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Since their discovery, single‐domain antigen‐binding fragments of camelid‐derived heavy‐chain‐only antibodies, also known as nanobodies (Nbs), have proven to be of outstanding interest as therapeutics against human diseases and pathogens including viruses, but their use against phytopathogens remains limited. Many plant viruses including Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), a nematode‐transmitted icosahedral virus and causal agent of fanleaf degenerative disease, have worldwide distribution and huge burden on crop yields representing billions of US dollars of losses annually, yet solutions to combat these viruses are often limited or inefficient. Here, we identified a Nb specific to GFLV that confers strong resistance to GFLV upon stable expression in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana and also in grapevine rootstock, the natural host of the virus. We showed that resistance was effective against a broad range of GFLV isolates independently of the inoculation method including upon nematode transmission but not against its close relative, Arabis mosaic virus. We also demonstrated that virus neutralization occurs at an early step of the virus life cycle, prior to cell‐to‐cell movement. Our findings will not only be instrumental to confer resistance to GFLV in grapevine, but more generally they pave the way for the generation of novel antiviral strategies in plants based on Nbs.  相似文献   

D. Xi    H. Feng    L. Lan    J. Du    J. Wang    Z. Zhang    L. Xue    W. Xu    H. Lin 《Journal of Phytopathology》2007,155(9):570-573
Mixed infections of Nicotiana benthamiana plants by Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) exhibit a synergistic interaction and result in symptom enhancement. Accumulation of CMV(+) RNA as well as capsid protein (CP) in mixed infection was considerably higher than that of singly‐infected plants. There was also a slight increase in TNV(+) RNA and CP levels in doubly infected plants. Synergistic infection by CMV‐ and TNV‐induced higher increase in the levels of malonyldialdehyde, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and more decline in the activities of catalase than singly infected ones. Both peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities increased rapidly for the first 10 days post inoculation (dpi) in doubly‐infected plants and then declined, whereas the enzyme activities continued to increase after 10 dpi in singly infected plants and had higher enzyme activities in the late stages than that of co‐infected plants. These results suggest that synergistic infection by CMV and TNV produced severes oxidative stress in N. benthamiana plants and the synergy between the two viruses was mutual.  相似文献   

Alpha-momorcharin (α-MMC), a member of the plant ribosomal inactivating proteins (RIPs) family, has been proven to exhibit important biological properties in animals, including antiviral, antimicrobial, and antitumour activities. However, the mechanism by which α-MMC increases plant resistance to viral infections remains unclear. To study the effect of α-MMC on plant viral defence and how α-MMC increases plant resistance to viruses, recombinant DNA and transgenic technologies were employed to investigate the role of α-MMC in Nicotiana benthamiana resistance to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection. Treatment with α-MMC produced through DNA recombinant technology or overexpression of α-MMC mediated by transgenic technology alleviated TMV-induced oxidative damage and reduced the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during TMV-green fluorescent protein infection of N. benthamiana. There was a significant decrease in TMV replication in the upper leaves following local α-MMC treatment and in α-MMC-overexpressing plants relative to control plants. These results suggest that application or overexpression of α-MMC in N. benthamiana increases resistance to TMV infection. Finally, our results showed that overexpression of α-MMC up-regulated the expression of ROS scavenging-related genes. α-MMC confers resistance to TMV infection by means of modulating ROS homeostasis through controlling the expression of antioxidant enzyme-encoding genes. Overall, our study revealed a new crosstalk mechanism between α-MMC and ROS during resistance to viral infection and provides a framework to understand the molecular mechanisms of α-MMC in plant defence against viral pathogens.  相似文献   

Coat protein (CP) -mediated resistance against an Indian isolate of the Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) subgroup IB was demonstrated in transgenic lines of Nicotiana benthamiana through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Out of the fourteen independently transformed lines developed, two lines were tested for resistance against CMV by challenge inoculations. The transgenic lines exhibiting complete resistance remained symptomless throughout life and showed reduced or no virus accumulation in their systemic leaves after virus challenge. These lines also showed virus resistance against two closely related strains of CMV. This is the first report of CP-mediated transgenic resistance against a CMV subgroup IB member isolated from India.  相似文献   

Plant viruses must enter the host vascular system in order to invade the young growing parts of the plant rapidly. Functional entry sites into the leaf vascular system for rapid systemic infection have not been determined for any plant/virus system. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) entry into minor, major and transport veins from non-vascular cells of Nicotiana benthamiana in source tissue and its exit from veins in sink tissue was studied using a modified virus expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP). Using a surgical procedure that isolated specific leaf and stem tissues from complicating vascular tissues, we determined that TMV could enter minor, major or transport veins directly from non-vascular cells to produce a systemic infection. TMV first accumulated in abaxial or external phloem-associated cells in major veins and petioles of the inoculated leaf and stems below the inoculated leaf. It also initially accumulated exclusively in internal or adaxial phloem-associated cells in stems above the inoculated leaf and petioles or major veins of sink leaves. This work shows the functional equivalence of vein classes in source leaves for entry of TMV, and the lack of equivalence of vein classes in sink leaves for exit of TMV. Thus, the specialization of major veins for transport rather than loading of photoassimilates in source tissue does not preclude virus entry. During transport, the virus initially accumulates in specific vascular-associated cells, indicating that virus accumulation in this tissue is highly regulated. These findings have important implications for studies on the identification of symplasmic domains and host macromolecule vascular transport.  相似文献   

Grapevine virus A (GVA), a member of the genus Vitivirus which belongs to the family Flexiviridae, has a single‐stranded RNA genome of about 7.4 kb that comprises five open reading frames (ORFs). ORF5 encodes a small 10‐kDa protein (p10), which is believed to interact with nucleic acids and to suppress the plant's RNA‐ silencing response. We obtained molecular and biological data indicating that ORF5‐encoded product, specifically its N‐terminus, affects the appearance of symptoms in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. The ORF5‐encoded products of the severe GR5 and the mild GTR1‐1 isolates were found to affect RNA silencing similarly in mesophyll cells of N. benthamiana, despite being involved in different expressions of symptoms on this host.  相似文献   

AGD2-LIKE DEFENCE RESPONSE PROTEIN 1 (ALD1) triggers plant defence against bacterial and fungal pathogens by regulating the salicylic acid (SA) pathway and an unknown SA-independent pathway. We now show that Nicotiana benthamiana ALD1 is involved in defence against a virus and that the ethylene pathway also participates in ALD1-mediated resistance. NbALD1 was up-regulated in plants infected with turnip mosaic virus (TuMV). Silencing of NbALD1 facilitated TuMV infection, while overexpression of NbALD1 or exogenous application of pipecolic acid (Pip), the downstream product of ALD1, enhanced resistance to TuMV. The SA content was lower in NbALD1-silenced plants and higher where NbALD1 was overexpressed or following Pip treatments. SA mediated resistance to TuMV and was required for NbALD1-mediated resistance. However, on NahG plants (in which SA cannot accumulate), Pip treatment still alleviated susceptibility to TuMV, further demonstrating the presence of an SA-independent resistance pathway. The ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid (ACC), accumulated in NbALD1-silenced plants but was reduced in plants overexpressing NbALD1 or treated with Pip. Silencing of ACS1, a key gene in the ethylene pathway, alleviated the susceptibility of NbALD1-silenced plants to TuMV, while exogenous application of ACC compromised the resistance of Pip-treated or NbALD1 transgenic plants. The results indicate that NbALD1 mediates resistance to TuMV by positively regulating the resistant SA pathway and negatively regulating the susceptible ethylene pathway.  相似文献   

Asparagine synthetase is a key enzyme that catalyses the conversion of amide groups from glutamine or ammonium to aspartate, which leads to the generation of asparagine. However, the role of asparagine synthetase in plant immunity remains largely unknown. Here, we identified a Nicotiana benthamiana asparagine synthetase B (NbAS-B) that associates with tomato mosaic virus coat protein-interacting protein L (IP-L) using the yeast two-hybrid assay and examined its role in tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistance. The association of IP-L with NbAS-B was further confirmed by in vivo co-immunoprecipitation, luciferase complementation imaging, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays. IP-L and NbAS-B interact in the nucleus and cytosol and IP-L apparently stabilizes NbAS-B, thus enhancing its accumulation. The expressions of IP-L and NbAS-B are continuously induced on TMV-green fluorescent protein (GFP) infection. Co-silencing of IP-L and NbAS-B facilitates TMV-GFP infection. Overexpression of NbAS-B in tobacco reduces TMV-GFP infection by significantly improving the synthesis of asparagine. Furthermore, the external application of asparagine significantly inhibits the infection of TMV-GFP by activating the salicylic acid signalling pathway. These findings hold the potential for the future application of asparagine in the control of TMV.  相似文献   

Two transgenic lines, of Nicotiana benthamiana expressing Turnip crinkle virus (TCV)-coat protein (CP) gene with contrasting phenotype, the highest (#3) and the lowest (#18) CP expressers, were selected and challenged with the homologous TCV. The former, the highest expresser, showed nearly five times more CP expression than the latter. Progenies of #3 and #18 lines showed 30 and 100% infection rates, respectively. The infected progenies of #3 line showed mild and delayed symptom with TCV. This is a coat protein-mediated resistance (CP-MR), and its resistance level is directly proportional to CP transgene expression. However, CP-MR of the transgenic plants was specific only for TCV but not for heterologous viruses. Newly growing leaves of those infected progenies of #3 line did not show any visible symptoms at 4-week post-inoculation (wpi) with TCV, suggesting a reversal from infection. This was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis with the disappearance of the target at 4 wpi. This is a case of RNA-mediated resistance, and a threshold level of transgene expression may be needed to achieve the silent state. To confirm the RNA silencing, we infiltrated Agrobacterium carrying TCV-CP into leaves of progenies of #3 and performed RT-PCR analysis. The results indicate that TCV-CP’s suppressor activity against RNA silencing itself can be silenced by the homologous expression of TCV-CP in the transgenic plants. The transgenic plants containing TCV-CP seem to be a model system to study viral protection mediated by a combination of protein and RNA silencing. Ayyappan Vasudevan and Tae-Kyun Oh have contributed equally in this study.  相似文献   

The Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. Previously, we identified that the chloroplast phosphoglycerate kinase (chl-PGK) from Nicotiana benthamiana is one of the viral RNA binding proteins involved in the BaMV infection cycle. Because chl-PGK is transported to the chloroplast, we hypothesized that chl-PGK might be involved in viral RNA localization in the chloroplasts. To test this hypothesis, we constructed two green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused mislocalized PGK mutants, the transit peptide deletion mutant (NO TRANSIT PEPTIDE [NOTP]-PGK-GFP) and the nucleus location mutant (nuclear location signal [NLS]-PGK-GFP). Using confocal microscopy, we demonstrated that NOTP-PGK-GFP and NLS-PGK-GFP are localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus, respectively, in N. benthamiana plants. When NOTP-PGK-GFP and NLS-PGK-GFP are transiently expressed, we observed a reduction in BaMV coat protein accumulation to 47% and 27% that of the wild-type PGK-GFP, respectively. To localize viral RNA in infected cells, we employed the interaction of NLS-GFP-MS2 (phage MS2 coat protein) with the modified BaMV RNA containing the MS2 coat protein binding sequence. Using confocal microscopy, we observed that BaMV viral RNA localizes to chloroplasts. Furthermore, elongation factor1a fused with the transit peptide derived from chl-PGK or with a Rubisco small subunit can partially restore BaMV accumulation in NbPGK1-knockdown plants by helping BaMV target chloroplasts.Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) is a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus. The genomic RNA of BaMV contains five open reading frames (ORFs) and is 6,366 nucleotides in length with a 5′ cap and a 3′ poly(A) tail (Lin et al., 1994; Yang et al., 1997). ORF1 encodes a 155-kD replicase comprised of a capping enzyme domain that exhibits S-adenosylmethionine-dependent guanylyltransferase activity (Li et al., 2001a; Huang et al., 2004), a helicase-like domain with RNA 5′-triphosphatase activity (Li et al., 2001b), and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domain (Li et al., 1998; Cheng et al., 2001). The three overlapping ORFs (i.e. ORF2, ORF3, and ORF4) are known as the triple gene block. They encode for proteins involved in viral movement (Lin et al., 2004, 2006; Vijaya Palani et al., 2006). ORF5 encodes the viral capsid protein (CP), required for virion assembly and viral movement (Cruz et al., 1998).The genomes of positive-strand RNA viruses are templates for both translation and replication. Viral replication complexes are likely to be assembled using host factors to synthesize the minus-strand RNA and then the plus-strand progeny RNA. Recent studies have shown that host factors play important roles in assembling the viral RNA replication complex, selecting and recruiting viral replication templates, activating the complex for RNA synthesis, and other steps (Ahlquist et al., 2003; Patarroyo et al., 2012). The translation and the minus-strand RNA synthesis of poliovirus are regulated by host poly(C) and poly(A) binding proteins and viral polymerase precursor 3CD (Waggoner and Sarnow, 1998; Herold and Andino, 2001; Walter et al., 2002). A number of host genes required for Brome mosaic virus replication have been identified systemically by the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) genetic approach (Ishikawa et al., 1997; Kushner et al., 2003; Mas et al., 2006; Gancarz et al., 2011). The same approach was used to identify the host factors involved in the replication of Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV; Panavas et al., 2005; Li et al., 2009b). A heat shock protein90 homolog (Huang et al., 2012) and the Nicotiana benthamiana glutathione transferase U4 (NbGSTU4; Chen et al., 2013), were identified to interact with the 3′ untranslated region (UTR) of BaMV RNA and enhanced the minus-strand RNA synthesis at the early replication step. The Ser/Thr kinase-like protein localized on cell membrane facilitates the BaMV intercellular movement (Cheng et al., 2013).Previously, we have identified two host proteins (i.e. p51 and p43) interacting specifically with the 3′ UTRs of BaMV by using electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and the UV cross-linking competition technique. The results of liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and BLAST indicate that the protein sequences of p43 and p51 match the chloroplast phosphoglycerate kinase (chl-PGK) and elongation factor1a (EF1a) of Nicotiana benthamiana, respectively (Lin et al., 2007). Phosphoglycerate kinase is an ATP-generating enzyme that acts in the glycolytic, gluconeogenic, and photosynthetic pathways (Banks et al., 1979; McHarg et al., 1999). chl-PGK is encoded in the nucleus and translated to produce a 50-kD precursor protein and is then processed into mature 43 kD in the chloroplast. In a knockdown experiment through virus-induced gene silencing, the reduction of PGK decreased the accumulation of BaMV coat protein (Lin et al., 2007).Eukaryotic EF1a has been shown to play a role in binding to the tRNA-like structure and upstream pseudoknot in the 3′ UTR of Tobacco mosaic virus to regulate the gene expression and viral replication (Pathak et al., 2008). EF1a has also been involved in the recruitment of viral RNA and has facilitated the replicase complex assembly of TBSV (Pogany et al., 2008). The 3′ UTR of BaMV cannot only bind its replicase but also the EF1a and has been proposed to regulate viral RNA replication (Lin et al., 2007).In this study, we transiently expressed two mislocalized PGK mutants to study the possible functions of chl-PGK that is involved in viral RNA replication. In addition, we used confocal microscopy to investigate the localization of BaMV RNA. Finally, we provided evidence that the down-regulation of BaMV accumulation in PGK-knockdown plants can be restored by the expression of the BaMV RNA binding protein EF1a that is fused to a chloroplast transit peptide.  相似文献   

Mixed infections of Nicotiana benthamiana plants by Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) and Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) exhibited an interference interaction. Accumulation of TNV (+)RNA as well as capsid protein in mixed infection were considerably lower than that of singly infected plants. There were also a slight reduction in the levels of TCV (+)RNA and capsid protein in doubly infected plants, which displayed the concentration of both viruses decreased in dually infected plants. Tissue immunoblot analysis of systemic N. benthamiana leaves infected by TNV and TCV singly or doubly showed the interference between the two viruses in situ, which exhibited the decrease of both viruses in doubly infected leaves although the distribution of them did not change remarkably. These results were consistent with the hybridization analysis of viral genomic RNA and coat protein. Both cross‐protection test and mixed infection of the two viruses confirmed TCV had relatively stronger interference to the infection of TNV. Interference infection by TNV and TCV induced higher increase in the levels of cytochrome pathway respiration and alternative pathway respiration in host plants, especially the latter. Interference often occurred in different strains of one kind of virus or two different closely related viruses in one genus. Our results showed that interference could also occur in different viruses belonging to different genera.  相似文献   

A gene down-regulated in Nicotiana benthamiana after bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) infection had high identity to the nuclear-encoded chloroplast ferredoxin NADP+ oxidoreductase gene (NbFNR). NbFNR is a flavoenzyme involved in the photosynthesis electron transport chain, catalysing the conversion of NADP+ into NADPH. To investigate whether NbFNR is involved in BaMV infection, we used virus-induced gene silencing to reduce the expression of NbFNR in leaves and protoplasts. After BaMV inoculation, the accumulation of BaMV coat protein and RNA was significantly reduced. The transient expression of NbFNR fused with orange fluorescent protein (OFP) localized in the chloroplasts and elevated the level of BaMV coat protein. These results suggest that NbFNR could play a positive role in regulating BaMV accumulation. Expressing a mutant that failed to translocate to the chloroplast did not assist in BaMV accumulation. Another mutant with a catalytic site mutation could support BaMV accumulation to some extent, but accumulation was significantly lower than that of the wild type. In an in vitro replication assay, the replicase complex with FNR inhibitor, heparin, the RdRp activity was reduced. Furthermore, BaMV replicase was revealed to interact with NbFNR in yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Overall, these results suggest that NbFNR localized in the chloroplast with functional activity could efficiently assist BaMV accumulation.  相似文献   

Virus spread through plasmodesmata (Pd) is mediated by virus-encoded movement proteins (MPs) that modify Pd structure and function. The MP of Tobacco mosaic virus ((TMV)MP) is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) integral membrane protein that binds viral RNA (vRNA), forming a vRNA:MP:ER complex. It has been hypothesized that (TMV)MP causes Pd to dilate, thus potentiating a cytoskeletal mediated sliding of the vRNA:MP:ER complex through Pd; in the absence of MP, by contrast, the ER cannot move through Pd. An alternate model proposes that cell-to-cell spread takes place by diffusion of the MP:vRNA complex in the ER membranes which traverse Pd. To test these models, we measured the effect of (TMV)MP and replicase expression on cell-to-cell spread of several green fluorescent protein-fused probes: a soluble cytoplasmic protein, two ER lumen proteins, and two ER membrane-bound proteins. Our data support the diffusion model in which a complex that includes ER-embedded MP, vRNA, and other components diffuses in the ER membrane within the Pd driven by the concentration gradient between an infected cell and adjacent noninfected cells. The data also suggest that the virus replicase and MP function together in altering Pd conductivity.  相似文献   

Brome mosaic virus (BMV) is a positive-strand RNA virus with a multipartite genome that causes symptomless infection in Nicotiana benthamiana. We have isolated and characterized a strain of BMV that produced uniform vein chlorosis in systemically infected N. benthamiana. Analysis of pseudorecombinants constructed by exchanging RNA 1 and 2 and RNA 3 components between wild-type (non-symptom-inducing) and vein chlorosis-inducing strains of BMV indicated that the genetic determinant for the induction of the chlorotic phenotype is located on RNA 3. Sequence analysis of progeny RNA 3 recovered from symptomatic N. benthamiana plants revealed that vein chlorosis is due to the single nucleotide transition 887G-->887A, which changes the codon for Val-266 to Ile-266 in the movement protein gene. The mutation had no detectable effect on the accumulation of virus in either inoculated or systematically infected leaves of N. benthamiana. The vein chlorosis phenotype is the manifestation of the substitution of Ile-266 for Val-266 in the movement protein gene, since additional alterations in this region (a silent mutation, i.e., 887GUU889-->GUC, and an alteration of valine to phenylalanine, i.e., 887GUU889-->887UUU889) resulted in symptomless infections on N. benthamiana. The modulation of the symptom phenotype by the substitution of Ile-266 for Val-266 is specific for N. benthamiana, since neither movement nor the symptom phenotype in barley plants was affected.  相似文献   

One up-regulated host gene identified previously was found involved in the infection process of Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV), a single-stranded positive-sense RNA virus. The full length cDNA of this gene was cloned by 5′ and 3′-rapid amplification of cDNA ends and found to encode a polypeptide containing a conserved really interesting new gene (RING) domain and a transmembrane domain. The gene might function as an ubiquitin E3 ligase. We designated this protein in Nicotiana benthamiana as ubiquitin E3 ligase containing RING domain 1 (NbUbE3R1). Further characterization by using Tobacco rattle virus-based virus-induced gene silencing (loss-of-function) revealed that increased BaMV accumulation was in both knockdown plants and protoplasts. The gene might have a defensive role in the replication step of BaMV infection. To further inspect the functional role of NbUbE3R1 in BaMV accumulation, NbUbE3R1 was expressed in N. benthamiana plants. The wild-type NbUbE3R1-orange fluorescent protein (NbUbE3R1-OFP), NbUbE3R1/△TM-OFP (removal of the transmembrane domain) and NbUbE3R1/mRING-OFP (mutation at the RING domain, the E2 interaction site) were transiently expressed in plants. NbUbE3R1 and its derivatives all functioned in restricting the accumulation of BaMV. The common feature of these constructs was the intact substrate-interacting domain. Yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation experiments used to determine the possible viral-encoded substrate of NbUbE3R1 revealed the replicase of BaMV as the possible substrate. In conclusion, we identified an up-regulated gene, NbUbE3R1 that plays a role in BaMV replication.  相似文献   

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