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The study housed 120 pregnant sows from Day 29 of pregnancy to 1 week before parturition either in groups of 10 with trickle feeding (TRICKLE) or in groups of 20 with an unprotected electronic sow feeding (FITMIX). The study recorded aggressive interaction on 11 nonconsecutive days. Frequency of aggressive interactions was higher in FITMIX (p < .05); yet, intense physical contact was unusual in both systems (3% of the total interactions). Conflicts in FITMIX centered largely on the feeder (83% vs. 23% for FITMIX and TRICKLE, respectively [p < .05]); in TRICKLE, they occurred mainly in the resting area (13% vs. 48% for FITMIX and TRICKLE, respectively [p < .05]). Forty-six percent of the FITMIX sows (mostly gilts and subordinates) needed assistance to adapt to the feeding system. Eventually, 8.3% of the FITMIX sows failed to adapt and had to be removed. In conclusion, although aggressive interactions were mainly of low intensity, sequential feeding appeared to make FITMIX a more competitive feeding system.  相似文献   

计算了凹球面自聚焦超声源和聚焦高斯超声源在生物媒质中产生的声场及温度场,并对其主要特征进行了分析。比较了不同条件下此两种聚焦超声源用于热疗时的有效治疗区及声焦点处的升温快慢,揭示了它们对生物组织加热作用的差异,证实最大温升主要取决于最大声吸收率。  相似文献   

Adverse environmental conditions have large impacts on plant growth and crop production. One of the crucial mechanisms that plants use in variable and stressful natural environments is gene expression modulation through epigenetic modification. In this study, two rice varieties with different drought resistance levels were cultivated under drought stress from tilling stage to seed filling stage for six successive generations. The variations in DNA methylation of the original generation (G0) and the sixth generation (G6) of these two varieties in normal condition (CK) and under drought stress (DT) at seedling stage were assessed by using Methylation Sensitive Amplification Polymorphism (MSAP) method. The results revealed that drought stress had a cumulative effect on the DNA methylation pattern of both varieties, but these two varieties had different responses to drought stress in DNA methylation. The DNA methylation levels of II-32B (sensitive) and Huhan-3 (resistant) were around 39% and 32%, respectively. Genome-wide DNA methylation variations among generations or treatments accounted for around 13.1% of total MSAP loci in II-32B, but was only approximately 1.3% in Huhan-3. In II-32B, 27.6% of total differentially methylated loci (DML) were directly induced by drought stress and 3.2% of total DML stably transmitted their changed DNA methylation status to the next generation. In Huhan-3, the numbers were 48.8% and 29.8%, respectively. Therefore, entrainment had greater effect on Huhan-3 than on II-32B. Sequence analysis revealed that the DML were widely distributed on all 12 rice chromosomes and that it mainly occurred on the gene’s promoter and exon region. Some genes with DML respond to environmental stresses. The inheritance of epigenetic variations induced by drought stress may provide a new way to develop drought resistant rice varieties.  相似文献   

Sugar beets (Beta vulgaris L.) infected with the Beet Yellows Virus exhibit lower rates of net photosynthesis at light saturation than do healthy plants. These Pn reductions were correlated with increases in leaf resistance to water vapor loss. Theoretical analyses demonstrated that, although the leaf resistance to water vapor loss increases could account for a major part of the net photosynthesis decreases, some other aspect of leaf functioning also was debilitated by infection. Both the levels and the activities of ribulose-1, 5-diP carboxylase were less on a leaf area basis in extracts from infected leaves than from healthy ones. Soluble carbohydrates accumulate in Beet Yellows Virus-infected leaves, but inhibiting translocation in several ways provided no evidence in support of the hypothesis that the accumulation of photosynthates in leaves has a direct, short term, feed-back effect upon the photosynthetic rate.  相似文献   

Soluble sugars, proline, total chlorophyll contents and electrolyte leakage were measured in two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars KRL 1-4 and HD 2009 at different growth stages [crown root initiation (CRI), flowering, and soft dough] under short term salinity (NaCl, CaCl2 and Na2SO4). In control plants sugar contents were maximum at flowering stage. Proline and sugar concentrations increased in both cultivars under salinity with a maximum increase at CRI. Electrolyte leakage increased and chlorophyll content decreased with the plant age. A sharp increase of electrolyte leakage was noticed at salinity of 10 and 15 dS m–1 in HD 2009 and KRL 1-4, respectively. The short-term salinity at CRI stage proved more detrimental as compared to salinity at flowering and soft dough stages in term of all biochemical changes induced. In wheat, plant resistance to salinity increased with the age of plant. The cultivar KRL 1-4 performed better under salinity as compared to HD 2009.  相似文献   

研究了由一系列相互平行的吸附在细胞膜上的缩氨酸引起的膜的弹性形变,以及膜对缩氨酸的包裹行为,得到膜的平衡方程,用它可以来处理大尺度的形变,弯曲能量、吸附能量和弹性形变的相互竞争导致膜对缩氨酸发生从不吸附到部分吸附乃至完全包裹的结构转变.在膜的形变很小的时候,可以得到系统能量的解析解。  相似文献   

Two maize lines differing in drought resistance were grown at different drought stress induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG 10 000) solutions with osmotic potentials of –0.20, –0.40 and –0.80 MPa in the semipermeable membrane system. During the five days soil water content decreased (from 0.43 to 0.29, 0.25 and 0.23 g cm–3 for three PEG solutions, respectively) as well as leaf water potentials (w; from – 0.54 to –0.76, –1.06 and –1.46 MPa). These values were not significantly different between the investigated lines, indicating that a controlled and consistent soil moisture stress was achieved. Soil drying induced an increase in the ABA content of leaves and xylem of both lines and the effects on stomatal conductance were greater in drought susceptible line (B-432) compared to drought resistant line (ZPBL-1304). To test possible difference in stomatal sensitivity to xylem ABA between lines and to assess any ABA vs. w interaction, roots were fed with 10, 50 and 100 mmol m–3 ABA solutions in another set of experiments. These results showed that manipulation of xylem ABA affected stomata of both lines similarly. Comparison of stomatal sensitivity to drought-induced and applied ABA demonstrated that drought treatment affected stomata of investigated lines by differentially increasing their sensitivity to xylem ABA, thus confirming an interaction between chemical signalling and hydraulic signalling.  相似文献   

Bone remodeling simulation is an effective tool for the prediction of long-term effect of implant on the bone tissue, as well as the selection of an appropriate implant in terms of architecture and material. In this paper, a finite element model of proximal femur was developed to simulate the structures of internal trabecular and cortical bones by incorporating quantitative bone functional adaptation theory with finite element analysis. Cementless stems made of titanium, two types of Functionally Graded Material (FGM) and flexible ‘iso-elastic’ material as comparison were implanted in the structure of proximal femur respectively to simulate the bone remodeling behaviors of host bone. The distributions of bone density, von Mises stress, and interface shear stress were obtained. All the prosthetic stems had effects on the bone remodeling behaviors of proximal femur, but the degrees of stress shielding were different. The amount of bone loss caused by titanium implant was in agreement with the clinical observation. The FGM stems caused less bone loss than that of the titanium stem, in which FGM I stem (titanium richer at the top to more HAP/Col towards the bottom) could relieve stress shielding effectively, and the interface shear stresses were more evenly distributed in the model with FGM I stem in comparison with those in the models with FGM II (titanium and bioglass) and titanium stems. The numerical simulations in the present study provided theoretical basis for FGM as an appropriate material of femoral implant from a biomechanical point of view. The next steps are to fabricate FGM stem and to conduct animal experiments to investigate the effects of FGM stem on the remodeling behaviors using animal model.  相似文献   

Two new methods for computing confidence intervals for the difference δ = p1 — p2 between two binomial proportions (p1, p2) are proposed. Both the Mid-P and Max-P likelihood weighted intervals are constructed by mapping the tail probabilities from the two-dimensional (p1, p2)-space into a one-dimensional function of δ based on the likelihood weights. This procedure may be regarded as a natural extension of the CLOPPER-PEARSON (1934) interval to the two-sample case where the weighted tail probability is α/2 at each end on the δ scale. The probability computation is based on the exact distribution rather than a large sample approximation. Extensive computation was carried out to evaluate the coverage probability and expected width of the likelihood-weighted intervals, and of several other methods. The likelihood-weighted intervals compare very favorably with the standard asymptotic interval and with intervals proposed by HAUCK and ANDERSON (1986), COX and SNELL (1989), SANTNER and SNELL (1980), SANTNER and YAMAGAMI (1993), and PESKUN (1993). In particular, the Mid-P likelihood-weighted interval provides a good balance between accurate coverage probability and short interval width in both small and large samples. The Mid-P interval is also comparable to COE and TAMHANE'S (1993) interval, which has the best performance in small samples.  相似文献   

Science increasingly involves complex modeling. Here we describe a model for cell electroporation in which membrane properties are dynamically modified by poration. Spatial scales range from cell membrane thickness (5 nm) to a typical mammalian cell radius (10  \(\upmu\) m), and can be used with idealized and experimental pulse waveforms. The model consists of traditional passive components and additional active components representing nonequilibrium processes. Model responses include measurable quantities: transmembrane voltage, membrane electrical conductance, and solute transport rates and amounts for the representative “long” and “short” pulses. The long pulse—1.5 kV/cm, 100  \(\upmu\) s—evolves two pore subpopulations with a valley at \({\sim}\) 5 nm, which separates the subpopulations that have peaks at \({\sim}\) 1.5 and \({\sim}\) 12 nm radius. Such pulses are widely used in biological research, biotechnology, and medicine, including cancer therapy by drug delivery and nonthermal physical tumor ablation by causing necrosis. The short pulse—40 kV/cm, 10 ns—creates 80-fold more pores, all small ( \(<\) 3 nm; \(\sim\) 1 nm peak). These nanosecond pulses ablate tumors by apoptosis. We demonstrate the model’s responses by illustrative electrical and poration behavior, and transport of calcein and propidium. We then identify extensions for expanding modeling capability. Structure-function results from MD can allow extrapolations that bring response specificity to cell membranes based on their lipid composition. After a pulse, changes in pore energy landscape can be included over seconds to minutes, by mechanisms such as cell swelling and pulse-induced chemical reactions that slowly alter pore behavior.  相似文献   

This study describes the foraging ecology of birds during summer and winter in two different types of coffee agroecosystems in Chiapas, Mexico. Avian foraging behavior is documented in two agroecosystems of differing management intensity, structurally similar but with different levels of floristic diversity, during summer and winter seasons. The distribution of tree species used by birds was more even, and birds used a greater diversity of tree species, in the more diverse coffee shade system. Much of the variation in resource use derived from shifts in the use of flowers and fruit, highlighting the importance in resource phenology for birds. Insectivory was more frequent in winter than summer for the coffee layer, and in summer for the shade layer. Given the vegetative structural similarity of the two coffee agroecosystems included in this study, floristic differences probably accounted for much of the difference in the bird communities between the management systems, especially given the strong seasonal response to flowering and fruiting. This work suggests that plentiful and diverse food resources associated with the high diversity of plant species may facilitate coexistence of the high number of bird species found in shade-grown coffee agroecosystems.  相似文献   

The sensitivity to Cl(-) and Br(-) induced by heat shock of cells of Ophiostoma multiannulatum and of Rhodotorula glutinis could be partially reversed by histidine and some other imidazole derivatives.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(6):353-360
Previous investigations, performed on isolated rat atria, showed that the lipophylic spin-trapping agent N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN) is able to prevent the acute cardiotoxic effects produced by doxorubicin (DXR), whereas the hydrophylic compound 5,5-dimethyl-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) is inactive. The present study was designed to ascertain whether differences in the pharmacological effects of the two spin traps are related to their different subcellular distribution. Langendorff rat hearts were perfused for 60 minutes with [I4C]-DXR and either PBN or DMPO. The subcellular mapping of the three compounds was performed by measuring DXR by liquid scintillation counting, PBN by GC/MS, and DMPO by HPLC in the following isolated fractions: nuclei, mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcolemma, cytosol. DMPO was shown to accumulate in the cytosolic compartment; both PBM and DXR are taken up by nuclei and mitochondria, while only trace amounts of DXR were detected in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that mitochondrial (and not sarcoplasmic) enzymes are mainly involved in DXR-induced free radical production, which is thought to cause the acute cardiotoxic effects of DXR. An involvement of DXR-induced free radical generation in the nuclear compartment seems unlikely in the short-term “in vitro” effects observed with the experimental model adopted for these studies, although it may play a role in the delayed pathology.  相似文献   

Previous investigations, performed on isolated rat atria, showed that the lipophylic spin-trapping agent N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone (PBN) is able to prevent the acute cardiotoxic effects produced by doxorubicin (DXR), whereas the hydrophylic compound 5,5-dimethyl-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) is inactive. The present study was designed to ascertain whether differences in the pharmacological effects of the two spin traps are related to their different subcellular distribution. Langendorff rat hearts were perfused for 60 minutes with [I4C]-DXR and either PBN or DMPO. The subcellular mapping of the three compounds was performed by measuring DXR by liquid scintillation counting, PBN by GC/MS, and DMPO by HPLC in the following isolated fractions: nuclei, mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcolemma, cytosol. DMPO was shown to accumulate in the cytosolic compartment; both PBM and DXR are taken up by nuclei and mitochondria, while only trace amounts of DXR were detected in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. These results suggest that mitochondrial (and not sarcoplasmic) enzymes are mainly involved in DXR-induced free radical production, which is thought to cause the acute cardiotoxic effects of DXR. An involvement of DXR-induced free radical generation in the nuclear compartment seems unlikely in the short-term “in vitro” effects observed with the experimental model adopted for these studies, although it may play a role in the delayed pathology.  相似文献   

Ischemic tolerance based on the synthesis of protective proteins acquires its full strength by repeated exposure to stress, and "the end effector of tolerance" may paradoxically be activated by the second or lethal stress, particularly in the case of preconditioning. That happens when an additional nonspecific stressor is applied either before (preconditioning) or after (postconditioning) the period of lethal ischemia. A combination of antioxidants with pre or postconditioning prevents the acquisition of tolerance, and in the case of more severe attacks repeated stress can lead to accumulation of damage. Our attempt to weaken ischemic injury to hippocampal CA1 with antioxidants applied after lethal stress, i.e. before delayed postconditioning, was ineffective. We then tried using rapid postconditioning consisting of 30-s reperfusion alternating with 15-s ischemia repeated three times and applied immediately at the end of lethal ischemia as a tool decreasing post-ischemic production of reactive oxygen species, and combining that with delayed postconditioning consisting of an i.p. injection of Bradykinin 2?days after lethal ischemia. This approach once more confirmed the efficacy of both rapid as well as delayed postconditioning but, more importantly, it demonstrated the possibility of effectively combining these two procedures. Our findings further confirm that in cases of delayed neuronal death, which is practically pathologically-induced apoptosis, there exists a 2-day-wide therapeutic window that can be effectively exploited.  相似文献   

Minimization of the variance of the difference between estimated responses at two points maximized over pairs of points in the region of interest is taken as the design criterion. Optimal third-order designs are derived for spherical co-centric regions of experimentation and interest with some restrictions imposed on the pairs of points under consideration.  相似文献   

Some strains of West Nile virus (WNV) are neuroinvasive and may induce fatal encephalitis/meningitis in a variety of animal species including humans. Whether, however, there is a strain-specific signature in the brain is as yet unknown. Here we investigated the neuropathogenesis induced by two phylogenetically distant WNV strains of lineage 1, WNVIS98 and WNVKUN35 911. While four-week old C57Bl/6J mice were susceptible to both strains and succumbed rapidly after intraperitoneal inoculation, differences were observed in virulence and clinical disease. WNVKUN35 911, the less virulent strain as judged by determination of LD50, induced typical signs of encephalitis. Such signs were not observed in WNVIS98-infected mice, although they died more rapidly. Histological examination of brain sections also revealed differences, as the level of apoptosis and inflammation was higher in WNVKUN35 911- than WNVIS98-infected mice. Moreover, staining for cleaved caspase 3 showed that the two WNV strains induced apoptotic death through different molecular mechanisms in one particular brain area. Finally, the two strains showed similar tropism in cortex, striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum but a different one in hippocampus. In summary, our data show that, upon peripheral administration, WNVIS98 and WNVKUN35 911 strains induce partially distinct lesions and tissue tropism in the brain. They suggest that the virulence of a WNV strain is not necessarily correlated with the severity of apoptotic and inflammatory lesions in the brain.  相似文献   

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