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Myogenic differentiation is characterized by permanent and irreversible cell cycle withdrawal and increased resistance to apoptosis. These functions correlate with changes in expression and activity of several cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, including p18, p21, and p27. In this study, we examined the requirements for p18, p21, and p27 in initiating growth arrest in multinucleated myotubes under differentiation conditions and in maintaining terminal arrest upon restimulation of differentiated myotubes with mitogenic signals. Under differentiation conditions, only p27(-/-) or p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes are capable of reentering the cell cycle and synthesizing DNA at a very low frequency. Escape from cell cycle arrest was significantly greater in p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes than in p27(-/-) myotubes. Stimulation of differentiated cultures with a mitogen-rich growth medium enhances p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube proliferation to encompass approximately half of the nuclei. p18(-/-)p21(-/-) and p21(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes remain terminally arrested. Nuclei within individual restimulated p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes can be found in all phases of the cell cycle, and a myotube can be multiphasic without any obvious deleterious effects. Increasing the time of differentiation or serum stimulation of p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotubes neither increases the proliferation index of the myotube nuclei, nor does it alter the percentage of nuclei in each of the cell cycle phases. During the first 24 h of serum stimulation, the p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube nuclei that escape G0 arrest will rearrest in either S or G2 phase, without either mitosis or endoreplication. Apoptosis is increased in restimulated p18(-/-)p27(-/-) myotube nuclei, but is not specific for any cell cycle phase. These results suggest a collaborative role for p18 and p27 in initiating and maintaining G0 arrest during myogenic differentiation. While p18 and p27 appear to be essential in initiating G0 arrest in a proportion of postmitotic myotube nuclei, there must be another cell cycle inhibitor protein that functions with p18 and p27 in maintaining terminal arrest. We propose that the combined rate-limiting expressions of p18, p27, and this other inhibitor determine whether the myotube nuclei will remain postmitotic, or reenter the cell cycle, and if the nuclei escape G0 arrest, in which phase of the cell cycle the nuclei will ultimately rearrest.  相似文献   

The cell cycle in oocytes generally arrests at a particular meiotic stage to await fertilization. This arrest occurs at metaphase of meiosis II (meta-II) in frog and mouse, and at G1 phase after completion of meiosis II in starfish. Despite this difference in the arrest phase, both arrests depend on the same Mos-MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) pathway, indicating that the difference relies on particular downstream effectors. Immediately downstream of MAPK, Rsk (p90 ribosomal S6 kinase, p90(Rsk)) is required for the frog meta-II arrest. However, the mouse meta-II arrest challenges this requirement, and no downstream effector has been identified in the starfish G1 arrest. To investigate the downstream effector of MAPK in the starfish G1 arrest, we used a neutralizing antibody against Rsk and a constitutively active form of Rsk. Rsk was activated downstream of the Mos-MAPK pathway during meiosis. In G1 eggs, inhibition of Rsk activity released the arrest and initiated DNA replication without fertilization. Conversely, maintenance of Rsk activity prevented DNA replication following fertilization. In early embryos, injection of Mos activated the MAPK-Rsk pathway, resulting in G1 arrest. Moreover, inhibition of Rsk activity during meiosis I led to parthenogenetic activation without meiosis II. We conclude that immediately downstream of MAPK, Rsk is necessary and sufficient for the starfish G1 arrest. Although CSF (cytostatic factor) was originally defined for meta-II arrest in frog eggs, we propose to distinguish ;G1-CSF' for starfish from ;meta-II-CSF' for frog and mouse. The present study thus reveals a novel role of Rsk for G1-CSF.  相似文献   

Mammalian development requires commitment of cells to restricted lineages, which requires epigenetic regulation of chromatin structure. Epigenetic modifications were examined during in vitro differentiation of murine embryonic stem (ES) cells. Global histone acetylation, a euchromatin marker, declines dramatically within 1 day of differentiation induction and partially rebounds by day 2. Histone H3-Lys9 methylation, a heterochromatin marker, increases during in vitro differentiation. Conversely, the euchromatin marker H3-Lys4 methylation transiently decreases, then increases to undifferentiated levels by day 4, and decreases by day 6. Global cytosine methylation, another heterochromatin marker, increases slightly during ES cell differentiation. Chromatin structure of the Oct4 and Brachyury gene promoters is modulated in concert with their pattern of expression during ES cell differentiation. Importantly, prevention of global histone deacetylation by treatment with trichostatin A prevents ES cell differentiation. Hence, ES cells undergo functionally important global and gene-specific remodeling of chromatin structure during in vitro differentiation. genesis 38:32-38, 2004.  相似文献   

The protein kinase CK2 is constituted by two catalytic (alpha and/or alpha') and two regulatory (beta) subunits. CK2 phosphorylates more than 300 proteins with important functions in the cell cycle. This study has looked at the relation between CK2 and p27(KIP1), which is a regulator of the cell cycle and a known inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk). We demonstrated that in vitro recombinant Xenopus laevis CK2 can phosphorylate recombinant human p27(KIP1), but this phosphorylation occurs only in the presence of the regulatory beta subunit. The principal site of phosphorylation is serine-83. Analysis using pull down and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) techniques showed that p27(KIP1) interacts with the beta subunit through two domains present in the amino and carboxyl ends, while CD spectra showed that p27(KIP1) phosphorylation by CK2 affects its secondary structure. Altogether, these results suggest that p27(KIP1) phosphorylation by CK2 probably involves a docking event mediated by the CK2beta subunit. The phosphorylation of p27(KIP1) by CK2 may affect its biological activity.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells Cdk2 activity during the G(1)-S transition is mainly controlled by p27(KIP1). Although the amount and subcellular localization of p27 influence Cdk2 activity, how Cdk2 activity is regulated during this phase transition still remains virtually unknown. Here we report an entirely new mechanism for this regulation. Cdc6 the AAA+ ATPase, known to assemble prereplicative complexes on chromosomal replication origins and activate p21(CIP1)-bound Cdk2, also activated p27-bound Cdk2 in its ATPase and cyclin binding motif-dependent manner but only after the p27 bound to the Cdk2 was phosphorylated at the C terminus. ROCK, which mediates a signal for cell anchorage to the extracellular matrix and activates the mTORC1 cascade as well as controls cytoskeleton assembly, was partly responsible for C-terminal phosphorylation of the p27. In vitro reconstitution demonstrated ROCK (Rho-associated kinase)-mediated phosphorylation of Cdk2-bound p27 at the C terminus and subsequent activation of the Cdk2 by Cdc6.  相似文献   

p8 is an 80 amino-acid polypeptide identified because of its remarkable over-expression in the stressed pancreas. This protein, apparently devoid of enzymatic activity, is a powerful regulator of several intracellular pathways, suggesting that it has to interact with several molecular partners to modulate their activity. We used two-hybrid screening of a pre-transformed human testes cDNA library to identify some of these partners. One of them was the multifunctional protein Jab1, its interaction with p8 being confirmed by His6-pull down and co-immunoprecipitation assays. In addition, we could show that the two proteins co-localized in the cell. Our functional data demonstrate that Jab1 requires direct interaction with p8 to induce the translocation of p27 from nucleus to cytoplasm and its subsequent degradation. Experiments showing that the knock-down of p8 expression results in a strong inhibition of Jab1 activity confirmed that the mechanism by which Jab1 promotes cell growth by decreasing p27 level is p8-dependent.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cells with a single unrepaired double-strand break (DSB) will adapt to checkpoint-mediated G2/M arrest and resume cell cycle progression. The decision to adapt is finely regulated by the extent of single-stranded DNA generated from a DSB. We show that cells lacking the recombination protein Tid1p are unable to adapt, but that this defect is distinct from any role in recombination. As with the adaptation-defective mutations yku70Delta and cdc5-ad, permanent arrest in tid1Delta is bypassed by the deletion of the checkpoint gene RAD9. Permanent arrest of tid1Delta cells is suppressed by the rfa1-t11 mutation in the ssDNA binding complex RPA, similar to yku70Delta, whereas the defect in cdc5-ad is not suppressed. Unlike yku70Delta, tid1Delta does not affect 5'-to-3' degradation of DSB ends. The tid1Delta defect cannot be complemented by overexpressing the homolog Rad54p, nor is it affected in rad51Delta tid1Delta, rad54Delta tid1Delta, or rad52Delta tid1Delta double mutants that prevent essentially all homologous recombination. We suggest that Tid1p participates in monitoring the extent of single-stranded DNA produced by resection of DNA ends in a fashion that is distinct from its role in recombination.  相似文献   

Mechanisms linking mitogenic and growth inhibitory cytokine signaling and the cell cycle have not been fully elucidated in either cancer or in normal cells. Here we show that activation of protein kinase B (PKB)/Akt, contributes to resistance to antiproliferative signals and breast cancer progression in part by impairing the nuclear import and action of p27. Akt transfection caused cytoplasmic p27 accumulation and resistance to cytokine-mediated G1 arrest. The nuclear localization signal of p27 contains an Akt consensus site at threonine 157, and p27 phosphorylation by Akt impaired its nuclear import in vitro. Akt phosphorylated wild-type p27 but not p27T157A. In cells transfected with constitutively active Akt(T308DS473D)(PKB(DD)), p27WT mislocalized to the cytoplasm, but p27T157A was nuclear. In cells with activated Akt, p27WT failed to cause G1 arrest, while the antiproliferative effect of p27T157A was not impaired. Cytoplasmic p27 was seen in 41% (52 of 128) of primary human breast cancers in conjunction with Akt activation and was correlated with a poor patient prognosis. Thus, we show a novel mechanism whereby Akt impairs p27 function that is associated with an aggressive phenotype in human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus (IAV) enters host cells by endocytosis followed by acid-activated penetration from late endosomes (LEs). Using siRNA silencing, we found that histone deacetylase 8 (HDAC8), a cytoplasmic enzyme, efficiently promoted productive entry of IAV into tissue culture cells, whereas HDAC1 suppressed it. HDAC8 enhanced endocytosis, acidification, and penetration of the incoming virus. In contrast, HDAC1 inhibited acidification and penetration. The effects were connected with dramatic alterations in the organization of the microtubule system, and, as a consequence, a change in the behavior of LEs and lysosomes (LYs). Depletion of HDAC8 caused loss of centrosome-associated microtubules and loss of directed centripetal movement of LEs, dispersing LE/LYs to the cell periphery. For HDAC1, the picture was the opposite. To explain these changes, centrosome cohesion emerged as the critical factor. Depletion of HDAC8 caused centrosome splitting, which could also be induced by depleting a centriole-linker protein, rootletin. In both cases, IAV infection was inhibited. HDAC1 depletion reduced the splitting of centrosomes, and enhanced infection. The longer the distance between centrosomes, the lower the level of infection. HDAC8 depletion was also found to inhibit infection of Uukuniemi virus (a bunyavirus) suggesting common requirements among late penetrating enveloped viruses. The results established class I HDACs as powerful regulators of microtubule organization, centrosome function, endosome maturation, and infection by IAV and other late penetrating viruses.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) play an essential role in cell fate determination. In this study, we found that BMP2 treatment resulted in growth arrest and differentiation in human neuroblastoma-derived cell lines, SH-SY5Y and RTBM1. Within 30min of BMP2 exposure, phosphorylation of Smad1/5 was observed in these cell lines. In RTBM1 cells, BMP2-induced differentiation was accompanied by a significant decrease in the expression level of DAN, an antagonist of BMP in frog embryos. Immunoblot analysis revealed that BMP2 treatment caused a down-regulation of p53 family members and hence of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21(WAF1). We found a significant accumulation of p27(KIP1) in response to BMP2, whereas the expression level of Skp2, which is required for ubiquitin-dependent p27(KIP1) degradation, was decreased during this differentiation process. Our results suggest that p27(KIP1) contributes to the BMP-induced growth arrest and neuronal differentiation of neuroblastoma, and BMP treatment might provide a new therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

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