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Sterols impart significant changes to the biophysical properties of lipid bilayers. In this regard the impact of cholesterol on membrane organization and dynamics is particularly well documented and serves for comparison with other sterols. However, the factors underlying the molecular evolution of cholesterol remain enigmatic. To this end, cholesterol attenuates membrane perturbation by the so-called antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), produced ubiquitously by eukaryotic cells to combat bacterial infections by compromising the permeability barrier function of the microbial target membranes. In the present study, we addressed the effects of cholesterol, ergosterol, and lanosterol on the membrane association of two structurally and functionally diverse AMPs viz. LL-37(F27W) and temporin L (TemL) using fluorescence spectroscopy. Interestingly, sterol concentration dependent effects on the membrane association of these peptides were observed. At X(Sterol)=0.5 cholesterol was most effective in reducing the membrane intercalation of both LL-37(F27W) and TemL, the corresponding efficiencies of the three sterols decreasing as cholesterol>lanosterol> or =ergosterol, and cholesterol>lanosterol>ergosterol. It is conceivable that part of the selection pressure for the chemical evolution of cholesterol may have derived from the ability to protect the AMP-secreting host cell from the membrane damaging action of the antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   

Pursuing the molecular mechanisms of the concentration dependent cytotoxic and hemolytic effects of the human antimicrobial peptide LL-37 on cells, we investigated the interactions of this peptide with lipids using different model membranes, together with fluorescence spectroscopy for the Trp-containing mutant LL-37(F27W). Minimum concentrations inhibiting bacterial growth and lipid interactions assessed by dynamic light scattering and monolayer penetration revealed the mutant to retain the characteristics of native LL-37. Although both LL-37 and the mutant intercalated effectively into zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine membranes the presence of acidic phospholipids caused augmented membrane binding. Interestingly, strongly attenuated intercalation of LL-37 into membranes containing both cholesterol and sphingomyelin (both at X = 0.3) was observed. Accordingly, the distinction between target and host cells by LL-37 is likely to derive from i) acidic phospholipids causing enhanced association with the former cells as well as ii) from attenuated interactions with the outer surface of the plasma membrane of the peptide secreting host, imposed by its high content of cholesterol and sphingomyelin. Our results further suggest that LL-37 may exert its antimicrobial effects by compromising the membrane barrier properties of the target microbes by a mechanism involving cytotoxic oligomers, similarly to other peptides forming amyloid-like fibers in the presence of acidic phospholipids.  相似文献   

The pulsed field gradient (pfg)-NMR method for measurements of translational diffusion of molecules in macroscopically aligned lipid bilayers is described. This technique is proposed to have an appreciable potential for investigations in the field of lipid and membrane biology. Transport of molecules in the plane of the bilayer can be successfully studied, as well as lateral phase separation of lipids and their dynamics within the bilayer organizations. Lateral diffusion coefficients depend on lipid packing and acyl chain ordering and investigations of order parameters of perdeuterated acyl chains, using 2H NMR quadrupole splittings, are useful complements. In this review we summarize some of our recent achievements obtained on lipid membranes. In particular, bilayers exhibiting two-phase coexistence of liquid disordered (ld) and liquid ordered (lo) phases are considered in detail. Methods for obtaining good oriented lipid bilayers, necessary for the pfg-NMR method to be efficiently used, are also briefly described. Among our major results, besides determinations of ld and lo phases, belongs the finding that the lateral diffusion is the same for all components, independent of the molecular structure (including cholesterol (CHOL)), if they reside in the same domain or phase in the membrane. Furthermore, quite unexpectedly CHOL seems to partition into the ldand lo phases to roughly the same extent, indicating that CHOL has no strong preference for any of these phases, i.e. CHOL seems to have similar interactions with all of the lipids. We propose that the lateral phase separation in bilayers containing one high-Tm and one low-Tm lipid together with CHOL is driven by the increasing difficulty of incorporating an unsaturated or prenyl lipid into the highly ordered bilayer formed by a saturated lipid and CHOL, i.e. the phase transition is entropy driven to keep the disorder of the hydrocarbon chains of the unsaturated lipid.  相似文献   

The phytopathogenic fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa (Stahel) Aime & Philips-Mora, causal agent of witches’ broom disease of cocoa, causes countless damage to cocoa production in Brazil. Molecular studies have attempted to identify genes that play important roles in fungal survival and virulence. In this study, sequences deposited in the M. perniciosa Genome Sequencing Project database were analyzed to identify potential biological targets. For the first time, the ergosterol biosynthetic pathway in M. perniciosa was studied and the lanosterol 14α-demethylase gene (ERG11) that encodes the main enzyme of this pathway and is a target for fungicides was cloned, characterized molecularly and its phylogeny analyzed. ERG11 genomic DNA and cDNA were characterized and sequence analysis of the ERG11 protein identified highly conserved domains typical of this enzyme, such as SRS1, SRS4, EXXR and the heme-binding region (HBR). Comparison of the protein sequences and phylogenetic analysis revealed that the M. perniciosa enzyme was most closely related to that of Coprinopsis cinerea.  相似文献   

We carried out comparative DSC and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies of the effects of cholesterol and lanosterol on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization of DPPC bilayers. Lanosterol is the biosynthetic precursor of cholesterol and differs in having three rather than two axial methyl groups projecting from the β-face of the planar steroid ring system and one axial methyl group projecting from the α-face, whereas cholesterol has none. Our DSC studies indicate that the incorporation of lanosterol is more effective than cholesterol is in reducing the enthalpy of the pretransition. Lanosterol is also initially more effective than cholesterol in reducing the enthalpies of both the sharp and broad components of the main phase transition. However, at sterol concentrations of 50 mol %, lanosterol does not abolish the cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transition as does cholesterol. Moreover, at higher lanosterol concentrations (~30–50 mol %), both sharp and broad low-temperature endotherms appear in the DSC heating scans, suggestive of the formation of lanosterol crystallites, and of the lateral phase separation of lanosterol-enriched phospholipid domains, respectively, at low temperatures, whereas such behavior is not observed with cholesterol at comparable concentrations. Our Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies demonstrate that lanosterol incorporation produces a less tightly packed bilayer than does cholesterol, which is characterized by increased hydration in the glycerol backbone region of the DPPC bilayer. These and other results indicate that lanosterol is less miscible in DPPC bilayers than is cholesterol, but perturbs their organization to a greater extent, probably due primarily to the rougher faces and larger cross-sectional area of the lanosterol molecule and perhaps secondarily to its decreased ability to form hydrogen bonds with adjacent DPPC molecules. Nevertheless, lanosterol does appear to produce a lamellar liquid-ordered phase in DPPC bilayers, although this phase is not as tightly packed as comparable cholesterol/DPPC mixtures.  相似文献   

We investigated the induction of resistance to Haemaphysalis longicornis infestation in rabbits that had been immunized with recombinant H. longicornis P27/30 protein. The success of immunological control methods is dependent upon the use of potential key antigens as tick vaccine candidates. Previously, we cloned a gene encoding 27 kDa and 30 kDa proteins (P27/30) of H. longicornis, and identified P27/30 as a troponin I-like protein. In this study, rabbits that were immunized with recombinant P27/30 expressed in Escherichia coli showed the statistically significant longer feeding duration for larval and adult ticks (P<0.05), low engorgement rates in larval ticks (64.4%), and an apparent reduction in egg weights, which suggest that H. longicornis P27/30 protein is a potential candidate antigen for a tick vaccine. These results demonstrated that the recombinant P27/30 protein might be a useful vaccine candidate antigen for biological control of H. longicornis.  相似文献   

We have measured the rates of insertion into, desorption from, and spontaneous interlayer translocation (flip-flop) of the fluorescent lysophospholipid derivative NBD-lyso-1-myristoylphosphatidylethanolamine in l(d) and l(o) phase lipid bilayer membranes. The lipid bilayers, studied as LUV, were prepared from pure 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine, in the l(d) phase; and from two Chol-containing binary lipid mixtures, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine and Chol (molar ratio of 1:1) and SpM and Chol (molar ratio of 6:4), both in the l(o) phase. Insertion, desorption, and translocation rate constants and equilibrium constants for association of the amphiphile monomer with the lipid bilayers were measured between 15 degrees C and 35 degrees C, and the standard free energies, enthalpies, and entropies, as well as the activation energies for these processes were derived from these data. The equilibrium partition coefficients for partitioning of the amphiphile between the aqueous phase and the different membrane phases were also derived, and an estimation was made of hypothetical partition coefficients and the respective energetic parameters for partitioning between the different lipid phases if these were to coexist in the same membrane. We show that, contrary to general belief, the association of NBD-lysoMPE with lipid bilayers is not a diffusion-controlled process, the rate-limiting step in insertion being the formation of a free area in the membrane surface of an adequate size for insertion to occur.  相似文献   

The taxonomy, biology, and population status of flying foxes (Pteropus spp.) remain little investigated in the Caroline Islands, Micronesia, where multiple endemic taxa occur. Our study evaluated the taxonomic relationships between the flying foxes of the Mortlock Islands (a subgroup of the Carolines) and two closely related taxa from elsewhere in the region, and involved the first ever field study of the Mortlock population. Through a review of historical literature, the name Pteropus pelagicus Kittlitz, 1836 is resurrected to replace the prevailing but younger name Pteropus phaeocephalus Thomas, 1882 for the flying fox of the Mortlocks. On the basis of cranial and external morphological comparisons, Pteropus pelagicus is united taxonomically with Pteropus insularis “Hombron and Jacquinot, 1842” (with authority herein emended to Jacquinot and Pucheran 1853), and the two formerly monotypic species are now treated as subspecies — Pteropus pelagicus pelagicus in the Mortlocks, and Pteropus phaeocephalus insularis on the islands of Chuuk Lagoon and Namonuito Atoll. The closest relative of Pteropus pelagicus is Pteropus tokudae Tate, 1934, of Guam, which is best regarded as a distinct species. Pteropus pelagicus pelagicus is the only known resident bat in the Mortlock Islands, a chain of more than 100 atoll islands with a total land area of <12 km2. Based on field observations in 2004, we estimated a population size of 925–1,200 bats, most of which occurred on Satawan and Lukunor Atolls, the two largest and southernmost atolls in the chain. Bats were absent on Nama Island and possibly extirpated from Losap Atoll in the northern Mortlocks. Resident Mortlockese indicated bats were more common in the past, but that the population generally has remained stable in recent years. Most Pteropus phaeocephalus pelagicus roosted alone or in groups of 5–10 bats; a roost of 27 was the largest noted. Diet is comprised of at least eight plant species, with breadfruit (Artocarpus spp.) being a preferred food. Records of females with young (April, July) and pregnant females (July) suggest an extended breeding season. Pteropus pelagicus pelagicus appears most threatened by the prospect of sea level rise associated with global climate change, which has the potential to submerge or reduce the size of atolls in the Mortlocks. Occasional severe typhoons probably temporarily reduce populations on heavily damaged atolls, but hunting and ongoing habitat loss are not current problems for the subspecies.  相似文献   

The liquid-ordered/disordered-phase domain co-existence in large unilamellar vesicle membranes consisting of phosphatidylcholine:sphingomyelin (2:1) with different amounts of cholesterol has been examined using a concentration-dependent self-quenching of a single reporter molecule, C12NBD-PC. A temperature-dependent decrease of fluorescence intensity was associated with the expected formation and increase of lo-phase membrane fraction in the vesicles. The result is consistent with exclusion of the fluorescent probe from the liquid-ordered phase which partitions preferentially into the liquid-disordered phase membrane domains. This leads to an increase of the local concentration of fluorophore in the liquid-disordered phase and a decrease of the quantum yield. This effect was used to obtain a quantitative estimation of the fraction of the vesicle membrane occupied by the liquid-ordered phase, Φo, as a function of temperature and cholesterol content between 0 and 45 mol%. The value of Φo was related to the assumed partition coefficient kp of probe between liquid-ordered/disordered phases. For large unilamellar vesicles containing 20 and 4 mol% cholesterol and probe, respectively, with kp = 0 (probe completely excluded from liquid-ordered phase), Φo = 0.16 and with kp = 0.2, Φo = 0.2. The results are relevant to the action of detergent in the fractionation of detergent-resistant membrane from living cells.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new and two known species of Paroigolaimella collected from India. Paroigolaimella helalii n. sp. is characterized by having conspicuous sexual dimorphism in the stoma and pharynx, ovaries with a sphincter separating the mature oocyte from developing ones, a vagina leading to a strong ovijector, a pore-like vulva with cuticular flap; males with slender strongly arcuate spicules with dilated capitula; the gubernaculum slender with expanded plate-like distal end and nine pairs of genital papillae, and four to five pairs of copulatory muscle bands. P. coprophila (Sudhaus and Rehfeld, 1990) Sudhaus and Fürst von Lieven, 2003 collected from leaf litter from a farmyard has been redescribed with reassessment of its distinguishing characters from P. bernensis. P. bodamica (Micoletzky, 1922) n. comb. has been described and its status has been discussed with context to P. bernensis.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae FAB1 gene encodes a 257-kD protein that contains a cysteine-rich RING-FYVE domain at its NH2-terminus and a kinase domain at its COOH terminus. Based on its sequence, Fab1p was initially proposed to function as a phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns(4)P) 5-kinase (Yamamoto et al., 1995). Additional sequence analysis of the Fab1p kinase domain, reveals that Fab1p defines a subfamily of putative PtdInsP kinases that is distinct from the kinases that synthesize PtdIns(4,5)P2. Consistent with this, we find that unlike wild-type cells, fab1Δ, fab1tsf, and fab1 kinase domain point mutants lack detectable levels of PtdIns(3,5)P2, a phosphoinositide recently identified both in yeast and mammalian cells. PtdIns(4,5)P2 synthesis, on the other hand, is only moderately affected even in fab1Δ mutants. The presence of PtdIns(3)P in fab1 mutants, combined with previous data, indicate that PtdIns(3,5)P2 synthesis is a two step process, requiring the production of PtdIns(3)P by the Vps34p PtdIns 3-kinase and the subsequent Fab1p- dependent phosphorylation of PtdIns(3)P yielding PtdIns(3,5)P2. Although Vps34p-mediated synthesis of PtdIns(3)P is required for the proper sorting of hydrolases from the Golgi to the vacuole, the production of PtdIns(3,5)P2 by Fab1p does not directly affect Golgi to vacuole trafficking, suggesting that PtdIns(3,5)P2 has a distinct function. The major phenotypes resulting from Fab1p kinase inactivation include temperature-sensitive growth, vacuolar acidification defects, and dramatic increases in vacuolar size. Based on our studies, we hypothesize that whereas Vps34p is essential for anterograde trafficking of membrane and protein cargoes to the vacuole, Fab1p may play an important compensatory role in the recycling/turnover of membranes deposited at the vacuole. Interestingly, deletion of VAC7 also results in an enlarged vacuole morphology and has no detectable PtdIns(3,5)P2, suggesting that Vac7p functions as an upstream regulator, perhaps in a complex with Fab1p. We propose that Fab1p and Vac7p are components of a signal transduction pathway which functions to regulate the efflux or turnover of vacuolar membranes through the regulated production of PtdIns(3,5)P2.  相似文献   

Lee SY  Lee MS  Lee HY  Kim SD  Shim JW  Jo SH  Lee JW  Kim JY  Choi YW  Baek SH  Ryu SH  Bae YS 《FEBS letters》2008,582(2):273-278
F2L, a peptide derived from heme-binding protein, was originally identified as an endogenous ligand for formyl peptide receptor-like (FPRL)2. Previously, we reported that F2L inhibits FPR and FPRL1-mediated signaling in neutrophils. Since endothelial cells express functional FPRL1, we examined the effect of F2L on LL-37 (an FPRL1 agonist)-induced signaling in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). F2L stimulated the chemotactic migration in HUVECs. However, F2L inhibited FPRL1 activity, resulting in the inhibition of cell proliferation and tube formation induced by LL-37 in HUVECs. We suggest that F2L will potentially be useful in the study of FPRL1 signaling and the development of drugs to treat diseases involving the FPRL1 in the vascular system.  相似文献   

To investigate the properties of a pure liquid ordered (Lo) phase in a model membrane system, a series of saturated phosphatidylcholines combined with cholesterol were examined by variable temperature multinuclear (1H, 2H, 13C, 31P) solid-state NMR spectroscopy and x-ray scattering. Compositions with cholesterol concentrations>or=40 mol %, well within the Lo phase region, are shown to exhibit changes in properties as a function of temperature and cholesterol content. The 2H-NMR data of both cholesterol and phospholipids were used to more accurately map the Lo phase boundary. It has been established that the gel-Lo phase coexistence extends to 60 mol % cholesterol and a modified phase diagram is presented. Combined 1H-, 2H-, 13C-NMR, and x-ray scattering data indicate that there are large changes within the Lo phase region, in particular, 1H-magic angle spinning NMR and wide-angle x-ray scattering were used to examine the in-plane intermolecular spacing, which approaches that of a fluid Lalpha phase at high temperature and high cholesterol concentrations. Although it is well known for cholesterol to broaden the gel-to-fluid transition temperature, we have observed, from the 13C magic angle spinning NMR data, that the glycerol region can still undergo a "melting", though this is broadened with increasing cholesterol content and changes with phospholipid chain length. Also from 2H-NMR order parameter data it was observed that the effect of temperature on chain length became smaller with increasing cholesterol content. Finally, from the cholesterol order parameter, it has been previously suggested that it is possible to determine the degree to which cholesterol associates with different phospholipids. However, we have found that by taking into account the relative temperature above the phase boundary this relationship may not be correct.  相似文献   

We performed comparative DSC and FTIR spectroscopic measurements of the effects of cholesterol (Chol) and ergosterol (Erg) on the thermotropic phase behavior and organization of DPPC bilayers. Ergosterol is the major sterol in the biological membranes of yeasts, fungi and many protozoa. It differs from Chol in having two additional double bonds, one in the steroid nucleus at C7-8 and another in the alkyl chain at C22-23. Erg also has an additional methyl group in the alkyl chain at C24. Our DSC studies indicate that the incorporation of Erg is more effective than Chol is in reducing the enthalpy of the pretransition. At lower concentrations Erg is also more effective than Chol in reducing the enthalpies of both the sharp and broad components of main phase transition. However, at sterol concentrations from 30 to 50 mol%, Erg is generally less effective at reducing the enthalpy of the broad components and does not completely abolish the cooperative hydrocarbon chain-melting phase transition at 50 mol%, as does Chol. Nevertheless, in this higher ergosterol concentration range, there is no evidence of the formation of ergosterol crystallites. Our FTIR spectroscopic studies demonstrate that Erg incorporation produces a similar ordering of liquid-crystalline DPPC bilayers as does Chol, but an increased degree of hydrogen bonding of the fatty acyl carbonyl groups in the glycerol backbone region of the DPPC bilayer. These and other results indicate that Erg is less miscible in DPPC bilayers at higher concentrations than is Chol. Finally, we provide a tentative molecular explanation for the comparative experimental and computation results obtained for Erg and Chol in phospholipid bilayers, emphasizing the dynamic conformational differences between these two sterols.  相似文献   

The formation of amyloid fibrils and other polypeptide aggregates depends strongly on the physico-chemical environment. One such factor affecting aggregation is the presence and concentration of salt ions. We have examined the effects of salt ions on the aggregation propensity of Alzheimer's Abeta(1-40) peptide and on the structure of the dissolved and of the fibrillar peptide. All salts examined promote aggregation strongly. The most pronounced effect is seen within the cationic series, i.e. for MgCl2. Evaluation of different possible explanations suggests that Abeta(1-40) aggregation depends on direct interaction between ions and Abeta(1-40) peptide, and correlates with ion-induced changes of the surface tension. Salts have profound effects on the fibril structure. In the presence of salts, fibrils are associated with smaller diameters, narrower crossover distances and lower amide I maxima. Since Abeta(1-40) aggregation responds to salts in a manner unlike that for other polypeptides, such as glucagon, beta2-microglobulin or alpha-synuclein; these data argue that there is no fully uniform way in which salts affect aggregation of different polypeptide chains. These observations are important for understanding and predicting aggregation on the basis of simple physico-chemical properties.  相似文献   

The SNARE protein syntaxin 1A (Syn1A) is known to inhibit delayed rectifier K(+) channels of the K(v)1 and K(v)2 families with heterogeneous effects on their gating properties. In this study, we explored whether Syn1A could directly modulate K(v)4.3, a rapidly inactivating K(v) channel with important roles in neuroendocrine cells and cardiac myocytes. Immunoprecipitation studies in HEK293 cells coexpressing Syn1A and K(v)4.3 revealed a direct interaction with increased trafficking to the plasma membrane without a change in channel synthesis. Paradoxically, Syn1A inhibited K(v)4.3 current density. In particular, Syn1A produced a left-shift in steady-state inactivation of K(v)4.3 without affecting either voltage dependence of activation or gating kinetics, a pattern distinct from other K(v) channels. Combined with our previous reports, our results further verify the notion that the mechanisms involved in Syn1A-K(v) interactions vary significantly between K(v) channels, thus providing a wide scope for Syn1A modulation of exocytosis and membrane excitability.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) in the genera Steinernema and Heterorhabditis and their associated bacteria (Xenorhabdus spp. and Photorhabdus spp., respectively) are lethal parasites of soil dwelling insects. We collected 168 soil samples from five provinces, all located in southern Thailand. Eight strains of EPNs were isolated and identified to species using restriction profiles and sequence analysis. Five of the isolates were identified as Heterorhabditis indica, and one as Heterorhabditis baujardi. Two undescribed Steinernema spp. were also discovered which matched no published sequences and grouped separately from the other DNA restriction profiles. Behavioral tests showed that all Heterorhabditis spp. were cruise foragers, based on their attraction to volatile cues and lack of body-waving and standing behaviors, while the Steinernema isolates were more intermediate in foraging behavior. The infectivity of Thai EPN strains against Galleria mellonella larvae was investigated using sand column bioassays and the LC(50) was calculated based on exposures to nematodes in 24-well plates. The LC(50) results ranged from 1.99-6.95 IJs/insect. Nine centimeter columns of either sandy loam or sandy clay loam were used to determine the nematodes' ability to locate and infect subterranean insects in different soil types. The undescribed Steinernema sp. had the greatest infection rate in both soil types compared to the other Thai isolates and three commercial EPNs (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema glaseri and Steinernema riobrave).  相似文献   

Prosser DE  Guo Y  Jia Z  Jones G 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(10):3389-3409
Human CYP27A1 is a mitochondrial cytochrome P450, which is principally found in the liver and plays important roles in the biological activation of vitamin D(3) and in the biosynthesis of bile acids. We have applied a systematic analysis of hydrogen bonding patterns in 11 prokaryotic and mammalian CYP crystal structures to construct a homology-based model of CYP27A1. Docking of vitamin D(3) structures into the active site of this model identified potential substrate contact residues in the F-helix, the beta-3 sheet, and the beta-5 sheet. Site-directed mutagenesis and expression in COS-1 cells confirmed that these positions affect enzymatic activity, in some cases shifting metabolism of 1alpha-hydroxyvitamin D(3) to favor 25- or 27-hydroxylation. The results suggest that conserved hydrophobic residues in the beta-5 hairpin help define the shape of the substrate binding cavity and that this structure interacts with Phe-248 in the F-helix. Mutations directed toward the beta-3a strand suggested a possible heme-binding interaction centered on Asn-403 and a structural role for substrate contact residues Thr-402 and Ser-404.  相似文献   

Saeed M  Zahid M  Rogan E  Cavalieri E 《Steroids》2005,70(3):173-178
A method for the synthesis of 2-hydroxyestrone/estradiol, 4-hydroxyestrone/estradiol, 3'-hydroxydiethylstilbestrol, 3'-hydroxyhexestrol, and 3'-hydroxydienestrol is reported, in which 2-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) and the corresponding phenolic estrogen are reacted. Treatment of the natural estrogens, estrone/estradiol, with stoichiometric amounts of IBX in dimethylformamide initially yielded a mixture of estrone/estradiol-2,3- and -3,4-quinones, which were reduced in situ to the corresponding catechols by treatment with a 1 M aqueous solution of ascorbic acid. Chromatographic separation of the reaction products afforded 2- and 4-hydroxyestrone/estradiol in good overall yields (79%). In the case of the synthetic estrogens containing two identical phenolic rings, protection of one ring is a prerequisite for the synthesis of the monocatechol. Thus, diethylstilbestrol and dienestrol were protected at one phenol ring as their methyl ethers. The resulting monophenols were treated with stoichiometric amounts of IBX for 1 h, followed by treatment with 1 M aqueous ascorbic acid to obtain the corresponding catechols in more than 70% yield. Furthermore, the catechol of diethylstilbestrol, protected at one ring, was reduced by catalytic hydrogenation at the C3-C4 double bond to obtain 3'-hydroxyhexestrol in 90% yield. Removal of the protected methoxy groups of the synthetic estrogen catechols was carried out by treatment with a 1 M solution of boron tribromide in dichloromethane. This method is highly efficient for the preparative scale synthesis of catechols of both natural and synthetic estrogens.  相似文献   

Ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from the edible oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), recognizes and binds specifically to membrane domains enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin (or saturated phosphatidylcholine). These events, leading to permeabilization of the membrane, suggest that a cholesterol-rich liquid-ordered membrane phase, which is characteristic of lipid rafts, could be its possible binding site. In this work, we present effects of ostreolysin on membranes containing various steroids. Binding and membrane permeabilizing activity of ostreolysin was studied using lipid mono- and bilayers composed of sphingomyelin combined, in a 1/1 molar ratio, with natural and synthetic steroids (cholesterol, ergosterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol, lanosterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, cholesteryl acetate, and 5-cholesten-3-one). Binding to membranes and lytic activity of the protein are both shown to be dependent on the intact sterol 3β-OH group, and are decreased by introducing additional double bonds and methylation of the steroid skeleton or C17-isooctyl chain. The activity of ostreolysin mainly correlates with the ability of the steroids to promote formation of liquid-ordered membrane domains, and is the highest with cholesterol-containing membranes. Furthermore, increasing the cholesterol concentration enhanced ostreolysin binding in a highly cooperative manner, suggesting that the membrane lateral distribution and accessibility of the sterols are crucial for the activity of this new member of cholesterol-dependent cytolysins.  相似文献   

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