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A method was worked out that helped us to isolate superoxide dismutase (SOD) from human blood plasma. The change of enzyme's activity was shown depending on the period of SOD storage. Changes in activity were observed in storing protein after gel filtration. The activity of purified enzyme was half as much after 24 h storage and remained constant for a long period of time (5 mo). The change of SOD activity was found to be connected with a modification of its structure. The storage of enzyme's solution during 3 1/2 mo is accompanied by the lowering of protein molecular mass from 53,000 Da to 34,000 Da. The inhibitors of proteinases--phenyl-methylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and alpha 2-macroglobulin--showed no protective effects on purified SOD. That's why it was possible to say that the lowering of protein molecular mass didn't connect with a specific proteolysis. An oxidative modification of SOD structure is under discussion now. The modification is most probably caused by oxidative destruction of aminoacid residues that are located outside the protein active centre.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2169-2179
The distribution of CuZn superoxide dismutase (SOD) molecules in subcellular organelles in rat liver hepatocytes was studied using integrated biochemical, stereological, and quantitative immunocytochemical techniques. A known concentration of purified CuZn SOD in 10% gelatin was embedded alongside the liver tissue for the calculation of CuZn SOD concentrations in hepatocyte organelles and total CuZn SOD in the rat liver. Most of the CuZn SOD was located in the cytoplasmic matrix (73.1%) and in the nucleus (11.9%) with concentrations of 1.36 and 0.71 mg/cm3, respectively. Lysosomes contained the highest concentration (5.81 mg/cm3). Only low concentrations were measured in mitochondria (0.21 mg/cm3). Membrane- bound spaces of rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), smooth ER, and the Golgi system did not contain significant concentrations of the enzyme. By adding up the concentrations in all subcellular compartments, a total liver content of CuZn SOD was established from the immunocytochemical measurements (0.386 +/- 0.028 mg/gm liver) that agreed closely with those obtained by biochemical assays (0.380 +/- 0.058 mg/gm liver). The average distances between two CuZn SOD molecules can be calculated from enzyme concentrations. It was determined that CuZn SOD molecules in the cytoplasmic matrix and nucleus were 34 and 42 nm apart, respectively. In peroxisomes and mitochondria, average intermolecular distance increased to approximately 60 nm and increased to 136 nm in smooth ER. CuZn SOD is a relatively abundant protein in the cytosol of hepatocytes and its distribution overlaps with major sites of O2- production. The efficiency of protection CuZn SOD can provide to cytosolic proteins from attacks by superoxide anion depends on the rate of O2- production, distribution of CuZn SOD relative to cytosolic proteins, and the relative reaction rates between O2- with both cytosolic proteins and CuZn SOD. Future studies of these substrate-enzyme relationships in vivo can lead to a greater understanding of how cells handle oxidant stress.  相似文献   

PCR amplifications using primers for the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs)-associated gene 1 (cas1), cas2, putative (p)-cas and CRISPRs genes generated cas1, cas2, p-cas and CRISPRs genes segments with 9–28 of 28 urease-positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC) isolates, respectively. The p-cas and CRISPRs genes segments were amplified with 10 of 11 and 0 of 11 urease-negative (UN) Campylobacter lari isolates, respectively. When the nucleotide sequences of the CRISPRs consensus sequence repeats of each 33–37 base pairs from the 18 Campylobacter jejuni isolates were aligned, as well as from the four C. jejuni reference and UPTC CF89-12 strains, the repeats were identified as being almost identical. Although a total of all 18 C. jejuni isolates examined gave PCR-positive signals for the CRISPRs genes, it was, interestingly, suggested that many numbers of C. lari and C. jejuni isolates may possibly carry cas but not CRISPRs genes within their CRISPRs loci. In addition, PCR amplification by using a novel primer pair of f-ClCRISPR-ladder and ClCRISPRs-R, which were novel to this study, with the UPTC CF89-12 strain was shown to be useful for the detection of the putative CRISPRs separated by the non-repetitive unique spacer regions, with the electrophoretic ladder DNA profile following 5.0 % polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Secondary structure models of the CRISPRs repeats were predicted with UPTC CF89-12 and two C. jejuni strains.  相似文献   

We demonstrated that oxidative stress plays a role in freeze-thaw-induced killing of Campylobacter coli following analysis of mutants deficient in key antioxidant functions. Superoxide anions, but not H(2)O(2), were formed during the freeze-thaw process. However, a failure to detoxify superoxide anions may lead to spontaneous disproportionation of the radicals to H(2)O(2).  相似文献   

We aimed to clarify if Campylobacter lari exerts a cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) effect on HeLa cells. Campylobacter cell lysates (CCLys) from C. jejuni 81-176 and urease-positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC) CF89-12 and UPTC NCTC12893 isolates were shown to exert a CDT effect on HeLa cells with morphological changes examined by Giemsa staining and microscopy. However, Campylobacter lari JCM2530(T) isolate showed no effect. In addition, Campylobacter cell culture supernatant wash gave low or absent toxic effects with both C. jejuni and C. lari organisms. When western blot analysis was carried out to clarify if there was a CDTB effect in the CCLys and soluble fractions from Campylobacter isolates, which had a CDT effect on HeLa cells or did not have any effect, anti-recombinant CjCDTB antibodies identified an immunoreactively positive signal at around approximately 25 kDa on all the C. lari isolates examined, as well as the C. jejuni 81116 strain. Thus, all the Campylobacter isolates including those without any CDT effect were shown to express CDTB at the translational level. (? 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim).  相似文献   

Extracellular superoxide dismutase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The extracellular space is protected from oxidant stress by the antioxidant enzyme extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), which is highly expressed in selected tissues including blood vessels, heart, lungs, kidney and placenta. EC-SOD contains a unique heparin-binding domain at its carboxy-terminus that establishes localization to the extracellular matrix where the enzyme scavenges superoxide anion. The EC-SOD heparin-binding domain can be removed by proteolytic cleavage, releasing active enzyme into the extracellular fluid. In addition to protecting against extracellular oxidative damage, EC-SOD, by scavenging superoxide, preserves nitric oxide bioactivity and facilitates hypoxia-induced gene expression. Loss of EC-SOD activity contributes to the pathogenesis of a number of diseases involving tissues with high levels of constitutive extracellular superoxide dismutase expression. A thorough understanding of the biological role of EC-SOD will be invaluable for developing novel therapies to prevent stress by extracellular oxidants.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pullorum and Campylobacter lari are rarely isolated from humans with acute enteritis. Hitherto the two species could only be identified by genotypic techniques. Gas liquid chromatography of whole cell fatty acid extracts is described as the first phenotypic method for discrimination of the two species. Cholesteryl glucoside, a characteristic feature of the genus Helicobacter, but seldom found in other bacteria, could not be detected in Helicobacter pullorum. Therefore, rapid determination of this glycolipid may serve as a discrimination marker for Helicobacter pullorum from most other Helicobacter species.  相似文献   

Oxygen free radicals present a serious potential threat to microbial survival, through their ability to inflict Indiscriminate damage on proteins and DNA. Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, among other oxygen-metabolizing enzymes, is essential to prevent these toxic molecules from accumulating in the bacterial cytosol during aerobic metabolism. The gene sodA, encoding manganese-containing SOD ([Mn]-SOD), has been cloned from a virulent strain of Haemophilus influenzae type b using degenerate oligonucleotides encoding regions of the gene conserved across different bacterial species. The gene product has been identified as [Mn]-SOD by its similarity at key amino acid residues to known examples of the enzyme, by expression of enzymatically active protein from cloned DNA expressed in Escherichia coli, and by demonstration that an in-frame deletion in the gene abolishes this activity. In contrast to the situation in E. coli, this [Mn]-SOD is the only active SOD detected in H. influenzae. In further contrast to E. coli, [Mn]-SOD gene expression in H. influenzae has been found to be only partially repressed under anaerobic conditions. When expressed in E. coli the gene is regulated by Fur and Fnr, and the promoter region, identified experimentally, has been found to contain nucleotide sequence motifs similar to the Fur- and Fnr-binding sequences of E. coli, suggesting the involvement of analogues of these aerobiosis- responsive activators in H. influenzae gene expression.  相似文献   

Following PCR amplification and sequencing, nucleotide sequence alignment analyses demonstrated the presence of two kinds of 16S-23S rDNA internal spacer regions (ISRs), namely, long length ISRs of 837-844 base pair (bp) [n = six for urease-negative (UN) Campylobacter lari isolates, UN C. lari JCM2530(T), RM2100, 176, 293, 299 and 448] and short length ISRs of 679-725 bp [n = six for UN C. lari: n = 14 for urease-positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC) isolates]. The analyses also indicated that the short length ISRs mainly lacked the 156 bp sequence from the nucleotide positions 122-277 bp in long length ISRs for UN C. lari JCM2530(T). The 156 bp sequences shared 94.9-96.8 % sequence similarity among six isolates. Surprisingly, atypical tRNA(Ala) gene segment (5' end 35 bp), which was extremely truncated, occurred within the 156 bp sequences in the long length ISRs, as an unexpected tRNA(Ala) pseudogene. An order of the intercistronic tRNA genes within the short nucleotide spacer of 5'-16S rDNA-tRNA(Ala)-tRNA(Ile)-23S rDNA-3' occurred in all the C. lari isolates examined.  相似文献   

Summary A cuprozinc superoxide dismutase has been isolated from pig liver. The enzyme is similar to previously described cuprozinc superoxide dismutases in that it is a dimer of about 32 000 molecular weight consisting of approximately two equally sized subunits, and 2 atoms of copper and two atoms of zinc per molecule. It differs, however, from previously described cuprozinc superoxide dismutases because of its higher isoelectric point; pI 6.8 vs 4.9 for bovine enzyme. The diffusion coefficient for the porcine enzyme was determined to be 7.53×10−7 cm2s−1, while the equivalent spherical hydrodynamic radius was computed as 28.5 ?. The enzyme was observed to undergo self-association with time. Sulfhydryl interaction is postulated to be involved.  相似文献   

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) cycles between the Mn(II) and Mn(III) states during the catalyzed disproportionation of O(2)(*-), a catalysis that is limited at micromolar levels of superoxide by a peroxide-inhibited complex with the metal. We have investigated the role in catalysis and inhibition of the conserved residue Trp161 which forms a hydrophobic side of the active site cavity of MnSOD. Crystal structures of mutants of human MnSOD in which Trp161 was replaced with Ala or Phe showed significant conformational changes on adjacent residues near the active site, particularly Gln143 and Tyr34 which in wild-type MnSOD participate in a hydrogen bond network believed to support proton transfer during catalysis. Using pulse radiolysis and observing the UV absorbance of superoxide, we have determined rate constants for the catalytic dismutation of superoxide. In addition, the rates of formation and dissociation of the product-inhibited complex of these mutants were determined by direct observation of the characteristic visible absorption of the oxidized and inhibited states. Catalysis by W161A and W161F MnSOD was associated with a decrease of at least 100-fold in the catalytic rate of reduction of superoxide, which then promotes a competing pathway leading to product inhibition. The structural changes caused by the mutations at position 161 led to small changes, at most a 6-fold decrease, in the rate constant for formation of the inhibited complex. Solvent hydrogen isotope effects support a mechanism in which formation of this complex, presumably the peroxide dianion bound to the manganese, involves no rate-contributing proton transfer; however, the dissociation of the complex requires proton transfer to generate HO(2)(-) or H2O2.  相似文献   

A total of 1,794 migrating birds trapped at a coastal site in southern Sweden were sampled for detection of Campylobacter spp. All isolates phenotypically identified as Campylobacter jejuni and a subset of those identified as non-C. jejuni were identified to the species level by PCR-based techniques. C. jejuni was found in 5.0% of the birds, Campylobacter lari was found in 5.6%, and Campylobacter coli was found in 0.9%. An additional 10.7% of the tested birds were infected with hippurate hydrolysis-negative Campylobacter spp. that were not identified to the species level. The prevalence of Campylobacter spp. differed significantly between ecological guilds of birds. Shoreline-foraging birds feeding on invertebrates and opportunistic feeders were most commonly infected (76.8 and 50.0%, respectively). High prevalence was also shown in other ground-foraging guilds, i.e., ground-foraging invertebrate feeders (11.0%), ground-foraging insectivores (20.3%), and plant-eating species (18.8%). Almost no Campylobacter spp. were found in ground-foraging granivores (2.3%), arboreal insectivores (0.6%), aerial insectivores (0%), or reed- and herbaceous plant-foraging insectivores (3.5%). During the autumn migration, a high proportion of samples from juveniles were positive (7.1% in passerines, 55.0% in shorebirds), indicating transmission on the breeding grounds or during the early part of migration. Prevalence of Campylobacter spp. was associated with increasing body mass among passerine bird species. Furthermore, prevalence was higher in short-distance migrants wintering in Europe than in long-distance migrants wintering in Africa, the Middle East, or Asia. Among ground-foraging birds of the Muscicapidae, those of the subfamily Turdinae (i.e., Turdus spp.) showed a high prevalence of Campylobacter spp., while the organism was not isolated in any member of the subfamily Muscicapinae (i.e., Erithacus and Luscinia). The prevalence of Campylobacter infection in wild birds thus seems to be linked to various ecological and phylogenetic factors, with great variations in carriership between different taxa and guilds.  相似文献   

Reactive oxidant species produced by phagocytes have been reported as being involved in the killing of Aspergillus fumigatus. Fungal superoxide dismutases (SODs) that detoxify superoxide anions could be putative virulence factors for this opportunistic pathogen. Four genes encoding putative Sods have been identified in the A. fumigatus genome: a cytoplasmic Cu/ZnSOD (AfSod1p), a mitochondrial MnSOD (AfSod2p), a cytoplasmic MnSOD (AfSod3p) and AfSod4 displaying a MnSOD C‐terminal domain. During growth, AfSOD1 and AfSOD2 were highly expressed in conidia whereas AfSOD3 was only strongly expressed in mycelium. AfSOD4 was weakly expressed compared with other SODs. The deletion of AfSOD4 was lethal. Δsod1 and Δsod2 mutants showed a growth inhibition at high temperature and a hypersensitivity to menadione whereas the sod3 mutant had only a slight growth delay at high temperature. Multiple mutations had only an additive effect on the phenotype. The triple sod1/sod2/sod3 mutant was characterized by a delay in conidial germination, a reduced conidial survival during storage overtime, the highest sensitivity to menadione and an increased sensitivity to killing by alveolar macrophage of immunocompetent mice. In spite of these phenotypes, no significant virulence difference was observed between the triple mutant and parental strain in experimental murine aspergillosis models in immunocompromised animals.  相似文献   

Manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) is essential for life as dramatically illustrated by the neonatal lethality of mice that are deficient in MnSOD. In addition, mice expressing only 50% of the normal compliment of MnSOD demonstrate increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and severe mitochondrial dysfunction resulting from elevation of reactive oxygen species. Thus, it is important to know the status of both MnSOD protein levels and activity in order to assess its role as an important regulator of cell biology.

Numerous studies have shown that MnSOD can be induced to protect against pro-oxidant insults resulting from cytokine treatment, ultraviolet light, irradiation, certain tumors, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and ischemia/reperfusion. In addition, overexpression of MnSOD has been shown to protect against pro-apoptotic stimuli as well as ischemic damage. Conversely, several studies have reported declines in MnSOD activity during diseases including cancer, aging, progeria, asthma, and transplant rejection. The precise biochemical/molecular mechanisms involved with this loss in activity are not well understood. Certainly, MnSOD gene expression or other defects could play a role in such inactivation. However, based on recent findings regarding the susceptibility of MnSOD to oxidative inactivation, it is equally likely that post-translational modification of MnSOD may account for the loss of activity. Our laboratory has recently demonstrated that MnSOD is tyrosine nitrated and inactivated during human kidney allograft rejection and human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. We have determined that peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is the only known biological oxidant competent to inactivate enzymatic activity, to nitrate critical tyrosine residues, and to induce dityrosine formation in MnSOD. Tyrosine nitration and inactivation of MnSOD would lead to increased levels of superoxide and concomitant increases in ONOO- within the mitochondria which, could lead to tyrosine nitration/oxidation of key mitochondrial proteins and ultimately mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. This article assesses the important role of MnSOD activity in various pathological states in light of this potentially lethal positive feedback cycle involving oxidative inactivation.  相似文献   

Three electromorphs of iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) were identified among 29 Helicobacter pylori isolates by native gel electrophoresis and activity staining. The electromorphs designated isoforms A, B, and C are characterized by slow, intermediate and fast electrophoretic migration, respectively, which was not observed under denaturing conditions. The isoforms were not associated with virulence determinants and with the outcome of disease. Sequence analysis of the sodB gene in strains producing different FeSOD isoforms and comparison of deduced protein sequences revealed that differences in the electric migration behavior are associated with exchange of charged amino acids, suggesting that faster migration is caused by a more negative total charge of the proteins. Electrophoretic migration of native FeSOD was not influenced by changes in the iron cofactor concentration, oxidative stress, and different media, indicating that FeSOD isoforms represent stable strain-specific markers.  相似文献   

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