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Cardiovascular adaptations observed during exposure to microgravity results in impairment of baroreflex activity partially as a result of fluid and electrolyte shifts. The head-down tilt rat model mimics some of the physiological observations that have been made in astronauts. We examined the effects of salt-loading on baroreflex activity after 7 day simulated microgravity (30 degrees tail-suspension) and the subsequent 6 hr post-suspension in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, using low salt (0.3% NaCl) and high salt (8% NaCl) diets. In suspended animals on a low salt diet, the baroreflex response curve was shifted to the left, while the heart rate (HR) range and MAP50 values were reduced compared to their parallel tethered, non-suspended controls. For non-suspended animals, salt-loading shifted the curve to the right with a reduced HR range. In salt-loaded, suspended animals, the curve and its parameters resemble those of non-suspended animals on a low salt diet. In summary, these data have demonstrated that a short-term (seven days) simulated weightlessness may elicit cardiovascular deconditioning in rats after release from the simulation manifested as an altered responsiveness in baroreceptor-heart rate reflex and a lowered blood pressure while the rats are tethered and horizontal. Our results also suggest the counteracting effect of salt loading on cardiovascular deconditioning.  相似文献   

模拟失重对大鼠腹主动脉L-Arg-NO-cGMP通路的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察尾部悬吊模拟失重对大鼠腹主动脉舒张反应性与一氧化氮合酶表达的影响。方法:体重300~330 g的20只雄性SD大鼠按体重配对随机分为对照组与模拟失重组,模拟失重大鼠采用尾部悬吊方法模拟失重。4周后,利用离体动脉血管环舒张实验与Western blot蛋白免疫印迹方法观察了腹主动脉舒张反应性和腹主动脉一氧化氮合酶eNOS(endothelial NOS)和iNOS(inducible NOS)的表达。结果:悬吊大鼠腹主动脉环对左旋精氨酸(L-Arg)与乙酰胆碱(Ach)的舒张反应显著低于对照,而对硝普钠(SNP)与环磷酸鸟苷(cGMP)的舒张反应在两组间无显著不同。其敏感性在两组间均无显著差别。腹主动脉的eNOS与iNOS表达在模拟失重组与对照组间亦未发现显著差别。结论:本工作提示尾部悬吊模拟失重下大鼠腹主动脉舒张反应的减弱可能是动脉血管内皮功能改变的结果,尤其是NOS活性的变化可能更为重要。  相似文献   

Recent works have shown that postflight orthostatic intolerance involves multiple alterations in physiological function during actual or simulated microgravity. In our previous work, we demonstrated that 14-day tail-suspension resulted in an impaired ability of vascular smooth muscle to develop tension in arteries confined to the hindquarter, which have been suggested as an important factor accounting for the occurrence of orthostatic intolerance. To our knowledge, data on arterial vasoreactivity alterations induced by simulated microgravity longer than two weeks are not found. The aim of the present work was to characterize the time course of alterations in vasoconstrictor properties of hindquarter arteries during tail-suspension up to eight weeks, and to examine whether these alterations are reversible.  相似文献   

Cheng JH  Wang SY  Zhang LF  Liu X  Liu Y  Ma J 《生理学报》2008,60(1):74-82
本文旨在观察模拟失重28 d大鼠解除尾部悬吊前、后(2 h内),清醒自由活动状态下动脉收缩压(systolic bloodpressure,SBP)、舒张压(diastolic blood pressure,DBP)和心率(heart rate,HR)的变化.采用自回归模型法对不同时间点的收缩压变异性(SBP variability,SBPV)和心率变异性(HR variability,HRV)进行自谱与互谱分析,并比较自回归法与周期图法的自谱分析结果:由传递函数分析得到反映压力感受器-心率反射敏感性(baroreceptor-heart rate reflex sensitivity,BRS)变化的有关数据.结果显示,用自回归模型法对清醒大鼠血压信号进行短时程谱分析可得到较为平滑、谱峰清楚的谱估计曲线.28 d模拟失重大鼠解除尾部悬吊前、后,SBP、DBP和HR及其主要谱指标,以及高、低频段传递函数的平均增益均无显著性变化,不同时间点的谱指标也无显著差别;但模拟失重组的SBP、DBP和HR却显著高于对照组.上述结果提示,中期模拟失重大鼠恢复正常体位后,其清醒状态的BPV与HR均处于升高状态,但其短时程BPV与HRV谱及BRS均无显著变化,与最近报道的航天员HRV与BRS无显著改变一致.  相似文献   

Measurements from mission specialists after space flights or from subjects subjected to head down tilt experiments have demonstrated a decrease in exercise performance. Similar decreases have been reported for rats that have participated in simulated microgravity studies using the head down-tail suspended method of Morey-Holton (HDS). Because it is unclear whether older animal populations would exhibit similar responses, we undertook a HDS study with Fischer 344 male rats.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The functional characteristics of the bovine mesenteric postnodal lymphatics are well-described. However there are no reports of pumping characteristics of the bovine mesenteric prenodal lymphatics. We propose that the prenodal lymphatics have adapted to the local conditions of lymph flow and are functioning differently than the postnodal vessels. METHODS AND RESULTS: To evaluate pumping in bovine prenodal mesenteric lymphatics, we observed their contractility in response to the changes in transmural pressure and imposed flow. Lymphatics (diameter approximately 460 microm) were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized. Lymphatic diameters were traced from video records; the lymphatic tone index, contraction amplitude and frequency, lymphatic pump indices were calculated. Increasing transmural pressure from 3 to 6 cm H2O produced a strong inotropic response, but did not induce a significant chronotropic response. Pumping reached its maximum at transmural pressures 6-9 cm H2O and was not significantly depressed up to 15 cm H2O, whereas pumping in postnodal lymphatics is typically depressed at transmural pressures higher than 10 cm H2O. Bovine prenodal mesenteric lymphatics also demonstrated very low sensitivity to the increases in imposed flow. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the functional heterogeneity exists on the intraregional levels in lymphatic nets.  相似文献   

We have tried to investigate the mechanisms supporting the plagiotropic growth (growth in parallel to the Earth) of root hairs in simulated microgravity. Our strategy to understand the regulation of such type of growth depends upon the study of cytoskeleton topography and calcium ions distribution in root hairs both in control and simulated microgravity.  相似文献   

It is well known that the muscle spindle is a receptor of muscle's tension and length, it plays an important role in maintaining the muscle's tension. The aim of the present study is to compare the cross-section area (CSA) and the immunoreactivity of conjugated-ubiquitin in soleus extrafusal and intrafusal fibers after simulated-microgravity in order to demonstrate the role of muscle spindle in muscle atrophy induced by simulated microgravity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that differential autoregulation of cerebral and hindquarter arteries during simulated microgravity is mediated or modulated by differential activation of K(+) channels in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) of arteries in different anatomic regions. Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 1- and 4-wk tail suspension to simulate the cardiovascular deconditioning effect due to short- and medium-term microgravity. K(+) channel function of VSMCs was studied by pharmacological methods and patch-clamp techniques. Large-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) (BK(Ca)) and voltage-gated K(+) (K(v)) currents were determined by subtracting the current recorded after applications of 1 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) and 1 mM TEA + 3 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), respectively, from that of before. For cerebral vessels, the normalized contractility of basilar arterial rings to TEA, a BK(Ca) blocker, and 4-AP, a K(v) blocker, was significantly decreased after 1- and 4-wk simulated microgravity, respectively. VSMCs isolated from the middle cerebral artery branches of suspended rats had a more depolarized membrane potential (E(m)) and a smaller K(+) current density compared with those of control rats. Furthermore, the reduced total current density was due to smaller BK(Ca) and smaller K(v) current density in cerebral VSMCs after 1- and 4-wk tail suspension, respectively. For hindquarter vessels, VSMCs isolated from second- to sixth-order small mesenteric arteries of both 1- and 4-wk suspended rats had a more negative E(m) and larger K(+) current densities for total, BK(Ca), and K(v) currents. These results indicate that differential activation of K(+) channels occur in cerebral and hindquarter VSMCs during short- and medium-term simulated microgravity. It is further suggested that different profiles of channel remodeling might occur in VSMCs as one of the important underlying cellular mechanisms to mediate and modulate differential vascular adaptation during microgravity.  相似文献   

Cultivation of cell-polymer tissue constructs in simulated microgravity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Tissue-engineered cartilage was cultivated under conditions of simulated microgravity using rotating bioreactors. Rotation randomized the effects of gravity on inoculated cells (chondrocytes) and permitted their attachment to three-dimensional (3D) synthetic, biodegradable polymer scaffolds that were freely suspended within the vessel. After 1 week of cultivation, the cells regenerated a cartilaginous extracellular matrix (ECM) consisting of glycosaminoglycan (GAG) and collagen types I and II. Tissue constructs grown in simulated microgravity had higher GAG contents and thinner outer capsules than control constructs grown in turbulent spinner flasks. Two fluid dynamic regimes of simulated microgravity were identified, depending on the vessel rotation speed: (i) a settling regime in which the constructs were maintained in a state of continuous free-fall close to a stationary point within the vessel and (ii) an orbiting regime in which the constructs orbited around the vessel spin axis. In the settling regime, the numerically calculated relative fluid-construct velocity was comparable to the experimentally measured construct settling velocity (2-3 cm/s). A simple mathematical model was used in conjunction with measured construct physical properties to determine the hydrodynamic drag force and to estimate the hydrodynamic stress at the construct surface (1.5 dyn/cm(2)). Rotating bioreactors thus provide a powerful research tool for cultivating tissue-engineered cartilage and studying 3D tissue morphogenesis under well-defined fluid dynamic conditions. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The study was aimed at investigation of the effects of 2-week tail suspension upon the constrictor responses of isolated small renal arteries in rats. 1st-2nd-order branches of renal artery were perfused with saline under the constant flow conditions. Constrictor responses to electrical stimulation of periarterial nerves, noradrenaline and serotonin were investigated. In post-suspension rats as compared to controls the response to nerve stimulation was slightly reduced during 15-Hz stimulation, but similar at smaller frequencies. Thus, simulated microgravity has no prominent effect of neurogenic responses of renal vessels, in agreement with non-changed density of periarterial adrenergic nerve plexus. Along with that, in post-suspension rats impairment of prejunctional sympathetic mechanisms might be compensated by augmented sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to vasoconstrictors.  相似文献   

The potential of bioelectrical impedance spectroscopy (BIS) for assessing nutritional status in spaceflight was tested in two head-down-tilt bed-rest studies. BIS-predicted extracellular water (ECW), intracellular water (ICW), and total body water (TBW) measured using knee-elbow electrode placement were compared with deuterium and bromide dilution (DIL) volumes in healthy, 19- to 45-yr-old subjects. BIS was accurate during 44 h of head-down tilt with mean differences (BIS - DIL) of 0-0.1 kg for ECW, 0.3-0.5 for ICW, and 0.4-0.6 kg for TBW (n = 28). At 44 h, BIS followed the within-individual change in body water compartments with a relative prediction error (standard error of the estimate/baseline volume) of 2.0-3.6% of water space. In the second study, BIS did not detect an acute decrease (-1.41 +/- 0.91 kg) in ICW secondary to 48 h of a protein-free, 800 kcal/day diet (n = 18). BIS's insensitivity to ICW losses may be because they were predominantly (65%) localized to the trunk and/or because there was a general failure of BIS to measure ICW independently of ECW and TBW. BIS may have potential for measuring nutritional status during spaceflight, but its limitations in precision and insensitivity to acute ICW changes warrant further validation studies.  相似文献   

During space flight the function of the immune system changes significantly. Several papers reported that postflight the number and the proportion of circulating leukocytes in astronauts are modified (Leach, 1992), the in vitro mitogen induced T cell activation is depressed (Cogoli et al., 1985; Konstantinova et al. 1993) and there are detectable differences in cytokine production of leukocytes as well (Talas et al. 1983; Batkai et al. 1988; Chapes et al. 1992). One of the possible modifying forces is the microgravity condition itself. Our aim was to analyse mechanisms responsible for changing leukocyte functions in low gravity environment. For terrestrial simulation of microgravity we used a Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS) developed by NASA. We investigated the effect of simulated microgravity on separated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). We detected the populations of different cells by antibodies conjugated to fluorofors using a Flow Cytometer. Since space flight reduces the number of peripheral blood lymphocytes (Stowe et al., 1999) we supposed that apoptotic (programmed cell death) processes might be involved. This hypothesis was supported by the result of our earlier experiment demonstrating that simulated microgravity increased the level of secreted Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNFalpha, a known apoptotic signal molecule) significantly (Batkai et al. 1999).  相似文献   

Effect of simulated microgravity on vascular contractility   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Microgravity was simulated inSprague-Dawley (SD) and Wistar (W) rats by using a tail harness toelevate the hindquarters, producing hindlimb unweighting (HU). After 20 days of HU treatment, blood vessels from both HU and control rats werecut into 3-mm rings and mounted in tissue baths for the measurement ofisometric contraction. HU treatment decreased the contractile responseto 68 mM K+ in abdominal aortafrom W rats. HU treatment also decreased the contraction to 68 mMK+ in carotid arteries from bothrat strains and in femoral arteries from W but not SD rats. HUtreatment reduced the maximal response to norepinephrine in allarteries except the femoral from SD rats. HU treatment reduced themaximal response of jugular vein from W rats to 68 mMK+ but had no effect on thatresponse in femoral vein from either rat strain. HU treatment also hadno significant effect on the maximal response to norepinephrine inveins. These results demonstrate that HU treatment caused a nearlyuniversal reduction of contractility in arteries, but generally had noeffect in veins.


Summary The establishment of long-term cultures of functional primary human liver cells (PHLC) is formidable. Developed at NASA, the Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS) allows the creation of the unique microgravity environment of low shear force, high-mass transfer, and 3-dimensional cell culture of dissimilar cell types. The aim of our study was to establish long-term hepatocyte cultures in simulated microgravity. PHLC were harvested from human livers by collagenase perfusion and were cultured in RCCS. PHLC aggregates were readily formed and increased up to 1 cm long. The expansion of PHLC in bioreactors was further evaluated with microcarriers and biodegradable scaffolds. While microcarriers were not conducive to formation of spheroids, PHLC cultured with biodegradable scaffolds formed aggregates up to 3 cm long. Analyses of PHLC spheroids revealed tissue-like structures composed of hepatocytes, biliary epithelial cells, and/or progenitor liver cells that were arranged as bile duct-like structures along nascent vascular sprouts. Electron microscopy revealed groups of cohesive hepatocytes surrounded by complex stromal structures and reticulin fibers, bile canaliculi with multiple microvilli, and tight cellular junctions. Albumin mRNA was expressed throughout the 60-d culture. A simulated microgravity environment is conducive to maintaining long-term cultures of functional hepatocytes. This model system will assist in developing improved protocols for autologous hepatocyte transplantation, gene therapy, and liver assist devices, and facilitate studies of liver regeneration and cell-to-cell interactions that occur in vivo.  相似文献   

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