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Summary Air speeds and wing kinematics were determined for the Neotropical moth Urania fulgens in natural migratory flight over Lake Gatun, Republic of Panama. Morphological parameters are presented for the same insects filmed in free flight. A quasi-steady aerodynamic analysis was used to show that unsteady mechanisms of lift generation are probably not necessary to produce the forces necessary for fast forward flight. Mechanical power requirements of forward flight were estimated from the biomechanical and morphological data. Over an airspeed range of 1.5 to 4.5 m/s, the mechanical power required to fly is predicted to increase dramatically with forward speed. A comparison of estimated metabolic rates with endogenous lipid reserves suggests that U. fulgens feeds extensively on flower nectar during migration from Central into South America.  相似文献   

Abstract: Effects of barbiturates, diphenylhydantoin, and ethanol on 45Ca2+ binding to acidic lipids have been examined in an organic solvent-aqueous partition system. Hexobarbital, pentobarbital, and phenobarbital, at concentrations of 0.3 and/or 0.6 mM, enhanced the binding of 45Ca2+ to phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylserine, and sulfatide but not to phosphatidylinositol or cardiolipin. Diphenylhydantoin, 0.3 mM, enhanced 45Ca2+ binding to phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine but not to sulfatide. Ethanol at 80 mM did not enhance 45Ca2+ binding to phosphatidic acid, but ethanol decreased the binding to cardiolipin and increased it to sulfatide.  相似文献   

Three cultivars of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.), which are sensitive to aluminium (Al) in the order Primahill > Monohill > Regina, were grown in water culture for 2 weeks. Nutrients were supplied at 15% increase of amounts daily, corresponding to the nutrient demand for maximal growth. The 2.4-dinitrophenol (DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) and DNP-insensitive (non-metabolic) uptake of aluminium, phosphate. 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) in roots were measured as well as transport to shoots of intact plants. All 3 cultivars absorbed more aluminium if DNP was present during the aluminium treatment than in its absence. It is suggested that sugar beets are able to extrude aluminium activity or that they possess an active mechanism to keep Al outside the cell. The presence of Al in the medium during the 1-h experiment affected the metabolic and non-metabolic fluxes of 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) in different ways. In the presence of DNP, the influx of both 45Ca2+ and K+(86Rb+) and the efflux of 45Ca2+ were inhibited by Al in a competitive way. At inhibition of 45Ca2+ influx, 2 Al ions are probably bound per Ca2+ uptake site in cv. Regina (Al-tolerant), but in cvs Primahill and Monohill only one Al ion is bound (more Al sensitive). Aluminium competitively inhibited the active efflux of 45Ca2+ (absence of DNP) in almost the same way in the 3 cultivars. In contrast, aluminium stimulated the influx of K+(86Rb+) in cvs Primahill, Monohill and Regina in the absence of DNP. Thus, the Al effects on active and passive K+(86Rb+) influx are different. The total influx of K+(86Rb+) increased in the presence of Al and might be connected to an active exclusion of Al. Regina is the least Al-sensitive cultivar, probably because Al interferes less with the Ca2+ fluxes and because this cultivar actively excludes phosphate in the presence of Al. Thus Al-phosphate precipitation within the plant could be avoided.  相似文献   

The classic compartment analysis of ion efflux from roots is often applied with the assumption that there is a system of 3 compartments in series. However, complex ion transport across the root tissues, as well as influences from the shoot, may complicate the picture. The present experiments were performed to study the immediate effects that excision of the shoot before the experiment exerts on the efflux of Rb+(86Rb+) and of K+(86Rb+) from 9-day-old roots of plants of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve). The efflux from high K+ and low K+ roots of intact and detopped plants were compared. After excision of the shoot of high K+ plants, a marked increase in efflux was observed after 2.5 h with a maximum at about 7 h. The increase in efflux was seen as a peak in plots of efflux versus time. Excision of the shoot from low K+ roots did not give rise to a consistent increase in efflux. Regular K+ ion efflux curves were observed from roots of intact plants of high or low K+ status. Furthermore, after a pulse treatment of 9-day-old roots of intact plants of high or low K+ status with a solution containing Rb+(86Rb+), the Rb+(86Rb+) transport to the shoots was not reduced during the following 3 h in unlabelled solution. It is suggested that both the peak appearing in the efflux plots and the maintained tracer transport to the shoots after transfer of the roots to an unlabelled solution indicate the existence of a K+/Rb+ transport system in the symplasm of the roots that has only a slow exchange with the bulk cytoplasm and vacuoles.  相似文献   

The purines 6-amino-2-hydroxypurine and 6-amino-8-hydroxypurine, not normally associated with purine degradation in algae, were isolated by high-pressure liquid chromatography from cell extracts of Prototheca zopfii Krüger grown with adenine as the sole nitrogen source .  相似文献   

The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dang. displays a high capacity for salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM)—stimulated O2 consumption, mediated by extracellular peroxidaie. Addition of exogenous NADH also resulted in stimulation of O2 consumption. The SHAM-and NADH-stimulated peroxidase activity was partially sensitive to inhibition by exogenous superoxide dismutase, ascorbate, and gentisic acid. These compounds did not inhibit O2 consumption in the absence of effectors. SHAM-and NADH-stimulated peroxidase activity also was sensitive to inhibition by cyanide, and cyanide titration curves indicated that O2 consumption by peroxidase was more cyanide-sensitive than O2 consumption by cytochrome oxidase. The differential sensitivity to cyanide was used to estimate partitioning of O2 consumption between mitochondrial respiration and extracellular peroxidase. We suggest that, despite a large capacity for peroxidase-me-diated O2 consumption, peroxidase did not consume O2 at detectable rates in the absence of effectors. Therefore, in the absence of effectors, measured rates of O2 consumption represented the rate of mitochondrial respiration .  相似文献   

Steady state kinetics were used to examine the influence of Cd2+ both on K+ stimulation of a membrane-bound ATPase from sugar beet roots (Beta vulgaris L. cv. Monohill) and on K+(86Rb+) uptake in intact or excised beet roots. The in vitro effect of Cd2+ was studied both on a 12000–25000 g root fraction of the (Na++K++Mg2+)ATPase and on the ATPase when further purified by an aqueous polymer two-phase system. The observed data can be summarized as follows: 1) Cd2+ at high concentrations (>100 μM) inhibits the MgATPase activity in a competitive way, probably by forming a complex with ATP. 2) Cd2+ at concentrations <100 μM inhibits the specific K+ activation at both high and low affinity sites for K+. The inhibition pattern appears to be the same in the two ATPase preparations of different purity. In the presence of the substrate MgATP, and at K+ <5 mM, the inhibition by Cd2+ with respect to K+ is uncompetitive. In the presence of MgATP and K+ >10 μM, the inhibition by Cd2+ is competitive. 3) At the low concentrations of K+, Cd2+ also inhibits the 2,4-dinitrophenol(DNP)-sensitive (metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake uncompetitively both in excised roots and in roots of intact plants. 4) The DNP-insensitive (non metabolic) K+(86Rb+) uptake is little influenced by Cd2+. As Cd2+ inhibits the metabolic uptake of K+(86Rb+) and the K+ activation of the ATPase in the same way at low concentrations of K+, the same binding site is probably involved. Therefore, under field conditions, when the concentration of K+ is low, the presence of Cd2+ could be disadvantageous.  相似文献   

Passive fluxes of K+ (86Rb) into roots of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) were determined at low K+ concentration (0.1 and 1.0 mM K+) in the ambient solution. Metabolic uptake of K+ was inhibited by 10−4M 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). K+ (86Rb) fluxes were studied both continuously and by time differentiation of uptake. In high K+ roots passive uptake was directly proportional to the K+ concentration of the uptake solution, indicating free diffusion. This assumption was supported by the fact that passive Rb+ uptake was not affected by high K+ concentrations. In low K+ roots the passive uptake of K+ was higher than in high K+ roots. The increase was possibly due to carrier-mediated K+ transport. As K+ effluxes were quantitatively similar to influxes, it is suggested that passive K+ fluxes represent exchange diffusion without relation to net K+ transport.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize the paramylon synthesizing enzyme from Euglena gracilis Klebs. A method for enzyme solubilization with high synthase activity using the zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate is presented. Fractionated purification showed that the main enzyme activity was associated with the paramylon granula fraction, isolated from heterotrophically grown cells of E. gracilis. Further purification by sucrose density centrifugation resulted in a large enzyme complex with an apparent molar mass of 670 kDa (native). The complex remained active throughout the isolation procedures and produced beta-1,3-glucan in vitro. Two polypeptides of 37 and 54 kDa could be identified by photoaffinity labeling with [32P]-UDP-glucose as substrate after SDS-PAGE.  相似文献   

Spirogyra Link (1820) is an anabranched filamentous green alga that forms free-floating mats in shallow waters. It occurs widely in static waters such as ponds and ditches, sheltered littoral areas of lakes, and stow-flowing streams. Field observations of its seasonal distribution suggest that the 70-μm-wide filament form of Spirogyra should have a cool temperature and high irradiance optimum for net photosynthesis. Measurements of net photosynthesis and respiration were marie at 58 combinations of tight and temperature in a controlled environment facility. Optimum conditions were 25°C and 1500 μmol photons m−2 s−1, at which net photosynthesis averaged 75.7 mg O2 gdm−1 h−1. Net photosynthesis was positive at temperatures from 5° to 35°C at most irradiances except at combinations of extremely low irradiances and high temperatures (7 and 23 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 30°C and 7, 23, and 35 μmol photons m−2 s−1 at 35°C). Respiration rates increased with both temperature and prior irradiance. Light-enhanced respiration rates were significantly greater than dark respiration rates following irradiances of 750 μmol photons m−2 s−1 or greater. Polynomials were fitted to the data to generate response surfaces; such response surfaces can be used to represent net photosynthesis and respiration in ecological models. The data indicate that the alga can tolerate the cool water and high irradiances characteristic of early spring but cannot maintain positive net photosynthesis under conditions of high temperature and low light (e.g. when exposed to self-shading ).  相似文献   

Of the various types of steroids found in nature, only sterols (steroids whose molecules possess an 8- to 10-carbon atom hydrocarbon side chain at position 17 of the perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene ring) are known to be common constituents of algae. Little is known of the effects of steroids in the environment upon the growth and survival of algae. This paper investigates the growth of the green alga Neospongiococcum sp. in medium containing steroids. Bile acids are not inhibitory, even at a concentration of 100 ppm. Some sterols inhibit growth when present in the medium at a concentration of 100 ppm, but not at 10 ppm. Testosterone and β-estradiol, which have no carbon atom side chain at ring position 17, inhibit growth at a concentration of only 10 ppm. Steroids whose molecules possess a 2-carbon atom side chain at ring position 17 and a keto group at the α-carbon of this side chain, such as pregnenolone, inhibit growth at a concentration of as little as 1 ppm. Respiration is also inhibited by pregnenolone at this level .  相似文献   

The claim that Chlorella sp. (CCAP 211/8p), sometimes referred to as C. fusca, Shihira and Krauss, does not excrete glycolate has been reexamined. Chlorella sp. grown on 5% CO2in air, excreted glycolate when incubated in light in 10 mM bicarbonate. Excretion ceased 30–60 min after transfer of the cells to air and no excretion could be detected with air-grown cells or with cells grown on 5% CO2in media buffered at pH 8.0. Incubation with 10 mM isonicotinyl hydrazide, a glycolate pathway inhibitor, caused excretion in air-grown cells and stimulated excretion in CO2-grown cells indicating that both the rate of glycolate synthesis and metabolism is higher in CO2grown cells than in air-grown cells. Enhanced glycolate synthesis and excretion in CO2-grown cells is correlated with law photosynthetic rate in 10 mM bicarbonate, and the photosynthetic rate of these cells doubles over a period of 2–2.5 h after initial transfer from high CO2to bicarbonate. This correlation of photosynthetic induction with cessation of glycolate excretion is similar to that reported in a bluegreen alga and thought to occur in other green algae. These results indicate that glycolate excretion and its regulation in this species of Chlorella is not different from that in other algae.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new procedure is described to assay the migratory response of Naegleria fowleri (ATCC 30894) amoebae to potential chemoattractants. The method utilizes a blind-well Boyden chemotaxis chamber, two micropore filters of different construction, and amoebae-labeled with [3H]uridine. The technique was standardized by determining the influence of incubation time, filter construction, filter pore size and geometry, amoebae to filter pore ratio, and chemoattractant concentration. Radiolabeled amoebae were placed in Boyden chambers that contained the combination of an upper polycarbonate filter with distinct pores with a diameter of 8 μm and a lower filter of nitrocellulose with a 150-μm depth to separate the wells. A ratio of two amoebae to one filter pore and a 2-h incubation period were chosen to obtain optimal migration conditions. Nerve cell extract was used as the chemoattractant. The migratory responses of both highly pathogenic and weakly pathogenic strains of N. fowleri to nerve cell extract were compared using either the radiolabel procedure or the conventional single filter, leading-front method. Using either method, a highly pathogenic cloned strain of N. fowleri amoebae moved in a directiona manner (chemotactically)in vitro to B103 rat neuroblastoma cell extract. In contrast, a weakly pathogenic strain of amoebae responded in a nondirectional manner (chemokinetically) to nerve cell extract. While both the leading-front assay and the radiolabel assay give accurate results, the measurement of radiolabeled cells allows one to test a greater number of attractants in one assay and the procedure eliminates observer bias.  相似文献   

Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno), oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) and glasshouse cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Bestseller F1) were cultured for a week after germination on complete nutrient solutions of three different dilutions (1, 25 and 50% of the full strength medium). K+(86Rb) and 45Ca were present during the whole culture period. Relative humidity (RH) was 50% except during the last day, when half the material was transferred to 90% RH. Efflux of labelled ions was then followed during eight hours on unlabelled solutions of the same composition as before, and at both 50% and 90% RH in the atmosphere. – Uptake of K+(86Rb) during growth tended to be saturated in the 25% medium. Contrariwise, the level of Ca2+ in the roots increased continuously with strength of the medium. At low concentrations cucumber roots were higher in Ca2+ than roots of oat or wheat, whereas all three species showed similar levels of Ca2+ in 50% medium. – At the lowest ionic strength, smooth efflux curves were obtained that could be resolved according to the three-compartment theory. At higher ionic strength, irregularities were observed, and more for Ca2+ than for K+; but for practical purposes compartment analysis with the same time constants could be applied as for the lowest concentration. – Discrimination between K+ and Rb+ differed between the roots, but not much between the shoots of different species. The roots of oat and wheat took up Rb+ preferentially over K+ in the 25% and 50% media; whereas K+ was preferred over Rb+ or little discrimination made in 1% medium and for cucumber. The shoots generally showed less discrimination than the roots. The main variability in discrimination between K+ and Rb+ thus appears to be localized in the tonoplasts of the roots cells. – Low RH around the shoots increased efflux of K+(86Rb) from the cytoplasm and vacuoles of the root cells as compared to the efflux at high RH. DNP (2,4-dinitrophenol) in the medium had the same effect as high RH around the shoots. The signal system that must exist between shoots and roots is discussed as a response to “drought” conditions. In relation to investigations of others, it is assumed that the effect of DNP may indicate that part of the chain between roots and shoots consists of metabolically influenced sites, whose output is influenced by the rate of water transport.  相似文献   

Proschizorhynchus nahantensis sp. n. and Proschizorhynchus papillatus sp. n. are described and their taxonomy discussed. P. nahantensis is characterized by its penis papilla which has a proximal spherical and distal tubular portion. A simple stylet is present. The female system is distinguished by the external opening of the vagina and the prominent bursal mouthpiece. P. papillatus is distinguished by the two muscle layers of the copulatory organ, the large straight stylet in the penis papilla, a single gonopore and uterus. Notes on the ecology of the species are included. Views are given on the taxonomy of the genus Proschizorhynchus Meixner, 1928.  相似文献   

Young sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Halcón), grown in nutrient solution at two K+ levels (0.25 and 2.5 m M ) were used to study the effect of K+ content in the root on uptake and transport of K+ to the exuding stream of decapitated plants. Roots of plants grown in low K+ gave higher exudation flux, higher K+ concentration in exudate and higher K+ flux than high K+ roots. After 6 h of uptake the K+ flux in low K+ roots was about three times that in high K+ roots. When the roots were kept in a nutrient solution in which Rb+ replaced K+, low K+ roots exuded much more Rb+ than K+ after the first 2 h, whereas high K+ roots exuded about similar amounts of K+ and Rb+. In intact plants grown at three different K+ levels (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 m M ), there was an inverse relationship between the K+ level in the nutrient solution and the Rb+ accumulated in the roots or transported to the shoot. The results suggest that the transport of ions from xylem parenchyma to stele apoplast may be controlled by ions coming down from the shoot in sieve tubes.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of Pelagomonas calceolata Andersen & Saunders were confirmed to possess a reduced flagellar apparatus, consisting of a single basal body/flagellum that is not accompanied by either flagellar roots or a barren basal body. Just prior to division, the parental flagellum retracts (or is abscised) as two new basal bodies/flagella arise de novo. During cytokinesis the parental basal body segregates with a new basal body/flagellum, briefly producing a progeny cell typical of other known uniflagellates (i.e. containing a basal body/flagellum and accompanying barren basal body). The parental basal body then disintegrates or "transforms" out of existence, leaving both progeny cells with a single basal body/flagellum (i.e. neither progeny cell possesses any vestige of a mature flagellum/basal body ). Pelagomonas calceolata belongs to a lineage of chromophyte algae characterized by having a reduced flagellar apparatus, but it is the only known species, not only in this lineage but among all eukaryotes, to have undergone the complete elimination of the mature flagellum /basal body .  相似文献   

Toxicity levels and profiles of three isolates of Gonyaulax tamarensis Lebour grown under the same conditions were compared. One isolate was collected from Ipswich, Massachusetts, during the massive red tide of 1972 along the New England coast. The other two isolates were obtained from Perch Pond (Falmouth, Massachusetts) and Mill Pond (Orleans, Massachusetts) located in the southwest and south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, respectively. All the three cultures produced toxins with variation in their toxicity levels. Toxin contents were highest in the Ipswich isolate, followed in an order by Mill Pond and Perch Pond cultures. Morphological similarity existed between Ipswich and Mill Pond cells, whereas the Perch Pond cells possessed an additional ventral pore on the l' epithecal plate.  相似文献   

Lipids comprising the stenols, stanols, polar lipid fatty acids, alkanes and alkenes of blue-green algal-(diatomaceous)-microbial mats and cores (modern cold water stromatolites) collected from three Antarctic lakes were identified and compared with those of other algae. The major stenols were: (cholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol, cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-methylcholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol, 24-methyl-cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-ethylcholesta-5, 22-dien-3β-ol, and 24-ethylcholest-5-en-3β-ol). The presence of C28 Δ3, 22 stenols, as well as other C28 stenols, was suggestive of diatom input. C29 stenols may have originated from blue-grern algae. However, the high concentrations of stenols present and the lack of Δ7 stenols was atypical for known stenol components of several blue-green algal species previously reported. The occurrence of these stenols and other lipid markers strongls implicate diatoms as well as blue-green algae as important biogenetic sources of lipids and has established the potential for studies of lipid diagenesis in these unique cold, freshwater stromatolites .  相似文献   

Stable isotope tracers are a promising tool for investigating the ecology of terrestrial slugs, including predator‐prey relationships, migration behaviour, nutrient turnover and dietary routing. The objective of the present feasibility study was to label two economically important slug groups, Deroceras reticulatum and keeled slugs (families Limacidae and Milacidae, respectively), with the stable isotope 15N under controlled laboratory conditions. Significant isotopic enrichment in slug tissue was detected after 4 days and persisted for at least 10 days after slugs had been fed on 15N enriched food for a period of 15 days. The time course of 15N uptake into slug tissues and its relation to food consumption were well described mathematically. Estimated mean 15N assimilation efficiencies from labelled maize mixed with unlabelled wheat bran were 30% and 38%, respectively, for the species groups studied. These findings suggest that slugs can be readily and efficiently labelled and that it is feasible to devise protocols for producing large numbers of isotopically labelled slugs for use in ecological studies. A simple method is described for the collection and analysis of cutaneous mucus from individual slugs which can be used to test uniformity of isotopic labelling.  相似文献   

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