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As a result of the re-examination of museum slides and new material of monogeneans collected from Mugil cephalus L. in the Sea of Japan, the estuary of a river which flows into the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea (off Zhifu, at the boundary of the Bohai Sea) and the East China Sea (off the Ryukyu Islands), five species of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 were identified, one of which is new. The known species are L. chabaudi Euzet & Suriano, 1977, L. cheleus Rubtsova, Balbuena & Sarabeev, 2007, L. domnichi Rubtsova, Balbuena & Sarabeev, 2007 and L. pacificus Rubtsova, Balbuena & Sarabeev, 2007, which are reported from the Yellow Sea; in addition, L. domnichi is reported for the first time from the East China Sea. Ligophorus abditus n. sp., from the Sea of Japan, differs from its most similar congeners, L. pacificus and L. domnichi, in the shapes of the dorsal anchors and the accessory piece of the male copulatory organ. A comparison of all of the species of Ligophorus recovered from M. cephalus in the Sea of Japan was carried out using Principal Component Analysis, and their distribution and origin are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe a new ancyrocephalid monogenean, Haliotrema cupensis n. sp., from a marine gobiid, Gobius cobitis (Pallas) from the Mediterranean Sea. This species differs from the other members of the genus by the morphology of the penis and accessory piece, the haptoral ornamentation and by possessing a larger testis. This is the first report of an ancyrocephalid on a marine gobiid and of a Haliotrema species in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

A new species Gyrodactylus mulli sp. n. is described from the thorax fins of blunt-snouted mullet Mullus barbatus ponticus by the collections of B. E. Bychowsky made in 1947 near Karadag on the Black Sea. Gyrodactylus mulli sp. n. differs from G. alviga Dmitrieva et Gerasev, 2000 (described from blunt-snouted mullet too) in having another morphotype of the marginal hooks. The new species differs from G. proterorhini Ergens, 1967, which has the identical type of the marginal hooks, in having longer membrane of the ventral connective bar, longer point of the anchors, shorter marginal hooks, and lesser size of the cirrus.  相似文献   

The introduction of Far Eastern mullet (pilengas) in the Azov Sea in the 1970s-1980s has resulted in the formation of a self-reproducing commercial population. We have carried out a comparative population-genetic analysis of the mullet from the native (Primorye, the Sea of Japan basin) and the new (The Azov Sea basin) ranges. Genetic characteristics of three Primorye and three Azov local samples were studied using electrophoretic analysis of 15 enzymes encoded by 21 gene loci. In the Azov mullet, the initial heterozygosity characteristic of the donor population was preserved while the genotype and the allele compositions changed; the changes included a 1.9-fold reduction in the percentage of polymorphic loci and 1.5-fold reduction in the mean number of alleles per locus. The genetic differences between the Azov and the Primorye sample groups were highly significant. In the native range, no genetic differentiation among the mullet samples from different areas was found (Gst = 0.42%), whereas in the Azov Sea basin, the samples from spatially isolated populations (ecological groups) exhibited genetic differences (Gst = 1.38). The genetic divergence of the subpopulations and the excess of heterozygotes at some loci in the Azov mullet suggest selection processes that formed genetically divergent groups associated with the areas of different salinity in the new range. The salinity level is assumed to be the most probable factor of local differentiating selection during fast adaptation and naturalization of the introduced mullet.  相似文献   

Polyclithrum ponticum sp. n. is described and P. mugilini Rogers, 1967 is redescribed. Both monogenean species are parasites of Mugil cephalus in the Black Sea. The new species differs from P. mugilini, P. alberti and P. boegeri by the lesser size of anchors, while it is distinguished from P. corallense by the larger size of these structures. P. ponticum sp. n. differs from all formerly described species by the greater length of dorsal connective bar. In both species from the Black Sea, "ear-like" structures situated near the external roots of anchors are described for the first time. It is suggested, that these structures take part in longitudinal, two-lobe folding of the haptor. The process of opening the haptor is probably performed by the additional bars of the haptor (bars 2 and 3 after: Rogers, 1967), joined to each other and with the anchors. The fifth pair of additional bars (Ernst e. a., 2000) derives from the "beard" of ventral connective bar and is united with its basal part. The sixth pair of additional bars (Ernst e. a., 2000) is considered as a typical "ribs" of the haptor, and therefore the "ribs" are represented by three pairs. Differences between marginal hooks of P. ponticum sp. n. and P. mugilini are insignificant, that probably depends on the presence of "ribs" of the haptor. Based on the subdivision of marginal hooks into two groups, the presence of additional supporting structure in the haptor, and the presence of the seminal receptacle, it is suggested that the subfamily Polyclithrinae Rogers, 1967 should include the genera Polyclithrum Rogers, 1967, Swingleus Rogers, 1969, Macrogyrodactylus Mamlberg, 1959, and probably Fundulotrema Hargis, 1955. Based on such characters as the lack of the anchors, the presence of suckers in the haptor, and ovipositing of eggs, it seems to be expedient to use the following taxa in systematics of gyrodactylids: Isancistrinae Fuhrmann, 1928 (genera Isancistrum, Anacanthocotyle); Gyrdicotylinae Vercammen-Grandjean, 1960 (Gyrdicotyle) and Ooegyrodactylinae Harris, 1983 (genera Phanerothecium, Ooegyrodactylus, Nothogyrodactylus, Hyperopletes).  相似文献   

Ligophorus pilengas Sarabeev & Balbuena, 2004 and L. gussevi Miroshnichenko & Maltsev, 2004, both recently described as new species from the so-iuy mullet Mugil soiuy in the Sea of Azov and Black Sea, were compared. A morphometric analysis of both forms strongly suggests that they represent the same species. According to the ‘Principle of priority’, L. pilengas is proposed as a senior synonym of L. gussevi.  相似文献   

Ligophorus pilengas Sarabeev & Balbuena, 2004 and L. gussevi Miroshnichenko & Maltsev, 2004, both recently described as new species from the so-iuy mullet Mugil soiuy in the Sea of Azov and Black Sea, were compared. A morphometric analysis of both forms strongly suggests that they represent the same species. According to the 'Principle of priority', L. pilengas is proposed as a senior synonym of L. gussevi.  相似文献   

Ligophorus llewellyni n. sp. (Ancyrocephalidae: Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977) is described from the gills of Liza haematocheilus (Temminck & Schlegel) introduced into the Black Sea from the Far East. Ligophorus llewellyni is closely related to L. pilengas Sarabeev & Balbuena, 2004, which parasitises the same host species. The two species differ in the morphology of the accessory piece of the copulatory organ and in some of the characters of the haptoral hard-parts. The morphometric variability of L. llewellyni and in its morphologically most similar congeners from the Black Sea is studied. Correlations between 30 morphometric characters of the haptoral hard-parts and the significance of each for species differentiation are examined. It is suggested that only 22 characters are useful as diagnostic criteria permitting the differentiation of morphologically similar species of Ligophorus.  相似文献   

Three species of the bunocotyline genus Saturnius Manter, 1969 are described from the stomach lining of mugilid fishes of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Two of the species are new: S. minutus n. sp. occurs in Mugil cephalus off the Mediterranean coast of Spain; and S. dimitrovi n. sp., a parasite of M. cephalus off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and the Spanish Mediterranean coast, was originally described as S. papernai by Dimitrov et al. (1998). In addition, S. papernai Overstreet, 1977 is redescribed from M. cephalus off the Spanish Mediterranean coast and from Liza aurata and L. saliens off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The three species are distinguished morphometrically using univariate and multivariate analyses. These results were verified using Linear Discriminant Analysis which correctly allocated all specimens to their species designations based on morphology (i.e. 100% successful classification rate) and assigned almost all specimens to the correct population (locality). The following variables were selected for optimal separation between samples: the length of the forebody, ventral sucker and posterior testis, the length and width of the posteriormost pseudosegment, and the width of the muscular flange at ventral sucker level.  相似文献   

Examination of juveniles (25–50 mm t.l .) of the three species of grey mullet present in British and other nothern European waters has indicated that the melanophore pattern on the ventral surface of the head is a reliable and useful character for identification.  相似文献   

Monogeneans belonging to the genus Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 are parasitic on the gills of several fish species of the family Mugilidae (mullets). At present, 12 species belonging to this genus have been described in the Mediterranean Sea and each host species is infected by a number of Ligophorus species that are not found on other mullets. A multivariate study using principal component and canonical variate analyses was carried out, with the aim of investigating the extent of morphometric variability within and between the 12 Mediterranean species of Ligophorus. Significant intraspecific morphometric variation was detected between two allopatric populations of L. angustus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 parasitic on Chelon labrosus from Sardinia; however, the existence of a new species of Ligophorus needs further evidence. Analysis of interspecific variation confirms the validity of the morphological keys used at present for the identification of Ligophorus at the species level and provides a picture of the relationships between species, indicating that the two species parasitising Mugil cephalus, L. chabaudi Euzet & Suriano, 1977 and L. mugilinus (Hargis, 1955) are the most differentiated. The hypothesis that strict host-parasite ecological relationships may be the result of co-speciation processes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Lamellodiscus sanfilippoi n. sp. takes place, among the other species of Lamellodiscus, in the "ergensi" sub-group (Amine et Euzet, 2005) characterized by the morphology of the dorsal lateral bars of the haptor. This sub-group comprises, in the Mediterranean, L. ergensi Euzet and Oliver, 1966, L. kechemirae Amine and Euzet, 2005, L. tomentosus Amine and Euzet, 2005, all parasite of Diplodus sargus, and L. baeri Oliver, 1974 parasite of Pagrus pagrus. L. sanfilippoi can be distinguished from the previous species by the morphology and size of the dorsal lateral bars. The new species is close to Lamellodiscus furcillatus Kritsky, Jiménez-Ruiz and Sey, 2000, a parasite of Diplodus noct in the Persian Gulf, but differs by the size of the haptoral sclerotised pieces and the morphology of the male copulatory apparatus. Lamellodiscus gussevi Sanfilippo (1978) et Lamellodiscus abbreviatus Sanfilippo (1978) are considered as nomina nuda.  相似文献   

Lamellodiscus confusus n. sp., a diplectanid gill parasite of Sarpa salpa Linnaeus, 1758 (Sparidae) from the coast of Algeria, is described. This monogenean has been previously reported in Sarpa salpa, by various authors, under the name L. ignoratus. L. confusus n. sp. is included (among other Lamellodiscus of Mediterranean sparids) in the "ignoratus" sub-group (Amine & Euzet, 2005). L. confusus n. sp. can be distinguished from L. ignoratus by the shape and size of the haptoral ventral bar and the male copulatory organ. For comparison, illustrations of the ventral bar and the male copulatory organ of all Mediterranean species of the "ignoratus" sub-group are provided. The question of the host specificity of L. ignoratus is discussed.  相似文献   

The first set of polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed from so-iuy mullet (Mugil soiuy Basilewsky 1855). From a (GT)n-enriched genomic library, 53 microsatellites were selected for designing microsatellite primers, of which 36 gave working primer pairs. Ten of these loci were polymorphic in a test population of 24 individuals with alleles ranging from 3 to 9, and observed and expected heterozygosities from 0.2083 to 0.9167 and from 0.2651 to 0.8812, respectively. No significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was found, but two loci significantly deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium after Bonferroni correction. These polymorphic microsatellite loci should provide sufficient level of genetic diversity to investigate the fine-scale population structure and evaluate the breeding strategy in Mullet. Genbo Xu and Changwei Shao Contributed equally.  相似文献   

Salsuginus yutanensis n. sp. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) is described from the gills of the plains topminnow, Fundulus sciadicus Cope, from Clear Creek in eastern Nebraska. Salsuginus yutanensis is distinguished from previously described species by having a shorter accessory piece and different hamulus proportions, especially in the relative lengths of deep and superficial roots. In addition, the angles between deep and superficial roots distinguish S. yutanensis from several congeners.  相似文献   

Protoancylodiscoides malapteruri n. sp. Monogène parasite branchial du poisson électrique Malapterurus electricus Gmelin a été récolté au Cameroun dans une seule localité du bassin de la Sanaga. Ce parasite est caractérisé par la présence, au niveau du hapteur, de deux onchia (l'un ventral, l'autre dorsal), de quatre types d'uncinuli et, au niveau de l'appareil génital, d'un pénis tubulaire court, non enroulé, d'une pièce accessoire particulière, d'un canal déférent entourant la branche intestinale gauche et d'un vagin à ouverture latérale droite. La position systématique de ce Monogène au sein de l'ordre des Dactylogyridea est discutée et la diagnose du genre Protoancylodiscoides est modifiée. Protoancylodiscoides malapteruri n. sp., a monogenean gill parasite of Malapterurus electricus Gmelin in southern Cameroon, is described. This worm is characterised by the presence in the haptor of two onchia (one ventral and one dorsal) and four different types of uncinuli (hooklets), and in the genital system, a short tubular penis (never coiled), a special accessory piece, a vas deferens which winds arounds the left intestinal crus and a vagina with a lateral aperture on the right side. The systematic position of this monogenean within the order Dactylogyridea is discussed and the diagnosis of the genus Protoancylodiscoides is amended.  相似文献   

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