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To evaluate the effects of pulp mill and municipal sewageeffluents on the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) status of northernCanadian rivers, the Northern River Basins Study required an integratedresearch and assessment program consisting of field observation andexperimentation. Analysis of monitoring data collected over 3–13 yshowed that on an annual basis, pulp mills contributed 22% of theP and 20% of the N load discharged from the Wapiti to the Smokyriver, and 6 to 16% of the P load and 4 to 10% of the Nload in the Athabasca River. Despite these low contributions, N and Pconcentrations were elevated below pulp mill discharges on all threerivers during the low discharge period of September to April. Insitu experiments conducted with nutrient diffusing substrata showedthat periphyton biomass was maintained at low levels by insufficient Pin the upper reaches of the Athabasca River and insufficient N+P inthe Wapiti River upstream of point-source discharges. In contrast,effluent loading from pulp mill and sewage inputs alleviated nutrientlimitation downstream of major discharges on both rivers. Experimentsconducted in artificial streams located beside the Athabasca Riverupstream of the first pulp mill showed that P addition increasedperiphyton biomass (expressed as chlorophyll a content) suchthat biomass increased sharply at low P concentrations (2–5µg/L soluble reactive P) and approached saturation at 35µg/L soluble reactive P. As a result of recommendations fromthis integrated program of river monitoring and experimentation,nutrient loading has been reduced to the most affected river(Wapiti-Smoky) and federal and provincial departments of environment arereviewing loading limits for other river reaches.  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed the impact of bleachedkraft pulp mill effluent (BKME) on the distributionand composition of benthic communities at JackfishBay, Lake Superior. Sediment samples were collectedfrom 44 stations from which several environmentalvariables (extractable organic chlorine [EOCl],metals, organic carbon, particle size, secchi depth,and water depth) and benthic community compositionwere determined. Relationships between environmentalvariables and benthic community structure wereassessed using canonical correspondence analysis(CCA). CCA revealed two distinct biological gradientsat Jackfish Bay, the first associated with degradedbottom sediments and nutrient enrichment and thesecond associated with water depth. Both gradientsrevealed three distinct regions at Jackfish Bay: 1) anarea of highly degraded sediments, located 300–1200 mbelow the outfall, 2) a small, mesotrophic (nutrientenriched) area adjacent to this zone, and 3) remainingareas of Jackfish Bay, including the internalreference sites in Tunnel Bay. Sediments in theimpaired region contained high concentrations oforganic matter (7–21% as loss on ignition [LOI]) andEOCl (up to 5200 mg/kg dw); together these variablesaccounted for 73% of the variation associated withthe first canonical axis of the CCA. This region wasdominated by the oligochaetes Tubifex tubifexand Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri (64–100% of thebenthic community). Sediments in the second regionwere characterized by an abundant and diverse benthiccommunity comprised of benthic harpacticoids,Chironomidae, and oligochaetes. Stations outside ofthese two regions were characterized by a benthiccommunity similar in composition to that expected foroligotrophic Lake Superior waters, including Diporiea sp., Stylodrilus heringianus, Mysis relicta, Sphaerium, Pisidium and benthicharpacticoids. Based on a Monte Carlo significancetest, benthic community structure was significantly(p = 0.01) related to the environmental variablescomprising the first axis of the CCA. Water depth wasthe most important explanatory variable associatedwith the second axis of the CCA; both taxa richnessand abundance declined significantly with increasingdepth. The comprehensive approach employed in thisstudy clearly delineated the occurrence and degree ofimpact on the benthic environment and may be useful infuture risk assessments of sites affected byanthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

Experimentation using field-based artificial streams provides a promising, complimentary approach to biomonitoring assessments because artificial streams provide control over relevant environmental variables and true replication of treatments. We have used large and small artificial stream systems, based in the field, to examine the effect of treated bleached kraft pulp mill effluent (BKME) on the benthos of three large rivers in western Canada. Under natural regimes of temperature, water chemistry, and insolation, these artificial streams provide current velocities and substrata to food chains or food webs that are representative of those in the study river. With these tools we have shown that BKME stimulated mayfly growth in the Thompson River above that which could be accounted for by fertilization of their algal food supply. In contrast, moulting frequency was inhibited at high BKME concentrations. Results from artificial streams also indicate that increased algal biomass and abundances of benthic communities downstream of BKME outfalls were induced by nutrient enrichment from the effluent. BKME treatments did not change diatom species richness in the Fraser River, or diatom species diversity in either the Athabasca or Fraser Rivers. Artificial streams provide a means of understanding the mechanisms of stressor effects over a continuum ranging from single stressor effects on specific taxa to the effects of multiple stressors on communities and ecosystems. Because riverside deployment provides environmental realism within a replicated experimental design, this approach can (i) address questions that cannot be examined using laboratory tests or field observations, (ii) improve our mechanistic understanding of stressor effects on riverine ecosystems, and (iii) can contribute directly to the development, parameterization, and testing of models for predicting ecosystem-level responses.  相似文献   

Although the utility of artificial streams(mesocosms) as research tools for assessingeffects of contaminants on aquatic biota hasbeen recognized, their use in regulatoryprograms has been limited. We conducted threestudies to examine the utility of using mobile,field-based artificial streams to assess theeffects of pulp and paper effluents on fish asrequired in the Canadian Environmental EffectsMonitoring (EEM) program. When evaluatedagainst criteria of environmental relevance,interpretability, scientific defensibility, andcost-effectiveness, mesocosms satisfied allcriteria. Measured endpoints on fish survival,energy use (growth, gonad size) and energystorage (liver size, condition) were relevantto the detection and quantification of effluenteffects on fish. Response patterns were similarto those reported in the literature for fieldsurveys showing reduced gonad size andincreased liver size in adult mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) and decreased growth ofjuveniles. The flexibility of the systems tomeasure effects in multiple, replicatedtreatments under controlled effluent exposureand ambient conditions of water quality,temperature and photoperiod provided data thatcould not be obtained at these sites usingfield assessment approaches. The repeatabilityof using the same mobile, mesocosm system ofuniform design and operation at different millsites and for different receiving environmentswas unique and contributed to consistentscientific evaluation and interpretation. Thesestudies demonstrated that mesocosms producedgood quality data that fit within the requiredregulatory context of the Canadian EEM program.  相似文献   

The effluents of pulp and paper mills contain about 300 different chemical compounds; many of them are mutagens and clastogens. Genotoxic studies have shown that chlorination stage liquors are significantly more genotoxic, in the Ames Salmonella assay, than the other process of lignin extraction, and that lyophilized effluents are genotoxic in cultured mammalian cells. Since these effluents from conventional bleaching stages are genotoxic, Chilean industries are interested in changing this process to a less toxic one, such as biobleaching using enzymes. In this study, we tested the in vitro genotoxicity of two types of effluents: an effluent obtained from a conventional radiata pine kraft-bleaching process (effluent D) and one derived from a biobleaching process with hemicellulase (effluent B). Both effluents were tested without any concentration or purification steps in the Ames Salmonella assay (TA100) and in the micronuclei (MN) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE) tests in CHO cells. The results showed that neither effluent induced base pair substitution mutations in the Ames Salmonella assay, and neither increased the micronucleus frequency in CHO cells. But, both increased the SCE frequencies in CHO cells, showing that this assay is more sensitive than the other ones, and that the two effluents contained chemical compounds in amounts enough to induce in vitro genotoxicity measured by the SCE induction.  相似文献   

Straw pulp production accounts for 74% of the total raw pulp production in China. The pulping waste, containing high contents of silicate and high pH, is difficult to treat. Instead of the conventional alkaline process, ammonia sulfite pulping discharges neutral effluent with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and organic matter which are potential fertilizers and water resources for agriculture. The effect of effluent from ammonia sulfite pulping on rice growth and yield, was studied in Baigezhuang farm, Hebei province. Diluted rice straw digester waste or composite waste were irrigated on a paddy field. In plot tests, rice output increased by 16.2–25.3% with 0.7–6% pulp digester waste and by 22.9–37.9% with 2.7–5.4% composite waste. In field tests, rice output increased by 8.6–15.9% with 2.7–4.1% composite waste. Due to clean water dilution and paddy purification, the removal efficiency of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), suspended solid (SS), sulfide and phenol can reach over 97%. Rice quality also tested had higher protein content than the control. The study suggests that the effluents from ammonia sulfite pulping can be widely used in the farming industry. The ammonia sulfite process is a good approach to overcome pulp pollution in rural areas.  相似文献   

Kaj Granberg 《Hydrobiologia》1996,322(1-3):159-166
The aim of this study is to show the effects of the Pitkäranta pulp mill on the water quality of Northern Ladoga by using water quality models. The effluent loading of the pulp mill with its full production capacity is as follows: Water flow 85 000 m3 d–1 BOD5 2.4 t d–1 Suspended solids 4.1 t d–1 tot-N 330 kg d–1 tot-P 68 kg d–1 COD(Cr) 14.4 t d–1 Org. C 6 t d–1 Lignosulphonates 9.4 t d–1 Loadings of lignosulphonates and organic C are estimations. Lignosulphonate concentrations of 10.5 mg 1–1 have been reported in the region of Pitkäranta. The study area of northern Ladoga near the pulp mill was divided into three zones (I, II and III). The mean depth of each of them is considered as 10 m, their respective areas 5, 10 and 50 km2, and volumes 50, 100 and 500 million m3. The estimated discharges of the zones are 10, 20 and 50 m3 s–1, respectively. With the aid of simple water quality models the effects of the pulp mill effluents on the concentrations of oxygen, total phosphorus, lignin, COD(Mn) and Secchi disk depths in each of the zones were estimated. Estimations were made during full production capacity and half production capacity of the pulp mill. The modelling results were compared with the preliminary water analysis results of the Finnish-Russian joint research expedition into Lake Ladoga in August 1993. The results show that near the pulp mill (zone I) phosphorus concentrations are high even with half production capacity. Also lignin and COD(Mn) contents have increased, and oxygen concentrations are low both in the summer and during wintertime. Farther away in the open water (zone III) the pollution effects are low. Eutrophication, indicated by high total phosphorus concentrations, is the main effect of the pulp mill effluents.  相似文献   

Four riverine animal communities were measured to assess the impact of extensively treated wastewater from a pulp and paper mill on the lower La Trobe River in Victoria, Australia. Benthic macroinvertebrates in channel and bankside habitats were sampled using a new air-lift corer. Population density was expressed in relation to substrate volume. Other communities measured at five sites upstream and downstream of the mill's wastewater outfall were the zooplankton, and the animals associated with submerged littoral vegetation. Ten environmental variables were also measured during the two sampling periods.A total of 50 benthic macro-invertebrate taxa were dominated by Oligochaeta, Chironomidae and Bivalvia. Benthic communities upstream and downstream of the outfall were very similar. Benthic samples showed large unexplained variation between stations and seasons, despite the similarity of stations and the stratified sampling design, but within-sample variation was small. There was some evidence that benthic faunal patchiness was associated with patterns of stream-bed scouring and deposition in periods of high flow. Littoral samples collected 28 taxa, dominated by Decapoda and Hemiptera. The benthic and littoral communities were quite distinct, with only three species common to both.Only two of the biological and environmental variables responded to wastewater from the mill: total dissolved solids rose by 20–25% over upstream levels; and zooplankton density increased by 2–3 orders of magnitude. It was concluded that wastewater treatment had successfully avoided the major environmental problems often associated with pulp and paper mills.  相似文献   

To determine whether existing dissolved oxygen (DO) regulationswere adequate to protect riverine biota, the Northern River Basins Studyrequired a research and assessment program to establish the effect ofpulp mill and municipal sewage discharges on under-ice DO concentrationsand aquatic biota in the Athabasca, Wapiti and Smoky rivers of northernAlberta, Canada. Analysis of monitoring data collected over >30 yearsshowed that pulp mill and municipal effluents have caused sags in DObelow their discharges and contributed to an increased rate of declinein DO over 10s of kilometers in the Wapiti-Smoky rivers or 100s ofkilometers in the Athabasca River. To permit forecasting of DO declinesin response to changes in river discharge or effluent biochemical oxygendemand (BOD), a one-dimensional steady-state river water quality modelwas implemented that successfully (r2 =0.74–0.92) predicted DO concentrations over an 820 km reach of theAthabasca River for the 1990–1994 winters. Experiments on nativefish and benthic macroinvertebrate species showed that exposure to lowDO and low temperatures (2–3°C) caused delays in hatch ofmountain whitefish eggs (at 6.5 mg/L DO), reduced mass of bull troutalevins post-hatch (at 5.0 mg/L DO), extended the spawning period ofburbot (at 6.0 mg/L DO), and depressed feeding rates and loweredsurvival of the mayfly Baetis tricaudatus (at 5 mg/L DO).As a result of recommendations from this integrated program of rivermonitoring, modelling and experimentation, effluent BOD loading has beenreduced to the Athabasca and Wapiti rivers and the provincial DOguideline for protection of aquatic life has been increased from 5.0 to6.5 mg/L.  相似文献   

We investigated the independent and interactive effects of nutrient enrichment and snail grazing on structuring periphyton communities in a northern temperate lake. Nutrient releasing substrates and grazer enclosures were used to simultaneously manipulate nutrient availability and herbivory. Periphyton was allowed 18 days to accrue before grazers (Elimia livescens = Goniobasis livescens) were introduced.Addition of nitrogen and phosphorus caused a significant increase in biovolume (p < 0.001), whereas grazing had no significant effect on biovolume but resulted in a shift in species composition. Four taxa were largely responsible for the increase in biovolume on the nutrient enriched substrates: Oedogonium sp, Stigeoclonium tenue, Navicula radiosa var. radiosa and Navicula radiosa var. tenella. By the 28th day, nutrient enrichment caused a shift from a community dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) to a community dominated by green algae (Chlorophyceae). Blue green algae (Myxophyceae) maintained an equal proportion in high and low-nutrient regimes.Grazing had a more pronounced effect on altering community composition on the nutrient enriched substrates than on the unenriched substrates. Grazing caused a decrease in diversity and an increase in dominance by green algae on the nutrient enriched substrates. The relative biovolume of green algae increased from 64% to 93% on grazed substrates, due to the significant increase in relative abundance of Stigeoclonium tenue. This taxon has both prostate basal cells and erect filamentous cells. The ratio of basal: filamentous cells increased from 4.7 to 5.2 with grazing, suggesting that the heretotrichous growth form of Stigeoclonium tenue is adapted to grazing by virtue of the basal cells which are able to adhere to the substratum and resist being grazed.  相似文献   

This review examines the impact of pulp and paper mill effluents by comparing effects from Canada's east and west coasts at a time when revisions to the federal Fisheries Act (Pulp and Paper Effluent Regulations) are being finalized. Pulp and paper mill effluents from Canadian coastal mills were usually acutely toxic at source, and in many cases had marked deleterious effects on receiving waters due to toxicity, high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS) loadings. Extreme reductions in ambient dissolved oxygen, impacts on benthic and intertidal organisms, changes in water colour and primary productivity, have been demonstrated over the years and continue to cause environmental damage. Contamination of biota by a wide range of chlorinated organic compounds has been more recently the focus of investigations.While sublethal effects of lowered dissolved oxygen levels and suspended solids on the water column and bottom communities are well known, the potential effects of major organochlorine contamination of water (measured as Adsorbable Organic Halogens=AOX), sediments, and biota are not fully understood, especially under natural and perturbated conditions. The findings of recent North American and Scandinavian studies which describe liver enzyme activation, histological damage, reproductive and population level changes in fish, are a major concern as they are a sign of ecosystem stress and pathology.The environmental effects described herein are long-term impacts which will not respond quickly to changes in pollutant loading. Integrated site-specific assessments need to be undertaken to document ecosystem response to process and treatment improvements at mill sites. Current biomonitoring techniques including measures of population structure and ecosystem function are needed in addition to sensitive biochemical indicators of contaminant exposure.  相似文献   

Previous works (Beccari et al. 1999b; Beccari et al. 2001a; Beccari et al. 2001b)on the anaerobic treatment of olive oil mill effluents (OME) have shown: (a) apre-treatment based on the addition of Ca(OH)2 and bentonite was able toremove lipids (i.e. the most inhibiting substances present in OME) almostquantitatively; (b) the mixture OME – Ca(OH)2 – bentonite, fed to amethanogenic reactor without providing an intermediate phase separation,gave way to high biogas production even at very low dilution ratios; (c) theeffluent from the methanogenic reactor still contained significant concentrationsof residual phenolic compounds (i.e. the most biorecalcitrant substances present inOME). Consequently, this paper was aimed at evaluating the fate of the phenolicfractions with different molecular weights during the sequence of operations(adsorption on bentonite, methanogenic digestion, activated sludge post-treatment).The results show that a very high percentage (above 80%) of the phenolic fractionbelow 500 D is removed by the methanogenic process whereas the phenolic fractionsabove 1,000 D are significantly adsorbed on bentonite; the 8-day activated sludgepost-treatment allows an additional removal of about 40% of total filtered phenoliccompounds. The complete sequence of treatments was able to remove more than the96% of the phenolic fraction below 500 D (i.e. the most toxic fraction towards plantgermination). Preliminary respirometric tests show low level of inhibition exerted bythe effluent from the methanogenic reactor on aerobic activated sludges taken fromfull-scale municipal wastewater plants.  相似文献   

造纸废水灌溉对毛白杨苗木生长及养分状况的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨工业造纸废水用于杨树人工林灌溉的可行性,以三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)1年生盆栽苗木为对象,研究了不同浓度造纸废水(分别稀释到12.5% (IF7Q)、16.7% (1F5Q)、25%(1F3Q)、33.3% (1F2Q)、50% (1F1Q))灌溉对苗木生长及养分状况、土壤化学性质的影响.结果表明:造纸废水灌溉对土壤pH值、速效P含量无显著影响(P>0.05),但能显著提高土壤有机质、全N及碱解N的含量(P<0.05).适当稀释的废水灌溉能促进三倍体毛白杨的苗木生长,提高土壤和植株养分水平:灌溉后1F5Q地径、苗高生长量分别为10.5 mm和97.3 cm,较CK分别显著增加102%和47% (P<0.05);1F5Q和1F3Q处理苗木总生物量为247 g和230 g,分别较CK显著提高19%和11%(P<0.05);废水灌溉可显著提高植株根、叶N含量和茎P含量(P<0.05),但对植株叶、根P含量和茎N含量影响不大(P>0.05).造纸废水通过一定处理后,可应用于苗木灌溉并促进其生长,提高地力.对于三倍体毛白杨,将废水稀释到16%-25%能起到较好的灌溉效果.  相似文献   

Mixed culture of two bacterial strains Bacillus sp. and Serratia marcescens showed potential pentachlorophenol (PCP) degradation and decolorisation of pulp paper mill effluent. The physico-chemical quality of pulp paper mill effluent has been analyzed after 168 h incubation period degraded by mixed culture. The study revealed that it has decreased high load of BOD, COD, TS, TDS, TSS, sulphate, phosphate, total nitrogen, total phenols, metals and different salts (i.e. chloride, sodium, nitrate, potassium) at 168 h incubation period. PCP degradation in pulp paper mill effluent was confirmed by HPLC analysis. Mixed culture was found to degrade PCP up to (94%) present in pulp paper mill effluent with 1% glucose and 0.5% peptone (w/v) at 30 ± 1 °C, pH 8.0 ± 0.2 at 120 rpm in 168 h incubation period. The simultaneous release of chloride ion up to 1200 mg/l at 168 h emphasized the bacterial dechlorination in the medium. The pulp paper mill effluent degradation was also supported by decline in pH, AOX (absorbable organic halides), color, D.O., BOD, COD and PCP. The analysis of pulp paper mill effluent degradation products by GC–MS analysis revealed the formation of low molecular weight compound like 2-chlorophenol (RT = 3.8 min) and tetrachlorohydroquinone (RT = 11.86 min) from PCP extracted degraded sample. Further, mixed culture may be used for bioremediation of PCP containing pulp paper mill waste in the environment.  相似文献   

Cellulolytic fungi, 34 strains, were isolated from samples taken from palm oil mill residues and effluent, and high cellulase producers selected in comparison with nine known reference strains. Although 13 isolates showed good filter paper distintegration within 14 days, only eight isolates exhibited clearing zones around their colonies on carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) agar medium. Quantitative cellulase activity measurements, using CMC as carbon source, selected three of the eight isolates as potential cellulase producers. Using dried palm oil mill condensate as carbon source, only one of the isolates (F 11) showed similar results on both carbon sources. During media optimization for CMCase production, a four-fold increase from 0.058 to 0.275 U/ml was obtained using a medium, containing 0.1% (v/v) Tween 80 0.02% (w/v) NH4NO3, 0.025% (w/v) proteose-peptone and 0.1% (w/v) CMC dissolved in undiluted condensate from the sterilization of oil palm bunches, with an initial pH of 5.5.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities on coastal watersheds increase nutrient concentrations of groundwater. As groundwater travels downslope it transports these nutrients toward the adjoining coastal water. The resulting nutrient loading rates can be significant because nutrient concentrations in coastal groundwaters may be several orders of magnitude greater than those of receiving coastal waters. Groundwater-borne nutrients are most subject to active biogeochemical transformations as they course through the upper 1 m or so of bottom sediments. There conditions favor anaerobic processes such as denitrification, as well as other mechanisms that either sequester or release nutrients. The relative importance of advective vs. regenerative pathways of nutrient supply may result in widely different rates of release of nutrients from sediments. The relative activity of denitrifiers also may alter the ratio of N to P released to overlying waters, and hence affect which nutrient limits growth of producers. The consequences of nutrient (particularly nitrate) loading include somewhat elevated nutrient concentrations in the watercolumn, increased growth of macroalgae and phytoplankton, reduction of seagrass beds, and reductions of the associated fauna. The decline in animals occurs because of habitat changes and because of the increased frequency of anoxic events prompted by the characteristically high respiration rates found in enriched waters.  相似文献   

1. Nutrient diffusing substrata (NDS) were used to determine the relative importance of nutrients and light as potential limiting factors of periphyton biomass and nitrogen (N) uptake in Mediterranean streams subjected to different human impacts. The nutrients examined were phosphorus (P) and N, and we also further differentiated between the response of periphyton communities to N species (i.e. NO3‐N and NH4‐N). To examine the effect of light and nutrients on periphyton biomass, chlorophyll a accrual rates on NDS located at open and closed canopy sites were compared. The effect of nutrient availability on periphyton uptake was measured by 15N changes on the NDS after NO315N short‐term nutrient additions. 2. Results show that light was the main factor affecting algal biomass in the study streams. Algal biomass was in general higher at open than at closed canopy sites. Nutrient availability, as simulated with the NDS experiments, did not enhance algal biomass accrual in either of the 2 light conditions. 3. In the control treatments (i.e. ambient concentrations), periphyton NO3‐N uptake rates increased and C : N molar ratios decreased consistently with increases in N availability across streams. NO3‐N uptake rates were altered when ambient N concentrations were increased artificially in the N amended NDS. Periphyton assemblages growing on N enriched substrata seemed to preferentially take up N diffusing from the substratum rather than N from the water column. This response differed among streams, and depended on ambient N availability. 4. Periphyton biomass was not significantly different between substrata exposed to the two forms of available N sources. Nonetheless, we found differences in the effects of both N sources on the uptake of N from the water column. NH4‐N seemed to be the preferred source of N for periphyton growing on NDS. 5. Results suggest that the effect of riparian zones on light availability, although seldom considered by water managers, may be more important than nutrients in controlling eutrophication effects derived from human activities. Finally, our results confirm that not only increases in concentration, but also stoichiometric imbalances should be considered when examining N retention in human altered streams.  相似文献   

Bacterial isolates from two environments, an integrated-farming pond in the university and palm-oil mill effluent (POME) ponds at a local palm-oil-processing factory, were screened for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). Initially Sudan Black B staining was performed to detect lipid cellular inclusions. Lipid-positive isolates were then grown in a nitrogen-limiting medium containing 2% (w/v) glucose to promote accumulation of PHA before the subsequent Nile Blue A staining. The PHA extracted from positive isolates was confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The proportion of PHA-positive bacterial isolates was higher in the POME ponds compared to the integrated-farming pond.  相似文献   

A pure culture of 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP)-degrading bacteria was isolated from a natural enrichment that had been adapted to chlorophenols in the aeration pond of the Baikalsk pulp and paper mill (Russia). The bacteria were identified by 16S rDNA intergenic region analysis, using PCR with universal primers. Comparative analysis of the 16S rDNA sequence (1545 bp) in the GenBank database revealed that these bacteria are related to Bacillus cereus GN1. Degradation of 2,4-DCP was studied using this culture in liquid medium under aerobic conditions, at initial concentrations of 20–560 μM 2,4-DCP. The 2,4-DCP degradation rates by B. cereus GN1 could be determined at concentrations up to 400 μM. However, higher concentrations of 2,4-DCP (560 μM) were inhibitory to cell growth.  相似文献   

Birtwell  Ian K.  Kruzynski  George M. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):543-560
Juvenile Pacific salmon display a marked surface water orientation during downstream migration, estuarine and nearshore coastal rearing phases. Many estuaries in British Columbia are vertically stratified with a shallow, well-defined halocline which can restrict the dispersion of wastes discharged into less saline surface waters and impose constraints upon aquatic organisms. In situ experiments in an estuary receiving a surface discharge of treated pulp mill wastes, revealed conditions which were lethal to underyearling salmon at, and below the halocline (4.0–6.5 m depth). Behavioural bioassays determined that juvenile chinook salmon were biased towards the water surface and avoided waters at depth. Dissolved oxygen was the variable which affected this distribution most significantly. Surface waters receiving effluent from another pulp mill were lethal to juvenile salmon within 350 m, and a significant vertical avoidance response occurred within 350–950 m of the outfalls. The behavioural response was significantly correlated with in situ temperature, pH and colour (effluent).As a complement to field experiments we developed a 4500 l water column simulator (WCS) to examine salmon behaviour in the laboratory. We investigated the surface water orientation behaviour of juvenile salmon in relation to variations in salinity and dissolved oxygen. Under simulated vertically stratified estuarine conditions, the fish moved freely between overlying fresh water and salt water. Induction of hypoxic conditions in fresh water elicited a downward distribution shift towards the halocline and oxygenated, but more saline, waters. Avoidance reactions (50% level) occurred consistently up to 7–8 mg · l–1 dissolved oxygen. Salmon continued to examine the hypoxic freshwater zone despite sub-optimal conditions.  相似文献   

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