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LHCII is the most abundant membrane protein on earth. It participates in the first steps of photosynthesis by harvesting sunlight and transferring excitation energy to the core complex. Here we have analyzed the LHCII complex of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and its association with the core of Photosystem II (PSII) to form multiprotein complexes. Several PSII supercomplexes with different antenna sizes have been purified, the largest of which contains three LHCII trimers (named S, M and N) per monomeric core. A projection map at a 13 Å resolution was obtained allowing the reconstruction of the 3D structure of the supercomplex. The position and orientation of the S trimer are the same as in plants; trimer M is rotated by 45° and the additional trimer (named here as LHCII-N), which is taking the position occupied in plants by CP24, is directly associated with the core. The analysis of supercomplexes with different antenna sizes suggests that LhcbM1, LhcbM2/7 and LhcbM3 are the major components of the trimers in the PSII supercomplex, while LhcbM5 is part of the “extra” LHCII pool not directly associated with the supercomplex. It is also shown that Chlamydomonas LHCII has a slightly lower Chlorophyll a/b ratio than the complex from plants and a blue shifted absorption spectrum. Finally the data indicate that there are at least six LHCII trimers per dimeric core in the thylakoid membranes, meaning that the antenna size of PSII of C. reinhardtii is larger than that of plants.  相似文献   

H+-ATP synthase is the dominant ATP production site in mitochondria and chloroplasts. So far, dimerization of ATP synthase has been observed only in mitochondria by biochemical and electron microscopic investigations. Although the physiological relevance remains still enigmatic, dimerization was proposed to be a unique feature of the mitochondrion [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1555 (2002) 154]. It is hard to imagine, however, that closely related protein complexes of mitochondria and chloroplast should show such severe differences in structural organization. We present the first evidences for dimerization of chloroplast ATP synthases within the thylakoid membrane.By investigation of the thylakoid membrane of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, dimerization of the chloroplast ATP synthase was detected. Chloroplast ATP synthase dimer dissociates into monomers upon incubation with vanadate or phosphate but not by incubation with molybdate, while the mitochondrial dimer is not affected by the incubation. This suggests a distinct dimerization mechanism for mitochondrial and chloroplast ATP synthase. Since vanadate and phosphate bind to the active sites, contact sites located on the hydrophilic CF1 part are suggested for the chloroplast ATP synthase dimer. As the degree of dimerization varies with phosphate concentration, dimerization might be a response to low phosphate concentrations.  相似文献   

It is reported that O(2) is required for the activation of photosynthesis in dark adapted Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in State 1, under low light intensity. The concentration of dissolved O(2) of ca. 9 microM is sufficient to saturate the requirement. When the concentration of O(2) is 3 muM or below, the activation of photosynthesis is strongly inhibited by myxothiazol, a specific inhibitor of the mitochondrial cytochrome bc(1). The effect of this inhibitor decreases as the O(2) concentration is raised, to disappear completely above 50 muM. Low concentrations of uncouplers delay the activation of photosynthesis, but do not inhibit it when steady state is reached. It is concluded that in State 1 C. reinhardtii mitochondrial respiration is required for the activation of photosynthesis upon illumination of dark adapted cells only when the concentration of O(2) is too low (less than 5 muM) to allow an appreciable activity of the Mehler reaction. The role of respiration does not seem to be due to the synthesis of ATP by oxidative phosphorylation, because photosynthesis activation is not sensitive to oligomycin.  相似文献   

The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a model organism for the study of photosynthesis. The chloroplast ATP synthase is responsible for the synthesis of ATP during photosynthesis. Using genetic engineering and biolistic transformation, a string of eight histidine residues has been inserted into the amino-terminal end of the β subunit of this enzyme in C. reinhardtii. The incorporation of these amino acids did not impact the function of the ATP synthase either in vivo or in vitro and the resulting strain of C. reinhardtii showed normal growth. The addition of these amino acids can be seen through altered gel mobility of the β subunit and the binding of a polyhistidine-specific dye to the subunit. The purified his-tagged CF1 has normal Mg2+-ATPase activity, which can be stimulated by alcohol and detergents and the enzyme remains active while bound to a nickel-coated surface. Potential uses for this tagged enzyme as a biochemical tool are discussed.  相似文献   

Photoaccumulation of membrane preparations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii at pH 8 and 220 K reduces the primary and secondary electron acceptors in the Photosystem I (PSI) reaction centre, and produces a maximum of two spins per P700+. Proton electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra demonstrate that the phyllosemiquinone produced is that attributed to the PsaA branch of electron transfer. Photoaccumulation at pH 10 and 220 K produces a maximum of four spins per P700+, and proton ENDOR spectra indicate that a second phyllosemiquinone is being photoaccumulated, with markedly different proton hyperfine couplings (hfcs). This phyllosemiquinone is unaffected by mutation of PsaAW693, confirming that it does not arise from the PsaA branch of electron transfer, and we therefore attribute it to the PsaB phyllosemiquinone.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation is a practical method for stabilizing the genetic content of living algae over long periods of time. Yet, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the algal species most often utilized in studies requiring genetically defined strains, is difficult to cryopreserve with a consistently high post-thaw viability. Work described here demonstrates that C. reinhardtii retains high viability only when cryopreserved at a low cell density. Low viability at high cell density was caused by the release of an injurious substance into the culture medium. Rapid freezing and thawing under non-cryoprotective conditions released large amounts of the injurious substance. Heat denaturation of cells prevented the release of the injurious substance, but heating did not inactivate it after it was released. Even when concentrated, the injurious substance was non-toxic to cells under normal culture conditions. Reduced viability of cells cryopreserved in the presence of the injurious substance could not be attributed to changes in the tonicity of the medium. A mutant strain of C. reinhardtii (cw10) with a greatly diminished cell wall did not release a substance that reduced the post-thaw viability of wild-type or cw10 cryopreserved cells. Cryopreservation of cw10 cells was achieved with approximately the same post-thaw viability irrespective to the cell concentration at the time of freezing. Acid treatment of the injurious substance was able to partially diminish its injurious effect on cells during cryopreservation. We propose that diminished viability of C. reinhardtii cells cryopreserved at high cell densities is caused by the enzymatic release of a cell-wall component.  相似文献   

In the absence of PSII, non-photochemical reduction of plastoquinones (PQs) occurs following NADH or NADPH addition in thylakoid membranes of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The nature of the enzyme involved in this reaction has been investigated in vitro by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence increase in anoxia and light-dependent O2 uptake in the presence of methyl viologen. Based on the insensitivity of these reactions to rotenone, a type-I NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-1) inhibitor, and their sensitivity to flavoenzyme inhibitors and thiol blocking agents, we conclude to the involvement of a type-II NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-2) in PQ reduction. Intact Chlamydomonas cells placed in anoxia have the property to produce H2 in the light by a Fe-hydrogenase which uses reduced ferredoxin as an electron donor. H2 production also occurs in the absence of PSII thanks to the existence of a non-photochemical pathway of PQ reduction. From inhibitors effects, we suggest the involvement of a plastidial NDH-2 in PSII-independent H2 production in Chlamydomonas. These results are discussed in relation to the absence of ndh genes in Chlamydomonas plastid genome and to the existence of 7 ORFs homologous to type-II NDHs in its nuclear genome.  相似文献   

The outer antenna system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Photosystem I is composed of nine gene products, but due to difficulty in purification their individual properties are not known. In this work, the functional properties of the nine Lhca antennas of Chlamydomonas, have been investigated upon expression of the apoproteins in bacteria and refolding in vitro of the pigment-protein complexes. It is shown that all Lhca complexes have a red-shifted fluorescence emission as compared to the antenna complexes of Photosystem II, similar to Lhca from higher plants, but less red-shifted. Three complexes, namely Lhca2, Lhca4 and Lhca9, exhibit emission maxima above 707 nm and all carry an asparagine as ligand for Chl 603. The comparison of the protein sequences and the biochemical/spectroscopic properties of the refolded Chlamydomonas complexes with those of the well-characterized Arabidopsis thaliana Lhcas shows that all the Chlamydomonas complexes have a chromophore organization similar to that of A. thaliana antennas, particularly to Lhca2, despite low sequence identity. All the major biochemical and spectroscopic properties of the Lhca complexes have been conserved through the evolution, including those involved in “red forms” absorption. It has been proposed that in Chlamydomonas PSI antenna size and polypeptide composition can be modulated in vivo depending on growth conditions, at variance as compared to higher plants. Thus, the different properties of the individual Lhca complexes can be functional to adapt the architecture of the PSI-LHCI supercomplex to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Much effort has been expended to improve irrigation efficiency and drought tolerance of agronomic crops; however, a clear understanding of the physiological mechanisms that interact to decrease source strength and drive yield loss has not been attained. To elucidate the underlying mechanisms contributing to inhibition of net carbon assimilation under drought stress, three cultivars of Gossypium hirsutum were grown in the field under contrasting irrigation regimes during the 2012 and 2013 growing season near Camilla, Georgia, USA. Physiological measurements were conducted on three sample dates during each growing season (providing a broad range of plant water status) and included, predawn and midday leaf water potential (ΨPD and ΨMD), gross and net photosynthesis, dark respiration, photorespiration, and chlorophyll a fluorescence. End-of-season lint yield was also determined. ΨPD ranged from −0.31 to −0.95 MPa, and ΨMD ranged from −1.02 to −2.67 MPa, depending upon irrigation regime and sample date. G. hirsutum responded to water deficit by decreasing stomatal conductance, increasing photorespiration, and increasing the ratio of dark respiration to gross photosynthesis, thereby limiting PN and decreasing lint yield (lint yield declines observed during the 2012 growing season only). Conversely, even extreme water deficit, causing a 54% decline in PN, did not negatively affect actual quantum yield, maximum quantum yield, or photosynthetic electron transport. It is concluded that PN is primarily limited in drought-stressed G. hirsutum by decreased stomatal conductance, along with increases in respiratory and photorespiratory carbon losses, not inhibition or down-regulation of electron transport through photosystem II. It is further concluded that ΨPD is a reliable indicator of drought stress and the need for irrigation in field-grown cotton.  相似文献   

We measured picosecond time-resolved fluorescence of intact Photosystem I complexes from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Arabidopsis thaliana. The antenna system of C. reinhardtii contains about 30-60 chlorophylls more than that of A. thaliana, but lacks the so-called red chlorophylls, chlorophylls that absorb at longer wavelength than the primary electron donor. In C. reinhardtii, the main lifetimes of excitation trapping are about 27 and 68 ps. The overall lifetime of C. reinhardtii is considerably shorter than in A. thaliana. We conclude that the amount and energies of the red chlorophylls have a larger effect on excitation trapping time in Photosystem I than the antenna size.  相似文献   

Robert van Lis  Ariane Atteia 《BBA》2005,1708(1):23-34
Compelling evidence exists that the colorless algae of the genus Polytomella arose from a green Chlamydomonas-like ancestor by losing its functional photosynthetic apparatus. Due to the close relationship between the colorless and the green chlorophyte, Polytomella sp. appeared as a useful indicative framework for structural studies of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria. However, comparative studies reported here unexpectedly revealed significant differences between the mitochondrial respiratory systems of the two algae. Two-dimensional blue native/SDS-PAGE of isolated mitochondria indicated that cytochrome-containing respiratory complexes III and IV in the two chlorophytes contrast in size, subunit composition and relative abundance. Complex IV in Polytomella is smaller than its counterpart in C. reinhardtii and occurs in two forms that differ presumably in the presence of subunit COXIII. The cytochrome c and the iron-sulfur Rieske protein of both chlorophytes revealed structural differences on the amino acid sequence level. Under comparable culture conditions, the colorless alga exhibits lower levels of cytochrome c and complex IV but a higher respiratory activity than the green alga. Cytochrome c levels were also found to be differently regulated by the growth conditions in both algae. The divergence between the respiratory systems in the two related chlorophytes can be viewed as a consequence of the loss of photosynthetic activity and/or of the adaptation to the environment via the acquisition of a more flexible, heterotrophic metabolism. Our understanding of mitochondrial function and evolution is expected to be greatly enhanced via further parallel studies of photosynthetic/non-photosynthetic algae, for which this study forms an incentive.  相似文献   

Shiguo Chen 《BBA》2007,1767(4):306-318
Tenuazonic acid (TeA) is a natural phytotoxin produced by Alternaria alternata, the causal agent of brown leaf spot disease of Eupatorium adenophorum. Results from chlorophyll fluorescence revealed TeA can block electron flow from QA to QB at photosystem II acceptor side. Based on studies with D1-mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, the No. 256 amino acid plays a key role in TeA binding to the QB-niche. The results of competitive replacement with [14C]atrazine combined with JIP-test and D1-mutant showed that TeA should be considered as a new type of photosystem II inhibitor because it has a different binding behavior within QB-niche from other known photosystem II inhibitors. Bioassay of TeA and its analogues indicated 3-acyl-5-alkyltetramic and even tetramic acid compounds may represent a new structural framework for photosynthetic inhibitors.  相似文献   

The chloroplast H+-ATP synthase is a key component for the energy supply of higher plants and green algae. An oligomer of identical protein subunits III is responsible for the conversion of an electrochemical proton gradient into rotational motion. It is highly controversial if the oligomer III stoichiometry is affected by the metabolic state of any organism. Here, the intact oligomer III of the ATP synthase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been isolated for the first time. Due to the importance of the subunit III stoichiometry for energy conversion, a gradient gel system was established to distinguish oligomers with different stoichiometries. With this methodology, a possible alterability of the stoichiometry in respect to the metabolic state of the cells was examined. Several growth parameters, i.e., light intensity, pH value, carbon source, and CO2 concentration, were varied to determine their effects on the stoichiometry. Contrary to previous suggestions for E. coli, the oligomer III of the chloroplast H+-ATP synthase always consists of a constant number of monomers over a wide range of metabolic states. Furthermore, mass spectrometry indicates that subunit III from C. reinhardtii is not modified posttranslationally. Data suggest a subunit III stoichiometry of the algae ATP synthase divergent from higher plants.  相似文献   

The majority of biological data on Cryptosporidium has been collected from humans and domestic animal hosts which creates a bias in knowledge on the biodiversity and evolution of this parasite genus. Further to understanding Cryptosporidium biology are studies encompassing broad hosts that represent diverse taxa sampled across wide geographic ranges. Marsupials represent a group of wildlife hosts from which limited information on Cryptosporidium is available. As marsupial hosts are an ancient mammalian lineage they represent an important group for studying parasite evolution. This review summarises information of the biology, epidemiology and evolution of Cryptosporidium in marsupial hosts, and discusses the importance of further understanding interactions in this parasite-host system.  相似文献   

Combined and/or interactive effects of inorganic nitrogen (as ammonium) and irradiance on the accumulation of nitrogenous compounds, like UV-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), chlorophyll a and phycobiliproteins, were examined in the red alga Grateloupia lanceola (J. Agardh) J. Agardh in a high irradiance laboratory exposure and a subsequent recovery period under low light. Also, photosynthetic activity as in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence of photosystem II, i.e. optimum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), electron transport rate (ETR) and quantum efficiency, were examined. Photosynthetic activity, phycobiliproteins and internal nitrogen content declined during the 3-day PAR (photosynthetically active radiation; 600 μmol s−1 m−2) and PAR + UVR (ultraviolet radiation; UVB 280–315 nm 0.8 W m−2, UVA 315–400 nm 16 W m−2) exposure. Ammonium supplied in the culture medium (0, 100 and 300 μM NH4Cl) modified the responses of the alga to high irradiance exposures in a concentration dependent manner, mainly with respect to recovery, as the highest recovery during a 10-day low light period was produced under elevated concentration of ammonium (300 μM). The recovery of photosynthetic activity and phycobiliproteins was enhanced in the algae previously incubated under PAR + UVR as compared to exposure to only PAR, suggesting a beneficial effect of UVR on recovery or photoprotective processes under enriched nitrogen conditions. However, the content of MAAs did not follow the same pattern and thus it could not be concluded as the cause of observed enhanced recovery.  相似文献   

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