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Females ofSpodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with different feeding experiences during their larval development were tested for their ovipositional response to methanol extracts of larval frass and semisynthetic diets. The effect of the following frass, diet and diet component extracts was tested: (a) frass fromS. littoralis orAgrotis segetum larvae fed on a potato-based diet; (b) frass fromS. littoralis larvae fed on a wheat germ-based diet; (c) potato and wheat germ-based diets; and (d) potatoes and wheat germ. Ovipositing females without prior experience of the potato diet were deterred by extracts of: (1) larval frass from either species fed on potato diet; (2) the potato-based diet; (3) potato. Also females with experience of the potato diet during only a part of their larval development were deterred from oviposition by frass of larvae reared on the potato diet and by the diet itself. However, for females reared on the potato diet for their entire larval development, oviposition was no longer deterred by either of the three extracts listed above. Extracts of: (1) frass from larvae of either species reared on wheat germ diet: (2) the wheat germ diet; or (3) wheat germ did not significantly affect oviposition. Females with ablated antennae were still deterred by frass extracts from larvae fed on potato diet, when they had been reared on the wheat germ diet. In feeding experiments, larvae of larval stage one and of larval stage three-four reared on either of the two diets preferred to feed on the wheat germ diet. However, the preference was significantly stronger for larvae with no prior contact with the potato diet. The effect of larval experience on the loss of oviposition-deterring activity by extracts of larval frass, diets and diet components is discussed in view of induction and selection.  相似文献   

Topical application of JHA to Spodoptera littoralis larvae extends the duration and increases the final weight of the last larval instar. No supernumary moults occur. Respiration decreases to very low levels and glycogen and lipid stores increase. Respiration remains lower in JHA-treated pharate pupae and more polyunsaturated C18 fatty acids accumulate than in normal pharate pupae. These physiological parameters are similar to those occurring during diapause but are not definitive. Diapause has not been reported in field populations of S. littoralis, nor it's artificial induction by photoperiodic manipulation.
Résumé Le dernier stade des chenilles de Spodoptera littoralis, traitées avec JHA, est nettement prolongé par rapport aux témoins. Bien que le poids final des chenilles traitées soit plus élevé que celui des témoins, il n'y a pas de mue surnuméraire. Ces chenilles géantes s'alimentent rarement et leur respiration est sérieusement réduite. Les réserves de glycogène s'accumulent chez les chenilles traitées à la même date chronologique que chez les prénymphes non traitées. Bien que les prénymphes traitées à la JHA conservent leur profil biochimique juvénile — tout au moins dans la mesure où on considère la teneur en glycogène et en lipides totales — leur composition en acides gras saturés et non saturés diffère de celle normalement rencontrée à la fin du développement larvaire, et beaucoup plus d'acide oléique monosaturé s'accumule finalement chez les insectes traités par JHA. Ces résultats suggèrent que la JHA fournie peut avoir provoqué un état de développement de diapause naissante semblable par quelques traits fondamentaux à celle induite par la JH endogène chez les insectes enclins à la diapause. Il est cependant prématuré de définir cet état physiologique comme indiquant une vraie diapause chez Spodoptera littoralis.

The antifeedant activity of azadirachtin and 56 azadirachtin analogues, including 22,23-dihydroazalirachtin, against larvae ofSpodoptera littoralis was investigated using behavioural and electrophysiological bioassays. None of the analogues was as active as azadirachtin, although many showed significant antifeedant activity at high concentrations. The majority of the analogues stimulated a dose-dependent response from a neurone in the medial styloconic maxillary sensilla which correlated with the behavioural activity. Methylation of the hydroxy substitutions on the azadirachtin molecule usually resulted in a decrease in antifeedant activity, as did the addition of bulky groups to the dihydrofuran ring.  相似文献   

【目的】测定金龟子绿僵菌(Metarhizium anisopliae)对斜纹夜蛾(Spodoptera litura) 2龄幼虫的毒力,研究金龟子绿僵菌侵染后寄主体内抗氧化酶活性和肠道内细菌群落的变化,探讨斜纹夜蛾对金龟子绿僵菌侵染的防御机制。【方法】采用浸渍法测定不同浓度金龟子绿僵菌对斜纹夜蛾2龄幼虫的毒力;应用IlluminaMiSeq高通量测序技术测定肠道细菌群落。【结果】不同浓度的孢悬液对斜纹夜蛾2龄幼虫均有一定的毒力,处理7 d时半致死浓度(LC50)为3.944 107个孢子/mL;浓度为1.0×109个孢子/mL时,半致死时间最短(LT50)为4.6 d,校正后的死亡率为81.03%。处理后未致死的斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内抗氧化酶活性显著高于对照组。处理后致死的斜纹夜蛾幼虫肠道细菌群落多样性显著高于对照组;且处理后致死的斜纹夜蛾幼虫肠道细菌群落组成与对照组差异显著。【结论】金龟子绿僵菌对斜纹夜蛾幼虫的致死率和致死效率与金龟子绿僵菌的浓度呈正相关;斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内的抗氧化酶可能在抵抗金龟子绿僵菌侵染的过程中起重要作...  相似文献   

斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒DNA诱导同源昆虫细胞的凋亡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发现野生型斜纹夜蛾核型多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura nuclear polyhedrosis virus,SpltNPV)DNA转染SL-1细胞能诱导细胞凋亡.SpltNPV-DNA转染其同源细胞系斜纹夜蛾核SL-1细胞6 h后,光镜下即可见细胞膜表面突出或形成小泡,细胞碎裂成凋亡小体,18 h后,细胞100%碎裂成凋亡小体.DAPI荧光染色显示感染细胞核渐呈半月形,直至碎裂被凋亡小体包裹.被转染的SL-1细胞DNA琼脂糖凝胶电泳呈典型梯形谱带.野生型SpltNPV病毒粒子感染的SL-1细胞既无多角体的出现,也无凋亡现象的发生.  相似文献   

Two Apium accessions were compared with the commercial cultivar Tall Utah 52–70R (A. graveolens [L.]) for resistance to Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Oviposition rate was not significantly different between the three genotypes. In all accessions, eggs were usually placed on the upper half of the plants. Implications of this oviposition pattern on S. exigua management in celery are discussed. The wild species A. prostratum ssp prostratum var filiform (A230) showed a significantly higher resistance to S. exigua than 52–70R. The levels of carcinogenic and mutagenic linear furanocoumarins in the commercial cultivar 52–70R (1.41 g/g in the petioles; 5.85 g/g in the leaves) and in the plant accession A. nodiflorum (5.40 g/g in the petioles; 2.99 g/g in the leaves) were far below the concentration reported to produce acute contact dermatitis (18.0 g/g). The levels of furanocoumarins in A. prostratum petioles (186.14 g/g) and leaves (326.45 g/g) were 10 and 18 times higher, respectively, than the concentration known to cause contact dermatitis. However, resistance in A. prostratum was primarily due to non-preference and the linear furanocoumarins did not induce non-preference. Therefore, the resistance shown by this plant accession does not appear to be furanocoumarin-based and may be suitable for transfer to commercial celery for use in S. exigua management.  相似文献   

[目的]草地贪夜蛾是一种严重危害农业生产的迁飞性害虫,本研究旨在了解草地贪夜蛾成虫触角感器的类型、超微结构和分布.[方法]采用扫描电镜对其雌雄成虫触角感器类型及分布进行观察.[结果]草地贪夜蛾雌雄成虫触角由柄节、梗节及鞭节3部分组成,雄蛾触角稍长于雌蛾,且触角表面覆有大量鳞片.共观察到7种类型的感受器,分别为B?hm氏...  相似文献   

Several studies have shown changes in the patterns of damage from feeding insects associated with changes in palatability and overall consumption as a result of wound-induced chemical changes in plants. This paper describes how the pattern of feeding damage made by the larvae of Spodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on tomato is affected by changes in palatability of the leaves. Two sorts of responses to leaves from plants that had received prior damage were observed. Larvae offered a choice of leaves tended to take fewer meals on leaves from previously-wounded plants than on control leaves, frequently rejecting the former after sampling them. On wounded plants this rejection behaviour was associated with a shift in feeding site towards the base of the plant. However, starved larvae offered only a single excised leaf readily ate leaves from wounded plants but took shorter meals on these leaves than on controls. Although it was not directly tested it is possible that this difference in response reflected changes in food selectivity with a differing level of satiation. The results are considered in relation to the adaptive significance of the plant of changes in within-plant distributions of herbivore damage.  相似文献   

珊瑚菜居群遗传多样性的SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用SRAP对伞形科单种属珊瑚菜7个野生居群和1个栽培居群进行了研究。结果表明:共筛选出8个引物组合,在珊瑚菜8个居群中共扩增出168条条带,其中多态性条带为118条,多态性比率为70.23%;平均每对引物扩增的多态性条带为14.75。各居群之间珊瑚菜遗传相似性系数范围为0.8306~0.9836,遗传距离范围为0.0165~0.1856。聚类分析表明,以相似性系数大于0.8并结合地理分布来看,所研究的野生珊瑚菜居群可以大体分为3类,辽宁大连的野生居群为一类,山东威海—山东青岛的居群为一类,而山东日照—广州深圳之间的为一类。  相似文献   

Switchover in the sensitivity of the prothoracic glands to juvenile hormone analogue during the last-larval instar of Spodoptera littoralis occurs in the middle of the third scotophase i.e. at the end of phagoperiod when the body weight is maximal and the ecdysteroid is increasing in the haemolymph. Application of the analogue to larvae neck-ligated before the switchover completely inhibits or delays metamorphosis due to an inhibitory effect on the prothoracic gland cells and is not mediated by the nervous system. This inhibition by the analogue is dose-dependent, and when complete inhibition of metamorphosis occurs, the prothoracic glands cells degenerate. Treatment of neck-ligated larvae with the analogue after the switchover stimulates metamorphosis by accelerating the appearance of an ecdysteroids peak in the haemolymph. The stimulatory effect of the analogue to the prothoracic glands in neck-ligated larvae is not direct one, and some unknown factors seem to play a role therein.

The probale role of prothoracicotropic hormone as a synchronizing factor in the switchover in the sensitivity of the prothoracic glands to juvenile hormone is discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】优化爪哇虫草菌Bd01的固态发酵培养条件,测定分生孢子对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫的毒力,研究被爪哇虫草菌侵染后寄主体内的保护酶活性变化。【方法】采用单因素试验确定爪哇虫草菌Bd01最佳的固态培养基及培养条件,利用Box-Behnken响应面法优化发酵参数,采用浸渍法测定分生孢子对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫的毒力,同时利用分光光度计法测定斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫体内酶活性变化。【结果】以产孢量为指标,通过响应曲面法优化的爪哇虫草菌Bd01最佳产孢条件为:培养基营养成分含量为30.24g/L,pH值为7.55,光照时长为12.06h,在该条件下,培养基的产孢量为2.78×108孢子/mL。浓度为1×108孢子/mL的爪哇虫草菌孢子液对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫具有一定毒力,处理7 d时致死中浓度(LT50)为3.11 d,致死中时(LC50)为4.68×105孢子/mL,校正死亡率为88.68%。处理后未死亡的斜纹夜蛾幼虫体内保护酶活性与对照组相比发生显著变化。【结论】优化后的培养基能够显著增加爪哇虫草菌的产...  相似文献   

为了解珊瑚菜(Glehnia littoralis)夏季生长停滞的原因,以其伴生种滨旋花(Calystegia soldanella)为参考,对他们的叶片代谢系统的耐热性进行了研究。结果表明,珊瑚菜叶片光合作用的失活温度和膜透性的半致死温度均比滨旋花低大约5℃。珊瑚菜和滨旋花在温度为50℃时仍然保持很高的的呼吸速率(仅分别下降10%和24%),明显高于各自的光合系统和质膜系统的耐热温度。高斯回归分析表明,珊瑚菜的光合速率与呼吸速率比明显低于滨旋花。因此,高温下的光合产物昼夜过度消耗可能是珊瑚菜夏天生长停滞的原因,也可能与其整体较低的耐热性有关。  相似文献   

【目的】水椰八角铁甲和椰心叶甲均为棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫,两者的外部形态、取食部位和危害特征相似。研究它们的寄主选择性有助于了解这2种害虫的扩散和成灾机制。【方法】在室内用椰子和银海枣2种寄主植物分别饲养水椰八角铁甲和椰心叶甲,研究在不同寄主植物上水椰八角铁甲和椰心叶甲的存活率、产卵率、发育历期等以及这2种害虫对不同寄主植物的选择性。【结果】水椰八角铁甲在2种寄主上的存活率差异显著,除了卵期和蛹期之外,幼虫期各虫态在银海枣上的存活率明显比在椰子上的存活率高;椰心叶甲在椰子上的存活率高于银海枣,各虫态平均存活率分别为95%和86%。取食银海枣的水椰八角铁甲达标准卵量概率为0.23,取食椰子不产卵,无法完成整个世代;取食椰子的椰心叶甲达标准卵量概率为0.86,取食银海枣不产卵,也无法完成整个世代;水椰八角铁甲取食银海枣完成世代的实验种群趋势指数为12.55,椰心叶甲取食椰子完成世代的实验种群趋势指数为66.55。【结论】水椰八角铁甲和椰心叶甲分别对银海枣和椰子这2种寄主植物具有明显的选择性。在海南椰子树的数量远远超过银海枣,该实验结果在一定程度上解释了椰心叶甲在海南岛广泛分布而水椰八角铁甲只是零星发生的原因。  相似文献   

Larvae of Spodoptera littoralis were monitored through the final larval stadium (6 days) for weight gain, amount eaten in bioassays and responsiveness of gustatory receptors to stimulation with sodium chloride and four concentrations of sucrose. The age of larvae within the stadium, time of day (am or pm) and interactions between these factors influenced the electrophysiological response to 0.05 M sucrose. Overall, the responsiveness of taste receptors increased in the first half of the stadium, then declined. Neural input correlated with weight gain on days 1 to 4, and with amount eaten in bioassays on days 1 to 5. This correlation between neural input and feeding behaviour indicates that the observed modulation in neural sensitivity has a causal relationship with feeding behaviour. The ways in which the modulation might occur are discussed.  相似文献   

Feeding preferences of a group of specialist and generalist chrysomelid beetles were examined using three test methods: whole plants, excised leaves and leaf discs. Method of testing had a very significant effect on relative preferences of the beetles for corn, bean and squash. In some cases the level of statistical significance for a particular preference was affected by test methodology and in other cases the direction of preference was reversed altogether. The feeding preferences of the specialist beetle species were less affected by test method than were the more generalist species. There was also a much greater effect of the difference in test method between the disc test and whole leaf test than between the whole leaf test and whole plant test.Chemical changes in plants induced by damage are probably quite widespread in plants and investigators should take this into account when designing and interpreting tests of insect feeding preference.
Résumé Les choix alimentaires d'un groupe de chrysoméles spécialistes ou généralistes a été étudié en utilisant 3 méthodes: plantes entières, feuilles coupées, rondelles de feuilles. Les méthodes utilisées out eu un effet très significatif sur les préférences relatives des chrysomèles du maïs, du haricot et de la courge. Dans quelques cas le seuil de signification statistique pour un choix particulier a été modifié par la méthode utilisée et dans d'autres cas l'ordre de préférence a été totalement inversé. Les choix alimentaires des spécialistes ont été moins affectés par la méthode utilisée que pour les espèces les plus généralistes. Il y a eu aussi un effet plus important des différences entre les méthodes rondelle de feuilles et feuille entière qu'entre feuille entière et plante entière.Les changements chimiques induits dans les plantes par les dégâts sont probablement très répandus et les chercheurs devraient en tenir compte quand ils programment et interprètent des expériences sur les préférences alimentaires.

斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒gp37及其邻近序列的克隆及分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从斜纹夜蛾核多角体病毒(Spodoptera litura nucleopolyhedrovirus, SpltMNPV)基因组中克隆了gp37基因.分子生物学软件分析表明,在gp37基因内部存在糖基化位点.含有晚期表达基因的启动子序列(ATAAG),推测为晚期表达的病毒膜糖蛋白基因.通过GP37蛋白的同源性比较,绘制了以gp37基因为基础的杆状病毒进化树, 发现与以多角体蛋白基因(polyhedrin)为基础所绘制的杆状病毒分子进化树有较大差异.以polyhedrin基因为基础绘制的杆状病毒分子进化树将家蚕核多角体病毒(Bombyx mori nucleopolyhedrovirus, BmNPV)与杆状病毒代表种——苜蓿丫纹夜蛾核多角体病毒(Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus, AcMNPV)分开,根据gp37基因分析则将二者归到同一分枝,这与以egt基因为基础绘制的杆状病毒分子进化树结果一致.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) leaf tissue of cv Bastille and cv Michoacan 12 was extracted with n-hexane. The extracts were bioassayed against 5th instar African armyworm,Spodoptera exempta (Walker)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), by feeding the larvae on agar based media or sucrose impregnated glass fibre discs. The hexane extract of the ‘resistant’ cv Bastille exhibited feeding deterrency and toxicity which were not shown by the ‘susceptible’ cv Michoacan 12. The hexane extract of cv Bastille was adsorbed onto silica gel, the solution filtered off and the adsorbed component taken up into ethyl acetate. Bioassay of these fractions indicated that the toxic and deterrent action was retained in the ethyl acetate fraction. Preparative thin layer chromatography of the ethyl acetate fraction isolated two biologically active constituents. These were both growth inhibitors and lethal by ingestion to the 5th instar African armyworm. Implications for resistance in maize varieties to insect pests are discussed.  相似文献   

Spodoptera exigua is one of the most renowned agricultural pest insects and relatively insensitive to Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strains which are widely used commercial products to control lepidopterans such as Heliothis armigera. In the current study, we have developed a new and efficient approach to screen and breed a B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain exhibiting high toxicity against S. exigua while retaining its high toxicity against H. armigera. UV and diethyl sulfate methods were used for mutagenesis, followed by an agar plug plate diffusion assay for preliminary screening of Zwittermicin A over-producing mutants, from which we obtained a mutant strain, designated here as B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki D1-23, with high toxicity against S. exigua. The toxicity of D1-23 against S. exigua and H. armigera was improved by 115.4 and 25.9%, respectively, compared to its parental commercial strain BMB005.  相似文献   

秦秋菊  李莎  毛达  李娜  李梦杰  刘顺 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1890-1897
植物花外蜜的分泌是一种植物间接防御反应。为了明确植食性昆虫、机械伤和机械伤诱导的挥发性气体在植物花外蜜诱导分泌中的作用,分析了咀嚼式口器昆虫棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)、刺吸式口器昆虫棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover取食、剪刀机械伤、剪刀机械伤+棉铃虫反吐物、针刺机械伤以及机械伤诱导挥发物、顺式-茉莉酮对棉花Gossypium hirsutum L.叶片花外蜜分泌量的影响。结果表明,棉铃虫取食、剪刀机械伤、剪刀机械伤+棉铃虫反吐物处理均显著增加了被处理叶片花外蜜的分泌量。棉花花外蜜的诱导效应在处理叶片上表现明显,并且在较幼嫩的第3片真叶上也有系统性增长。顺式-茉莉酮和机械伤挥发物处理1 d对棉花较幼嫩的第4、5片真叶花外蜜有诱导效应。棉花叶片花外蜜的诱导主要与植物组织损伤有关;不同口器类型的昆虫对棉花叶片花外蜜的诱导量不同,咀嚼式口器的棉铃虫对棉花花外蜜的诱导强度显著高于刺吸式口器的棉蚜;顺式-茉莉酮和机械伤诱导的挥发物能作为棉花植株间交流的信息物质诱导棉花幼嫩叶片花外蜜的分泌。  相似文献   

The oviposition and feeding preferences of the pollen beetle, Meligethes aeneus, were determined in choice and no-choice tests in field, semi-field and greenhouse trials. Plant species used were Brassica napus, B. campestris, B. juncea, B. nigra, B. carinata, Sinapis alba and Crambe abyssinica. With respect to number of eggs laid, S. alba and C. abyssinica were inferior to the other species. Pollen beetles laid fewer eggs on B. nigra than on the other Brassica spp. in no-choice tests, however this difference was partly due to fewer eggs laid per bud rather than fewer buds used for oviposition. Most eggs, for all plant species, were deposited in buds sized 2–3 mm. Feeding damage on all plant species was relatively similar. Pollen beetles seem to have a wider host range for feeding than for oviposition. There was good agreement in plant species ranking as oviposition hosts between the field, semi-field and greenhouse trials.  相似文献   

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