90% tolerance limit) was identified in replicate experiments and 60% of them were young women (ages 20–39). In vitro boosting of NK activity with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) was also studied; overall, 56% of normal individuals responded positively to BCG. There was a significant (P<0.0001) correlation between the unstimulated level of NCMC and the in vitro boosting with BCG, as 63% of individuals with a normal level of NK activity could be boosted as against only 19% of persons with low NK activity. We have also established the in vivo relevance of this in vitro test by determining the degree of correlation between responses to in vitro boosting with BCG and a positive or negative reaction in a hypersensitivity skin test using 5 IU of PPD (purified protein derivative of BCG). Our results indicate that NCMC is an individual trait that varies little under physiological conditions, and that the response to BCG is a characteristic property of the effector lymphocyte, depending primarily on the unstimulated level of NCMC.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 (IL 1) production by normal human B lymphocytes was investigated. Normal human peripheral blood B lymphocytes were purified by sequential separation with the use of Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation, sheep red blood cell rosette formation, Percoll gradients, and treatment with monoclonal antibodies (anti-Leu-M1, B73.1, and T101) and complement. Both purified large B lymphocytes (BL) and small B lymphocytes (BS) produced IL 1-like (thymocyte co-mitogenic and fibroblast mitogenic) activities in response to lipopolysaccharide. Maximal production of IL 1 activity by both BL and BS occurred at 48 hr. The m.w. of IL 1 activities from both BL and BS were about 20,000 with high pressure liquid chromatography, and the major isoelectric point of BL- and BS-derived IL 1 activity was 7.0. A rabbit anti-human monocyte IL 1 antiserum inhibited the activity of B cell-derived IL 1, suggesting antigenic similarities of monocyte- and B lymphocyte-derived IL 1 moieties. These data suggest that normal B lymphocyte-derived IL 1 activity is biochemically and immunologically similar to monocyte-derived IL 1.  相似文献   

The presence of phenotypically immature lymphocytes in umbilical cord blood has been a controversial topic. Moreover, their changes with age have not been systematically evaluated. In the present study, relative and absolute numbers of CD34+, CD10+CD19+, and CD4+CD8+ cell subsets were determined in umbilical cord blood from 12 full-term normal newborns, 43 children aged 1 month to 6 years, and 10 young adults. The samples were processed by whole-blood lysis and monoclonal antibody staining, and cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. Immature cells were present in cord blood and progressively declined in both absolute and percentage numbers with age, each according to a particular curve, reaching youth values roughly at age 2-4 years. These results demonstrate that phenotypically immature cells normally circulate at low levels in peripheral blood, mostly at birth and during infancy, but also during youth.  相似文献   

Natural killing of two human leukemia cell lines (K562 and Molt 4) in a soft-agar, clonagenic assay was shown to be the result of two opposite yet concurrent processes: target cell colony stimulation and inhibition. The stimulatory effect was demonstrable when the effector lymphocytes and target cells were separated in contiguous agar layers, suggesting mediation by a soluble factor. Similarly, stimulation occurred when the effector lymphocytes and target cells were combined at low effector-target cell ratios that do not favor direct cell contact. Target colony inhibition was found to be dominant when large E:T ratios were employed. Both target-effector binding and natural killing were significantly reduced in medium devoid of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Multiple staining protocols have been developed for the classification of subpopulations of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Of the non-T (E?) cells, roughly half (10–20% PBL) have receptors for complement components as detected with complement-coated zymosan particles, but do not show Fc receptors as detected with Ripley IgG-coated human RBC. The other half are C?, Fc+, with a small percentage possessing both receptors. The C+, Fc? cells can be subdivided into cells which are IgM+ (75%) or IgM?. Cells with Fc receptors detected with aggregated IgG were IgM+.  相似文献   

Sun Z  Liu Z  Meng J  Meng J  Duan J  Xie S  Lu X  Zhu Z  Wang C  Chen S  Xu H  Yang XD 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21073
With the expansion of the potential applications of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in biomedical fields, the toxicity and biocompatibility of CNT have become issues of growing concern. Since the immune system often mediates tissue damage during pathogenesis, it is important to explore whether CNT can trigger cytotoxicity through affecting the immune functions. In the current study, we evaluated the influence of CNT on the cytotoxicity mediated by human lymphocytes in vitro. The results showed that while CNT at low concentrations (0.001 to 0.1 μg/ml) did not cause obvious cell death or apoptosis directly, it enhanced lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity against multiple human cell lines. In addition, CNT increased the secretion of IFN-γ and TNF-α by the lymphocytes. CNT also upregulated the NF-κB expression in lymphocytes, and the blockage of the NF-κB pathway reduced the lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity triggered by CNT. These results suggest that CNT at lower concentrations may prospectively initiate an indirect cytotoxicity through affecting the function of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Activation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by incubation with particulate immune complexes or aggregated human gamma-globulin was studied by measuring the release of leukocyte migration inhibitory factor (LIF) activity. LIF-active supernatants were consistently produced when nonadherent lymphocytes containing less than 1% surface immunoglobulin-bearing cells and less than 0.2% nonspecific esterase-positive monocytes were incubated in the presence of RBC sensitized with rabbit or human antibodies or with pooled heat-aggregated human gamma-globulin. This immune complex-induced lymphokine production (ICLP) was dependent on the presence of cells bearing receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (Fc gamma). ICLP could not be demonstrated with lymphocyte preparations enriched for B cells even though the latter showed vigorous LIF production in the presence of complement-sensitized erythrocytes. ICLP was dependent on the concentration of lymphocytes and of stimulant as well as on the duration of coincubation, and it required active metabolic processes and RNA and protein synthesis but not DNA synthesis. Ca++ but not Mg++ was obligatory. ICLP by non-B Fc gamma receptor-bearing lymphocytes may play a role in antibody-dependent protective inflammation and immunologic injury phenomena, which is similar to that of lymphokine release by antigen-activated T cells in delayed hypersensitivity responses.  相似文献   

Members of the beta 1 subfamily of heterodimeric integrins, such as the fibronectin receptors alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha 4 beta 1, are expressed on human T lymphocytes. The presence of these two adhesion receptors on T lymphocytes suggests an involvement in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions that may be important for the development of immune and inflammatory reactions. We have examined the cell surface expression of alpha 5, alpha 4, and beta 1 subunits on purified peripheral blood T lymphocytes before and after activation with Con A and PMA. Freshly isolated T lymphocytes contained distinct fractions expressing high or low levels of alpha 5 and beta 1. Only a high expressing T lymphocyte population was present after 72-h culture with Con A and PMA. Time course analysis indicated that the shift in alpha 5 and beta 1 expression occurred during the first 24 h after addition of activating agents and occurred in the absence of proliferation. In contrast to alpha 5 and beta 1, essentially all freshly isolated T lymphocytes expressed high levels of alpha 4. After 72-h culture with Con A and PMA, a wide distribution of alpha 4 expression was observed. Further experiments showed that after activation, a proportion of CD4-positive cells decreased their surface expression of alpha 4, but increased their surface expression of alpha 5 and beta 1. In contrast, most CD8-positive cells increased their surface expression of alpha 5, beta 1, and alpha 4 upon activation. An examination of mRNA levels in pan-T lymphocyte cultures after activation indicated that alpha 5 and alpha 4 mRNA expression decreased, whereas beta 1 mRNA expression was unchanged, in Con A/PMA-activated cells as compared to those cultured in medium alone. Our results indicate that T lymphocyte activating agents may differentially affect the expression of alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha 4 beta 1, thus providing a mechanism for the selective regulation of binding interactions that occur at sites of immune reactions.  相似文献   

Cell populations from carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) peripheral blood leucocytes (PBLs) were examined for nonspecific cytotoxicities. By using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against carp thrombocytes (TCL-HB8) and both neutrophils and monocytes (TCL-BE8), PBLs with a density of 1.08 g ml-1 were separated into three fractions: thrombocytes, a mixture of neutrophils and monocytes, and other cells (mainly lymphocytes), and the separated cells were tested for cytotoxic activities against mammalian tumour cell lines (K562, HeLa, P815 and Yac-1 cell). Consequently, the mixture of neutrophils and monocytes exhibited cytolysis against these target cells, whereas the lymphocyte-rich and thrombocyte fractions did not show any cytolysis. To isolate only neutrophils, which do not contain monocytes, the MAb (TCL-BE8) positive cells from PBLs with a density of 1.08-1.09 g ml-1 were separated. Pure isolated neutrophils showed cytotoxic activities against K562 cells, but not P815 cells. Furthermore, analysis of the cytolytic mechanisms indicated that killing of these cells depended on H2O2 or HOCl. These results suggest that both neutrophils and monocytes are effectors for nonspecific cytotoxicity in carp PBLs, and neutrophils may be distinct from monocytes in their reactivity in cytolysis, including target cell selectivity and/or target cell sensitivity, and the cytolytic pathway. In carp, cytotoxicity of target cells can be mediated by several populations of their leucocytes which have cytotoxic capacities with various recognition and cytolytic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Spontaneous cell-mediated cytotoxicity (SCMC) of normal human lymphocytes against various allogenic tumor cell lines has recently been identified as a non-T lymphocyte function. In this study evidence is presented that SCMC against a human melanoma cell line (IGR3) involves a nonspecific lymphotoxin-like mediator(s) (LT), which is rapidly produced by lymphocytes that are retained on IgG-anti-IgG columns. LT was shown to inhibit in 48-hr cultures the DNA synthesis of growing IGR3 and HeLa cell monolayers. Furthermore, in short term 51Cr-release assays using IGR3 target cells, LT increased strongly the SCMC of normal allogeneic lymphocytes, although it exhibited little cytotoxicity by itself in this assay. LT was detectable in cell-free supernatants harvested after 6 hr from co-cultures of IGR3 melanoma cells and normal effector lymphocytes, but not in supernatants from melanoma cells alone or lymphocytes alone. Lymphocyte preparations that had been passed through IgG-anti-IgG columns had lost the capacity to generate LT and were poor effectors in SCMC. However, in the presence of LT, a small proportion of null cells, which pass through IgG-anti-IgG columns, was capable of inducing strong SCMC. Absorption of the supernatants, containing LT activity, with an insolubilized rabbit-anti-human IgG antiserum did not remove the mediator, suggesting that it is not an immunoglobulin.  相似文献   

EBV-transformed B-cell lines (LCL) suppressed peripheral lymphocyte responses to mitogens (PHA, PWM, and protein A). Cell separation experiments have shown that LCL cells activate autologous radiosensitive suppressor T cells that inhibit T-cell responses to mitogens (PHA and Con A) and to the autologous lymphoblastoid cell line itself. The significance of this autologous response and the way it may reflect on the effect of the suppressor T cells on the regulation of potential autoimmune responses is considered in relation to the in vivo phenomena observed in the course of acute mononucleosis.  相似文献   

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