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Elisa Fadda 《BBA》2008,1777(3):277-284
As part of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, cytochrome c oxidase utilizes the energy produced by the reduction of O2 to water to fuel vectorial proton transport. The mechanism coupling proton pumping to redox chemistry is unknown. Recent advances have provided evidence that each of the four observable transitions in the complex catalytic cycle consists of a similar sequence of events. However, the physico-chemical basis underlying this recurring sequence has not been identified. We identify this recurring pattern based on a comprehensive model of the catalytic cycle derived from the analysis of oxygen chemistry and available experimental evidence. The catalytic cycle involves the periodic repetition of a sequence of three states differing in the spatial distribution of charge in the active site: [0|1], [1|0], and [1|1], where the total charge of heme a and the binuclear center appears on the left and on the right, respectively. This sequence recurs four times per turnover despite differences in the redox chemistry. This model leads to a simple, robust, and reproducible sequence of electron and proton transfer steps and rationalizes the pumping mechanism in terms of electrostatic coupling of proton translocation to redox chemistry. Continuum electrostatic calculations support the proposed mechanism and suggest an electrostatic origin for the decoupled and inactive phenotypes of ionic mutants in the principal proton-uptake pathway.  相似文献   

Haem-copper oxidases are the last components of the respiratory chains in aerobic organisms. These membrane-bound enzymes energetically couple the electron transfer (eT) reactions associated with reduction of dioxygen to water, to proton pumping across the membrane. Even though the mechanism of proton pumping at the molecular level still remains to be uncovered, recent progress has presented us with the structural features of the pumping machinery and detailed information about the eT and proton-transfer reactions associated with the pumping process.  相似文献   

We have developed theory and the computational scheme for the analysis of the kinetics of the membrane potential generated by cytochrome c oxidase upon single electron injection into the enzyme. The theory allows one to connect the charge motions inside the enzyme to the membrane potential observed in the experiments by using data from the "dielectric topography" map of the enzyme that we have created. The developed theory is applied for the analysis of the potentiometric data recently reported by the Wikstr?m group [I. Belevich, D.A. Bloch, N. Belevich, M. Wikstr?m and M.I. Verkhovsky, Exploring the proton pump mechanism of cytochrome c oxidase in real time, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104 (2007) 2685-2690] on the O to E transition in Paracoccus denitrificans oxidase. Our analysis suggests, that the electron transfer to the binuclear center is coupled to a proton transfer (proton loading) to a group just "above" the binuclear center of the enzyme, from which the pumped proton is subsequently expelled by the chemical proton arriving to the binuclear center. The identity of the pump site could not be determined with certainty, but could be localized to the group of residues His326 (His291 in bovine), propionates of heme a(3), Arg 473/474, and Trp164. The analysis also suggests that the dielectric distance from the P-side to Fe a is 0.4 or larger. The difficulties and pitfalls of quantitative interpretation of potentiometric data are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the problems of measuring the allosteric ATP-inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) in isolated mitochondria. Only by using the ATP-regenerating system phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase full ATP-inhibition of CcO could be demonstrated by kinetic measurements. The mechanism was proposed to keep the mitochondrial membrane potential (?Ψm) in living cells and tissues at low values (100-140 mV), when the matrix ATP/ADP ratios are high. In contrast, high ?Ψm values (180-220 mV) are generally measured in isolated mitochondria. By using a tetraphenyl phosphonium electrode we observed in isolated rat liver mitochondria with glutamate plus malate as substrates a reversible decrease of ?Ψm from 233 to 123 mV after addition of phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate kinase. The decrease of ?Ψm is explained by reversal of the gluconeogenetic enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase yielding ATP and GTP, thus increasing the matrix ATP/ADP ratio. With rat heart mitochondria, which lack these enzymes, no decrease of ?Ψm was found. From the data we conclude that high matrix ATP/ADP ratios keep ?Ψm at low values by the allosteric ATP-inhibition of CcO, thus preventing the generation of reactive oxygen species which could generate degenerative diseases. It is proposed that respiration in living eukaryotic organisms is normally controlled by the ?Ψm-independent “allosteric ATP-inhibition of CcO.” Only when the allosteric ATP-inhibition is switched off under stress, respiration is regulated by “respiratory control,” based on ?Ψm according to the Mitchell Theory.  相似文献   

H+-transporting F1Fo ATP synthase catalyzes the synthesis of ATP via coupled rotary motors within Fo and F1. H+ transport at the subunit a–c interface in trans-membranous Fo drives rotation of the c-ring within the membrane, with subunit c being bound in a complex with the γ and ε subunits extending from the membrane. Finally, the rotation of subunit γ within the α3β3 sector of F1 mechanically drives ATP synthesis within the catalytic sites. In this review, we propose and provide evidence supporting the route of proton transfer via half channels from one side of the membrane to the other, and the mechanism of gating H+ binding to and release from Asp61 of subunit c, via conformational movements of Arg210 in subunit a. We propose that protons are gated from the inside of a four-helix bundle at the periplasmic side of subunit a to drive protonation of cAsp61, and that this gating movement is facilitated by the swiveling of trans-membrane helices (TMHs) 4 and 5 at the site of interaction with cAsp61 on the periphery of the c-ring. Proton release to the cytoplasmic half channel is facilitated by the movement of aArg210 as a consequence of this proposed helical swiveling. Finally, release from the cytoplasmic half channel is mediated by residues in a complex of interacting extra-membraneous loops formed between TMHs of both subunits a and c. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.  相似文献   

It is well known that efficient functioning of photosynthetic (PET) and respiratory electron transport (RET) in cyanobacteria requires the presence of either cytochrome c6 (Cytc6) or plastocyanin (PC). By contrast, the interaction of an additional redox carrier, cytochrome cM (CytcM), with either PET or RET is still under discussion. Here, we focus on the (putative) role of CytcM in cyanobacterial respiration. It is demonstrated that genes encoding the main terminal oxidase (cytochrome c oxidase, COX) and cytochrome cM are found in all 44 totally or partially sequenced cyanobacteria (except one strain). In order to check whether CytcM can act as electron donor to COX, we investigated the intermolecular electron transfer kinetics between CytcM and the soluble CuA domain (i.e. the donor binding and electron entry site) of subunit II of COX. Both proteins from Synechocystis PCC6803 were expressed heterologously in E. coli. The forward and the reverse electron transfer reactions were studied yielding apparent bimolecular rate constants of (2.4 ± 0.1) × 105 M− 1 s− 1 and (9.6 ± 0.4) × 103 M− 1 s− 1 (5 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7, 50 mM KCl). A comparative analysis with Cytc6 and PC demonstrates that CytcM functions as electron donor to CuA as efficiently as Cytc6 but more efficient than PC. Furthermore, we demonstrate the association of CytcM with the cytoplasmic and thylakoid membrane fractions by immunobloting and discuss the potential role of CytcM as electron donor for COX under stress conditions.  相似文献   

In the presence of the uncoupler, external zinc ions inhibit rapidly turnover of cytochrome c oxidase reconstituted in phospholipid vesicles or bound to the membrane of intact mitochondria. The effect is promoted by electron leaks into the oxidase during preincubation with Zn2+. Inhibition of liposome-bound bovine cytochrome oxidase by external Zn2+ titrates with a Ki of 1 ± 0.3 μM. Presumably, the Zn2+-binding group at the positively charged side is not reactive in the oxidized enzyme, but becomes accessible to the cation in some partially reduced state(s) of the oxidase; reduction of CuB is tentatively proposed to be responsible for the effect.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) is the terminal enzyme of aerobic respiration. The energy released from the reduction of molecular oxygen to water is used to pump protons across the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. The pump function introduces a mechanistic requirement of a valve that prevents protons from flowing backwards during the process. It was recently found that Glu-242, a key amino acid in transferring protons to be pumped across the membrane and to the site of oxygen reduction, fulfils the function of such a valve by preventing simultaneous contact to the pump site and to the proton-conducting D-channel (Kaila V.R.I. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 2008). Here we have incorporated the valve model into the framework of the reaction mechanism. The function of the Glu valve is studied by exploring how the redox state of the surrounding metal centers, dielectric effects, and membrane potential, affects the energetics and leaks of this valve. Parallels are drawn between the dynamics of Glu-242 and the long-standing obscure difference between the metastable OH and stable O states of the binuclear center. Our model provides a suggestion for why reduction of the former state is coupled to proton translocation while reduction of the latter is not.  相似文献   

Gisela Brändén  Peter Brzezinski 《BBA》2006,1757(8):1052-1063
Respiratory heme-copper oxidases are integral membrane proteins that catalyze the reduction of molecular oxygen to water using electrons donated by either quinol (quinol oxidases) or cytochrome c (cytochrome c oxidases, CcOs). Even though the X-ray crystal structures of several heme-copper oxidases and results from functional studies have provided significant insights into the mechanisms of O2-reduction and, electron and proton transfer, the design of the proton-pumping machinery is not known. Here, we summarize the current knowledge on the identity of the structural elements involved in proton transfer in CcO. Furthermore, we discuss the order and timing of electron-transfer reactions in CcO during O2 reduction and how these reactions might be energetically coupled to proton pumping across the membrane.  相似文献   

The bacterial aerobic respiratory chain has a terminal oxidase of the heme-copper oxidase superfamily, comprised of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) and ubiquinol oxidase (UOX); UOX evolved from COX. Acetobacter pasteurianus, an α-Proteobacterial acetic acid bacterium (AAB), produces UOX but not COX, although it has a partial COX gene cluster, ctaBD and ctaA, in addition to the UOX operon cyaBACD. We expressed ctaB and ctaA genes of A. pasteurianus in Escherichia coli and demonstrated their function as heme O and heme A synthases. We also found that the absence of ctaD function is likely due to accumulated mutations. These COX genes are closely related to other α-Proteobacterial COX proteins. However, the UOX operons of AAB are closely related to those of the β/γ-Proteobacteria (γ-type UOX), distinct from the α/β-Proteobacterial proteins (α-type UOX), but different from the other γ-type UOX proteins by the absence of the cyoE heme O synthase. Thus, we suggest that A. pasteurianus has a functional γ-type UOX but has lost the COX genes, with the exception of ctaB and ctaA, which supply the heme O and A moieties for UOX. Our results suggest that, in AAB, COX was replaced by β/γ-Proteobacterial UOX via horizontal gene transfer, while the COX genes, except for the heme O/A synthase genes, were lost.  相似文献   

Kristina Faxén 《BBA》2007,1767(5):381-386
Cytochrome c oxidase is the terminal enzyme in the respiratory chains of mitochondria and many bacteria where it translocates protons across a membrane thereby maintaining an electrochemical proton gradient. Results from earlier studies on detergent-solubilized cytochrome c oxidase have shown that individual reaction steps associated with proton pumping display pH-dependent kinetics. Here, we investigated the effect of pH on the kinetics of these reaction steps with membrane-reconstituted cytochrome c oxidase such that the pH was adjusted to different values on the inside and outside of the membrane. The results show that the pH on the inside of the membrane fully determines the kinetics of internal electron transfers that are linked to proton pumping. Thus, even though proton release is rate limiting for these reaction steps (Salomonsson et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2005, 102, 17624), the transition kinetics is insensitive to the outside pH (in the range 6-9.5).  相似文献   

1. The ascorbate reducibility of cytochrome c (beef or horse heart) in its complexes with cytochrome c oxidase (beef heart) and cytochrome c peroxidase (yeast) has been studied.  相似文献   

Ferric heme proteins bind weakly basic ligands and the binding affinity is often pH dependent due to protonation of the ligand as well as the protein. In an effort to find a small, neutral ligand without significant acid/base properties to probe ligand binding reactions in ferric heme proteins we were led to consider the organonitriles. Although organonitriles are known to bind to transition metals, we have been unable to find any prior studies of nitrile binding to heme proteins. In this communication we report on the equilibrium and kinetic properties of acrylonitrile binding to cytochrome c peroxidase (CcP) as well as the oxidation of acrylonitrile by CcP compound I. Acrylonitrile binding to CcP is independent of pH between pH 4 and 8. The association and dissociation rate constants are 0.32 ± 0.16 M−1 s−1 and 0.34 ± 0.15 s−1, respectively, and the independently measured equilibrium dissociation constant for the complex is 1.1 ± 0.2 M. We have demonstrated for the first time that acrylonitrile can bind to a ferric heme protein. The binding mechanism appears to be a simple, one-step association of the ligand with the heme iron. We have also demonstrated that CcP can catalyze the oxidation of acrylonitrile, most likely to 2-cyanoethylene oxide in a “peroxygenase”-type reaction, with rates that are similar to rat liver microsomal cytochrome P450-catalyzed oxidation of acrylonitrile in the monooxygenase reaction. CcP compound I oxidizes acrylonitrile with a maximum turnover number of 0.61 min−1 at pH 6.0.  相似文献   

We have studied internal electron transfer during the reaction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase with dioxygen. Similar absorbance changes were observed with this yeast oxidase as with the previously studied Rhodobacter sphaeroides and bovine mitochondrial oxidases, which suggests that the reaction proceeds along the same trajectory. However, notable differences were observed in rates and electron-transfer equilibrium constants of specific reaction steps, for example the ferryl (F) to oxidized (O) reaction was faster with the yeast (0.4 ms) than with the bovine oxidase (~ 1 ms) and a larger fraction CuA was oxidized with the yeast than with the bovine oxidase in the peroxy (PR) to F reaction. Furthermore, upon replacement of Glu243, located at the end of the so-called D proton pathway, by Asp the PR → F and F → O reactions were slowed by factors of ~ 3 and ~ 10, respectively, and electron transfer from CuA to heme a during the PR → F reaction was not observed. These data indicate that during reduction of dioxygen protons are transferred through the D pathway, via Glu243, to the catalytic site in the yeast mitochondrial oxidase. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 18th European Bioenergetic Conference.  相似文献   

Jason Quenneville 《BBA》2006,1757(8):1035-1046
Cytochrome c oxidase is a redox-driven proton pump which converts atmospheric oxygen to water and couples the oxygen reduction reaction to the creation of a membrane proton gradient. The structure of the enzyme has been solved; however, the mechanism of proton pumping is still poorly understood. Recent calculations from this group indicate that one of the histidine ligands of enzyme's CuB center, His291, may play the role of the pumping element. In this paper, we report on the results of calculations that combined first principles DFT and continuum electrostatics to evaluate the energetics of the key energy generating step of the model—the transfer of the chemical proton to the binuclear center of the enzyme, where the hydroxyl group is converted to water, and the concerted expulsion of the proton from δ-nitrogen of His291 ligand of CuB center. We show that the energy generated in this step is sufficient to push a proton against an electrochemical membrane gradient of about 200 mV. We have also re-calculated the pKa of His291 for an extended model in which the whole Fea3-CuB center with their ligands is treated by DFT. Two different DFT functionals (B3LYP and PBE0), and various dielectric models of the protein have been used in an attempt to estimate potential errors of the calculations. Although current methods of calculations do not allow unambiguous predictions of energetics in proteins within few pKa units, as required in this case, the present calculation provides further support for the proposed His291 model of CcO pump and makes a specific prediction that could be targeted in the experimental test.  相似文献   

A rapid separation of the ten nuclearly-encoded subunits of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and ten out of the eleven subunits of cytochrome bc1, was achieved using a short, 50 mm C18-reversed-phase column. The short column decreased the elution time 4–7 fold while maintaining the same resolution quality. Elution was similar to a previously published protocol, i.e., a water/acetonitrile elution gradient containing trifluoroacetic acid. Isolated subunits were identified by MALDI-TOF. The rapidity of the described method makes it extremely useful for determining the subunit composition of isolated mitochondrial complexes. The method can be used for both analytical and micro-preparative purposes.  相似文献   

The CuB metal center is at the core of the active site of the heme-copper oxidases, comprising a copper atom ligating three histidine residues one of which is covalently bonded to a tyrosine residue. Using quantum chemical methodology, we have studied the CuB site in several redox and ligand states proposed to be intermediates of the catalytic cycle. The importance of the His-Tyr crosslink was investigated by comparing energetics, charge, and spin distributions between systems with and without the crosslink. The His-Tyr bond was shown to decrease the proton affinity and increase the electron affinity of both Tyr-244 and the copper. A previously unnoticed internal electronic equilibrium between the copper atom and the tyrosine was observed, which seems to be coupled to the unique structure of the system. In certain states the copper and Tyr-244 compete for the unpaired electron, the localization of which is determined by the oxygenous ligand of the copper. This electronic equilibrium was found to be sensitive to the presence of a positive charge 10 Å away from the center, simulating the effect of Lys-319 in the K-pathway of proton transfer. The combined results provide an explanation for why the heme-copper oxidases need two pathways of proton uptake, and why the K-pathway is active only in the second half of the reaction cycle.  相似文献   

Asparagine 131, located near the cytoplasmic entrance of the D-pathway in subunit I of the Paracoccus denitrificans aa(3) cytochrome c oxidase, is a residue crucial for proton pumping. When replaced by an aspartate, the mutant enzyme is completely decoupled: while retaining full cytochrome c oxidation activity, it does not pump protons. The same phenotype is observed for two other substitutions at this position (N131E and N131C), whereas a conservative replacement by glutamine affects both activities of the enzyme. The N131D variant oxidase was crystallized and its structure was solved to 2.32-A resolution, revealing no significant overall change in the protein structure when compared with the wild type (WT), except for an alternative orientation of the E278 side chain in addition to its WT conformation. Moreover, remarkable differences in the crystallographically resolved chain of water molecules in the D-pathway are found for the variant: four water molecules that are observed in the water chain between N131 and E278 in the WT structure are not visible in the variant, indicating a higher mobility of these water molecules. Electrochemically induced Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of decoupled mutants confirm that the protonation state of E278 is unaltered by these mutations but indicate a distinct perturbation in the hydrogen-bonding environment of this residue. Furthermore, they suggest that the carboxylate side chain of the N131D mutant is deprotonated. These findings are discussed in terms of their mechanistic implications for proton routing through the D-pathway of cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the oxidation of fully-reduced ba3 cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus by oxygen were followed by time-resolved optical spectroscopy and electrometry. Four catalytic intermediates were resolved during this reaction. The chemical nature and the spectral properties of three intermediates (compounds A, P and O) reproduce the general features of aa3-type oxidases. However the F intermediate in ba3 oxidase has a spectrum identical to the P state. This indicates that the proton taken up during the P → F transition does not reside in the binuclear site but is rather transferred to the covalently cross-linked tyrosine near that site. The total charge translocation associated with the F → O transition in ba3 oxidase is close to that observed during the F → O transition in the aa3 oxidases. However, the PR → F transition is characterized by significantly lower charge translocation, which probably reflects the overall lower measured pumping efficiency during multiple turnovers.  相似文献   

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