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肯氏相思根瘤亚显微结构观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肯氏相思根瘤亚显微结构观察结果表明,刚受侵袭的寄主细胞的细胞核和质体膨大,线粒体内嵴消失成为圆球状体,内质网膜松散;幼年类菌体细胞外形较小,呈圆形和椭圆形,细胞质浓密,染色深而均匀;成熟类菌体外型较大,形态多样,细胞内聚-β-羟基丁酸积累增多,随着根瘤细胞逐渐发育成熟,在类菌体被内可见1至数个类菌体,在根瘤衰老细胞中,类菌体包被周膜解离破裂,流出电子透明物质,本文还对周膜扩增的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

电镜观察表明,超结瘤大豆未受侵染的宿主细胞中有一明显增大的细胞核。幼年美菌体为椭圆形,里面有个拟核区,正常类菌体有完整的周膜和PHB颗粒。受侵染的寄主细胞中出现类似无效根瘤的异常现象:少数类菌体退化或溶解,还有空周膜及裸露的类菌体,这可能是超结瘤大豆固氮活性较低的原因。  相似文献   

超结瘤大豆根瘤的亚显微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电镜观察表明,超结瘤大豆未受侵染的宿主细胞中有一明显增大的细胞核。幼年类菌体为椭圆形,里面有个拟核区,正常类菌体有完善的周膜和PHB颗粒,受侵染的寄主细胞中出现类似无效根瘤的异常现象;少数类菌体退化或溶解,还有空周膜及裸露的类菌体,这可能是超结瘤大豆固氮活性较低的原因。  相似文献   

肯氏相思^60Co—γ辐照诱变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同剂量(3000,5000,7000Rad)^60Co-γ辐照肯氏相思种子,选育出诱变优株(M1),以M1的种子(M2)扩种试验,观测M1和M2代的形态,物候,并测定过氧化物酶同功酶带谱,酶活性,蛋白质含量,结果表明,各处理的优株与对照都存在差异。在相同生态条件下,M1代林木生长量和M2代地上部生物量分别高于对照11.48% ̄21.64%和14.62% ̄73.89%,以5000Rad辐照剂量  相似文献   

肯氏相思~(60)Co-r辐照诱变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同剂量(3000、5000、7000Rad)(60)Co-r辐照肯氏相思种子,选育出诱变化株(M1),以M1的种子(M2)扩种试验。观测M1和M2代的形态、物候,并测定过氧化物酶同功酶带谱、酶活性、蛋白质含量,结果表明,各处理的优株与对照都存在差异。在相同生态条件下,M1代林木生长量和民代地上部生物量分别高于对照见11.48%~21.64%和14.62%~73.98%,以5000Rad辐照剂量最优,其次为7000Rad。访变个体后代表现树干直、花果期提早和种子小。  相似文献   

杨梅根瘤的横切面是圆形、对称的,含菌组织位于皮层的中部。未成熟根瘤的感染细胞充满内生菌丝。内生菌丝是分枝。具隔膜的Frankia菌。成熟根瘤中,内生菌丝顶端膨大形成无隔膜、表面光滑、球形的泡囊,直径比菌丝直径大,内含有某种内含物。泡囊的大量出现可能是固氮活力提高的标志,成熟壮瘤的固氮活性比幼瘤和衰老瘤的高。  相似文献   

杨梅根瘤的显微和亚显微结构及固氮活性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

羊奶果根瘤的侵入线总是在几个相邻细胞的细胞间隙中出现。在根瘤发生部位未根毛的变形。侵入线似一囊状物,其内含物有丝状物和基质,侵和主线的壁部分或全部加厚,并与周围的寄主细胞壁相连。侵入线呈多种形态,在被侵染细胞中,细胞核膨大,并分叉变成指状核。  相似文献   

根瘤细胞早期发育阶段,以宿主细胞器和根瘤菌转化类菌体的数量增多为特征。随后类菌体增殖到填满宿主细胞内的大部分区域。各个类菌体周膜内含有1至几个类菌体。晚期共生发育阶段,类菌体细胞结构和宿主细胞器数量发生了变化。文中还讨论了根瘤的共生固氮作用。  相似文献   

Bacteroids, in numbers of two, three or more, in the legume nodules of Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers., Glycine max (L.) Merr. and Pisum sativum L. were enclosed in each peribacteroid membrane (PBM). In view that PBM was formed synchronously with the bacteroid reproduction, the origin as well as the expansion of PBM ought to be in large scale in order to meet the need of the physiologic process of symbiotic nature. It was observed that in the same nodule sample there were kinds of modes of the PBM expansion, such as chimeric fusion between, or among the PBMs in which a protrusion of one PBM fit into a depression of another PBM, fusions of the PBM with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and its vesicles, with small vacuole membrane, etc. Cytochemical study indicated that PBM, plasma membrane, ER membrane, etc. possessed the same type of ATPase, and the PBM was structurally similar to the plasma membrane. Therefore, the PBM appears to be a mosaic membrane possessing features of the plasma membrane, ER membrane and vacuole membrane, etc. In final, the physiological significance of the diversity in the origin and expansion modes of the PBM was discussed.  相似文献   

豆科植物根瘤内的共生拟菌体需有周膜包围。田菁[Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers.]、大豆[Glycine m ax (L.) Merr.]和豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)的根瘤拟菌体周膜内有多个拟菌体。在周膜形成和周膜内的拟菌体由1 个到多个的根瘤发育过程中,要有大量的膜来源和周膜的扩增才能适应这种生理变化。同一种根瘤内周膜扩增有周膜间的镶嵌融合,周膜与内质网及其小泡、小液泡膜融合等多种方式。细胞化学表明:周膜、质膜和内质网膜具有相同型的ATP酶,周膜是一种嵌合膜,与质膜、内质网膜和液泡膜有共性。最后对周膜来源和扩增方式多样性的生理意义进行了讨论  相似文献   

This study reports the isolation of 15 microsatellites in Acacia hybrid (Acacia mangium×Acacia auriculiformis) based on the 5′ anchored polymerase chain reaction technique. Polymorphism of these loci was evaluated in a sample of 24 hybrid individuals. The level of polymorphism ranged from two to eight alleles with an observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.083 to 0.875. These loci were also characterized in both the parental species. The number of alleles ranged from two to six for both A. mangium and A. auriculiformis with the observed heterozygosity values ranging from 0.167 to 0.625 and 0.042 to 0.458 respectively. Five of these loci demonstrated Mendelian inheritance in a segregating F1 population; four presented a distorted ratio and the remaining six did not segregate in progenies as they were homozygous in both parents.  相似文献   

The relation between the endoplasmic reticulum and peribacteroid membranes during the development of infected cells of Chinese soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Harvest 11) root nodules by transmission electron microscopy was observed. After the host cells are infected by bacteria, the ultrastructures of the infected cells appear to have many changes, such as that their cytoplasm becomes thicker, the vacuoles decrease in size and organelles rapidly increase in number, among these organelle changes are more obvious than the others. However, changes of endoplasmic reticulum is mostly striking. It is not only increases greatly in number but often swells and forms wider inter-spaces. The swelling of endoplasmic reticulum is especially conspicuous at its ends and often form various vesicles. Sometimes, the front part of the endoplasmic reticulum also forms a gourd-shaped structure, which together with the vesicles usually contain fibrillar material. After they are released from the endoplasmic reticulum to the host cytoplasm, they continuously move towards neighbouring bacteria and close to the peribacteroid membranes. The gourd-shaped structures always locate near but never fuse with the peribacteroid membranes. However, the vesicles can do that and form a kind of papillae, often containing fibrillar material, on the peri bacteroid membranes. These papillae and their fibrillar material gradually disappear whilst the membrane of the vesicle derived from endoplasmic reticulum becomes one part of the peribacteroid membrane by way of fusing with the latter to form a papilla on it.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the root nodule infecting cell of Elaeagnus mollis Diels and its shapes of the endophyte were observed by light microscope, scanning electron microscope and transmission electron microscope. The endophyte in the root nodules of Elaeagnus mollis D. has five different developing forms: hyphae, nitrogen fixing vesicles, sporangia, sporangio-spores and bacteroid-like cells. The roles played by the different forms of the endophytes in symbiotic nitrogen fixation arc discussed also.  相似文献   

Summary Provision of silicon (0, 0.048, 0.096, 0.24, 0.48, and 0.96 g/1) in the form of silicic acid (H4SiO4) to nodulated cowpea plants(Vignia unguiculata [L.] Walp.) grown in liquid culture resulted in considerable changes in the internal organization of nodule structure. Compared to the control plants which received no added silicate, bacteroid numbers increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) at silicate concentrations of both 0.096 and 0.48 g/1. The number of symbiosomes also increased by 3.2-fold at the silicate concentration of 0.96 g/1 compared to the control. In contrast, the size of bacteroids and symbiosomes decreased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) inside nodules of silicate-treated plants. The peribacteroid space was also decreased considerably (P ≤ 0.05) with the application of 0.096 and 0.96 g of silicate per liter to plants. However, the size of intercellular spaces adjacent to infected and uninfected interstitial cells within the nodule medulla increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) at 0.096 g of silicate per liter followed by a sharply marked (P ≤ 0.05) decrease with each subsequent increase in silicate application. The result was a large decrease (P≤0.05) in the area of bacteria-infected tissue occupied by intercellular space at the highest silicate concentration, which was caused by a significant (P ≤ 0.05) increase in cell wall thickness. Our findings show that the positive effects of silicon on N2 fixation might actually be due to an increased number of bacteroids and symbiosomes.  相似文献   

Particle frequency of the peribacteroid membrane (PBM) from nodules of Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Maple Arrow infected with Bradyrhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 (wild-type strain) was determined by freeze-fracturing to be about 2200·m-2 in the protoplasmic fracture face and 700·m-2 in the exoplasmic fracture face. In membranes isolated from nodules infected with the mutant RH 31-Marburg of B. japonicum, the particle frequency was similar in both fracture faces with 1200–1300 particles·m-2. Analysis of particlesize distribution on peribacteroid membranes showed a loss, especially of particle sizes larger than 11 nm, in the mutant-infected nodules. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (isoelectric focussing and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide) showed 27 different polypeptides in the PBM from nodules infected with the wild-type strain, four of which were absent from the PBM of nodules infected with the mutant RH 31-Marburg, which also exhibited one extra small-molecular-weight polypeptide. At least 14 of the 27 polypeptides in the PBM from the wild-type-infected nodule were glycoproteins. In three of these glycoproteins, post-translational modifications were either lacking or different when the membrane was derived from mutant-infected nodules.Abbreviations EF exoplasmatic fracture face - HRPO horse radish peroxidase - IEF Isoelectric focussing - PBM peribacteroid membrane - PF protoplasmatic fracture face - PNA peanut agglutinin - PSA Pisum sativum agglutinin - SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary The primary milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) around freshly secreted milk fat globules consists of a unit membrane separated from the triglyceride core by a dense material. This dense material may widen to include cytoplasmic organelles or may form small blebs. Preincubation and fixation of the globules at temperatures between 4° C and 60° C has no effect on the width or appearance of the dense material. Isolated MFGM profiles show structures identical to those found on intact globules. The dense material on the isolated MFGM profiles is unaffected by extractions which remove essentially all the triglyceride present in the pellets of MFGM.The structure of the primary MFGM is therefore independent of any triglyceride content and the earlier suggestions that the dark material represented a triglyceride layer of high melting point adsorped during cooling of the globules after milking are not supported by the work described in this paper.  相似文献   

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