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系统发育研究中“长枝吸引”现象概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黎一苇  于黎  张亚平 《遗传》2007,29(6):659-667
系统发育研究(phylogeny)不仅有助于重建地球所有生物体的进化历史, 而且还可以揭示进化生物学领域中的一些基本问题。清晰了解各生物物种进化历程及不同物种之间的进化关系, 是进一步研究和探索生物学其他学科的基础。但是现今广泛应用的所有系统发育分析方法都存在一定的局限性, 在一定程度上不能有效消除各种误差, 从而不能客观地处理和分析数据, 也就不能成功重建生物进化历程, 真实反映物种进化关系。系统发育研究中, “长枝吸引” (Long-branch Attraction, LBA)假象是最为困扰研究者的问题。文章从“长枝吸引”问题的产生原由、检测方法以及消除策略等多个方面进行详尽概述, 并通过列举典型实例, 阐述了解决“长枝吸引”问题的途径。  相似文献   

We use computer simulation to compare the statistical properties of several methods that have been proposed for estimating the evolutionary correlation between two continuous traits, and define alternative evolutionary correlations that may be of interest. We focus on Felsenstein's (1985) method and some variations of it and on several “minimum evolution” methods (of which the procedure of Huey and Bennett [1987] is a special case), as compared with a nonphylogenetic correlation. The last, a simple correlation of trait values across the tips of a phylogeny, virtually always yields inflated Type I error rates, relatively low power, and relatively poor estimates of evolutionary correlations. We therefore cannot recommend its use. In contrast, Felsenstein's (1985) method yields acceptable significance tests, high power, and good estimates of what we term the input correlation and the standardized realized evolutionary correlation, given complete phylogenetic information and knowledge of the rate and mode of character change (e.g., gradual and proportional to time [“Brownian motion”] or punctuational, with change only at speciation events). Inaccurate branch length information may affect any method adversely, but only rarely does it cause Felsenstein's (1985) method to perform worse than do the others tested. Other proposed methods generally yield inflated Type I error rates and have lower power. However, certain minimum evolution methods (although not the specific procedure used by Huey and Bennett [1987]) often provide more accurate estimates of what we term the unstandardized realized evolutionary correlation, and their use is recommended when estimation of this correlation is desired. We also demonstrate how correct Type I error rates can be obtained for any method by reference to an empirical null distribution derived from computer simulations, and provide practical suggestions on choosing an analytical method, based both on the evolutionary correlation of interest and on the availability of branch lengths and knowledge of the model of evolutionary change appropriate for the characters being analyzed. Computer programs that implement the various methods and that will simulate (correlated) character evolution along a known phylogeny are available from the authors on request. These programs can be used to test the effectiveness of any new methods that might be proposed, and to check the generality of our conclusions with regard to other phylogenies.  相似文献   

徐立业  李玉 《生物信息学》2007,5(4):160-162
对于一组给定的DNA或蛋白质序列,UPGMA算法构建的二叉进化树可能是不惟一的,其具体拓扑结构与序列输入顺序相关,这一现象通常被称为"tied trees"。提出了UPGMA的一种改进算法——不加权算术平均组群方法(UMGMA),用以解决UPGMA树的不惟一问题。在UPGMA树惟一时,该方法产生的进化树与UPGMA树相同;而在UPGMA树不惟一时,该方法可以产生一棵惟一的、与序列输入顺序无关的多叉进化树,而且该算法还具有一个可调的容差参数,来控制生成进化树的主要分枝结构,这对于突出大规模进化树的总体脉络具有重要意义。  相似文献   

郑巍  罗阿蓉  史卫峰  郑为民  朱朝东 《昆虫学报》2013,56(10):1217-1228
随着生物技术的不断发展和系统发育学的深入研究, 在重构系统发育树时, 研究人员往往要面对更多的挑战和困难, 比如: (1)需要分析的样本数(物种数或个体数)不断增加; (2)需要分析的数据量迅速扩大。尤其在基因组测序技术的推动下, 基于分子信息的系统发育重建需要极大的计算量, 因此数学方法、 计算机技术以及其他辅助工具对于系统发育重建的效率和精确度起着至关重要的作用。最大简约法(maximum parsimony)是一种重要的系统发育重建方法, 提高其计算效率对系统发育学研究具有重要意义, 针对该算法的优化改进需要生物学家和计算机专家的共同努力。本文通过详细地阐述最大简约法的计算流程, 分析其参数选择对计算效率的影响, 帮助更多的计算机使用者, 在并不了解系统发育学基础的情况下, 更方便地针对实际的系统发育算法问题给出更好、 更快、 更精准的解决方案; 同时为系统发育研究工作者, 较为清晰地解释最大简约法的构树思想和计算逻辑, 推动针对最大简约法的不断改进与优化。  相似文献   

Abstract.— Phylogenetic inertia is a difficult issue in evolutionary biology because we have yet to reach a consensus about how to measure it. In this study a comparative approach is used to evaluate phylogenetic inertia in 14 demographic and morphological characters in 10 species and one subspecies of the genus Tithonia (Asteraceae). Three different methods, autocorrelational analysis, phylogenetic correlograms, and ancestor-state reconstruction, were used to evaluate phylogenetic inertia in these traits. Results were highly dependent on the method applied. Autoregression and phylogenetic eigenvector regression (PVR) methods found more inertia in morphological traits. In contrast, phylogenetic correlograms and ancestor-state reconstruction suggest that morphological characters exhibit less phylogenetic inertia than demographic ones. The differences between results are discussed and methods are compared in an effort to understand phylogenetic inertia more thoroughly.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) may result in genes whose evolutionary histories disagree with each other, as well as with the species tree. In this case, reconciling the species and gene trees results in a network of relationships, known as the "phylogenetic network" of the set of species. A phylogenetic network that incorporates HGT consists of an underlying species tree that captures vertical inheritance and a set of edges which model the "horizontal" transfer of genetic material. In a series of papers, Nakhleh and colleagues have recently formulated a maximum parsimony (MP) criterion for phylogenetic networks, provided an array of computationally efficient algorithms and heuristics for computing it, and demonstrated its plausibility on simulated data. In this article, we study the performance and robustness of this criterion on biological data. Our findings indicate that MP is very promising when its application is extended to the domain of phylogenetic network reconstruction and HGT detection. In all cases we investigated, the MP criterion detected the correct number of HGT events required to map the evolutionary history of a gene data set onto the species phylogeny. Furthermore, our results indicate that the criterion is robust with respect to both incomplete taxon sampling and the use of different site substitution matrices. Finally, our results show that the MP criterion is very promising in detecting HGT in chimeric genes, whose evolutionary histories are a mix of vertical and horizontal evolution. Besides the performance analysis of MP, our findings offer new insights into the evolution of 4 biological data sets and new possible explanations of HGT scenarios in their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

We review the combinatorial optimization problems in calculating edit distances between genomes and phylogenetic inference based on minimizing gene order changes. With a view to avoiding the computational cost and the "long branches attract" artifact of some tree-building methods, we explore the probabilization of genome rearrangement models prior to developing a methodology based on branch-length invariants. We characterize probabilistically the evolution of the structure of the gene adjacency set for reversals on unsigned circular genomes and, using a nontrivial recurrence relation, reversals on signed genomes. Concepts from the theory of invariants developed for the phylogenetics of homologous gene sequences can be used to derive a complete set of linear invariants for unsigned reversals, as well as for a mixed rearrangement model for signed genomes, though not for pure transposition or pure signed reversal models. The invariants are based on an extended Jukes-Cantor semigroup. We illustrate the use of these invariants to relate mitochondrial genomes from a number of invertebrate animals.  相似文献   

The method of invariants is an important approach in biology for determining phylogenetic information which avoids the problems involving long branch lengths that plague some other methods. In this paper, we present a geometric framework underlying the method of invariants. This perspective sheds new lights on problems in the field. It has recently enabled the solution of questions on the number and structure of phylogenetic invariants and suggests possible avenues for future empirical and theoretical research.  相似文献   

The superfamily Gelechioidea (Lepidoptera: Obtectomera) has a high species diversity. It consists of more than 18,400 described species and has a global distribution. Among it, large numbers of species were reported to be economically important to people's production and life. However, relationships among families or subfamilies in Gelechioidea have been exceptionally difficult to resolve using morphology or single gene genealogies. Multiple gene genealogies had been used in the molecular phylogenetic studies on Gelechioidea during the past years, but their phylogenetic relationships remain to be controversial mainly due to their limited taxa sampling relative to such high species diversity. In this paper, 89 ingroup species representing 55 genera are sequenced and added to the data downloaded from GenBank, and six species representing four closely related superfamilies are chosen as outgroup. The molecular phylogeny of Gelechioidea is reconstructed based on the concatenated data set composed of one mitochondrial marker (COI) and seven nuclear markers (CAD, EF-1ɑ, GAPDH, IDH, MDH, RpS5, wingless). The phylogenetic results, taking into consideration of the comparative morphological study, show that the clade of Gelechioidea is strongly supported and separated from other superfamilies, which further proves its monophyly. Five families are newly defined: Autostichidae sensu nov., Depressariidae sensu nov., Peleopodidae sensu nov., Ashinagidae sensu nov. and Epimarptidae sensu nov. Meanwhile, a monophyletic “SSABM” clade considered to be closely related is proposed for the first time, consisting of Stathmopodidae, Scythrididae, Ashinagidae, Blastobasidae and Momphidae. Moreover, geometric morphometric analyses using merged landmark data set from fore and hind wings of 118 representative species are conducted. The phenetic tree shows that the monophyly and phylogenetic relationships correspond with the results of molecular phylogeny largely, which well proves its importance and potential application in both phylogenetic reconstruction and species identification.  相似文献   

A graphical method for detecting recombination in phylogenetic data sets   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
Current phylogenetic tree reconstruction methods assume that there is a single underlying tree topology for all sites along the sequence. The presence of mosaic sequences due to recombination violates this assumption and will cause phylogenetic methods to give misleading results due to the imposition of a single tree topology on all sites. The detection of mosaic sequences caused by recombination is therefore an important first step in phylogenetic analysis. A graphical method for the detection of recombination, based on the least squares method of phylogenetic estimation, is presented here. This method locates putative recombination breakpoints by moving a window along the sequence. The performance of the method is assessed by simulation and by its application to a real data set.   相似文献   

Ancestral state reconstruction is a method used to study the evolutionary trajectories of quantitative characters on phylogenies. Although efficient methods for univariate ancestral state reconstruction under a Brownian motion model have been described for at least 25 years, to date no generalization has been described to allow more complex evolutionary models, such as multivariate trait evolution, non‐Brownian models, missing data, and within‐species variation. Furthermore, even for simple univariate Brownian motion models, most phylogenetic comparative R packages compute ancestral states via inefficient tree rerooting and full tree traversals at each tree node, making ancestral state reconstruction extremely time‐consuming for large phylogenies. Here, a computationally efficient method for fast maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction of continuous characters is described. The algorithm has linear complexity relative to the number of species and outperforms the fastest existing R implementations by several orders of magnitude. The described algorithm is capable of performing ancestral state reconstruction on a 1,000,000‐species phylogeny in fewer than 2 s using a standard laptop, whereas the next fastest R implementation would take several days to complete. The method is generalizable to more complex evolutionary models, such as phylogenetic regression, within‐species variation, non‐Brownian evolutionary models, and multivariate trait evolution. Because this method enables fast repeated computations on phylogenies of virtually any size, implementation of the described algorithm can drastically alleviate the computational burden of many otherwise prohibitively time‐consuming tasks requiring reconstruction of ancestral states, such as phylogenetic imputation of missing data, bootstrapping procedures, Expectation‐Maximization algorithms, and Bayesian estimation. The described ancestral state reconstruction algorithm is implemented in the Rphylopars functions anc.recon and phylopars.  相似文献   

The assessment of phylogenetic network reconstruction methods requires the ability to compare phylogenetic networks. This is the first in a series of papers devoted to the analysis and comparison of metrics for tree-child time consistent phylogenetic networks on the same set of taxa. In this paper, we study three metrics that have already been introduced in the literature: the Robinson-Foulds distance, the tripartitions distance and the $mu$-distance. They generalize to networks the classical Robinson-Foulds or partition distance for phylogenetic trees. We analyze the behavior of these metrics by studying their least and largest values and when they achieve them. As a by-product of this study, we obtain tight bounds on the size of a tree-child time consistent phylogenetic network.  相似文献   

Supertree methods construct trees on a set of taxa (species) combining many smaller trees on the overlapping subsets of the entire set of taxa. A ‘quartet’ is an unrooted tree over taxa, hence the quartet-based supertree methods combine many -taxon unrooted trees into a single and coherent tree over the complete set of taxa. Quartet-based phylogeny reconstruction methods have been receiving considerable attentions in the recent years. An accurate and efficient quartet-based method might be competitive with the current best phylogenetic tree reconstruction methods (such as maximum likelihood or Bayesian MCMC analyses), without being as computationally intensive. In this paper, we present a novel and highly accurate quartet-based phylogenetic tree reconstruction method. We performed an extensive experimental study to evaluate the accuracy and scalability of our approach on both simulated and biological datasets.  相似文献   

Studies of evolutionary correlations commonly use phylogenetic regression (i.e., independent contrasts and phylogenetic generalized least squares) to assess trait covariation in a phylogenetic context. However, while this approach is appropriate for evaluating trends in one or a few traits, it is incapable of assessing patterns in highly multivariate data, as the large number of variables relative to sample size prohibits parametric test statistics from being computed. This poses serious limitations for comparative biologists, who must either simplify how they quantify phenotypic traits, or alter the biological hypotheses they wish to examine. In this article, I propose a new statistical procedure for performing ANOVA and regression models in a phylogenetic context that can accommodate high‐dimensional datasets. The approach is derived from the statistical equivalency between parametric methods using covariance matrices and methods based on distance matrices. Using simulations under Brownian motion, I show that the method displays appropriate Type I error rates and statistical power, whereas standard parametric procedures have decreasing power as data dimensionality increases. As such, the new procedure provides a useful means of assessing trait covariation across a set of taxa related by a phylogeny, enabling macroevolutionary biologists to test hypotheses of adaptation, and phenotypic change in high‐dimensional datasets.  相似文献   

The origin of and evolutionary transitions among the extraordinary diverse forms of parental care in teleost fish remain largely unknown. The "safe harbor" hypothesis predicts that the evolution from a "guarding" to a "brooding" form of care in teleost fish is associated with shifts in reproductive and life-history features such as reduced fecundity, and increased egg volume with higher parental investment. Robust phylogenetic hypotheses may help to identify evolutionary changes in key traits associated with differences in the form of parental care. Here, we used reconstruction of ancestral character states to study the evolution of the two forms of parental care, bubble nesting and mouthbrooding in the fighting fish genus Betta. We also applied a comparative analysis using the phylogenetic generalized least-squares method to test the "safe harbor" hypothesis by evaluating differences between the two forms of parental care in standard length, life-history traits, and three habitat variables. Evolutionary hypotheses were derived from the first molecular phylogeny (nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence data; 4448 bp) of this speciose group. Ancestral character state reconstructions of the evolution of the form of parental care in the genus Betta, using the methods of unweighted parsimony and maximum likelihood, are uncertain and further indicate a high rate of evolutionary transitions. Applying different weights for the suspected directionality of changes, based on the consistent phenotypic and behavioral differences found between bubble nesters and mouthbrooders, recurrent origin of mouthbrooding in the genus Betta is favored using parsimony. Our comparative analyses further demonstrate that bubble nesters and mouthbrooders do not have a consistent set of life-history correlates. The form of parental care in Betta is correlated only with offspring size, with mouthbrooders having significantly bigger offspring than bubble nesters, but is not correlated with egg volume, clutch size, and broodcare duration, nor with any of the three habitat variables tested. Our results thus challenge the general predictions of the "safe harbor" hypothesis for the evolution of alternative brood care forms in the fighting fish genus Betta.  相似文献   

生命之树的概念由达尔文在1859年提出, 用以反映分类群的亲缘关系和进化历史。近30年来, 随着建树性状种类的多样化、数据量的快速增长以及建树方法的不断发展和完善, 生命之树的规模越来越大, 可信度也越来越高。分子生物学、生态学、基因组学、生物信息学及计算机科学等的快速发展, 使得生命之树成为开展学科间交叉研究的桥梁, 其用途日益广泛。本文综述了生命之树研究的历史和现状, 介绍了生命之树在以下几个方面的应用: (1)通过构建不同尺度的生命之树, 理解生物类群间的系统发育关系; (2)通过时间估算和地理分布区重建, 推测现存生物的起源和地理分布格局及其成因; (3)基于时间树, 结合生态、环境因子及关键创新性状, 探讨生物的多样化进程和成因; (4)揭示生物多样性的来源和格局, 预测生物多样性动态变化, 并提出相应的保护策略。最后, 本文评估了生命之树在目前海量数据情况下遇到的序列比对困难、基因树冲突、“流浪类群”干扰等建树难题, 并指出了构建“超大树”的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Nowadays, there are many phylogeny reconstruction methods, each with advantages and disadvantages. We explored the advantages of each method, putting together the common parts of trees constructed by several methods, by means of a consensus computation. A number of phylogenetic consensus methods are already known. Unfortunately, there is also a taboo concerning consensus methods, because most biologists see them mainly as comparators and not as phylogenetic tree constructors. We challenged this taboo by defining a consensus method that builds a fully resolved phylogenetic tree based on the most common parts of fully resolved trees in a given collection. We also generated results showing that this consensus is in a way a kind of "median" of the input trees; as such it can be closer to the correct tree in many situations.  相似文献   

It is nearly 20 years since the landmark paper (Saitou and Nei 1987) in Molecular Biology and Evolution introducing Neighbor-Joining (NJ). The method has become the most widely used method for building phylogenetic trees from distances, and the original paper has been cited about 13,000 times (Science Citation Index). Yet the question "what does the NJ method seek to do?" has until recently proved somewhat elusive, leading to some imprecise claims and misunderstanding. However, a rigorous answer to this question has recently been provided by further mathematical investigation, and the purpose of this note is to highlight these results and their significance for interpreting NJ. The origins of this story lie in a paper by Pauplin (2000) though its continuation has unfolded in more mathematically inclined literature. Our aim here is to make these findings more widely accessible.  相似文献   

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