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Vascular interstitial cells (VICs) are non‐contractile cells with filopodia previously described in healthy blood vessels of rodents and their function remains unknown. The objective of this study was to identify VICs in human arteries and to ascertain their role. VICs were identified in the wall of human gastro‐omental arteries using transmission electron microscopy. Isolated VICs showed ability to form new and elongate existing filopodia and actively change body shape. Most importantly sprouting VICs were also observed in cell dispersal. RT‐PCR performed on separately collected contractile vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and VICs showed that both cell types expressed the gene for smooth muscle myosin heavy chain (SM‐MHC). Immunofluorescent labelling showed that both VSMCs and VICs had similar fluorescence for SM‐MHC and αSM‐actin, VICs, however, had significantly lower fluorescence for smoothelin, myosin light chain kinase, h‐calponin and SM22α. It was also found that VICs do not have cytoskeleton as rigid as in contractile VSMCs. VICs express number of VSMC‐specific proteins and display features of phenotypically modulated VSMCs with increased migratory abilities. VICs, therefore represent resident phenotypically modulated VSMCs that are present in human arteries under normal physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Relatively limited information is available regarding the mechanisms controlling vasomotricity in human vessels. Isolated vessels obtained from patients undergoing surgery were used to characterize the role of endothelial factors and to study coupling mechanisms between receptors, intracellular calcium, and contraction. However, these investigations are limited by the availability of tissues and many uncontrolled factors. Cultured human vascular cells were also used, were these cells rapidly lose at least some of their differentiated characters. Recently, a human blood vessel equivalent was constructed in vitro from cultured cells, using tissue engineering. This technique allowed us to obtain vessel equivalents containing intima, media, and adventitia layers or tubular media layer only. Contraction and rises in intracellular calcium produced by agonists were studied, indicating that such human vessel equivalents may provide valuable models for pharmacological studies.  相似文献   

Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) plays a vitally important role in the blood coagulation pathway. Recent studies indicated that TFPI induces apoptosis in vascular smooth-muscle cells (VSMCs) in animals. The present study investigated whether the TFPI gene could also induce apoptosis in human vascular smooth-muscle cells (hVSMCs). Such cells were isolated from human umbilical arteries and subsequently transfected with pIRES-TFPI plasmid (2 μg/mL). MTT assaying and cell counting were applied to measure cell viability and proliferation, RT-PCR was utilized to analyze TFPI gene expression in the cells. Apoptosis was analyzed by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS). Several key proteins involved in apoptosis were examined through Western blotting. It was shown that TFPI gene transfer led to its increased cellular expression, with a subsequent reduction in hVSMC proliferation. Further investigation demonstrated that TFPI gene expression resulted in lesser amounts of procaspase-3, procaspase-8 and procascase-9, and an increased release of mitochondrial cytochrome c (cyt-c) into cytoplasm, thereby implying the involvement of both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways in TFPI gene-induced apoptosis in hVSMCs.  相似文献   

We developed a new separation method for isolating placental vascular smooth muscle cells (PVSMCs) from a rat in this study. Our method used the magnetic force between a magnet and ferrous ferric oxide (Fe3O 4) to make the separation and extraction processes easier and more efficient. From the first to sixth generation, the cells isolated using this protocol were identified as smooth muscle cells (SMCs) by their immunoreactivity to the SMC markers and by the “hill and valley” morphology. PVSMCs were exposed to angiotensin II (1 μmol/L) and resulted in sharply increased intracellular Ca 2+ concentration. Furthermore, activation of protein kinase C (PKC) increased concomitantly with a decrease in calponin expression. These results indicate that the isolated cells had biological activity. Our method of isolating PVSMCs from rat leads to isolation of cultured cells with activity and high purity. The approach will be useful in research studies on placental vascular diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Human myometrial cells were dispersed from uterine tissue by limited enzymatic digestion of myometrium that was obtained at the time of hysterectomy. The dispersed myometrial cells that are obtained in this manner can be maintained in monolayer culture in the presence of medium that contains fetal bovine serum. In primary culture, as well as after passage, the characteristics of these cells are morphologically and biochemically similar to those of smooth muscle cells and myometrial tissue. This investigation was supported, in part, by U.S. Public Health Service Grants 5-P50-HD11149 and 5-P01-AG00306.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the effect of a LXR synthetic ligand (T0901317) on cell viability and lysosomal membrane destabilization in human U937 macrophage and aortic smooth muscle cell (HASMC) incubated in the presence of cholesterol or 27-OH and to verify whether the Akt signalling pathway is involved. In U937 macrophages, cholesterol triggered cell survival while 27-OH triggered either survival (low concentration) or a lysosomal independent apoptosis (high concentration). Despite a strong effect of T0901317 on macrophage survival, its effect on cell viability is hampered in cells incubated in the presence of cholesterol or 27-OH. In these cells, cholesterol triggers the phosphorylation of Akt on the Thr308 residue. In HASMC, cholesterol induced apoptosis but no additionnal effect of T0901317 prevented apoptosis. All together, cell survival triggered by LXRs is impaired in the presence of cholesterol or high concentrations of 27-OH in human U937 macrophages and is not effective in HASMC.  相似文献   

A morphometric study of vascular smooth muscle cells in culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Cultured arterial smooth muscle cells derived from different times in culture, different passages, and different species were evaluated by a combination of transmission electron microscopy and morphometry. The morphometric studies focused on point counting and monitored the following cellular components: lysosomes, myofilaments, mitochondria, ribosomes, and rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Percent volume composition values for the organelles involved in protein synthesis, namely ribosomes and RER, show significant fluctuations with time. Consistent with these observations, the cells showed increasing myofilaments during the early weeks in culture, which subsequently decreased significantly. The data also indicate that rabbit cells in culture may become synthetically quiescent with time and the distribution of cellular components is altered with each succeeding passage. Cultured calf (bovine) cells exhibit similar activity periods compared to rabbit but show a significantly higher lysosomal and lower myofilament content than rabbit. Calf cells could not be maintained for longer than 21 days in the absence of ascorbate, whereas ascorbate affects the ultrastructure of rabbit cells less dramatically. Age, passage, and donor, among others, are important considerations for studying in vitro smooth muscle cells. With proper morphologic and morphometric monitoring, these smooth muscle cell culture systems can be important tools in the study of aging or pathologic processes, or both. This work was presented as partial fulfillment for the degree of Ph.D. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants HL-13262, HL-19717, and AG-00001.  相似文献   

血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cells,VSMCs)的发育与血管壁的构建是目前相关领域中的重要学科前沿.国内外同行的工作多集中在血管发育初始阶段内皮细胞及其前体细胞在血管新生中的作用、调节因素及生物学机制.VSMCs参与血管壁早期构建,特别是VSMCs的募集与分化机制已经成为血管新生研究中的一个新领域. 本期发表的《 抑制Rac1蛋白活化阻碍胚胎发育早期血管新生 》(见696~701页)报道了韩雅玲教授及其合作者在这一领域取得的最新研究结果.Rac1是真核细胞内重要的一类信号传递分子,在细胞信号传递过程中发挥分子开关作用.他们采用胚胎干细胞(ESCs)为模型,建立稳定表达持续型Rac1和显性失活型Rac1编码序列的小鼠ESCs并制备胚胎小体,诱导分化后观察其对内皮细胞分化和迁移的影响,发现抑制Rac1可以干扰血管内皮细胞连接成血管网状结构,细胞骨架F-actin排列紊乱,细胞的迁移受到明显抑制,表明Rac1在胚胎早期血管发育过程中与内皮细胞的迁移有关[1]. 近年来,韩雅玲教授及其研究集体在VSMCs发育与血管构建、胚胎干细胞来源的拟胚体血管平滑肌发育与血管新生机制以及胚胎主动脉VSMCs起源等方面开展了研究,取得了一系列有价值的成果[2~11],可能为闭塞性和增生性血管病的发生及防治提供理论依据和候选基因.详见“相关链接”.  相似文献   

Summary Cholesterol oxidase (3-hydroxy-steroid oxidase) catalyzes the oxidation of cholesterol to 4-cholesten-3 one and other oxidized cholesterol derivatives. The purpose of the present study was to investigate its effects on cultured vascular smooth muscle cells. Cultured rabbit aortic smooth muscle cells were morphologically altered after exposure to cholesterol oxidase in the presence of culture medium containing 10% fetal calf serum. If fetal calf serum was absent, cells were unaffected by the treatment. The extent of morphological change of the smooth muscle cells was dependent upon the time of exposure to the enzyme and the concentration of cholesterol oxidase employed. After moderate treatment with cholesterol oxidase, cells excluded trypan blue. Further, a specific mitochondrial marker DASPMI (dimethyl aminostyryl-methyl-pyridiniumiodine) which was used as a fluorescent index of cell viability, revealed that cell viability was unchanged after moderate cholesterol oxidase treatment. Nile red, a hydrophobic probe which selectively stains intracellular lipid droplets, was applied to detect the cellular lipid content after treatment with cholesterol oxidase. Cellular nile red fluorescence intensity increased linearly with the time and concentration of cholesterol oxidase treatment. These results demonstrate that cholesterol oxidase alters lipid deposition in the cell and changes cell morphology. The primary site of action of cholesterol oxidase appears to be independent of the cell membrane itself and instead is dependent upon the lipid content in the surrounding culture media. These changes occur prior to the cytotoxic effects of extensive oxidation. Because oxidized cholesterol may play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, our results have implications for intracellular accumulation of lipids in smooth muscle cells during the atherosclerotic lesion.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ADSC) have previously been shown to possess stem cell properties such as transdifferentiation and self-renewal. Because future clinical applications are likely to use these adult stem cells in an autologous fashion, we wished to establish and characterize rat ADSC for pre-clinical tests. In the present study, we showed that rat ADSC expressed stem cell markers CD34 and STRO-1 at passage 1 but only STRO-1 at passage 3. These cells could also be induced to differentiate into adipocytes, smooth muscle cells, and neuron-like cells, the latter of which expressed neuronal markers S100, nestin, and NF70. Isobutylmethylxanthine (IBMX), indomethacin (INDO), and insulin were the active ingredients in a previously established neural induction medium (NIM); however, here we showed that IBMX alone was as effective as NIM in the induction of morphological changes as well as neuronal marker expression. Finally, we showed that vascular smooth muscle cells could also be induced by either NIM or IBMX to differentiate into neuron-like cells that expressed NF70.  相似文献   

In this short review we describe the observations which have led us to conclude that one of the most important components involved in modulating cell proliferation in vitro, and probably in vivo as well, may be the extrac-cellular matrix upon which cells rest.  相似文献   

Summary To study mechanisms controlling growth and phenotype in human vascular smooth muscle cells, we established culture conditions under which these cells proliferate rapidly and achieve life-spans of 50–60 population doublings. In medium containing heparin and heparin-binding growth factors, growth rate and life-span of human vascular smooth muscle cells increased more than 50% relative to cultures with neither supplement, and more than 20% compared to cultures supplemented only with heparin-binding growth factors. In contrast to observations made in rat vascular smooth muscle cells, smooth muscle-specific α-actin in the human cells was expressed only in the presence of heparin and colocalized with β/γ nonmuscle actins in stress fibers, not in adhesion plaques. Heparin, in the presence of heparin-binding growth factors, also caused more than 170% stimulation of tracer glucosamine incorporation into hyaluronic acid and a 7.5-fold increase in hyaluronic acid accumulation. In comparison, total sulfate incorporation into sulfated glycosaminoglycans increased by less than 40%. In light of our previous findings that heparin suppresses collagen gene expression, we conclude that heparin induces human vascular smooth muscle cells exposed to heparin-binding growth factors to remodel their extracellular matrix by altering the relative rates of hyaluronic acid (HA) and collagen synthesis. The resulting hyaluronic-acid-rich, collagen-poor matrix may enhance infiltration of CD44/hyaluronate-receptor-bearing T-lymphocytes and monocytes into the vascular wall, an early event in atherogenesis.  相似文献   

平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cell,VSMC)的迁移对血管发育、动脉粥样硬化和术后再狭窄等起到关键性的作用。主要从激发VSMC迁移的关键炎性细胞因子、细胞间相互作用的核心成员、microRNA、细胞骨架和上述各因素的迁移信号通路这几方面来综述VSMC的迁移。  相似文献   

Summary In experimental animal models the susceptibility of the mammary gland to neoplastic transformation is related to its degree of development and proliferative activity; this observation led us to determine whether the human breast epithelium also exhibits development-related differences, and whether these differences could be detected in an in vitro system. Normal breast tissue obtained from reduction mammoplasties of 9 patients ranging in age from 18 to 56 years were characterized in both whole mount preparations and organoids obtained after collagenase-hyaluronidase digestion by their degree of development based upon the types of lobules present. Lobules were classified into type 1 (Lob 1), composed of approximately 11 alveolar buds, the less developed; lobules type 2 (Lob 2), of moderate development, composed of approximately 47 ductules each, and lobules type 3 (Lob 3), composed of 80 ductules each, represented the highest level of development. Epithelial organoids obtained after digestion were plated in DMEM:F12 medium supplemented with hydrocortisone, cholera toxin, insulin and 5% horse serum with a calcium concentration of 1.05 mM Ca++. Following attachment, the medium was replaced by medium containing 0.040 mM Ca++. The percentage of attachment of organoids to the flask was greater in cells from Lob 1 (89–99%) and Lob 1+2 (79–100%) than in cells from Lob 3, which had a 53–67% attachment. The total yield of cells after 7 weeks in culture was also greater in cells derived from Lob 1 and Lob 1+2 than in cells from Lob 3. The total yield of cells obtained from primary cultures was not related to the number of organoids plated, but to the degree of development of the gland. The DNA-labeling index (DNA-LI) in intact breast tissue correlated with that in primary cultures; it was greater in Lob 1 and Lob 1+2 than in Lob 3. By flow cytometry, the highest percentage of cells in S-phase was seen in cells with the highest DNA-LI. We concluded that the growth characteristics of mammary epithelial cells in vitro in a low Ca++ medium is modulated by the degree of development and differentiation of the gland. Supported by PHS Grant CA-38921 awarded by the National Cancer Institute, DHHS, and an Institutional Grant from the United Foundation of Greater Detroit.  相似文献   

In the context of obesity, perivascular fat produces various adipokines and releases free fatty acids, which may induce inflammation and proliferation in the vascular wall. In this study we investigated how adipokines, oleic acid (OA) and the combined treatment regulate human vascular smooth muscle cell (hVSMC) proliferation and migration and the underlying signalling pathways. Adipocyte‐conditioned media (CM) generated from human adipocytes induces a prominent proliferation and migration of hVSMC. Autocrine action of adiponectin totally abolishes CM‐induced proliferation. Furthermore, OA but not palmitic acid induces proliferation of hVSMC. CM itself does not contain fatty acids, but CM in combination with OA markedly enhances proliferation of hVSMC in a synergistic way. Both the nuclear factor (NF)‐κB and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway were synergistically activated under these conditions and found to be essential for hVSMC proliferation. Expression of iNOS and production of nitric oxide was only enhanced by combined treatment inducing a marked release of VEGF. Combination of OA and VEGF induces an additive increase of hVSMC proliferation. We could show that the combination of CM and OA led to a synergistic proliferation of hVSMC. Expression of iNOS and production of nitric oxide were only enhanced under these conditions and were paralleled by a marked release of VEGF. These results suggest that the combined elevated release of fatty acids and adipokines by adipose tissue in obesity might be critically related to hVSMC dysfunction, vascular inflammation and the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Zheng XC  An W  Bai JX  Mao SH  Wu YJ 《生理学报》1999,(2):199-205
本实验构建含人铜锌超氧化物歧化酶(hSOD1)基因的逆转录病毒载体,将其导入离体培养的鼠血管平滑肌细胞,观察hSOD1基因表达及其抗氧自由基损害作用,结果表明:(1)载体构建策略和方法正确,hSOD1基因可在靶细胞中高效稳定表达;(2)转化hSOD1的VSMCs可对抗大剂量氧自由基对细胞的直接损伤作用;(3)小剂量氧自由基刺激VSMCs增殖,而转化hSOD1的VSMCs增殖反应受到抑制,本研究结果  相似文献   

Intercellular communication among autonomic nerves, endothelial cells (ECs), and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) plays a central role in an uninterrupted regulation of blood flow through vascular contractile machinery. Impairment of this communication is linked to development of vascular diseases such as hypertension, cerebral/coronary vasospasms, aortic aneurism, and erectile dysfunction. Although the basic concept of the communication as a whole has been studied, the spatiotemporal correlation of ECs/VSMCs in tissues at the cellular level is unknown. Here, we show a unique VSMC response to ECs during contraction and relaxation of isolated aorta tissues through visualization of spatiotemporal activation patterns of smooth muscle myosin II. ECs in the intimal layer dictate the stimulus‐specific heterogeneous activation pattern of myosin II in VSMCs within distinct medial layers. Myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation (active form of myosin II) gradually increases towards outer layers (approximately threefold higher MLC phosphorylation at the outermost layer than that of the innermost layer), presumably by release of an intercellular messenger, nitric oxide (NO). Our study also demonstrates that the MLC phosphorylation at the outermost layer in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) during NO‐induced relaxation is quite high and approximately 10‐fold higher than that of its counterpart, the Wister–Kyoto rats (WKY), suggesting that the distinct pattern of myosin II activation within tissues is important for vascular protection against elevated blood pressure.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(20):2426-2443.e6
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Summary Vascular smooth muscle cells were taken from the aortae of the WKY (normotensive) and SHR (spontaneously hypertensive) strains of rat by enzymatic dispersion and put into reaggregate culture. Initially the cells became individual spheroids having average diameters of 10 m and surfaces that were either rough or smooth. The cells were far more complex than they appeared on their surfaces; after one day in culture, there was considerable internal variation in these cells. All the cells, whether WKY or SHR, lost the bulk of their cytoplasmic contents (including myofilaments, many mitochondria, and vesicular structures) in the early stages of culture and eventually became flattened. After 14 days in culture, these modified cells collected to form reaggregates that were commonly roughly spherical and several hundred m in diameter. These reaggregates consisted of peripheral regions made up of several layers of flattened cells overlying cores formed by glia-like networks of cells similar in cytological appearance to the cells at the periphery. The meshes formed in this way contained cellular debris derived from dead cells or extrusion of cellular contents. It appears that SHR cells are quicker to form reaggregates than are WKY cells. Yet the SHR cells retained a rounded conformation after five days, whereas the WKY cells were more flattened and formed a more discrete aggregate at this stage of culture. However, by the fourteenth day of culture, differences between the two cell strains were not so pronounced, as far as could be judged by observations made with scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Both WKY and SHR cells at 14 days appeared highly secretory, possessing large Golgi systems as well as numerous ER cisternae and mitochondria. SHR cells produced greater amounts of connective tissue at all stages of culture than did WKY cells, indicating that a similar difference may contribute to the hypertension which develops naturally in situ in SHR animals.  相似文献   

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