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WNT4 is a key regulator of gonadal differentiation in humans and mice, playing a pivotal role in early embryogenesis. Using a marsupial, the tammar wallaby, in which most gonadal differentiation occurs after birth whilst the young is in the pouch, we show by quantitative PCR during early testicular and ovarian development that WNT4 is differentially expressed ingonads.  相似文献   

Kallmann syndrome is characterized by hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and anosmia. The syndrome can be caused by mutations in several genes, but the X-linked form is caused by mutation in the Kallmann syndrome 1 (KAL1). KAL1 plays a critical role in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuronal migration that is essential for the normal development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Interestingly, KAL1 appears to be missing from the rodent X, and no orthologue has been detected as yet. We investigated KAL1 during development and in adults of an Australian marsupial, the tammar wallaby, Macropus eugenii. Marsupial KAL1 maps to an autosome within a group of genes that was added as a block to the X chromosome in eutherian evolution. KAL1 expression was widespread in embryonic and adult tissues. In the adult testis, tammar KAL1 mRNA and protein were detected in the germ cells at specific stages of differentiation. In the adult testis, the protein encoded by KAL1, anosmin-1, was restricted to the round spermatids and elongated spermatids. In the adult ovary, anosmin-1 was not only detected in the oocytes but was also localized in the granulosa cells throughout folliculogenesis. This is the first examination of KAL1 mRNA and protein localization in adult mammalian gonads. The protein localization suggests that KAL1 participates in gametogenesis not only through the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis by activation of GnRH neuronal migration, but also directly within the gonads themselves. Because KAL1 is autosomal in marsupials but is X-linked in eutherians, its conserved involvement in gametogenesis supports the hypothesis that reproduction-related genes were actively recruited to the eutherian X chromosome.  相似文献   

The signaling molecule DHH, secreted by Sertoli cells, has essential regulatory functions in testicular differentiation. DHH is required for the differentiation of peritubular myoid cells that line the seminiferous cords and steroidogenic Leydig cells. The testicular cords in Dhh-null male mice lack a basal lamina and develop abnormally. To date, the DHH-signaling pathway has never been examined outside of any eutherian mammals. This study examined the effects of inhibition of DHH signaling in a marsupial mammal, the tammar wallaby, by culturing gonads in vitro in the presence of the hedgehog-signaling inhibitors cyclopamine and forskolin. Disruption of hedgehog signaling in the tammar testes caused highly disorganized cord formation. SOX9 protein remained strongly expressed in Sertoli cells, laminin distribution was highly fragmented, and germ cells were distributed around the cortical regions of treated testes in an ovarianlike morphology. This suggests that hedgehog signaling regulates cord formation in the tammar wallaby testis as it does in eutherian mammals. These data demonstrate that the hedgehog pathway has been highly conserved in mammals for at least 160 million years.  相似文献   

Members of the netrin gene family have been identified in vertebrates, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans and found to encode secreted molecules involved in axon guidance. Here I use the conserved function of netrins in triploblasts, coupled with the phylogenetic position of amphioxus (the closest living relative of the vertebrates), to investigate the evolution of an axon guidance cue in chordates. A single amphioxus netrin gene was isolated by PCR and cDNA library screening and named AmphiNetrin. The predicted AmphiNetrin protein showed high identity to other netrin family members but differed in that the third of three EGF repeats found in other netrins was absent. Molecular phylogene-tic analysis showed that despite the absent EGF repeat AmphiNetrin is most closely related to the vertebrate netrins. AmphiNetrin expression was identified in embryonic notochord and floor plate, a pattern similar to that of vertebrate netrin-1 expression. AmphiNetrin expression was also identified more widely in the posterior larval brain, and in the anterior extension of the notochord that underlies the anterior of the amphioxus brain. All of these areas of expression are correlated with developing axon trajectories: The floor plate with ventrally projecting somatic motor neurons and Rohde cell projections, the posterior brain with the ventral commissure and primary motor centre and the anterior extension of the notochord with ventrally projecting neurons associated with the median eye. Amphioxus is naturally cyclopaedic and also lacks the ventral brain cells that the induction of which results in the splitting of the vertebrate eye field and, when missing, result in cyclopaedia. These cells normally express netrins required for developing axon tracts in the brain, and the expression of AmphiNetrin in the anterior extension of the notochord underlying the brain may explain how amphioxus is able to maintain ventral guidance cues while lacking these cells. Received: 15 November 1999 / Accepted: 27 January 2000  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) has been proposed to function as an inductive and trophic signal that controls development of epaxial musculature in vertebrate embryos. In contrast, development of hypaxial muscles was assumed to occur independently of Shh. We here show that formation of limb muscles was severely affected in two different mouse strains with inactivating mutations of the Shh gene. The limb muscle defect became apparent relatively late and initial stages of hypaxial muscle development were unaffected or only slightly delayed. Micromass cultures and cultures of tissue fragments derived from limbs under different conditions with or without the overlaying ectoderm indicated that Shh is required for the maintenance of the expression of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) and, consecutively, for the formation of differentiated limb muscle myotubes. We propose that Shh acts as a survival and proliferation factor for myogenic precursor cells during hypaxial muscle development. Detection of a reduced but significant level of Myf5 expression in the epaxial compartment of somites of Shh homozygous mutant embryos at E9.5 indicated that Shh might be dispensable for the initiation of myogenesis both in hypaxial and epaxial muscles. Our data suggest that Shh acts similarly in both somitic compartments as a survival and proliferation factor and not as a primary inducer of myogenesis.  相似文献   

Mepe is expressed during skeletal development and regeneration   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein (Mepe) is a bone metabolism regulator that is expressed by osteocytes in normal adult bone. Here, we used an immunohistochemical approach to study whether Mepe has a role in murine long bone development and regeneration. Our data showed that Mepe protein was produced by osteoblasts and osteocytes during skeletogenesis, as early as 2 days postnatal. During the healing of non-stabilized tibial fractures, which occurs through endochondral ossification, Mepe expression was first detected in fibroblast-like cells within the callus by 6 days postfracture. By 10 and 14 days postfracture (the hard callus phase of repair), Mepe was expressed within late hypertrophic chondrocytes and osteocytes in the regenerating tissues. Mepe became externalized in osteocyte lacunae during this period. By 28 days postfracture (the remodeling phase of repair), Mepe continued to be robustly expressed in osteocytes of the regenerating bone. We compared the Mepe expression profile with that of alkaline phosphatase, a marker of bone mineralization. We found that both Mepe and alkaline phosphatase increased during the hard callus phase of repair. In the remodeling phase of repair, Mepe expression levels remained high while alkaline phosphatase activity decreased. We also examined Mepe expression during cortical bone defect healing, which occurs through intramembranous ossification. Mepe immunostaining was found within fibroblast-like cells, osteoblasts, and osteocytes in the regenerating bone, through 5 to 21 days postsurgery. Thus, Mepe appears to play a role in both long bone regeneration and the latter stages of skeletogenesis.  相似文献   

In adult mice the cytochrome P450 Cyp1a1 gene is not constitutively expressed but is highly inducible by foreign compounds acting through the aryl hydrocarbon (Ah) receptor. However, the expression profile of the Cyp1a1 gene in the developing embryo is not well under-stood. Using established transgenic mouse lines where 8.5 kb of the rat CYP1A1 promoter is cloned upstream of the lacZ reporter gene (1), we describe the expression of the CYP1A1-driven reporter gene in all tissues through-out stages E7-E14 of embryonic development. In contrast to the absence of constitutive Cyp1a1 and lacZ transgene expression in tissues of the adult mouse, a constitutive cell-specific and time-dependent pattern of CYP1A1 promoter activity was observed in the embryo. This expression pattern was confirmed as reflecting the endogenous gene by measuring Cyp1a1 mRNA levels and protein expression by immunohistochemistry. The number of cells displaying endogenous CYP1A1 activity could be increased in the embryo upon xenobiotic challenge, but only within areas where the CYP1A1 promotor was already active. When reporter mice were bred onto a genetic background expressing a lower affinity form of the Ah receptor (DBA allele), transgene and murine Cyp1a1 protein expression were both attenuated in the adult mouse liver upon xenobiotic challenge. By comparison, constitutive CYP1A1 promoter activity in the embryo was identical in the presence of either the high or low affinity Ah receptor. These novel data suggest that the Cyp1a1 protein may play a role in murine development and that regulation of the Cyp1a1 gene during this period is either through the action of a high affinity Ah receptor ligand or by an alternative regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

A putative Drosophila melanogaster homologue of mammalian PP5, termed Dm PP5, was identified from cDNA. Dm PP5 comprises a phosphatase catalytic domain preceded by an amino terminal domain containing three tetratricopeptide repeat motifs and shares 60% overall amino acid identity with human PP5. Genomic restriction analysis identified a single Dm PP5 gene that was mapped to the third chromosome at locus 85E10-12 and a strain carrying a deletion that encompasses this gene was identified. Dm PP5 mRNA and protein are more highly expressed in the embryo than at later developmental stages, but their expression levels do not always change synchronously. Dm PP5 protein localises to both the nucleus and the cytoplasm of cells at the periphery of newly cellularized embryos.  相似文献   

Elfin (previously named CLIM1) is a protein that possesses an N-terminal PDZ domain and a C-terminal LIM domain. It belongs to the family of Enigma proteins. Enigma proteins are a family of cytoplasmic proteins that contain an N-terminal PDZ domain and a series of C-terminal LIM domains. By virtue of these two protein interacting domains, Enigma proteins are capable of protein-protein interactions. It has been proposed that Enigma proteins may act as adapters between kinases and the cytoskeleton. We have previously shown that Elfin is most abundantly expressed in the heart and it colocalizes with alpha-actinin 2 at the Z-disks of the myocardium. In this report, Elfin was shown to localize at the actin stress fibers of myoblasts, as revealed by green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagging. In situ hybridization and immunostaining showed that Elfin expression begins at an early stage in mouse development and is present throughout the developing heart. Taken together, our experimental results suggest that Elfin may play an important role in myofibrillogenesis and heart development.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA encoding a new RNA-binding protein (RBP37) was cloned from a silique cDNA library. The predicted amino acid sequence corresponds to a RBP containing two RNA recognition motifs (RRM) and a basic domain. An affinity for nucleic acids was confirmed in binding assays using in vitro synthesised AtRBP37 protein. In situ hybridisation experiments on sections of flowers and siliques showed expression only in growing organs: gynoecium, petals, filaments and during early-embryogenesis expression is located in the embryo proper and the suspensor up to late heart stage. Expression is not detected in the embryo during maturation.This results suggests an expression pattern correlated with dividing cells.  相似文献   

 We report the cloning of a rat homeobox-containing gene, rNkx-2.5, and investigation of its expression in adult tissues and during embryonic development. The rNkx-2.5 gene is a homologue of the tinman gene in Drosophila. Both genes share an identical TN domain (tinman-like amino-terminal decapeptide) and about 66.7% sequence identity within their homeodomain sequences. In vertebrates, the rNKx-2.5 gene is most closely related to the mouse NKx-2.5 (mNKx-2.5) gene. Coding sequences for both NKx-2.5 genes have 94.1% sequence identity, including three identical conserved domains, the TN, homeo and NK-2 domains (NK-2 specific domain, carboxy-terminal to the homeodomain in vertebrate tinman homologues). The rat NKx-2.5 gene is encoded by a 1.4-kb mRNA and in adult tissues is mainly expressed in heart, with weaker expression in testis, spleen and lung. During embryonic development, expression of rNKx-2.5 is strongly observed in developing heart, specifically in the myocardium of both atrial and ventricular chambers. In addition, rNKx-2.5 expression marks other developing tissues, including tongue, thyroid, stomach, spleen and pulmonary veins. These data show that rNKx-2.5 is expressed in a pattern similar but not identical to that previously observed for mNKx-2.5. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted: 23 June 1997  相似文献   

Extracellular matrix (ECM) keratan sulfate proteoglycans (KSPGs) are core proteins with sulfated polylactosamine side chains (KS). The KSPG core protein keratocan gene (Kera) is expressed almost exclusively in adult vertebrate cornea, but its embryonic expression is little known. Embryonic chick in situ hybridization reveals Kera mRNA expression in corneal endothelium from embryonic day (E) 4.5, Hamburger-Hamilton (HH) 25, in stromal keratocytes from E6.5, HH30, and in iris distal surface cells from E8, HH34. As highly sulfated, antibody I22-positive KS increases extracellularly from posterior to anterior across the stroma, nerves enter and populate only anterior stroma and epithelium. RT-PCR and in situ hybridization demonstrate that developmentally regulated Kera mRNA expression initiates in midbrain and dorsolateral mesenchyme at E1, HH7, then spreads caudally in hindbrain and cranial and trunk mesenchyme flanking the neural tube through E2, HH20. Cranial expression extends ventrally through the developing head, and concentrates in mesenchyme surrounding eye anterior regions and cranial ganglia, and in subepidermal pharyngeal arch mesenchyme by E3.5, HH22. Kera expression in the trunk at E3.5, HH22 and E4.5, HH25, is strong in dorsolateral subepidermal, sclerotomal and nephrogenic mesenchymes, but absent in neural tube, dorsal root ganglia, nerve outgrowths, notochord, heart and gut. Early limb buds express Kera mRNA throughout their mesenchyme, then in restricted proximal and distal mesenchymes. I22-positive KS appears only in notochord in E3.5, HH22 and E4.5, HH25, embryos. Results suggest the hypothesis that keratocan, or keratocan with minimally sulfated KS chains, may play a role in structuring ECM for early embryonic cell and neuronal migrations.  相似文献   

To identify proteins involved in pancreatic development, we used a differential proteomics approach by comparing pancreatic extracts from four biologically significant stages of development: embryonic day (E) 15.5, E18.5, postnatal (P) days 0 and adult. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-E) and MALDI-TOF MS (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry) following database searching and protein annotation, 15 proteins were identified as being differently expressed in the pancreas between the four phases. The expression pattern and the localization of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), one of significant changed proteins observed, were further determined. Four isoforms of AFP (72 kDa, 60 kDa, 48 kDa and 37 kDa) were found by Western blotting in the pancreas tested, most of them showed a stronger signal in E18.5 followed by a steady decrease and only a 60-kDa isoform was detected in the adult pancreas. Immunolocalization for AFP revealed that a positive reactivity was detectable at E15.5 pancreas, became stronger in the cytoplasm of mesenchyme cells at E18.5, and declined after birth to a nearly undetectable level in adults. The dynamic expression of AFP in rat pancreas from different stages indicates that AFP might be involved in some aspects of pancreatic development.  相似文献   

Endoderm development is an area of intense interest in developmental biology, but progress has been hampered by the lack of specific markers for differentiated endodermal cells. In an unbiased secretion cloning screen of Xenopus gastrula embryos we isolated a novel gene, designated Darmin. Darmin encodes a secreted protein of 56 kDa containing a peptidase M20 domain characteristic of the glutamate carboxypeptidase group of zinc metalloproteases. We also identified homologous Darmin genes in other eukaryotes and in prokaryotes suggesting that Darmin is the founding member of a family of evolutionarily conserved proteins. Xenopus Darmin showed zygotic expression in the early endoderm and later became restricted to the midgut. By secretion cloning of Xenopus cleavage-stage embryos we isolated another novel protein, designated Darmin-related (Darmin-r) due to its sequence similarity with Darmin. Darmin-r was maternally expressed and showed at later stages expression in the lens and pronephric glomus. The endoderm-specific expression of Darmin makes this gene a useful marker for the study of endoderm development.  相似文献   

Summary Different steps in mouse ovarian and testicular development have been studied in order to compare the time sequences during the in vivo differentiation of steroidogenic cell populations growing in contact with male and female gonocytes. These time sequences indicated a basic common developmental pattern: early signs of steroid synthesis in the male gonad, but late entering into meiotic prophase of XY germ cells; early meiosis but late steroidogenic activity in the ovary. In both male and female interstitial tissues, signs of involution were found following a period of exponential development.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. H. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60th birthdaySupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Pe 104/8)We wish to thank Dr. B. Nabarra, M.-F. Rousseau-Merck and D. Sandoz for helpful advices throughout this study, as well as Mrs. L. Andrianarison and Mrs. R. Sprang for skilful assistance  相似文献   

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