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The binding of rabbit globin mRNA, in-vitro-generated beta-globin mRNA segments, and RNA homopolymers by proteins of rabbit reticulocyte polysomal messenger ribonucleoproteins (mRNP) after SDS gel electrophoresis and electroblotting was examined. The polysomal mRNP proteins have a higher affinity for mRNA than for rRNA and tRNA while having a higher affinity for polypurine than polypyrimidine homopolymers. Binding experiments with synthetic poly(A) and with segments of beta-globin mRNA transcribed from a cDNA in vitro revealed a set of polysomal mRNP proteins which preferentially bind the poly(A)-free beta-globin mRNA. A protein of Mr 90,000 binds specifically the 3'-nontranslated trailer of the poly(A)-free beta-globin mRNA and not the poly(A)-containing globin mRNA. Another set of proteins preferentially binds poly(A). The latter group of proteins contains a prominent species of Mr 72,000, which is most likely the rabbit poly(A)-binding protein. Three polysomal mRNP proteins which bound rabbit globin mRNA did not bind preferentially any of the other RNA probes used.  相似文献   

In vitro translation of polyadenylic acid-free rabbit globin messenger RNA   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Following a nutritional shift-up, both the fraction of functioning RNA polymerase engaged in the synthesis of stable RNA, ψs, and the ribosomal RNA chain growth rate, cs, increase within five minutes to near their final post-shift steady-state values. The increase in these two parameters is sufficient to account completely for the observed sudden increase in the rate of RNA accumulation. This implies that the control of stable RNA synthesis following a shift-up does not involve an activation of an inactive reserve of RNA polymerase or a burst of RNA polymerase synthesis, but rather results from a shift of RNA polymerase-transcribing messenger RNA genes to ribosomal and transfer RNA genes along with some increase in the stable RNA chain growth rate.  相似文献   

Initiation factors from rabbit reticulocytes can select globin mRNA for translation in an ascites cell-free system in the presence of either encephalomyocarditis viral RNA or endogenous ascites mRNAs. It appears that the viral RNA cannot compete for either α- or β-globin-specific factors.  相似文献   

Procedures are described that permit the detection and isolation of a specific messenger RNA as well as its precursor from total cell extracts. DNA complementary to the mRNA was elongated by the addition of dCMP residues and annealed with labeled cell RNA. The elongated DNA with RNA hybridized to it was isolated by chromatography on a poly(I)-Sephadex column. The method was used to isolate 32P-labeled globin mRNA from labeled Friend cells, a mouse erythroleukaemic cell line, induced with dimethylsulfoxide to synthesize hemoglobin. 32P-labeled globin mRNA isolated by this procedure was estimated to be 80% pure by hybridization analysis and sedimented as a single peak at 10 S. Partial sequences were determined for 16 oligonucleotides derived from the purified 32P-labeled globin mRNA by RNAase T1 digestion. The partial sequences for nine oligonucleotides corresponded to those predicted from the amino acid sequences of α and β globin; the other oligonucleotides were presumably derived from non-translated regions.In order to detect a possible precursor to globin mRNA, RNA from induced Friend cells pulse-labeled with [32P]phosphate for 20 minutes was centrifuged through a sucrose gradient and the resulting fractions were analyzed for globinspecific sequences. Two peaks of globin-specific RNA were detected, a larger one at 10 S, the position of mature globin mRNA, and a smaller one at 15 S.  相似文献   

The ability of embryonic chicken muscle initiation factors to translate rabbit globin messenger RNA in an efficient, fractionated cell-free system has been examined. Although muscle factors stimulate leucine incorporation to only 15--35% the levels achieved with rabbit reticulocyte initiation factors, they synthesize more than one globin chain per mRNA molecule and both alpha and beta globin are produced. Increasing the ribosome concentration and adding the polyamine spermidine to the system produce stimulatory effects which are quantitatively and qualitatively similar for both factor preparations. The lower efficiency of synthesis of muscle factors relative to reticulocyte factors is also apparent when mRNA from encephalomyocarditis virus or embryonic chicken muscle polysomes are used in the cell-free system. These results do not support a specific restriction in the capacity of muscle factors to translate globin mRNA. Furthermore, the similarity of the effects of presumed non-specific components on the activity of muscle and reticulocyte factors suggests that globin synthesis in the cell-free system may be controlled in a similar fashion for both preparations.  相似文献   

The size of pulse-labeled globin messenger RNA nucleotide sequences was investigated, to determine whether newly transcribed globin mRNA molecules are larger than steady-state globin mRNA. Molecular hybridization techniques were used to compare directly the sedimentation of steady-state (unlabeled) and pulse-labeled (radioactive) globin mRNA sequences in the same analytical sucrose gradient. In gradients containing 98% formamide, radioactive globin mRNA sequences from mouse fetal liver cells labeled for 15 to 20 minutes with [3H]uridine sediment in a broad band with a peak at approximately 14 S, while steady-state globin mRNA sediments at 10 S. The large radioactive RNA can be recovered from one gradient and recentrifuged in a second gradient, in which it again sediments in a broad band with a peak at 14 S. The large radioactive RNA is cleaved to 10 S during a 75-minute “chase” with either actinomycin D or unlabeled uridine plus cytidine. The estimated half-life of the precursor is 45 minutes or less under these conditions. A covalent RNA precursor larger than 18 S with a similar turnover rate is not observed.  相似文献   

Specific hydrolysis of rabbit globin messenger RNA by S1 nuclease.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
S1 nuclease isolated from Aspergillus oryzae has been used to investigate the secondary structure of rabbit globin messenger RNA (mRNA). The enzyme, which is specific for single stranded nucleotides, digests globin mRNA to a limited extent, with 65-75% of the mRNA nucleotides resistant to digestion under mild conditions. This limited digestion is not due to enzyme inactivation, but rather to the normal activity of the single-strand nuclease. The reaction was studied as a function of temperature, salt and enzyme concentration. Analysis of the products of digestion on 20% acrylamide- 7M urea slab gels reveals a stable pattern of unique fragments ranging in size from 9 to 71 nucleotides. Separated alpha and beta globin mRNAs show similar, but not identical gel patterns, indicating strong structural similarities between the two species. The high degree of nuclease resistance, along with the fragment patterns seen on polyacrylamide gels, gives evidence to support a model of rabbit globin mRNA which contain specific, rather than random, helical structure.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that mouse fetal erythroid precursor cells isolated by an immunological technique synthesize little or no globin and contain little, if any, globin mRNA, as assayed in a cell-free system (translatable mRNA). After culture for 10 hours in the presence of erythropoietin, there is a marked increase in globin synthesis and in translatable globin mRNA. The present studies were designed to measure directly the content of globin mRNA sequences during erythroid cell differentiation, by molecular hybridization with 3H-labeled DNA complementary to globin mRNA. The results indicate that few, if any, globin mRNA sequences are present in the total RNA of erythroid precursor cells. There is little or no pool of untranslated globin mRNA in these cells. After 10 hours of culture with erythropoietin, there is an increase in globin mRNA content, as ;easured by a change in the Cot1/2 values obtained by cDNA: mRNA hybridization with (Co) representing the concentration of RNA. Between 0 and 22 hours of culture, there is a 250-fold rise, and between 22 and 44 hours, a further 2-fold increase in globin mRNA content. During the 44 hours in culture, the number of cells in culture increases 2- to 3-fold. The number of globin mRNA molecules rises in erythroid precursor cells to an average value of 1800 molecules/cell during 22 hours of culture. In cultures without added erythropoietin, the absolute number of cells decreases, however, cells presumably induced to differentiate by exposure to erythropoietin in vivo continue to differentiate in vitro, accumulating globin mRNA and initiating globin synthesis.  相似文献   

We introduce a new approach in this article to distinguish protein-coding sequences from non-coding sequences utilizing a period-3, free energy signal that arises from the interactions of the 3′-terminal nucleotides of the 18S rRNA with mRNA. We extracted the special features of the amplitude and the phase of the period-3 signal in protein-coding regions, which is not found in non-coding regions, and used them to distinguish protein-coding sequences from non-coding sequences. We tested on all the experimental genes from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The identification was consistent with the corresponding information from GenBank, and produced better performance compared to existing methods that use a period-3 signal. The primary tests on some fly, mouse and human genes suggests that our method is applicable to higher eukaryotic genes. The tests on pseudogenes indicated that most pseudogenes have no period-3 signal. Some exploration of the 3′-tail of 18S rRNA and pattern analysis of protein-coding sequences supported further our assumption that the 3′-tail of 18S rRNA has a role of synchronization throughout translation elongation process. This, in turn, can be utilized for the identification of protein-coding sequences.  相似文献   

Methods are described of isolation of individual globin messenger RNA from rabbit reticulocytes using zonal centrifugation in sucrose density gradient and specific sorption of polyribosome RNAs on poly U-cellulose column. The addition of globin RNA into cell-free system from Krebs-2 ascites mouse cells resulted in the globin synthesis.  相似文献   

The degradation of globin mRNA in rat reticulocytes maturing in the peripheral blood was investigated. Poly(A) and non poly(A) portions of mRNA molecules were determined quantitatively by hybridization with radioactive poly(U) and complementary DNA, respectively. During the degradation of mRNA in vivo, it was shown that (1) globin mRNA and the bulk of RNA decrease in parallel, (2) the average chain length of poly(A) segments in the mRNA does not change, (3) the percentage of poly(A) (-) globin mRNA in total globin mRNA does not change, and (4) fragments of large molecular weight do not accumulate. Possible mechanisms of degradation of globin mRNA in the reticulocytes are discussed on the basis of these observations.  相似文献   

Preparations of 28S rRNA and 12S RNA, obtained from sheep lymphocytes, were shown to inhibit the translation of globin mRNA. An inhibition by a given amount of 12S or 28S RNA was only obvious at saturating or near saturating levels of globin mRNA, suggesting that the inhibitory RNAs interacted with some factor essential for protein synthesis other than mRNA. The inhibitory RNAs had no effect on the translation of the synthetic template polyuridylic acid. It is suggested therefore that the target for inhibitory RNAs might be a natural mRNA specific initiation factor.  相似文献   

Ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) have long been known to carry chemical modifications, including 2′O-methylation, pseudouridylation, N6-methyladenosine (m6A), and N6,6-dimethyladenosine. While the functions of many of these modifications are unclear, some are highly conserved and occur in regions of the ribosome critical for mRNA decoding. Both 28S rRNA and 18S rRNA carry single m6A sites, and while the methyltransferase ZCCHC4 has been identified as the enzyme responsible for the 28S rRNA m6A modification, the methyltransferase responsible for the 18S rRNA m6A modification has remained unclear. Here, we show that the METTL5-TRMT112 methyltransferase complex installs the m6A modification at position 1832 of human 18S rRNA. Our work supports findings that TRMT112 is required for METTL5 stability and reveals that human METTL5 mutations associated with microcephaly and intellectual disability disrupt this interaction. We show that loss of METTL5 in human cancer cell lines and in mice regulates gene expression at the translational level; additionally, Mettl5 knockout mice display reduced body size and evidence of metabolic defects. While recent work has focused heavily on m6A modifications in mRNA and their roles in mRNA processing and translation, we demonstrate here that deorphanizing putative methyltransferase enzymes can reveal previously unappreciated regulatory roles for m6A in noncoding RNAs.  相似文献   

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