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The ovarian germinal epithelium in the common snook, Centropomus undecimalis, is described. It consists of epithelial and prefollicle cells that surround germ cells, either oogonia or oocytes, respectively. The germinal epithelium borders a body cavity, the ovarian lumen, and is supported by a basement membrane that also separates the epithelial compartment of the ovarian lamellae from the stromal compartment. During folliculogenesis, the epithelial cells, whose cytoplasmic processes encompass meiotic oocytes, transform into prefollicle cells, which become follicle cells at the completion of folliculogenesis. The follicle is a derivative of the germinal epithelium and is composed of the oocyte and surrounding follicle cells. It is separated from the encompassing theca by a basement membrane. The cells that form the theca interna are derived from prethecal cells within the extravascular space of the ovarian stroma. The theca externa differentiates from undifferentiated cells within the stromal compartment of the ovary, from within the extravascular space. The theca interna and the theca externa are not considered to be part of the follicle and are derived from a different ovarian compartment than the follicle. Meiosis commences while oocytes are still within the germinal epithelium and proceeds as far as arrested diplotene of the first meiotic prophase. The primary growth phase of oocyte development also begins while oocytes are still within the germinal epithelium or attached to it in a cell nest. The definitions used herein are consistent between sexes and with the mammalian literature.  相似文献   


Erpobdella octoculata (Clitellata, Hirudinea, Erpobdellidae) has paired ovarian sacs, each containing several rod-shaped structures termed ovarian bodies. Oogenesis takes place within the ovarian bodies. We show that in the apical part of the bodies the germ-line cells form syncytial cysts of cells interconnected by stable intercellular bridges. Germ-line cyst architecture is broadly similar to that of other clitellate annelids; that is, each germ cell has only one intercellular bridge connecting it to the anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Unlike germ-line cysts described in other leech species, the cytophore in cysts of E. octoculata is poorly developed, taking the form of thin cytoplasmic strands. Oogenesis in E. octoculata is meroistic because the germ cells forming the cysts (cystocytes) have diverse fates, i.e., nurse cells and oocytes appear. One large ramified cell (apical cell) occurs within the apical part of the ovarian body. We compare the ultrastructure of the apical cell found in E. octoculata with that of apical cells described recently in some hirudiniform leeches. The germ-line cysts as well as the oocytes are enveloped by somatic follicular cells. As in other leeches, the follicular cells surrounding the growing oocytes have cytoplasm perforated by intracellular canals. In view of the many similarities between E. octoculata ovarian bodies and the ovary cords described in glossiphoniids and especially in hirudiniform leeches, we suggest that the ovarian bodies found in E. octoculata are in fact modified ovary cords.  相似文献   

In the early juveniles of Ciona intestinalis, primordial germ cells arise on the degenerated mass of the resorbed tadpole tail, and assemble to form a discrete gonad rudiment. The present study elucidated the morphological sequences during differentiation of the gonad rudiment into the testis and ovary. In 11- to 12-day juveniles, the gonad rudiment, an elongate sac, divided into the testicular and ovarian rudiments. The testicular rudiment separated as a round vesicle from the thickened wall of the elongate sac. The original sac, after separation of the round vesicle, developed into the ovary. In the testicular rudiment, germ cells formed a continuous central mass without association of somatic cells, while in the ovarian rudiment, each germ cell was associated with somatic cells within the epithelium composing the wall of the rudiment. In 13- to 15-day juveniles the testicular rudiment changed into branched tubes ending in club-shaped follicles. Cells characterized by many flattened cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum (distal cells) constituted the distal wall of each follicle. Spermatogenic cells were freely present in the follicular lumen, but the largest spermatogonia were in contact with the distal cells. Both in the testicular and ovarian rudiments, germ cells entered meiosis in 18-day juveniles. A novel body (periesophageal body) was found just beneath the ventral margin of the esophageal opening. It comprised irregular follicles made up of one cell type whose cytoplasm, filled with round vesicles and Golgi complexes, was suggestive of an endocrine function. Fragments derived from the periesophageal body were present around the developing ovary.  相似文献   

In both examined species of Hirudinea there are paired spheroid ovisacs, and within each ovisac two convoluted ovary cords occur. The morphology of the cords is characteristic: their apical end is club-shaped, the central part is narrow and may contain developing oocytes, whereas the basal end of the cord is irregularly shaped and composed of degenerating cells. The ovary cords are built of somatic and germ-line cells; the latter are united into syncytial cysts. Each germ cell in such a cyst has only one stable cytoplasmic bridge connecting it to the central anuclear cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Initially all germ-line cells in a given cyst are morphologically identical, then the fates of cells diversify. Most of them become nurse cells and eventually degenerate; the rest continue meiosis, gather macromolecules, cell organelles and nutritive material and become oocytes. The oogenesis found in the species studied should be regarded as meroistic. Previtellogenic oocytes protrude from the cord into the ovisac lumen, whereas the vitellogenic ones float freely in the ovisac lumen. The somatic cells found in the ovary cords are: follicular cells which form the envelope of the cord and are also found among germ cells inside the cord, and one, huge apical cell that always is located at the top of the club-shaped end of the ovary cord. The apical cell has several characteristic features, e.g., it forms long cytoplasmic projections filled with intermediate filaments and it is connected to the neighbouring cells (both somatic and germ-line) via hemidesmosomes. We suggest that the apical cell forms the niche for maintaining germ and somatic stem cells. Generally, the organization of the ovary cords found in both studied species is broadly similar to those described in other hirudiniform leeches studied to date.  相似文献   

Animal models with premature ovarian failure resulting from the loss or depletion of germ cells consistently develop ovarian surface epithelial cell hyperplasia with invasion into the stroma and the development of ovarian tubular adenomas. In human ovaries, deep epithelial invaginations and inclusion cysts occur at increasing frequency with age and are thought to be the structures from which the majority of ovarian cancers arise. A feature that is common to these animal models and to post-menopausal women is a deficiency in the number of oocytes. The potential consequences of the loss or depletion of female germ cells, naturally or otherwise, include failure of follicle development, significant reductions in oestrogen and progesterone levels and elevation of circulating levels of gonadotropins. This review will consider the way in which these structural and hormonal changes affect ovarian cancer risk. Some lessons may be learned from gonad formation, since notable similarities exist between ovarian tumorigenesis and embryonic gonadogenesis including fragmentation of the basement membrane underlying the coelomic (surface) epithelium, the potential for the migration of epithelial cells into the gonad and the importance of the germ cells for the regulation of ovarian structure and function. Research was supported by grants from the National Cancer Institute of Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.  相似文献   

A study of ovarian structure in adult Alligator Lizards (Gerrhonotus coeruleus) was conducted by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Particular attention was directed to characterizing the ultrastructure of germ-line cells, prior to follicle formation. General ovarian structure in this lizard is similar to that of other lizards. The paired organs are hollow, thin-walled sacs containing follicles in roughly 3 to 4 size classes. Ovarian germinal tissue consists of oogonia (diploid cells which divide mitotically) and oocytes (meiotic cells), intermixed with ovarian surface epithelial cells. Germ cells reside in two dorsal patches of epithelium per ovary (germinal beds), as is common in lizards. Oogonia in interphase show a highly dispersed chromatin pattern. Within oogonia cytoplasm, Golgi complexes are scarce, rough endoplasmic reticulum is absent, and lipid droplets are rare. Ribosomes are scattered in small clusters. Small, round vesicles are common in all oogonia; glycogen-like granules are present in some. Mitochondria form a juxtanuclear mass within which groups of several mitochondria surround a dense granule. “Nuage” granules also are found unassociated with mitochondria. Oocytes are present in stages of meiotic prophase up to diplotene. Synaptinemal complexes are seen in several (pachytene) cells. The cytoplasm of oocytes differs from that of oogonia in that mitochondria do not form groups, and nuage and glycogen are absent, whereas small round vesicles and large irregular vesicles are common. The ultrastructural similarities in germ cells of a reptile as compared to those of other vertebrates strengthens the notion that germ-line cells possess (or lack) qualities related to the undifferentiated state of these cells.  相似文献   

Recent studies on the ovary organization and oogenesis in Tubificinae have revealed that their ovaries are small polarized structures that are composed of germ cells in subsequent stages of oogenesis that are associated with somatic cells. In syncytial cysts, as a rule, each germ cell is connected to the central cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore, via only one stable intercellular bridge (ring canal). In this paper we present detailed data about the composition of germ-line cysts in Tubifex tubifex with special emphasis on the occurrence and distribution of the cytoskeletal elements. Using fixed material and live cell imaging techniques, we found that the entire ovary of T. tubifex is composed of only one, huge multicellular germ-line cyst, which may contain up to 2,600 cells. Its architecture is broadly similar to the cysts that are found in other clitellate annelids, i.e. a common, anuclear cytoplasmic mass in the center of the cyst and germ cells that are connected to it via intercellular bridges. The cytophore in the T. tubifex cyst extends along the long axis of the ovary in the form of elongated and branched cytoplasmic strands. Rhodamine-coupled phalloidin staining revealed that the prominent strands of actin filaments occur inside the cytophore. Similar to the cytophore, F-actin strands are branched and they are especially well developed in the middle and outermost parts of the ovary. Microfilaments are also present in the ring canals that connect the germ cells with the cytophore in the narrow end of the ovary. Using TubulinTracker, we found that the microtubules form a prominent network of loosely and evenly distributed tubules inside the cytophore as well as in every germ cell. The well-developed cytoskeletal elements in T. tubifex ovary seem to ensure the integrity of such a huge germ-line cyst of complex (germ cells - ring canals - cytophore) organization. A comparison between the cysts that are described here and other well-known female germ-line cysts is also made.  相似文献   

This ultrastructural study was carried our during colonization of the gonadal primordia by the germ cells which reach the gonads after interstitial migration. During the period of colonization, the germinal epithelia have no basal membrane. The epithelial cells are linked together by desmosomal junctions; they contain many free ribosomes, some lipid droplets, few granular reticula. The Golgi apparatus and the agrangular reticulum are well developed and situated at the distal pole of the cells. The outline of the germinal epithelia is regular in front of the coelomic cavity. At first, the outline of the basal surface is very irregular because the epithelial cells put out many cytoplasmic processes. Then, cytoplasmic processes become more sparse and the outline of the basal surface more regular. The germinal epithelia do not show swellings linked with a merocrine type of excretory process as in the chick (Cuminge and Dubois, 1971). However, this does not rule out a chemotactic type attraction of the germ cells. The first germ cell which arrive in the gonadal areas are incorporated into the epithelia. Later on, the germ cells are immobilized by the mesenchymal cells of the gonadal primordia which prevent them from reaching the epithelia. These germ cells stay in the medullary area of the young gonad which contain a greater number of germ cells than the epithelia.  相似文献   

Summary Histological and ultrastructural investigations of diplopod ovary structure have revealed that oogonia and early meiotic oocytes develop only in the laterodorsal parts of the ovarian wall, where they form groups called germ nests. Euplasmic growth forces diplotene oocytes out of the ovarian wall and into the lumen of the ovary, which leads to the formation of ovarian sacs. Ovarian sacs constitute separate structural-functional units built of a centrally situated oocyte and the epithelial cover. Being turned with their basal parts to the surface of the oocyte and showing no signs of any synthetic nor secretory activity, the epithelial cells of the ovarian sac wall cannot be referred to as typical follicular cells. That is why oogenesis of diplopods must be regarded as solitary.  相似文献   


The spider mite, Tetranychus urticae passes through four active stages in its life cycle: larva, protonymph, deutonymph, adult. The duration at 23°C and 40–60% relative humidity is 10–12 days. Each of the movable stages is followed by a resting phase (= chrysalis) where moulting processes are prepared. The general internal anatomy of the developmental stages does not differ from that of the adults. The gonadial rudiment of the female larva is an undifferentiated cell mass situated between the nervous system and the anus. In the nymphochrysalis, development of oocytes starts as indicated by synaptonemal complexes occuring in cells which are interconnected via cytoplasmic bridges. Cells exhibiting extranuclear material appear during the protonymphal stage. The presumptive uterus and vagina are formed during the deutochrysalis stage and consist of an undifferentiated tube, the distal portion of which is lined by a fine cuticle. The ovary of the deutonymph contains different cell types. Oogonia and growing oocytes are found in the cranial germ region. Oocytes, nurse cells and cells with large lobed nuclei can be observed in the caudal previtellogenic region. Oocytes protrude through the ovarian surface and invade ovarian pouches covered only by the basement membrane whereby each is connected to a tri-nucleate nurse cell via a cytoplasmic bridge. Oocytes increase in size but do not form yolk droplets. The uterus and vagina are differentiated during the late deutonymphal stage and copulation may take place as indicated by the presence of sperm in the lumen of the seminal receptacle.

The results are compared to previously published information on the female reproductive system of T. urticae and discussed with reference to co-operation of ovarian cell types and their origin.  相似文献   

The fetal gonad is composed of a mixture of somatic cell lineages and germ cells. The fate of the gonad, male or female, is determined by a population of somatic cells that differentiate into Sertoli or granulosa cells and direct testis or ovary development. It is well established that germ cells are not required for the establishment or maintenance of Sertoli cells or testis cords in the male gonad. However, in the agametic ovary, follicles do not form suggesting that germ cells may influence granulosa cell development. Prior investigations of ovaries in which pre-meiotic germ cells were ablated during fetal life reported no histological changes during stages prior to birth. However, whether granulosa cells underwent normal molecular differentiation was not investigated. In cases where germ cell loss occurred secondary to other mutations, transdifferentiation of granulosa cells towards a Sertoli cell fate was observed, raising questions about whether germ cells play an active role in establishing or maintaining the fate of granulosa cells. We developed a group of molecular markers associated with ovarian development, and show here that the loss of pre-meiotic germ cells does not disrupt the somatic ovarian differentiation program during fetal life, or cause transdifferentiation as defined by expression of Sertoli markers. Since we do not find defects in the ovarian somatic program, the subsequent failure to form follicles at perinatal stages is likely attributable to the absence of germ cells rather than to defects in the somatic cells.  相似文献   

The adult female of the freshwater ostracod Cyprinotus uenoi Brehm, 1936 (Podocopida: Cypridoidea) has a pair of long, sac-like ovaries separately lying in the posterior part of the left and the right carapace valves. Oogonia and very early previtellogenic oocytes are located in the terminal germarium of each ovary. In the germarium, the oogonia occur in the most terminal region, and the very early previtellogenic oocytes are located in the remainder, arranged in order of size, the larger ones nearer the ovarian lumen. Most of the growing oocytes, previtellogenic and vitellogenic, are found in the ovarian lumen, the larger ones farther from the germarium. In the germarium, a cytoplasmic bridge connects a pair of adjoining germ cells, resulting from an incomplete cytokinesis of oogonial division. Among the previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes in the ovarian lumen, "nurse cells" are found as small, spherical cells in mostly the same number as these oocytes. A cytoplasmic bridge connects each "nurse cell" to an adjoining oocyte. Based on the manner of connection and some morphological features, we consider that each "nurse cell" originates from one of each pair of adjoining germ cells connected by a cytoplasmic bridge in the germarium, as in the true nurse cells of several branchiopod crustaceans and insects with meroistic ovarioles.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural characteristics of the ovarian medulla of the newly hatched white leghorn chick were studied in control animals and compared with chicks that were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin during embryonic development. The ovarian medulla was mainly occupied by epithelial cells which formed cords or islets surrounded by a basal lamina. Within this epithelial compartment, steroidogenic cells, poorly differentiated cells and a lacunary system could be recognized. When chicks were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin, steroidogenic cells became discernible; there was an increment in the amount of cytoplasm and the area of mitochondria. Poorly differentiated cells exhibited signs of stimulation, and transitional images suggested the transformation of these cells into steroidogenic cells. The epithelial cells of the lacunar system also displayed stimulated cytoplasmic organelles. Evidence was supplied suggesting that relatively undifferentiated cells persist in the ovarian medulla until hatching and can develop into steroidogenic cells under gonadotropic stimulation.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicular granulosa cells surround and nurture oocytes, and produce sex steroid hormones. It is believed that during development the ovarian surface epithelial cells penetrate into the ovary and develop into granulosa cells when associating with oogonia to form follicles. Using bovine fetal ovaries (n = 80) we identified a novel cell type, termed GREL for Gonadal Ridge Epithelial-Like. Using 26 markers for GREL and other cells and extracellular matrix we conducted immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy and chronologically tracked all somatic cell types during development. Before 70 days of gestation the gonadal ridge/ovarian primordium is formed by proliferation of GREL cells at the surface epithelium of the mesonephros. Primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate into the ovarian primordium. After 70 days, stroma from the underlying mesonephros begins to penetrate the primordium, partitioning the developing ovary into irregularly-shaped ovigerous cords composed of GREL cells and PGCs/oogonia. Importantly we identified that the cords are always separated from the stroma by a basal lamina. Around 130 days of gestation the stroma expands laterally below the outermost layers of GREL cells forming a sub-epithelial basal lamina and establishing an epithelial-stromal interface. It is at this stage that a mature surface epithelium develops from the GREL cells on the surface of the ovary primordium. Expansion of the stroma continues to partition the ovigerous cords into smaller groups of cells eventually forming follicles containing an oogonium/oocyte surrounded by GREL cells, which become granulosa cells, all enclosed by a basal lamina. Thus in contrast to the prevailing theory, the ovarian surface epithelial cells do not penetrate into the ovary to form the granulosa cells of follicles, instead ovarian surface epithelial cells and granulosa cells have a common precursor, the GREL cell.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of germ cell development in the human fetal testis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Electron-microscopic examination of the human fetal testis between 10 and 20 weeks gestation reveals the presence of two distinct cell types within the tubules: Sertoli cells and germ cells. The latter are distinguished by their spherical shape, smooth nuclear membranes, globular mitochondria and paucity of cytoplasmic organelles. The gonocytes, or primitive germ cells, occur as single cells in the central portions of the tubules. Their chromatin is finely granular and evenly dispersed. Nucleoli are centrally placed and of uniform electron density. Various stages in the migration of gonocytes to the tubular periphery are indicated by the extension of cytoplasmic processes toward the basal lamina. Bands of microtubules are present within the processes. Spermatogonia are arranged in pairs and groups at the tubular periphery. They lack the nucleolar and mitochondrial characteristics of adult spermatogonia. Except for slight changes in chromatin density and nucleolar structure, the fetal spermatogonia retain the ultrastructural characteristics of gonocytes. Intercellular bridges connect adjacent spermatogonia. Degeneration affecting large numbers of germ cells, but primarily gonocytes, begins with nuclear infolding and chromatin condensation and eventually involves both nuclear and cytoplasmic structures. The degenerated cells are removed by phagocytosis by adjacent Sertoli cells. Large phagosomes are present in the cytoplasm of many of the Sertoli cells.Supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation and by General Research Support Grant RR055511 from the National Institutes of Health. Technical assistance was provided by Mrs. Lucy A. Conner.  相似文献   

Pseudoscorpion females carry fertilized eggs and embryos in specialized brood sacs, where embryos are fed with a nutritive fluid produced and secreted by somatic ovarian cells. We used various microscopic techniques to analyze the organization of the somatic cells in the ovary of a pseudoscorpion, Chelifer cancroides. In young specimens, the ovary is a cylindrical mass of internally located germline cells (oogonia and early previtellogenic oocytes) and two types of somatic cells: the epithelial cells of the ovarian wall and the internal interstitial cells. In subsequent stages of the ovary development, the oocytes grow and protrude from the ovary into the hemocoel (opisthosomal cavity). At the same time the interstitial cells differentiate into the follicular cells that directly cover the oocyte surface, whereas some epithelial cells of the ovarian wall form the oocyte stalks – tubular structures that connect the oocytes with the ovarian tube. The follicular cells do not seem to participate in oogenesis. In contrast, the cells of the stalk presumably have a dual function. During ovulation the stalk cells appear to contribute to the formation of the external egg envelope (chorion), while in the post-ovulatory phase of ovary function they cooperate with the other cells of the ovarian wall in the production of the nutritive fluid for the developing embryos.  相似文献   

Some histological details of the adult ovary of Hyleoglomeris japonica are described for the first time in the glomerid diplopods. The ovary is a single, long sac-like organ extending from the 4th to the 12th body segment along the median body axis, lying between the alimentary canal and the ventral nerve cord. The ovarian wall consists of a layer of thin ovarian epithelium which surrounds a wide ovarian lumen. A pair of longitudinal “germ zones,” including female germ cells, runs in the lateral ovarian wall. Each germ zone consists of two types of oogenetic areas: 1) 8–12 narrow patch-shaped areas for oogonial proliferation, arranged metamerically in a row along each of the dorsal and ventral peripheries, and 2) the remaining wide area for oocyte growth. Oogonial proliferation areas include oogonia, very early previtellogenic oocytes, and young somatic interstitial cells, among the ovarian epithelial cells. The larger early previtellogenic oocytes in the oogonial proliferation areas are located nearer to the oocyte growth area, and migrate to the oocyte growth area. They are surrounded by a layer of follicle cells and are connected with the ovarian epithelium of the oocyte growth area by a portion of their follicles. They grow into the ovarian lumen, but their follicles are still connected with the oocyte growth area. Various sizes of the previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes in the ovarian lumen are connected with the oocyte growth area; the smaller oocytes are connected nearer to the dorsal and ventral oogonial proliferation areas, while the larger ones are connected nearer to the longitudinal middle line of the oocyte growth area. Following the completion of vitellogenesis and egg membrane formation in the largest primary oocytes, the germinal vesicles break down. Ripe oocytes are released from their follicles directly into the ovarian lumen to be transported into the oviducts. Ovarian structure and oogenesis of H. japonica are very similar to those of other chilognathan diplopods. At the same time, however, some characteristic features of the ovary of H. japonica are helpful for understanding the structure and evolution of the diplopod ovaries. Some aspects of the phylogenetic significance in the paired germ zones of H. japonica are discussed. J. Morphol 231:277–285, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Histology of the ovary of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae is described light and electron microscopically with special reference to oogenesis and vitellogenesis of this mite. Morphology of the ovary is comparable to the typical sac-like chelicerate ovary with oocytes protruding from the ovarian surface, thus resulting in a grape-like appearance. According to different oogenetic stages, a germ, pre-vitellogenic and vitellogenic region can be observed. Oogonia and primary oocytes characterized by extranuclear material or 'yolk nuclei' are situated in the germ region. Primary oocytes develop into three-nucleated nurse cells situated in the periphery of the pre-vitellogenic region, and into pre-vitellogenic oocytes protruding from the ovarian surface. Growth of oocytes is performed while they are in ovarian pouches by uptake of nurse cell cytoplasm and following extraovarian yolk precursors. Intraoocyte yolk synthesis interpreted from altered cytoplasmic organelles also occurs. Processes taking place during oogenesis and vitellogenesis in T. urticae are compared to published information on yolk synthesis of other animal species.  相似文献   

Piscicola has a pair of elongated sac-shaped ovaries. Inside the ovaries are numerous small somatic cells and regularly spherical egg follicles. Each follicle is composed of three types of cells: many (average 30) germ cells (cystocytes) interconnected by intercellular bridges in clones (cysts), one intermediate cell, and three to five outer follicle cells (envelope cells). Each germ cell in a clone has one intercellular bridge connecting it to the central anucleate cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore. Each cluster of germ cells is completely embedded inside a single huge somatic follicle cell, the intermediate (interstitial) cell. The most spectacular feature of the intermediate cell is its development of a system of intracytoplasmic canals apparently formed of invaginations of its cell membrane. Initially the complex of germ cell cluster + intermediate cell is enclosed within an envelope composed of squamous cells. As oogenesis progresses the envelope cells gradually degenerate. All the germ cells that have terminated their mitotic divisions are of similar size and enter meiotic prophase, but one of the cystocytes promptly starts to grow faster and differentiates into the oocyte, whereas the remaining cystocytes withdraw from meiosis and become nurse cells (trophocytes). Numerous mitochondria, ER, and a vast amount of ribosomes are transferred from the trophocytes via the cytophore toward the oocyte. Eventually the oocyte ingests all the content of the cytophore, and the trophocytes degenerate. Little vitellogenesis takes place; the oocyte gathers nutrients in the form of small lipid droplets. At the end of oogenesis, an electron-dense fibrous vitelline envelope appears around the oocyte, among short microvilli. At the same time, electron-dense cortical granules occur in the oocyte cortical cytoplasm; at the end of oogenesis they are numerous, but after fertilization they disappear from the ooplasm. In the present article we point out many differences in the course of oogenesis in two related families of rhynchobdellids: piscicolids and glossiphoniids.  相似文献   

Recent reports indicate that functional mouse oocytes and sperm can be derived in vitro from somatic cell lines. We hypothesize that in adult human ovaries, mesenchymal cells in the tunica albuginea (TA) are bipotent progenitors with a commitment for both primitive granulosa and germ cells. We investigated ovaries of twelve adult women (mean age 32.8 ± 4.1 SD, range 27–38 years) by single, double, and triple color immunohistochemistry. We show that cytokeratin (CK)+ mesenchymal cells in ovarian TA differentiate into surface epithelium (SE) cells by a mesenchymal-epithelial transition. Segments of SE directly associated with ovarian cortex are overgrown by TA, forming solid epithelial cords, which fragment into small (20 micron) epithelial nests descending into the lower ovarian cortex, before assembling with zona pellucida (ZP)+ oocytes. Germ cells can originate from SE cells which cover the TA. Small (10 micron) germ-like cells showing PS1 meiotically expressed oocyte carbohydrate protein are derived from SE cells via asymmetric division. They show nuclear MAPK immunoexpression, subsequently divide symmetrically, and enter adjacent cortical vessels. During vascular transport, the putative germ cells increase to oocyte size, and are picked-up by epithelial nests associated with the vessels. During follicle formation, extensions of granulosa cells enter the oocyte cytoplasm, forming a single paranuclear CK+ Balbiani body supplying all the mitochondria of the oocyte. In the ovarian medulla, occasional vessels show an accumulation of ZP+ oocytes (25–30 microns) or their remnants, suggesting that some oocytes degenerate. In contrast to males, adult human female gonads do not preserve germline type stem cells. This study expands our previous observations on the formation of germ cells in adult human ovaries. Differentiation of primitive granulosa and germ cells from the bipotent mesenchymal cell precursors of TA in adult human ovaries represents a most sophisticated adaptive mechanism created during the evolution of female reproduction. Our data indicate that the pool of primary follicles in adult human ovaries does not represent a static but a dynamic population of differentiating and regressing structures. An essential mission of such follicular turnover might be elimination of spontaneous or environmentally induced genetic alterations of oocytes in resting primary follicles.  相似文献   

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