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PTP-S2 is a tyrosine specific protein phosphatase that binds to DNA and is localized to the nucleus in association with chromatin. It plays a role in the regulation of cell proliferation. Here we show that the subcellular distribution of this protein changes during cell division. While PTP-S2 was localized exclusively to the nucleus in interphase cells, during metaphase and anaphase it was distributed throughout the cytoplasm and excluded from condensed chromosomes. At telophase PTP-S2 began to associate with chromosomes and at cytokinesis it was associated with chromatin in the newly formed nucleus. It was hyperphosphorylated and showed retarded mobility in cells arrested in metaphase. In vitro experiments showed that it was phosphorylated by CK2 resulting in mobility shift. Using a deletion mutant we found that CK2 phosphorylated PTP-S2 in the C-terminal non-catalytic domain. A heparin sensitive kinase from mitotic cell extracts phosphorylated PTP-S2 resulting in mobility shift. These results are consistent with the suggestion that during metaphase PTP-S2 is phosphorylated (possibly by CK2 or a CK2-like enzyme), resulting in its dissociation from chromatin.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of catecholamines. It is dephosphorylated by protein phosphatase (PP) 2A and PP2C. In this study we used a fixed amount of bacterially expressed rat TH (5 microM), phosphorylated only at serine 40 (pSer40TH), to determine the PP activities against this site that are present in extracts from the bovine adrenal cortex, adrenal medulla, adrenal chromaffin cells and rat striatum. We found that PP2C was the main TH phosphatase activity in extracts from the adrenal medulla and adrenal chromaffin cells. In adrenal cortex extracts PP2C and PP2A activities toward pSer40TH did not differ significantly. PP2A was the main TH phosphatase activity in extracts from rat striatum. Kinetic studies with extracts from adrenal chromaffin cells showed that when higher concentrations of pSer40TH (> 5 microM) were used the activity of PP2C increased more than the activity of PP2A. PP2C was maximally activated by 1.25 mM Mn2+ and by 5 mM Mg2+ but was inhibited by calcium. Our data suggest a more important role for PP2C than was previously suggested in the dephosphorylation of serine 40 on TH.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates a role of insulin signalling for insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta-cells. Therefore, regulators of insulin signalling, like protein tyrosine phosphatases, could also have an impact on insulin secretion. Here, we investigated a possible role of the negative regulator protein tyrosine phosphatase alpha (PTP alpha) for insulin secretion. RT-PCR analysis confirmed that both splice variants of the extracellular domain of PTP alpha that vary by an insert of 9 amino acids are expressed in human islets and insulinoma cells (INS-1E, RIN1046-38). Overexpression of the wild type PTP alpha splice variant containing the 9 amino acids reduced insulin secretion, as did a mutant form unable to bind Grb2 (Tyr798Phe). By contrast, overexpression of a phosphatase inactive mutant improved insulin secretion. These data reveal a functional relevance of PTP alpha for insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Maintaining undifferentiated state and self-renewal ability of embryonic stem cells is a process that many genes and factors participate in. Using bioinformatics analyses and suppression subtractive hybridization we cloned a novel human gene related to the proliferation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells and its mouse homologue and identified them as being borealin. Our data demonstrated that borealin was highly expressed in undifferentiated ES cells, mouse pre-implantation embryos and the brain of 8.5–9.5 day post-coitum mouse embryos. Furthermore, following Borealin depletion by microinjecting anti-Borealin antibody into the zygotes the mouse embryos were arrested at the 2 or 4-cell stage and chromosomes could not correctly localize at the equator plane of the mitotic spindle and most cells had two or more nuclei. Taken together, these results indicate that Borealin plays a crucial role in the early mouse embryonic development.  相似文献   

The formation of laminae within the retina requires the coordinate regulation of cell differentiation and migration. The cell adhesion molecule and member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase Mu, PTPmu, is expressed in precursor and early, differentiated cells of the prelaminated retina, and later becomes restricted to the inner plexiform, ganglion cell, and optic fiber layers. Since the timing of PTPmu expression correlates with the peak period of retinal lamination, we examined whether this RPTP could be regulating cell adhesion and migration within the retina, and thus influencing retinal development. Chick retinal organ cultures were infected with herpes simplex viruses encoding either an antisense sequence to PTPmu, wild-type PTPmu, or a catalytically inactive mutant form of PTPmu, and homophilic adhesion was blocked by using a function-blocking antibody. All conditions that perturbed PTPmu dramatically disrupted retinal histogenesis. Our findings demonstrate that catalytic activity and adhesion mediated by PTPmu regulate lamination of the retina, emphasizing the importance of adhesion and signaling via receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases in the developing nervous system. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that an Ig superfamily RPTP regulates the lamination of any neural tissue.  相似文献   

Semaphorin-4D (Sema4D), a member of class 4 membrane-bound Semaphorins, acts as a chemorepellant to the axons of retinal ganglion cells and hippocampal neurons. Plexin-B1, a neuronal Sema4D receptor, associates with either one of receptor tyrosine kinases, c-Met or ErbB2, to mediate Sema4D-signaling. In contrast to this significance, the involvement of protein tyrosine phosphatases in Semaphorin-signaling remains unknown. We here show that Src homology 2-containing protein-tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2) participates in Sema4D-signaling. SHP2 was localized in the growth cones of chick embryonic retinal ganglion neurons. Phenylarsine oxide, a protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor, suppressed Sema4D-induced contractile response in COS-7 cells expressing Plexin-B1. Ectopic expression of a phosphatase-inactive mutant of SHP2 in the retinal ganglion cells attenuated Sema4D-induced growth cone collapse response. A SHP1/2 specific inhibitor, 8-hydroxy-7-(6-sulfonaphthalen-2-yl)diazenyl-quinoline-5-sulfonic acid (NSC-87877), also suppressed this collapse response. These results suggest that SHP2-mediated tyrosine dephosphorylation is an important step in Sema4D-induced axon repulsion.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests mutations in human breast cancer cells that induce inappropriate expression of the 18-kDa cytokine pleiotrophin (PTN, Ptn) initiate progression of breast cancers to a more malignant phenotype. Pleiotrophin signals through inactivating its receptor, the receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP)beta/zeta, leading to increased tyrosine phosphorylation of different substrate proteins of RPTPbeta/zeta, including beta-catenin, beta-adducin, Fyn, GIT1/Cat-1, and P190RhoGAP. PTN signaling thus has wide impact on different important cellular systems. Recently, PTN was found to activate anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) through the PTN/RPTPbeta/zeta signaling pathway; this discovery potentially is very important, since constitutive ALK activity of nucleophosmin (NPM)-ALK fusion protein is causative of anaplastic large cell lymphomas, and, activated ALK is found in other malignant cancers. Recently ALK was identified in each of 63 human breast cancers from 22 subjects. We now demonstrate that RPTPbeta/zeta is expressed in each of these same 63 human breast cancers that previously were found to express ALK and in 10 additional samples of human breast cancer. RPTPbeta/zeta furthermore was localized not only in its normal association with the cell membrane but also scattered in cytoplasm and in nuclei in different breast cancer cells and, in the case of infiltrating ductal carcinomas, the distribution of RPTPbeta/zeta changes as the breast cancer become more malignant. The data suggest that the PTN/RPTPbeta/zeta signaling pathway may be constitutively activated and potentially function to constitutively activate ALK in human breast cancer.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphorylation has been implicated in several aspects of neurite outgrowth regulation. To address specific roles in early neuronal morphogenesis, hippocampal neurons in culture were treated with the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor orthovanadate. This treatment completely suppressed axon formation, yet enhanced formation of minor neurites. The inhibition of axonogenesis was dose dependent and occurred in parallel with a marked increase in cellular phosphotyrosine immunoreactivity, which was especially concentrated within neuritic growth cones and showed partial colocalization with f-actin. Both the blockade of axonogenesis and the elevation of phosphotyrosine were completely reversible. An additional and unexpected effect of orthovanadate was the appearance of many binucleate neurons. Immunoblotting experiments using a phosphotyrosine-specific antibody revealed an orthovanadate-induced reversible hyperphosphorylation of several protein bands, especially of two at 115 and 125 kD. These data suggest a potentially important role for tyrosine phosphatases and their phosphoprotein substrates in axonogenesis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 35: 17–28, 1998  相似文献   

CD148 is a receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatase up-regulated on T cells after T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. To examine the physiologic role of CD148 in TCR signaling, we used an inducible CD148-expressing Jurkat T cell clone. Expression of CD148 inhibits NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) activation induced by soluble anti-TCR antibody, but not by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) loaded with staphylococcal enterotoxin superantigen (SAg) or immobilized anti-TCR antibody. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that the extracellular domain of CD148 mediates its exclusion from the immunologic synapse, sequestering it from potential substrates. Targeting of the CD148 phosphatase domain to the immunologic synapse potently inhibited NFAT activation by all means of triggering through the TCR. These data lead us to propose a model where CD148 function is regulated in part by exclusion from substrates in the immunologic synapse. Upon T cell-APC disengagement, CD148 can then access and dephosphorylate substrates to down-regulate prolongation of signaling.  相似文献   

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and other neurotrophins induce a unique prolonged activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) compared with growth factors. Characterization and kinetic and spatial modeling of the signaling pathways underlying this prolonged MAPK activation by BDNF will be important in understanding the physiological role of BDNF in many complex systems in the nervous system. In addition to Shc, fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 2 (FRS2) is required for the BDNF-induced activation of MAPK. BDNF induces phosphorylation of FRS2. However, BDNF does not induce phosphorylation of FRS2 in cells expressing a deletion mutant of TrkB (TrkBDeltaPTB) missing the juxtamembrane NPXY motif. This motif is the binding site for SHC. NPXY is the consensus sequence for phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains, and notably, FRS2 and SHC contain PTB domains. This NPXY motif, which contains tyrosine 484 of TrkB, is therefore the binding site for both FRS2 and SHC. Moreover, the proline containing region (VIENP) of the NPXY motif is also required for FRS2 and SHC phosphorylation, which indicates this region is an important component of FRS2 and SHC recognition by TrkB. Previously, we had found that the phosphorylation of FRS2 induces association of FRS2 and growth factor receptor binding protein 2 (Grb2). Now, we have intriguing data that indicates BDNF induces association of the SH2 domain containing protein tyrosine phosphatase, Shp2, with FRS2. Moreover, the PTB association motif of TrkB containing tyrosine 484 is required for the BDNF-induced association of Shp2 with FRS2 and the phosphorylation of Shp2. These results imply that FRS2 and Shp2 are in a BDNF signaling pathway. Shp2 is required for complete MAPK activation by BDNF, as expression of a dominant negative Shp2 in cells attenuates BDNF-induced activation of MAPK. Moreover, expression of a dominant negative Shp2 attenuates Ras activation showing that the protein tyrosine phosphatase is required for complete activation of MAPKs by BDNF. In conclusion, Shp2 regulates BDNF signaling through the MAPK pathway by regulating either Ras directly or alternatively, by signaling components upstream of Ras. Characterization of MAPK signaling controlled by BDNF is likely to be required to understand the complex physiological role of BDNF in neuronal systems ranging from the regulation of neuronal growth and survival to the regulation of synapses.  相似文献   

We have identified an approximately 85-kD protein in chicken erythrocytes which is immunologically, structurally, and functionally related to the gelsolin found in many muscle and nonmuscle cell types. Cell fractionation reveals a Ca2+-dependent partitioning of gelsolin into the soluble cytoplasm and the membrane-associated cytoskeleton of differentiating or mature erythrocytes. Depending on either the presence of Ca2+ during cell lysis or on the preincubation of the intact cells with the Ca2+-ionophore A23187, up to 40% of the total cellular gelsolin is found associated with the membrane skeleton. Expression of gelsolin shows a strong negative regulation during erythroid differentiation. From quantitations of its steady-state molar ratio to actin, gelsolin is abundant in early progenitor cells as revealed from avian erythroblastosis virus- and S13 virus-transformed cells which are arrested at the colony forming unit erythroid (CFU-e) stage of erythroid development. In these cells, which have a rudimentary and unstable membrane skeleton, gelsolin remains quantitatively cytoplasmic, irrespective of the Ca2+ concentration. During chicken embryo development and maturation, the expression of gelsolin decreases by a factor of approximately 10(3) in erythroid cells. This down regulation is independent from that of actin, which is considerably less, and is observed also when S13-transformed erythroid progenitor cells are induced to differentiate under conditions where the actin content of these cells does not change. In mature erythrocytes of the adult the amount of gelsolin is low, and significantly less than required for potentially capping of all membrane-associated actin filaments. We suggest that the gelsolin in erythroid cells is involved in the assembly of the actin filaments present in the membrane skeleton, and that it may provide for a mechanism, by means of its severing action on actin filaments, to extend the meshwork of the spectrin-actin-based membrane skeleton in erythroid cells during erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

Granulocytic maturation of human acute promyelocytic leukaemic (HL-60) cells was induced using all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Time-dependent changes in the enzyme activities of protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) and protein tyrosine kinase (PTK), and the total extractable protein content were monitored in proliferating and differentiating cells. The existence of periodicity was demonstrated clearly in both PTP and PTK enzyme activities and in the amount of protein extracted from the cells. Following ATRA treatment, differentiation-induced changes in rhythmic characteristics such as period and amplitude were evident. A noticeable effect was that of ATRA on the enzyme activity of PTP, for which four distinct patterns of oscillatory behaviour were identified. This study examines these changes, in an attempt to gain insight into the role which biochemical oscillators may play in the regulation of molecular control mechanisms.  相似文献   

SHP‐1 belongs to the family of non‐receptor protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) and generally acts as a negative regulator in a variety of cellular signaling pathways. Previously, the crystal structures of the tail‐truncated SHP‐1 and SHP‐2 revealed an autoinhibitory conformation. To understand the regulatory mechanism of SHP‐1, we have determined the crystal structure of the full‐length SHP‐1 at 3.1 Å. Although the tail was disordered in current structure, the huge conformational rearrangement of the N‐SH2 domain and the incorporation of sulfate ions into the ligand‐binding site of each domain indicate that the SHP‐1 is in the open conformation. The N‐SH2 domain in current structure is shifted away from the active site of the PTP domain to the other side of the C‐SH2 domain, resulting in exposure of the active site. Meanwhile, the C‐SH2 domain is twisted anticlockwise by about 110°. In addition, a set of new interactions between two SH2 domains and between the N‐SH2 and the catalytic domains is identified, which could be responsible for the stabilization of SHP‐1 in the open conformation. Based on the structural comparison, a model for the activation of SHP‐1 is proposed. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 2062–2071, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Leprosy (Hansen''s disease) is a human chronic granulomatous infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. Several types of study support a role for host genetics in susceptibility to leprosy. The protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22 (PTPN22) gene encodes an intracellular lymphoid protein tyrosine phosphatase that has been shown to play a negative regulatory role in T-cell activation.


The aim of the present study was to find out associating the PTPN22 C1858T (R620W) polymorphism and leprosy in the Azeri population from Northwest Iran.


A total of 153 treated leprosy patients and 197 healthy and ethnic matched controls entered this study. We used restriction fragment length polymorphism method to type PTPN22 C1858T polymorphism.


There was no significant difference in distribution of genotype and allele frequencies of PTPN22 C1858T polymorphism between leprosy patients and controls (P = 0.641 and 0.645; respectively). Moreover, there was no significant association between different clinical findings (karnofsky performance status score, clinical forms and manifestations of leprosy) and PTPN22 C1858T polymorphism. Data showed a low frequency of the minor (T) allele by 2.3% in leprosy and 1.5% in healthy individuals.


The PTPN22 C1858T (R620W) is not relevant in susceptibility to leprosy in the Azeri population of Northwest Iran.  相似文献   

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