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Most oviparous squamate reptiles lay their eggs when embryos have completed less than one‐third of development, with the remaining two‐thirds spent in an external nest. Even when females facultatively retain eggs in dry or cold conditions, such retention generally causes only a minor (<10%) decrease in subsequent incubation periods. In contrast, we found that female sand lizards (Lacerta agilis) from an experimentally founded field population (established ca. 20 years ago on the southwest coast of Sweden) exhibited wide variation in incubation periods even when the eggs were kept at standard (25°C) conditions. Females that retained eggs in utero for longer based on the delay between capture and oviposition produced eggs that hatched sooner. In the extreme case, eggs hatched after only 55% of the “normal” incubation period. Although the proximate mechanisms underlying this flexibility remain unclear, our results from this first full field season at the new study site show that females within a single cold‐climate population of lizards can span a substantial proportion of the continuum from “normal” oviparity to viviparity.  相似文献   

The shape of the association between age and the cost of reproduction varies across species. However, it is unclear whether there are any general patterns in the way the cost of reproduction varies with life history, taxon or ecological function. Using a simple theoretical method, we identified three characteristic patterns to describe the age-related survival cost of reproduction. The most frequent pattern is an approximately exponential decay (ED) with increasing age. Two additional u-shaped patterns were identified, where the cost of reproduction was higher for young and old individuals compared with intermediate-aged individuals. The majority of these u-shaped curves suggested higher costs of reproduction at older ages (RQ), with the rest suggesting a higher cost at young ages (LQ). While predators were most likely to exhibit ED-shaped cost curves, herbivores were equally likely to exhibit ED and RQ curves; birds were likely to exhibit ED-shaped curves and mammals were split equally between ED and RQ curves. These findings suggest that there may be predictable differences in the age-related shape of the cost of reproduction between species, but further research is required to identify the mechanisms generating such differences.  相似文献   

Reproduction involves costs and benefits, whereby increased expenditure into current reproduction can reduce future reproductive success. Costs of reproduction, often assessed using the reduction in locomotor speed, have become well established in temperate-zone lizard species. However, substantial differences in biotic conditions and life-history traits between temperate- and tropical-zone lizards suggest that such costs may be different or of less importance for tropical species. This study examined the effects of reproduction on locomotor speed in the tropical invariant-clutch producing lizard Carlia rubrigularis . Counter to predictions and despite a low relative clutch mass (RCM), gravid and post-oviposition females experienced a reduction in locomotor speed with a physiological basis that was unrelated to the level of reproductive investment. In addition, gravid and postoviposition females exhibited locomotor speeds that were inversely related to the timing of oviposition and approached the speed of non-reproductive females after 3 weeks of oviposition. These results suggest that in addition to RCM, selection may act to reduce the period of recovery in species with extended reproductive seasons and which make numerous bouts of reproduction, such as C. rubrigularis .  相似文献   

Unpredictable environmental conditions and highly fluctuating population densities are believed to have produced a ‘reversed island syndrome’ (RIS) in an insular population of the Wall lizard on Licosa Islet, Italy. Several of the physiological, behavioural, and life‐history changes that constitute the RIS could result from positive selection on increased activity of melanocortins. For example, increased levels of α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone (MSH) should lead to increased investment in reproduction and increased immunocompetence in the island population. We tested the crucial assumption of this idea that plasma levels of α‐MSH in Licosa Islet lizards are elevated compared to those of the mainland relatives. We also tested for differences in reproductive effort between populations, by measuring plasma levels of 5‐α‐dihydrotestosterone in males and clutch mass in females. In addition, we assessed ectoparasite load as an indicator for the lizards’ resistance to environmental stress. In agreement with the RIS, we found that insular lizards exhibit higher α‐MSH levels, allocate more energy to reproduction, and have a reduced ectoparasite load compared to the nearest mainland population. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

The cost of reproduction in the glaucous-winged gull   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
W. V. Reid 《Oecologia》1987,74(3):458-467
Summary Experimental enlargement of brood size in the glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens) resulted in increased adult foraging time, decreased adult body weight at the end of the breeding season, and decreased over-winter adult survival. The decreased survival of breeding adults was associated with reduced body condition at the end of breeding (resulting from physiological costs of reproduction). Decreased survival was not due to an increased risk of injury or predation during the breeding season. Brood size did not directly affect the fecundity of surviving birds in the subsequent year. However, brood size may have an indirect effect on subsequent fecundity because the probability of mate loss increased among birds with large broods and the reproductive performance of birds with new mates was reduced. Based on estimates of life-time fitness calculated from fecundity and survivorship, birds with two- or three-chick broods (the normal brood size) have higher fitness than birds with one- or four-chick broods. However, the decreased fitness of birds with four-chick broods was slight, and probably not a sufficient explanation for the absence of natural four-chick broods in the glaucouswinged gull.  相似文献   

The fecundity of asexual and sexual morphs of Sitobion avenae (F.) is compared. The cost of sex is quantified in terms of the reduction in numbers of offspring produced. The cost is much greater than the halving of fecundity that is usually assumed to be associated with the production of males.
Résumé Les fécondités des virginipares ailés, des gynopares ailés et des ovipares d'un même clone de Sitobion avenae ont été déterminées à 12°C. Bien que les types qui ayant donné naissance à des sexués aient eu une fécondité initiale plus élevée que celle de la lignée asexuée, celle-ci a été significativement plus féconde après 15 jours de reproduction.Les résultats du laboratoire ont été utilisés pour évaluer la fécondité de lignées sexuées et asexuées pendant quatre générations à 12°C. La reproduction parthénogénétique a présenté un avantage numérique sur la reproductions sexuée dans le rapport 320/1. La reproduction sexuée a été accompagnée d'une diminution significative de la fécondité potentielle. Bien que la reproduction sexuée de S. avenae soit avantageuse dans les régions où les hivers sont durs, parce que les oeufs sont résistants au froid, les lignées asexuées présentent un avantage considérable en ce qui concerne la fécondité potentielle pour l'augmentation de la population en automne et elles conservent de plus la capacité d'un accroissement numérique ultérieur si l'hiver est doux.

The terminal allocation and senescence hypotheses make opposite predictions about how age-specific reproductive effort should vary during old age. There is empirical support for both hypotheses, although reports on senescence are more numerous. Individual heterogeneity and selective mortality, however, decrease our ability to measure how reproductive effort varies during late life. The damage accumulation model proposes that terminal allocation and senescence could be partly age-independent. Using a reverse-age approach, we analysed an unusually complete record of annual reproductive success for 90 bighorn ewes that died between 7 and 18years of age. We estimated age-specific and age-independent variation of reproductive effort in late-life. Reproductive effort decreased in the two last reproductions, independently of age at death. Fecundity also decreased in the last 2years of life, with a steeper decline for older individuals. Our study reveals that reproductive senescence includes both age-dependent and age-independent components.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of plant size on reproduction in four species of alpine Ranunculus (R. muelleri, R. dissectifolius, R. graniticola and R. niphophilus) was investigated in two sites over two seasons in the field on a total of 190 plants. The effects of plant size (number of leaves) and number of flowers on the number of anthers, ovules and seed per flower and per plant were determined. There was a positive relationship between several measures of reproduction and plant size in all four species, indicating that reproduction is size-dependent. All the results indicate that the main factor controlling the amount of seed produced by alpine Ranunculus is the size of the plant. Specifically, bigger plants produced more seed by producing more flowers, not by producing more ovules per flower, or higher seed set per flower. Correspondingly, bigger plants produced more anthers by producing more flowers, rather than by producing flowers with more anthers. The total number of seeds produced by a plant was directly proportional to plant size in the four species. Therefore, reproductive effort should not vary with plant size in the four species.  相似文献   

In this study, sexual dimorphism, reproductive cycles, litter size and offspring size of a population of the little‐known species Sceloporus palaciosi in central Mexico were analysed. Significant male‐biased sexual size dimorphism was recorded in snout–vent length (SVL), head length, head width, forearm length and tibia length. Both sexes showed asynchronous reproductive cycles, and males reached sexual maturity at a smaller SVL (33 mm) than females (37 mm). Testes volumes were small from January to February, testicular recrudescence began from March to June, and decreased in July, but increased again in August and September, followed by a second decrease from October to December. In females, vitellogenesis began from May until ovulation in December. Embryonic development extended from November to March, and a small number of females carried embryos through July. Mean litter size was 4.0 and was positively correlated with female SVL. The length of the reproductive period in S. palaciosi recorded in this study is longer than that recorded for other populations in other parts of this species range. Further studies are needed to clarify reproductive cycles in the other isolated populations of S. palaciosi, and then extended to other species and chromosome races in the Sceloporus grammicus complex.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of different prey species on lizard growth. We conducted a 6‐week study to determine the relative effects of prey species on growth parameters of hatchling western fence lizards, Sceloporus occidentalis. Lizards were fed house cricket nymphs, Acheta domesticus, or mealworm larvae, Tenebrio molitor. The effects of prey species on growth were determined by measuring prey consumption, gross conversion efficiency of food [gain in mass (g)/food consumed (g)], gain in mass, and gain in snout–vent length. Lizards grew well on both the prey species. However, lizards that fed on crickets consumed a significantly higher percentage of their body mass per day than those fed mealworms. Nevertheless, lizards that consumed mealworms ingested significantly more metabolizable energy, had significantly higher food conversion efficiencies, significantly higher daily gains in mass, and significantly greater total growth in mass than lizards that fed on crickets. Zoo Biol 27:181–187, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

1. Flexible shelled eggs of squamate reptiles normally take up substantial amounts of water, and swell accordingly, during development. However, most water uptake occurs after oviposition, beginning immediately or soon after oviposition, and water uptake is severely restricted in eggs that are retained in utero past the normal time of oviposition.
2. These observations suggest that some aspect of retention in the oviductal environment limits the amount of water eggs can absorb prior to oviposition.
3. This paper presents evidence, from two species of Sceloporus lizard, supporting the hypothesis that limited space within the mother's body cavity physically constrains the ability of eggs to expand, and thereby their ability to absorb water. When adjusted for maternal body size, the water content of a female's clutch of eggs is negatively correlated with the dry mass of her clutch (the space available in the body cavity is finite, and thus a greater dry mass content leaves less volume for water).
4. If such a constraint on water uptake is widespread, it can have important implications for our understanding of the evolution of viviparity, the costs of reproduction, and the determinants of reproductive output in squamate reptiles.  相似文献   

Species following a fast life history are expected to express fitness costs mainly as increased mortality, while slow‐lived species should suffer fertility costs. Because observational studies have limited power to disentangle intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing senescence, we manipulated reproductive effort experimentally in the cavy (Cavia aperea) which produces extremely precocial young. We created two experimental groups: One was allowed continuous reproduction (CR) and the other intermittent reproduction (IR) by removing males at regular intervals. We predicted that the CR females should senesce (and die) earlier and produce either fewer and/or smaller, slower growing offspring per litter than those of the IR group. CR females had 16% more litters during three years than IR females. CR females increased mass and body condition more steeply and both remained higher until the experiment ended. Female survival showed no group difference. Reproductive senescence in litter size, litter mass, and reproductive effort (litter mass/maternal mass) began after about 600 days and was slightly stronger in CR than IR females. Litter size, litter mass, and offspring survival declined with maternal age and were influenced by seasonality. IR females decreased reproductive effort less during cold seasons and only at higher age than CR females. Nevertheless, offspring winter mortality was higher in IR females. Our results show small costs of reproduction despite high reproductive effort, suggesting that under ad libitum food conditions costs depend largely on internal regulation of allocation decisions.  相似文献   

Braña F 《Oecologia》2008,156(2):275-280
In many litter-bearing mammals and in a few viviparous reptiles the sex ratio of the entire brood or the sex of the adjacent fetuses induces sex-specific differences in the hatchling’s phenotype. This study examines whether the sex of incubation neighbours affects hatchling characteristics in oviparous common lizards (Lacerta vivipara). Oviparous common lizards lay eggs with thin eggshells and, therefore, are an optimal model organism for studying the effects of hormone leakage among developing embryos since the strongest evidence for prenatal sex ratio effects on offspring development comes from viviparous populations of the same species. Groups of three eggs were incubated together and were categorised according to the sex of the resulting hatchlings as either homosex (three hatchlings of the same sex) or heterosex (one male or one female hatchling plus two siblings of the opposite sex). Hatchlings incubated adjacent to siblings of the same sex had larger body mass and body condition. Males tended to have lower ventral scale counts when incubated with other males. Conversely, females tended to have more ventral scales when incubated with other females, indicative of a more feminised phenotype. There was also a significant interaction between hatchling sex and incubation environment with respect to the length of the fourth digit of the hindlimb, likely indicative of masculinisation in heterosex females. This study suggests steroid diffusion between adjacent eggs in a minimally manipulative experiment and provides the first evidence for developmental effects of the exogenous hormonal environment in near natural conditions in an oviparous amniote. Implications of these results for the evolution of within-clutch sex ratio are discussed.  相似文献   

The mean TB of G. coeruleus in each condition was positively correlated to the length of reinforcement, whereas the shuttle rate was inversely correlated to the length of reinforcement. The precision of TB regulation and the total metabolic expenditures of lizards did not vary significantly for different reinforcement regimes at the same ambient temperature. Eurythermality in G. coeruleus is caused by variations in preferred body temperature and not by fluctuations in TB around the particular regime body temperature.  相似文献   

杭州石荠苎(Mosla hangchowensis)种群密度制约实验的统计分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文研究了我国特有、分布区极狭窄的一年生草本植物——杭州石荠苎(Mosla hangchowensis)种群的密度制约规律。结果表明:在生长季内,种群的死亡率与密度密切相关。种群的最适密度为200~1000株/m2左右。不同密度种群的平均株高、开花数等性状随时间的动态关系均符合“logistic”模型。高密度种群中60%左右的个体能完成生活史;低密度种群中80%以上的个体能完成生活史。种群密度较高制约杭州石荠苎的植株形态和繁殖投资。  相似文献   

D. E. Ruby  A. E. Dunham 《Oecologia》1987,71(3):473-480
Summary Variation in home range size among three populations of the saxicolous iguanid lizard Sceloporus merriami was studied in relation to density, food availability, behavioral patterns, and daily activity periods. These populations, separated by a maximum distance of 50 km, occur along an elevational gradient which spans the elevational range of the species in west Texas. The population with the smallest home ranges had the highest density, the lowest food availability, and the most restricted daily activity period. Within populations, males consistently had larger home ranges than females. No significant between-year variation in home range size was noted within a given area or sex. Intraspecific variation in home range size is not explained by any single factor, such as food availability or density, but appears to be complexly determined by the interaction of energetic, breeding, and activity constraints.  相似文献   


We analysed the relationship between incubation regime and fluctuating asymmetry in a cohort of juvenile lizards (Oligosoma suteri) incubated under laboratory conditions. We found no relationship between incubation temperature or water potential and the level of asymmetry in two cranial traits, although previous research showed profound effects of incubation temperature on gross morphology and hatching success. Our results suggest that fluctuating asymmetry is not a reliable indicator of developmental stress in this species.  相似文献   

1. Parasites may affect breeding success of their host since they compete for the same resources as their hosts. Reproduction may also increase the susceptibility of a host to parasite infections owing to lowered resistance to parasites during breeding.
2. We studied the association between breeding performance and haematozoan parasite infection in the Pied Flycatcher ( Ficedula hypoleuca ) by using both natural data on reproduction and data from clutch size manipulations.
3. The most frequent blood parasites of the Pied Flycatcher in central Finland were Haemoproteus pallidus , Haemoproteus balmorali and Trypanosoma avium complex.
4. We did not find evidence that these haematozoan parasites have any debilitating effects on either reproduction or survival. The variation in reproductive effort did not seem to influence susceptibility to new blood parasite infections.
5. The intensity of Haemoproteus balmorali tended to increase in infected males as the brood size was artificially enlarged. Also, in females intensity of H. pallidus infection tended to increase with the level of clutch size manipulation. Thus, increased reproductive effort seems to debilitate the ability of Pied Flycatcher to control chronic infections.
6. Individuals with enlarged clutches/broods increased their reproductive effort at the expense of defence towards parasites. The cost of current reproduction may then be at least partly mediated by haematozoan infections.  相似文献   

In iteroparous species high investment in current reproduction is usually paid in terms of reduced future reproduction and increased mortality. However, the proximal mechanisms of these costs remain poorly understood. Free radicals arising as by‐products of normal metabolic activities have deleterious effects on cellular proteins, lipids and DNA, and this phenomenon is known as oxidative stress. Since reproduction is an energetically demanding activity, which increases both basal and field metabolic rates, one could expect that breeding effort generates an oxidative stress whose strength depends on the availability and efficiency of antioxidant defences. In agreement with this prediction, we show here for the first time that reproduction decreases antioxidant defences, illustrating that oxidative stress represents a cost of reproduction. We suggest that increased susceptibility to oxidative stress might be a general proximal connection between reproduction and survival underlying other mechanistic links previously acknowledged.  相似文献   

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