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北京十渡自然保护区越冬黑鹳的种群生态调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解黑鹳在北京地区越冬的生态特点,于2004年1月至2007年3月采用直接观察法对北京市拒马河自然保护区越冬黑鹳的数量、栖息地选择和取食规律进行了观察。结果表明拒马河流域已成为北京地区越冬黑鹳稳定的栖息地,种群数量超过20只。越冬聚群从11月开始,分群时间为次年2月。取食地相对集中,取食活动在越冬初期以上午和中午为主,中期以下午为主,末期则分为早晚两个时段。干旱和人为活动导致的适宜取食地减少是影响黑鹳生存的主要因素。  相似文献   

黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)属国家Ⅰ级保护野生动物.2010至2018年,通过样线、样带和固定样点调查的方法对张掖黑河湿地国家级自然保护区的黑鹳种群进行了监测,黑鹳最大种群数量均出现在每年的9月下旬,数量120~430只不等,年均308只.春季迁徙季节,黑鹳于3至4月到达保护区,部分个体会在此繁殖,其他个体会继续...  相似文献   

掌握种群动态以及迁徙习性对濒危候鸟的保护至关重要。2004~2005、2007~2008、2008~2009年的冬季(10月~次年4月),采用夜栖地直接计数法对云南省纳帕海湿地黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)的种群数量进行了监测。结果表明,在2004~2005、2007~2008、2008~2009年冬季,纳帕海湿地越冬黑鹳种群平均数量分别为39.6、128.6、181.8只,呈逐年增加的趋势;通常黑鹳10月下旬迁来,至次年3月中下旬迁离;纳帕海同时也是繁殖于蒙古国的黑鹳迁往印度越冬地的重要停歇地,过境时间集中在 11月中上旬。纳帕海湿地已经成为国内最为重要的黑鹳越冬地和迁徙停歇地,建议当地管理部门加强湿地管理,维持适当的浅水区域作为黑鹳的觅食地,另外需加强旅游管理,减少游客对黑鹳的干扰。  相似文献   

拯救黑鹳刻不容缓   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黑鹳是一种数量非常稀少的濒危鸟类,本文概要介绍了黑鹳在我国的分布、繁殖地及越冬地的范围等内容。论述了黑鹤繁殖栖息地和越冬栖息地内所具备的必要条件,指出环境变化尤其是水源污染以及其他人为干扰因素,是导致黑鹳种群数量下降的重要原因。另外,本文就如何采取科学手段对黑鹳进行有效的保护,以及华北地区黑鹳主要繁殖地——山西省内的种群数量等方面内容,进行了讨论。  相似文献   

新疆南部地区黑鹳种群密度及其繁殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马鸣  陆健健 《动物学研究》1993,14(4):374-374,382,383
黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)为国家Ⅰ级保护动物。国内主要繁殖地见于山西(刘焕金等,1985,1990;苏化龙等,1989)、陕西(禹瀚,1963)、吉林(张兴录,1983)、新疆(魏顺德等,1990;马鸣等,1991) 等省区。笔者自1985-1989年多次前往新疆南部对黑鹳的分布及数量进行了调查,1989-1992年又在塔里木河流域的沙雅县帕满水库(41°00′N,83°10′E)定点观察黑鹳的集群和繁殖生态。发现了目前国内最大的黑鹳群栖地和重要的繁殖种群。  相似文献   

黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)种群数量稀少,成活率低,为国家Ⅰ级重点保护物种,加强对黑鹳的保护已刻不容缓。内蒙古赛罕乌拉国家级自然保护区是黑鹳的重要繁殖栖息地,开展繁殖行为研究有助于提高对黑鹳的保护成效。2012至2015年对2处黑鹳繁殖巢址进行了繁殖期观察。2012年5月15日首次发现1巢内有4枚卵并有亲鸟在巢中孵卵,6月7日孵化出4只幼雏,8月底全部成功离巢。2013年4月黑鹳利用该巢产卵5枚,孵化1只雏鸟,孵卵期约33 d,后期卵、雏鸟均消失,推测为来自蛇类的捕食。2014、2015年该巢未被利用。2014年4月24日发现另外一处巢址,8月12日观察到3只幼鸟已开始练习飞行,至8月19日全部离巢。2015年该巢孵化雏鸟4只,6月初死于恶劣天气。通过监测发现黑鹳连续多年在保护区内栖息繁殖,所发现的两巢成功出雏7只个体。本研究初步获得保护区境内黑鹳的繁殖信息,为后续促进黑鹳种群恢复与栖息地保护提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

2019年7月—2020年8月,应用红外相机技术研究天津盘山风景名胜区人类干扰对野生动物活动节律的影响效应,比较分析相对多度指数(RAI)前5位的留鸟和哺乳动物在有、无人类干扰位点区域之间的活动节律差异,以及不同强度人类干扰区域之间的活动节律差异.结果发现:1)人类干扰对留鸟活动节律的影响较小,RAI最大的红嘴蓝鹊Ur...  相似文献   

山西芦芽山自然保护区黑鹳的繁殖及保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998~2000年在山西芦芽山国家级自然保护区对黑鹳的数量和繁殖生态作了调查.本区黑鹳最早迁来为2月28日,最晚迁离为11月5日,开始产卵最早是3月8日,窝卵数3~4枚,孵化期31~32天,巢内育雏70~75天,幼鸟成活率为59.4%.该鸟数量稀少,在本区的繁殖个体数量相对稳定,应加强保护.  相似文献   

四川理塘发现集群迁飞的黑鹳我们在赴西藏东南地区考察途中,于1994年4月27日上午9时在四川省理塘县毛垭坝川藏公路旁海拔4100米的无量河边雪地上见有黑鹳活动,立即下车观察拍照。当天清晨天降大雪,持续两个多小时,整个毛坯坝皆为茫茫大雪覆盖。黑鹳分成相...  相似文献   

随着农村经济产业结构的调整,人为活动的增加,北京地区黑鹳的野外栖息环境受到不同程度的破坏,造成黑鹳采食困难,患病、受伤情况时有发生。本文主要通过对北京地区野外黑鹳的直接调查和救护黑鹳的伤病原因分析,查明北京地区黑鹳野外生存的主要受胁因素,并提出了相应的保护对策。  相似文献   

河北滦河口湿地鸟类多样性调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年9月~2008年9月,采用样方法、样线法对河北滦河口湿地鸟类多样性进行研究.共记录鸟类184种,隶属于17目44科97属.其中,国家Ⅰ级重点保护鸟类2种,即丹顶鹤、黑鹳,占总种数的1.1%;国家Ⅱ级保护鸟类共21种,占总种数的11.4%.旅鸟138种,夏候鸟19种,留鸟14种,冬候鸟13种.鸟类区系组成中古北种135种(73%),广布种31种(17%),东洋种18种(10%);在春秋迁徙季节,种群密度大的鸟类分别是绿头鸭(0.26只/hm2)、红嘴鸥(0.12只/hm~2)、环颈鸻(0.066只/hm~2)、牛背鹭(0.044只/hm~2)、灰椋鸟(0.034只/hm~2).  相似文献   

2012年5 -11月在贵州草海国家级自然保护区黑颈鹤夜宿地附近共4次发现钳嘴鹳种群,最多的一次种群数量达48只,是中国境内迄今为止发现的最大种群。人为干扰可能是影响钳嘴鹳选择觅食生境的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Giardia sp. was found in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) in The Netherlands for the first time. The Giardia sp. trophozoites that were found in the feces of a 6-wk-old white stork, were examined by light microscopy. The parasites closely resembled Giardia ardeae that had been isolated by others from several species of wading birds belonging to the order Ciconiiformes, sharing a deeply notched adhesive disk, a single caudal flagellum, and a single round median body. Serologically, the parasites did not react with anti-Giardia intestinalis monoclonal antibodies. Although no signs of intestinal disease were observed in the stork chick, the presence of parasites in all stages of development and the huge number of parasites show that the stork chick was experiencing an active infection with G. ardeae type parasites.  相似文献   

Logistic regression was applied to develop a morphometric sexing method of two closely related stork species that were previously sexed through amplification of the CHD gene. Tarsus length (TL) and bill length (BL) measurements were recorded from captive populations of adult Milky Stork (Mycteria cinerea) (n = 60) and Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala) (n = 58) at Zoo Negara Malaysia. Despite having monomorphic plumages, both stork species exhibited normal sexual size dimorphism in which males were significantly larger than females in the tested variables. Based on logistic regression analysis, BL correctly classified the sex of sampled individuals from Painted and Milky stork with an overall predicted accuracy of 94.8 and 90.0%, respectively. However, TL measurements generated a lower predicted accuracy level of 86.2% and a same accuracy level of 90% on the sex classification of individuals from Painted and Milky stork, respectively. By comparing the measurements of both species, only the average BL measurements of the Milky storks were significantly lower than that of Painted storks (t-test, P80.001). The logistic regression equation in this study may serve as a simple and more practical option for sexing Milky and Painted storks for their breeding and conservation programmes.  相似文献   

We studied the behavioral development of seven lesser adjutant stork (Leptoptilos javanicus) chicks from hatching to fledging over three breeding seasons at the Bronx Zoo. We developed an ethogram and compared the rate at which behaviors appeared in relation to brood size, sex, and the conditions in which the chicks were raised by their parents. Although sample sizes were small, there seem to be sex‐related differences in the rate at which behaviors develop, with females developing more rapidly than males. Larger clutch size may be associated with slower growth rate because the single male developed faster than the two males in 2004. The slowest growth rate, observed in a single male chick in 1999, was most likely owing to nutritional deficiencies and other health complications. More research is needed, but these results can be used to help evaluate the age and health of lesser adjutant stork chicks in captivity and in the wild. Zoo Biol 26:533–538, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The loss of wetlands and semi-natural grasslands throughout much of Europe has led to a historic decline of species associated with these habitats. The reinstatement of these habitats, however, requires spatially explicit predictions of the most suitable sites for restoration, to maximize the ecological benefit per unit effort. One species that demonstrates such declines is the white stork Ciconia ciconia , and the restoration of habitat for this flagship species is likely to benefit a suite of other wetland and grassland biota. Storks are also being reintroduced into southern Sweden and elsewhere, and the a priori identification of suitable sites for reintroduction will greatly improve the success of such programmes. Here a simple predictive habitat-use model was developed, where only a small but reliable presence-only dataset was available. The model is based on the extent and relative soil moisture of semi-natural pastures, the extent of wetlands and the extent of hayfields in southern Sweden. Here the model was used to predict the current extent of stork habitat that is suitable for successful breeding, and the extent of habitat that would become suitable with moderate habitat restoration. The habitat model identifies all 10 occupied nesting sites where breeding is currently successful. It also identifies ∼300 km2 of habitat that is predicted to be suitable stork habitat, but that is presently unused; these sites were identified as potential areas for stork reintroduction. The model also identifies over 100 areas where moderate habitat restoration is predicted to have a disproportionate effect (relative to the restoration effort) on the area of suitable habitat for storks; these sites were identified as priorities for habitat restoration. By identifying areas for reintroduction and restoration, such habitat suitability models have the potential to maximize the effectiveness of such conservation programmes.  相似文献   

Enik? Anna Tamás 《Biologia》2011,66(5):912-915
To understand population dynamics, the determination of survival rates is very important. For the black stork Ciconia nigra no survival rate determination has been published to date. This might be due to the fact that ringing activity and recovery numbers in general are still relatively low for the species. The international black stork colour ringing programme is taking place with the participation of 25 countries including Hungary. Altogether more than 7,000 black storks have been colour ringed worldwide, of which 1,069 individuals were marked in Hungary. This article’s objective is the determination of the survival rates for the black stork, as well as to estimate the longevity of the species based on live encounters of ringed individuals. The conclusions are that longevity can be estimated based on the data, and is in agreement with previous knowledge; and that the survival rate of the species, with our present knowledge, shows a significant difference between first year (0.1696, 0.1297–0.219) and older birds (0.838, 0.773–0.887).  相似文献   

Lõhmus  Asko  Runnel  Kadri  Palo  Anneli  Leis  Mare  Nellis  Renno  Rannap  Riinu  Remm  Liina  Rosenvald  Raul  Lõhmus  Piret 《Biodiversity and Conservation》2021,30(12):3647-3664

Protecting habitats for charismatic vertebrates can provide an ‘umbrella’ for less conspicuous organisms, especially when these are threatened by the same processes. However, such a conservation scheme is vulnerable to the extirpation of the focal species. We studied wider biodiversity values in long protected black stork (Ciconia nigra) nest sites, which were abandoned by the bird and thus legally subject to de-listing. In 20 abandoned nest sites in Estonia, we (i) mapped breeding birds within 600 m from the stork nest, and (ii) carried out time-limited surveys of lichens, polypore fungi, vascular plants and bryophytes in 2-ha plots. The breeding bird assemblages (64 species recorded) included 19 red-listed species, and showed no clear aggregation to the immediate surroundings of the stork nest. We recorded 740 plant and fungal species, of which 134 (18%) were of conservation concern (nationally protected, red-listed or extremely rare). Across the 2-ha plots, the numbers of the species of conservation concern varied more than three-fold (maximum 42 species), being affected notably by dead wood accumulation over time and presence of nemoral broad-leaved trees. The results demonstrate that many abandoned nest sites of the black stork have broader biodiversity significance, both due to the bird’s habitat requirements and the natural development during the protection. Expanding the umbrella function to sites abandoned by a focal species, but intact from anthropogenic degradation, can thus be a cost-effective conservation approach due to its low additional administrative burden. In most jurisdictions, the assessment procedure for such situations should be formalized, however.


The Japanese regional population of the Oriental white stork (Ciconia boyciana) became extinct in 1986. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region from 20 mounted specimens preserved at public facilities in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan and its vicinity (n = 17), the area inhabited by the last of the Japanese population, and samples originating from China (n = 3) which were kept at a zoo was analyzed. After extracting DNA from small pieces of skin from mounted specimens, a 1210-bp region of the mtDNA D-loop region was analyzed. The haplotypes among 11 specimens of storks captured or found dead at Toyooka City just before the population became extinct were completely identical. Four haplotypes observed among the mounted specimens preserved in the vicinity of Toyooka City were differentiated from those of captive storks originating from China and Russia in a previous study. Therefore, the last Japanese population might have been a genetically unique group. However, phylogenetic analysis using the maximum likelihood method showed that haplotypes found in the Japanese regional population were closely related to the Chinese and Russian lineages (sequence difference = 2.1%). One mounted specimen collected in 1935 at Izushi village, in the vicinity of Toyooka City, showed the same haplotype as the captive storks from China, suggesting that genetic flow may have historically occurred between the populations of Japan and the continent. Recently, reintroduction for the Oriental white stork has been planned in Toyooka City. The planning for the recovery of extinct populations should not only involve translocation of species to the range from which it disappeared, but also reconstruction of regional populations while considering the genetic lineage between the extinct and introduced populations.  相似文献   

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