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The brain of Helisoma duryi contains several neurodendocrinecentres. Factors) present in the cerebral ganglia are thoughtto be involved in normal shell growth while neurosecretory substancespresent in the visceral ganglion are involved in the repairof damaged shell. In Lymnaea stagnalis a growth hormone is producedby the cerebral ganglion which stimulates periostracum formationand the calcification of the inner shell layer. The second effectis thought to occur through the action of a mantle edge calciumbinding protein. In Helisoma, mantle collar is able to produce the periostracumin vitro. The presence of brain from a fast growing donor increasesthe amount of periostracum produced by a mantle collar froma slow growing animal. This effect is further enhanced by theremoval of the lateral lobes. The periostracum produced by fastgrowing animals has a higher glycine content than that producedby slow growing snails. The presence of dorsal epithelial tissueenhances the incorporation of calcium into periostracum formedin vitro. These findings suggest that a single factor is present in thebrain of fast growing Helisoma which modulates shell formationrates in vivo and periostracum formation in vitro.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. In the dwarf Siberian hamster, Phodopus sungorus,the photoperiodic response can be modified by numerous environmentalstimuli, including social interactions, dietary, and climaticchanges. Photoperiodic information is processed in both themedial basal hypothalamus and the preoptic area. Transfer ofanimals from a long summer photoperiod to a short winter photoperiodresults in decreases in the concentration of both norepinephrineand dopamine in both of these brain areas. Results from thesestudies indicate that both dietary supplements and social interactionscan override the effects of day length on changes in brain neurotransmitters.Specifically, social interactions can override the decreasesin norepinephrine and dopamine in the medial basal hypothalamusbut not the preoptic area. Conversely, dietary manipulationsoverride the decreases in the preoptic area but not in the medialbasal hypothalamus. These results suggest that photoperiod isa general stimulus that depresses neurotransmitter activityin multiple brain areas including the medial basal hypothalamus,and preoptic area. Fine tuning information, such as dietaryand social cues, is then processed in very specific areas ofthe brain and can override the photoperiod induced changes inthese specific areas  相似文献   

情绪模仿是指观察者对表达者传递出的非言语情绪信号进行模仿,进而表现出一致的表情与行为.以往关于情绪模仿的神经机制着重强调镜像神经系统的作用,然而随着研究成果越来越丰富,研究者们发现仅仅是镜像神经系统不足以解释情绪模仿的发生过程.梳理以往实证研究可以发现,情绪模仿是包括镜像神经系统、情绪系统、运动系统以及与社会认知相关脑区在内的脑网络共同作用的结果,该网络同时受到内分泌系统的调节.本文首先基于过往研究对情绪模仿的神经生理基础进行总结,然后介绍新近的神经网络概念模型,试图解释情绪信息从表达者传递至观察者完成模仿的神经路径,为情绪模仿的神经生理机制提供较为完整的框架,并在此基础上指出未来可能的研究方向.  相似文献   

小麦春化发育的分子调控机理研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
春化发育特性是小麦品种的重要性状,直接影响着小麦品种的种植范围和利用效率.本文就小麦春化相关基因的发现,以及对春化相关基因VRN1、VRN2和VRN3的克隆、表达特性以及春化发育分子调控机理方面的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

对细胞中麦角甾醇合成的调控是维持真菌细胞中甾醇含量的关键,文中综述了真菌中麦角甾醇合成的途径,并对其调控机理的研究进展作了重点介绍。甾醇调控元件结合蛋白(SREBP)是真菌中保守的甾醇合成调控因子,能够通过响应麦角甾醇含量的变化来调控甾醇合成基因的表达。但SREBP系统在不同真菌中发生了进化,在酵母亚门中,转录因子Upc2p替代了SREBP,成为了最主要的甾醇合成调控因子。此外,甾醇中间代谢物也被证明可以诱导麦角甾醇合成基因的表达,预示着真菌中存在更为精细的调控机制。  相似文献   

大多数鸟类的繁殖活动具有明显的周期性。影响鸟类繁殖活动的主要因素是光周期 ,传统观点认为可促进繁殖活动的长日照能导致许多鸟类的生殖系统处于光不应状态 ;非光周期因素如食物的多寡、环境温度等其它条件也可影响特殊生活环境中的鸟类的繁殖活动。鸟类的周期性繁殖是环境因素导致神经内分泌过程改变的结果 ,受下丘脑 垂体 性腺轴的调节 ,其中下丘脑的促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)起重要作用  相似文献   

目的:建立人海马神经元中的分子相互作用调控网络,研究miRNA在这个网络中是如何与其他信号通路相互作用并形成更复杂的生物网络,以及miRNA对网络中其靶点的调控如何影响生物网络的性质。方法:通过对已发表文献实验数据的挖掘分析,获得了哺乳动物海马神经元中主要信号通路的580个组分的一组相互作用数据,以及海马神经元中的miRNA表达谱。使用PITA,Miranda,TargetScan三个miRNA靶点预测软件计算出了这580个组分中的345个miRNA靶点。使用cytoscape对这些相互作用数据建立网络并对其性质进行计算分析。结果:建成了海马神经元中一个包含633个节点1653条边的miRNA调控网络,该网络中转录因子,adapter,酶更多的受到miRNA调控。结论:人海马神经元中,miRNA主要通过对转录因子,adapter和酶进行调控,与其他信号通路相互作用形成了一个更加复杂的网络,新形成的网络的集群系数,网络异质性,网络中心化程度,平均最短路径长度,平均邻点数都发生了变化。  相似文献   

Texture changes in ripening fruits influence consumer preference, fruit storability, transportability, shelf-life, and response to pathogen attack. Genetic regulatory factors as well as environmental conditions simultaneously affect texture changes in ripening fruit. Recent physiological and molecular studies provide insights into our knowledge and understanding of events and/or factors that contribute to changes in fruit texture, including softening and lignification. The roles of enzymes involved in modification and/or regulation of cell wall components as well as ethylene signaling components that play key roles in fruit textural changes during fruit ripening and storage will be presented and discussed. In addition, physical as well as chemical regulation of textural changes in ripening fruit will be explored.  相似文献   

脓毒症是重症监护病房(ICU)患者死亡的重要原因之一,因其高患病率、高死亡率、高治疗费用的特点,以及缺乏有效的救治策略,使它成为人类健康的巨大威胁。免疫炎症反应失衡与脓毒症的发生发展密切相关,但其关键调控机制尚不清楚。微小RNA(micro RNA,mi RNA)在固有免疫反应和适应性免疫反应中起着重要作用。mi RNA通过调控炎症信号通路中关键分子的表达,从而影响脓毒症相关炎症因子的表达。因此,mi RNA可能成为在基因转录后水平诊断和治疗脓毒症的新靶点。  相似文献   

P-糖蛋白(P-glycoprotein, P-gp)是ABC转运蛋白超家族的一员,能将其药物底物单向转运出细胞. P-gp的过表达被认为是乳腺癌多药耐药(multi-drug resistance, MDR)的主要原因之一. 在乳腺癌MDR的发生和发展中,P-gp受到多种信号通路和转录因子的调控,调控网路非常复杂. 揭示P-gp在乳腺癌中的调控机制,对于克服乳腺癌MDR极其重要. 本文综述了其在乳腺癌MDR中的作用及其调控机制的最新研究进展.  相似文献   

The neurosecretory cells were studied in 20 dipteran species belonging to three suborders. The NSC are localized in (a) the frontal ganglion (in 10 of the 20 species studied), (b) the pars intercerebralis region of the protocerebrum (in the median and lateral groups), (c) the tritocerebral region of the brain (in 8 of the 20 species studied) and (d) the suboesophageal ganglion. In one species, NSC were also seen in the prothoracic ganglion. The NSC were classified as types A, B and C/D. The NSC of the median group of the pars intercerebralis were unusually large compared with the size of the brain. The number, size and distribution of the cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract The brain of Nephtys contains four neurosecretory cell types with distinctive cytoplasmic inclusions, a cells are located uniquely in a single pair of ganglionic nuclei and b cells are represented by a single pair of cells, whereas c cells and d cells have a scattered distribution. Their axons form two types of secretory release structure. First, possible axon collaterals synapse upon slender “dentritic twigs” in the core of the brain. Secondly, two tracts descend to the brain floor to form a “neurosecretory neuropile” (or storage and release complex) in contact with the inner surface of the brain capsule. Other neurosecretory fibres penetrate through the capsule, branch extensively, and terminate in contact with its ventral surface in close association with the “infracerebral gland”. The gland is derived from the pericapsular epithelium and exhibits signs of specialization for glandular function. In contrast to certain other polychaetes, it does not contain secretory neuron perikarya. The secretory end-foot system is poorly developed. Its terminals are located adjacent to the neurosecretory neuropile, which they encircle. The cell bodies are probably represented by four e cells which, like the terminals, contain many mitochondria.  相似文献   

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