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The physical properties of membranes derived from the total lipids extracted from the lens cortex and nucleus of a 2-year-old cow were investigated using EPR spin-labeling methods. Conventional EPR spectra and saturation-recovery curves show that spin labels detect a single homogenous environment in membranes made from cortical lipids. Properties of these membranes are very similar to those reported by us for membranes made of the total lipid extract of 6-month-old calf lenses (J. Widomska, M. Raguz, J. Dillon, E. R. Gaillard, W. K. Subczynski, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1768 (2007) 1454-1465). However, in membranes made from nuclear lipids, two domains were detected by the EPR discrimination by oxygen transport method using the cholesterol analogue spin label and were assigned to the bulk phospholipid-cholesterol domain (PCD) and the immiscible cholesterol crystalline domain (CCD), respectively. Profiles of the order parameter, hydrophobicity, and the oxygen transport parameter are practically identical in the bulk PCD when measured for either the cortical or nuclear lipid membranes. In both membranes, lipids in the bulk PCD are strongly immobilized at all depths. Hydrophobicity and oxygen transport parameter profiles have a rectangular shape with an abrupt change between the C9 and C10 positions, which is approximately where the steroid ring structure of cholesterol reaches into the membrane. The permeability coefficient for oxygen, estimated at 35 °C, across the bulk PCD in both membranes is slightly lower than across the water layer of the same thickness. However, the evaluated upper limit of the permeability coefficient for oxygen across the CCD (34.4 cm/s) is significantly lower than across the water layer of the same thickness (85.9 cm/s), indicating that the CCD can significantly reduce oxygen transport in the lens nucleus.  相似文献   

The physical properties of membranes derived from the total lipid extract of porcine lenses before and after the addition of cholesterol were investigated using EPR spin-labeling methods. Conventional EPR spectra and saturation-recovery curves indicate that the spin labels detect a single homogenous environment in membranes before the addition of cholesterol. After the addition of cholesterol (when cholesterol-to-phospholipid mole to mole ratio of 1.55-1.80 was achieved), two domains were detected by the discrimination by oxygen transport method using a cholesterol analogue spin label. The domains were assigned to a bulk phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer made of the total lipid mixture and to a cholesterol crystalline domain. Because the phospholipid analogue spin labels cannot partition into the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, they monitor properties of the phospholipid-cholesterol domain outside the pure cholesterol crystalline domain. Profiles of the order parameter, hydrophobicity, and oxygen transport parameter are identical within experimental error in this domain when measured in the absence and presence of a cholesterol crystalline domain. This indicates that both domains, the phospholipid-cholesterol bilayer and the pure cholesterol crystalline domain, can be treated as independent, weakly interacting membrane regions. The upper limit of the oxygen permeability coefficient across the cholesterol crystalline domain at 35 degrees C had a calculated value of 42.5 cm/s, indicating that the cholesterol crystalline domain can significantly reduce oxygen transport to the lens center. This work was undertaken to better elucidate the major factors that determine membrane resistance to oxygen transport across the lens lipid membrane, with special attention paid to the cholesterol crystalline domain.  相似文献   

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spin-labeling methods make it possible not only to discriminate the cholesterol bilayer domain (CBD) but also to obtain information about the organization and dynamics of cholesterol molecules in the CBD. The abilities of spin-label EPR were demonstrated for Chol/POPC (cholesterol/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine) membranes, with a Chol/POPC mixing ratio that changed from 0 to 3. Using the saturation-recovery (SR) EPR approach with cholesterol analogue spin labels, ASL and CSL, and oxygen or NiEDDA relaxation agents, it was confirmed that the CBD was present in all membrane suspensions when the mixing ratio exceeded the cholesterol solubility threshold (CST). Conventional EPR spectra of ASL and CSL in the CBD were similar to those in the surrounding POPC bilayer (which is saturated with cholesterol), indicating that in both domains, cholesterol exists in the lipid-bilayer-like structures. The behavior of ASL and CSL (and, thus, the behavior of cholesterol molecules) in the CBD was compared with that in the surrounding POPC-cholesterol domain (PCD). In the CBD, ASL and CSL molecules are better ordered than in the surrounding PCD. This difference is small and can be compared to that induced in the surrounding domain by an ∼10 °C decrease in temperature. Thus, cholesterol molecules are unexpectedly dynamic in the CBD, which should enhance their interaction with the surrounding domain. The polarity of the water/membrane interface of the CBD is significantly greater than that of the surrounding PCD, which significantly enhances penetration of the water-soluble relaxation agent, NiEDDA, into that region. Hydrophobicity measured in the centers of both domains is similar. The oxygen transport parameter (oxygen diffusion-concentration product) measured in the center of the CBD is about ten times smaller than that measured in the center of the surrounding domain. Thus, the CBD can form a significant barrier to oxygen transport. The results presented here point out similarities between the organization and dynamics of cholesterol molecules in the CBD and in the surrounding PCD, as well as significant differences between CBDs and cholesterol crystals.  相似文献   

The physical properties of a membrane derived from the total lipids of a calf lens were investigated using EPR spin labeling and were compared with the properties of membranes made of an equimolar 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (POPC/Chol) mixture and of pure POPC. Conventional EPR spectra and saturation-recovery curves show that spin labels detect a single homogenous environment in all three membranes. Profiles of the order parameter, hydrophobicity, and oxygen transport parameter are practically identical in lens lipid and POPC/Chol membranes, but differ drastically from profiles in pure POPC membranes. In both lens lipid and POPC/Chol membranes, the lipids are strongly immobilized at all depths, which is in contrast to the high fluidity of the POPC membrane. Hydrophobicity and oxygen transport parameter profiles in lens lipid and POPC/Chol membranes have a rectangular shape with an abrupt change between the C9 and C10 positions, which is approximately where the steroid ring structure of cholesterol reaches into the membrane. At this position, hydrophobicity increases from the level of methanol to the level of hexane, and the oxygen transport parameter increases by a factor of 2-3. These profiles in POPC membranes are bell-shaped. It is concluded that the high level of cholesterol in lens lipids makes the membrane stable, immobile, and impermeable to both polar and nonpolar molecules.  相似文献   

The oxygen permeability coefficient across the membrane made of the total lipid extract from the plasma membrane of calf lens was estimated from the profile of the oxygen transport parameter (local oxygen diffusion-concentration product) and compared with those estimated for membranes made of an equimolar 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine/cholesterol (POPC/Chol) mixture and of pure POPC. Profiles of the oxygen transport parameter were obtained by observing the collision of molecular oxygen with nitroxide radical spin labels placed at different depths in the membrane using the saturation-recovery EPR technique and were published by us earlier (J. Widomska, M. Raguz, J. Dillon, E. R. Gaillard, W. K. Subczynski, Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1768 (2007) 1454-1465). At 35 °C, the estimated oxygen permeability coefficients were 51.3, 49.7, and 157.4 cm/s for lens lipid, POPC/Chol, and POPC membranes, respectively (compared with 53.3 cm/s for a water layer with the same thickness as a membrane). Membrane permeability significantly decreases at lower temperatures. In the lens lipid membrane, resistance to the oxygen transport is located in and near the polar headgroup region of the membrane to the depth of the ninth carbon, which is approximately where the steroid-ring structure of cholesterol reaches into the membrane. In the central region of the membrane, oxygen transport is enhanced, significantly exceeding that in bulk water. It is concluded that the high level of cholesterol in lens lipids is responsible for these unique membrane properties.  相似文献   

Methods are described to determine the structures of viral membrane fusion domains in detergent micelles by NMR and in lipid bilayers by site-directed spin labeling and EPR spectroscopy. Since in favorable cases, the lower-resolution spin label data obtained in lipid bilayers fully support the higher-resolution structures obtained by solution NMR, it is possible to graft the NMR structural coordinates into membranes using the EPR-derived distance restraints to the lipid bilayer. Electron paramagnetic dynamics and distance measurements in bilayers support conclusions drawn from NMR in detergent micelles. When these methods are applied to a structure determination of the influenza virus fusion domain and four point mutations with different functional phenotypes, it is evident that a fixed-angle boomerang structure with a glycine edge on the outside of the N-terminal arm is both necessary and sufficient to support membrane fusion. The human immunodeficiency virus fusion domain forms a straight helix with a flexible C-terminus. While EPR data for this fusion domain are not yet available, it is tentatively speculated that, because of its higher hydrophobicity, a critically tilted insertion may occur even in the absence of a kinked boomerang structure in this case.  相似文献   

This review will discuss the use of small-angle X-ray diffraction approaches to study the organization of lipids in plasma membranes derived from two distinct mammalian cell types: arterial smooth muscle cells and ocular lens fiber cells. These studies indicate that cholesterol at an elevated concentration can self-associate and form immiscible domains in the plasma membrane, a phenomenon that contributes to both physiologic and pathologic cellular processes, depending on tissue source. In plasma membrane samples isolated from atherosclerotic smooth muscle cells, the formation of sterol-rich domains is associated with loss of normal cell function, including ion transport activity and control of cell replication. Analysis of meridional diffraction patterns from intact and reconstituted plasma membrane samples indicates the presence of an immiscible cholesterol domain with a unit cell periodicity of 34 Å, consistent with a cholesterol monohydrate tail-to-tail bilayer, under disease conditions. These cholesterol domains were observed in smooth muscle cells enriched with cholesterol in vitro as well as from cells obtained ex vivo from an animal model of atherosclerosis. By contrast, well-defined cholesterol domains appear to be essential to the normal physiology of fiber cell plasma membranes of the human ocular lens. The organization of cholesterol into separate domains underlies the role of lens fiber cell plasma membranes in maintaining lens transparency. These domains may also interfere with cataractogenic aggregation of soluble lens proteins at the membrane surface. Taken together, these analyses provide examples of both physiologic and pathologic roles that sterol-rich domains may have in mammalian plasma membranes. These findings support a model of the membrane in which cholesterol aggregates into structurally distinct regions that regulate the function of the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The product, Doα, of the oxygen diffusion coefficient, Do, and the oxygen solubility, α, is determined in phosphatidylcholine bilayers at temperatures above the lipid phase transitions from ESR spin-exchange measurements. The resulting values of Doα are in good agreement with those obtained from fluorescence-quenching experiments. The use of fatty acid spin labels makes it possible to measure Doα as a function of the coordinate perpendicular to the bilayer surface. The results indicate that Doα is a strong function of this coordinate; it is greatest in the bilayer center and least near the bilayer head groups.  相似文献   

The zwitterionic detergent CHAPS, a derivative of the bile salts, is widely used in membrane protein solubilization. It is a “facial” detergent, having a hydrophilic side and a hydrophobic back. The objective of this work is to characterize the interaction of CHAPS with a cell membrane. To this aim, erythrocytes were incubated with a wide range of detergent concentrations in order to determine CHAPS partition behavior, and its effects on membrane lipid order, hemolytic effects, and the solubilization of membrane phospholipids and cholesterol. The results were compared with those obtained with the nonionic detergent Triton X-100. It was found that CHAPS has a low affinity for the erythrocyte membrane (partition coefficient K = 0.06 mM− 1), and at sub-hemolytic concentrations it causes little effect on membrane lipid order. CHAPS hemolysis and phospholipid solubilization are closely correlated. On the other side, binding of Triton X-100 disorders the membrane at all levels, and has independent mechanisms for hemolysis and solubilization. Differential behavior was observed in the solubilization of phospholipids and cholesterol. Thus, the detergent resistant membranes (DRM) obtained with the two detergents will have different composition. The behaviors of the two detergents are related to the differences in their molecular structures, suggesting that CHAPS does not penetrate the lipid bilayer but binds in a flat position on the erythrocyte surface, both in intact and cholesterol depleted erythrocytes. A relevant result for Triton X-100 is that hemolysis is not directly correlated with the solubilization of membrane lipids, as it is usually assumed.  相似文献   

Membranes made from binary mixtures of egg sphingomyelin (ESM) and cholesterol were investigated using conventional and saturation-recovery EPR observations of the 5-doxylstearic acid spin label (5-SASL). The effects of cholesterol on membrane order and the oxygen transport parameter (bimolecular collision rate of molecular oxygen with the nitroxide spin label) were monitored at the depth of the fifth carbon in fluid- and gel-phase ESM membranes. The saturation-recovery EPR discrimination by oxygen transport (DOT) method allowed the discrimination of the liquid-ordered (l o), liquid-disordered (l d), and solid-ordered (s o) phases because the bimolecular collision rates of the molecular oxygen with the nitroxide spin label differ in these phases. Additionally, oxygen collision rates (the oxygen transport parameter) were obtained in coexisting phases without the need for their separation, which provides information about the internal dynamics of each phase. The addition of cholesterol causes a dramatic decrease in the oxygen transport parameter around the nitroxide moiety of 5-SASL in the l o phase, which at 50 mol% cholesterol becomes ∼5 times smaller than in the pure ESM membrane in the l d phase, and ∼2 times smaller than in the pure ESM membrane in the s o phase. The overall change in the oxygen transport parameter is as large as ∼20-fold. Conventional EPR spectra show that 5-SASL is maximally immobilized at the phase boundary between regions with coexisting l d and l o phases or s o and l o phases and the region with a single l o phase. The obtained results all owed for the construction of a phase diagram for the ESM-cholesterol membrane.  相似文献   

One of the largest challenges in cell biology is to map the lipid composition of the membranes of various organelles and define the exact location of processes that control the synthesis and distribution of lipids between cellular compartments. The critical role of phosphoinositides, low-abundant lipids with rapid metabolism and exceptional regulatory importance in the control of almost all aspects of cellular functions created the need for tools to visualize their localizations and dynamics at the single cell level. However, there is also an increasing need for methods to determine the cellular distribution of other lipids regulatory or structural, such as diacylglycerol, phosphatidic acid, or other phospholipids and cholesterol. This review will summarize recent advances in this research field focusing on the means by which changes can be described in more quantitative terms.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFA) are important mediators of proton transport across membranes. However, information concerning the influence of the structural features of both FFA and the membrane environment on the proton translocation mechanisms across phospholipid membranes is relatively scant. The effects of FFA chain length, unsaturation and membrane composition on proton transport have been addressed in this study by means of electrical measurements in planar lipid bilayers. Proton conductance () was calculated from open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current density measurements. We found that cis-unsaturated FFA caused a more pronounced effect on proton transport as compared to saturated and trans-unsaturated FFA. Cholesterol and cardiolipin decreased membrane leak conductance. Cardiolipin also decreased proton conductance. These effects indicate a dual modulation of protein-independent proton transport by FFA: through a flip-flop mechanism and by modifying a proton diffusional pathway. Moreover the membrane phospholipid composition was shown to importantly affect both processes.  相似文献   

We have compared the fluidity of thylakoid membranes with the membrane present in a Triton X-100-derived, oxygen-evolving Photosystem II (PS II) preparation using two different spin labels. Data obtained with 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpipiridine-N-oxyl (TEMPO) shows that the PS II preparation contains less fluid membrane than the thylakoid. The TEMPO partition parameter (f) is about 2.5-times greater for the thylakoids at 6 mg chlorophyll/ml than for the PS II preparation at the same chlorophyll concentration. Similarly, the rotational correlation time, τ, of TEMPO residing in the membrane of the PS II preparation is about 2-times longer than the τ for TEMPO in the thylakoid membrane. A spin label which partitions more completely into the bilayer, 2-heptyl-2-hexyl-5,5-dimethyloxazolidine-N-oxyl (7N14), indicates a much greater fluidity in the thylakoid membrane than the membrane of the PS II preparation. The PS II preparation appears to have a hydrocarbon phase which approaches the rigid limit of EPR detectable motion. These results are discussed in terms of possible lipid depletion in the PS II preparation and in terms of lateral heterogeneity of hydrocarbon fluidity in the thylakoid membrane caused by the lateral heterogeneity in protein components.  相似文献   

We review work on the paramagnetic amino acid 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-N-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid, TOAC, and its applications in studies of peptides and peptide synthesis. TOAC was the first spin label probe incorporated in peptides by means of a peptide bond. In view of the rigid character of this cyclic molecule and its attachment to the peptide backbone via a peptide bond, TOAC incorporation has been very useful to analyze backbone dynamics and peptide secondary structure. Many of these studies were performed making use of EPR spectroscopy, but other physical techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, CD, fluorescence, NMR, and FT-IR, have been employed. The use of double-labeled synthetic peptides has allowed the investigation of their secondary structure. A large number of studies have focused on the interaction of peptides, both synthetic and biologically active, with membranes. In the latter case, work has been reported on ligands and fragments of GPCR, host defense peptides, phospholamban, and β-amyloid. EPR studies of macroscopically aligned samples have provided information on the orientation of peptides in membranes. More recent studies have focused on peptide-protein and peptide-nucleic acid interactions. Moreover, TOAC has been shown to be a valuable probe for paramagnetic relaxation enhancement NMR studies of the interaction of labeled peptides with proteins. The growth of the number of TOAC-related publications suggests that this unnatural amino acid will find increasing applications in the future.  相似文献   

This letter presents our first results in using the benefit of selective deuteration in neutron diffraction studies on stratum corneum (SC) lipid model systems. The SC represents the outermost layer of the mammalian skin and exhibits the main skin barrier. It is essential for studying drug penetration through the SC to know the internal structure and hydration behaviour on the molecular level. The SC intercellular matrix is mainly formed by ceramides (CER), cholesterol (CHOL) and long- chain free fatty acids (FFA). Among them, CHOL is the most abundant individual lipid, but a detailed knowledge about its localisation in the SC lipid matrix is still lacking. The structure of the quaternary SC lipid model membranes composed of either CER[AP]/CHOL-D6/palmitic acid (PA)/cholesterol sulphate (ChS) or CER[AP]/CHOL-D7/PA/ChS is characterized by neutron diffraction. Neutron diffraction patterns from the oriented samples are collected at the V1 diffractometer of the Hahn-Meitner-Institute, Berlin, measured at 32°C, 60% humidity and at different D2O contents. The neutron scattering length density profile in the direction normal to the surface is restored by Fourier synthesis from the experimental diffraction patterns. The analysis of scattering length density profile is a suitable tool for investigating the internal structure of the SC lipid model membranes. The major finding is the experimental proof of the CHOL localisation in SC model membrane by deuterium labelling at prominent positions in the CHOL molecules.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PtdIns(3)P], a phospholipid produced by PI 3-kinases in early endosomes and multivesicular bodies, often serves as a marker of endosomal membranes. PtdIns(3)P recruits and activates effector proteins containing the FYVE or PX domain and therefore regulates a variety of biological processes including endo- and exocytosis, membrane trafficking, protein sorting, signal transduction and cytoskeletal rearrangement. Structures and PtdIns(3)P binding modes of several FYVE and PX domains have recently been characterized, unveiling the molecular basis underlying multiple cellular functions of these proteins. Here, structural and functional aspects and current mechanisms of the multivalent membrane anchoring by the FYVE and PX domains are reviewed and compared.  相似文献   

We have compared the domain forming properties of three neutral acyl chain defined glycosphingolipids differing in their head group structures. The aim of the study was to explore if glycosphingolipids and sterols exist in the same lateral domains in bilayer membranes and how the structure of the head group influences the capacity of the glycosphingolipids to colocalize with cholesterol. The glycosphingolipids used in the study were galactosyl-, glucosyl- and lactosylceramides with a palmitic acid in the N-linked position. Domain formation in mixed bilayer vesicles was examined using fluorescent reporter molecules associating with ordered domains, together with a fluorescence quencher lipid in the disordered membrane phase. Our results show that the glycosphingolipids studied were poor in forming sterol-enriched domains compared to palmitoyl-sphingomyelin as detected by cholestatrienol quenching. However, the tendency to associate with cholesterol was clearly dependent on the carbohydrate structure of the glycosphingolipids, also when two glycosphingolipids with different head groups were mixed in the bilayer. All palmitoylated glycosphingolipids associated with palmitoyl-sphingomyelin/cholesterol domains. Our results show that the head group structures of neutral glycosphingolipids markedly affect their domain forming properties in bilayers both with and without cholesterol. The most striking observation being that large differences in domain forming properties were seen even between glucosylceramide and galactosylceramide, which differ only in the stereochemistry of one hydroxyl group in the carbohydrate head group.  相似文献   

Quinolinic acid (2,3-pyridinedicarboxylic acid), an endogenous metabolite of l-tryptophan, reportedly via the kynurenine pathway, has been previously shown to possess neurotoxic properties when injected into rat striatum (Schwarcz R., Whetsell, W.O., Jr. and Mangano R.M. (1983) Science 219, 316–318) and to alter the physical state of human erythrocyte membrane proteins, as judged by ESR spectroscopy (Farmer, B.T., II and Butterfield, D.A. (1984) Life Sci. 35, 501–509). Both the morphologic and ESR studies employed nicotinic acid as one comparative control and found that the effect of quinolinic acid is significantly different from that of nicotinic acid. In the present study, we report that the effects of several structural analogues and positional isomers of quinolinic acid on the ESR parameter associated with the physical state of membrane proteins in human erythrocyte membranes suggest the following conclusions concerning the structure-effect relationship of quinolinic acid: The alteration in the conformation of membrane proteins: (1) requires the presence of two carboxylic acid groups; (2) is independent of their relationship to one another on the pyridine ring; (3) is slightly dependent on the presence of the pyridine nitrogen atom but is independent of the positional relationship of the two carboxylic acid moieties to the heteroatom; and (4) seems to depend upon the presence of restricted internal motion derived from the aromaticity in these compounds.  相似文献   

Freely diffusable lipid spin labels in bovine rod outer segment disc membranes display an apparent two-component ESR spectrum. One component is markedly more immobilized than that found in fluid lipid bilayers, and is attributed to lipid interacting directly with rhodopsin. For the 14-doxyl stearic acid spin label this more immobilized component has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0°C, with a considerable temperature dependence, the effective outer splitting decreasing to 54 G at 24°C. Spin label lipid chains covalently attached to rhodopsin can also display a two-component spectrum in rod outer segment membranes. In unbleached, non-delipidated membranes the 16-doxyl stearoyl maleimide label shows an immobilized component which has an outer splitting of 59 G at 0°C and a considerable temperature dependence. This component which is not resolved at high temperatures (24–35°C), is attributed to the lipid chains interacting directly with the monomeric protein, as with the diffusable labels. In contrast, in rod outer segment membranes which have been either delipidated or extensively bleached, a strongly immobilized component is observed with the 16-doxyl maleimide label at all temperatures. This immobilized component has an outer splitting of 62–64 G at 0°C, with very little temperature dependence (61–62 G at 35°C), and is attributed to protein aggregation.  相似文献   

The discovery that the lipids constituting the plasma membrane are not randomly distributed, but instead are able to form laterally segregated lipid domains with different properties has given hints how the formation of such lipid domains influences and regulates many processes occurring at the plasma membrane. While in model systems these lipid domains can be easily accessed and their properties studied, it is still challenging to determine the properties of cholesterol rich lipid domains, the so called “Rafts”, in the plasma membrane of living cells due to their small size and transient nature. One promising technique to address such issues is fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) microscopy, as spatially resolved images make the visualization of the lateral lipid distribution possible, while at the same time the fluorescence lifetime of a membrane probe yields information about the bilayer structure and organization of the lipids in lipid domains and various properties like preferential protein-protein interactions or the enrichment of membrane probes. This review aims to give an overview of the techniques underlying FLIM probes which can be applied to investigate the formation of lipid domains and their respective properties in model membrane and biological systems. Also a short technical introduction into the techniques of a FLIM microscope is given.  相似文献   

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