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Three isoforms of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll (Chl) a/b complexs of photosystem II (LHCIIb) in the pea, namely, Lhcb1, Lhcb2, and Lhcb3, were obtained by overexpression of apoprotein in Escherichia coli and by successfully refolding these isoforms with thylakoid pigments in vitro. The sequences of the protein, pigment stoichiometries, spectroscopic characteristics, thermo- and photostabilities of different isoforms were analysed. Comparison of their spectroscopic properties and structural stabilities revealed that Lhcb3 differed strongly from Lhcb1 and Lhcb2 in both respects. It showed the lowest Qy transition energy, with its reddest absorption about 2 nm red-shifted, and the highest photostability under strong illuminations. Among the three isoforms, Lhcb 2 showed lowest thermal stability regarding energy transfer from Chl b to Chl a in the complexes, which implies that the main function of Lhcb 2 under high temperature stress is not the energy transfer.  相似文献   

The apoprotein of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCIIb) is post-translationally imported into the chloroplast, where membrane insertion, protein folding, and pigment binding take place. The sequence and molecular mechanism of the latter steps is largely unknown. The complex spontaneously self-organises in vitro to form structurally authentic LHCIIb upon reconstituting the unfolded recombinant protein with the pigments chlorophyll a, b, and carotenoids in detergent micelles. Former measurements of LHCIIb assembly had revealed two apparent kinetic phases, a faster one (tau1) in the range of 10 s to 1 min, and a slower one (tau2) in the range of several min. To unravel the sequence of events we analysed the binding of chlorophylls into the complex by using time-resolved fluorescence measurements of resonance energy transfer from chlorophylls to an acceptor dye attached to the apoprotein. Chlorophyll a, offered in the absence of chlorophyll b, bound with the faster kinetics (tau1) exclusively whereas chlorophyll b, in the absence of chlorophyll a, bound predominantly with the slower kinetics (tau2). In double-jump experiments, LHCIIb assembly could be dissected into a faster chlorophyll a and a subsequent, predominantly slower chlorophyll b-binding step. The assignment of the faster and the slower kinetic phase to predominantly chlorophyll a and exclusively chlorophyll b binding, respectively, was verified by analysing the assembly kinetics with a circular dichroism signal in the visible domain presumably reflecting the establishment of pigment-pigment interactions. We propose that slow chlorophyll binding is confined to the exclusively chlorophyll b binding sites whereas faster binding occurs to the chlorophyll a binding sites. The latter sites can bind both chlorophylls a and b but in a reversible fashion as long as the complex is not stabilised by proper occupation of the chlorophyll b sites. The resulting two-step model of LHCIIb assembly is able to reconcile the highly specific binding sites containing either chlorophyll a or b, as seen in the recent crystal structures of LHCIIb, with the observation of promiscuous binding sites able to bind both chlorophyll a and b in numerous reconstitution analyses of LHCIIb assembly.  相似文献   

The major chlorophyll (Chl) a/b complexes of photosystem II (LHCIIb), in addition to their primary light-harvesting function, play key roles in the organization of the granal ultrastructure of the thylakoid membranes and in various regulatory processes. These functions depend on the structural stability and flexibility of the complexes. The lumenal side of LHCIIb is exposed to broadly variable pH environments, due to the build-up and decay of the pH gradient during photosynthesis. Therefore, the negatively charged amino acids in the lumenal loop might be of paramount importance for adjusting the structure and functions of LHCIIb. In order to clarify the structural roles of these residues, we investigated the pigment stoichiometries, absorption, linear and circular dichroism spectra of the reconstituted LHCIIb complexes, in which the negatively charged amino acids in the lumenal loop were exchanged to neutral ones (E94G, E107V and D111V). The mutations influenced the pigment binding and the molecular architecture of the complexes. Exchanging E94 to G destabilized the 310 helix in the lumenal loop structure and led to an acquired pH sensitivity of the LHCIIb structure. We conclude that these amino acids are important not only for pigment binding in the complexes, but also in stabilizing the conformation of LHCIIb at different pHs.  相似文献   

The major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCIIb) of photosystem (PS) II functions by harvesting light energy and by limiting and balancing the energy flow directed towards the PSI and PSII reaction centers. The complex is predominantly trimeric; however, the monomeric form may play a role in one or several of the regulatory functions of LHCIIb. In this work the dissociation temperature was measured of trimeric LHCIIb isolated from Pisum thylakoids and inserted into liposomes made of various combinations of thylakoid lipids at various protein densities. Dissociation was measured by monitoring a trimer-specific circular dichroism signal in the visible range. The LHCIIb density in the membrane significantly affected the trimer dissociation temperature ranging from 70 °C at an LHCIIb concentration comparable to or higher than the one in thylakoid grana, to 65 °C at the density estimated in stromal lamellae. Omitting one thylakoid lipid from the liposomes had virtually no effect on the thermal trimer stability in most cases except when digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGDG) was omitted which caused a drop in the apparent dissociation temperature by 2 °C. In liposomes containing only one lipid species, DGDG and, even more so, monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGDG) increased the thermal stability of LHCIIb trimers whereas phosphatidyl diacylglycerol (PG) significantly decreased it. The lateral pressure exerted by the non-bilayer lipid MGDG did not significantly influence LHCII trimer stability.  相似文献   

Under strong light conditions, long-lived chlorophyll triplets (3Chls) are formed, which can sensitize singlet oxygen, a species harmful to the photosynthetic apparatus of plants. Plants have developed multiple photoprotective mechanisms to quench 3Chl and scavenge singlet oxygen in order to sustain the photosynthetic activities. The lumenal loop of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex of photosystem II (LHCII) plays important roles in regulating the pigment conformation and energy dissipation. In this study, site-directed mutagenesis analysis was applied to investigate triplet–triplet energy transfer and quenching of 3Chl in LHCII. We mutated the amino acid at site 123 located in this region to Gly, Pro, Gln, Thr and Tyr, respectively, and recorded fluorescence excitation spectra, triplet-minus-singlet (TmS) spectra and kinetics of carotenoid triplet decay for wild type and all the mutants. A red-shift was evident in the TmS spectra of the mutants S123T and S123P, and all of the mutants except S123Y showed a decrease in the triplet energy transfer efficiency. We propose, on the basis of the available structural information, that these phenomena are related to the involvement, due to conformational changes in the lumenal region, of a long-wavelength lutein (Lut2) involved in quenching 3Chl.  相似文献   

The multiple roles of light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-protein complexes in the structure and function of Arabidopsis chloroplasts were investigated using two chlorophyll b-less mutants grown under metal halide lamps with a significant far-red component. In ch1-3, all six light-harvesting proteins of photosystem (PS) II were greatly decreased; in ch1-3lhcb5, Lhcb5 was completely absent while the other five proteins were further decreased. The thylakoids of ch1-3 were less negatively-charged than the wild type, and those of ch1-3lhcb5 were even less so. Despite the expected weaker electrostatic repulsion, however, thylakoids in leaves of the mutants were not well stacked, an effect we attribute to lower van der Waals attraction, lower electrostatic attraction between opposite charges, and the absence or instability of PSII supercomplexes and peripheral light-harvesting trimers. The quantum yield of oxygen evolution in leaves decreased from 0.109 (wild type) to 0.087 (ch1-3) and 0.081 (ch1-3lhcb5) O2 (photon absorbed)− 1; we attribute this decrease to an excessive spillover from PSII to PSI, a limited PSII antenna, and increased light-independent thermal dissipation in PSII in the mutants. Destabilization of the donor side of PSII, indicated by slower electron donation to the redox-active tyrosine YZ in ch1-3, probably enhanced PSII susceptibility to photoinactivation, increased the non-functional PSII complexes in vivo, and further inactivated PSII complexes in vitro. The evolution of chlorophyll b-containing chloroplasts seems to fine-tune oxygenic photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Eight chlorophyll b deficient nuclear mutants of pea (Pisum sativum L.) have been characterized by low temperature fluorescence emission spectra of their leaves and by the ultrastructure, photochemical activities and polypeptide compositions of the thylakoid membranes. The room temperature fluorescence induction kinetics of leaves and isolated thylakoids have also been recorded. In addition, the effects of Mg2+ on the fluorescence kinetics of the membranes have been investigated. The mutants are all deficient in the major polypeptide of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein of photosystem II. The low temperature fluorescence emission spectra of aurea-5106, xantha-5371 and –5820 show little or no fluorescence around 730 nm (photosystem I fluorescence), but possess maxima at 685 and 695 nm (photosystem II fluorescence). These three mutants have low photosystem II activities, but significant photosystem I activities. The long-wavelength fluorescence maximum is reduced for three other mutants. The Mg2+ effect on the variable component of the room temperature fluorescence (685 nm) induction kinetics is reduced in all mutants, and completely absent in aurea-5106 and xantha-5820. The thylakoid membranes of these 2 mutants are appressed pairwise in 2-disc grana of large diameter. Chlorotica-1-206A and–130A have significant long-wavelength maxima in the fluorescence spectra and show the largest Mg2+ enhancement of the variable part of the fluorescence kinetics. These two mutants have rather normally structured chloroplast membranes, though the stroma regions are reduced. The four remaining mutants are in several respects of an intermediate type.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - CPI Chi-protein complex I, Fo, Fv - Fm parameters of room temperature chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics - F685, F695 and F-1 components of low temperature chlorophyll emission with maximum at 685, 695 and ca 735 nm, respectively - PSI photosystem I - PSII photosystem II - LHCI and LHCII light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complexes associated with PSI and PSII, respectively - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   

Previous investigations have demonstrated that photosystem II (PSII) thermostability acclimates to prior exposure to heat and drought, but contrasting results have been reported for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). We hypothesized that PSII thermotolerance in G. hirsutum would acclimate to environmental conditions during the growing season and that there would be differences in PSII thermotolerance between commercially-available U.S. cultivars. To this end, three cotton cultivars were grown under dryland conditions in Tifton Georgia, and two under irrigated conditions in Marianna Arkansas. At Tifton, measurements included PSII thermotolerance (T15, the temperature causing a 15% decline in maximum quantum yield), leaf temperatures, air temperatures, midday (1200 to 1400 h) leaf water potentials (ΨMD), leaf-air vapor pressure deficit (VPD), actual quantum yield (ΦPSII) and electron transport rate through PSII (ETR) on three sample dates. At Marianna, T15 was measured on two sample dates. Optimal air and leaf temperatures were observed on all sample dates in Tifton, but PSII thermotolerance increased with water deficit conditions (ΨMD = −3.1 MPa), and ETR was either unaffected or increased under water-stress. Additionally, T15 for PHY 499 was ∼5 °C higher than for the other cultivars examined (DP 0912 and DP 1050). The Marianna site experienced more extreme high temperature conditions (20–30 days Tmax ≥ 35 °C), and showed an increase in T15 with higher average Tmax. When average T15 values for each location and sample date were plotted versus average daily Tmax, strong, positive relationships (r2 from .954 to .714) were observed between Tmax and T15. For all locations T15 was substantially higher than actual field temperature conditions. We conclude that PSII thermostability in G. hirsutum acclimates to pre-existing environmental conditions; PSII is extremely tolerant to high temperature and water-deficit stress; and differences in PSII thermotolerance exist between commercially-available cultivars.  相似文献   

Genes encoding proteins of the major light-harvesting complex of photosystem II (LHCII) in higher plants are well studied. However, little is known about the corresponding genes in the green alga Dunaliella salina, although this knowledge might provide valuable information about the respective roles of each LHCII protein at the molecular level under extreme environmental conditions. Here, we describe an additional LhcII gene from D. salina. An LhcII cDNA cloned by screening a D. salina cDNA library contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 261 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 27.8 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence shows high homology with other LHCII proteins. Genomic DNA—obtained by PCR using a specific primer set corresponding to the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions—was used to determine the intron-exon structure. Short-term changes in mRNA levels after a shift from low-light to high-light or dark conditions were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR, and indicated that this gene expresses different mRNA levels under different light conditions.  相似文献   

In higher plants, the major part of the xanthophyll cycle pigment violaxanthin (Vx) is non-covalently bound to the main light-harvesting complex of PSII (LHCII). Under saturating light conditions Vx has to be released from its binding site into the surrounding lipid phase, where it is converted to zeaxanthin (Zx) by the enzyme Vx de-epoxidase (VDE). In the present study we investigated the influence of thylakoid lipids on the de-epoxidation of Vx, which was still associated with the LHCII. We isolated LHCII with different concentrations of native, endogenous lipids and Vx by sucrose gradient centrifugation or successive cation precipitation. Analysis of the different LHCII preparations showed that the concentration of LHCII-associated Vx was correlated with the concentration of the main thylakoid lipid monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) associated with the complexes. Decreases in the MGDG content of the LHCII led to a diminished Vx concentration, indicating that a part of the total Vx pool was located in an MGDG phase surrounding the LHCII, whereas another part was bound to the LHCII apoproteins. We further studied the convertibility of LHCII-associated Vx in in-vitro enzyme assays by addition of isolated VDE. We observed an efficient and almost complete Vx conversion in the LHCII fractions containing high amounts of endogenous MGDG. LHCII preparations with low concentrations of MGDG exhibited a strongly reduced Vx de-epoxidation, which could be increased by addition of exogenous, pure MGDG. The de-epoxidation of LHCII-associated Vx was saturated at a much lower concentration of native, endogenous MGDG compared with the concentration of isolated, exogenous MGDG, which is needed for optimal VDE activity in in-vitro assays employing pure isolated Vx.  相似文献   

Klaus Apel  Klaus Kloppstech 《Planta》1980,150(5):426-430
The effect of light on the biosynthesis of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) is investigated in wild-type barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and in the chlorophyll b-less mutant chlorina f2. In dark-grown plants a short red light pulse triggers the appearance of mRNA activity for the LHCP. While the accumulation of this mRNA is controlled by phytochrome (Apel (1979) Eur. J. Biochem. 97, 183–188), the red light treatment is not sufficient to induce the appearance of the LHCP within the membrane. Thus, at least one of the subsequent steps in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the assembly of the LHCP is controlled by light. The red light-induced mRNA is taken up into the polysomes during the subsequent dark period and is translated in vitro in a cell-free protein synthesizing system. However, an accumulation of the freshly synthesized polypeptide within the plant is not observed. The apparent instability of the polypeptide might be explained by the deficiency of chlorophyll in the red light-treated plants. In the chlorophyll b-less barley mutant chlorina f2 an accumulation of the freshly synthesized apoprotein of the LHCP can be observed in the light. Thus, chlorophyll a formation seems to be a light-dependent step which is required for the stabilization of the LHCP.Abbreviations mRNA messenger RNA - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - LHCP light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of protein dephosphorylation in barley thylakoid membranes revealed accelerated dephosphorylation of photosystem II (PSII) proteins, and meanwhile rapidly induced phosphorylation of a light-harvesting complex (LHCII) b4, CP29 under water stress. Inhibition of dephosphorylation aggravates stress damages and hampers photosystem recovery after rewatering. This increased dephosphorylation is catalyzed by both intrinsic and extrinsic membrane protein phosphatase. Water stress did not cause any thylakoid destacking, and the lateral migration from granum membranes to stroma-exposed lamellae was only found to CP29, but not other PSII proteins. Activation of plastid proteases and release of TLP40, an inhibitor of the membrane phosphatases, were also enhanced during water stress. Phosphorylation of CP29 may facilitate disassociation of LHCII from PSII complex, disassembly of the LHCII trimer and its subsequent degradation, while general dephosphorylation of PSII proteins may be involved in repair cycle of PSII proteins and stress-response-signaling.  相似文献   

Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) protects plants against photodamage by converting excess excitation energy into harmless heat. In vitro aggregation of the major light-harvesting complex (LHCII) induces similar quenching, the molecular mechanism of which is frequently considered to be the same. However, a very basic question regarding the aggregation-induced quenching has not been answered yet. Are excitation traps created upon aggregation, or do existing traps start quenching excitations more efficiently in aggregated LHCII where trimers are energetically coupled? Time-resolved fluorescence experiments presented here demonstrate that aggregation creates traps in a significant number of LHCII trimers, which subsequently also quench excitations in connected LHCIIs.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the severe quenching of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence under drought stress was studied in a lichen Physciella melanchla, which contains a photobiont green alga, Trebouxia sp., using a streak camera and a reflection-mode fluorescence up-conversion system. We detected a large 0.31 ps rise of fluorescence at 715 and 740 nm in the dry lichen suggesting the rapid energy influx to the 715-740 nm bands from the shorter-wavelength Chls with a small contribution from the internal conversion from Soret bands. The fluorescence, then, decayed with time constants of 23 and 112 ps, suggesting the rapid dissipation into heat through the quencher. The result confirms the accelerated 40 ps decay of fluorescence reported in another lichen (Veerman et al., 2007 [36]) and gives a direct evidence for the rapid energy transfer from bulk Chls to the longer-wavelength quencher. We simulated the entire PS II fluorescence kinetics by a global analysis and estimated the 20.2 ns− 1 or 55.0 ns− 1 energy transfer rate to the quencher that is connected either to the LHC II or to the PS II core antenna. The strong quenching with the 3-12 times higher rate compared to the reported NPQ rate, suggests the operation of a new type of quenching, such as the extreme case of Chl-aggregation in LHCII or a new type of quenching in PS II core antenna in dry lichens.  相似文献   

The outer antenna system of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Photosystem I is composed of nine gene products, but due to difficulty in purification their individual properties are not known. In this work, the functional properties of the nine Lhca antennas of Chlamydomonas, have been investigated upon expression of the apoproteins in bacteria and refolding in vitro of the pigment-protein complexes. It is shown that all Lhca complexes have a red-shifted fluorescence emission as compared to the antenna complexes of Photosystem II, similar to Lhca from higher plants, but less red-shifted. Three complexes, namely Lhca2, Lhca4 and Lhca9, exhibit emission maxima above 707 nm and all carry an asparagine as ligand for Chl 603. The comparison of the protein sequences and the biochemical/spectroscopic properties of the refolded Chlamydomonas complexes with those of the well-characterized Arabidopsis thaliana Lhcas shows that all the Chlamydomonas complexes have a chromophore organization similar to that of A. thaliana antennas, particularly to Lhca2, despite low sequence identity. All the major biochemical and spectroscopic properties of the Lhca complexes have been conserved through the evolution, including those involved in “red forms” absorption. It has been proposed that in Chlamydomonas PSI antenna size and polypeptide composition can be modulated in vivo depending on growth conditions, at variance as compared to higher plants. Thus, the different properties of the individual Lhca complexes can be functional to adapt the architecture of the PSI-LHCI supercomplex to different environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The Ycf37 protein has been suggested to be involved in the biogenesis and/or stability of the cyanobacterial photosystem I (PSI) [A. Wilde, K. Lünser, F. Ossenbühl, J. Nickelsen, T. Börner, Characterization of the cyanobacterial ycf37: mutation decreases the photosystem I content, Biochem. J. 357 (2001) 211-216]. With Ycf37 specific antibodies, we analyzed the localization of Ycf37 within the thylakoid membranes of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Inspection of a sucrose gradient profile indicated that small amounts of Ycf37 co-fractionated with monomeric photosynthetic complexes, but not with trimeric PSI. Isolating 3xFLAG epitope-tagged Ycf37 by affinity-tag purification rendered several PSI subunits that specifically co-precipitated with this protein. Blue-native PAGE newly revealed two monomeric PSI complexes (PSI and PSI*) in wild-type thylakoids. The lower amount of PsaK present in PSI* may explain its higher electrophoretic mobility. PSI* was more prominent in high-light grown cells and interestingly proved absent in the Δycf37 mutant. PSI* appeared again when the mutant was complemented in trans with the wild-type ycf37 gene. In the Δycf37 mutant the amount of trimeric PSI complexes was reduced to about 70% of the wild-type level with no significant changes in photochemical activity and subunit composition of the remaining photosystems. Our results indicate that Ycf37 plays a specific role in the preservation of PSI* and the biogenesis of PSI trimers.  相似文献   

The binding affinity of the two substrate–water molecules to the water-oxidizing Mn4CaO5 catalyst in photosystem II core complexes of the extremophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae was studied in the S2 and S3 states by the exchange of bound 16O-substrate against 18O-labeled water. The rate of this exchange was detected via the membrane-inlet mass spectrometric analysis of flash-induced oxygen evolution. For both redox states a fast and slow phase of water-exchange was resolved at the mixed labeled m/z 34 mass peak: kf = 52 ± 8 s− 1 and ks = 1.9 ± 0.3 s− 1 in the S2 state, and kf = 42 ± 2 s− 1 and kslow = 1.2 ± 0.3 s− 1 in S3, respectively. Overall these exchange rates are similar to those observed previously with preparations of other organisms. The most remarkable finding is a significantly slower exchange at the fast substrate–water site in the S2 state, which confirms beyond doubt that both substrate–water molecules are already bound in the S2 state. This leads to a very small change of the affinity for both the fast and the slowly exchanging substrates during the S2 → S3 transition. Implications for recent models for water-oxidation are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Absorbance difference spectroscopy and redox titrations have been applied to investigate the properties of photosystem I from the chlorophyll d containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. At room temperature, the (P740+ − P740) and (FA/B − FA/B) absorbance difference spectra were recorded in the range between 300 and 1000 nm while at cryogenic temperatures, (P740+A1 − P740A1) and (3P740 − P740) absorbance difference spectra have been measured. Spectroscopic and kinetic evidence is presented that the cofactors involved in the electron transfer from the reduced secondary electron acceptor, phylloquinone (A1), to the terminal electron acceptor and their structural arrangement are virtually identical to those of chlorophyll a containing photosystem I. The oxidation potential of the primary electron donor P740 of photosystem I has been reinvestigated. We find a midpoint potential of 450 ± 10 mV in photosystem I-enriched membrane fractions as well as in thylakoids which is very similar to that found for P700 in chlorophyll a dominated organisms. In addition, the extinction difference coefficient for the oxidation of the primary donor has been determined and a value of 45,000 ± 4000 M− 1 cm− 1 at 740 nm was obtained. Based on this value the ratio of P740 to chlorophyll is calculated to be 1:~ 200 chlorophyll d in thylakoid membranes. The consequences of our findings for the energetics in photosystem I of A. marina are discussed as well as the pigment stoichiometry and spectral characteristics of P740.  相似文献   

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