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Monakhov VG 《Genetika》2001,37(9):1281-1289
Using standard and mulivariate statistic methods, an epigenetic character--foramina in fossa condyloidei inferior, FFCI--was studied in sable populations. This character was shown to be most frequent in southeastern populations of the species (Primorye and the Baikal region) while its distribution in the remaining part of the range was polyclinal. The expression of FFCI was directly associated with coat color and longitude, and inversely associated with skull size. This trend was broken by some western populations formed in the 1950s by introduction, which exhibited stable morphological differences with adjacent aboriginal sable populations. Most populations of the species exhibit differences in the manifestation of the character. Frequency of the FFCI manifestation can be used as an additional population characteristic, an associative diagnostic character that shows high discriminating capability in detecting phenogenetic relationships of intraspecific groups.  相似文献   

Plant invasions often involve rapid evolutionary change. Founder effects, hybridization, and adaptation to novel environments cause genetic differentiation between native and introduced populations and may contribute to the success of invaders. An influential idea in this context has been the Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA) hypothesis. It proposes that after enemy release plants rapidly evolve to be less defended but more competitive, thereby increasing plant vigour in introduced populations. To detect evolutionary change in invaders, comparative studies of native versus introduced populations are needed. Here, we review the current empirical evidence from: (1) comparisons of phenotypic variation in natural populations; (2) comparisons of molecular variation with neutral genetic markers; (3) comparisons of quantitative genetic variation in a common environment; and (4) comparisons of phenotypic plasticity across different environments. Field data suggest that increased vigour and reduced herbivory are common in introduced plant populations. In molecular studies, the genetic diversity of introduced populations was not consistently different from that of native populations. Multiple introductions of invasive plants appear to be the rule rather than the exception. In tests of the EICA hypothesis in a common environment, several found increased growth or decreased resistance in introduced populations. However, few provided a full test of the EICA hypothesis by addressing growth and defence in the same species. Overall, there is reasonable empirical evidence to suggest that genetic differentiation through rapid evolutionary change is important in plant invasions. We discuss conceptual and methodological issues associated with cross-continental comparisons and make recommendations for future research. When testing for EICA, greater emphasis should be put on competitive ability and plant tolerance. Moreover, it is important to address evolutionary change in characteristics other than defence and growth that could play a role in plant invasions.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is a damaging invasive species that has become established in many Mediterranean-type ecosystems worldwide. To identify likely sources of introduced populations we examined the relationships among native Linepithema populations from Argentina and Brazil and introduced populations of L. humile using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data and nuclear microsatellite allele frequencies. The mitochondrial phylogeny revealed that the populations in Brazil were only distantly related to both the introduced populations and the native populations in Argentina, and confirmed that populations in Brazil, previously identified as L. humile, are likely a different species. The microsatellite-based analysis provided resolution among native and introduced populations of L. humile that could not be resolved using the mitochondrial sequences. In the native range, colonies that were geographically close to one another tended to be genetically similar, whereas more distant colonies were genetically different. Most samples from the introduced range were genetically similar, although some exceptions were noted. Most introduced populations were similar to native populations from the southern Rio Parana and were particularly similar to a population from Rosario, Argentina. These findings implicate populations from the southern Rio Parana as the most likely source of introduced populations. Moreover, these data suggest that current efforts to identify natural enemies of the Argentine ant for biological control should focus on native populations in the southern Rio Parana watershed.  相似文献   

Asexual reproduction is particularly common among introduced species, probably because it helps to overcome the negative effects associated with low population densities during colonization. The ant Cerapachys biroi has been introduced to tropical and subtropical islands around the world since the beginning of the last century. In this species, workers can reproduce via thelytokous parthenogenesis. Here, we use genetic markers to reconstruct the history of anthropogenic introductions of C. biroi, and to address the prevalence of female parthenogenesis in introduced and native populations. We show that at least four genetically distinct lineages have been introduced from continental Asia and have led to the species' circumtropical establishment. Our analyses demonstrate that asexual reproduction dominates in the introduced range and is also common in the native range. Given that C. biroi is the only dorylomorph ant that has successfully become established outside of its native range, this unusual mode of reproduction probably facilitated the species' worldwide spread. On the other hand, the rare occurrence of haploid males and at least one clear case of sexual recombination in the introduced range show that C. biroi has not lost the potential for sex. Finally, we show that thelytoky in C. biroi probably has a genetic rather than an infectious origin, and that automixis with central fusion is the most likely underlying cytological mechanism. This is in accordance with what is known for other thelytokous eusocial Hymenoptera.  相似文献   

Aim Differences in phenological timing might explain why populations of the annual Lactuca serriola reach higher elevational limits in a part of its introduced range than in its native range. I investigated (1) whether this difference in elevational limits has a genetic basis, (2) the importance of clinal genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity in phenology as responses to elevation in L. serriola, and whether these responses differ between regions, and (3) whether the realized temperature niche of L. serriola differs between the two regions. Location Plant material was collected in Canton Valais, Switzerland (native range) and the Wallowa Mountains, Oregon, USA (introduced range). The field experiment was conducted in Canton Grisons, Switzerland. Methods Plants from 20 populations collected along elevational gradients were grown in eight common gardens established at 200‐m elevational intervals (600–2000 m a.s.l.). The timing of phenological transitions was monitored and analysed with mixed‐effects models to determine differences in (1) elevational limits, and (2) clinal genetic differentiation and phenotypic plasticity as responses to elevation for plants from each region. The limits of the species along five temperature gradients were derived from generalized linear models using published occurrence data to quantify regional differences in the realized temperature niche. Results The limit of seed set (1400 m a.s.l.) was the same for plants of both regions. However, the limit of flowering, probably a better reflection of elevational limits in this study, was 400 m higher for plants from the introduced region due to their faster development. Native populations showed clines in development time with elevation consistent with expectations. However, these were weaker in introduced populations, the responses of which were rather characterized by phenotypic plasticity. Thus, although introduced populations grow at considerably cooler sites than in the native region, this is unlikely to have resulted from direct selection for tolerance of high‐elevation conditions. Main conclusions This study supports a genetic basis for differences in the elevational limits of L. serriola populations between two parts of its native and introduced range. Although it is not yet clear whether these differences evolved in the introduced range, these findings highlight the potential of alien species for gaining insights into niche evolution.  相似文献   

Introduced species provide an opportunity to examine responses to novel ecological conditions, in particular to the absence of co-evolved enemies. Introduced populations could evolve lower investment in resistance or could down-regulate their immune system as a plastic response to enemy absence. The response might have consequences for the success of introduced species. Assuming a trade-off between resistance and traits related to demographic success, an evolved change or reallocation from resistance could increase the chances of invasions. On the other hand, introduced populations could have increased resistance as a correlate of greater vigour and competitive ability among successful invaders [Sampling Bias hypothesis (SBH)]. These hypotheses make different predictions about investment in resistance in introduced populations. Using a New Zealand clonal snail (Potamopyrgus antipodarum), we examined the resistance of three introduced genotypes (one from the US and two from Europe) to several populations of a native range parasite (Microphallus sp.). One genotype (Euro A) was resistant to all native range parasite populations, consistent with the SBH. However, two remaining genotypes (Euro C and US 1) were less susceptible to parasite populations that were allopatric to their source populations. Furthermore, resistance of one genotype (US 1) collected from the introduced range was indistinguishable from its resistance when collected from the range of the parasite. Hence, there was no evidence for decreased resistance in the absence of native enemies, which is inconsistent with hypotheses that envision reduced allocation to resistance or a trade-off between competitive ability and resistance.  相似文献   

很多入侵植物的种子比原产地植物的种子萌发的更快,这可能有利于它们成功入侵。为了理解生物入侵过程,对入侵植物的入侵种群 和原产地种群的种子特性和萌发特征同时进行评估极为必要。本研究中,我们以乌桕(Triadica sebifera)为研究对象探究种子萌发和种子 特征的种内差异。 我们利用采于2017年的乌桕种子,来自中国的12个原产地种群和美国的12个引入地种群,测定种子的物理性状(体积、重量、种皮硬度和种皮厚度)和化学特性[种仁的粗脂肪、可溶性蛋白质、糖、赤霉素(GA)和脱落酸(ABA)],并在中国的温室中测定种子的发芽率和萌发时间。此外,我们在美国用采自2016年和2017年的种子开展了研究地点(中国和美国)和种子采集年份(2016年和2017年)对种子萌发影响的比较实验。 来自引入地的种子要比来自原产地的种子萌发更快。种子的物理和化学特性测定结果表明:与原产地种子相比,引入地种子更大、种仁内含有的赤霉素浓度以及GA:ABA比更高,但粗脂肪含量较低。种子重量、种皮硬度、种皮厚度、种仁脱落酸、可溶性蛋白质和糖含量在引入地和原产地之间没有显著差异。在中国和美国温室间的种子萌发率具有相关性,但种群的萌发率具有年际变化。我们的研究结果表明,体积较大和赤霉素含量较高的种子可能有助于快速萌发,这可能也有利于乌桕在引入地的入侵。  相似文献   

外来植物入侵后会改变其对入侵地植食性昆虫的防御能力以应对入侵地生物环境的变化,因此,对土著昆虫防御能力变化的研究将有助于解释外来植物成功入侵的机制。互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)是广泛入侵中国东部沿海地区的外来植物,研究其入侵后对本地植食性昆虫的响应,可从一个侧面部分地回答其成功入侵的生态机制。利用Y型嗅觉仪,结合室内取食实验,我们比较了中国的土著昆虫素毒蛾(Laelia coenosa)对互花米草3个原产地种群和5个入侵地种群的选择偏好,这些种群分别来自美国的德克萨斯(Texas Point)、卡纳维拉尔国家海岸(Canaveral National Seashore)、佛罗里达大西洋大学(Florida Atlantic University),以及中国的唐海、天津、盐城、崇明、珠海。结果表明,虽然素毒蛾幼虫对互花米草不同地理种群叶片气味没有显著的选择偏好,但对原产地种群的取食相对选择系数显著高于入侵地种群,说明互花米草入侵地种群对素毒蛾的抵抗能力相对较强。这从某种层面上可以推测互花米草入侵中国东部沿海地区以后,其对植食性昆虫取食的防御能力有所增强,而这种能力将在一定程度上减少素毒蛾等入侵地植食动物对它的攻击。  相似文献   

Non-indigenous species (NIS) are important components of global change, and in order to manage such species it is important to understand which factors affect their success. Interactions with enemies in the new range have been shown to be important for the outcome of introductions, but thus far most studies on NIS–enemy interactions have considered only specialist herbivores in terrestrial systems. Here we present the results from the first biogeographic study that compares herbivore resistance between populations in the native and new region of a non-indigenous seaweed. We show that low consumption of the non-indigenous seaweed by a generalist herbivore is caused by higher chemical defence levels and herbivore resistance in the new range—and not by the failure of the herbivore to recognise the non-indigenous seaweed as a suitable host. Since most seaweed–herbivore interactions are dominated by generalist herbivores, this pattern could be common in marine communities. Our results also reveal that traits used to predict the invasive potential of species, such as their resistance to enemies, can change during the invasion process, but not always in the way predicted by dominant theories.  相似文献   

The competitive displacement of native by introduced species has often been attributed to differences in growth and behavior of the invader with its competitors. However, is the contribution of these traits to invasion success due to different competitor species between the native and introduced ranges or to differences among populations of the invader? Here we compared the growth and foraging behavior of the rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) from its native and introduced ranges when competing with congeners from both ranges (O. cristavarius and O. propinquus, respectively). Our results indicated that O. rusticus from the introduced range grew significantly more than native O. rusticus and that there was no effect of competitor species on the growth of O. rusticus. Thus, the contribution of higher growth rates to the invasion success of O. rusticus was a result of population differences of O. rusticus in contrast to differences between congeners across both ranges. Foraging activity and recruitment to bait were higher in introduced versus native populations of O. rusticus when competing with O. cristavarius, but, not when competing with O. propinquus. Rather, O. propinquus significantly recruited to bait first when competing with either population of O. rusticus. However, 57% of the time that O. propinquus was first to find the bait, introduced O. rusticus aggressively pirated the bait from O. propinquus. In contrast, native O. rusticus were never observed pirating bait from O. propinquus. We suggest that this behavior may, in part, explain the higher growth observed in introduced populations of O. rusticus. The differences in behavior between O. rusticus populations depending on the competitor species may be due to behavioral flexibility that may drive higher growth rates in introduced populations of this species.  相似文献   

Chen Q  Wang C  Lu G  Zhao J  Chapman DC  Zsigmond J  Li S 《Genetica》2012,140(4-6):115-123
Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), a freshwater species native to China, has been introduced to about 100 countries/regions and poses both biological and environmental challenges to the receiving ecosystems. In this study, we analyzed genetic variation in grass carp from three introduced river systems (Mississippi River Basin in US, Danube River in Hungary, and Tone River in Japan) as well as its native ranges (Yangtze, Pearl, and Amur Rivers) in China using 21 novel microsatellite loci. The allelic richness, observed heterozygosity, and within-population gene diversity were found to be lower in the introduced populations than in the native populations, presumably due to the small founder population size of the former. Significant genetic differentiation was found between all pairwise populations from different rivers. Both principal component analysis and Bayesian clustering analysis revealed obvious genetic distinction between the native and introduced populations. Interestingly, genetic bottlenecks were detected in the Hungarian and Japanese grass carp populations, but not in the North American population, suggesting that the Mississippi River Basin grass carp has experienced rapid population expansion with potential genetic diversification during the half-century since its introduction. Consequently, the combined forces of the founder effect, introduction history, and rapid population expansion help explaining the observed patterns of genetic diversity within and among both native and introduced populations of the grass carp.  相似文献   

The ground beetle Pterostichus melanarius (Coleoptera, Carabidae), of European origin, is abundant and wide-spread in the northern United States and southern Canada Three field enclosures were used in a four-year experiment in Alberta, Canada, to examine whether the species is able to establish in natural aspen-poplar forest, and to test the hypothesis that it has an adverse effect on the native carabid assemblage After introduction to the enclosures P melanarius maintained breeding populations in them, establishing that the forest is suitable habitat for the species, and suggesting that the species will eventually invade from nearby populations Pterostichus melanarius had no negative effect on population size or body mass of the native carabid species However, the two most abundant native species (Ptero-stichus adstrictus and P pensvlvanicus) appeared to be more active (measured as escape rate) in compartments where they co-occurred with P melanarius Although the three enclosures were just a few metres apart, one of them consistently yielded the highest densities of all carabid species This difference was correlated with high abundance of earthworms and low litter accumulation Relatively low densities of P melanarius may explain the lack of negative interspecific interactions in forests, although such effects are suggested by data from urban and agricultural environments where P melanarius is more abundant  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA and Control Region sequences from native and introduced populations was undertaken, in order to characterize the introduction of Cichla (peacock bass or tucunaré) species in Brazil. Mitochondrial DNA haplotypes found in introduced fish from Minas Gerais state (southeastern Brazil) clustered only with those from native species of the Tocantins River (Cichla piquiti and C. kelberi), thereby suggesting a single or, at most, few translocation acts in this area, even though with fish from the same source-population. Our study contributes to an understanding of the introduction of Cichla in regions of Brazil outside the Amazon basin, and adds phylogenetic data to the recently describe Cichla species, endemic from the Tocantins-Araguaia basin.  相似文献   

The internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) including the 5.8S region of the ‘New Zealand flatworm’, Arthurdendyus triangulates, are 1004 base pairs in length. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of PCR products (PCR‐RFLP) was conducted on A. triangulates specimens from 45 locations in Northern Ireland, Scotland, England and New Zealand. Seven restriction endonucleases (Alu I, Rsa I, Sau3A I, Cfo I, Nde I, Dde I, and Mbo I) were used to reveal intraspecific variation. Analysis of molecular variance revealed the presence of population genetic substructuring, with most genetic heterogeneity present between populations rather than between individuals or geographical regions. No distinct differences were found between Northern Irish and Scottish populations but phylogenetic analysis supports the hypothesis of multiple introductions from New Zealand. There was no significant relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance, as would be expected for natural spread, indicating that this species is largely anthropochorous, even in parts of New Zealand.  相似文献   

草鱼是中国的土著鱼类,自20世纪60年代以来已被移居到100多个国家和地区,主要用来控制水草或水产养殖。本研究通过线粒体D-Loop区(764bp)和COII+tRNA基因(719bp)序列分析,了解草鱼的中国土著群体(长江、珠江、黑龙江)和国外移居群体(匈牙利多瑙河、美国密西西比河、日本利根川河)之间以及各地方群体间的遗传差异。结果表明,中国土著草鱼群体的遗传变异高于国外移居群体;分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,不同草鱼群体的遗传变异主要来自群体内,而不同地域间的差异极少;群体两两间Fst值比较表明,大多数群体之间遗传差异极显著;由TCS构建的单倍型网络结构图显示,长江草鱼群体是最原始的群体,其他水系草鱼均由长江群体演化而来;通过基因流分析发现,匈牙利多瑙河群体和日本利根川河群体来自长江和黑龙江群体,美国密西西比河群体除引自长江、黑龙江水系外,还有部分引自于珠江水系。  相似文献   

Native to much of Central and South America, the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata has been rapidly spreading throughout the world. In its introduced range, W. auropunctata is frequently linked with drastic reductions of ant diversity; anecdotal reports of damaging attacks on vertebrates are also common. As it poses an ever-increasing threat to biodiversity, W. auropunctata has emerged as a model system for the study of ecological differences between native and invasive ant populations. These studies have been hampered by a lack of information on the genetic relatedness between native and introduced populations. By investigating the genetic structure of W. auropunctata populations, we provide a framework for conducting phylogenetically independent tests of differences between these ants in their native and invasive ranges. Phylogenetic analyses, based on the cox1 / cox2 region of mtDNA, revealed at least three separate source populations of W. auropunctata distributed across two large clades. Much of the Caribbean region, presumably part of the native range, is inhabited by a clade of ants sharing very similar or identical mtDNA haplotypes, suggesting the possibility of multiple introductions or high levels of gene flow across that area. Most invasive populations in the Pacific were closely related to these ants. The invasive populations in Gabon and New Caledonia arise from another, relatively distantly related clade. Phylogenetically independent contrasts confirm McGlynn's (1999) observation that invasive W. auropunctata populations are smaller than native populations. Given the complex phylogeographical structure of W. auropunctata populations, future comparative work should correct for phylogenetic effects.  相似文献   

We compared community composition, density, and species richness of herbivorous insects on the introduced plant Solidago altissima L. (Asteraceae) and the related native species Solidago virgaurea L. in Japan. We found large differences in community composition on the two Solidago species. Five hemipteran sap feeders were found only on S. altissima. Two of them, the aphid Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum Olive (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and the scale insect Parasaissetia nigra Nietner (Hemiptera: Coccidae), were exotic species, accounting for 62% of the total individuals on S. altissima. These exotic sap feeders mostly determined the difference of community composition on the two plant species. In contrast, the herbivore community on S. virgaurea consisted predominately of five native insects: two lepidopteran leaf chewers and three dipteran leaf miners. Overall species richness did not differ between the plants because the increased species richness of sap feeders was offset by the decreased richness of leaf chewers and leaf miners on S. altissima. The overall density of herbivorous insects was higher on S. altissima than on S. virgaurea, because of the high density of the two exotic sap feeding species on S. altissima. We discuss the importance of analyzing community composition in terms of feeding guilds of insect herbivores for understanding how communities of insect herbivores are organized on introduced plants in novel habitats.  相似文献   

Aggressiveness, along with foraging voracity and boldness, are key behavioral mechanisms underlying the competitive displacement and invasion success of exotic species. However, do aggressiveness, voracity and boldness of the invader depend on the presence of an ecologically similar native competitor in the invaded community? We conducted four behavioral assays to compare aggression, foraging voracity, threat response and boldness to forage under predation risk of multiple populations of exotic signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus across its native and invaded range with and without a native congener, the Shasta crayfish P. fortis. We predicted that signal crayfish from the invaded range and sympatric with a native congener (IRS) should be more aggressive to outcompete a close competitor than populations from the native range (NR) or invaded range and allopatric to a native congener (IRA). Furthermore, we predicted that IRS populations of signal crayfish should be more voracious, but less bold to forage under predation risk since native predators and prey likely possess appropriate behavioral responses to the invader. Contrary to our predictions, results indicated that IRA signal crayfish were more aggressive towards conspecifics and more voracious and active foragers, yet also bolder to forage under predation risk in comparison to NR and IRS populations, which did not differ in behavior. Higher aggression/voracity/boldness was positively correlated with prey consumption rates, and hence potential impacts on prey. We suggest that the positive correlations between aggression/voracity/boldness are the result of an overall aggression syndrome. Results of stream surveys indicated that IRA streams have significantly lower prey biomass than in IRS streams, which may drive invading signal crayfish to be more aggressive/voracious/bold to acquire resources to establish a population.  相似文献   

As introduced species expand their ranges, they often encounter differences in climate which are often correlated with geography. For introduced species, encountering a geographically variable climate sometimes leads to the re‐establishment of clines seen in the native range. However, clines can also be caused by neutral processes, and so it is important to gather additional evidence that population differentiation is the result of selection as opposed to nonadaptive processes. Here, we examine phenotypic and genetic differences in ragweed from the native (North America) and introduced (European) ranges. We used a common garden to assess phenotypic differentiation in size and flowering time in ragweed populations. We found significant parallel clines in flowering time in both North America and Europe. Height and branch number had significant clines in North America, and, while not statistically significant, the patterns in Europe were the same. We used SNP data to assess population structure in both ranges and to compare phenotypic differentiation to neutral genetic variation. We failed to detect significant patterns of isolation by distance, geographic patterns in population structure, or correlations between the major axes of SNP variation and phenotypes or latitude of origin. We conclude that the North American clines in size and the parallel clines seen for flowering time are most likely the result of adaptation.  相似文献   

Introduced species represent opportunities to observe evolution over contemporary time scales, and as exotics encounter new environments, adaptive responses can occur, potentially contributing to invasion. Here, we compare 22 native North American populations and 12 introduced European populations of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in five common gardens (control, herbivory, light stress, nutrient stress and drought). We found evidence for improved growth and reproduction of the introduced populations in most environments, particularly in the light stress. However, under drought conditions, the introduced plants experienced more rapid wilting and mortality than their native counterparts, evidence consistent with a life-history trade-off between rapid growth and drought tolerance. Moreover, we found parallel latitudinal clines in flowering time and correlations between fitness components and the local climate of the source populations in both ranges. Together these data provide evidence for adaptation to local environmental conditions in the native and introduced range of common ragweed.  相似文献   

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