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The S1 mRNA of avian reovirus is functionally tricistronic, encoding three unrelated proteins, p10, p17 and σC, from three sequential, partially overlapping open reading frames (ORFs). The mechanism of translation initiation at the 3′-proximal σC ORF is currently unknown. Transient RNA transfections using Renilla luciferase reporter constructs revealed only a modest reduction in reporter expression upon optimization of either the p10 or p17 start sites. Insertion of multiple upstream AUG (uAUG) codons in a preferred start codon sequence context resulted in a substantial retention of downstream translation initiation on the S1 mRNA, but not on a heterologous mRNA. The S1 mRNA therefore facilitates leaky scanning to promote ribosome access to the σC start codon. Evidence also indicates that σC translation is mediated by a second scanning-independent mechanism capable of bypassing upstream ORFs. This alternate mechanism is cap-dependent and requires a sequence-dependent translation enhancer element that is complementary to 18S rRNA. Downstream translation initiation of the tricistronic S1 mRNA is therefore made possible by two alternate mechanisms, facilitated leaky scanning and an atypical form of ribosome shunting. This dual mechanism of downstream translation initiation ensures sufficient expression of the σC cell attachment protein that is essential for infectious progeny virus production.  相似文献   

Avian reovirus S1133 specifies at least 10 primary translation products, eight of which are present in the viral particle and two of which are nonstructural proteins. In the work presented here, we studied the covalent modifications undergone by these translation products in the infected cell. The structural polypeptide mu2 was shown to be intracellularly modified by both myristoylation and proteolysis. The site-specific cleavage of mu2 yielded a large carboxy-terminal fragment and a myristoylated approximately 5,500-Mr peptide corresponding to the amino terminus. Both mu2 and its cleavage products were found to be structural components of the reovirion. Most avian reovirus proteins were found to be glycosylated and to have a blocking group at the amino terminus. In contrast to the mammalian reovirus system, none of the avian reovirus polypeptides was found to incorporate phosphorus during infection. Our results add to current understanding of the similarities and differences between avian and mammalian reoviruses.  相似文献   

Protein coding assignment of avian reovirus strain S1133.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Avian reovirus S1133 encodes 10 primary translation products, 8 of which are structural components of the viral particle and 2 of which are nonstructural proteins. The identity of the gene that codes for each of these polypeptides was determined by in vitro translation of denatured individual genome segments.  相似文献   

There are a number of discrepancies in the literature regarding the protein composition of the avian reoviruses. The present study demonstrates that avian reovirus S1133 contains at least 10 proteins (lambdaA, lambdaB, lambdaC, muA, muB, muBC, muBN, sigmaA, sigmaB, and sigmaC). Polypeptides muB, muBC, muBN, sigmaB, and sigmaC are components of the outer capsid layer of the virus, while lambdaA, lambdaB, muA, and sigmaA are core polypeptides. Protein lambdaC is a component of both layers, extending from the inner core to the outer capsid. The minor outer-capsid polypeptide sigmaC is shown to be the cell attachment protein, since it is the only viral polypeptide present in extracts of S1133-infected cells that binds specifically to chicken embryo fibroblasts; furthermore, its binding to avian cells was competitively inhibited by S1133 reovirions but not by mammalian reovirions. Our results also show that sigmaC is an oligomeric protein both in the virion and free in the cytoplasm, and preliminary results suggest that the multimer is made up of three monomeric units.  相似文献   

Protein S3 fragments were determined that crosslink to modified mRNA analogues in positions +5 to +12 relative to the first nucleotide in the P-site bound codon in model complexes mimicking states of ribosomes at the elongation and translation termination steps. The mRNA analogues contained a Phe codon UUU/UUC at the 5′-termini that could predetermine the position of the tRNAPhe on the ribosome by the P-site binding and perfluorophenylazidobenzoyl group at a nucleotide in various positions 3′ of the UUU/UUC codon. The crosslinked S3 protein was isolated from 80S ribosomal complexes irradiated with mild UV light and subjected to cyanogen bromide—induced cleavage at methionine residues with subsequent identification of the crosslinked oligopeptides. An analysis of the positions of modified oligopeptides resulting from the cleavage showed that, in dependence on the positions of modified nucleotides in the mRNA analogue, the crosslinking sites were found in the N-terminal half of the protein (fragment 2–217) and/or in the C-terminal fragment 190–236; the latter reflects a new peculiarity in the structure of the mRNA binding center in the ribosome, unknown to date. The results of crosslinking did not depend on the type of A-site codon or on the presence of translation termination factor eRF1.  相似文献   

M Kozak  A J Shatkin 《Cell》1978,13(1):201-212
Four types of experiments were carried out with reovirus messenger RNAs or with 5′ terminal fragments of known sequence to identify features in mRNA which appear to be important for formation of initiation complexes with ribosomes. With a number of reovirus mRNAs, 40S initiation complexes had been previously shown to protect a significantly larger segment of the RNA (including the 5′ terminal m7G) than that protected by 80S initiation complexes. Each 80S-protected sequence had an AUG codon and was a subset of the 40S-protected sequence from the same message. When 40S- and 80S-protected fragments were tested for ability to rebind to ribosomes, the 80S-protected fragments showed considerably lower binding ability, implying that the “extra” sequences protected by 40S initiation complexes contribute to ribosome attachment. Nevertheless, wheat germ ribosomes select the same 5′ terminal initiation site in each reovirus mRNA, irrespective of the presence or absence of m7G on the message. This was demonstrated by comparing fingerprints of the ribosome-protected regions obtained with methylated versus unmethylated RNA. The contribution of m7G to formation of initiation complexes is therefore quantitative rather than qualitative. Limited T1 RNAase digestion of isolated 5′ terminal fragments from several reovirus messages generated a series of smaller fragments which were analyzed for ability to rebind to ribosomes. Partial digestion products up to 30 nucleotides in length which retained the 5′ cap but not the AUG codon were unable to associate stably with ribosomes, whereas every AUG-containing fragment that was analyzed was able to form initiation complexes. The efficiency of binding of certain AUG-containing fragments, however, was reduced by removal of either the 5′ terminal region, including the cap, or of sequences comprising the beginning of the coding region, on the 3′ side of the AUG. Complex formation between messenger RNA and ribosomes was inhibited by the trinucleotide AUG, but not by various other oligonucleotides. Although the inhibition was specific, a vast excess of trinucleotide was required for moderate inhibition of 80S complex formation, and the same concentration of AUG failed to inhibit formation of 40S initiation complexes.  相似文献   

mRNA helicase activity of the ribosome   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Takyar S  Hickerson RP  Noller HF 《Cell》2005,120(1):49-58
Most mRNAs contain secondary structure, yet their codons must be in single-stranded form to be translated. Until now, no helicase activity has been identified which could account for the ability of ribosomes to translate through downstream mRNA secondary structure. Using an oligonucleotide displacement assay, together with a stepwise in vitro translation system made up of purified components, we show that ribosomes are able to disrupt downstream helices, including a perfect 27 base pair helix of predicted T(m) = 70 degrees . Using helices of different lengths and registers, the helicase active site can be localized to the middle of the downstream tunnel, between the head and shoulder of the 30S subunit. Mutation of residues in proteins S3 and S4 that line the entry to the tunnel impairs helicase activity. We conclude that the ribosome itself is an mRNA helicase and that proteins S3 and S4 may play a role in its processivity.  相似文献   

Short mRNA analogues carrying a UUU triplet at the 5'-termini and a perfluorophenylazide group at either the N7 atom of the guanosine or the C5 atom of the uridine 3' of the triplet were applied to study positioning of mRNA 3' of the A site codon. Complexes of 80S ribosomes with the mRNA analogues were obtained in the presence of tRNAPhe that directed UUU codon to the P site and consequently provided placement of the nucleotide with cross-linker in positions +9 or +12 with respect to the first nucleotide of the P site bound codon. Both types mRNA analogues cross-linked to the 18S rRNA and 40S proteins under mild UV-irradiation. Cross-linking patterns in the complexes where modified nucleotides of the mRNA analogues were in position +7 were analyzed for comparison (cross-linking to the 18S rRNA in such complexes has been studied previously). The efficiency of cross-linking to the ribosomal components depended on the nature of the modified nucleotide in the mRNA analogue and its position on the ribosome, extent of cross-linking to the 18S rRNA being decreased drastically when the modified nucleotide was moved from position +7 to position +12. The nucleotides of 18S rRNA cross-linked to mRNA analogues were determined. Modified nucleotides in positions +9 and +12 cross-linked to the invariant dinucleotide A1824/A1825 and to variable A1823 in the 3'-minidomain of 18S rRNA as well as to protein S15. The same ribosomal components have been found earlier to cross-link to modified mRNA nucleotides in positions from +4 to +7. Besides, all mRNA analogues cross-linked to the invariant nucleotide c1698 in the 3'-minidomain and to and the conserved region 605-620 closing helix 18 in the 5'-domain.  相似文献   

A map of how mRNA travels through the ribosome is critical for any detailed understanding of the process of translation. This feat has recently been achieved using X-ray crystallography. The structure reveals, for the first time, details of the interactions between the mRNA and the 30S subunit beyond those at the tRNA binding sites. Elements of both 16S rRNA and ribosomal proteins contribute to mRNA binding. This work also identifies two tunnels that the mRNA passes through as it wraps around the 30S subunit. The mechanisms and mechanics of reading frame selection, translational fidelity, and translocation can now be informed by the structure.  相似文献   

The protein environment of mRNA 3' of the A-site codon (the decoding site) in the human 80S ribosome was studied using a set of oligoribonucleotide derivatives bearing a UUU triplet at the 5'-end and a perfluoroarylazide group at one of the nucleotide residues at the 3'-end of this triplet. Analogues of mRNA were phased into the ribosome using binding at the tRNAPhe P-site, which recognizes the UUU codon. Mild UV irradiation of ribosome complexes with tRNAPhe and mRNA analogues resulted in the predominant crosslinking of the analogues with the 40S subunit components, mainly with proteins and, to a lesser extent, with rRNA. Among the 40S subunit ribosomal proteins, the S3 protein was the main target for modification in all cases. In addition, minor crosslinking with the S2 protein was observed. The crosslinking with the S3 and S2 proteins occurred both in triple complexes and in the absence of tRNA. Within triple complexes, crosslinking with S15 protein was also found, its efficiency considerably falling when the modified nucleotide was moved from positions +5 to +12 relative to the first codon nucleotide in the P-site. In some cases, crosslinking with the S30 protein was observed, it was most efficient for the derivative containing a photoreactive group at the +7 adenosine residue. The results indicate that the S3 protein in the human ribosome plays a key role in the formation of the mRNA binding site 3' of the codon in the decoding site.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]dihydrostreptomycin to the 70-S ribosome or to the 30-S subunit has been investigated in the presence of neomycin by the Millipore filtration or the equilibrium dialysis procedure. It was observed that dihydrostreptomycin binds equally well to the 30-S subunit and the 70-S ribosome, and that neomycin stimulates the binding of dihydrostreptomycin to the ribosome by increasing the association constant and not by creating new binding sites. Specific removal of protein S1 from the 30-S subunit neither affected the binding of dihydrostreptomycin to the ribosome nor the stimulation of dihydrostreptomycin binding by neomycin.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that ribosomes containing a messenger RNA (mRNA) with a strong Shine-Dalgarno sequence are rapidly split into subunits by initiation factors 1 (IF1) and 3 (IF3), but slowly split by ribosome recycling factor (RRF) and elongation factor G (EF-G). Post-termination-like (PTL) ribosomes containing mRNA and a P-site-bound deacylated transfer RNA (tRNA) are split very rapidly by RRF and EF-G, but extremely slowly by IF1 and IF3. Vacant ribosomes are split by RRF/EF-G much more slowly than PTL ribosomes and by IF1/IF3 much more slowly than mRNA-containing ribosomes. These observations reveal complementary splitting of different ribosomal complexes by IF1/IF3 and RRF/EF-G, and suggest the existence of two major pathways for ribosome splitting into subunits in the living cell. We show that the identity of the deacylated tRNA in the PTL ribosome strongly affects the rate by which it is split by RRF/EF-G and that IF3 is involved in the mechanism of ribosome splitting by IF1/IF3 but not by RRF/EF-G. With support from our experimental data, we discuss the principally different mechanisms of ribosome splitting by IF1/IF3 and by RRF/EF-G.  相似文献   

Avian reovirus, an important avian pathogen, expresses eight structural and four nonstructural proteins. The structural σA protein is a major component of the inner capsid, clamping together λA building blocks. σA has also been implicated in the resistance of avian reovirus to the antiviral action of interferon by strongly binding double-stranded RNA in the host cell cytoplasm and thus inhibiting activation of the double-stranded RNA-dependent protein kinase. We have solved the structure of bacterially expressed σA by molecular replacement and refined it using data to 2.3-Å resolution. Twelve σA molecules are present in the P1 unit cell, arranged as two short double helical hexamers. A positively charged patch is apparent on the surface of σA on the inside of this helix and mutation of either of two key arginine residues (Arg155 and Arg273) within this patch abolishes double-stranded RNA binding. The structural data, together with gel shift assay, electron microscopy, and sedimentation velocity centrifugation results, provide evidence for cooperative binding of σA to double-stranded RNA. The minimal length of double-stranded RNA required for σA binding was observed to be 14 to 18 bp.  相似文献   

J E Fajardo  A J Shatkin 《Enzyme》1990,44(1-4):235-243
The S1 species of reovirus mRNA contains two overlapping open reading frames. Both are utilized in either virus-infected or S1 DNA transfected mammalian cells, resulting in two different polypeptides from a single mRNA. Consistent with ribosome scanning, expression of the downstream reading frame was increased by sequence changes that diminished the consensus around the upstream initiator site. However, the upstream product was not decreased by the same changes, suggesting that its synthesis is rate-limited at elongation. The results suggest a model for regulating bicistronic mRNA translation in which the ribosomes in one reading frame interfere with the movement of ribosomes in the other frame due to different rates of elongation.  相似文献   

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