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Polymorphic DNA haplotypes at the LDL receptor locus.   总被引:26,自引:8,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Mutations in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene result in the autosomal dominant disorder familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). Many different LDL receptor mutations have been identified and characterized, demonstrating a high degree of allelic heterogeneity at this locus. The ability to identify mutant LDL receptor genes for prenatal diagnosis of homozygous FH or to study the role of the LDL receptor gene in polygenic hypercholesterolemia requires the use of closely linked RFLPs. In the present study we used 10 different RFLPs, including three newly described polymorphisms, to construct 123 independent haplotypes from 20 Caucasian American pedigrees. Our sample contained 31 different haplotypes varying in frequency from 0.8% to 29.3%; the five most common haplotypes account for 67.5% of the sample. The heterozygosity and PIC of each site were determined, and these values disclosed that eight of the RFLPs were substantially polymorphic. Linkage-disequilibrium analysis of the haplotype data revealed strong nonrandom associations among all 10 RFLPs, especially among those sites clustered in the 3' region of the gene. Evolutionary analysis suggests the occurrence of both mutational and recombinational events in the generation of the observed haplotypes. A strategy for haplotype analysis of the LDL receptor gene in individuals of Caucasian American descent is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Eight polymorphic restriction enzyme sites at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus were analyzed from the parental chromosomes in 33 Danish nuclear families with at least one phenylketonuric (PKU) child. Determination of haplotypes of 66 normal chromosomes and 66 chromosomes bearing mutant allele (S) demonstrated that there are at least two haplotypes which occur predominantly on PKU chromosomes and rarely otherwise. Overall, the relative frequencies of the various haplotypes are significantly different on PKU-and normal-allele bearing chromosomes, even though there is no predominantly occurring unique haplotype which can characterize the PKU chromosomes. In addition, no significant association (linkage disequilibrium) between any single polymorphic site and the mutant allele (s) was observed. The results suggest that either the phenylketonuric mutation was very ancient so that the polymorphic sites and the mutation have reached linkage equilibrium or the mutant allele (s) are the results of multiple mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene in man. Furthermore, a crude relationship between standardized linkage disequilibria and physical map distances of the polymorphic sites indicates that there is no apparent recombination hot-spot in the human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene, since the recombination rate within the locus apears to be uniform and likely to be occurring at a rate similar to that within the HLA gene cluster. The limitations of this later analysis are discussed in view of the sampling errors of disequilibrium measure used, and the potential untility of the PAH haplotypes for prenatal diagnosis and detection of PKU carriers is established.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic heterogeneity at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus was studied in 88 families including 93 of the 105 children with phenylketonuria (PKU) or hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) detected through the Swedish neonatal screening program from 1966 to the end of 1986. Haplotypes based on eight restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the PAH locus could be constructed for 132 normal and 136 mutant alleles. The normal alleles were of 27 different RFLP haplotypes, 9 of which have not been described previously, but there was a dominance of a few haplotypes common to many European populations. The distribution of mutant alleles was significantly different from that in neighboring countries, even though over 90% of all mutant alleles were confined to six RFLP haplotypes, also prevalent in other European populations. Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization analysis for the Arg408 to Trp408 mutation and for the G to A splicing mutation in intron 12 showed exceptions to the previously reported linkage of these mutations to mutant haplotypes 2 and 3, respectively. Correlation of mutant alleles with clinical phenotypes pointed to the presence of at least two different mutations associated with each of six haplotypes. We argue that PKU/HPA in the Swedish population may be caused by at least 13 different mutations in addition to the 4 already identified. The theoretical informativity of RFLP analysis in heterozygote detection and prenatal diagnosis in PKU/HPA families was estimated at approximately 85%. Carrier detection could, in effect, be accomplished for 88% of the 56 healthy siblings in the families studied.  相似文献   

DNA haplotype data from the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus are available from a number of European populations as a result of RFLP testing for genetic counseling in families with phenylketonuria (PKU). We have analyzed data from Hungary and Czechoslovakia together with published data from five additional countries--Denmark, Switzerland, Scotland, Germany, and France--representing a broad geographic and ethnographic range. The data include 686 complete chromosomal haplotypes for eight RFLP sites assayed in 202 unrelated Caucasian families with PKU. Forty-six distinct RFLP haplotypes have been observed to date, 10 unique to PKU-bearing chromosomes, 12 unique to non-PKU chromosomes, and the remainder found in association with both types. Despite the large number of haplotypes observed (still much less than the theoretical maximum of 384), five haplotypes alone account for more than 76% of normal European chromosomes and four haplotypes alone account for more than 80% of PKU-bearing chromosomes. We evaluated the distribution of haplotypes and alleles within these populations and calculated pairwise disequilibrium values between RFLP sites and between these sites and a hypothetical PKU "locus." These are statistically significant differences between European populations in the frequencies of non-PKU chromosomal haplotypes (P = .025) and PKU chromosomal haplotypes (P much less than .001). Haplotype frequencies of the PKU and non-PKU chromosomes also differ significantly (P much less than .001. Disequilibrium values are consistent with the PAH physical map and support the molecular evidence for multiple, independent PKU mutations in Caucasians. However, the data do not support a single geographic origin for these mutations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNA polymorphisms at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus have proved highly effective in linkage diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU) in Caucasian families. More than 10 RFLP sites have been reported within the PAH structural locus in Caucasians. With information from affected and unaffected offspring in PKU families it is often possible to reconstruct complete RFLP haplotypes in parents and to use these haplotypes to follow the segregation of PKU within families and to determine the distribution of PKU chromosomes within populations. To establish the utility of these RFLPs in characterizing Asian families with PKU, we typed eight DNA sites in 21 Chinese families and 12 Japanese families with classical PKU. The eight RFLPs were chosen for their informativeness in Caucasians. From these families we reconstructed a total of 91 complete PAH haplotypes, 44 from non-PKU chromosomes and 47 from PKU-bearing chromosomes. Although all eight marker sites are polymorphic in both Chinese and Japanese, there is much less haplotypic variation in Asians than in Caucasians. In particular, one haplotype alone, haplotype 4, accounts for more than 77% of non-PKU chromosomes and for more than 80% of PKU-bearing chromosomes. Haplotype 4 is also relatively common in Caucasians. The next most common Asian haplotype is 10 times less frequent than haplotype 4. By contrast, in many Caucasian populations the sum of the frequencies of the five most common haplotypes is still less than 80%, and several of the most common haplotypes are equally frequent. Even though the extent of haplotypic variation in Asians is severely limited, the few haplotypes that are found often differ at a number of RFLP sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

RFLPs at the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor locus for TaqI, StuI, HincII, AvaII, ApaLI (5' and 3'), PvuII, and NcoI were studied in Swiss and German families with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). A total of 1,104 LDL receptor alleles were analyzed using Southern blotting and new PCR-based techniques for detection of the TaqI, StuI, HincII, AvaII, NcoI RFLPs. Two hundred fifty-six independent haplotypes from 368 individuals of 61 unrelated Swiss families, as well as 114 independent haplotypes from 184 subjects of 25 unrelated German families, were constructed. In 76 families, clinical diagnosis of FH was confirmed by cosegregation analysis. Of the 43 unique haplotypes consisting of seven RFLPs detected in the Swiss and Germans, only 9 were common in both population samples. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium revealed nonrandom associations between several of the investigated RFLPs. ApaLI (5'), NcoI, PvuII, TaqI, and AvaII or HincII were particularly informative (cumulative informativeness .85). Relative frequencies, heterozygosity indexes, and PICs of the RFLPs from the Swiss and Germans were compared with values calculated from reported haplotype data for Italians, Icelanders, North American Caucasians, South African Caucasians, and Japanese. Pairwise comparisons of population samples by common RFLPs demonstrated unexpected differences even between geographically adjacent populations (e.g., the Swiss and Germans). Furthermore, genetic distances from the Germans to the other Caucasians were larger than to the Japanese. An unexpected lack of correlation between linkage disequilibria and physical distances was detected for the German and Japanese data, possibly because of nonuniform recombination with excessively high rates between exon 13 and intron 15. Hence, the present study revealed a striking variety of polymorphic haplotypes and heterogeneity of RFLP frequencies and recombination rates among the seven population samples.  相似文献   

Summary Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) plays a central role in the metabolism of lipoproteins by hydrolyzing the core triglycerides of circulating very low density lipoproteins and chylomicrons. The enzyme is encoded by a gene about 30kb in size located on the short arm of human chromosome 8. We have determined the locations of the four common DNA polymorphisms along the gene, including a polymorphism that occurred only among an American black population examined. These restriction site polymorphisms were used for haplotype analysis of Mediterranean and US black families. Estimation of the extent of nonrandom association between these polymorphisms indicated considerable linkage disequilibrium between these sites. No correlation was observed between the level of linkage disequilibrium and the physical distance of the polymorphic sites. The polymorphism information content of the haplotypes ranged from 0.65 to 0.74, thereby constituting a relatively useful genetic marker on chromosome 8. We tested for possible associations between the polymorphisms and circulating lipoprotein phenotypes in a population of 139 Caucasians undergoing coronary arteriography and 50 of their spouses. Some possibly significant associations between LPL gene polymorphisms and levels of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (P = 0.015) and total plasma cholesterol (P = 0.025) were observed. In contrast to a previous report, we found no significant associations with the levels of plasma triglycerides.  相似文献   

The role of the cellular receptor for the low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in cholesterol transport was initially defined through the study of nonhepatic cells in vitro. Since the liver is central in plasma lipoprotein metabolism, an investigation of hepatic lipoprotein receptors is important for understanding normal lipoprotein transport. Utilizing human hepatic and fibroblast membranes, the characteristics of receptors for LDL from hepatic and nonhepatic tissues were directly compared. Human hepatic membranes reversibly bound LDL within 5 min. Although both fibroblast and hepatic membranes saturably bound LDL at 37 degrees C, the fibroblast LDL receptor affinity (Kd = 2.5 X 10(-8) M) and number (5.5 X 10(12) sites/mg membrane protein) were greater than the hepatic receptor affinity (Kd = 10.8 X 10(-8) M) and number (0.5 X 10(12) sites/mg membrane protein). In contrast to the fibroblast LDL receptor which was unable to bind LDL in the presence of EDTA, the hepatic LDL receptor binding of LDL was only partially blocked by EDTA. The binding of LDL to its hepatic receptor is highly temperature-dependent, and studies utilizing both radiolabeled LDL and colloidal gold-labeled LDL indicate that little, if any, binding of LDL hepatic membranes occur at 0-4 degrees C. The hepatic membrane receptor(s) (Mr approximately equal to 270 000 and 330 000) differ from that of the fibroblast LDL receptor (Mr approximately equal to 130 000) and these proteins are present in hepatic membranes from a patient lacking the fibroblast LDL receptor. These data indicate that an expressed hepatic LDL receptor has unique properties different from those of the fibroblast LDL receptor and that the expressed protein(s) is genetically distinct from the fibroblast receptor.  相似文献   

Although a large number of human serum transferrin (TF) variants have been described, only one RFLP (AvaI) has so far been found. Here we report three new RFLPs (MvaI in intron 5 and exon 7, BbvI in exon 7) and correlations between RFLPs and between RFLPs and serum TF types. There were strong, but not always complete, disequilibria between RFLP and serum protein alleles. Thus, the most common serum TF variant, C1, was heterogeneous and could be subdivided into two common haplotypes, whereas the C2, C3, and DCHI variants were completely or almost completely (C2) homogeneous. There was a total genotypic agreement between the BbvI polymorphism and the presence/absence of the TF C3 variant, and the mutation that creates the BbvI site was found to lead to a G258S amino acid substitution. Received: 15 June 1997 / Accepted: 15 November 1997  相似文献   

Liver X receptor alpha (LXRalpha) is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily that is activated by oxysterols, and plays a pivotal role in regulating the metabolism, transport and uptake of cholesterol. Here, we demonstrate that LXRalpha also regulates the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) gene, which mediates the endocytic uptake of LDL cholesterol in the liver. An LXR agonist induced the expression of LDLR in cultured hepatoblastoma cells. Moreover, the LDLR promoter contained an LXR response element that was recognized by LXRalpha/RXRalpha (retinoid X receptor alpha) heterodimers in hepatoblastoma cells. These results suggest a novel pathway whereby LXRalpha might modulate cholesterol metabolism.  相似文献   

Five low-density lipoprotein receptor gene (LDLR) restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs: TaqI, intron 4; HincII, exon 12; AvaII, exon 13; MspI and NcoI, exon 18) were investigated in 131 individuals from five Brazilian Indian tribes. All markers were polymorphic in this ethnic group. In the whole sample of Amerindians, 13 (41%) of the 32 expected haplotypes were identified, but only three were shared by all tribes. The Xavante, Suruí, Zoró, and Gavi?o tribes, who had been studied for anthropometry, were grouped according to their genotypes, and the corresponding mean values were examined. Significant associations were observed between HincII *H-, AvaII *A+, MspI *M-, and NcoI *N+ and the body mass index (BMI), triceps and subscapular skinfolds, and the arm fat index (AFI). Haplotypes were derived for these four RFLPs, and (*H-/*A+/*M-/*N+) haplotype carriers were compared with noncarriers of this haplotype with equally significant results for the three parameters (BMI, P=0.021; skinfold thickness, P<0.001; AFI, P=0.005). These results suggest that the LDLR gene has some influence over adipose tissue deposition.  相似文献   

The spectrum of mutations in the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene was studied in a sample of hypercholesterolemia patients of Caucasoid origin from the population of Russia. The examined patients were 45 to 49 years old and had the highest level of total serum cholesterol in this age group. Seven previously nondescribed mutations have been revealed in exon 9 (R410G; M412V) and in exon 12 (Y/Y576; N/N591; L605V; L605R; A612G). Twelve previously described mutations have been identified in exons 2 (C/C27), 5 (C261F; E240X), 6 (E288K), 8 (A391T), 9 (E418G; L432R; D433E), 11 (G/G549; E558K; L/L568), and 12 (G592E). Only one of these mutations was previously described in Russia in a clinical sample of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia. The spectrum of LDL receptor gene mutations in the population sample of patients with hypercholesterolemia significantly differs from the mutation spectrum in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (clinical samples). Sequencing of the LDL receptor gene is a highly efficient method for identifying the markers of hypercholesterolemia predisposition in a population.  相似文献   

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