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The bilayer phase transitions of palmitoylstearoyl-phosphatidylcholine (PSPC), diheptadecanoyl-PC (C17PC) and stearoylpalmitoyl-PC (SPPC) which have the same total carbon numbers in the two acyl chains were observed by differential scanning calorimetry and high-pressure optical method. As the temperature increased, these bilayers exhibited four phases of the subgel (Lc), lamellar gel (L beta'), ripple gel (P beta') and liquid crystal (L alpha), in turn. The Lc phase was observed only in the first heating scan after cold storage. The temperatures of the phase transitions were almost linearly elevated by applying pressure. The temperature-pressure phase diagrams and the thermodynamic quantities associated with the phase transitions were compared among the lipid bilayers. For all the bilayers studied, the pressure-induced interdigitated gel (L beta I) phase appeared above the critical interdigitation pressure (CIP) between the L beta' and P beta' phases. The CIPs for the PSPC, C17PC and SPPC bilayers were found to be 50.6, 79.1 and 93.0 MPa, respectively. Contribution of two acyl chains to thermodynamic properties for the phase transitions of asymmetric PSPC and SPPC bilayers was not even. The sn-2 acyl chain lengths of asymmetric PCs governed primarily the bilayer properties. The fluorescence spectra of Prodan in lipid bilayers showed the emission maxima characteristic of bilayer phases, which were dependent on the location of Prodan in the bilayers. Second derivative of fluorescent spectrum exhibited the original emission spectrum of Prodan to be composed of the distribution of Prodan into multiple locations in the lipid bilayer. The F'497/F'430 value, a ratio of second derivative of fluorescence intensity at 497 nm to that at 430 nm, is decisive evidence whether bilayer interdigitation will occur. With respect to the L beta'/L beta I phase transition in the SPPC bilayer, the emission maximum of Prodan exhibited the narrow-range red-shift from 441 to 449 nm, indicating that the L beta I phase in the SPPC bilayer has a less polar "pocket" formed by a space between uneven terminal methyl ends of the sn-1 and sn-2 chains, in which the Prodan molecule remains stably.  相似文献   

The bilayer phase transitions of a series of ether-linked phospholipids, 1,2-dialkylphosphatidylcholines containing linear saturated alkyl chain (Cn = 12, 14, 16 and 18), were observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under ambient pressure and light-transmittance measurements under high pressure. The thermodynamic quantities of the pre- and main-transitions for the ether-linked PC bilayer membranes were calculated and compared with those of a series of ester-linked PCs, 1,2-diacylphosphatidylcholines. The thermodynamic quantities of the main transition for the ether-linked PC bilayers showed distinct dependence on alkyl-chain length and were slightly different from those of the ester-linked PC bilayers. From the comparison of thermodynamic quantities for the main transition between both PC bilayers, we revealed that the attractive interaction in the gel phase for the ether-linked PC bilayers is weaker than that for the ester-linked PC bilayers. Regarding the pretransition, although changes in enthalpy and entropy for both PC bilayers were comparable to each other, the volume changes of the ether-linked PC bilayers roughly doubled those of the ester-linked PC bilayers. The larger volume change results from the smallest partial molar volume of the ether-linked PC molecule in the interdigitated gel phase. Further, we constructed the temperature-pressure phase diagrams for the ether-linked PC bilayers by using the phase-transition data. The region of the interdigitated gel phase in the phase diagrams was extended by applying pressure and by increasing the alkyl-chain length of the molecule. Comparing the phase diagrams with those for the ester-linked PC bilayers, it was proved that the phase behavior of the ester-linked PC bilayers under high temperature and pressure is almost equivalent to that of the ether-linked PC bilayers in the vicinity of ambient pressure.  相似文献   

The alignment of the sn-1 and sn-2 acyl chains at the terminal methyl ends generally produces significant influence on the thermodynamic properties of the bilayer phase transitions. We investigated the bilayer phase behavior of asymmetric phospholipids, myristoylpalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and palmitoylmyristoylphosphatidylcholine, by high-pressure light-transmittance and Prodan-fluorescence techniques and differential scanning calorimetry. Constructed temperature-pressure phase diagrams revealed that no stable phase can exist in the whole pressure range because of the formation of the most stable Lc phase. Nevertheless, the pretransition, the detection of which is severely hampered by the exceptionally prompt formation of the Lc phase, was successfully observed. Moreover, the effect of the total and difference of the sn-1 and sn-2 acyl chain lengths on minimal interdigitation pressure (MIP) was summarized in a MIP vs. chain-length inequivalence parameter plot, where the effect was proved to be classified in three zones depending on the alignment of both terminal methyl ends.  相似文献   

The bilayer phase transitions of six kinds of mixed-chain phosphatidylcholines (PCs) with an unsaturated acyl chain in the sn-1 or sn-2 position, 1-oleoyl-2-stearoyl- (OSPC), 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl- (SOPC), 1-oleoyl-2-palmitoyl- (OPPC), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl- (POPC), 1-oleoyl-2-myristoyl- (OMPC) and 1-myristoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (MOPC), were observed by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and high-pressure light transmittance measurements. Bilayer membranes of SOPC, POPC and MOPC with an unsaturated acyl chain in the sn-2 position exhibited only one phase transition, which was identified as the main transition between the lamellar gel (Lβ) and liquid crystalline (Lα) phases. On the other hand, the bilayer membranes of OSPC, OPPC and OMPC with an unsaturated acyl chain in the sn-1 position exhibited not only the main transition but also a transition from the lamellar crystal (Lc) to the Lβ (or Lα) phase. The stability of their gel phases was markedly affected by pressure and chain length of the saturated acyl chain in the sn-2 position. Considering the effective chain lengths of unsaturated mixed-chain PCs, the difference in the effective chain length between the sn-1 and sn-2 acyl chains was proven to be closely related to the temperature difference of the main transition. That is, a mismatch of the effective chain length promotes a temperature difference of the main transition between the positional isomers. Anomalously small volume changes of the Lc/Lα transition for the OPPC and OMPC bilayers were found despite their large enthalpy changes. This behavior is attributable to the existence of a cis double bond and to significant inequivalence between the sn-1 and sn-2 acyl chains, which brings about a small volume change for chain melting due to loose chain packing, corresponding to a large partial molar volume, even in the Lc phase. Further, the bilayer behavior of unsaturated mixed-chain PCs containing an unsaturated acyl chain in the sn-1 or sn-2 position was well explained by the chemical-potential diagram of a lipid in each phase.  相似文献   

The bilayer phase transitions of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC), containing two linear acyl chains with 12 carbon atoms, were observed by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under ambient pressure and light transmittance under high pressure. When the heating scan for the DLPC bilayer in 50 wt.% aqueous ethylene glycol (EG) solution began at -30 degrees C after cold storage, the DSC thermogram showed two endothermic peaks at 1.7 and 4.5 degrees C, which correspond to the transition from the lamellar crystalline (Lc) phase to the intermediate liquid crystalline (Lx) phase and the transition from the Lx phase to the liquid crystalline (L) phase, respectively. Extremely large enthalpy change (32.9 kJ mol(-1)) is characteristic of the Lc/Lx phase transition. The DSC thermogram for the heating scan beginning from -10 degrees C showed a single endothermic peak with 9.2 kJ mol(-1) at -0.4 degrees C, which was assigned as the so-called main transition between the metastable ripple gel (P'(beta)) and metastable Lalpha phases. The DLPC bilayer under high pressure underwent three kinds of transitions in EG solution, whereas only one transition was observed in water under high pressure. The middle-temperature transition in EG solution could be assigned to the main transition because of its consistency with the main transition in water. The lower-temperature transition is probably assigned as transition from the Lc phase to the P'(beta) phase. Since the slope (dT/dp) of the Lc/P'(beta) phase boundary is smaller than that for the main transition, the Lc/P'(beta) phase boundary and the main transition curves crossed each other at 40 MPa on the temperature-pressure phase diagram. The higher-temperature transition in EG solution refers to the transition from the Lx phase to the Lalpha phase. The Lx phase disappeared at about 180 MPa, and the direct transition from the P'(beta) phase to the Lalpha phase was observed at high pressures above 180 MPa.  相似文献   

The bilayer phase transitions of three kinds of phospholipids, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) and dihexadecylphosphatidylcholine (DHPC), in deuterium oxide (D2O) and hydrogen oxide (H2O) were observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) under ambient pressure and light-transmittance measurements under high pressure. The DSC measurements showed that the substitution of H2O by D2O affected the pretransition temperatures and the main-transition enthalpies of all PC bilayers. The temperature-pressure phase diagrams for these PC bilayer membranes in both solvents were constructed by use of the data of light-transmittance measurements. Regarding the main transition of all PC bilayer membranes, there was no appreciable difference between the transition temperatures in D2O and H2O under high pressure. On the other hand, the phase transitions among the gel phases including the pretransition were significantly affected by the solvent substitution. The thermodynamic quantities of phase transitions for the PC bilayer membranes were evaluated and the differences in thermodynamic properties by the water substitution were considered from the difference of interfacial-free energy per molecule in the bilayer in both solvents. It was proved that the substitution of H2O by D2O causes shrinkage of the molecular area of phospholipid at bilayer interface due to the difference in bond strength between deuterium and hydrogen bonds and produces the great influence on the bilayer phase with the smaller area. Further, the induction of bilayer interdigitation in D2O turned out to need higher pressures than in H2O.  相似文献   

Phase behavior of hydrated lipid bilayer was investigated for the mixtures of two phospholipid species chosen from phosphatidic acid (PA), phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and phosphatidylglycerol (PG) with the same acyl chains. The pseudo-binary phase diagrams constructed by a differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were analyzed based on a thermodynamic model applying the Bragg–Williams approximation for non-ideality of mixing. The interchange energy parameters, ρ0, derived from this approach were positive for all mixture systems in both gel and liquid–crystalline phase bilayers, and increased in the order PG/PE<PC/PA<PC/PE<PG/PA with a few exception. This suggests that the energetical disadvantage for the mixed-pair formation relative to the like-pair formation in the hydrated bilayer increases in this order. In addition, the ρ0 values increased with the increase in the acyl chain length of the phospholipids. These experimental results were discussed in terms of an intermolecular interaction of the phospholipid species in hydrated bilayer.  相似文献   

The phase transition temperature (Tt) of dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid multilamellar liposomes is depressed 10°C by the inhalation anesthetic methoxyflurane at a concentration of 100 mmol/mol lipid. Application of 100 atm of helium pressure to pure phosphatidic acid liposomes increased Tt only 1.5°C. However, application of 100 atm helium pressure to dipalmitoyl phosphatidic acid lipsomes containing 100 mmol methoxyflurane/mol lipid almost completely antagonized the effect of the anesthetic. A nonlinear pressure effect is observed. In a previous study, a concentration of 60 mmol methoxyflurane/mol dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine depressed Tt only 1.5°C, exhibiting a linear pressure effect. The completely different behavior in the charged membrane is best explained by extrusion of the anesthetic from the lipid phase.  相似文献   

The increase in passive permeability of bilayer membranes near the phase transition temperature is usually explained as caused by either the increase in the amount of ‘boundary lipid’ present in the membrane, or by the increase in lateral compressibility of the membrane. Since both the amount of ‘boundary lipid’ and the lateral compressibility show a similar anomaly near the transition temperature, it is difficult to distinguish experimentally between the two proposed mechanisms.We have examined some details of both of the proposed pictures. The fluid-solid boundary energy, neglected in previous work, has been computed as a function of the domain size. For a single component uncharged lipid bilayer, the results rule out the existence of even loosely defined solid domains in a fluid phase, or vice versa. Thermodynamic fluctuations, which are responsible for anomalous behaviour near the phase transition temperature, are not intense enough to approximate the formation of a domain of the opposite phase.Turning next to lateral compressibility of bilayer membranes we have considered two-component mixtures in the phase separation region. We present the first calculation of lateral compressibility for such systems. The behaviour shows interesting anomalies, which should correlate with existing and future data on transport across membranes.  相似文献   

The effects of presure on the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperature of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayers containing cholesterol, α-tocopherol and α-tocopheryl acetate were studied by fluorescence depolarizalion. The transition temperature of cholesterol mixtures ( > 7.5 mol%) was lower than that of 100% DMPC at atmospheric pressure, but it became higher than the latter on increase in pressure. The thermodynamic parameters of the transition (ΔV,ΔS,ΔH) were estimated and the functions of cholesterol and α-tocopherols in the bilayers are discussed.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the melting transition temperature of aqueous dispersions of dipalmitoyl- and distearoylphosphatidylcholine to hydrostatic pressure is used to allow measurement of the rates of isothermal freezing and melting of the lipids by rapidly changing the pressure. The degree of order of the lipids is measured by monitoring a ratio of two points in the Raman spectrum of the lipids which changes sharply at the melting temperature. Use of this Raman order ratio allows correlation between the order of the sample and the rates of transition in a manner which is impossible by monitoring only turbidity. Our longest relaxation times range upwards from a few seconds for both compounds. The freezing rates are slowest when the samples are initially fully melted, and the melting rates are slowest when the samples are initially frozen. These results imply that nucleation of the growing phase dominates the kinetics of both freezing and melting.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra at 360 MHz of small sonicated distearoyl phosphatidylcholine vesicles show easily distinguishable resonances due to choline N-methyl head-group protons located in the inner and outer bilayer halves. A study of the chemical shift of these resonances as a function of temperature reveals that the splitting between them increases below the phase transition. This occurs as a result of an upfield shift of the inner layer resonance at the phase transition. Consideration of the possible causes of this effect results in the conclusion that, at the phase transition, there is a change in the organization of the inner layer head-groups which does not occur for the outer layer head-groups.  相似文献   

We showed that the investigation of the selective association of phospholipids might contribute to the insight of the flip-flop diffusion processes. The process of selective association was studied quantitatively by testing the association probabilities for both parallel and anti-parallel orientations of the polar headgroups. The model of double chain binary mixture confirms a high capacity of phospholipids for self-association in parallel configuration of the electric dipole moments whether the cross-sectional area of the polar headgroups are in an usual range of 25–55 Å2. It is demonstrated that the aggregation of a class of phospholipids from a binary mixture is strongly dependent on the dipole-dipole interaction between the same phospholipids and is modulated by the magnitude of the electric dipole moment of the other phospholipids from that binary mixture. There are a great number of mechanisms involved in the transbilayer movement of phospholipids. We referred here only to the passive transport of lipids from one monolayer to the other. The flip-flop mechanisms raised in this paper are the breakdown of bilayer due to the increase of the packing density and the inversion of the coupled phospholipids from the opposite monolayers of the same bilayer. Thus, the pair formation promoting a drop in occupied volume decreases the packing pressure in the respective monolayer and consequently triggers a flip-flop into the other direction since the packing pressure in the other monolayer has not dropped. According to the present model for the binary mixtures of double-chain lipids, the rate of the flip-flop diffusion decreased by increasing the number of the methylene groups added to the acyl chain. This dependence may be perturbed whether the phospholipids possesses a very high cross-section area of the polar headgroups (a > 55 Å2). We think that the selective association of phospholipids is neither exclusively, nor only involved in promoting the transbilayer diffusion of phospholipids. Most probably, the selective association determines some phospholipid domains that attract certain particular proteins so that it can modulate the protein activity.  相似文献   

Deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to study the thermotropic phase behavior of dilauroylphosphatidylcholine (DLPC) bilayers at pressures up to 221 MPa. Pressure was found to separate the liquid crystal to gel transition from the gel to ordered crystalline phase transition. The jump in chain order observed on cooling through the transition into the gel phase was found to be small and thus consistent with the trend in longer chain saturated diacyl phosphatidylcholines. On cooling, DLPC was observed to enter an unusual state above the transition into the gel phase. This unusual state displayed fluid-like conformational order but short transverse relaxation times. It was found to be much better pronounced and to span a broader temperature range at elevated pressure than at lower pressures. Transverse relaxation measurements of deuterons on the chain alpha-carbons revealed a substantial slowing of molecular motions within the temperature range of the unusual fluid phase. The observation of such a phase at high pressure appears to be consistent with recent reports of an unusual fluid phase, Lx, in DLPC at ambient pressure.  相似文献   

In order to understand the effect of polar head group modification on the thermotropic and barotropic phase behavior of phospholipid bilayer membranes, the phase transitions of dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE), dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-N-methylethanolamine (DPMePE), dipalmitoylphosphatidyl-N,N-dimethylethanolamine (DPMe2PE) and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayer membranes were observed by differential scanning calorimetry and high-pressure optical methods. The temperatures of the so-called main transition from the gel (Lβ) or ripple gel (Pβ′) phase to the liquid crystalline (Lα) phase were almost linearly elevated by applying pressure. The slope of the temperature-pressure boundary, dT/dp, was in the range of 0.220-0.264 K MPa−1 depending on the number of methyl groups in the head group of lipids. The main-transition temperatures of N-methylated DPPEs decreased with increasing size of head group by stepwise N-methylation. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in thermodynamic quantities of the main transition between the phospholipids. With respect to the transition from the subgel (Lc) phase to the lamellar gel (Lβ or Lβ′) phase, the transition temperatures were also elevated by applying pressure. In the case of DPPE bilayer the Lc/Lβ transition appeared at a pressure higher than 21.8 MPa. At a pressure below 21.8 MPa the Lc/Lα transition was observed at a temperature higher than the main-transition temperature. The main (Lβ/Lα) transition can be recognized as the transformation between metastable phases in the range from ambient pressure to 21.8 MPa. Polymorphism in the gel phase is characteristic of DPPC bilayer membrane unlike other lipid bilayers used in this study: the Lβ′, Pβ′ and pressure-induced interdigitated gel (LβI) phases were observed only in the DPPC bilayer. Regarding the bilayers of DPPE, DPMePE and DPMe2PE, the interdigitation of acyl chain did not appear even at pressures as high as 200 MPa.  相似文献   

In order to clarify, in dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine multilayers, the effect of the 34°C thermal pretransition on the acyl chain intramolecular disordering process, Raman spectra of dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine gels at 20 and 34°C were compared in the 1000–1200 cm−1 skeletal C-C stretching region. In addition to an overall intensity decrease associated with a change in chain packing characteristics, the growth of intensity in the 1080–1090 and 1122 cm−1 regions in the (34-20°C) difference spectrum clearly indicates that the thermal pretransition is accompanied by an increase in the population of hydrocarbon chain gauche rotamers toward the center of the bilayer.  相似文献   

We examined how morphology of bilayer assemblies affects the kinetics of the subgel phase formation in dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) bilayers, which change their morphology depending on NaCl concentration. Quantitative analysis of the kinetics revealed that in flat sheet-like structures (bilayer sheets) the subgel phase forms in a simple two-state manner with the relaxation time of about 3 min at -10 degrees C while in vesicles it forms much slower under a multi-step process. Freeze-etch electron microscopic observations suggested that the kinetics of the subgel phase formation is directly correlated with the morphology of bilayer assemblies. It is likely that the bilayer sheet structure is more favorable to the subgel phase formation in DMPG bilayers than the vesicular structure.  相似文献   

The phase transition of a complex, biological membrane was studied in relation to two variables: high pressure and the alcohols, pentanol and benzyl alcohol, in order to determine whether earlier studies of defined phospholipid bilayers may be applied to natural membranes. The isolated membrane of A choleplasma laidlawii was used and three independent methods were chosen to detect the transition; optical transmission (giving Tt, an index of the end-of-melting temperature); fluorescence polarisation (giving Tp, the temperature midway through the change in polarisation which characterises the transition) and differential thermal analysis giving a record of the temperature range occupied by the endothermic process. Pressure increased Tt by 0.017 K·atm−1 and Tp by 0.016 K·atm−1, consistent with dT/dP = T·ΔV/ΔH. Pentanol (and benzyl alcohol) lowered Tt, Tp and the temperature of the endotherm seen with differential thermal analysis. Thus the membrane transition responds to pressure and alcohols in agreement with thermodynamic theory.  相似文献   

A statistical thermodynamic model of phospholipid bilayers is developed. In the model, a new concept of a closely packed system is applied, i.e., a system of hard cylinders of equal radii, the radius being a function of the average number of gauche rotations in a hydrocarbon chain. Using this concept of a closely packed system, reasonable values are obtained for the change in specific volume at the order-disorder transition of lecithin bilayers. In addition to interactions between the lipid matrix and water molecules, between the head groups themselves and between hydrocarbon chains, as well as the intramolecular energy associated with chain conformation, the Hamiltonian of the membrane also includes the energy of the pressure field. Thus, the phase transition of phospholipid membranes induced not only by temperature hut also by hydrostatic pressure is described by this model simultaneously. In accordance with the experimental results, a linear relationship is obtained between the phase transition temperature and phase transition pressure. The other calculated phase transition properties of lecithin homologues. e.g., changes in enthalpy, surface area. thickness and gauche number per chain are in agreement with the available experimental data. The ratio of kink to interstitial conduction of bilayers is also estimated.  相似文献   

The rate of translocation of the hydrophobic ion dipicrylamine across planar lipid membranes formed from dipalmitoyllecithin in n-decane was determined by voltage jump relaxation experiments. The activation energy of the rate constant shows a change from a positive to a negative value at about 42°C near the main phase transition temperature of this lipid. Below this temperature, the rate constant was found to increase with decreasing temperature. This anomalous behaviour extends over a temperature range of at least 10 K and may be formally interpreted as an enhanced mobility of dipicrylamine in the solid state of the membrane.  相似文献   

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