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Mice which had been submitted to a chronic schedule of warm water swimming exhibited a naloxone precipiated withdrawal behaviour which was remarkably similar to that produced in mice following chronic morphine treatment. These results are consistent with the activation of endogenous opiates during swim stress in mice and present the possibility that opiate receptors are activated in a manner analogous to the repeated application of exogenous opiates, producing both tolerance and withdrawal-like behaviour.  相似文献   

We used a double-blind crossover design to study the effects of alpha 2 adrenoreceptor blockade with yohimbine on levels of anterior pituitary hormones. A dose of yohimbine was used which raised plasma norepinephrine from 379 +/- 74 (S.E.) to 730 +/- 143 pg/ml and mean arterial pressure from 83 +/- 4 to 92 +/- 5 torr (p less than 0.025). This dose (125 micrograms/kg, then 1 microgram/kg/min) also altered mood when compared to saline infusion. In spite of these changes, when prolactin, cortisol, ACTH, beta-endorphin, TSH and growth hormone were measured after 45 minutes of yohimbine infusion, no changes from baseline were noted. These data suggest that in normal man, at rest, alpha 2 adrenoreceptors in the hypothalamus, adenohypophysis or other brain areas do not tonically modulate release of these hormones into the blood.  相似文献   

In order to examine the effects of alpha-human atrial natriuretic polypeptide (alpha-hANP) on the basal plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, LH, FSH and PRL in humans, synthetic alpha-hANP was infused into 10 normotensive, euvolemic, healthy volunteers. There were observed marked hypotensive, diuretic and natriuretic effects during the alpha-hANP infusion. The basal plasma concentrations of GH, TSH, LH and FSH, showed no significant change following the alpha-hANP infusion. However, significant suppression of the plasma PRL concentration was observed with the alpha-hANP administration. The mean plasma PRL concentration tended to be decreased during 20 min of alpha-hANP infusion, however, there the differences were not statistically significant. A significant reduction in the mean plasma PRL concentration (-20%, P less than 0.5) was observed 10 min after the end of infusion, following the reversion to the preinfusion level at 70 min after the end of infusion. Such a significant and delayed suppression was not seen in the case of placebo infusion. The data suggest that the circulating hANP may reduce the release of PRL.  相似文献   

A comparative study of adrenal morphology between normal fetuses and those with anencephaly or congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) was performed in order to examine the hypothesis that fetal adrenal mass and structure are adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH)-dependent throughout gestation. Combined adrenal weight in 102 normal fetuses was used to establish a reference range for the gestational ages of 15-27 weeks. During this period, mean adrenal weight showed a 6-fold linear increase. In 38 anencephalic fetuses of similar gestation age, adrenal weight was below the normal range and did not show a rise. Three fetuses with CAH (18, 22 and 30 weeks gestation) had adrenal weights considerably above the normal range. Adrenal cortical thickness was significantly increased in CAH fetuses, largely as a consequence of cell hypertrophy, whereas decreased cortical thickness in the anencephalic group represented cellular hypoplasia. Conspicuous secretory granules in the cytoplasm was the electron-micrographic feature of the adrenal gland in the 22-week fetus with CAH. These observations are consistent with close dependency of fetal adrenal growth and development upon fetal pituitary function from an early age, mediated primarily through ACTH.  相似文献   

We investigated the action of bisphenol A (BPA) on cellular GH release and content, cell number, GHmRNA expression, and concentrations of cellular cyclic AMP ([cAMP]c) and calcium ion ([Ca2+]c) in primary cultured ovine anterior pituitary cells. The following results were found: (1) BPA as well as nonylphenol (NP) at 10(-6) to 10(-3) M significantly and concentration-dependently suppressed basal and GHRH-stimulated GH release, and the cellular GH content, (2) BPA suppressed the cell number in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, (3) 10(-4)M BPA suppressed GHmRNA expression to 68% of control (BPA-free), and abolished GHRH (10(-8) M)-induced increases in [cAMP]c and [Ca2+]c. From these findings we conclude that BPA possesses a suppressing action on GH synthesis and release, and this suppressing action is probably related to impairment of cellular signal transduction systems in ovine anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   

In 7 patients with end stage renal failure, anterior pituitary function was tested by simultaneous application of maximally effective doses of the hypothalamic releasing peptides, corticotropin-releasing hormone, growth hormone-releasing hormone, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and gonadotropin-releasing hormone, and compared to 8 normal controls. In addition to the pituitary hormones, plasma cortisol, thyroxine and testosterone concentrations were measured. To test for possible effects of treatment with recombinant human erythropoietin (rhu-EPO), all patients with chronic renal failure were studied again after partial correction of anemia by treatment with erythropoietin. Before initiation of rhu-EPO treatment, plasma concentrations of follicle-stimulating hormone were significantly elevated and the thyroid-stimulating hormone and prolactin responses to thyrotropin-releasing hormone blunted when compared to normal controls. Treatment with rhu-EPO induced a significant increase in plasma ACTH and follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations. All other pituitary functions remained unchanged. Thus, the general improvement in well-being, working capacity and sexual activity cannot be attributed to hormonal changes.  相似文献   

Narcotics acutely depress serum testosterone levels in the male. Three mechanisms could be involved: an enhancement of the degradation of testosterone; a direct inhibition of testicular steroidogenesis; or, finally, an inhibition of the hypothalamic-pituitary-luteinizing hormone (LH) axis resulting in a reduction in LH-dependent testicular steroidogenesis. The currently available evidence indicates that narcotics do not affect the catabolism of testosterone by the liver or testicular steroidogenesis. Rather, the data favor a direct action on the hypothalamic--pituitary--LH axis, probably by inhibiting the secretion of LH-releasing hormone (LH-RH) from the hypothalamus. The effects of narcotics on serum LH appear to be mediated via specific opioid receptors, suggesting that a naturally occurring opioid-like substance exists that normally inhibits LH. In support of this conclusion, opiate receptor blockers markedly increase serum LH levels shortly after their subcutaneous administration. In addition, endogenous opioids also seem to participate in testosterone's negative feedback control of the hypothalamic--pituitary--LH axis. Thus, it appears that opiate drugs inhibit the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis by occupying opiate receptors in the hypothalamus and, moreover, that endogenous opioids exist that normally bind to these receptors and regulate activity in this axis.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated the effects of exogenously administered opiates on somatostatin release in dogs and therefore the present study was designed to determine the effect of endogenous opiates via naloxone-induced opiate receptor blockade on somatostatin release. Additionally, plasma insulin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) levels were determined in response to intragastrically instilled protein, carbohydrate and fat test meals in a group of eight conscious dogs. To all test meals either naloxone (4 mg) or saline was added. The rise of plasma somatostatin levels in response to liver extract, sucrose and fat was attenuated significantly by naloxone. Naloxone had no effect on the rise of postprandial plasma insulin and PP levels. The present data demonstrate that endogenous opiates have a stimulatory effect on postprandial somatostatin release in dogs which indicates a tight interaction that might be of relevance for nutrient homeostasis.  相似文献   

Endogenous opioid peptides have been detected not only in the central nervous system but also in the peripheral autonomic nervous system of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas and several other organs. In addition opioid active peptides have been found in certain nutrients such as wheat gluten and bovine and human milk. Functional studies have presented evidence for a participation of endogenous opioids in the regulation of certain pituitary and gastrointestinal functions. Apart from being a physiological neuroregulator there is evidence that endogenous opioids might play a role as a pathogenetic factor in various clinical disorders. The evidence for these different aspects of opioid function is reviewed in the present article.  相似文献   

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