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Large carnivores can either directly influence ungulate populations or indirectly affect their behaviour. Knowledge from European systems, in contrast to North American systems, on how this might lead to cascading effects on lower trophic levels is virtually absent. We studied whether wolves Canis lupus via density‐mediated and behaviorally‐mediated effects on their ungulate prey species influence patterns of browsing and tree regeneration inside the Bia?owie?a National Park, Poland. Browsing intensity of tree saplings (height class < 150 cm), irrespective of tree species or forest type, was lower inside a wolf core area (50.5%) where predator presence is highest, than in the remainder of the wolf pack’s home range (58.3%). Additionally, browsing intensity was reduced when the amount of coarse woody debris (CWD), which can act as a ?ungulate escape impediment?, increased (within 5‐m radius) inside the wolf core area. No relationship existed outside the core area. As a result, the proportion of trees growing out of herbivore control increased more strongly with increasing amount of CWD inside compared to outside the wolf core area. This suggests that next to direct effects of wolves on ungulate density caused by a higher predation pressure inside the core area, risk effects are important and are enhanced by habitat characteristics. These results indicate that behaviorally‐mediated effects of predators on prey can become more important than density‐mediated effects in affecting lower trophic levels. This is the first study we are aware of, that shows CWD can create fine‐scale risk effects on ungulates with the potential for cascading effects of large predators on patterns of tree regeneration for a European forest system. This knowledge broadens the discussion on how the impact of large predators on ecosystem functioning depends on the physical landscape, by illustrating these effects for a system which largely contrasts in this respect to the North American systems.  相似文献   

Male and female predators are often assumed to have the same effects on prey. Because of differences in body size and behavior, however, male and female predators may use different species, sexes, and ages of prey, which could have important implications for wildlife conservation and management. We tested for differential prey use by male and female cougars (Puma concolor) from 2003 to 2008 in Washington State. We predicted that male cougars would kill a greater proportion of larger and older prey (i.e., adult elk [Cervus elaphus]), whereas females would kill smaller and younger prey (i.e., elk calves, mule deer [Odocoileus hemionus]). We marked cougars with Global Positioning System (GPS) radio collars and investigated 436 predation sites. We located prey remains at 345 sites from 9 male and 9 female cougars. We detected 184 mule deer, 142 elk, and 17 remains from 4 other species. We used log-linear modeling to detect differences in species and age of prey killed among cougar reproductive classes. Solitary females and females with dependent offspring killed more mule deer than elk (143 vs. 83, P < 0.01), whereas males killed more elk than mule deer (59 vs. 41, P < 0.01). Proportionately, males killed 4 times more adult elk than did females (24% vs. 6% of kills) and females killed 2 times more adult mule deer than did males (26% vs. 15% of kills). Managers should consider the effects of sex of predator in conservation and management of ungulates, particularly when managing for sensitive species. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In inverted biomass pyramids (IBPs) prey are outnumbered by their predators when measured by biomass. We investigate how prey should behave in the face of danger from higher predator biomass, and how anti-predator behavior (in the form of vigilance) can, in turn, affect the predator–prey system. In this study, we incorporate anti-predator behaviors into a Lotka–Volterra predator–prey model in the form of fixed and facultative vigilance. Facultative vigilance models behavior as a dynamic foraging game, allowing us to assess optimal behavioral responses in the context of IBPs using a dynamical fitness optimization approach. We model vigilance as a tradeoff between safety and either the prey's maximum growth rate or its carrying capacity. We assess the population dynamics of predators and prey with fear responses, and investigate the role fear plays on trophic structure. We found that the ecology of fear plays an important role in predator–prey systems, impacting trophic structure and the occurrence of IBPs. Fixed vigilance works against IBP structure by always reducing the predator–prey biomass ratio at equilibrium with increasing levels of vigilance. Facultative vigilance can actually promote IBPs, as prey can now adjust their vigilance levels to cope with increased predation and the costs associated with vigilance. This is especially true when the effectiveness of vigilance is low and predators are very lethal. In general, these trends are true whether the costs of vigilance are felt on the prey's maximum growth rate or its carrying capacity. Just as the ecology of fear, when first introduced, was used to explain why top carnivores are rare in terrestrial systems, it can also be used to understand how big fierce predators can be common in IBPs.  相似文献   

Fishing has clear direct effects on harvested species, but its cascading, indirect effects are less well understood. Fishing disproportionately removes larger, predatory fishes from marine food webs. Most studies of the consequent indirect effects focus on density-mediated interactions where predator removal alternately drives increases and decreases in abundances of successively lower trophic-level species. While prey may increase in number with fewer predators, they may also alter their behavior. When such behavioral responses impact the food resources of prey species, behaviorally mediated trophic cascades can dramatically shape landscapes. It remains unclear whether this pathway of change is typically triggered by ocean fishing. By coupling a simple foraging model with empirical observations from coral reefs, we provide a mechanistic basis for understanding and predicting how predator harvest can alter the landscape of risk for herbivores and consequently drive dramatic changes in primary producer distributions. These results broaden trophic cascade predictions for fisheries to include behavioral changes. They also provide a framework for detecting the presence and magnitude of behaviorally mediated cascades. This knowledge will help to reconcile the disparity between expected and observed patterns of fishing-induced cascades in the sea.  相似文献   

We studied 2 years of postrelease telemetry data of elk (Cervus elaphus) translocated to their historic range limit in Ontario, Canada and sought to determine if postrelease movements were related to behavior, demography of released animals, or site–specific attributes such as length of holding period. During 1998–2004 we radio‐tracked 341 elk in 10 release groups via ground and aerial telemetry and monitored movement patterns relative to gender, age, and pre‐release holding period (4–112 days). We found that elk that were held for short periods prior to release (4–11 days) moved longer distances than those subject to extended conditioning (17–112 days), suggesting that an extended conditioning period is beneficial from the standpoint of promoting philopatry. When all elk were pooled by sex and age class, male calves remained in closer proximity (8.0 ± 13.2 km) to release sites than adult females (19.1 ± 20.6 km), adult males (19.7 ± 15.1 km), and female calves (14.4 ± 20.4 km). Most calves dispersed in a southeasterly direction whereas adults tended to travel southwest. Our results reveal that elk movement characteristics are influenced by factors such as release protocol and group demographics; these findings provide further insight regarding appropriate release methods for restoring natural populations near their historical range limit.  相似文献   



Human disturbance can influence wildlife behaviour, which can have implications for wildlife populations. For example, wildlife may be more vigilant near human disturbance, resulting in decreased forage intake and reduced reproductive success. We measured the effects of human activities compared to predator and other environmental factors on the behaviour of elk (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus 1758) in a human-dominated landscape in Alberta, Canada.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We collected year-round behavioural data of elk across a range of human disturbances. We estimated linear mixed models of elk behaviour and found that human factors (land-use type, traffic and distance from roads) and elk herd size accounted for more than 80% of variability in elk vigilance. Elk decreased their feeding time when closer to roads, and road traffic volumes of at least 1 vehicle every 2 hours induced elk to switch into a more vigilant behavioural mode with a subsequent loss in feeding time. Other environmental factors, thought crucial in shaping vigilance behaviour in elk (natural predators, reproductive status of females), were not important. The highest levels of vigilance were recorded on public lands where hunting and motorized recreational activities were cumulative compared to the national park during summer, which had the lowest levels of vigilance.


In a human-dominated landscape, effects of human disturbance on elk behaviour exceed those of habitat and natural predators. Humans trigger increased vigilance and decreased foraging in elk. However, it is not just the number of people but also the type of human activity that influences elk behaviour (e.g. hiking vs. hunting). Quantifying the actual fitness costs of human disturbance remains a challenge in field studies but should be a primary focus for future researches. Some species are much more likely to be disturbed by humans than by non-human predators: for these species, quantifying human disturbance may be the highest priority for conservation.  相似文献   

Wolf (Canis lupus) diets and potential effects on prey have been a prominent subject of interest to wildlife researchers and managers since reintroduction into Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, in 1995 and 1996. Post-reintroduction, wolves expanded south and recolonized areas in the southern Yellowstone ecosystem. Elk (Cervus elaphus) in this area are supplementally fed during winter (Dec–Mar) at state-managed feedgrounds, resulting in high-density congregations of elk. From December to March 2000–2007, we determined the winter predation patterns of wolves by examining the remains of 289 wolf kills on 3 state-managed feedgrounds and adjacent winter range near Jackson, Wyoming. During winters 2002–2005, we also monitored the movements of radio-collared elk on feedgrounds to describe the response of elk to the presence of wolf kills. Thirty-seven percent (n = 106) of kills were located on elk feedgrounds where elk composition included 49% calves, 42% adult females, 5% adult males, and 5% unknown. Sixty-three percent (n = 183) of kills were located on winter range adjacent to feedgrounds and prey species consisted of 90% elk (38% calves, 35% adult females, 24% adult males, 2% unknown), 9% moose (Alces alces; 13% calves, 69% adult females, 6% adult males, 1% unknown), 1% mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus; 1 fawn, 1 adult female), and 0.5% adult female bison (Bison bison). Mean age of elk killed on feedgrounds was 4.2 years (range = 0–20) and 4.6 years (range = 0–23) on winter range. Calves were selected more than available in most years with female elk killed less than expected. Adult males were killed more than expected in 2005–2007. Eighty-eight percent (n = 198) of the time elk remained on the feedground even when wolves made a kill. Less commonly, elk left the feedground, gathered in larger herds on adjacent feedgrounds absent of wolves, and returned within a few days (6%, n = 13) or left the feedground for another feedground and did not return for the rest of the winter (6%; n = 14). Elk were less likely to leave feedgrounds in the presence of a wolf kill when there were more elk on that feedground. Elk left feedgrounds with greater topography and tree cover (Alkali and Fish Creek) and gathered on the flat, open feedgrounds (Patrol Cabin) more frequently than they left flat, open feedgrounds for feedgrounds with greater topography and tree cover. Our results indicate wolves in our study area primarily preyed on elk and exhibited a strong preference for elk calves. High-density concentrations of elk on feedgrounds will continue to be an attractant for wolves. Although elk leave feedgrounds for reasons other than wolf presence, any displacement of elk from feedgrounds due to wolves will be temporary. State managers have the ability to alter management strategies (e.g., increasing wolf harvest, phasing out elk feeding, increasing the intensity of elk feeding) in an effort to affect predator-prey relationships. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Although invasive species often resemble their native counterparts, differences in their foraging and anti-predator strategies may disrupt native food webs. In a California estuary, we showed that regions dominated by native crabs and native whelks have low mortality of native oysters (the basal prey), while regions dominated by invasive crabs and invasive whelks have high oyster mortality and are consequently losing a biologically diverse habitat. Using field experiments, we demonstrated that the invasive whelk’s distribution is causally related to a large-scale pattern of oyster mortality. To determine whether predator–prey interactions between crabs (top predators) and whelks (intermediate consumers) indirectly control the pattern of oyster mortality, we manipulated the presence and invasion status of the intermediate and top trophic levels in laboratory mesocosms. Our results show that native crabs indirectly maintain a portion of the estuary’s oyster habitat by both consuming native whelks (density-mediated trophic cascade) and altering their foraging behavior (trait-mediated trophic cascade). In contrast, invasive whelks are naive to crab predators and fail to avoid them, thereby inhibiting trait-mediated cascades and their invasion into areas with native crabs. Similarly, when native crabs are replaced with invasive crabs, the naive foraging strategy and smaller size of invasive crabs prevents them from efficiently consuming adult whelks, thereby inhibiting strong density-mediated cascades. Thus, while trophic cascades allow native crabs, whelks, and oysters to locally co-exist, the replacement of native crabs and whelks by functionally similar invasive species results in severe depletion of native oysters. As coastal systems become increasingly invaded, the mismatch of evolutionarily based strategies among predators and prey may lead to further losses of critical habitat that support marine biodiversity and ecosystem function. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Vigilance in vertebrates is often inversely related to group size. We present evidence that distance to bushes and location within the herd are also critical factors in vigilance in springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis) in Etosha National Park, Namibia, where they are the preferred prey of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus). Most springbok feed in heterospecific herds, both by grazing on grass and browsing on bushes. We studied 1245 animals; variations in vigilance (time alert) were explained by location within the herd, distance to bushes and roads, number of springbok in each herd, and gender and age. Vigilance time decreased with increasing herd size, with increasing distance to bushes and roads, and with density. Springbok on the edge of herds devoted significantly more time to vigilance than did those in other locations, and vigilance in edge animals decreased with group size. Adults were more vigilant than young, and males were more vigilant than females. Position within the herd, and distance from bushes, were the most important variables influencing vigilance. Location in the herd and gender/age affected both browsing and grazing springbok, although other factors accounted for the differences in vigilance between browsing and grazing springbok: 1) group size was not significant for browsers, but it was for grazers, and 2) distances to bushes and road were not significant for browsers, but they were for grazers. These data relate to the risk from predators and the benefits from other group members. Springbok in bushes cannot see all members of the herd, cannot derive early warning from many group members, and are more at risk from predators because the latter can hide in the bushes. Received: 17 May 1999 / Received in revised form: 30 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

Many animals benefit from the presence of conspecifics by reducing their rate of scanning for predators while increasing their time spent foraging. This group size effect could arise from a decreased perception of individual risk (dilution hypothesis) and/or an increased ability to detect predators (detection hypothesis). We compared individual and group vigilance of Rocky Mountain elk, Cervus elaphus, in three regions of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.A. that varied in their encounter frequency with coyote, Canis latrans, grizzly bear, Ursus arctos, and grey wolf,Canis lupus , predators. Adult females without calves increased scanning and decreased foraging with high encounter risk and small herd size. Adult females with calves increased scanning and decreased foraging with high encounter risk, but showed no decrease in scanning with large herd size. Yearlings increased scanning and decreased feeding with small herd size, but not with high encounter risk. Adult males were least vigilant, fed most and were not influenced by encounter risk or herd size. These age-sex class differences led to significant differences in group vigilance depending on the composition of the herd. Herds with a majority of mothers were significantly more vigilant than herds with a majority of adult males. However, these differences in group vigilance had no influence on the individual scanning of females without calves. Thus, the decrease in individual scanning with herd size may depend more on changes in individual risk than on cooperative detection of predators. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We quantified the vigilance levels of elk (Cervus elaphus) preyedon by wolves (Canis lupus) in Yellowstone National Park, betweenJanuary and May in 2005 and 2006, and used Akaike's informationcriterion to compare a set of 38 regression models for vigilancelevels. These models combined up to 9 predictor variables of3 types: characteristics of the prey group (herd size and composition),characteristics of the predator (wolf pack size, distance away,and the presence/absence of a kill), and characteristics ofthe local environment (distance to woodland edges, snow depth,and snow cover). The set of models spanned a range of complexityfrom simple univariate models to complex combinations with upto 3 variables of each type. Complex models incorporating thecharacteristics of the wolf pack, the structure of the elk herd,and the environmental conditions had higher information contentthan simple models. Although univariate models of vigilancedetect significant relationships, they have low informationcontent relative to multivariate models. These results showthat elk assesses factors of several types when assessing riskand deciding how much time to allocate to vigilance. In particular,we found that all well-supported models of vigilance includedseveral "prey" variables and several "predator" variables. Thisresult highlights the need to consider information about predatorswhen trying to explain variation in vigilance levels in prey.  相似文献   

Trophic cascades have become a dominant paradigm in ecology, yet considerable debate remains about the relative strength of density- (consumptive) and trait-mediated (non-consumptive) effects in trophic cascades. This debate may, in part, be resolved by considering prey experience, which shapes prey traits (through genetic and plastic change) and influences prey survival (and therefore density). Here, we investigate the cascading role of prey experience through the addition of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) from predator-experienced or predator-naïve sources to mesocosms containing piscivorous largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides), zooplankton, and phytoplankton. These two sources were positioned along a competition-defense tradeoff. Results show that predator-naïve mosquitofish suffered higher depredation rates, which drove a density-mediated cascade, whereas predator-experienced mosquitofish exhibited higher survival but fed less, which drove a trait-mediated cascade. Both cascades were similar in strength, leading to indistinguishable top-down effects on lower trophic levels. Therefore, the accumulation of prey experience with predators can cryptically shift cascade mechanisms from density- to trait-mediated.  相似文献   

In a predator–prey system, prey species may adapt to the presence of predators with behavioral changes such as increased vigilance, shifting habitats, or changes in their mobility. In North America, moose (Alces alces) have shown behavioral adaptations to presence of predators, but such antipredator behavioral responses have not yet been found in Scandinavian moose in response to the recolonization of wolves (Canis lupus). We studied travel speed and direction of movement of GPS‐collared female moose (n = 26) in relation to spatiotemporal differences in wolf predation risk, reproductive status, and time of year. Travel speed was highest during the calving (May–July) and postcalving (August–October) seasons and was lower for females with calves than females without calves. Similarly, time of year and reproductive status affected the direction of movement, as more concentrated movement was observed for females with calves at heel, during the calving season. We did not find support for that wolf predation risk was an important factor affecting moose travel speed or direction of movement. Likely causal factors for the weak effect of wolf predation risk on mobility of moose include high moose‐to‐wolf ratio and intensive hunter harvest of the moose population during the past century.  相似文献   

We investigated the predatory effects of Dytiscus alaskanus, a large predaceous diving beetle, on the biomass, species composition and diversity of fishless pond communities. The effects were tested using presence and absence treatments of D. alaskanus in 24 mesocosms distributed among six ponds. We sampled phytoplankton, zooplankton and macroinvertebrates every two weeks for a six week period. Periphyton was sampled from the mesocosm walls on the final day. Total macroinvertebrate biomass decreased in the presence of dytiscids while species richness was not affected. Macroinvertebrate predators, snails and Gammarus lacustris decreased in the dytiscid treatments. Laboratory feeding experiments confirmed feeding preferences consistent with the mesocosm results. Periphyton biomass was six times greater in the dytiscid enclosures, concomitant with the decreased grazing by gastropods and other invertebrate primary consumers indicating a benthic trophic cascade. Top–down effects of dytiscids on other predatory invertebrates led to increased total zooplankton biomass, largely due to increased abundances of large and small cladocerans. Zooplankton species richness increased in the dytiscid enclosures. Inconsistent with trophic cascade theory, phytoplankton did not respond to top–down effects of D. alaskanus within the study period. Overall, the results show D. alaskanus predation caused trophic effects via two distinct food chains, a dytiscid–snail–periphyton trophic cascade, and a dytiscid–predatory macroinvertebrates–zooplankton partial trophic cascade.  相似文献   

We compared patterns of vigilance behavior in a male- and a female-dominant species—white-faced capuchins and ring-tailed lemurs—and used the results to test four hypotheses to explain vigilance behavior in primates. Adult male white-faced capuchins spent significantly more time vigilant than females did, and much male vigilance appeared to be directed toward males from other social groups. This finding supports the protection of paternity hypothesis. No sex difference existed in vigilance behavior among the ring-tailed lemurs, and subjects of both sexes exhibited more vigilance toward predators/potential predators than toward extragroup conspecifics, which supports the predator detection hypothesis. A trade-off argument, suggesting that females tolerate males in a group in return for greater male vigilance, does not apply to ring-tailed lemurs in our study. In both the male-dominant capuchins and the female-dominant ring-tailed lemurs, the alpha subject in the majority of the study groups was significantly more vigilant than other group members were. In white-faced capuchins, the alpha male mates more often than subordinate males do; therefore, the greater degree of vigilance exhibited by the alpha male may correspond to the protection of his reproductive investment. In ring-tailed lemurs, there can be more than one matriline in a group. Thus, the greater amount of vigilance behavior exhibited by the alpha female may be related to protection of her matriline, which could ultimately lead to greater inclusive fitness. Alpha subjects in our study groups exhibited certain behaviors more frequently or exclusively. Accordingly, there may be a constellation of behaviors characteristic of alpha animals.  相似文献   

It is well known that predators often influence the foraging behaviour of prey through the so-called “fear effect”. However, it is also possible that predators could change prey behaviour indirectly by altering the prey’s food supply through a trophic cascade. The predator–sea urchin–kelp trophic cascade is widely assumed to be driven by the removal of sea urchins by predators, but changes in sea urchin behaviour in response to predators or increased food availability could also play an important role. We tested whether increased crevice occupancy by herbivorous sea urchins in the presence of abundant predatory fishes and lobsters is a response to the increased risk of predation, or an indirect response to higher kelp abundances. Inside two New Zealand marine reserves with abundant predators and kelp, individuals of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus were rarer and remained cryptic (i.e. found in crevices) to larger sizes than on adjacent fished coasts where predators and kelp are rare. In a mesocosm experiment, cryptic behaviour was induced by simulated predation (the addition of crushed conspecifics), but the addition of food in the form of drift kelp did not induce cryptic behaviour. These findings demonstrate that the ‘fear’ of predators is more important than food availability in promoting sea urchin cryptic behaviour and suggest that both density- and behaviourally mediated interactions are important in the predator–sea urchin–kelp trophic cascade.  相似文献   

Predators play integral roles in shaping ecosystems through cascading effects to prey and vegetation. Such effects occur when prey species alter their behavior to avoid predators, a phenomenon called the risk effects of predators. Risk effects of wild predators such as wolves are well documented for wild prey, but not for free ranging domestic animals such as cattle despite their importance for ecosystem function and conservation. We compared risk effects of satellite‐collared wolves (n = 16) on habitat selection by global‐positioning‐system‐collared elk (n = 10) and cattle (n = 31). We calculated resource selection functions (RSFs) in periods before, during and after wolf visits in elk home ranges or cattle pastures. The habitat variables tested included: distance to roads and trails, terrain ruggedness, food‐quality and distance to forest. When wolves were present, elk stayed closer to forest cover and selected less for high‐quality‐food habitat. Thus, the risk effects of wolf presence on elk produced a change in the tradeoff between food and cover selection. Cattle responded by avoiding high‐quality‐food habitat and selecting areas closer to roads and trails (where people likely provided security), but these effects manifested only after wolves had left. Artificial selection in cattle may have attenuated natural anti‐predator behaviors. The effects of predators on ecosystems are likely different when mediated through risk effects on domestic compared to wild animals. Furthermore, predator control in response to livestock predation, an important conservation issue, may produce broad ecosystem effects triggered by decrease of an important predator species. Conservation planners should consider these effects where domestic herbivores are dominant species in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

We used a simple life table approach to examine the age-specific patterns of harvest mortality in eight Norwegian moose populations during the last 15 years and tried to determine if the observed patterns were caused by hunter selectivity. The general opinion among local managers is that hunters prefer to shoot female moose not in company with calves to keep a high number of reproductive females in the population (and because of the emotional stress involved in leaving the calf/calves without a mother), and relatively large males because of the higher return with respect to meat and trophy. In support of the former view, we found the harvest mortality of adult females to be higher among pre-prime (1–3 years old) than prime-aged age classes (4–7 years old). This is probably because prime-aged females are more fecund and, therefore, more likely to be in company with one or two calves during the hunting season. As the season progressed, however, the selection pressure on barren females decreased, probably due to more productive females becoming ‘legal’ prey as their calf/calves were harvested. In males, we did not find any evidence of strong age-specific hunter selectivity, despite strong age-dependent variation in body mass and antler size. We suggest that this was due to the current strongly female-biased sex ratio in most Norwegian moose populations, which leaves the hunters with few opportunities to be selective within a relatively short and intensive hunting season. The management implications of these findings and to what extent the results are likely to affect the future evolution of life histories in Norwegian moose populations are discussed.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Fitness and community consequences of avoiding multiple predators   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We investigated the fitness and community consequences of behavioural interactions with multiple predators in a four-trophic-level system. We conducted an experiment in oval flow-through artificial-stream tanks to examine the single and interactive sublethal effects of brook trout and stoneflies on the size at emergence of Baetis bicaudatus (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), and the cascading trophic effects on algal biomass, the food resource of the mayflies. No predation was allowed in the experiment, so that all effects were mediated through predator modifications of prey behaviour. We reared trout stream Baetis larvae from just before egg development until emergence in tanks with four treatments: (1) water from a holding tank with two brook trout (trout odour), (2) no trout odour + eight stoneflies with glued mouthparts, (3) trout odour + stoneflies and (4) no trout odour or stoneflies. We ended the experiment after 3 weeks when ten male and ten female subimagos had emerged from each tank, measured the size of ten male and ten female mature nymphs (with black wing pads), and collected algal samples from rocks at six locations in each tank. To determine the mechanism responsible for sublethal and cascading effects on lower trophic levels we made day and night observations of mayfly behaviour for the first 6 days by counting mayflies drifting in the water column and visible on natural substrata in the artificial streams. Trout odour and stoneflies similarly reduced the size of male and female Baetis emerging from artificial streams, with non-additive effects of both predators. While smaller females are less fecund, a fitness cost of small male size has not been determined. The mechanism causing sublethal effects on Baetis differed between predators. While trout stream Baetis retained their nocturnal periodicity in all treatments, stoneflies increased drift dispersal of mayflies at night, and trout suppressed night-time feeding and drift of mayflies. Stoneflies had less effect on Baetis behaviour when fish odour was present. Thus, we attribute the non-additivity of effects of fish and stoneflies on mayfly growth to an interaction modification whereby trout odour reduced the impact of stoneflies on Baetis behaviour. Since stonefly activity was also reduced in the presence of fish odour, this modification may be attributed to the effect of fish odour on stonefly behaviour. Only stoneflies delayed Baetis emergence, suggesting that stoneflies had a greater sublethal effect on Baetis fitness than did trout. Delayed emergence may reduce Baetis fitness by increasing risks of predation and parasitism on larvae, and increasing competition for mates or oviposition sites among adults. Finally, algal biomass was higher in tanks with both predators than in the other three treatments. These data implicate a behavioural trophic cascade because predators were not allowed to consume prey. Therefore, differences in algal biomass were attributed to predator-induced changes in mayfly behaviour. Our study demonstrates the importance of considering multiple predators when measuring direct sublethal effects of predators on prey fitness and indirect effects on lower trophic levels. Identification of an interaction modification illustrates the value of obtaining detailed information on behavioural mechanisms as an aid to understanding the complex interactions occurring among components of ecological communities. Received: 20 March 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Different functional groups of generalist predators may complement each other in controlling prey populations; but intraguild interactions, common among generalist predators, may also reduce the strength of top–down control. In natural communities greater alterations to ecosystem function are expected if a whole functional group declines in abundance or is lost. Therefore studying functional group diversity is important for predicting effects of predator loss. We studied the top–down impact of web‐building spiders, hunting spiders and ants, which are highly abundant generalist predators in most terrestrial ecosystems, on prey from the herbivore and decomposer system of a grassland food web. The density of the three predator groups was manipulated by continuous removal in a three‐factorial designed field experiment, which was carried out for two years. We found no positive effect of increasing predator functional group richness on prey control. However there was evidence for strong composition effects between the functional groups. The presence of ants in predator assemblages reduced the prey suppression through mostly trait‐mediated intraguild interactions, while hunting and web‐building spiders contributed additively to prey suppression and reduced the density of herbivore and decomposer prey by 50–60%. A trophic cascade on plant biomass triggered by web‐builders and hunting spiders was diminished at levels of higher predator group diversity. In conclusion, our experiments showed that intraguild interactions strongly influence the strength of top–down control by generalist predators. Among spiders there was evidence for a positive relation between functional group richness and prey suppression but the overall outcome strongly depended on the occurrence of interference, driven by trait‐mediated indirect interactions.  相似文献   

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