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M Eilers  W Oppliger    G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(4):1073-1077
We have investigated the energy requirement of mitochondrial protein import with a simplified system containing only isolated yeast mitochondria, energy sources and a purified precursor protein. This precursor was a fusion protein composed of 22 residues of the cytochrome oxidase subunit IV pre-sequence fused to mouse dihydrofolate reductase. Import of this protein required not only an energized inner membrane, but also ATP. ATP could be replaced by GTP, but not by CTP, TTP or non-hydrolyzable ATP analogs. Added ATP did not increase the membrane potential of respiring mitochondria; it supported import even if the proton-translocating mitochondrial ATPase and the entry of ATP into the matrix were blocked. We conclude that ATP exerts its effect on mitochondrial protein import outside the inner membrane.  相似文献   

Frog prepropeptide GLa, a precursor to a secretory protein containing 64 amino acids, was processed and imported by dog pancreas microsomes. These events did not depend on either docking protein or on the presence of ribosomes. A hybrid protein between the first 60 amino acids of prepropeptide GLa and an unrelated peptide of 49 amino acids fused to the carboxy terminus, however, behaved like a typical secretory protein precursor with regard to docking protein dependence. This suggests that independence of the need for docking protein, in the case of prepropeptide GLa, can be attributed to the size of the precursor protein. Processing and import of prepropeptide GLa by microsomes were ATP dependent. Therefore, import of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) includes an ATP-requiring step not involving a ribosome/ribosome receptor or signal recognition particle (SRP)/docking protein interaction.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells require mitochondrial compartments for viability. However, the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is able to survive when mitochondrial DNA suffers substantial deletions or is completely absent, so long as a sufficient mitochondrial inner membrane potential is generated. In the absence of functional mitochondrial DNA, and consequently a functional electron transport chain and F(1)F(o)-ATPase, the essential electrical potential is maintained by the electrogenic exchange of ATP(4-) for ADP(3-) through the adenine nucleotide translocator. An essential aspect of this electrogenic process is the conversion of ATP(4-) to ADP(3-) in the mitochondrial matrix, and the nuclear-encoded subunits of F(1)-ATPase are hypothesized to be required for this process in vivo. Deletion of ATP3, the structural gene for the gamma subunit of the F(1)-ATPase, causes yeast to quantitatively lose mitochondrial DNA and grow extremely slowly, presumably by interfering with the generation of an energized inner membrane. A spontaneous suppressor of this slow-growth phenotype was found to convert a conserved glycine to serine in the beta subunit of F(1)-ATPase (atp2-227). This mutation allowed substantial ATP hydrolysis by the F(1)-ATPase even in the absence of the gamma subunit, enabling yeast to generate a twofold greater inner membrane potential in response to ATP compared to mitochondria isolated from yeast lacking the gamma subunit and containing wild-type beta subunits. Analysis of the suppressing mutation by blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis also revealed that the alpha(3)beta(3) heterohexamer can form in the absence of the gamma subunit.  相似文献   

clk-1 has been identified and characterized in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as a gene that affects the rates, regularity, and synchrony of physiological processes. The CLK-1 protein is mitochondrial and is required for ubiquinone biosynthesis in yeast and in worms, but its biochemical function remains unclear. We have studied the expression of murine mclk1 in a variety of tissues, and we find that the pattern of mclk1 mRNA accumulation closely resembles that of mitochondrial genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation. The pattern of protein accumulation, however, is sharply distinct in some tissues; mCLK1 appears relatively enriched in the gut and depleted in the nervous tissue. We also show that mCLK1 is synthesized as a preprotein that is imported into the mitochondrial matrix, where a leader sequence is cleaved off and the protein becomes loosely associated with the inner membrane. However, in contrast to all known mitochondrial proteins that contain a cleavable pre-sequence, the import of mCLK1 does not require a mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

S Ohta  G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(3):651-657
The beta-subunit of mitochondrial ATPase is coded by a nuclear gene, synthesized outside the mitochondria as a larger precursor and imported into mitochondria. The beta-subunit precursor was purified from yeast, both as a homogeneous, unlabeled polypeptide and in radiochemically pure form. Both precursor preparations were cleaved to the mature beta-subunit by partially purified processing protease from the mitochondrial matrix. However, import of the radiochemically pure precursor into isolated yeast mitochondria required a cytosolic fraction from yeast or reticulocytes. The cytosolic factor was non-dialyzable and trypsin-sensitive; its apparent mol. wt. was approximately 40 000 as judged by gel filtration. Import of some proteins into mitochondria thus requires proteins of the 'soluble' cytoplasm.  相似文献   

M Eilers  S Hwang    G Schatz 《The EMBO journal》1988,7(4):1139-1145
A purified mitochondrial precursor protein unfolds to a protease-sensitive conformation at the surface of isolated mitochondria before being imported into the organelles. This unfolding is stimulated by a potential across the mitochondrial inner membrane, but does not require ATP. In contrast, import of the surface-bound unfolded precursor requires ATP, but no potential; it is accompanied by a refolding inside the mitochondria.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2915-2922
An efficient system for the import of newly synthesized proteins into highly purified rat liver peroxisomes was reconstituted in vitro. 35S- Labeled acyl-CoA oxidase (AOx) was incorporated into peroxisomes in a proteinase K-resistant fashion. This import was specific (did not occur with mitochondria) and was dependent on temperature, time, and peroxisome concentration. Under optimal conditions approximately 30% of [35S]AOx became proteinase resistant. The import of AOx into peroxisomes could be dissociated into two steps: (a) binding occurred at 0 degrees C in the absence of ATP; (b) translocation occurred only at 26 degrees C and required the hydrolysis of ATP. GTP would not substitute for ATP and translocation was not inhibited by carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone, valinomycin, or other ionophores.  相似文献   

The transport of precursor proteins into mitochondria requires an energized inner membrane. We report here that the import of various precursor proteins showed a differential sensitivity to treatment of the mitochondria with the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. The differential inhibition by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone was not influenced by the length of the precursor, the presence of mature protein parts, or the folding state of the precursor but was specific for the presequence. Moreover, only the membrane potential delta psi and not the total proton motive force was required for the transport of precursors, indicating that protein translocation across the inner membrane is not driven by a movement of protons. We conclude that delta psi (negative inside) is needed for the translocation of the positively charged presequences, possibly via an electrophoretic effect.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,107(6):2483-2490
The precursor of porin, a mitochondrial outer membrane protein, competes for the import of precursors destined for the three other mitochondrial compartments, including the Fe/S protein of the bc1- complex (intermembrane space), the ADP/ATP carrier (inner membrane), subunit 9 of the F0-ATPase (inner membrane), and subunit beta of the F1- ATPase (matrix). Competition occurs at the level of a common site at which precursors are inserted into the outer membrane. Protease- sensitive binding sites, which act before the common insertion site, appear to be responsible for the specificity and selectivity of mitochondrial protein uptake. We suggest that distinct receptor proteins on the mitochondrial surface specifically recognize precursor proteins and transfer them to a general insertion protein component (GIP) in the outer membrane. Beyond GIP, the import pathways diverge, either to the outer membrane or to translocation contact-sites, and then subsequently to the other mitochondrial compartments.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial tRNA import is widespread, but mechanistic insights of how tRNAs are translocated across mitochondrial membranes remain scarce. The parasitic protozoan T. brucei lacks mitochondrial tRNA genes. Consequently, it imports all organellar tRNAs from the cytosol. Here we investigated the connection between tRNA and protein translocation across the mitochondrial inner membrane. Trypanosomes have a single inner membrane protein translocase that consists of three heterooligomeric submodules, which all are required for import of matrix proteins. In vivo depletion of individual submodules shows that surprisingly only the integral membrane core module, including the protein import pore, but not the presequence-associated import motor are required for mitochondrial tRNA import. Thus we could uncouple import of matrix proteins from import of tRNAs even though both substrates are imported into the same mitochondrial subcompartment. This is reminiscent to the outer membrane where the main protein translocase but not on-going protein translocation is required for tRNA import. We also show that import of tRNAs across the outer and inner membranes are coupled to each other. Taken together, these data support the ‘alternate import model’, which states that tRNA and protein import while mechanistically independent use the same translocation pores but not at the same time.  相似文献   

Import of in vitro-synthesized cytochrome b2 (a soluble intermembrane space enzyme) was studied wih isolated yeast mitochondria. Import requires an electrochemical gradient across the inner membrane and is accompanied by cleavage of the precursor to the corresponding mature form. This conversion proceeds via an intermediate form of cytochrome b2, which can be detected as a transient species when mitochondria are incubated with the cytochrome b2 precursor for short times or at low temperatures. Conversion of the precursor to the intermediate form is energy-dependent and catalyzed by an o-phenanthroline-sensitive protease located in the soluble matrix. The intermediate is subsequently converted to mature cytochrome b2 in a reaction which is o-phenanthroline-insensitive and requires neither an energized inner membrane nor a soluble component of the intermembrane space. Whereas mature cytochrome b2 is soluble, the intermediate formed by isolated mitochondria is membrane-bound and exposed to the intermembrane space. The same intermediate is detected as a transient species during cytochrome b2 maturation in intact yeast cells (Reid, G. A., Yonetani, T., and Schatz, G (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 13068-13074). The in vitro studies reported here suggest that a part of the cytochrome b2 precursor polypeptide chain is transported to the matrix where it is cleaved to a membrane-bound intermediate form by the same protease that processes polypeptides destined for the matrix space or for the inner membrane. In a second reaction, the cytochrome b2 intermediate is converted to mature cytochrome b2 which is released into the intermembrane space. The binding of heme is not necessary for converting the intermediate to the mature polypeptide.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial intermembrane space assembly (MIA) pathway is generally considered to be dedicated to the redox-dependent import and biogenesis of proteins localized to the intermembrane space of mitochondria. The oxidoreductase Mia40 is a central component of the pathway responsible for the transfer of disulfide bonds to intermembrane space precursor proteins, causing their oxidative folding. Here we present the first evidence that the function of Mia40 is not restricted to the transport and oxidative folding of intermembrane space proteins. We identify Tim22, a multispanning membrane protein and core component of the TIM22 translocase of inner membrane, as a protein with cysteine residues undergoing oxidation during Tim22 biogenesis. We show that Mia40 is involved in the biogenesis and complex assembly of Tim22. Tim22 forms a disulfide-bonded intermediate with Mia40 upon import into mitochondria. Of interest, Mia40 binds the Tim22 precursor also via noncovalent interactions. We propose that Mia40 not only is responsible for disulfide bond formation, but also assists the Tim22 protein in its integration into the inner membrane of mitochondria.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial inner membrane contains a large number of polytopic proteins that are derived from prokaryotic ancestors of mitochondria. Little is known about the intramitochondrial sorting of these proteins. We chose two proteins of known topology as examples to study the pathway of insertion into the inner membrane; Mrs2 and Yta10 are bitopic proteins that expose negatively charged loops of different complexity into the intermembrane space. Here we show that both Mrs2 and Yta10 transiently accumulate as sorting intermediates in the matrix before they integrate into the inner membrane. The sorting pathway of both proteins can be separated into two sequential reactions: (i) import into the matrix and (ii) insertion from the matrix into the inner membrane. The latter process was found to depend on the membrane potential and, in this respect, is similar to the insertion of membrane proteins in bacteria. A comparison of the charge distribution of intermembrane space loops in a variety of mitochondrial inner membrane proteins suggests that this mode of "conservative sorting" might be the typical insertion route for polytopic inner membrane proteins that originated from bacterial ancestors.  相似文献   

The effect of spermine on the permeability transition of the inner mitochondrial membrane of isolated rat heart mitochondria was evaluated. The permeability transition was triggered using a series of agents (t-butyl hydroperoxide, phenylarsine oxide, carboxyatractylate, and elevated Ca2+ and inorganic phosphate concentrations), and was monitored via Ca(2+)-release, mitochondrial swelling and pyridine nucleotide oxidation. By all three criteria, spermine inhibited the transition. A C50 of 0.38 +/- 0.06 (SD) mM was measured for inhibition.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the precursor of rat liver mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase, synthesized in vitro, is about 1,500 to 2,000 Mr larger than the mature enzyme and can be processed to the mature size by isolated mitochondria from Chinese hamster ovary cells (Chien, S.-M. and Freeman, K. B. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 3337-3342). Furthermore, binding, but not processing, was observed in the presence of an uncoupler. Binding was insensitive to temperature and was completed within 2.5 min at 0 degrees C. The role of binding in the overall process of import of the precursor is now further characterized. The precursor form, bound either in the presence of an uncoupler or at 0 degrees C, was sensitive to trypsin suggesting that binding occurs on the mitochondrial outer membrane. Saturation of binding was observed with a limited amount of mitochondria and an excess of in vitro translated rat liver proteins indicating that there is a finite number of binding sites. Furthermore, when the precursor was prebound to mitochondria at 0 degrees C for 5 min, the precursor was processed to the mature size and the rate of processing was independent of the volume of reaction mixture. In contrast, the rate of processing of unbound precursor was dependent on reaction volume. These results strongly suggest that binding of the precursor of malate dehydrogenase to the mitochondrial outer membrane is an intermediate step in its import.  相似文献   

A C Maarse  J Blom  L A Grivell    M Meijer 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(10):3619-3628
To identify components of the mitochondrial protein import pathway in yeast, we have adopted a positive selection procedure for isolating mutants disturbed in protein import. We have cloned and sequenced a gene, termed MPI1, that can rescue the genetic defect of one group of these mutants. MPI1 encodes a hydrophilic 48.8 kDa protein that is essential for cell viability. Mpi1p is a low abundance and constitutively expressed mitochondrial protein. Mpi1p is synthesized with a characteristic mitochondrial targeting sequence at its amino-terminus, which is most probably proteolytically removed during import. It is a membrane protein, oriented with its carboxy-terminus facing the intermembrane space. In cells depleted of Mpi1p activity, import of the precursor proteins that we tested thus far, is arrested. We speculate that the Mpi1 protein is a component of a proteinaceous import channel for translocation of precursor proteins across the mitochondrial inner membrane.  相似文献   

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