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We have determined the high resolution NMR solution structure of the novel DNA binding domain of the Bacillus subtilis transition state regulator AbrB. Comparisons of the AbrB DNA binding domain with DNA binding proteins of known structure show that it is a member of a completely novel class of DNA recognition folds that employs a dimeric topology for cellular function. This new DNA binding conformation is referred to as the looped-hinge helix fold. Sequence homology investigations show that this DNA binding topology is found in other disparately related microbes. Structural analysis of the AbrB DNA binding domain together with bioanalytical and mutagenic data of full length AbrB allows us to construct a general model that describes the genetic regulation properties of AbrB.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a variety of proteins, including the well characterized degradative enzymes, which occurs during the transition state between vegetative growth and the onset of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis is controlled by a class of molecules known as transition state regulators. One of these regulators is the product of the hpr gene, first identified by mutations affecting the synthesis of extracellular proteases. We have purified the Hpr protein and found that it binds specifically to DNA fragments carrying the promoters and the upstream regions of the alkaline (aprE) and neutral (nprE) protease genes of B. subtilis. DNase I protection experiments revealed that the Hpr protein is able to bind at four and two regions of the aprE and nprE promoters, respectively. We have also located two Hpr binding sites in the promoter region of a gene of unknown function which is nevertheless known to be developmentally regulated during the transition state and which occurs in the same operon as the gene encoding another transition state regulator, Sin. The location of one of the Hpr binding sites on the aprE gene occurs adjacent to a region to which the Sin protein binds. However, in mixing competition experiments we have shown that Hpr and Sin binding occurred independently, and no visible alterations of protected regions were detected.  相似文献   

The PatB protein of Bacillus subtilis is a C-S-lyase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PatB protein of Bacillus subtilis had both cystathionine beta-lyase and cysteine desulfhydrase activities in vitro. The apparent K(m) value of the PatB protein for cystathionine was threefold higher than that of the MetC protein, the previously characterized cystathionine beta-lyase of B. subtilis. In the presence of cystathionine as sole sulfur source, the patB gene present on a multicopy plasmid restored the growth of a metC mutant. In addition, the patB metC double mutant was unable to grow in the presence of sulfate or cystine while the patB or metC single mutants grew similarly to the wild-type strains in the presence of the same sulfur sources. In a metC mutant, the PatB protein can replace the MetC enzyme in the methionine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

A 75,000-dalton protein complex involved in DNA binding during transformation was purified from membranes of competent Bacillus subtilis cells. Previous results (Smith et al., J. Bacteriol. 156:101-108, 1983) showed that the complex contained two polypeptides, polypeptide a (molecular weight, 18,000; isoelectric point, 5.0) and polypeptide b (molecular weight, 17,000; isoelectric point, 4.7) in approximately equal amounts. In the present experiments the two polypeptides were extracted from two-dimensional gels and studied separately and in combination with respect to DNA binding and nuclease activities. For DNA binding the interaction of both polypeptides was required. DNA binding occurred efficiently in the presence of EDTA. Nuclease activity was restricted to polypeptide b. The nucleolytic properties of b were identical to those of the native 75,000-dalton complex. Polypeptide a affected b by reducing its nuclease activity. Analysis of the nuclease subunit b on DNA-containing polyacrylamide gels revealed nuclease activities at four different molecular weight positions. These activities were identical to the major competence-specific nuclease activities which were previously implicated in the entry of donor DNA during transformation (Mulder and Venema, J. Bacteriol. 152:166-174, 1982). These results indicate that the 75,000-dalton protein complex is composed of two different competence-specific polypeptides involved in both binding and entry of donor DNA. The possible roles of the two polypeptides in the transformation of B. subtilis are discussed.  相似文献   

CcpA was purified from Escherichia coli BL21 (lambda DE3)/pLysS carrying plasmid pTSC5, which was constructed by inserting the ccpA gene into the polycloning site of pGEM4. The purified protein migrated in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with an apparent mass of 38 kDa but was eluted from a calibrated Bio-Gel P-100 column with an apparent mass of 75 kDa. Western blot (immunoblot) analysis revealed the presence of CcpA in E. coli BL21 (lambda DE3)/pLysS/pTSC5, which carries ccpA, and in wild-type Bacillus subtilis 168 but not in E. coli BL21 (lambda DE3)/pLysS/pGEM4 or in B. subtilis WLN-29, in which ccpA is inactivated by transposon Tn917 insertion. Purified CcpA bound to DNA containing amyO and retarded its mobility in electrophoretic mobility shift analysis. Complete retardation of the DNA required 75 ng of CcpA per assay. In DNase protection analysis, CcpA bound to DNA containing amyO and protected a region spanning amyO when either DNA strand was labeled. Mutant forms of amyO not effective in catabolite repression were not retarded by CcpA.  相似文献   

In a cloned copy of comG open reading frame 3 (ORF3), an in-frame deletion was generated by site-directed in vitro mutagenesis, removing the coding sequence for 15 amino acids from the central portion of this pilin-related protein. The mutagenized ORF3 was incorporated into the Bacillus subtilis chromosome, replacing the wild-type ORF3. The presence of the deleted ORF3 in the chromosome, as confirmed by Southern analysis, was associated with the complete loss of competence by the mutant strain. The ability of the mutant cells to bind exogenous radiolabeled DNA was reduced to the level of nonspecific binding of DNA by noncompetent cells. The chromosomal ORF3 mutation was partially complemented in trans by a plasmid-encoded wild-type ORF3 copy under PSPAC control upon induction of the PSPAC promoter. Using antiserum raised against a synthetic 14-mer oligopeptide deduced from the ORF3 sequence, an immunoreactive band of approximately the expected molecular size was obtained in Western blot (immunoblot) experiments with extracts of cells containing the plasmid-encoded inducible gene. A signal was also detected when cells harboring the chromosomal wild-type or mutant ORF3 in single copy were grown in competence medium. This signal was detected only in the light-buoyant-density (competent) cell fraction and only after the transition from the exponential to the stationary growth phase. In cell fractionation experiments with competent cell extracts, the immunoreactive protein was found in both the NaOH-insoluble and -soluble membrane fractions and was sensitive to proteinase K treatment of either protoplasts or whole cells.  相似文献   

Cells respond to stress conditions by synthesizing general or specific stress proteins. The Ctc protein of Bacillus subtilis belongs to the general stress proteins. The synthesis of Ctc is controlled by an alternative sigma factor of RNA polymerase, sigmaB. Sequence analyses revealed that Ctc is composed of two domains, an N-terminal domain similar to the ribosomal protein L25 of Escherichia coli, and a C-terminal domain. The similarity of the N-terminal domain of Ctc to L25 suggested that Ctc might be a ribosomal protein in B. subtilis. The function of the C-terminal domain is unknown. We purified Ctc to homogeneity and used the pure protein to raise antibodies. Western blot analyses demonstrate that Ctc is induced under stress conditions and can be found in ribosomes of B. subtilis. As observed for its E. coli counterpart L25, Ctc is capable of binding 5S ribosomal RNA in a specific manner. The stress-specific localization of Ctc in B. subtilis ribosomes and the sporulation defect of ctc mutants at high temperatures suggest that Ctc might be required for accurate translation under stress conditions.  相似文献   

The SCO protein from the aerobic bacterium Bacillus subtilis (BsSCO) is involved in the assembly of the cytochrome c oxidase complex, and specifically with the Cu(A) center. BsSCO has been proposed to play various roles in Cu(A) assembly including, the direct delivery of copper ions to the Cu(A) site, and/or maintaining the appropriate redox state of the cysteine ligands during formation of Cu(A). BsSCO binds copper in both Cu(II) and Cu(I) redox states, but has a million-fold higher affinity for Cu(II). As a prerequisite to kinetic studies, we measured equilibrium stability of oxidized, reduced and Cu(II)-bound BsSCO by chemical and thermal induced denaturation. Oxidized and reduced apo-BsSCO exhibit two-state behavior in both chemical- and thermal-induced unfolding. However, the Cu(II) complex of BsSCO is stable in up to nine molar urea. Thermal or guanidinium-induced unfolding of BsSCO-Cu(II) ensues only as the Cu(II) species is lost. The effect of copper (II) on the folding of BsSCO is complicated by a rapid redox reaction between copper and reduced, denatured BsSCO. When denatured apo-BsSCO is refolded in the presence of copper (II) some of the population is recovered as the BsSCO-Cu(II) complex and some is oxidized indicating that refolding and oxidation are competing processes. The proposed functional roles for BsSCO in vivo require that its cysteine residues are reduced and the presence of copper during folding may be detrimental to BsSCO attaining its functional state.  相似文献   

The HPB12 protein from the nucleoid of Bacillus subtilis was previously described, and its DNA binding properties have been reported previously (V. Salti, F. Le Hégarat, and L. Hirschbein, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1009:161-167, 1989). The DNA-HPB12 complexes were examined by electron microscopy. They appeared as short, slightly curved rods whereas naked DNA showed no compaction. Since only a small number of complexes with an intermediate degree of folding were observed, it appears that the nucleoid-associated protein HPB12 binds cooperatively to DNA, confirming Salti et al. (V. Salti, F. Le Hégarat, and L. Hirschbein, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1009:161-167, 1989), and gives rise to a tightly compacted DNA-protein complex. N-terminal sequencing of purified HPB12 showed that all but one of the first 26 amino acids were identical to those of the L24 ribosomal protein.  相似文献   

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