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The influence of electrostatic interactions on the dynamic properties of complexes containing DNA and mixtures of cationic- (DDA) and zwitterionic (DLPC) lipids are studied by means of NMR. The systems are arranged in lamellar membrane stacks intercalated by DNA molecules. This is confirmed by 31P-NMR, where a superposition of an axially symmetric powder pattern arising from the phospholipid membrane and an asymmetric tensor due to DNA can be fitted to the experimentally observed lineshape. The local mobility and order is assessed using two solid-state NMR techniques applicable to samples with natural isotopic abundance: WIdeline SEparation (WISE) and Separated Local Field (SLF) spectroscopy. Both experiments yield highly resolved 13C spectra in the direct dimension. The indirect dimension contains information about molecular dynamics through the 1H dipolar linewidth (WISE) or the 1H(-13)C dipolar coupling constant (SLF). The experiments suggest that DNA is static while it induces an increased disorder in the hydrocarbon chains as compared to the parent lipid case. DDA chain order is more affected than DLPC due to the attractive electrostatic interaction between DNA and the cationic lipid. Translational dynamics of the lipids and the water was measured with the Pulsed Field Gradient STimulated Echo (PFG STE) technique. The influence of lamellar domain size and the angular dependence of the diffusion coefficients and nuclear relaxation times on the results of the PFG STE experiments are discussed. The local water diffusion coefficient is reduced by a factor four from the value of bulk water, and increases as the DLPC content is increased. We observe two lipid components with an order of magnitude difference in diffusion coefficients in the DNA:DDA:DLPC precipitate and these are assigned to DLPC (fast) and DDA (slow). Cationic lipid (DDA) diffusion is decreasing a factor of 2 when DLPC is added to the pure DNA:DDA system, indicating DNA-induced lipid segregation within the bilayer and the transition from locally 2D to 1D diffusion of the DDA. The results show that DNA-lipid electrostatic interactions reduce the long-range lipid mobility but locally enhance the hydrocarbon chain dynamics by perturbing the preferred lipid packing.  相似文献   

We report longitudinal 15N relaxation rates derived from two-dimensional (15N, 13C) chemical shift correlation experiments obtained under magic angle spinning for the potassium channel KcsA-Kv1.3 reconstituted in multilamellar vesicles. Thus, we demonstrate that solid-state NMR can be used to probe residue-specific backbone dynamics in a membrane-embedded protein. Enhanced backbone mobility was detected for two glycine residues within the selectivity filter that are highly conserved in potassium channels and that are of core relevance to the filter structure and ion selectivity.  相似文献   

We have investigated the membrane interactions and dynamics of a 21-mer cytotoxic model peptide that acts as an ion channel by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. To shed light on its mechanism of membrane perturbation, 31P and 2H NMR experiments were performed on 21-mer peptide-containing bicelles. 31P NMR results indicate that the 21-mer peptide stabilizes the bicelle structure and orientation in the magnetic field and perturbs the lipid polar head group conformation. On the other hand, 2H NMR spectra reveal that the 21-mer peptide orders the lipid acyl chains upon binding. 15N NMR experiments performed in DMPC bilayers stacked between glass plates also reveal that the 21-mer peptide remains at the bilayer surface. 15N NMR experiments in perpendicular DMPC bicelles indicate that the 21-mer peptide does not show a circular orientational distribution in the bicelle planar region. Finally, 13C NMR experiments were used to study the 21-mer peptide dynamics in DMPC multilamellar vesicles. By analyzing the 13CO spinning sidebands, the results show that the 21-mer peptide is immobilized upon membrane binding. In light of these results, we propose a model of membrane interaction for the 21-mer peptide where it lies at the bilayer surface and perturbs the lipid head group conformation.  相似文献   

The proteorhodopsin family consists of hundreds of homologous retinal containing membrane proteins found in bacteria in the photic zone of the oceans. They are colour tuned to their environment and act as light-driven proton pumps with a potential energetic and regulatory function. Precise structural details are still unknown. Here, the green proteorhodopsin variant has been selected for a chemical shift analysis of retinal and Schiff base by solid-state NMR. Our data show that the chromophore exists in mainly all-trans configuration in the proteorhodopsin ground state. The optical absorption maximum together with retinal and Schiff base chemical shifts indicate a strong interaction network between chromophore and opsin. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Mark Lorch and Andreas C. Woerner contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Using solid-state NMR approaches, it is now possible to define the structure and dynamics of binding for a small, isotopically (2H, 13C, 19F, 15N) labelled ligand, prosthetic group or solute in its binding site of a membrane-bound protein at near physiological conditions in natural membrane fragments or in reconstituted complexes. Studies of oriented membranes permit the orientational bond vectors of labelled groups to be determined to good precision, as shown for retinal in bacteriorhodopsin and bovine rhodopsin. Using novel magic angle spinning NMR methods on membrane dispersions, high-resolution NMR spectra can be obtained. Dipolar couplings can be reintroduced into the spectrum of labelled ligands in their binding sites of membrane-bound proteins to give interatomic distances to high precision (±0.5 Å). Relaxation and cross-polarization data give estimates for the kinetics for on-off rates for binding. In addition, chemical shifts can be measured directly to help provide details of the binding environment for a bound ligand, as shown for analogues of drugs used in peptic ulcer treatment in the gastric ATPase, and for acetylcholine in the acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   

A variety of biomolecules acting on the cell membrane folds into a biologically active structure in the membrane environment. It is, therefore, important to determine the structures and dynamics of such biomolecules in a membrane environment. While several biophysical techniques are used to obtain low-resolution information, solid-state NMR spectroscopy is one of the most powerful means for determining the structure and dynamics of membrane bound biomolecules such as antibacterial biomolecules and amyloidogenic proteins; unlike X-ray crystallography and solution NMR spectroscopy, applications of solid-state NMR spectroscopy are not limited by non-crystalline, non-soluble nature or molecular size of membrane-associated biomolecules. This review article focuses on the applications of solid-state NMR techniques to study a few selected antibacterial and amyloid peptides. Solid-state NMR studies revealing the membrane inserted bent α-helical structure associated with the hemolytic activity of bee venom melittin and the chemical shift oscillation analysis used to determine the transmembrane structure (with α-helix and 310-helix in the N- and C-termini, respectively) of antibiotic peptide alamethicin are discussed in detail. Oligomerization of an amyloidogenic islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP, or also known as amylin) resulting from its aggregation in a membrane environment, molecular interactions of the antifungal natural product amphotericin B with ergosterol in lipid bilayers, and the mechanism of lipid raft formation by sphingomyelin studied using solid state NMR methods are also discussed in this review article. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Biophysical Exploration of Dynamical Ordering of Biomolecular Systems" edited by Dr. Koichi Kato.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s), which represent the major group of drug metabolizing enzymes in humans, also catalyze important synthetic and detoxicative reactions in insects, plants and many microbes. Flexibilities in their catalytic sites and membrane associations are thought to play central roles in substrate binding and catalytic specificity. To date, Escherichia coli expression strategies for structural analysis of eukaryotic membrane-bound P450s by X-ray crystallography have necessitated full or partial removal of their N-terminal signal anchor domain and, often, replacement of residues more peripherally associated with the membrane (such as the F-G loop region). Even with these modifications, investigations of P450 structural flexibility remain challenging with multiple single crystal conditions needed to identify spatial variations between substrate-free and different substrate-bound forms. To overcome these limitations, we have developed methods for the efficient expression of 13C- and 15N-labeled P450s and analysis of their structures by magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy. In the presence of co-expressed GroEL and GroES chaperones, full-length (53 kDa) Arabidopsis13C,15N-labeled His4CYP98A3 is expressed at yields of 2-4 mg per liter of minimal media without the necessity of generating side chain modifications or N-terminal deletions. Precipitated His4CYP98A3 generates high quality SSNMR spectra consistent with a homogeneous, folded protein. These data highlight the potential of these methodologies to contribute to the structural analysis of membrane-bound proteins.  相似文献   

The 2H solid-state NMR spectra of deuterated fatty acyl chains provide direct access to the order of the hydrophobic membrane interior. From the deuterium order parameter profiles of perdeuterated fatty acyl chains the membrane hydrophobic thickness can be calculated. Here we show data obtained from POPC, POPE and mixed POPE/POPG bilayers, representative of bacterial membranes, in the presence of cholesterol or ergosterol and antimicrobial peptaibols. Whereas sterols have a strong ordering effect also on these membranes, the peptides exhibit neutral or disordering effects. By comparing with data from the literature it becomes obvious that cationic amphipathic peptides that probably reside within the interface of phospholipid membranes tend to strongly disorder the packing of the fatty acyl chains, an effect that has been correlated to antimicrobial and DNA transfection activities. In contrast transmembrane sequences or hydrophobic peptides that probably partition deeply into the membrane tend to have only modest disordering activities. The 2H solid-state NMR approach has also been used to monitor the lateral separation of domains rich in anionic phospholipids in the presence of cationic peptides and has thereby provided important insights into their mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

Over the last seven years, solid-state NMR has been widely employed to study structural and functional aspects of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. These studies have provided detailed structural information relating to both the ligand binding site and the transmembrane domain of the receptor. Studies of the ligand binding domain have elucidated the nature and the orientation of the pharmacophores responsible for the binding of the agonist acetylcholine within the agonist binding site. Analyses of small transmembrane fragments derived from the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor have also revealed the secondary structure and the orientation of these transmembrane domains. These experiments have expanded our understanding of the channels structural properties and are providing an insight into how they might be modulated by the surrounding lipid environment. In this article we review the advances in solid-state NMR applied to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and compare the results with recent electron diffraction and X-ray crystallographic studies.Presented at the Biophysical Society Meeting on Ion channels – from structure to disease held in May 2003, Rennes, France  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that tracer diffusion coefficients can be determined for oxyhemoglobin A (HbA-O2) and oxyhemoglobin S (HbS-O2) in intact blood cells by means of pulsed field gradient NMR (PFG-NMR). This is possible because the method discriminates between both rapidly moving water molecules and molecules having small proton transverse relaxation times (T2). The results indicate that only hemoglobin molecules contribute to the echo signals when large field gradients are used. The dependence of the measured diffusion coefficients on osmolarity and pH are attributed to changes in hemoglobin concentration resulting from changes in cell volume.  相似文献   

Lateral diffusion coefficients of PEG-ylated lipids with three different molecular weight PEG groups (1000, 2000 and 5000) were measured in magnetically-aligned bicelles using the stimulated echo (STE) pulsed field gradient (PEG) 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) method. At concentrations below the PEG “mushroom-to-brush” transition, all three PEG-ylated lipids exhibited unrestricted lateral diffusion, with lateral diffusion coefficients comparable to those of corresponding non-PEG-ylated lipids and independent of PEG molecular weight. At concentrations above this transition, lateral diffusion slowed progressively with increasing concentration of PEG-ylated lipid as a result of surface crowding. As well, the lateral diffusion coefficients exhibited a pronounced decrease with increasing PEG group molecular weight and a diffusion-time dependence indicative of obstructed diffusion. We conclude that, while lateral diffusion of PEG-ylated lipids within lipid bilayers is determined primarily by the hydrophobic anchoring group, when crowding at the lipid bilayer surface becomes significant, the size of the extra-membranous domain, in this case the PEG group, can influence lateral diffusion, leading to decreased diffusivity with increasing size and producing obstructed diffusion at high crowding. These findings imply that similar considerations will pertain to lateral diffusion of membrane proteins with large extra-membranous domains.  相似文献   

Bovine lactoferricin (LfcinB) is an antimicrobial peptide released by pepsin cleavage of lactoferrin. In this work, the interaction between LfcinB and acidic phospholipid bilayers with the weight percentage of 65% dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), 10% cardiolipin (CL) and 25% dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) was investigated as a mimic of cell membrane of Staphylococcus aureus by means of quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and solid-state 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Moreover, we elucidated a molecular mechanism of the antimicrobial activity of LfcinB by means of potassium ion selective electrode (ISE). It turned out that affinity of LfcinB for acidic phospholipid bilayers was higher than that for neutral phospholipid bilayers. It was also revealed that the association constant of LfcinB was larger than that of lactoferrin as a result of QCM measurements. 31P DD-static NMR spectra indicated that LfcinB interacted with acidic phospholipid bilayers and bilayer defects were observed in the bilayer systems because isotropic peaks were clearly appeared. Gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition temperatures (Tc) in the mixed bilayer systems were determined by measuring the temperature variation of relative intensities of acyl chains in 1H MAS NMR spectra. Tc values of the acidic phospholipid and LfcinB-acidic phospholipid bilayer systems were 21.5 °C and 24.0 °C, respectively. To characterize the bilayer defects, potassium ion permeation across the membrane was observed by ISE measurements. The experimental results suggest that LfcinB caused pores in the acidic phospholipid bilayers. Because these pores lead the permeability across the membrane, the molecular mechanism of the antimicrobial activity could be attributed to the pore formation in the bacterial membrane induced by LfcinB.  相似文献   

We have compared site-directed 13C solid-state NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala- and/or [1-13C]Val-labeled membrane proteins, including bacteriorhodopsin (bR), pharaonis phoborhodopin (ppR), its cognate transducer (pHtrII) and Escherichia coli diacylglycerol kinase (DGK), in two-dimensional (2D) crystal, lipid bilayers, and detergent. Restricted fluctuation motions of these membrane proteins due to oligomerization of bR by specific protein-protein interactions in the 2D crystalline lattice or protein complex between ppR and pHtrII provide the most favorable environment to yield well-resolved, fully visible 13C NMR signals for [3-13C]Ala-labeled proteins. In contrast, several signals from such membrane proteins were broadened or lost owing to interference of inherent fluctuation frequencies (10(4)-10(5)Hz) with frequency of either proton decoupling or magic angle spinning, if their 13C NMR spectra were recorded as a monomer in lipid bilayers at ambient temperature. The presence of such protein dynamics is essential for the respective proteins to achieve their own biological functions. Finally, spectral broadening found for bR and DGK in detergents were discussed.  相似文献   

D-Hamamelose, a branched-chain ribose (2-C-(hydroxymethyl)-D-ribose), has been synthesized and its solid-state structure analyzed by (13)C CP MAS NMR spectra and X-ray data. The presence of the complex pattern of resonances in the anomeric region, as well as in the ring carbon region, in (13)C CP MAS NMR spectrum indicated that the mixture of four cyclic forms, alpha- and beta-furanoses, as well as both alpha- and beta-pyranoses were present in the solid-state. X-ray analysis of crystals showed that D-hamamelose belongs to the monoclinic system with unit cell: a=4.790A, b=8.671A, c=8.880A and beta=98.89 degrees , space group P2(1). The furanose ring has the (2)E conformation.  相似文献   

Summary Solid-state NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the orientations of two amphipathic helical peptides associated with lipid bilayers. A single spectral parameter provides sufficient orientational information for these peptides, which are known, from other methods, to be helical. The orientations of the peptides were determined using the15N chemical shift observed for specifically labeled peptide sites. Magainin, an antibiotic peptide from frog skin, was found to lie in the plane of the bilayer. M2, a helical segment of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, was found to span the membrane, perpendicular to the plane of the bilayer. These findings have important implications for the mechanisms of biological functions of these peptides.  相似文献   

A microscopic technique has been developed to obtain the protein profiles inside calcium alginate gel. To do this, the diffusion of BSA, previously marked with FITC, inside calcium alginate beads was observed using confocal laser microscopy, thus obtaining the spatio-temporal evolution of the protein concentration. The technique, however, presents certain limitations and zones where it is impossible to obtain experimental data. Wavelets analysis, commonly used in signal processing and statistics, was employed to reconstruct and subsequently analyse the experimental results. Once the diffusion model was defined, the substrate profiles obtained were used to calculate a diffusivity value for BSA in alginate gel. Received 09 February 1999/ Accepted in revised form 14 May 1999  相似文献   

We have recorded site-directed solid-state 13C NMR spectra of [3-13C]Ala- and [1-13C]Val-labeled bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as a typical membrane protein in lipid bilayers, to examine the effect of formation of two-dimensional (2D) lattice or array of the proteins toward backbone dynamics, to search the optimum condition to be able to record full 13C NMR signals from whole area of proteins. Well-resolved 13C NMR signals were recorded for monomeric [3-13C]Ala-bR in egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayer at ambient temperature, although several 13C NMR signals from the loops and transmembrane α-helices were still suppressed. This is because monomeric bR reconstituted into egg PC, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or dipalmytoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers undergoes conformational fluctuations with frequency in the order of 104-105 Hz at ambient temperature, which is interfered with frequency of magic angle spinning or proton decoupling. It turned out, however, that the 13C NMR signals of purple membrane (PM) were almost fully recovered in gel phase lipids of DMPC or DPPC bilayers at around 0 °C. This finding is interpreted in terms of aggregation of bR in DMPC or DPPC bilayers to 2D hexagonal array in the presence of endogenous lipids at low temperature, resulting in favorable backbone dynamics for 13C NMR observation. It is therefore concluded that [3-13C]Ala-bR reconstituted in egg PC, DMPC or DPPC bilayers at ambient temperature, or [3-13C]Ala- and [1-13C]Val-bR at low temperature gave rise to well-resolved 13C NMR signals, although they are not always completely the same as those of 2D hexagonal lattice from PM.  相似文献   

Lipid analogues and glycosylphosphati-dylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins incorporated in glass-supported phospholipid bilayers (SBL) were coupled to small (30 nm diameter) fluorescent beads whose motion in the liquid phase was tracked by intensified fluorescence video microscopy. Streptavidin (St), covalently attached to the carboxyl modified surface of the polystyrene bead, bound either the biotinylated membrane component, or a biotinylated monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed against a specific membrane constituent. The positions of the beads tethered to randomly diffusing membrane molecules were recorded at 0.2 sec intervals for about l min. The mean square displacement () of the beads was found to be a linear function of diffusion time t, and the diffusion coefficient, D, was derived from the relation, (t) = 4Dt. The values of D for biotinylated phosphatidylethanolamine (Bi-PE) dispersed in an egg lecithin: cholesterol (80:20%) bilayer obtained by this methodology range from 0.05 to 0.6 m2/sec with an average of D = 0.26 m2/sec, similar to the value of D = 0.24 m2/sec for fluorescein-conjugated phosphati-dylethanolamine (Fl-PE) linked to St-coupled beads by the anti-fluorescein mAb 4-4-20 or its Fab fragment. These values of D are comparable to those reported for Fl-PE linked to 30 nm gold particles but are several times lower than that of Fl-PE in the same planar bilayer as measured by fluorescence photobleaching recovery, D = 1.3 m2sec. The mobilities of two GPI-anchored proteins in similar SBL were also determined by use of the appropriate biotinylated mAb and were found to be D = 0.25 and 0.56 m2/sec for the decay accelerating factor (DAF, CD55) and the human FcRIIIB (CD16) receptors, respectively. The methodology described here is suitable for tracking any accessible membrane component.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grants 1R24 RR05272 and AI-24322.  相似文献   

The polypeptide corresponding to the signal sequence of the M13 coat protein and the five N-terminal residues of the mature protein was prepared by solid-phase peptide synthesis with a 15N isotopic label at the alanine-12 position. Multidimensional solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling calculations indicate that this polypeptide assumes helical conformations between residues 5 and 20, in the presence of sodium dodecylsulfate micelles. This is in good agreement with circular dichroism spectroscopic measurement, which shows an α-helix content of approximately 42%. The α-helix comprises an uninterrupted hydrophobic stretch of ≤12 amino acids, which is generally believed to be too short for a stable transmembrane alignment in a biological bilayer. The monoexponential proton-deuterium exchange kinetics of this hydrophobic helical region is characterized by half-lives of 15–75 minutes (pH 4.2, 323 K). When the polypeptide is reconstituted into phospholipid bilayers, the broad anisotropy of the proton-decoupled 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy indicates that the hydrophobic helix is immobilized close to the lipid bilayer surface at the time scale of 15N solid-state NMR spectroscopy (10−4 seconds). By contrast, short correlation times, immediate hydrogen-deuterium exchange as well as nuclear Overhauser effect crosspeak analysis suggest that the N and C termini of this polypeptide exhibit a mobile random coil structure. The implications of these structural findings for possible mechanisms of membrane insertion and translocation as well as for membrane protein structure prediction algorithms are discussed. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The lipid modified human N-Ras protein, implicated in human cancer development, is of particular interest due to its membrane anchor that determines the activity and subcellular location of the protein. Previous solid-state NMR investigations indicated that this membrane anchor is highly dynamic, which may be indicative of backbone conformational flexibility. This article aims to address if a dynamic exchange between three structural models exist that had been determined previously. We applied a combination of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods and replica exchange molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using a Ras peptide that represents the terminal seven amino acids of the human N-Ras protein. Analysis of correlations between the conformations of individual amino acids revealed that Cys 181 and Met 182 undergo collective conformational exchange. Two major structures constituting about 60% of all conformations could be identified. The two conformations found in the simulation are in rapid exchange, which gives rise to low backbone order parameters and nuclear spin relaxation as measured by experimental NMR methods. These parameters were also determined from two 300 ns conventional MD simulations, providing very good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

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