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The phytoplankton communities and the production of cyanobacterial toxins were investigated in two alkaline Kenyan crater lakes, Lake Sonachi and Lake Simbi. Lake Sonachi was mainly dominated by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira fusiformis, Lake Simbi by A. fusiformis and Anabaenopsis abijatae. The phytoplankton biomasses measured were high, reaching up to 3159 mg l−1 in L. Sonachi and up to 348 mg l−1 in L. Simbi. Using HPLC techniques, one structural variant of the hepatotoxin microcystin (microcystin-RR) was found in L. Sonachi and four variants (microcystin-LR, -RR, -LA and -YR) were identified in L. Simbi. The neurotoxin anatoxin-a was found in both lakes. To our knowledge this is the first evidence of cyanobacterial toxins in L. Sonachi and L. Simbi. Total microcystin concentrations varied from 1.6 to 12.0 μg microcystin-LR equivalents g−1 DW in L. Sonachi and from 19.7 to 39.0 μg microcystin-LR equivalents g−1 DW in L. Simbi. Anatoxin-a concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 2.0 μg g−1 DW in L. Sonachi and from 0 to 1.4 μg g−1 DW in L. Simbi. In a monocyanobacterial strain of A. fusiformis, isolated from L. Sonachi, microcystin-YR and anatoxin-a were produced. The concentrations found were 2.2 μg microcystin g−1 DW and 0.3 μg anatoxin-a g−1 DW. This is the first study showing A. fusiformis as producer of microcystins and anatoxin-a. Since A. fusiformis occurs in mass developments in both lakes, a health risk for wildlife can be expected.  相似文献   

Human population growth drives intrusion and progressive conversion of natural habitats for agriculture. We evaluated human impacts on bat species diversity and distribution among four vegetation types in and around Lake Bogoria National Reserve between November 2012 and July 2013. Plants were surveyed using the Braun–Blanquet cover/abundance method, whereas bats were sampled using standard mist nets erected on poles at ground level. Floristic similarity analysis revealed three broad vegetation assemblages, namely riverine vegetation, farmland and Acacia woodland/Acacia–Commiphora woodland. Two hundred and 33 bats representing eleven species in eleven genera and seven families were recorded. These were Epomophorus minimus, Rhinolophus landeri, Hipposideros caffer, Cardioderma cor, Lavia frons, Nycteris hispida, Chaerephon pumilus, Mops condylurus, Neoromicia capensis, Scotoecus hirundo and Scotophilus dinganii. Species richness estimators indicated that sampling for bats at ground level was exhaustive. Bat species richness and diversity were highest in the more structurally complex Acacia woodland compared to more homogenous farmlands where we recorded only common and generalist species that often occur in open habitats. The higher bat species richness and diversity in the Acacia woodland as compared to farmland underscore the importance of remnant natural savannah woodlands in the conservation of bats and other elements of biodiversity .  相似文献   

Adams  C. S.  Boar  R. R.  Hubble  D. S.  Gikungu  M.  Harper  D. M.  Hickley  P.  Tarras-Wahlberg  N. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):115-122
The floating water fern Salvinia molesta has occurred in Lake Naivasha since the early 1960s and during this period has obstructed fishing activities and navigation. In recent years the extent of Salvinia has declined markedly. Since 1988, a second floating weed, Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), has colonised the lake. Salvinia formed large mats around the edges, bays and lagoons and had very few plant or invertebrate species associated with it. Mats of E. crassipes, however, support a greater abundance and variety of animal and plant species, which shows a relationship with mat size. This seems to have facilitated plant succession but without a zonation typical of the classic hydroseral sequence for the lake.  相似文献   

Gitahi  S. M.  Harper  D. M.  Muchiri  S. M.  Tole  M. P.  Ng'ang'a  R. N. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):123-128
Water, sediment, red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and black bass (Micropterus salmoides) from Lake Naivasha were analyzed for selected organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues. The mean p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE residue levels recorded in black bass (28.3 (± 30.0), 34.2 (±54.0) and 16.1 (±16.1) g kg–1, respectively) and crayfish (4.6 (±5.1), 3.2 (±2.8), and 1.4 (±1.1) g kg–1, respectively), were higher than previously recorded. This indicated recent usage of technical DDT in the lake's catchment. Levels of p,p'-DDT, higher than those of p,p'-DDE further emphasized this. Mean lindane, dieldrin, -endosulfan and aldrin concentrations in black bass were 100.5, 34.6, 21.6 and 16.7 g kg–1, respectively. The same residues were detected at lower concentrations in crayfish at 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 and 1.9 g kg–1, respectively. The higher fat content (3.7 ± 2.7% SD) in black bass (compared to 0.6 ± 0.3% in crayfish) accounted for the significantly higher residue concentrations in black bass. Organophosphate pesticides were the most commonly used pesticides in the lake's catchment, but none was detected in any of the samples. The results indicate that there is need for further work to identify sources and fate of pesticide contaminants, as well as to improve monitoring of pesticide use throughout the catchment.  相似文献   

Hickley  Phil  Bailey  Roland  Harper  David M.  Kundu  Rodrick  Muchiri  Mucai  North  Rick  Taylor  Andy 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):181-190
I describe a laboratory system for investigating the role of light as a proximate cue for diel changes in locomotor activity and vertical location on the substrate of stream macro-invertebrates. The system consisted of computer-controlled halogen lamps positioned over a laboratory stream in which video-recordings were made of Stenonema modestum mayfly nymphs located on the undersides of unglazed tile substrates. Locomotor activity of study organisms in response to light changes were quantified during computer-programmed and reproducible light/dark (LD) cycles. The system provided the flexibility to simulate a variety of light environments so that the separate influences of light intensity and light change on diel activities of individuals and populations could be examined, which is difficult under natural light conditions. As a group, nymphs responded similarly to simulated twilight (light decrease from 7.9 × 102 to 6.9 × 10–2 W cm–2 at a constant –1.9 × 10–3 s–1 rate of relative light change) and to natural twilight, suggesting that proposed mechanisms of light control of diel activities in nature can be adequately tested in the simulated environment. However, locomotor activity and vertical movements among individual mayflies were highly variable under controlled conditions, suggesting that physiological differences influence their responses to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Hubble  David S.  Harper  David M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):89-98
Lake Naivasha is a shallow freshwater lake in the Rift Valley of Kenya. Since the 1980s, when the lake showed a seasonal shift between diatom and cyanobacterial dominance it has become moderately eutrophic. Its algal assemblage is now dominated by a persistent Aulacoseira italica population both numerically and in terms of contribution to overall primary production. Algal and cyanobacterial counts were used to derive Simpson's diversity, succession rate and total community succession, focusing on the 10 most numerically abundant taxa. 170 species were identified, 43 of which were in common with the 143 found in 1979–80, before the increase in trophic state. Most diatoms are indicators of moderate to high nutrient conditions. There is little horizontal or vertical variation in successional processes throughout the lake and although the absolute abundance of cells varies widely, proportional composition is relatively stable. In Crescent Island lagoon, the only regularly stratified site, hypolimnetic succession rates are lower than those in the epilimnion. Overall, community composition is controlled by mixing (and hence light regime) and nutrient availability. With `endless summer' conditions and full mixing, there is a successional pattern of `muted seasonality' adapted to physical instability and environmental stability.  相似文献   

Kitaka  Nzula  Harper  David M.  Mavuti  Kenneth M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):73-80
The main river supplying Lake Naivasha, Kenya, the Malewa, drains a catchment given over to largely subsistence cultivation and animal husbandry. The lake itself is the focus for an intensive horticultural industry based upon irrigation from the lake. The Malewa, however, is relatively independent of the impact of industry, and so its contribution to eutrophication of the lake was evaluated. Two periods of study, a very wet-dry and a `normal' wet-dry season showed that the river contribution of phosphorus led to a total phosphorus loading of 1.4 g m–2 lake surface ann–1 in the very wet period compared to 0.2 in the `normal'. Chlorophyll `a' in the open water of the lake was significantly related to soluble reactive phosphorus. The lake is now eutrophic by normal limnological criteria.  相似文献   

In Lake Albert, an ecological study was conducted, between June 2000 and May 2003, which assessed snail population dynamics, parasite infection patterns and interplay of environmental factors upon Biomphalaria. Monthly sampling surveys were conducted at 29 sites monitoring populations of Biomphalaria stanleyi and Biomphalaria sudanica. Altogether, a total of 21,715 B. stanleyi and 8452 B. sudanica were collected during the period. Both species could be found infected with Schistosoma mansoni although infection prevalence was significantly higher (p < 0.01**) in B. stanleyi (4.4%) than in B. sudanica (3.5%). Each species occupied slightly different aquatic niches with B. stanleyi preferring deeper water habitats whilst B. sudanica was found along the shoreline in shallower water. B. stanleyi was more widely distributed among the sampling locations (19 sites) than B. sudanica (10 sites). Of the four villages included in the study area, snails from sites near Piida and Bugoigo villages had the highest schistosome infection rates, presumably attributable to the closer proximity of people with intestinal schistosomiasis. After inspection of cross-correlation plots which identified most suitable time lags, snail density dynamics could be associated with seasonal variations inclusive of: air temperature, rainfall, lake level, water temperature, water conductivity and water pH. These temporal observations better reveal the relationship between snail populations and environmental factors, providing important information concerning the relative roles of B. stanleyi and B. sudanica in transmission of S. mansoni and development of integrated strategies for disease control around Lake Albert.  相似文献   

通过野外实地调查,结合标本鉴定和文献研究,对内蒙古白音敖包国家级自然保护区种子植物多样性和区系特征进行了统计分析,并对白音敖包自然保护区与周边4个地区(章古台、木兰围场、达里诺尔、乌斯吐)种子植物区系的相似性进行比较分析。结果表明:(1)白音敖包自然保护区植物物种多样性较为丰富,共有野生种子植物72科261属526种,但多样性却表现出一定的脆弱性。(2)在植物区系科的组成上,主要有8个优势科;属的组成则主要为单种属和寡种属,共计246属,占本区系总属数的94.26%;在生活型方面草本植物占绝对优势,而在水分生态类型的分布上中生植物最多。(3)在科、属的地理分布类型中,温带成分占绝对优势,区系温带性质明显;而且区系成分具有一定的古老性,但特有程度较低。(4)该研究区与邻近4个植物区系的属相似性分析发现,白音敖包自然保护区与达里诺尔的属相似系数最高,与乌斯吐相似性较低。  相似文献   

Boar  R.R.  Harper  David M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):81-88
On steep, unvegetated slopes, sands (particle sizes 0.063 to 2 mm) and gravels (2–64 mm) erode from the shoreline of Lake Naivasha (Kenya) and enter the lake basin. This occurred freely where fringing papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) swamp had been cleared in favour of landing jetties or agriculture. Gravel-sized particles have been recovered up to 60 m offshore and sands to 80 m. In an area where papyrus was undisturbed and the swamp margin was 52 m wide, gravel did not enter the lake and sands penetrated to around 35 m. Large particles are much easier to trace to source and to manage than the finer silts and clays (<0.63 m) that form the bulk of Lake Naivasha's sediment. The pattern of mass specific magnetic susceptibilities for the <63 m fraction of lake sediment around the southern shoreline of the lake suggests that fine particles enter open water directly from the shoreline and are not transported from the lake's only perennial inflow, the River Malewa in the north. Such particles originate from a hinterland that supports high intensity horticulture and are therefore a potential source of contamination. Mean ± SD susceptibility (If) immediately offshore papyrus fringe was 0.49 ± 0.08 × 10-6 m3 kg-1 compared with higher values of 1.33 ± 0.14 × 10-6 m3 kg-1 where there was no papyrus barrier (P<0.0001). The value for five sites in the middle parts of the lake was 0.45 ± 0.02 × 10-6 m3 kg-1 with 1.38 ± 0.10 × 10-6 m3 kg-1 near the mouth of the River Malewa. The results of this study are evidence, therefore, that conservation of a continuous papyrus margin of about 50 m width is a priority for intercepting particulate material.  相似文献   

AHomo erectus individual (KNM-ER 1808) from Koobi Fora, Kenya dating from 1·6 ± 0·1 million years exhibits pathological apposition of bone on long bone shafts. This was originally attributed to hypervitaminosis A from the consumption of carnivore livers. Bee brood has a sufficiently high concentration of vitamin A that protracted ingestion could theoretically produce hypervitaminosis A. The ecology of the East African bee,Apis mellifera scutelatta, is investigated to show that the density of nests with their brood contents within a reasonable foraging area of earlyHomo erectus would yield an ample and reliable energy source with deleteriously high vitamin A content. A potential role of honey gathering and insect larvae consumption in hominine behavioural and physical evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

九寨沟自然保护区川金丝猴的分布及种群数量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2014年2月至5月,对四川省九寨沟自然保护区野生川金丝猴的种群分布、数量及其社会结构进行调查,初步探讨该种群与其他种群在外部形态和社会结构方面的差异性。采用"V"型路线法调查,发现九寨沟保护区共有川金丝猴4群。然后结合长时间的持续跟踪观察,证实家庭单元19个,全雄群3个,能区分不同个体296只。OMU大小平均为12.7只,其中OMU内的成年个体占38%,青少年个体占53%,幼仔占9%。成年与青少年比例为1∶1.39,成年雌雄的比例为3.84∶1。与秦岭种群的外部形态相比,该种群的成年雄性更为壮大,毛发弯曲程度明显;成年雌性毛发略显灰黑色,金黄色暗淡,大部分个体嘴角长有很小的肉瘤;青少年个体毛色泛白。亦发现九寨沟种群倾向于选择海拔偏高(2400—3550 m)的针叶林带活动。  相似文献   

The suitability of exotic carps namely Aristichthys nobilis (Bighead carp), Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp), Ctenopharyngodon idellus (Grass carp), Cyprinus carpio (Common carp) and Labeo rohita (Rohu) in a sub-tropical lake was evaluated. The impact of their introduction on native fishes was also studied. After the introduction and cage culture of exotic carps the total harvest reached 92 kg·ha–1; an increase of 266% within eight years. The planktivorous bighead and silver carps were most successful. The harvest of the other three species was poor. Since the introduction of exotic carp the harvest of indigenous fishes declined by 42%. Considering the food habits of these fish, further stocking should be limited to bighead and silver carps to limit the adverse effects on the indigenous species.  相似文献   

Frank Clark 《Hydrobiologia》1992,248(2):115-124
Micronecta scutellaris is one of the most abundant macro-invertebrates found in Lake Naivasha, Kenya and forms an important component of the diet of juvenile large mouthed bass.Its distribution in the lake and breeding biology are described and considered in relation to the lake's food chains.  相似文献   

The invertebrate fauna of many Antarctic ice-free areas, even those close to permanent research stations, can be poorly known. Here we describe some nematodes from freshwater and saline, marine-derived lakes of the Vestfold Hills, East Antarctica. The freshwater lakes contained the widespread East Antarctic endemic species, Plectus frigophilus Kirjanova, 1958. The saline lakes were inhabited by two recently described species, Halomonhystera halophila Andrássy, 2006 and Halomonhystera continentalis Andrássy, 2006, and by a new species described in this report, Hypodontolaimus antarcticus sp. n. Originally marine but now brackish Highway Lake contained a nematode fauna with both freshwater and marine-derived components. The nematode fauna of Antarctica now consists of 54 named species, 22 of which are found in East Antarctica.  相似文献   

This study has demonstrated that low numbers of African armyworms (Spodoptera exempta) (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) can be found throughout the year in parts of the coastal and highland regions of Kenya where there is frequent rainfall. During the study period the numbers of moths caught in pheromone traps in these regions built up during the short and long rains, and decreased dramatically during the intervening dry seasons. There was a lag of one to two months between the peaks for rainfall and moth numbers. This contrasts with the situation at sites of the seasonal outbreaks of armyworm larvae, where a sudden preceding influx of moths coincides with the rainfall. A positive correlation was found, for the long rains seasons only, between the number of armyworm outbreaks throughout the country and the peak numbers of moths in coastal and highland regions.It is suggested therefore that the peak numbers of moths trapped in the eastern highlands and coastal regions during the rainy seasons arise principally from outbreaks in the extensive seasonal grasslands. These grassland areas diminish considerably during the prolonged dry periods between the two rainy seasons, and it is only the eastern highland and coastal regions that are likely to provide suitable habitats for breeding during the dry seasons. The significance of these populations for initiating the first outbreaks of the following season is discussed.  相似文献   

通过对桑根达莱淖尔卤虫的养殖实验与卵囊解剖,研究了内蒙古沙漠小型盐湖投饵、施肥与自然状态3种营养模式下卤虫的生境、种群动态、生殖特征,分析了环境对卤虫资源的负载力。结果表明:1在起始种群相同的情况下,不同营养模式对种群结构与密度有显著影响;2不同营养模式对个体生长速度影响存在差异,投饵对加快个体生长速度效果最明显,但在性成熟速度方面不同营养模式没有出现统计学显著差异;3不同营养模式对卤虫的怀卵量、卵生/卵胎生比例有显著影响;与空白组相比,投饵组平均怀卵量提高了35.52%—72.71%,施肥组提高了11.34%—26.15%;4卤虫资源的环境负载力为0.3—0.4 kg/m3,加以补充肥料,可提高到0.45 kg/m3,在投喂饲料的情况下可以达到0.5 kg/m3;5卤虫蛋白可开发量按环境负载力的1/3估计,对照组、施肥组和投饵组的相应年开发量分别为2.61—2.98 kg/m3、4.5—5.4 kg/m3和7.51—8.67 kg/m3,滞育卵产量分别为0.73、1.10 g/m3和1.17 g/m3。  相似文献   

Caridina nilotica (Decapoda: Atyidae) in offshore waters of Lake Victoria were investigated with both day and night sampling over a period of two years. Offshore populations are mainly planktonic rather than benthic, and the animals exhibit diel vertical migrations into near-surface waters at night. These changes in diel abundance as well as the size-frequency distribution of the migrating shrimp suggest that the migratory behavior is in response to visual planktivory, because only the very smallest individuals (2–4 mm) remain in surface waters during the day. During October 1992, abundances were estimated both by vertical net sampling and by underwater video transect methods. Concordance was established between abundances estimated by the two methods. Only about 9% (night) to 14% (day) of the Caridina population appeared to be epibenthic. We suggest that the behavior of the animal is consistent with the hypothesis that it is not a strict detritivore as previously reported; rather it may engage in facultative planktivory, especially at night.  相似文献   

Odhiambo  H.O.  Ong  C.K.  Deans  J.D.  Wilson  J.  Khan  A.A.H.  Sprent  J.I. 《Plant and Soil》2001,235(2):221-233
Variations in soil water, crop yield and fine roots of 3–4 year-old Grevillea robusta Cunn. and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Walp. growing in association with maize (Zea mays L.) were examined in semiarid Kenya during the long rains of 1996 and 1997. Even although tree roots penetrated more deeply than maize roots, maximum root length densities for both tree species and maize occurred in the top 200 mm of the soil profile where soil moisture was frequently recharged by rains. Populations of roots in plots containing trees were dominated by tree roots at the beginning of the growing season but because tree roots died and maize root length increased during the cropping season, amounts of tree and maize roots were similar at the end of the season. Thus, there was evidence of temporal separation of root activity between species, but there was no spatial separation of the rooting zones of the trees and crops within that part of the soil profile occupied by crop roots. Tree root length density declined with increasing distances from rows of trees and with depth in the soil profile. Although Grevillea trees were largest, plots containing G. sepium trees always contained more tree roots than plots containing G. robusta trees and Gliricidia was more competitive with maize than Grevillea. Overall, Gliricidia reduced crop yield by about 50% and Grevillea by about 40% relative to crop yield in control plots lacking trees and reductions of crop yield were greatest close to trees. There was less soil moisture in plots containing trees than in control plots. Such difference between control plots and plots containing trees were maximal at the end of the dry season and there was always less soil moisture close to trees than elsewhere in the plots. Plots containing Gliricidia trees contained less soil water than plots containing Grevillea trees.  相似文献   

Pollen, plant macrofossil and charcoal analyses of sediments from two Alaskan lakes provide new data for inferring Lateglacial and Holocene environmental change. The records span the past 14,700 years at Lost Lake, 240 m a.s.l., central Alaska, north of the Alaska Range and 9600 years at Grizzly Lake, 720 m a.s.l., Copper River Plateau, south of the Alaska Range. Salix shrubs expanded in the herb tundra about 14,400 cal b.p., and Betula shrub tundra became established at ca. 13,200 cal b.p. Diminished Betula shrub cover in association with the increased abundance of herbaceous taxa occurred at 12,500–11,600 cal b.p., although the timing of these changes is not well constrained. Populus expanded at 11,200 cal b.p. and formed dense stands until 9600–9400 cal b.p. when Picea glauca forests or woodlands became established at both sites. The abundance of Alnus viridis increased markedly around 8500 cal b.p. at both sites, marking the development of alder shrub thickets around the lakes and on mountain slopes in these areas. Boreal forests dominated by Picea mariana became established around 7200 cal b.p. at Grizzly Lake and 5700 cal b.p. at Lost Lake. At Grizzly Lake, marked vegetational oscillations occurred within the past 8500 years; for example, A. viridis expanded at 2750 cal b.p. and 450 cal b.p. and declined at 150 cal b.p. Some of these oscillations coincide with large-scale climatic events, such as the Little Ice Age cooling (LIA), and they probably reflect vegetational sensitivity to climatic change at this high site. Microscopic charcoal at Lost Lake suggests that fire was important in the lateglacial birch tundra, probably because of severe moisture deficits of the regional climate and/or high abundance of fine fuels. On the basis of the Grizzly Lake microscopic charcoal record, regional fires were common between 8500 and 6800 cal b.p. and between 450 and 150 cal b.p. Around Grizzly Lake, the mean return intervals of local fires estimated from macroscopic charcoal were ∼386 years between 6800 and 5500 cal b.p. when Picea glauca dominated over P. mariana, ∼254 years between 5500 and 3900 cal b.p. when P. mariana was more abundant than P. glauca, and ∼200 years after 3900 cal b.p. in both P. glauca and P. mariana dominated forests. Correlation analysis of pollen and microscopic charcoal at Grizzly Lake reveals that increased fire activity led to the reductions of P. glauca, P. mariana, and tree Betula in association with the expansions of A. viridis, Epilobium, Lycopodium clavatum, and L. annotinum.  相似文献   

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