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Michael Y. Li John R. Graef Liancheng Wang Jnos Karsai 《Mathematical biosciences》1999,160(2):2640-213
A SEIR model for the transmission of an infectious disease that spreads in a population through direct contact of the hosts is studied. The force of infection is of proportionate mixing type. A threshold sigma is identified which determines the outcome of the disease; if sigma < or = 1, the infected fraction of the population disappears so the disease dies out, while of sigma > 1, the infected fraction persists and a unique endemic equilibrium state is shown, under a mild restriction on the parameters, to be globally asymptotically stable in the interior of the feasible region. Two other threshold parameters sigma' and sigma are also identified; they determine the dynamics of the population sizes in the cases when the disease dies out and when it is endemic, respectively. 相似文献
In this paper we analyze a model for the HIV-infection transmission in a male homosexual population. In the model we consider two types of infected individuals. Those that are infected but do not know their serological status and/or are not under any sort of clinical /therapeutical treatment, and those who are. The two groups of infectives differ in their incubation time, contact rate with susceptible individuals, and probability of disease transmission. The aim of this article is to study the roles played by detection and changes in sexual behavior in the incidence and prevalence of HIV. The analytical results show that there exists a unique endemic equilibrium which is globally asymptotically stable under a range of parameter values whenever a detection /treatment rate and an indirect measure of the level of infection risk are sufficiently large. However, any level of detection/ treatment rate coupled with a decrease of the transmission probability lowers the incidence rate and prevalence level in the population. In general, only significant reductions in the transmission probability (achieved through, for example, the adoption of safe sexual practices) can contain effectively the spread of the disease. 相似文献
Global stability of an SEIS epidemic model with recruitment and a varying total population size 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
This paper considers an SEIS epidemic model that incorporates constant recruitment, disease-caused death and disease latency. The incidence term is of the bilinear mass-action form. It is shown that the global dynamics is completely determined by the basic reproduction number R(0). If R(0)1, a unique endemic equilibrium is globally stable in the interior of the feasible region and the disease persists at the endemic equilibrium. 相似文献
A model for the transmission of dengue fever in a constant human population and variable vector population is discussed. A complete global analysis is given, which uses the results of the theory of competitive systems and stability of periodic orbits, to establish the global stability of the endemic equilibrium. The control measures of the vector population are discussed in terms of the threshold condition, which governs the existence and stability of the endemic equilibrium. 相似文献
A disease transmission model in a nonconstant population 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
A general SIRS disease transmission model is formulated under assumptions that the size of the population varies, the incidence rate is nonlinear, and the recovered (removed) class may also be directly reinfected. For a class of incidence functions it is shown that the model has no periodic solutions. By contrast, for a particular incidence function, a combination of analytical and numerical techniques are used to show that (for some parameters) periodic solutions can arise through homoclinic loops or saddle connections and disappear through Hopf bifurcations.Supported in part by NSERC grant A-8965, the University of Victoria Committee on Faculty Research & Travel, and the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis, MN, with funds provided by NSF 相似文献
Sahabuddin Sarwardi Prashanta Kumar Mandal Santanu Ray 《Journal of biological physics》2013,39(4):701-722
A three-component model consisting on one-prey and two-predator populations is considered with a Holling type II response function incorporating a constant proportion of prey refuge. We also consider the competition among predators for their food (prey) and shelter. The essential mathematical features of the model have been analyzed thoroughly in terms of stability and bifurcations arising in some selected situations. Threshold values for some parameters indicating the feasibility and stability conditions of some equilibria are determined. The range of significant parameters under which the system admits different types of bifurcations is investigated. Numerical illustrations are performed in order to validate the applicability of the model under consideration. 相似文献
A model for the transmission of dengue fever with variable human population size is analyzed. We find three threshold parameters
which govern the existence of the endemic proportion equilibrium, the increase of the human population size, and the behaviour
of the total number of human infectives. We prove the global asymptotic stability of the equilibrium points using the theory
of competitive systems, compound matrices, and the center manifold theorem.
Received: 3 November 1997 / Revised version: 3 July 1998 相似文献
An SIS epidemic model with variable population size and a delay 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The SIS epidemiological model has births, natural deaths, disease-related deaths and a delay corresponding to the infectious period. The thresholds for persistence, equilibria and stability are determined. The persistence of the disease combined with the disease-related deaths can cause the population size to decrease to zero, to remain finite, or to grow exponentially with a smaller growth rate constant. For some parameter values, the endemic infective-fraction equilibrium is asymptotically stable, but for other parameter values, it is unstable and a surrounding periodic solution appears by Hopf bifurcation.Research Supported in part by NSERC grant A-8965 and the University of Victoria Committee on Faculty Research & Travel 相似文献
The Wright-Fisher model is considered in the case where the population size is random and the magnitude of the selective advantage of one of the alleles varies with time. The central question addressed is the possibility of ultimate genetic polymorphism. Partial results are obtained in the general case and complete results in the case where the population size and selective advantage are not density dependent. Bounds on the fixation probability are obtained when the selective advantage is constant. 相似文献
一类具有常数迁入且总入口在变化的SIRI传染病模型的稳定性 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
讨论一类具有常数迁入率,染病类有病死且有效接触率依赖于总人数的SIRI传染病模型.给出了基本再生数σ的表达式.如果σ≤1,则疾病消除平衡点是全局稳定的;如果σ>1,则存在唯一的传染病平衡点且是局部渐近稳定的.对具有双线性传染率和标准传染率的相应模型,进一步证明了当σ>1时传染病平衡点的全局稳定性. 相似文献
We address the global stability properties of the positive equilibrium in a general delayed discrete population model. Our results are used to investigate in detail a well-known model for baleen whale populations.E. Liz was supported in part by M.E.C. (Spain) and FEDER, under project MTM2004-06652-C03-02. 相似文献
In this paper, an SIS patch model with non-constant transmission coefficients is formulated to investigate the effect of media coverage and human movement on the spread of infectious diseases among patches. The basic reproduction number R0 is determined. It is shown that the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if R0?1, and the disease is uniformly persistent and there exists at least one endemic equilibrium if R0>1. In particular, when the disease is non-fatal and the travel rates of susceptible and infectious individuals in each patch are the same, the endemic equilibrium is unique and is globally asymptotically stable as R0>1. Numerical calculations are performed to illustrate some results for the case with two patches. 相似文献
一个具暂时免疫且总人数可变的传染病动力学模型 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7
建立了一个具常恢复率和接触率依赖于总人数的SIRS传染病动力学模型,讨论了系统平衡点的存在性和稳定性,对双线性传染率的特殊情形,给出了传染病平衡点的全局稳定性结论,推广和改进了已有的相应结果。 相似文献
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a globally health problem. In 2005, the WHO Western Pacific Regional Office set a goal of reducing chronic HBV infection rate to less than 2% among children five years of age by 2012, as an interim milestone towards the final goal of less than 1%. Many countries made some plans (such as free HBV vaccination program for all neonates in China now) to control the transmission HBV. We develop a model to explore the impact of vaccination and other controlling measures of HBV infection. The model has simple dynamical behavior which has a globally asymptotically stable disease-free equilibrium when the basic reproduction number R0≤1, and a globally asymptotically stable endemic equilibrium when R0>1. Numerical simulation results show that the vaccination is a very effective measure to control the infection and they also give some useful comments on controlling the transmission of HBV. 相似文献
In the natural world, there are many species whose individual members have a life history that they take them with two distinct stages: immaturity and maturity. In particular, we have in mind mammalian populations and some amphibious animals. We improve the assumption of a single population as a whole. It is assumed that the immature individuals and mature individuals are divided by a fixed period. This paper concentrates on the study of a stage-structured single population model with mature individuals in a polluted environment and pulse input of environmental toxin at fixed moments. Furthermore, the mature individuals are harvested continuously. We show that the population goes extinct if the harvesting rate is beyond a critical threshold. Conditions for the extended permanence of the population are also examined. From the biological point of view, it is easy to protect species by controlling the harvesting amount, impulsive period of the exogenous input of toxin and toxin impulsive input amount, etc. Our results provide reasonable tactics for biological resource management. 相似文献
Experimental populations of 20 Gyrodactylus alexanderi Mizelle &; Kritsky, 1967, on 19 isolated Gasterosteus aculeatus at 15°C increased for 2 weeks to a mean of 61, then decreased in 2 further weeks to a mean of 9. Fish that lost their fluke infestations were refractory to further infestation for about 3 weeks.The chief factors affecting fluke abundance were measured, including reproduction and mortality rates of flukes on fish, rate of shedding by the fish, mortality rates of flukes while off fish, and the rate of reattachment of the flukes. Data on these individual factors were combined to form a simple deterministic model which simulated the population changes on isolated fish. This was later made more realistic by the introduction of a random variable. When the model was tested in a multiple-host situation it predicted results close to those observed experimentally. 相似文献
Shitao Liu Liang Zhang Xiao-Bing Zhang Aibing Li 《International Journal of Biomathematics》2019,(1):93-113
We investigate a stochastic heroin epidemic model with bilinear incidence and varying population size.Sufficient criteria for the extinction of the drug abusers and the existence of ergodic stationary distribution for the model are established by constructing suitable stochastic Lyapunov functions.By analyzing the sensitivity of the threshold of spread,we obtain that prevention is better than cure.Numerical simulations are carried out to confirm the analytical results. 相似文献
We consider a system of delay differential equations modeling the predator-prey ecoepidemic dynamics with a transmissible disease in the predator population. The time lag in the delay terms represents the predator gestation period. We analyze essential mathematical features of the proposed model such as local and global stability and in addition study the bifurcations arising in some selected situations. Threshold values for a few parameters determining the feasibility and stability conditions of some equilibria are discovered and similarly a threshold is identified for the disease to die out. The parameter thresholds under which the system admits a Hopf bifurcation are investigated both in the presence of zero and non-zero time lag. Numerical simulations support our theoretical analysis. 相似文献
Interaction of maturation delay and nonlinear birth in population and epidemic models 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
A population with birth rate function B(N) N and linear death rate for the adult stage is assumed to have a maturation delay T>0. Thus the growth equation N′(t)=B(N(t−T)) N(t−T) e−
T−dN(t) governs the adult population, with the death rate in previous life stages d
1≧0. Standard assumptions are made on B(N) so that a unique equilibrium N
exists. When B(N) N is not monotone, the delay T can qualitatively change the dynamics. For some fixed values of the parameters with d
1>0, as T increases the equilibrium N
can switch from being stable to unstable (with numerically observed periodic solutions) and then back to stable. When disease
that does not cause death is introduced into the population, a threshold parameter R
0 is identified. When R
0<1, the disease dies out; when R
0>1, the disease remains endemic, either tending to an equilibrium value or oscillating about this value. Numerical simulations
indicate that oscillations can also be induced by disease related death in a model with maturation delay.
Received: 2 November 1998 / Revised version: 26 February 1999 相似文献
Xiaodong Lin 《Journal of mathematical biology》1991,29(8):779-790
In this paper, we examine an HIV/AIDS transmission model which has been widely used for studying the spread of HIV/AIDS through sexual contact. Some sufficient conditions are obtained for the uniqueness of endemic equilibrium. We also present a two-group model whose no-disease equilibrium is unstable but it has at least three positive endemic equilibria. 相似文献